A friend of mine just sold items for 20 million on the Exchange. Problem was, he didn´t know hat there was a EC Cap.
Is the EC lost?
What really bothers me, because i did the same mistake but exceeded the limit by just 100000 EC, is that there si no warning, nothing is blocking you from selling anythink if oyu are close to the limit.
In my opinion, if a Player sells something on the exchange and still has the cap all transactions should be blocked that woudl exceed that limit (the items would just disappear from the exchange). THey would reappear if the player has spent enough EC that transactions wil not exceed the 10 mil Cap.
A friend of mine just sold items for 20 million on the Exchange. Problem was, he didn´t know hat there was a EC Cap.
Is the EC lost?
What really bothers me, because i did the same mistake but exceeded the limit by just 100000 EC, is that there si no warning, nothing is blocking you from selling anythink if oyu are close to the limit.
In my opinion, if a Player sells something on the exchange and still has the cap all transactions should be blocked that woudl exceed that limit (the items would just disappear from the exchange). THey would reappear if the player has spent enough EC that transactions wil not exceed the 10 mil Cap.
Your friend's EC is lost.
The cap is pretty well advertised when you start the game. Raising the EC limit is usually the first thing that non-subscribing players grind for, followed by the account bank.
A friend of mine just sold items for 20 million on the Exchange. Problem was, he didn´t know hat there was a EC Cap.
Is the EC lost?
What really bothers me, because i did the same mistake but exceeded the limit by just 100000 EC, is that there si no warning, nothing is blocking you from selling anythink if oyu are close to the limit.
In my opinion, if a Player sells something on the exchange and still has the cap all transactions should be blocked that woudl exceed that limit (the items would just disappear from the exchange). THey would reappear if the player has spent enough EC that transactions wil not exceed the 10 mil Cap.
The cap is pretty well advertised when you start the game. Raising the EC limit is usually the first thing that non-subscribing players grind for, followed by the account bank.
well, i didn´t know about the cap when i started playing years ago. Maybe its not that well advertised. I know other players, in high Admiral ranks, who don´t know about that
well, i didn´t know about the cap when i started playing years ago. Maybe its not that well advertised. I know other players, in high Admiral ranks, who don´t know about that
This was literally one of the first things I found out about this game. Tbh if they would save ur ec till ur poor enough to be payed out what use does a cap have?
A friend of mine just sold items for 20 million on the Exchange. Problem was, he didn´t know hat there was a EC Cap.
Is the EC lost?
What really bothers me, because i did the same mistake but exceeded the limit by just 100000 EC, is that there si no warning, nothing is blocking you from selling anythink if oyu are close to the limit.
In my opinion, if a Player sells something on the exchange and still has the cap all transactions should be blocked that woudl exceed that limit (the items would just disappear from the exchange). THey would reappear if the player has spent enough EC that transactions wil not exceed the 10 mil Cap.
Lesson one, hoard Dil, get Zen, and remove the EC cap. First thing any player should do as soon as they get wise and start accumulating EC.
Yeah claiming not to know about the cap...hmmm. It's very well advertised in game, accounts etc...you both goofed. No one to blame but yourselves. The cap removal is the best thing you can buy.
If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
Yeah claiming not to know about the cap...hmmm. It's very well advertised in game, accounts etc...you both goofed. No one to blame but yourselves. The cap removal is the best thing you can buy.
i am not claiming, i ddin´t know about the cap. maybe because i never used the exchange mcuh, only thransactions of 100-200000 EC until i hit Vice Admiral.
Even then i thought account baks and cap increase is only availalbel for Subscribers. Maybe i could have known sooner, if i had looked at all the iems in the c-store but i didn´t.
Maybe the same thing happenedot my friend because he never spent much money on the Game
And honestly, 10 million is a very low Cap if you want to use the exchange properly. it should be 30-50 millions with the high exchange prices. For really high end Gear, ships and other stuff you would still have to buy the cap increase but with the exploding prices for Gear 10 millions are nothing.
Nevertheless, i think that it would´t be a problem to put a "transaction stop" in the game that prevents player from loosing EC if they would exceed 10 Millions. It would hurt no one but be a great help for those who don´t know about the cap or just didn´t have it in mind as they put the items for sale
Luckily I only lost a few hundred thousand... but I feel your pain. I knew that there was a cap but expected anything extra to go into escrow (like SWTOR) that would be inaccessible until I purchased the upgrade.
I agree that making the money accessible when you are poor enough to use it defeats the purpose of the unlock, but I think making us lose the EC is a bit unfair and a way of "nickel and diming" their player base.
They really need to implement an escrow for anything you receive over the 10 million limit. Then once you can afford/decide to purchase the unlock you get all of that EC you earned instead of loosing it.
