One of the big problems with pvp right now is upgraded weapons are meant to melt NPCs with inflated HP but then are way too strong against other players in PvP. In the last pod cast, 208, geko mentions testing out a PvP area buff to all player ships in PvP zones to increase hull and shield HP.
What do you all think? Would this help? Would it cause more problems?
My thoughts:
Personally I think it wont fix PvP but will be in the right direction. My only concern is players still using mk 12 gear might have a harder time than players with mk 14 gear. I think the better solution is having all gear be levelless in pvp areas.
WRONG APPROACH. do away with item marks in pvp, make all items in a match like the old levelless gear, and then pvp would work again. just dumping more hp will keep mk14 must have, only fully upgraded players could even play, exacerbating pvp's main problem, 0 approachability without 'done' characters.
3 times more hp is just random as hell and probably would make pvp as DPS centric as pve is. that much HP would marginalize the HELL out of heals and CC, they might as well not exist. whole thing sounds awful, making player ships effectively more like npcs, with all the important pvp factors skewed into oblivion.
all gear leveless is the only approach that will make pvp playable, resemble the pvp that used to be pretty fun, and be approachable at all.
WRONG APPROACH. do away with item marks in pvp, make all items in a match like the old levelless gear, and then pvp would work again. just dumping more hp will keep mk14 must have, only fully upgraded players could even play, exacerbating pvp's main problem, 0 approachability without 'done' characters.
3 times more hp is just random as hell and probably would make pvp as DPS centric as pve is. that much HP would marginalize the HELL out of heals and CC, they might as well not exist. whole thing sounds awful, making player ships effectively more like npcs, with all the important pvp factors skewed into oblivion.
all gear leveless is the only approach that will make pvp playable, resemble the pvp that used to be pretty fun, and be approachable at all.
I don't think he thought his solution through.
So they can't make the AI smarter so they make it tougher by adding more shields and hull.
Players are smart as all heck and adding more shields and hull would result in endless matches.
WRONG APPROACH. do away with item marks in pvp, make all items in a match like the old levelless gear, and then pvp would work again. just dumping more hp will keep mk14 must have, only fully upgraded players could even play, exacerbating pvp's main problem, 0 approachability without 'done' characters.
3 times more hp is just random as hell and probably would make pvp as DPS centric as pve is. that much HP would marginalize the HELL out of heals and CC, they might as well not exist. whole thing sounds awful, making player ships effectively more like npcs, with all the important pvp factors skewed into oblivion.
all gear leveless is the only approach that will make pvp playable, resemble the pvp that used to be pretty fun, and be approachable at all.
same level equipment wont fix the difference between ships.The game is so broken right now that there is no one fix to fix it.Like i said many times even the follow target camera or weapons range no longer work in pvp because ships fly too fast ...50km should be the weapons range now .Bleedtrhough is over the top (tbr ,elachi and everything possible) so all same level wont fix it.Im affraid they killed it .
same level equipment wont fix the difference between ships.The game is so broken right now that there is no one fix to fix it.Like i said many times even the follow target camera or weapons range no longer work in pvp because ships fly too fast ...50km should be the weapons range now .Bleedtrhough is over the top (tbr ,elachi and everything possible) so all same level wont fix it.Im affraid they killed it .
well sure, you will pretty much need a tier 6 ship, but thats something your going to have to get used to anyway.
neutronic are about to get nerfed hard so HY bio will surly be back on top. particle ships will have less powerful consoles feeding thier madness, and levelness weapons with SS aren't remotely as deadly as they are with mk14. mk 14 weapons are more like mk 22, absurdly better, its why pvp... CANT.
well sure, you will pretty much need a tier 6 ship, but thats something your going to have to get used to anyway.
neutronic are about to get nerfed hard so HY bio will surly be back on top. particle ships will have less powerful consoles feeding thier madness, and levelness weapons with SS aren't remotely as deadly as they are with mk14. mk 14 weapons are more like mk 22, absurdly better, its why pvp... CANT.
kill mk14, and pvp... CAN.
no i wont have to get used to.If they throw away all my work till now I throw away the game.
