Stop working backwards Cryptic. Nerfing patrols will solve nothing. Buff everything to at least Argala levels..and your problem is solved.. XP should be universal..Why does space give so much more? Why does a 5 minute mission give more than a queue?
It's not hard.
See, and we're back to taking things out of context.
If Argala is nerfed and Patrols get cooldowns, it also means that all other patrols (those that people ignore now) will grant more rewards, so you'r enot stuck doing the same thnig over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Queed content will grant more skill points, Combat Zones will grant more skill points, so you have a real choice "do I do Argala or Bug Hunt or Dyson Ground?".
Story missions will get Dilithium rewards. How cool will it be to level to 50 or 60 and not be stuck with only 2,350 Diltihium from DOFF missions you may have done parallel to mission content...
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Interestingly , that's how things worked before DR .
Nay , correction , before the EC nerf of the vendor trash prior to DR .
Not sure why you're talking about DR? Did I mis-type somethnig? It's about Dilithium and Skill Points primarily, the vendor trash nerf has nothing to do with either.
Most Queues didn't even grant Dilithium before Delta Rising (but the two queues people were doing non-stop, Infected Elite and Crystalline Elite, did). Skill Point rewards weren't to be had on the ground zone before, either.
Before Delta Rising, there wasn't really any more choice in how to grind your Dilithium then it is currently. There were a few overrewarding queues and the rest sucked. Why bother with something like the Voth Queued missions if you could do Infected and Crystalline Entity? They rewarded far better...
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Story missions will get Dilithium rewards. How cool will it be to level to 50 or 60 and not be stuck with only 2,350 Diltihium from DOFF missions you may have done parallel to mission content...
I think that would be the biggest QOL increase that Cryptic could do for casual players, and hope it gets implemented ASAP.
Stop working backwards Cryptic. Nerfing patrols will solve nothing. Buff everything to at least Argala levels..and your problem is solved.. XP should be universal..Why does space give so much more? Why does a 5 minute mission give more than a queue?
It's not hard.
Well said. Also Geko ' s comment about why ground pays less than space is some what laughable. On average it takes longer to complete a ground Stf than it does its space counterpart.
Apparently Geko thinks that argala is too fast for advancement. Sure he wants to boost xp on the non-DR-patrols but not to the point where argala is now. He thinks argala is rewarding far too much right now, since he said its a 30 minute patrol reward. So expect that once the "buffs" to xp elsewhere happens, it will not be to the level argala is now. Instead he plans to make everything in the game pay less xp than argala does now. So if you think you're grinding now, well, you'll be grinding harder but have more places to choose to grind harder.
Anyone have a counterpoint to this? Because I think we're in for an even bigger grind in the future.
I used to be Shakkar with thousands of posts. My very identity was stolen from me so now I am originalshakkar, the original.
Well said. Also Geko ' s comment about why ground pays less than space is some what laughable. On average it takes longer to complete a ground Stf than it does its space counterpart.
Ya, he needs some reassessment of what ground and space is. A normal level frigate explodes in seconds, an ensign level enemies dies in seconds, one rewards far more than the other, but in space you have much tighter clumps and AoEs that work, giving you even more XP.
An elite drone or tactical cube is more difficult to match up. If you are standing around an elite drone, you are going to die (unless you are a medic sci), tac cubes you can tank all day even in an escort. The elite drone, done right, goes down in less time, but you are much more likely to bite it, while ships take a bit longer but not overly so. With the insane lag in combat now, ground is much more dangerous, imo.
Ground missions as a whole are objective based, they require coordination and teamwork. They have parts where killing is minimal, and travel distances are more extreme compared to space. Also power creep hasn't gone nuts, nothing completes in 2 minutes, and even if you could, there is 4 minutes of running that'd stop you.
See, and we're back to taking things out of context.
If Argala is nerfed and Patrols get cooldowns, it also means that all other patrols (those that people ignore now) will grant more rewards, so you'r enot stuck doing the same thnig over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Queed content will grant more skill points, Combat Zones will grant more skill points, so you have a real choice "do I do Argala or Bug Hunt or Dyson Ground?".
Story missions will get Dilithium rewards. How cool will it be to level to 50 or 60 and not be stuck with only 2,350 Diltihium from DOFF missions you may have done parallel to mission content...
Most Queues didn't even grant Dilithium before Delta Rising (but the two queues people were doing non-stop, Infected Elite and Crystalline Elite, did). Skill Point rewards weren't to be had on the ground zone before, either.
Before Delta Rising, there wasn't really any more choice in how to grind your Dilithium then it is currently. There were a few overrewarding queues and the rest sucked. Why bother with something like the Voth Queued missions if you could do Infected and Crystalline Entity? They rewarded far better...
Congrats Borg_unimatrix01
That is cute as well. I went more for the cookies rather then the nerve tonic.
I think that would be the biggest QOL increase that Cryptic could do for casual players, and hope it gets implemented ASAP.
Well said. Also Geko ' s comment about why ground pays less than space is some what laughable. On average it takes longer to complete a ground Stf than it does its space counterpart.
Anyone have a counterpoint to this? Because I think we're in for an even bigger grind in the future.
Ya, he needs some reassessment of what ground and space is. A normal level frigate explodes in seconds, an ensign level enemies dies in seconds, one rewards far more than the other, but in space you have much tighter clumps and AoEs that work, giving you even more XP.
An elite drone or tactical cube is more difficult to match up. If you are standing around an elite drone, you are going to die (unless you are a medic sci), tac cubes you can tank all day even in an escort. The elite drone, done right, goes down in less time, but you are much more likely to bite it, while ships take a bit longer but not overly so. With the insane lag in combat now, ground is much more dangerous, imo.
Ground missions as a whole are objective based, they require coordination and teamwork. They have parts where killing is minimal, and travel distances are more extreme compared to space. Also power creep hasn't gone nuts, nothing completes in 2 minutes, and even if you could, there is 4 minutes of running that'd stop you.
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