Could have been worse then a cap. Sometimes if you hit an upper limit on a variable it could roll over to negative values depending on the language, error checking, and data type used. Just imagine hitting the cap and going in to negative values of ECs.
well, that should be bug, if you didnt reeched cap just before that big sale, say if you have 9,9m and sell for 10m, then even with cap you should have 19,9m - with no further increase until you go back to under 10m. (so no profit from any future saless even for just 1 ec or 100m).
at least that how it was advertized that cap works. if it workd differently, it is bug or they ereworked it.
The cap is pretty well advertised when you start the game. Raising the EC limit is usually the first thing that non-subscribing players grind for, followed by the account bank.
well, that should be bug, if you didnt reeched cap just before that big sale, say if you have 9,9m and sell for 10m, then even with cap you should have 19,9m - with no further increase until you go back to under 10m. (so no profit from any future saless even for just 1 ec or 100m).
at least that how it was advertized that cap works. if it workd differently, it is bug or they ereworked it.
I'm not sure what exactly your reading. Everything I have ever read seems pretty clear. YOU can not have any EC over 10mil ever ever ever unless you sub or unlock it.
The cap is pretty well advertised when you start the game. Raising the EC limit is usually the first thing that non-subscribing players grind for, followed by the account bank.
Except the instructions for the cap increase are in error. I remember back when I was reaching the cap, I figured I should purchase the increase because I wanted to sell some master keys. I bought the cap increase and it instructs you to "logout" before it takes effect. Well, logging out means going back to the character screen, but that doesn't work. You have to literally exit the entire game.
I lost about 20m EC that day because I followed the instructions I was provided and Cryptic/PWE would not refund the loss. They need to change the instructions.
well, that should be bug, if you didnt reeched cap just before that big sale, say if you have 9,9m and sell for 10m, then even with cap you should have 19,9m - with no further increase until you go back to under 10m. (so no profit from any future saless even for just 1 ec or 100m).
at least that how it was advertized that cap works. if it workd differently, it is bug or they ereworked it.
It is not a bug. It is working as intended. There is a 10 million EC cap per toon unless the Cap Remover is purchased from the C-Store which then raises the cap to 1 billion EC per toon.
The "cap" is the amount you are not able to exceed. Therefore, if you have 9.9 million EC in your account and you did not purchase the Cap Remover, then you sell something for 4 million EC you get 100k EC and the remaining 3.9 million EC is gone forever.
I bought the cap increase and it instructs you to "logout" before it takes effect. Well, logging out means going back to the character screen, but that doesn't work. You have to literally exit the entire game.
I lost about 20m EC that day because I followed the instructions I was provided and Cryptic/PWE would not refund the loss. They need to change the instructions.
No, that's not 'logging out', is it? did you have to put your password in again? no? then you were still logged in. If you are logged in, you never logged out.
Changing characters is very different from logging out.
EC Cap is fine as it is and nothing about it needs to be fixed. Players need to take responsibility for learning the rules and game mechanics of the game before they get burned by their own willful ignorance.
Here, here. Before going from gold membership to silver late last year, and purely as a precaution after speaking to a few fleet mates as well as doing a little research, a few days before the account type transition I had the foresight to hand over the bulk of my EC to a trusted fleet mate for safe keeping. Until I'd purchased the EC cap. at which point all me EC was transferred back to me. I even empty my account EC bank just to be on the safe side.
Except the instructions for the cap increase are in error. I remember back when I was reaching the cap, I figured I should purchase the increase because I wanted to sell some master keys. I bought the cap increase and it instructs you to "logout" before it takes effect. Well, logging out means going back to the character screen, but that doesn't work. You have to literally exit the entire game.
I lost about 20m EC that day because I followed the instructions I was provided and Cryptic/PWE would not refund the loss. They need to change the instructions.
The below link is a shot of the Main Menu when you press the Esc key. You will see an option for 'Change Character' and 'Log Out'. Those options have different effects. You simply did not pay attention to the instructions.
Seems I'm going to have to do something about my account then as I'm on about 7.5 mil.
If I pay for a one month sub, the EC unlock only counts for the months I'm actually subscribed or does it always stay in place?
Also I'll add that yes the game does tell you about the cap, but that was near the beginning of the game, it's been months since I heard about it, I had actually forgotten about it, (I was thinking about trying to convert Zen to EC to buy a ship) so maybe a reminder should be added. It's fine saying the game has told us but there is so much to learn about this game when you're new that things like that can be forgotten easily enough.
If you have access to the account bank you can shift EC between characters, but the first two things every Silver should buy is the EC Cap increase, and the Account Bank.
The EC Cap increase is free as long as you sub. You MUST buy it if you want to keep access to it as a Silver. You just won't lose anything over 10 mil you earned as a Gold when you drop back to Silver.
The Cap will return to 10 mil. You will again lose anything that goes over 10 mil. It won't get added to your frozen EC.
