You can get a few/bits of mark 13 gear as mission rewards, and mark 14 you can buy on the auctionhouse. With the current event you can upgrade without dilithium.
So if your complaint is the dil sink, there are three ways around it right there.
for mk 13 gear - i didnt get it droped so far, and on which missins it is for reward ? for normal missions i allways get max mk 12 (and for some special items only mk 11 - like efficient engines and similiar).
and yes, you can buy mk14 on echaxnge for 40m + ec - no ty, i donth have that big budget.
and how can you upgade without dill ? using omega stuff ? cant think about aby other way.
What outrage? I made a simple, and true, statement that someone else does not get to decide what I find fun, which the OP did in fact try to do with his blanket statement that mining and doffing are not fun.
Son, I am the OP, and mining isn't fun, not when you have to do the same minigame 16 times to get all the mining done a day. Doffing is not fun either, its a exercise in clicking spots on the screen for no reason other than to say " Accept." 20+ times.
I like doffing. Why ? Because it is the one thing in the game the developers don't constantly tell me to play "proper". i still can "doff" the way I want. Yes, they nerfed the xp, because doffing was to "evil" for the great developers master handbook how to play this game. But, beside all this, there are still useful things to gain from doffing. Next nerf will propably include some doff missions from the exploration nebulas. Why ? because it is still fun to get rare doff officers. Player has fun ? we have to nerf it.
i'm sorry to say this but you are a really limited man and i will explain my hard words to you: for you self improvement is wrong and if a third party managed to take advanteges from it and ruins others is your fault. (your logic not mine).
i'm curious, what are your goalsin real life? if you don't care about exceeding your limits and be a better person than you where yesterday what then?
actualy outside of game i do realy a lot of things to improve myselfs, that why i dont have so much time for boring mining ond other grinds in sto, since i can imagine beter spending of that time.
ANd you know, there others more games out there.
I as well, would like my marks to count for the dilithium bonus. That's really the only reason to bother with marks after you get the pieces you want from the rep, so why are they being singled out of the bonus? Not every one has time to grind and mine, so the marks are a good way to still feel like you're getting something out of the event.
I like doffing. Why ? Because it is the one thing in the game the developers don't constantly tell me to play "proper". i still can "doff" the way I want. Yes, they nerfed the xp, because doffing was to "evil" for the great developers master handbook how to play this game. But, beside all this, there are still useful things to gain from doffing. Next nerf will propably include some doff missions from the exploration nebulas. Why ? because it is still fun to get rare doff officers. Player has fun ? we have to nerf it.
That's pretty much been the pattern to everything since season 7. Albeit yes, DR is just michael myers on LSD ruining people's lives, but so you can expect that to be part of any "system" in the game.
Or as with the case of crafting and upgrading, it's the emperor's new clothes behind a timegate with a dil sink - without actual content.
I count doff, exchange and tailor as the final remaining systems that have not yet been hit.
If we assume 3-4 months per system they ruin, it's going to take them about the rest of the year to ruin what is left of the game.
Of course a point could be made for game over once they nerf doff and contraband and another point could be made that it was over with DR.
That's pretty much been the pattern to everything since season 7. Albeit yes, DR is just michael myers on LSD ruining people's lives, but so you can expect that to be part of any "system" in the game.
Or as with the case of crafting and upgrading, it's the emperor's new clothes behind a timegate with a dil sink - without actual content.
I count doff, exchange and tailor as the final remaining systems that have not yet been hit.
If we assume 3-4 months per system they ruin, it's going to take them about the rest of the year to ruin what is left of the game.
Of course a point could be made for game over once they nerf doff and contraband and another point could be made that it was over with DR.
I'll hand it to the proposed cd timers, being implemented to patrol missions, causing time gating to xp for specializations, that will really get things boiling with the player base.
The rest you listed, is just icing on Cryptic's cake!
1) On Qo'noS First City, head to the Security Officer.
2) Talk to Security Officer.
3) Turn Over Contraband.
4) Consign Prisoners to Labor Battalion.
5) Check Personal for Confiscate Contraband from Crew.
6) Beam to Ship.
7) Depart System.
8) Check Department Heads - First Officer - Marauding for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
9) Check Current Map for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
10) Display Big Map - Area Map.
11) Quantum Slipstream Drive.
12) Click Eta Eradani Sector Block arrow on the map. (Activating the QSD first means you will not have to turn and will just push through any traffic jam in a straight line.)
13) Warp to Eta Eradani Sector at sector wall.
