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Why are players defending spec grinding as ok?

wardcaliswardcalis Member Posts: 1,137 Arc User
I don't understand how people can say it isn't necessary to grind skill points. you miss out on having abilities, powers and ship traits from not having an active tree.

So I currently have a command ship with wasted crappy seating because I don't have enough spec points in the command tree to have any command boffs. This is a perfect example of the reason one needs faster access to spec points. not instant but faster.

You should at least be able to have 1 full primary and 1 full secondary before the spec points slow to a crawl. This is especially import for newbs that don't understand how to increase their performance. Most of them will most likely add a couple points to a tree and move on to the next tree when it comes out, never filling any tree and always under-powered because they never complete a full tree.

Having something to do end game and a goal is all well and good but it actually requires there to be something to do. Not just a time sinc to add points to but some type of activity. Thats what content is about. Truth be told there is hardly anything to do at end game. You can REPLAY all the story stuff you did to level, grind STFs for rep and fleet marks, run dailies for Dil or a few other measly tiny pieces of content. On the whole Spec points are not something to do and they do not work as a long term goal because the benefits from having them are very real and much needed to be up to date on your capabilities.


You guys take things to the extremes. It takes about 20 Argala turn-ins to get 1 spec point. Argala is awrading 4x normal xp for time investment according to Geko.

20x4=80 runs

now it takes about 10 minutes to run it for the average player

80x10=800 minutes -- 800/60=13.3 hours

so 13.3 hours is required for the intended play time to get 1 spec point

not counting points gained from 50-60

13.3 hours x 80 spec points = 1,064 hours to fill em all up.

that would require 44.3 days of CONTINUOUS play to do. Meaning non-stop.

This is what is ridiculous and why people are grinding Argala now while it is still possible to get 4x exp for time investment
Post edited by wardcalis on


  • kamipoikamipoi Member Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    you can either buy the book get a friend to craft it or wait till you've ground out enough to make it yourself im sure oyu have some friends who can craft it by this point?
  • edited February 2015
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  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I don't understand how people can say it isn't necessary to grind skill points. you miss out on having abilities, powers and ship traits from not having an active tree.

    Because it isn't. You said so yourself:
    Truth be told there is hardly anything to do at end game. You can REPLAY all the story stuff you did to level, grind STFs for rep and fleet marks, run dailies for Dil or a few other measly tiny pieces of content.

    Why would I need more powers, traits and abilities for something I can already do with what I have?

    It's all optional, and always has been. You choose to grind away that's on you, no-one else.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    wardcalis wrote: »
    I don't understand how people can say it isn't necessary to grind skill points...
    Because while you're busy grinding skill points, others are busy grinding dilithium, EC, fleet marks, or any of the other million things to do in this game. I started my own fleet so I'm focusing on upgrading it. Believe it or not, other people might play the game differently than you. I'm more than happy to get my spec points as I go along. I usually get 2 or so per week.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    wardcalis wrote: »
    no it doesn't work that way. for YOU to have a command doff YOU must have 10 points of command spec. that is a requirement. I think there may be some generic white boffs out that come with command, but to convert your existing boffs into command boffs you must have 10 points in command.

    To use command kits you need even higher levels of the tree @13 points for green/white and @27 points to use blue/purple kits

    to create training manuals for mk3 command abilities you need 22 points

    these are very rear hurdles and take weeks to obtain for the average player instead of days like it should be.

    It absolutely works that way. Just look into the exchange, there you get the qualification thingis to turn a bo into a command officer... It was about 1 million a piece when I bought 1 for every one of my level 60 chars, none of which had even a single spec point in command.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I don't need to rush through the game and I don't need to have everything on every character.

    I get 1 Spec Point per week by doffing only! Without even using a XP Booster.

    This is not a console game you play through in 30 hours or so. The game is one of the biggest franchises in the world and therefore I have the time of my life.
  • kerygankerygan Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    just get over it allready , the „grind” in sto is realy LOW , compared with other mmogs . There are games where you need years to get full level . Sto is a extreamly easy game . I quited STO a year ago , because i was bored ,now i came back with DR . And gues what i DO LOVE IT . Now playing this game has a purpose after getting full level and full reputation. Just exploring and using the galaxy map more , and the game is ok. You dislike it gtfo and play something else , but if you fail at STO i don't know in what mmorpg you will have success.
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    kerygan wrote: »
    just get over it allready , the „grind” in sto is realy LOW , compared with other mmogs . There are games where you need years to get full level . Sto is a extreamly easy game . I quited STO a year ago , because i was bored ,now i came back with DR . And gues what i DO LOVE IT . Now playing this game has a purpose after getting full level and full reputation. Just exploring and using the galaxy map more , and the game is ok. You dislike it gtfo and play something else , but if you fail at STO i don't know in what mmorpg you will have success.