The account shared bank has a limit of 500 Million EC.
Is this true?
If so this might be a 'cheaper' option as it would also include the ability to move things between characters and also increase storage space. (I'm guessing here as I haven't looked into what the shared bank gives you ) Would you agree with this?
I reckon I'd be happy with 500 mil limit as I think I would probably only have a max of 2 characters anyway.
EDIT: It's a shame the EC limit wasn't permanent with a one month sub, because I've just hit lvl 60 (though I haven't given the quest in/spoken with the Admiral) and I remember reading that if you sub before 60 you'll get the free retrait token, though I don't know if that applies to me because of what I stated above.
(btw, I'm not against subbing games, but the benefits seem TRIBBLE especially when viewed with the price of ships in the store).
There is an item in the C-Store under services that is called 'Energy Credit Cap Increase', which raises it for Silver players from 10,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 EC for all characters on the account.
Even if you are philosophically or morally or metaphysically opposed to the C-Store you should just take a peek to see what is there to help you better gauge the lay of the land.
This link sows the differences between Silver and Gold:
Star Trek was about exploration. Explore the game play options and information presented.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Your friend should been more responsible for the rules. And he would done better. However at times taking a loss helps the person learn.
As for me. I never raised my EC cap on all 3 of my characters. As I never could sell anything that brought good EC on the exchange. After they did the EC nerf on vendor trash. Well that took care of any worries about me hitting the EC cap. And I been playing since FTP came out.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
well, i didn´t know about the cap when i started playing years ago. Maybe its not that well advertised. I know other players, in high Admiral ranks, who don´t know about that
I made the same mistake.
I am homeless, and don't have any money, so I grinded for dilithium, converted that to zen, and bumped that up to 1 billion.
Just like the "you must be at a mailbox" to receive items sent via mail, once these items and/or currency is lost, it's freaking lost.
He's obviously confusing how the EC Cap works for Gold's that didn't buy the EC Cap Increase that drop to Silver.
Gold's (without the Cap Increase) that drop to Silver don't lose any EC they had over 10 mil. They just can't access more than 10 mil until they buy the cap increase or resub, and while they are Silver with no cap increase they still can't earn more than 10 mil EC. It doesn't get added to their inactive EC total.
The Account bank cap is 500 mil, but I can't honestly say you can use the account bank to get around the 10 mil ec cap per character.
I've been a lifer since pre-launch open beta so I've always had the Account Bank, and 2 bil cap since they were added to the game. I never had to experiment.
I also live on a fixed income so I know what a tight budget is like. Personally I'd get the EC cap increase first and then the account bank, but someone else might find the bank more important.
I still strongly recommend getting both.
After reading your post it just occurred to me... though, again, I don't know if I'm right... If you had 100 million in the account bank but never had the 10mil increase on your character, then you wouldn't be able to draw that money out because well... you can only have 10 million on each character lol.
Your friend's EC is lost.
The cap is pretty well advertised when you start the game. Raising the EC limit is usually the first thing that non-subscribing players grind for, followed by the account bank.
Free Tibet!
Sorry guys this is a pay2win game.
well, i didn´t know about the cap when i started playing years ago. Maybe its not that well advertised. I know other players, in high Admiral ranks, who don´t know about that
well, now you know. and i bet they know it to.
Lesson one, hoard Dil, get Zen, and remove the EC cap. First thing any player should do as soon as they get wise and start accumulating EC.
i am not claiming, i ddin´t know about the cap. maybe because i never used the exchange mcuh, only thransactions of 100-200000 EC until i hit Vice Admiral.
Even then i thought account baks and cap increase is only availalbel for Subscribers. Maybe i could have known sooner, if i had looked at all the iems in the c-store but i didn´t.
Maybe the same thing happenedot my friend because he never spent much money on the Game
And honestly, 10 million is a very low Cap if you want to use the exchange properly. it should be 30-50 millions with the high exchange prices. For really high end Gear, ships and other stuff you would still have to buy the cap increase but with the exploding prices for Gear 10 millions are nothing.
Nevertheless, i think that it would´t be a problem to put a "transaction stop" in the game that prevents player from loosing EC if they would exceed 10 Millions. It would hurt no one but be a great help for those who don´t know about the cap or just didn´t have it in mind as they put the items for sale
I agree that making the money accessible when you are poor enough to use it defeats the purpose of the unlock, but I think making us lose the EC is a bit unfair and a way of "nickel and diming" their player base.
They really need to implement an escrow for anything you receive over the 10 million limit. Then once you can afford/decide to purchase the unlock you get all of that EC you earned instead of loosing it.
Trust me he didn't really loose all that much.
Like others have said... that is the first required unlock for anyone that isn't going to be a super casual player.
at least that how it was advertized that cap works. if it workd differently, it is bug or they ereworked it.