14) Check Department Heads - First Officer - Marauding for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
15) Check Current Map for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
16) Use free Transwarp to Surface Tension.
17) Check Department Heads - Operations - Colonial for Deport Colonists to Imperial Perimeter.
18) Check Department Heads - Operations - Colonial for Resettle Colonists.
19) Check Department Heads - First Officer - Marauding for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
20) Check Current Map for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
21) Fill our your remaining assignment slots as you wish, not using any resources you do not want to use, and not taking anything over 8 hours.
The Return Trip
During Events, you can use the free Event Transwarp to Qo'noS to take you directly to First City.
Otherwise, if your Transwarp to Qo'noS is available and you want to use it, you can transwarp to the Qo'noS System, fly over to Qo'noS, and beam down to First City.
If your Transwarp to Qo'noS is not available or you do not want to use it, you can use the 100 EC Transwarp for Manhunt which takes you to Sector Space by Rura Penthe. Display Big Map, click Qo'noS, enter the Qo'noS System, fly over to Qo'noS, and beam down to First City.
Once you get used to it, it will take you 3-4 minutes. Doing it twice a day (before work / after work or before bed, whatever) will get you 70% to over 100% of the standard 8000 refine cap. Depends on crits and failures.
Will Cryptic nerf it? That it's been this way for years (variations here and there, others run other variations - some folks might hit up Pi Canis as well as Eta Eradani, preferring the Prisoner assignments located there than the one on First City...gets into additional time and gambling on those crits)...doesn't mean they wouldn't suddenly go, "Hey guys, you're earning Dil 17x faster than intended!"...but at the same time, with the various Dil sinks they've added all over hte place, well - they've got to have folks farming Dil so they can sell it to the folks buying Zen to convert to Dil. Some folks don't want to spend 45 minutes or so (switching toons, etc) twice a day on 10 toons to get some Dil, they'd rather just buy it. Cause face it, if you hit 100% of the Dil cap by spending 90 minutes doing're working at about $3.23/hr doing so. Some folks wouldn't think twice about not wasting their time doing and just throwing some surplus cash at it...but they couldn't do that if folks out there weren't farming. It's a delicate balancing act for Cryptic. Doesn't mean they won't nerf it...just that it would have to be a sound financial decision for them to do so. So who knows, eh? But if somebody feels they need to hide what they're doing...then there might just be something wrong with what they're doing, yeah?
Personally, I end spending so much time on the forums or going to test things, that instead of 45 minutes or so it can take me 3-4 hours...if I even bother doing it. It's rare that I do more than once a day if I even do it once a day...heh, when I say I'm casual, I mean it - I just kind of chill, stuff happens when it happens.
edit: I was more likely to run it consistently before the EC vendortrash, cause it was also a nice source of EC. Now, meh, it just doesn't really feel worth the time when you consider the hourly wage involved by comparison.
14) Check Department Heads - First Officer - Marauding for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
15) Check Current Map for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
One thing you can add in here, while passing through Eta Eradani, use the shuttle from your Fleet Starbase to go to your Fleet Dilithium mine, for the Mine Dilithium Motherload assignment, rewarding 500 dilithium... Returning to Sector Space will drop you back in Eta Eradani...
1) On Qo'noS First City, head to the Security Officer.
2) Talk to Security Officer.
3) Turn Over Contraband.
20) Check Current Map for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
21) Fill our your remaining assignment slots as you wish, not using any resources you do not want to use, and not taking anything over 8 hours.
well, that was my initial thoughts about turning contraband/turning prisoners. but i didnt thought it will be very reliable since contrabant/prosoners dont show up so much in one map, doing "pirate tour" acrom map to get them and get them reliable , enogh to fill dayily quota - that didnt stiked me , but it is logical step.
no it's not a nerf it's a mistake that got corrected. the events were being exploited and cryptic corrected the problem. at least they had the common sense (this time) to realize that exploiting game systems is just what any player does and not call us out for it.
it's only an nerf in the strictest sense of the word. they only corrected something that created an undesired effect. personally I am not even noticing anything different but yea the event goes on longer.
if people are raging here on the forum that the event got nerfed than they are basically admitting that they were abusing it, planning to continue to do so and now they are upset they can't continue to do so. congratulations you have managed to get away whit it all this time but it's over now.
knowing their reasons I think crypic made the right call here. those complaining are caught in the act. your marks still have value you just can exploit them any more.
ps. cryptic if you really wanna drag people in during these dill weekends double the refinement cap during the event.
to exploit, meaning "using something to ones own advantage" from wikipedia
any player will employ the games rules to the greatest possible advantage in order to win/succeed. in other words any player will always exploit! game developers should be aware of that. if the current rules create a problem then the rules should be changed to correct it. Cryptic only did what any other responsible game developer would have done.
if you were able to take great advantage of the old situation than congratulations. that was very clever of you. you must have realized that the devs would eventually figure out what were doing and correct their mistake. right? just be glad you managed to get an advantage for as long as you had....
