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Odyssey T6 Refit... Anyone?

papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
edited March 2015 in Federation Discussion
First, Cryptic all but said yes to the notion that the Ody will become a Tier 6 ship. The look on Smirk's face in the live Command Crusier video pretty much gave it away.

So, if in fact we were to get an Ody T6 refit...What would we want?

I for one hate the neck. It is so non-Enterprise looking. Maybe if the neck was brought forward so the deflector isn't sticking out from the neck it would look a little more "complete" However, I think I would rather have a full neck or virtually no neck like the Sov or Vesta(seems like it would be more efficient in slipstream). An explanation (for example)...After extensive testing in the field, Starfleet realized the double neck had no impact on the slipstream as originally thought.Through the research of Dystrom Institute and Captain Data, we have our answers...enter Ody refit.

The deflector itself could use some tweaking, too. What is the deal with the thing in the middle of it? Looks like someone thought some shuttlebay doors belong there.

Unfortunately, I don't have artistic skills. If I did, I would have posted some examples. If someone agrees with what I am saying and would like to share your concept, please do. After all, the two ship devs on the video said they read the posts even though they may not comment.

Lastly, the stats should be significant. The newly released command crusiers while competitive "should" be outperformed by the the flagship and ships of her same class.

Hopefully, we could convince CBS to officially change the Enterprise F to a more appealing refit as well. Should be easy since it isn't in any mainstream media other than this game.
They did a full refit on the original 1701 in the first Trek movie...so why not. The Sov got refitted although less pronounced.

I like the Ody it has many elements that say Enterprise, but in many ways it is ugly and unrefined. A refit could be the answer.

STO Player since Jan 2010
Post edited by papesh1 on


  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I believe it would be very appropriate for the Odyssey to receive the same treatment as the Pathfinder did. I'm also in agreement that it would fit the 'command' bill more thematically appropriately than the Command Cruisers recently released.

    But! I wonder if this might be premature to push for that right away.

    1. The T5U Odyssey is still competitive and not greatly outdone for the moment.
    2. T6 ships just came out, and are now starting out. More will come. Power creep will eventually rear it's pretty little head too. Do we want the T6 Odyssey to come before or after that?
    3. The Command spec is admittedly kind of weak. Is it possible that a future specialization would actually be more suitable for the Odyssey?

    As for implementations that I'd like for said T6 Odyssey:
    1. The T6 Odyssey needn't be a 3 ship pack, but rather perhaps a single variant promoting a select console lean. Everything doesn't need to come at once. That would allow for more variants to be released along the line later on so that the Odyssey is insurred to 'age well'.

    2. More importantly, I want it to include an extra costume to supplement the single skin we have (desirably at least offering alternate choices for saucer, stardrive, nacelles, auxiliary craft appearances). Possibly new looks could be inspired of either Design-the-next-Enterprise winning entries and/or offer a visual revamp of not-yet-playable vessels. For example, if the initial release is Tactical-themed, it could actually be the Typhoon-class Battleship.

    3. If a different appearance for the tender craft is offered, grant the Aquarius Light Escort (if owned) access to that costume as well.

    4. It would be nice to see a visual upgrade of the initial Odyssey model just for little things such as up-to-date phaser beam arrays and other hardpoints. Basically, a quality pass.

    5. If I choose not to equip the Aquarius escort console, I would like to be able to have the original shuttlebay as pictured on the U.S.S. Odyssey (as it was originally released) - I never liked unequipping the Aquarius console to choose other consoles in its place, but then still see it visually on my ship.

    6. If an extra console needs to come with the new ship, perhaps it'd not be an expansion of the 3pc set, but rather an alternative to a current componant of the set. In example, instead of the Aquarius light escort console, it could be, say, the "Virgo survey craft" and be a cousin to the more sci-oriented aeroshuttle the Pathfinder offered.

    7. If the old Odyssey set cannot be expanded upon with the new T6 ship console, perhaps consider the T6 Odyssey version to have certain built in powers? Just like the Galaxy Dreadnought's phaser lance is inbuilt or the Phantom's cloaking device is inbuilt, the T6 Odyssey's saucer separation could be inbuilt too. That would mean the players could still equip different consoles, but not lose out on visible ship perks.
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I actually would keep it as it is.
    Although i don't See myself purchasing it After having payed 5000 zen and an upgrade token on it already. It should already be equal to t6.