They pretty much made 5 years worth of ships useless.You maybe can get used to it ,I wont and Im sure no player will.They make all new lockbox t6 and all old ones are still t5(t5U is total bs ) because they were too lazy to make them all t6.Any other reason is bs .
yes I agree that they ,atleast since salami inferno rules the town ,working on fixes.Ui (5 years without UI update ...who came with the idea to fix it needs to get double wage from now on),neutronic fix ,ionic soon.Maybe there is hope or maybe i miss the old matches with my friends.
So many pvp fleets where people used their time and money to grind and get to t5 are now gone ...its just sad.
A HP buff would only increase the power creep and hurt people with low-to-moderate quality ships, gear, rep bonuses, etc. The powerhouses would have better modifiers to increase hull cap and would get a huge boost in comparison to the average players just looking for a little pewpew on the side.
Couple things need to happen to invigorate the corpse that was PvP.
First, Incentive. Real simple, a decent reward for participating.
Second, Vaping, Melting, One Shots, Disable Killing has to go away. This game was never meant to be Counter Strike. I realize that many ship types are built around the pwn, but 5 of those ships in this games' current format will ensure pvp stays dead.
A HP buff would only increase the power creep and hurt people with low-to-moderate quality ships, gear, rep bonuses, etc. The powerhouses would have better modifiers to increase hull cap and would get a huge boost in comparison to the average players just looking for a little pewpew on the side.
A HP buff will make some sci mad because their FPB/partigen/Iso cannon build will not be able to one shot tacs as they do now.As a tac I like the idea ) even if it would make matches longer.
When I used to play sci I played it trying to root/slow/incapacitate enemy ships.
With DR that time has passed since I cant upgrade alts any more it is too expensive in time required to obtain the specialization points so all my sci alts are mothballed.
Anyway I think if that will be implemented is in fact just another way telling to the players to start gambling to upgrade to epic mk14 .
"There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
I refuse to be content
Most games have put in place a system that has pvp gear and pve gear. That maybe is what they should do.
Seems as if the process to get to MK XIV gear is kinda of a long haul and that without it your getting one shot. There's no other game I know of that you can one shot people in or burst them down the way you can in STO.
What about "low" damage sources, like EWP/mines/pets, etc? Their damage was based around pre-DR T5 player hulls. Boosting HP will make their already paltry damage even more laughable, giving even more reason to just run a Tac/Escort.
On the flip side, higher HP values mean that people won't (theoretically) pop in the blink of an eye anymore, giving a reason to run a healBoat.
A HP buff will make some sci mad because their FPB/partigen/Iso cannon build will not be able to one shot tacs as they do now.As a tac I like the idea ) even if it would make matches longer.
Trust me I love the idea of making players more survivable against all manner of damage, including sci partgen damage. A HP buff is the wrong way to do it though. It sounds good in theory but, again, it would just increase the effective gap between hardcore players (and/or wallet warriors) and average vanilla gear players.
So they can't make the AI smarter so they make it tougher by adding more shields and hull.
Players are smart as all heck and adding more shields and hull would result in endless matches.
Bad, bad solution Geko.
not only that , SCI PrtG shield penetration skills would be only viable things to use.
They are thinking about PvP in completely wrong way. They were hell bent on making SCI ships and some weapons bypass shields and in consequence they broke shield/hull mechanic.
They have also upped ACC, but then Defense was upped less.
Worst PvP before DR was when it was Tanks Online, games would go on for hours, and i'm proud to have quit one on 14:14 after 2 hours just to show what i think of it.
What PvP needs is leaderboard/level based matchmaking for start.
