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Romulan Remastered Story Arc Bug Report Thread

pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
edited March 2015 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Please reply here with any bugs or concerns found after the launch of the new Romulan Remastered Story Arc on 1/29 on the Holodeck Server.

Please only report bugs or problems here so we can keep the thread focused on Fixes, not on opinions of why individual users are unhappy with the system. We value feedback and want our players to be happy and enjoy our product, but for the sake of fixing current issues, we want to keep this a technical thread.

Any discussions about new systems should be direct to the General Discussion Sub-forum.

Thanks everyone, and please be patient as our Dev team is working on fixes to the current problems experienced after our launch today.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • p52smithp52smith Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    • Episode: Empress Sela
    • Sub-mission: Diplomacy
    • Map: Agrama Base
    • Location: South-West corner of the Conference room (in the corner by Counselor Nerek and Ambassadors T'Pela and Khnera, particularly noticeable when stood between Nerek and Khnera, looking towards T'Pela)
    • Problem: One of the ambient sounds in this area is produces a continuous tone. On my initial arrival in this corner it was a rather annoying high-pitched sound. I then began to investigate how far this sound radiated and the tone began to change, quickly dropping out as I moved out of the corner. Upon my return I was unable to reproduce the high-pitched tone, but the time involved in writing this report has allowed the new, lower tone to become equally annoying. I worked my way down the audio levels until I found the controlling slider for this tone (the ambient slider).

    Perhaps more of an annoyance than a bug, but one of the few things to get on my wick sufficiently to prompt a bug report in recent times

    EDIT: Have also now noticed a similar tone in the North-East corner of the map, whilst talking to Tokath
    My YouTube channel, predominantly featuring STO at the moment: http://www.youtube.com/user/P52Smith
  • nagyervinnagyervin Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Map: Iconia
    When reach the point when we should defeat Arranhi, Taris is too close and gets in the middle of the crossfire and gets defeated earlier than Arranhu. Then after the Remans flee through the gate, she just stands there with her hands up and can't do anything.
    Your Plasma Torpedo - Heavy III deals 174321 (66343) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to I.R.W. Valdore. :o
  • geekguy79geekguy79 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Also stuck on map Iconia. Defeat first little group of guards, watch short cutscene, "let your guards deal with them", then mission objective becomes kill guards, only they're on the other side of a door that will not open. Tried it few times, same bug everytime. Cannot complete.
  • burkecarterjburkecarterj Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The second goal in Battle For Vulcan - "Defend The Science Vessel" - cannot complete this cause no romulan ships warp in to attack it.

    start mission
    warp into Vulcan
    kill first wave of scouts > new objective appears to defend science vessel
    > nothing happens, Romulans don't warp in to attack the vessel
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm stuck on Iconia same as the above.
  • torleiktorleik Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    geekguy79 wrote: »
    Also stuck on map Iconia. Defeat first little group of guards, watch short cutscene, "let your guards deal with them", then mission objective becomes kill guards, only they're on the other side of a door that will not open. Tried it few times, same bug everytime. Cannot complete.

    Had this problem also.

    You need to rush into the room to get the cutscene BEFORE you kill the guards off. They are the guards you need to kill.
  • nitewulfe2nitewulfe2 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    geekguy79 wrote: »
    Also stuck on map Iconia. Defeat first little group of guards, watch short cutscene, "let your guards deal with them", then mission objective becomes kill guards, only they're on the other side of a door that will not open. Tried it few times, same bug everytime. Cannot complete.

    I am having this exact same issue. Logging out and back in makes no difference. I am playing as a Federation engineer.
  • khannerbatchkhannerbatch Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Got one in the new version of 'Taris'.

    When the mission prompts to 'Capture Taris', there is no option to interact and therefor the mission is stuck.

    I was able to resolve this by logging off and in and keeping my boffs from damaging her. As best as I can tell, if Taris takes too much damage before the appropriate place in the mission this bug will occur and it will be impossible to progress the mission without restarting that stage.
  • arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i had both of the problems with iconia too. other than that, the north door in the final room opens when you get close to it. there's nothing except unfinished map beyond it, so i think it should remain closed.

    there was also a problem on the planet during shadow play. after finishing the talking and getting a prompt to go to virinat, i decided not to beam out just yet and go explore the map. i went north, past the city and fell through the floor.
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
  • borgx666borgx666 Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    having same problems guys, last of the remade Romulus missions on Iconia, 1st attempt door would not open so could not complete

    2nd attempt - ran through the door has taris did and killed the romulan guy and shot taris till she turned blue and she puts her hands up and then nothing, then other door walk through to empty black space

    this mission is total FUBAR :mad:
  • rondelicarondelica Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i am also stuck in the Map Iconia. I cant capture Taris
  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm encountering the Iconia issue as well.

    Also, in "Desperate Measures" when you first arrive in the Pilatus system, the title that appears in the upper left corner is "Empress Sela". It should be, well, "Desperate Measures".
  • jacenkaschangjacenkaschang Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm also getting the bug reported by others with the Taris mission. When she is defeated she just stands there with her hands up and I can't do anything?
  • spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    If you kill guards before cut scene you will not get option to use terminal to open door.

    I had to redo it and walk into room and wait for cut scene, then it worked.