    This, this so much. OP: unless you've played Navyfield, World of Tanks/ World of Warplanes, WarThunder, et al, you really can't whinge. Rather, you don't get to whinge.
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
  • edited February 2015
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  • shadoreshadore Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Regarding whether it's necessary depends on how you play the game. For instance someone who does pvp would possibly need the points more than someone who plays to collect all the vanity pets. Just yesterday I was on drozana and I saw someone with one of those lobi mech-spider-things following them around. And they're both valid ways to play.
  • mavericku2007mavericku2007 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I don't need to rush through the game and I don't need to have everything on every character.

    I get 1 Spec Point per week by doffing only! Without even using a XP Booster.

    This is not a console game you play through in 30 hours or so. The game is one of the biggest franchises in the world and therefore I have the time of my life.

    This says it all
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So the game hands you every spec point, a full set of Mark XIV epic gear, and a space pony.

    Then you'll probably be posting that there's nothing to do.

    Life's a journey not a destination. And I just can't tell what tomorrow brings.
  • shadoreshadore Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    Life's a journey not a destination. And I just can't tell what tomorrow brings.

    I can. One of my fleet members lives in japan so because of time zones my tomorrow is his today. I can just ask him.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    the only problem with spec points is that the only "content" that awards them is argala/gerren.

    if more content awarded spec points, there wouldnt be a problem with them

    Totally forgot about the latter (Gerren). I think i have an accolade open for that one.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    kerygan wrote: »
    the „grind” in sto is realy LOW , compared with other mmogs

    Well yeah, but just because it's worse elsewhere doesn't meant that it isn't still bad here.

    "Yeah, they're doing cash grabs, but at least it's not as bad as SWOTOR"

    "Yeah, the game is buggy, but at least it's not as bad as dead island"

    "Yeah, the programming is bad, but at least it's not windows 8"

    To be honest, this game is grindy as @#$% not in how much you grind for a single thing, but how much there is to grind in general. Between the last expansion and this one, it's managed to become considerably worse. We grind for XP now, we grind for multiple kinds of currency including marks, dilithium, ec and Q's, you grind to make your ship level, you grind to upgrade your ship equipment, you grind to even bother learning to upgrade, you grind for specialization, you grind just to grind so that the grinding isn't as much of a grind.

    And then, after all of that grinding, you have to do it all over again for each and every alt.

    It gets a bit ridiculous.

    I really doubt as many people would complain if there were less things that needed grinding, or if they quit nerfing the rewards we need to grind for, for our grinds. Are people just breezing through your content? Make it more interesting, don't punish people for being bored. There are so many ways to deal with the issues people have in game, yet all Cryptic seems to want to do is add more cash sinks, time sinks, and gimmick TRIBBLE to have people sit down just to play more.

    In a lot of cases, it's killing this game. You're not slowing the hardcore people who breeze through the game, you're punishing all the people who don't. The Hardcore people will find new ways to breeze through, that's a big part of the fun is making your ship as BA as possible. The less driven people would like that as well, but aren't willing or able to grind for hours a day everyday while spending money or Dilthium from grinding for boosts, or what have you.

    Adding more things to grind while lowering the rewards is just making things worse in this game for the casual players.

    Just because it's worse else where, doesn't mean that it's not bad here as it is.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    wardcalis wrote: »
    I don't understand how people can say it isn't necessary to grind skill points. you miss out on having abilities, powers and ship traits from not having an active tree.

    So I currently have a command ship with wasted crappy seating because I don't have enough spec points in the command tree to have any command boffs. This is a perfect example of the reason one needs faster access to spec points. not instant but faster.
    Head to the exchange and buy a Command Qualification.

    Players are offering them for a pretty reasonable price, I think. If you need some Rank III Cmdr level skills, you can probably also find them there, but I haven't checked those prices yet.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    If there was no repetition, AKA "grinding", you'd run out of things to do in a few weeks.

    Cryptic can't possibly create enough new content to let you max out every stat and gear item by doing each possible activity only once.

    So: if you want STO to be more than a play-once 30 hour game you must accept that you will be "grinding." It's unavoidable.

    Then: now that you accept that the only way to keep playing is to "grind" the trick is to find grind-things that you enjoy doing.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It's seems the average player is not intended to ever max out all specializations. Getting them is designed to take long enough that only obsessive grinders will finish them before more are added.

    I turned off the XP bar completely, so as far as I'm concerned spec points just randomly pop up from time to time. The game's still not hard enough for me to go out of my way to grind for them.
  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    That's a fault of the pacing of the game. There's too much imbalance in DPS to pigeonhole all players into the 3 current difficulty levels.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I don't defend spec grinding as being OK. I think its ludicrous. Not the spec points and the slow rate we collect them, but people thinking they have to grind them. Ridiculous.
  • paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    If I can get all of these in an instant, why not. But, thats how the game is and how MMO works.

