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Active Immunity must go!



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    aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    prierin wrote: »
    Having re-read the OP and subsequent comments I have a few questions seeing as I have never used the ability myself (my Sci Officer is only lvl 25) nor have I seen it in use. Here’s what I do understand so far:

    This ability is an AOE debuff/slow/DOT cloud that does not differentiate between friend and foe. As a DOT it places you in a constant RED ALERT status, meaning certain non-combat abilities will become unusable. It affects NPCs as well, even shopkeepers and quest givers. As such it can be abused as a tool specifically intended for griefing. Is this about right?

    My only points of immediate concern would be this: as a player in Advanced mode will this ability cause injuries to my character? If no, that’s fine. If yes, however, it become a financial burden.

    Does it create an inability to complete a timed mission or quest (i.e. the dino run in Dyson Sphere)? If no, fine. If yes, it is again becoming a financial burden (dilithium). Further, seeing as dilithium is now in even higher demand than before, this creates a somewhat of a paramount issue.

    It also sounds to me that this ability can be tripped when out of combat. A griefer’s magic bullet. As such, it needs to be addressed as it sounds like it does by all sense and purpose violate the EULA and TOS:

    Due to the fact this issue of Active Immunity can and has been used by players to disrupt the gameplay of other players and the collection of in-game rewards and as you can see, such use violates noe one but four articles of the TOS, I feel the OP has a very valid complaint and this issue should be recorded and reported. If it was limited to either combat areas only it would be a different story.

    Finally, someone that understands, without calling the OP a 'crybaby', 'whiner', 'drama queen' nonsense.
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    highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I ASBOLUTELY Agree with the OP, this has NOTHING to do with being a Crybaby, Whiner or Whatever, if you dont Understand this FINE, just dont Comment with STUPID Comments, just because you are maybe not affected.

    People (Griefers / Trolls) who know about this TRIBBLE Abilitiies Affect on other Players are using it by PURPOSE to Interrup others Gameplay, the PRIME example for this is the Dyson Battlezone, where you have to Run from Rex to Rex as Fast as Possible to get as Much Dill as Possible, and here those IDIOTS are using this Stupid Skill to Slow down other Players by PURPOSE, so they CANT run and CANT Activate Ice Boots, therefore most of the Time Missing one or more Rexes Resulting in loss of Dill / Marks / Impalnts, this is INACCEPTABLE, this happens to me all the Time and Frigging Drives me Nutz! So yea this HAS TO BE FIXED ASAP! :mad::mad::mad:
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    highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Dyson Battlezone is not Fun right know, more and more Trolls are using this Stupid Skill, to interrupt others Gameplay....would be Nice if someone from Cryptic would look into this :mad:
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    shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So... the ability is bugged, in a potentially abusable manner.

    OP, have you submitted a bug report, and/or posted in the "Gameplay Bug Reports" part of the forums?
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    echelonalphaechelonalpha Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    If you want player abilities to harm players, then turn friendly fire mode off and let us blow ourselves

    Yes... I agree.. this should definitely be addressed before it gets out of hand!
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    raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    No, I have not placed a bug report on this issue.

    I have placed hundreds of bug reports on numerous other issues (and often a great many on particular ones) and, to my knowledge, not one was addressed.

    It doesn't matter now, though. Cryptic has destroyed all incentive to grind their treadmill. They are unstable and unreliable and therefore their game is too. Nothing can be trusted.

    Cryptic's basic incompetence coupled with their malicious adversarial mentality has me playing Rift now - where I have only found one bug so far and promises made are, so far, kept. There's nothing left to STO now except the artwork - but there is more to a game than just artwork, and Cryptic cannot even begin to comprehend gaming with their mindset.

    After trying to wait out the stupidity and trying to adopt a wait and see attitude towards Cryptic's behaviour, I have finally despaired of any hope of anything like sense or professionalism from them. Putting what is essentially a grief spam in the form of active immunity just proves they have no concept of what they are doing and they are just doubling down on refusing to learn anything from anyone.
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    narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So you're here to what... point out a bug in a game you say you're not even playing anymore and call people idiots becuase they're not as fussed by the bug as you are?
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    plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    narthais wrote: »
    So you're here to what... point out a bug in a game you say you're not even playing anymore and call people idiots becuase they're not as fussed by the bug as you are?

    So you're here to what, defend your favorit ability? Be superficial, it's fun!!!
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    shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    No, I have not placed a bug report on this issue.