    Also, most likely they will add t6 versions of some ships to the t6 fleet store ensemble without doing any visual changes.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Or just do a Fleet Odyssey/Bortasqu. It already has fleet-level stats so just upgrade the ensign to a Lt instead of stat changes. Add on a 5U token and instant T6 flagship.
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    edalgo wrote: »

    It's only the Flagship of the Fleet.

    And we've seen how former flagships are treated.

    ::See any Galaxy thread::

    I agree! They could have totally done a Sov refit based on what they had designs for in Nemesis for what it was to be after a repair/refit in drydock.

    The Galaxy surely could be upgraded. Look how long the Excelsior has been around in canon. Many people in game love their excelsior because it performs great. It also has a beautiful classic design.

    I am not saying bring it to the same level of the Ody, but bring it close.
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    papesh1 wrote: »
    I agree! They could have totally done a Sov refit based on what they had designs for in Nemesis for what it was to be after a repair/refit in drydock.

    The Galaxy surely could be upgraded. Look how long the Excelsior has been around in canon. Many people in game love their excelsior because it performs great. It also has a beautiful classic design.

    I am not saying bring it to the same level of the Ody, but bring it close.

    The excelsior is on the same level the odysee is.
  • lawstanzlawstanz Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My guess is that the Oddy and Vesta packs will get refit versions, but not until cryptic releases T6F sometime in the next few months. I'm further guessing that vanilla T5s like the Sov, and Luna will see T6 refits first (maybe with a LtCmd command and intel seat respectively).
  • simbucksimbuck Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Honestly, I do not mind how the Oddy is looking, I agree on the Shuttle bay when the Aquarius is not installed, that is just plain weird looking.
    and having the same ship in 3 configs makes sense to me, I have them all so I can combine them

    That said, it would be a nice T6 (command) ship if:
    slightly more hullpoints, another versatile bridge-console and IMO it needs a shuttle bay for fighters.. I mean the damn thing is a mile long and no hangar bays?
  • nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    simbuck wrote: »
    I mean the damn thing is a mile long and no hangar bays?

    Maybe Starfleet ran out of funding for a shuttlebay at the time. :D

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The excelsior is on the same level the odysee is.

    That is sad. Excelsior is from Kirk's time. It should not be on the same level, but should be a capable ship.
  • ry0ku83ry0ku83 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'd rather see another T6 Escort of some sort, got tons of T6 Crusiers, 3 Science boats. Where's the escort love =/ (I'm not inclusing the lobi ships obviously)
  • huntorhuntor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The Devs stated they don't want to release existing ships into T6 for now.

    Even if everybody told them that we want canon T6 ships :confused:

    But no no no! "Lets design flying pancakes at 30$ each!"

    *Thug Life*
  • lessley00lessley00 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My ideas for T6 ship were awesome:

    T6 Odyssey with a support craft (not the aquarius) that can apply heal and buffs like the Elachi Monbosh, or just a runabout hanger that can be used on a T5U oddy
    Typhoon Battleship
    Refit Prometheus
    Refit Jupiter (standard avalible at lvl 40)

    T6 Scimitar
    Refit D'Deridex
    just some sci warbird

    T6 Bortasqu'
    Refit Vo'qov
    Refit Pach raptor

    See? awesome
    Captain Joseph Riker, U.S.S. Odyssey==General V'Mar, U.S.S. Blackwater-A==Admiral Laura Holmes, U.S.S. Forward Unto Dawn
    Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv

    Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lessley00 wrote: »
    My ideas for T6 ship were awesome:

    T6 Odyssey with a support craft (not the aquarius) that can apply heal and buffs like the Elachi Monbosh, or just a runabout hanger that can be used on a T5U oddy
    Typhoon Battleship
    Refit Prometheus
    Refit Jupiter (standard avalible at lvl 40)

    T6 Scimitar
    Refit D'Deridex
    just some sci warbird

    T6 Bortasqu'
    Refit Vo'qov
    Refit Pach raptor

    See? awesome

    Yes, that would be awesome!
  • lessley00lessley00 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    papesh1 wrote: »
    Yes, that would be awesome!