THE NEW CRAFTING SYSTEM IS TERRA-BAD First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
Why would you waste your VIP claims for 5000 Dil? I always save mine until Dilithium events so I can get 10k each.
Exploiter! Exploooooiter!!!!! How dare you make a common sense gameplay decision and save those claims for the best time to use them!
I've got some coupons for toothpaste. I'm gonna go exploit Kroger's grocery store right NAO even though Kroger sent them to me. I guess me using the coupon within a certain timeframe that they came up with is unintended shopping.
*whistles on the way to grand exploitation of the grocery system*
(I just hope Kroger management doesn't make the unethical business decision to change the value of the coupon after I already get to the store. That might make me not want to buy anything else while I'm there.)
* This post is written in satire. Any associations to any entity real or imagined is unintended and doing so would constute an exploitation of my words. Exceeeeeelsior!!!!
I've got some coupons for toothpaste. I'm gonna go exploit Kroger's grocery store right NAO even though Kroger sent them to me. I guess me using the coupon within a certain timeframe that they came up with is unintended shopping.
*whistles on the way to grand exploitation of the grocery system*
(I just hope Kroger management doesn't make the unethical business decision to change the value of the coupon after I already get to the store. That might make me not want to buy anything else while I'm there.)
* This post is written in satire. Any associations to any entity real or imagined is unintended and doing so would constute an exploitation of my words. Exceeeeeelsior!!!!
I'd point out that most coupons do not work with other discounts, though.
for mk 13 gear - i didnt get it droped so far, and on which missins it is for reward ? for normal missions i allways get max mk 12 (and for some special items only mk 11 - like efficient engines and similiar).
and yes, you can buy mk14 on echaxnge for 40m + ec - no ty, i donth have that big budget.
and how can you upgade without dill ? using omega stuff ? cant think about aby other way.
shhhh, or nerf hammer hit them too.
They stopped using hammers and, instead switched to torpedoes, as so shown in my signature!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Son, I am the OP, and mining isn't fun, not when you have to do the same minigame 16 times to get all the mining done a day. Doffing is not fun either, its a exercise in clicking spots on the screen for no reason other than to say " Accept." 20+ times.
ANd you know, there others more games out there.
any video, hints, walkthrought ?
Full spread, fire nerfpedoes from all bays!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Attack pattern nerf 1.
But seriously. What will the next nerf include ?
If you're spending THREE HOURS PER DAY doffing, you aren't better at dilithium gathering than other people.
You just have more time on your hands. A lot more.
Free Tibet!
A 1 hour cd to EVERYTHING xp/marks/EC's/dilithium/etc.
Made avoidable by a mere 18k dilithium per hourly cd!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Timegate, dil sink and nerf.
That's pretty much been the pattern to everything since season 7. Albeit yes, DR is just michael myers on LSD ruining people's lives, but so you can expect that to be part of any "system" in the game.
Or as with the case of crafting and upgrading, it's the emperor's new clothes behind a timegate with a dil sink - without actual content.
I count doff, exchange and tailor as the final remaining systems that have not yet been hit.
If we assume 3-4 months per system they ruin, it's going to take them about the rest of the year to ruin what is left of the game.
Of course a point could be made for game over once they nerf doff and contraband and another point could be made that it was over with DR.
I'll hand it to the proposed cd timers, being implemented to patrol missions, causing time gating to xp for specializations, that will really get things boiling with the player base.
The rest you listed, is just icing on Cryptic's cake!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
That said, there's lots of different ways to make dilithium. Just pick the one you like the most or hate the least and run with it.
2) Talk to Security Officer.
3) Turn Over Contraband.
4) Consign Prisoners to Labor Battalion.
5) Check Personal for Confiscate Contraband from Crew.
6) Beam to Ship.
7) Depart System.
8) Check Department Heads - First Officer - Marauding for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
9) Check Current Map for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
10) Display Big Map - Area Map.
11) Quantum Slipstream Drive.