    I have placed hundreds of bug reports on numerous other issues (and often a great many on particular ones) and, to my knowledge, not one was addressed.

    It doesn't matter now, though. Cryptic has destroyed all incentive to grind their treadmill. They are unstable and unreliable and therefore their game is too. Nothing can be trusted.

    Cryptic's basic incompetence coupled with their malicious adversarial mentality has me playing Rift now - where I have only found one bug so far and promises made are, so far, kept. There's nothing left to STO now except the artwork - but there is more to a game than just artwork, and Cryptic cannot even begin to comprehend gaming with their mindset.

    After trying to wait out the stupidity and trying to adopt a wait and see attitude towards Cryptic's behaviour, I have finally despaired of any hope of anything like sense or professionalism from them. Putting what is essentially a grief spam in the form of active immunity just proves they have no concept of what they are doing and they are just doubling down on refusing to learn anything from anyone.

    So, this issue worries you enough to start a thread in the wrong forum, but not in the right one?

    All righty then.
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    raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    narthais wrote: »
    So you're here to what... point out a bug in a game you say you're not even playing anymore and call people idiots becuase they're not as fussed by the bug as you are?

    At the time I wrote the OP I was still very actively playing. I have since been discouraged by the most grotesque player ambush by Craptic yet. Thanks for making the tiny bit of effort it takes to realize that earlier posts are in fact temporally earlier too. So busy trying to make others look stupid you displayed your own lack of acuity. You don't look nearly as clever as you think you do.

    I was calling some people idiots because they were attacking me for mentioning a problem rather than talking about the problem - just like you are. Nice retaliation call there, letting the original infraction go unnoticed. Ever thought of reffing for professional sports? They can't seem to notice the original infraction either.

    Thanks for failing to address the issue and for contributing nothing to the content of the thread though...
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    narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You are right, I did miss the dates on the posts initially, which does effectively nullify the point of my post.

    Except that is for the part where you're openly attacking others for saying they don't think its as big an issue as you do. Now yes some of them were not particularly pleasant in the way they went about it either, others did simply state their opinion however.

    But as you say that's not addressing the issue now is it. (Well its addressing an issue, just not the one you wanted addressed)

    Personally I've only come across this bug myself a couple of times with nanoprobe infestation, mostly on Defera where you rescue the drones in the city section.they get infected as enemies, turn to friendly npc's and from there can spread the infection to players and friendly turrets and such I started slotting bio-filter sweep in an effort to clear it when it happened on one of my science characters.

    Is it annoying, no doubt. Is it game breaking, not particularly. can it be done deliberately, yes, which is a bit of an issue I admit because there will always be pricks that love to irritate others as their main source of entertainment.

    In the end its an unintended side effect of the way those powers work, which has nothing to do with a zone being PvP enabled or not as you mentioned in your original post. Unfortunately like numerous other bugs that exist in the game cryptic show no signs of fixing it soon. Following on from that a number of people actually had to ask what you were even talking about which indicates the bug is really not as wide spread and game breaking as your original post made it out to be.
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    keravnioskeravnios Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    Or be fixed so it does not affect other players.

    There is no justification for a player ability to adversely affect the other nearby players. This ends up only being a player griefing mechanism appealing to griefers only.

    If you want player abilities to harm players, then turn friendly fire mode off and let us blow ourselves and each other up with our own explosions in non-PvP zones. If you can understand why that is a bad idea, then you should be able to fathom why the garbage that is active immunity must go! And while you are at it, fire the idiot who thought it was a good idea. Player griefing is bad. Putting a mechanism in play specifically designed to enable griefers is profoundly stupid.

    Put a way for players to grief each other and some malicious morons will. So make the god damned call. Friendly fire or not.

    There are 2 more skills that do the same. 1st the Intel "madness" skill. Somehow goes to friendlies.
    2 the sci captain nanites.
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    painfullylargepainfullylarge Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'll vouch for griefers using this. Was annoying as heck on Voth BZ today--especially for a toon that doesn't have frosted boots, so you can't even TRY to run fast to make up for lost time. It's even more annoying than griefers sticking a cover shield on the transporter pad.

    Why is this still a bug? I'm guessing because like all STO bugs, it will never get fixed unless it somehow can be interpreted by Cryptic as an "exploit" of STO. Maybe we should start spreading a rumor that every time players get hit with it during dino spawns, that it quadruples the dilithium rewards that they get. That'll get it fixed in a jiffy.
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