    Iwould pay MONEY for a T6 Prometheus, refit Vo'qov, and refit D'deridex

    NOTE: I dont pay money
    Captain Joseph Riker, U.S.S. Odyssey==General V'Mar, U.S.S. Blackwater-A==Admiral Laura Holmes, U.S.S. Forward Unto Dawn
    Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv

    Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lessley00 wrote: »
    Iwould pay MONEY for a T6 Prometheus, refit Vo'qov, and refit D'deridex

    NOTE: I dont pay money

    I don't spend a lot of money on the game, but I do have 3200 Zen waiting for the right ship to be released. I would pay for a good Ody refit.
  • ccmurphyccmurphy Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I would love another oddy. Just one with a unique skin would be nice.

    But thats not what I think there going to do. I think that they will wait tell they have a third specialization. The release a new three pack. One for each specialization. Instead of new consoles we will get a three peace of equipment. Warp core, shealds, and maybe deflector. The benefit of this equip meet will be add on bonuses to the original consoles.

    This will go for all three factions. Released simotaniously after the next season. Probably as another 9 pack.
  • lawstanzlawstanz Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    huntor2 wrote: »
    The Devs stated they don't want to release existing ships into T6 for now. . .
    You mean like the Intrep...err...I mean pathfinder?
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    huntor2 wrote: »
    The Devs stated they don't want to release existing ships into T6 for now.

    Even if everybody told them that we want canon T6 ships :confused:

    But no no no! "Lets design flying pancakes at 30$ each!"

    *Thug Life*

    I think most people want to fly in their favorite ship or the closest thing to it.

    Namely....the Enterprise.

    I won't open my wallet until they show some love towards the classes that have dawned the name Enterprise.
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Cryptic....my money is burning in my virtual Zen pocket.

    When will you release T6 ships people actually want and will buy?

    Odyssey, Sovereign, Galaxy to name a few.

    You already have the models. They just need some touching up. Maybe add some more customization options especially for the Odyssey.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I fully support the Oddy becoming a T6 ship. Everything about the Oddy bridge design screams command. Fix command abilities to be more useful and appealing.

    What I would like to see that hasn't been mentioned yet is put a secondary deflector on it. Ya that is outside the box but the idea is cool. (I can hear the outrage starting with voice crying NOOO sci ships only already);)

    A set of additional interchangeable skins isn't a bad idea and yes, please, give back the shuttle bay doors when the Aquarius isn't equipped.

    I really hate saucer separation. I'd gladly see an alternative implemented.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    papesh1 wrote: »
    I for one hate the neck.

    You need to be made aware that the dual neck is the sole reason CBS chose the Odyssey for the Enterprise-F. The powers that be adore that specific aspect of it. It's not going anywhere.

    Personally, I think the extremely small number of player and NPC Odysseys in-game reflect both player and dev remorse that that design was ultimately chosen for the Enterprise-F, the so-called "pinnacle" of Starfleet starship design. It simply did not turn into the fan favorite it was obviously meant to be.

    Naturally, I saw this coming because I am wise.
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You need to be made aware that the dual neck is the sole reason CBS chose the Odyssey for the Enterprise-F. The powers that be adore that specific aspect of it. It's not going anywhere.

    Personally, I think the extremely small number of player and NPC Odysseys in-game reflect both player and dev remorse that that design was ultimately chosen for the Enterprise-F, the so-called "pinnacle" of Starfleet starship design. It simply did not turn into the fan favorite it was obviously meant to be.

    Naturally, I saw this coming because I am wise.

    If what you say about the failure of the design is true(which I think it is), Cryptic should go back to CBS and suggest the following.....

    1. They rehash or allow fan rehash of the Ody and do another survey...Which do you like best?
    Best one becomes the Ody refit and the new updated design for the Enterprise(pending CBS approval). Reasoning could be for the Iconian threat or some new tech.


    2. They do a completely new contest. Do a survey....Choose the best one. This would make it truly "fan" based. Make it the Enterprise G. Have the F lost in the Iconian War.