    The guards should be made friendly until cut scene. :rolleyes:

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Glitches in "Desperate Measures" (as of 02/06/2015):

    • The fly-in mission title at the beginning says "Empress Sela", not "Desperate Measures"
    • Looking out the window of Gasko Station right after leaving the transporter room, one can see parts of the medical bay-map elements from the "outside". This is definitely an art glitch.
    • Some of the Romulan civilian groups start to properly run away when a nearby fire-fight starts, however others (~50%) just keep standing where they are without any reaction.
    • Some of the rescued test subjects in the med bay are beamed out with Romulan, some with Starfleet transporter effects. It should all be Starfleet.
  • anyonkaanyonka Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have encountered a bug in the mission Desperate Measures, when teamed up it's fine till you get to the gasko station. you clear the first part but then it will only let 1 of you use the turbo lift. then the option disappears. but if that person has to respawn. they respawn and the beginning of the map. which them they cant complete cause there is no option to use the turbo lift.

    ticket ID 3,180,135.
  • timelords1701timelords1701 Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    In the mission ShadowPlay i decided to explore some areas on Cirini Prime with surprising results, see attached video..
  • retrolife#9534 retrolife Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Had exactly the same problem. I must've attempted that one part of the mission 7/8 times and each time she just stood there with her hands up in the air. I even completely restarted the mission back to Hobus. Had the same problem at the end. Then it just worked for me there.

    I shot everyone but Taris. Then there's the cutscenes with the Remans using the gateway then Taris attacked me after that. Once i'd got her health low, she stands with her hands in the air, but it gives you the option to capture her.
  • borgx666borgx666 Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Has this mission been fixed now??
  • retrolife#9534 retrolife Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    As i said i managed to get it working by avoiding Taris, taking out the guards and the general dude. His death triggers the cutscene for the Remans using the portal. After the cutscene Taris with full health attacked me. Once i'd got her health down low, she surrenders and it worked fine. This was about 7/8 hours ago and it was still buggy as hell.
  • darklordseandarklordsean Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm on the 3rd rewritten episode taking the Romulan back to her colony. I realize most people are happy with the power level of the new Warbirds, and I admit to being bad at fighting. But I noticed that like some Vaadwaar ships, the warbird instantly heals up when I die, even if I got it down to 50 %. Is that because the respawn is so far away, a glitch, or the design of the improved adversaries?
  • retrolife#9534 retrolife Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Noticed that myself. I was getting the warbirds down to like 3/4% hull then getting destroyed. As soon as i respawned it was back at 100% with full shields. Not sure if it's a glitch or intentional, but it is irritating!
  • crypticfrostcrypticfrost Member Posts: 1,479 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    anyonka wrote: »
    I have encountered a bug in the mission Desperate Measures, when teamed up it's fine till you get to the gasko station. you clear the first part but then it will only let 1 of you use the turbo lift. then the option disappears. but if that person has to respawn. they respawn and the beginning of the map. which them they cant complete cause there is no option to use the turbo lift.

    ticket ID 3,180,135.

    Issues verified. Thanks for the report.
    STO QA Team
  • crypticfrostcrypticfrost Member Posts: 1,479 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    kagasensei wrote: »
    Glitches in "Desperate Measures" (as of 02/06/2015):

    • The fly-in mission title at the beginning says "Empress Sela", not "Desperate Measures"
    • Looking out the window of Gasko Station right after leaving the transporter room, one can see parts of the medical bay-map elements from the "outside". This is definitely an art glitch.
    • Some of the Romulan civilian groups start to properly run away when a nearby fire-fight starts, however others (~50%) just keep standing where they are without any reaction.
    • Some of the rescued test subjects in the med bay are beamed out with Romulan, some with Starfleet transporter effects. It should all be Starfleet.

    Issues verified. Thanks for the report.
    STO QA Team
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    In "Desperate Measures", if you die in the Medical Bay you respawn in Engineering, with no way to turbolift back to where you were. A new respawn point in Medical, or a multi-use transport option, would fix this problem.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • jarenriccarjarenriccar Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    also, if you team with someone on gasko station, the turbolifts only work once, meaning i was stuck in the first section untill the mission was finished by my teammate. the no loading by having all the maps together is great, but they need to be reusable.

  • ssambolassambola Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    geekguy79 wrote: »
    Also stuck on map Iconia. Defeat first little group of guards, watch short cutscene, "let your guards deal with them", then mission objective becomes kill guards, only they're on the other side of a door that will not open. Tried it few times, same bug everytime. Cannot complete.

    Have the same problem...
  • seiberkagenekoseiberkageneko Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    In "Desperate Measures", if you die in the Medical Bay you respawn in Engineering, with no way to turbolift back to where you were. A new respawn point in Medical, or a multi-use transport option, would fix this problem.

    Same problem. In addition:

    If you run this mission with a team, only one person can use the elevators, so inevitably the party is split. THis mission cannot be completed as is with a team.
  • nimrod5nimrod5 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm on the 3rd rewritten episode taking the Romulan back to her colony. I realize most people are happy with the power level of the new Warbirds, and I admit to being bad at fighting. But I noticed that like some Vaadwaar ships, the warbird instantly heals up when I die, even if I got it down to 50 %. Is that because the respawn is so far away, a glitch, or the design of the improved adversaries?

    Yeah I've had that problem with the one over Iconia.
  • welkindustwelkindust Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Has anyone managed to finish the "Taris" mission? It tells me to capture her but she's just standing there with her hands up and I don't get the option to capture. How do I complete this mission???

    Also their ships are WAY too hard... Grab me in a tractor beam and send 7-8 torpedos at me, what chance do I have???
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