    The difference is if players adapt or not or difference between their mental approach of it.

    Spoiled, self entitled players are usually the ones who whine about grinding because you dont need all of these stuff to do all end game content. You see the same accounts whinning about grinding in the STO forums.

    Players who adapt mentality, gets whenever they get 1 specialization, patient players.

    Players who adapt and try to beat the game usually make things faster to get the specialization. Others just have the time to max it out.
  • kerygankerygan Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    paxdawn wrote: »
    If I can get all of these in an instant, why not. But, thats how the game is and how MMO works.

    The difference is if players adapt or not or difference between their mental approach of it.

    Spoiled, self entitled players are usually the ones who whine about grinding because you dont need all of these stuff to do all end game content. You see the same accounts whinning about grinding in the STO forums.

    Players who adapt mentality, gets whenever they get 1 specialization, patient players.

    Players who adapt and try to beat the game usually make things faster to get the specialization. Others just have the time to max it out.

    first they need to have a mentality , before adapting it. I don't say the game is perfect and balanced , but its on the right track . After all classes will be balanced , to make them usefull in game , and after that the pvp . It will be a great game. I still consider STO a good game to play when you don't have alot of free time. I used to play EVE ... thats a game where you have to pay ... with your life to be in top. I log in like 3 h / day in STO sometimes even less , but i have piloting and intel at full and a few points in command.
  • edited February 2015
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  • edited February 2015
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  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    IMHO its less that some players are defending it and more that some players are not flipping out over it. Would I like to be to get them faster? Of course. Does not having them prevent me from playing or enjoying the game? Not in the least. The spec system (like the upgrade system) gives some nice perks but are in no way required play or succeed in STO.
    This goes for me, too. It came as a bit of culture shock, to me, when DR arrived and my "end-game" main character wasn't end-game any more... I wonder if some people expect their level-cap toons to be "finished", as it were, and don't like the "not-finished-yet" aspect of still needing to fill out the spec trees. Me, I'm not losing any sleep over it. If anything, the spec points are something to aim for... I'm not worried about not having all of them yet, nor am I fretting about levelling-up efficiency and doing calculations about the superiority of grinding Argala as a source of XP.

    I'm just trundling around the galaxy trying to have some fun. Works for me, whatever level I'm on.
  • neomodiousneomodious Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    IMO, the spec point grind shouldn't start until after 60.

    I hadn't touched the DR story missions until I had a character at 56. doing the story over a few days, and DOFFing, I got to 59 and a fifth. I'm fine with spec points being a slog to get, but I shouldn't have to repeat content ad-nauseam to get through the story.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gonalius wrote: »
    I don't defend spec grinding as being OK. I think its ludicrous. Not the spec points and the slow rate we collect them, but people thinking they have to grind them. Ridiculous.

    You oonly get Access to traits and Kits/abilities with a high number of points invested in the pecs. It can make a major difference for someone who is a casual player and has only a few points and someone who is playing many hours and gets the Spec tree completed in no time.

    One Spec point per week woul mean that someone who is level 60 has to wait 80 weeks for all specs. thats almost 2 years. adding vacation time, other reasons for not playing it will add up to 2 years and that just the Specs we already have. That is longer than all 6 Rep systems together.
  • edited February 2015
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  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You oonly get Access to traits and Kits/abilities with a high number of points invested in the pecs. It can make a major difference for someone who is a casual player and has only a few points and someone who is playing many hours and gets the Spec tree completed in no time.

    One Spec point per week woul mean that someone who is level 60 has to wait 80 weeks for all specs. thats almost 2 years. adding vacation time, other reasons for not playing it will add up to 2 years and that just the Specs we already have. That is longer than all 6 Rep systems together.

    Keep in mind too that the devs are planning on giving us more options into how we're able to get the skill points necessary to level/gain a specialization points.

    If other patrols had increased xp rewards like argala, PvE queues had a bigger return on time investment for doing those, and if all adventure zones had skill point rewards whenever we completed something, would we still be able to call it a grind?

  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    If anything Argala taking 20 runs to get 1 XP point is ludicrous. It's about 4x too much rather than 4x greater than everywhere else.

    They removed the carrot from the end of the Spec Tree (the dil for leveling beyond) so it rendered getting to the end pointless. The Spec tree's themselves are only truly useful in PvP as they have an effect there. Whereas in PvE anyone with VR MkXII gear and a decent ability to fly their ship can get through all the content. What's Mk 14 needed for? Currently there's no point to it.

    Now we are being told that we should grind for not only Intel but Command tree as well. WHY? There's no content that needs it and you already broke PvP...

    Time for a talk with the dev's about content balance and difficulty methinks...
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
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