Custom games next, new maps as well, but before all that
RESISTANCE Diminishing Returns Must be tweaked to go along with sudden damage increase in PvP(even in Elite PvE NPCs are doing above 50-100k consecutive hits to several hundred K spike hits)
Or even better, we would need an all round Ensign level clickable Clear for sudden resistance debuff spike, for all ship classes, t5/U/intel/command.
You cant make 1 ship class that can debuff every other without any possible clear.
Scenario: i attack a t5/U tank healer with intel ship, he gets SNBd, clears and buffs, i remove all his eng or sci buffs with one intel exploit click, add a -33% res debuff on top of it , TB him, add a Beta, elachi, theta, plasma burn, disruptor debuff, FOMM, ionic, fk you name it. add ACC buff with SS to myself surpassing his defense value completely and just finish him off.
To clear only those things i have mentioned you need IT,TT, ST, HE, evasives, A2D,PH/APO ready, which you don't have because you have just been buff stripped, CDd, stopped, stunned, disabled, no resist, no defense and you fkng exploded long before you could press oh, sht **** button which you couldnt press anyway because your tray is grey and you're looking at the respawn button.
That is what they need to solve, chain resistance/defense debuffs anhd chain stuns in PvP.
That clickie Res Debuff Clear could be on 30 sec, but no less even with doffs, to avoid making ships unkillable.
And all SCI shield bypass BS should go on 2.5% RNG chance.
FBP in PvP should also be tweaked to give same base damage you receive back, only difference would be in resists/defense on both ships. That is a viable counterattack.
That is only tip of the iceberg, they should start with matchmaking and work their way down from there
geko figured it was us players that are just to good is the problem. not that DR introduced so many game breaking factors that its just no longer playable. its our fault, because DR was perfect.
geko figured it was us players that are just to good is the problem. not that DR introduced so many game breaking factors that its just no longer playable. its our fault, because DR was perfect.
lol yea basically if you die now in pvp its because you suck.Guess most people are mentally TRIBBLE if after years of pvp simply can't compete with the defiant.I'm sure geko in a defiant would stomp people in vaadwaur and xindi escorts...they stand no chance.
lol yea basically if you die now in pvp its because you suck.Guess most people are mentally TRIBBLE if after years of pvp simply can't compete with the defiant.I'm sure geko in a defiant would stomp people in vaadwaur and xindi escorts...they stand no chance.
lol the shorthair pusseh is in dps 100,000 channel
well i got plenty of skill and im still harmless and helpless cause i haven't dumped ~$100 into upgradeing my gear and have pretty minimal specialization. thanks to intel powers though, you can now practically pvp without skill with the right ship and gear, you would think pve'ers would love current pvp.
wouldn't they be faster in lowering the damage dealt by Surgical and reducing Ionic disable, while increasing the immunity time?
like nerfing ether would make any difference to anyone but us. PVE'ers use FAW, not SS, and they still think their tier5U are better then intel ships so they aren't even using intel skills
like nerfing ether would make any difference to anyone but us. PVE'ers use FAW, not SS, and they still think their tier5U are better then intel ships so they aren't even using intel skills
Exactly. no DPS PvErs use intel stuff or ships. like it's very rare to see it. My DPS ship is scimi, and I don't use beams but DHCs/torp, but then again I can't go much higher then 50k DPS because i didnt try plasma burn exploit yet. And with burn you can do 40k DPS alone from it.
I see few phantoms here and there, few Astikas, but any sane romulan will not use Faeht in PvE when Scimi is available.
PvP problems are not at all related to PvE issues. Ships, skills, gear used are completely unrelated.
I mean, one look at Faeht or Scryer will tell you it has nothing to do with PvE.
SS is meaningless in PvE, with any other tac ability you do 10x better, ionic is like 30% effective in PvE compared to PvP, only OSS is useful, but since OSS is only available on wrong ships then OSS is useless too.
Trust me I love the idea of making players more survivable against all manner of damage, including sci partgen damage. A HP buff is the wrong way to do it though. It sounds good in theory but, again, it would just increase the effective gap between hardcore players (and/or wallet warriors) and average vanilla gear players.