This +1
I'm not sure what exactly your reading. Everything I have ever read seems pretty clear. YOU can not have any EC over 10mil ever ever ever unless you sub or unlock it.
Except the instructions for the cap increase are in error. I remember back when I was reaching the cap, I figured I should purchase the increase because I wanted to sell some master keys. I bought the cap increase and it instructs you to "logout" before it takes effect. Well, logging out means going back to the character screen, but that doesn't work. You have to literally exit the entire game.
I lost about 20m EC that day because I followed the instructions I was provided and Cryptic/PWE would not refund the loss. They need to change the instructions.
Best answer and sums up this thread :eek:
It is not a bug. It is working as intended. There is a 10 million EC cap per toon unless the Cap Remover is purchased from the C-Store which then raises the cap to 1 billion EC per toon.
The "cap" is the amount you are not able to exceed. Therefore, if you have 9.9 million EC in your account and you did not purchase the Cap Remover, then you sell something for 4 million EC you get 100k EC and the remaining 3.9 million EC is gone forever.
No, that's not 'logging out', is it? did you have to put your password in again? no? then you were still logged in. If you are logged in, you never logged out.
Changing characters is very different from logging out.
Here, here. Before going from gold membership to silver late last year, and purely as a precaution after speaking to a few fleet mates as well as doing a little research, a few days before the account type transition I had the foresight to hand over the bulk of my EC to a trusted fleet mate for safe keeping. Until I'd purchased the EC cap. at which point all me EC was transferred back to me. I even empty my account EC bank just to be on the safe side.
The below link is a shot of the Main Menu when you press the Esc key. You will see an option for 'Change Character' and 'Log Out'. Those options have different effects. You simply did not pay attention to the instructions.
There is nothing wrong with the instructions provided by Cryptic because I followed them and did not loose any EC as a result.
If I pay for a one month sub, the EC unlock only counts for the months I'm actually subscribed or does it always stay in place?
Also I'll add that yes the game does tell you about the cap, but that was near the beginning of the game, it's been months since I heard about it, I had actually forgotten about it, (I was thinking about trying to convert Zen to EC to buy a ship) so maybe a reminder should be added. It's fine saying the game has told us but there is so much to learn about this game when you're new that things like that can be forgotten easily enough.
Thanks for the info.
On this link from Reddit
one person says .
Is this true?
If so this might be a 'cheaper' option as it would also include the ability to move things between characters and also increase storage space. (I'm guessing here as I haven't looked into what the shared bank gives you ) Would you agree with this?
I reckon I'd be happy with 500 mil limit as I think I would probably only have a max of 2 characters anyway.
EDIT: It's a shame the EC limit wasn't permanent with a one month sub, because I've just hit lvl 60 (though I haven't given the quest in/spoken with the Admiral) and I remember reading that if you sub before 60 you'll get the free retrait token, though I don't know if that applies to me because of what I stated above.
(btw, I'm not against subbing games, but the benefits seem TRIBBLE especially when viewed with the price of ships in the store).
Anyway, from what I recall, it's not a huge zen cost to increase your ec cap.
500 zen. Five dollars US.
Even if you are philosophically or morally or metaphysically opposed to the C-Store you should just take a peek to see what is there to help you better gauge the lay of the land.
This link sows the differences between Silver and Gold:
http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/3026713#Q: What are the differences between Silver Players and Gold Members?
Star Trek was about exploration. Explore the game play options and information presented.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
As for me. I never raised my EC cap on all 3 of my characters. As I never could sell anything that brought good EC on the exchange. After they did the EC nerf on vendor trash. Well that took care of any worries about me hitting the EC cap. And I been playing since FTP came out.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I made the same mistake.
I am homeless, and don't have any money, so I grinded for dilithium, converted that to zen, and bumped that up to 1 billion.
Just like the "you must be at a mailbox" to receive items sent via mail, once these items and/or currency is lost, it's freaking lost.
..... And check out my Open Source Work, here: https://sourceforge.net/u/universalbri/profile/
Thanks, yes that makes good sense.
Or around 80,000 Dilihtium (or 10 days of one toons refine limit)
Not expensive really considering it is really the ONLY thing a non paying customer would have to dish out for.
I suggest starting as many toons as you can afford to first...
Sub for one month. (which unlocks all the toon inv space and stays unlocked)
Cancel sub... and BUY a little bit of zen to buy the EC and bank unlocks.
Then your done... no need to ever really spend any $ every again unless you really want to.
All in its less then the cost of a new release console game.
After reading your post it just occurred to me... though, again, I don't know if I'm right... If you had 100 million in the account bank but never had the 10mil increase on your character, then you wouldn't be able to draw that money out because well... you can only have 10 million on each character lol.
I'm just gonna get the EC increase lol :P
Thanks again