    To keep the F, maybe say the design failed or is no longer relevant and a full refit is needed. Kinda like the Conny in Star Trek The Motion Picture

    ONE BIG DIFFERENCE: Cryptic/CBS..... this time actually take the fan survey into account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It seems everyone wanted Chris Madden's design. They could have easily used that model for an actual tv show. Many of the JJverse fans would identify with it. Its classic design is pleasing to look at.

    Currently, they have 2.5 registered accounts spread across the world. A decent sampling of the fans. I would assume this is more than what they had in season three.

    One crazy thing is....They brought Vektors design into the game as a veteran award and it performs better than the Ody. What the heck!!!???!!!

    This may be a pipe dream, but something should be done to bring back the power and majesty of the starship known as....Enterprise.
  • gralerongraleron Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I suspect that we're just going to see new designs for T6 for quite a while, considering the complaints about "having to buy our ships again" that were heard when T6 and T5-U were first announced. The Pathfinder was the exception as releasing a T6 successor to the Intrepid class was a no-brainer, given the locale of the expansion.

    As for the Odyssey, I personally like the twin neck design. I'm less fond of where they join to the secondary hull; the lines aren't quite clean enough for me, but overall the ship looks fantastic in most elevations. I certainly prefer its looks over the Chimera class, with it's overly-large secondary hull and transformations that defy mechanical sense.

    The main reason you don't see that many Odysseys any more is that it's nearly three years since it was released. There have been many high-quality ships added to the game since then, and that combined with playstyle meta changes and issues with the pets never working in a fully satisfactory way (despite buffs), means it's little wonder that people have migrated away. The pack isn't good value for money any more, either, especially compared to the new Command Battlecruisers, which outperform the Odyssey in almost every respect and costs less Zen overall -- 6000 Zen for the Federation Command Battlecruiser pack, compared to 5000 Zen for the Odyssey bundle + 2000 Zen for T5-U upgrade tokens.
    Vice Admiral Elaron, USS Hard Light
  • masterkampmasterkamp Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Yes please ad a T6 oddy. I love mine, and i only fly my Oddy. But can we not just upgrade a few T-5 ships too T-6, it's much easyer to do i think. And it's kind uf unfair to By ships again we already have for only some new BO-Seats And Console slot and Etc. just make a T-6 Upgrade Token for a few ships.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    IMHO all major Package designed ships, should be upgraded to full T6 not T5U.
    Dyson Destroyers, Scimitars, Vesta, Odyssey, Bortasqu, etc etc.

    I mean to get the most out of those you kinda need to buy the whole packages for the set bonuses.
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    masterkamp wrote: »
    Yes please ad a T6 oddy. I love mine, and i only fly my Oddy. But can we not just upgrade a few T-5 ships too T-6, it's much easyer to do i think. And it's kind uf unfair to By ships again we already have for only some new BO-Seats And Console slot and Etc. just make a T-6 Upgrade Token for a few ships.

    I think if you already did a T5U to your Ody you should get a discount to go to T6. Maybe subtract the upgrade cost from the total T6 cost.
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Personally I'd prefer a T6 Excelsior (along the Pathfinder lines) or a T6 Galaxy. The Oddyssey is nice but its just not one I prefer.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I do think the lower tiered stuff will make their way into T6 eventually but canon ships will take priority. But if you think you can simply upgrade it to T6, well, I don't think that's going to happen. Just look at Cryptic's history.

    Hello Intrepid.
    Hello JHSS.

    That's the reality folks. They're canon ships, too.
  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Easier solution: Allow Fleet module to be used on a T5U Oddy = better than T6 and is a flagship/hero ship...
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    kintisho wrote: »
    Easier solution: Allow Fleet module to be used on a T5U Oddy = better than T6 and is a flagship/hero ship...

    The C-Store Odysseys are already T5 Fleet level ships. The best you can do is use the Upgrade token on one of them to make them T5U. You're on crack if you think Cryptic is simply going to let you use a token like an Upgrade or FSM to take it to T6. Because their track history says the complete opposite.

    T5U Odyssey better than T6? That's a laugh because the stats say plainly otherwise.
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