In theory, communism works. In theory...
Well speaking on facts my faeht died a couple of times from your iso cannon/tbr/plasma burn.
If that HP buffs make it more viable against such builds I welcome it )
"There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
I refuse to be content
gotta admit making horrible stuffs or at breaking them no one is better than geko.
fix the actual problem with vaping? way
break the game even more ? patch if possible.
3 times more hp is just random as hell and probably would make pvp as DPS centric as pve is. that much HP would marginalize the HELL out of heals and CC, they might as well not exist. whole thing sounds awful, making player ships effectively more like npcs, with all the important pvp factors skewed into oblivion.
all gear leveless is the only approach that will make pvp playable, resemble the pvp that used to be pretty fun, and be approachable at all.
I don't think he thought his solution through.
So they can't make the AI smarter so they make it tougher by adding more shields and hull.
Players are smart as all heck and adding more shields and hull would result in endless matches.
Bad, bad solution Geko.
same level equipment wont fix the difference between ships.The game is so broken right now that there is no one fix to fix it.Like i said many times even the follow target camera or weapons range no longer work in pvp because ships fly too fast ...50km should be the weapons range now .Bleedtrhough is over the top (tbr ,elachi and everything possible) so all same level wont fix it.Im affraid they killed it .
well sure, you will pretty much need a tier 6 ship, but thats something your going to have to get used to anyway.
neutronic are about to get nerfed hard so HY bio will surly be back on top. particle ships will have less powerful consoles feeding thier madness, and levelness weapons with SS aren't remotely as deadly as they are with mk14. mk 14 weapons are more like mk 22, absurdly better, its why pvp... CANT.
kill mk14, and pvp... CAN.
no i wont have to get used to.If they throw away all my work till now I throw away the game.
They pretty much made 5 years worth of ships useless.You maybe can get used to it ,I wont and Im sure no player will.They make all new lockbox t6 and all old ones are still t5(t5U is total bs ) because they were too lazy to make them all t6.Any other reason is bs .
yes I agree that they ,atleast since salami inferno rules the town ,working on fixes.Ui (5 years without UI update ...who came with the idea to fix it needs to get double wage from now on),neutronic fix ,ionic soon.Maybe there is hope or maybe i miss the old matches with my friends.
So many pvp fleets where people used their time and money to grind and get to t5 are now gone ...its just sad.
First, Incentive. Real simple, a decent reward for participating.
Second, Vaping, Melting, One Shots, Disable Killing has to go away. This game was never meant to be Counter Strike. I realize that many ship types are built around the pwn, but 5 of those ships in this games' current format will ensure pvp stays dead.
A HP buff will make some sci mad because their FPB/partigen/Iso cannon build will not be able to one shot tacs as they do now.As a tac I like the idea
When I used to play sci I played it trying to root/slow/incapacitate enemy ships.
With DR that time has passed since I cant upgrade alts any more it is too expensive in time required to obtain the specialization points so all my sci alts are mothballed.
Anyway I think if that will be implemented is in fact just another way telling to the players to start gambling to upgrade to epic mk14 .
I refuse to be content
Seems as if the process to get to MK XIV gear is kinda of a long haul and that without it your getting one shot. There's no other game I know of that you can one shot people in or burst them down the way you can in STO.
What about "low" damage sources, like EWP/mines/pets, etc? Their damage was based around pre-DR T5 player hulls. Boosting HP will make their already paltry damage even more laughable, giving even more reason to just run a Tac/Escort.
On the flip side, higher HP values mean that people won't (theoretically) pop in the blink of an eye anymore, giving a reason to run a healBoat.
Trust me I love the idea of making players more survivable against all manner of damage, including sci partgen damage. A HP buff is the wrong way to do it though. It sounds good in theory but, again, it would just increase the effective gap between hardcore players (and/or wallet warriors) and average vanilla gear players.
In theory, communism works. In theory...
not only that , SCI PrtG shield penetration skills would be only viable things to use.