12) Click Eta Eradani Sector Block arrow on the map. (Activating the QSD first means you will not have to turn and will just push through any traffic jam in a straight line.)
13) Warp to Eta Eradani Sector at sector wall.
14) Check Department Heads - First Officer - Marauding for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
15) Check Current Map for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
16) Use free Transwarp to Surface Tension.
17) Check Department Heads - Operations - Colonial for Deport Colonists to Imperial Perimeter.
18) Check Department Heads - Operations - Colonial for Resettle Colonists.
19) Check Department Heads - First Officer - Marauding for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
20) Check Current Map for assignments that would reward Contraband or Prisoners.
21) Fill our your remaining assignment slots as you wish, not using any resources you do not want to use, and not taking anything over 8 hours.
The Return Trip
During Events, you can use the free Event Transwarp to Qo'noS to take you directly to First City.
Otherwise, if your Transwarp to Qo'noS is available and you want to use it, you can transwarp to the Qo'noS System, fly over to Qo'noS, and beam down to First City.
If your Transwarp to Qo'noS is not available or you do not want to use it, you can use the 100 EC Transwarp for Manhunt which takes you to Sector Space by Rura Penthe. Display Big Map, click Qo'noS, enter the Qo'noS System, fly over to Qo'noS, and beam down to First City.
Once you get used to it, it will take you 3-4 minutes. Doing it twice a day (before work / after work or before bed, whatever) will get you 70% to over 100% of the standard 8000 refine cap. Depends on crits and failures.
Will Cryptic nerf it? That it's been this way for years (variations here and there, others run other variations - some folks might hit up Pi Canis as well as Eta Eradani, preferring the Prisoner assignments located there than the one on First City...gets into additional time and gambling on those crits)...doesn't mean they wouldn't suddenly go, "Hey guys, you're earning Dil 17x faster than intended!"...but at the same time, with the various Dil sinks they've added all over hte place, well - they've got to have folks farming Dil so they can sell it to the folks buying Zen to convert to Dil. Some folks don't want to spend 45 minutes or so (switching toons, etc) twice a day on 10 toons to get some Dil, they'd rather just buy it. Cause face it, if you hit 100% of the Dil cap by spending 90 minutes doing're working at about $3.23/hr doing so. Some folks wouldn't think twice about not wasting their time doing and just throwing some surplus cash at it...but they couldn't do that if folks out there weren't farming. It's a delicate balancing act for Cryptic. Doesn't mean they won't nerf it...just that it would have to be a sound financial decision for them to do so. So who knows, eh? But if somebody feels they need to hide what they're doing...then there might just be something wrong with what they're doing, yeah?
Personally, I end spending so much time on the forums or going to test things, that instead of 45 minutes or so it can take me 3-4 hours...if I even bother doing it. It's rare that I do more than once a day if I even do it once a day...heh, when I say I'm casual, I mean it - I just kind of chill, stuff happens when it happens.
edit: I was more likely to run it consistently before the EC vendortrash, cause it was also a nice source of EC. Now, meh, it just doesn't really feel worth the time when you consider the hourly wage involved by comparison.
One thing you can add in here, while passing through Eta Eradani, use the shuttle from your Fleet Starbase to go to your Fleet Dilithium mine, for the Mine Dilithium Motherload assignment, rewarding 500 dilithium... Returning to Sector Space will drop you back in Eta Eradani...
well, that was my initial thoughts about turning contraband/turning prisoners. but i didnt thought it will be very reliable since contrabant/prosoners dont show up so much in one map, doing "pirate tour" acrom map to get them and get them reliable , enogh to fill dayily quota - that didnt stiked me
do we really need more then one topic about the same thing?
my response here is the same: it's encouraging the wrong kind of play so crypic was right in it's decision to correct it.
First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
Exploiter! Exploooooiter!!!!! How dare you make a common sense gameplay decision and save those claims for the best time to use them!
I've got some coupons for toothpaste. I'm gonna go exploit Kroger's grocery store right NAO even though Kroger sent them to me. I guess me using the coupon within a certain timeframe that they came up with is unintended shopping.
*whistles on the way to grand exploitation of the grocery system*
(I just hope Kroger management doesn't make the unethical business decision to change the value of the coupon after I already get to the store. That might make me not want to buy anything else while I'm there.)
* This post is written in satire. Any associations to any entity real or imagined is unintended and doing so would constute an exploitation of my words. Exceeeeeelsior!!!!
Who made you god to decide that kind of play, within the rules, is wrong?
I'd point out that most coupons do not work with other discounts, though.