They are thinking about PvP in completely wrong way. They were hell bent on making SCI ships and some weapons bypass shields and in consequence they broke shield/hull mechanic.
They have also upped ACC, but then Defense was upped less.
Worst PvP before DR was when it was Tanks Online, games would go on for hours, and i'm proud to have quit one on 14:14 after 2 hours just to show what i think of it.
What PvP needs is leaderboard/level based matchmaking for start.
Custom games next, new maps as well, but before all that
RESISTANCE Diminishing Returns Must be tweaked to go along with sudden damage increase in PvP(even in Elite PvE NPCs are doing above 50-100k consecutive hits to several hundred K spike hits)
Or even better, we would need an all round Ensign level clickable Clear for sudden resistance debuff spike, for all ship classes, t5/U/intel/command.
You cant make 1 ship class that can debuff every other without any possible clear.
Scenario: i attack a t5/U tank healer with intel ship, he gets SNBd, clears and buffs, i remove all his eng or sci buffs with one intel exploit click, add a -33% res debuff on top of it , TB him, add a Beta, elachi, theta, plasma burn, disruptor debuff, FOMM, ionic, fk you name it. add ACC buff with SS to myself surpassing his defense value completely and just finish him off.
To clear only those things i have mentioned you need IT,TT, ST, HE, evasives, A2D,PH/APO ready, which you don't have because you have just been buff stripped, CDd, stopped, stunned, disabled, no resist, no defense and you fkng exploded long before you could press oh, sht **** button which you couldnt press anyway because your tray is grey and you're looking at the respawn button.
That is what they need to solve, chain resistance/defense debuffs anhd chain stuns in PvP.
That clickie Res Debuff Clear could be on 30 sec, but no less even with doffs, to avoid making ships unkillable.
And all SCI shield bypass BS should go on 2.5% RNG chance.
FBP in PvP should also be tweaked to give same base damage you receive back, only difference would be in resists/defense on both ships. That is a viable counterattack.
That is only tip of the iceberg, they should start with matchmaking and work their way down from there
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
lol yea basically if you die now in pvp its because you suck.Guess most people are mentally TRIBBLE if after years of pvp simply can't compete with the defiant.I'm sure geko in a defiant would stomp people in vaadwaur and xindi escorts...they stand no chance.
lol the shorthair pusseh is in dps 100,000 channel
well i got plenty of skill and im still harmless and helpless cause i haven't dumped ~$100 into upgradeing my gear and have pretty minimal specialization. thanks to intel powers though, you can now practically pvp without skill with the right ship and gear, you would think pve'ers would love current pvp.
you know like every other game has.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
like nerfing ether would make any difference to anyone but us. PVE'ers use FAW, not SS, and they still think their tier5U are better then intel ships so they aren't even using intel skills
Exactly. no DPS PvErs use intel stuff or ships. like it's very rare to see it. My DPS ship is scimi, and I don't use beams but DHCs/torp, but then again I can't go much higher then 50k DPS because i didnt try plasma burn exploit yet. And with burn you can do 40k DPS alone from it.
I see few phantoms here and there, few Astikas, but any sane romulan will not use Faeht in PvE when Scimi is available.
PvP problems are not at all related to PvE issues. Ships, skills, gear used are completely unrelated.
I mean, one look at Faeht or Scryer will tell you it has nothing to do with PvE.
SS is meaningless in PvE, with any other tac ability you do 10x better, ionic is like 30% effective in PvE compared to PvP, only OSS is useful, but since OSS is only available on wrong ships then OSS is useless too.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
1. Ignore what the players say is the problem,
2. Think of the least useful and quick way to solve what Cryptic perceives is the problem,
3. Implement it in a way that creates plenty of bugs.
Well speaking on facts my faeht died a couple of times from your iso cannon/tbr/plasma burn.
If that HP buffs make it more viable against such builds I welcome it
I refuse to be content