Greetings, Admirals! Youre listening to EPISODE 207 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Thursday, January 29th 2015 and made available for download on Monday, February 2nd 2015 at!
Brace yourselves for a long episode, Admirals! For starters, Sir Patrick Stewart has been making some news and we'll Trek Out what he has to say. In Star Trek Online News there's a lot to celebrate now that STO has turned 5 years old! Elijah, Cookie, and Jayce will be reviewing the news with featured guest - Star Trek Online Lead Designer - Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera. Then, of course, before we wrap the show, well open hailing frequencies for your incoming messages!
Star Trek Online 5 Year Infographic
Stephen Ricossa - Lead Producer - 5 Year Mission Blog
Star Trek Onlines Five Year Anniversary!
Jhetleya Returns!
Al Rivera interviews Actress Kim Rhodes
List of Omega Molecule Locations by Trace Color
The winner of our Design a Priority One Podcast DoFF is:*Tiberius@ Borg_Unimatrix01! Congratulations!!
This weeks Community Question:
- Tell us about your experiences with the new content introduced in the Anniversary Event! What do you think of the new Command Powers? Did you enjoy the new missions? Hows that Polaron Barrage console from the Lockbox Ship?
Let us know YOUR thoughts by commenting below!
In case you missed it, weve already published several video interviews on our YouTube Channel from Priority One Podcasts on-site visit to Cryptic Studios in October 2014.*
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There are no plans to transcribe this episode at this time.
Best part of the interview.
only a month? I admire your restraint
Until someone says "uh go back and listen to the interview to get what he really said"
Whoa... 5 year missions. That was the orignal Enterprise's mission length. Wasn't the Galaxy Class missions supposed to be 20? Is that our next "bench mark"?
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CQ2) Have no idea as yet
CQ3) I hate jumping puzzles
CQ4) No idea, havent even seen it used yet.
Since Gecko says they are completing things ahead of time these days perhaps we can see more bug quashing on new content, so that it actually works correctly.
Would have been nice to have some of these tips for dust to dust when the episode came out.
The queues replayability vs completability for higher difficulties are seriously bad. If im wrong and thats not so, feel free to make the metrics of current queues available to us.My whole fleet plays fewer queues, so i doubt Cryptics statements of numbers.
Then take some of those enemies from bug hunt, if thats not the mission.
When is the loadout bug going to get fixed, i.e. everytime i restart my alt, sometimes switch maps everything gets messed up. The icons are no better or worse than they were imo.
Want to speed things up, let us warp not just to system space but the ground parts, i.e. esd or 1st city.
Wonderful show everyone,*muffled thump*, Im fine.
I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
He also explains that the reason why we don't usually see the devs giving us a specific time frame (case in point with secondary deflectors) is that things can come up like bugs that shift their focus away from working on that. On top of that, when they give us a time frame and people start expecting it, eventually that time comes and if they didn't deliver, then people start getting angry for them not delivering.
I'm pretty sure that secondary deflectors were meant to have been delivered to us way before this anniversary. I like to think that at the same time that they were working on how to get in secondary deflectors so that they have the kind of roles they do now, they were working on the story for season 9, connecting that with Delta Rising and revamping the borg/undine arcs so it better fit in with the story they wanted to tell. Along with this, they also had the reputation trait revamp for season 9, the crafting revamp that had been in the works for months, and all the systems they wanted to get out for Delta Rising. We all have to realize that they're working on stuff that they feel we want and they try to get it out to us as soon as they feel they're ready to deliver.
really interesting. though, myself can't come around to ask then:
what happened in all that time and how long will it finally take?!
LOL because he's given every indication that he sees grinding patrols as "wrong."
Interestingly, they will also add much more skill points to queued stuff and ground zones.
And generally expect a reward buff for all queued stuff.
We'll see how big the buffs and nerfs will be, but the stated goal is to make it possible to earn Dilithium and Skill Points doing a variety of content, allowing you to really choose what you prefer to do, rather than what you have to do to get the resources you're after.
Also interesting - he implies that we'll see a lot of story content this year. That sounds promising.
I would however not be surprised if it was with time-delayed rewards or grind-related activities to access it. Geko doesn't mention it in any way I think, but it seems to me that Cryptic is trying to give players strong reason to play the game often and regularly. (Not necessarily long - just that you don't take a long break and risk "forgetting" the game..)
28:30 - the kobali set pieces in dust to dust unlock on the given dates. they arent removed when the next piece becomes available.
31:20 - there is another 'maze-like puzzle' coming up in a future episode. a maze that changes.
35:15 - season 10 released in three to four months, with another episode in the interim (perhaps in 2 months) to 'bridge the gap between delta rising and season 10'.
45:35 - geko talks about a 'larger plan to improve rewards across the board'. mea culpa on the handling of the recent que nerfs. wants to 'normalise rewards'. lots of queues are under rewarding. some queues are failing too often. no further reward nerfs are planned.
50:15 - 'our goal is to treat dilithium and xp like a true time currency'. geko wants people in the queues rather than patrols (argala). queues, adventure zones will have their xp boosted to counteract this. dil added to missions from level 1. wants to remove wrapper missions from patrols. patrols getting a CD to reduce farming.
56:40 - 'we understand what the [xp] problem is, we're not blind about it, we're not ignoring it. its just a lot of work. we understand the problem, we understand the concerns, and... i get it. i grind argala too'.
57:55 - so much for 'no further nerfs'. argala is getting nerfed, but people wont care.
1:01:45- double (and triple) reward queues days for dead queues. not going back to hourlies.
1:03:30 - wants to remove some queues. nws wasnt meant to be beat and farmed, but its coming back in in the form of 'what it was when we first released it' (unwinnable?)
1:05:45 - '[empty queue] claims are fairly exaggerated'. geko camps argala, plays enough queues to earn his daily bonus marks for reps while grinding argala... and he doesnt like it.
1:11:15 - talks about some boff bugs. in the future you will be able to dismiss a boff candidate in exchange for a training manual, similar to the old 'train up' choice. this is how we will train some of the currently untrainable III skills.
1:21:00 - other untrainable III skills tied to a future skill revamp... that they havent even started working on.
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...REALLY!? :mad:
How the hell [REDACTED: excessive expletives and personal insults]!
No no. I shouldn't be angry. I'm just going to kick back and have a laugh.
I seriously doubt that Cryptic even cares to ASK what the players want, it's like that they only care what they and not the player's wants.
Icon changes. DOff UI. Reward system changes. The list goes on and on...
Mr. Ricossa: Please start polling your player base to understand what is top-of-mind with many of us, how Cryptic can do a better job of retaining players. You may get some helpful, specific feedback which can be implemented.
...And yet, the intention is to nerf Argala to set it in line with everything else. Unsurprising, and not the end of the world, but annoying regardless.
However, if all this means that I can run around in Dyson Ground and Undine Space (And MAYBE Kobali... At least with ep. replays) and whatever queues I need all Saturday to get my Spec XP, I'm happy. Also, dynamic realtime queue reward balancing? This is GOOD DESIGN if ever I've seen it from these guys.
1,, drive people to ques etc which is soooo welcome
2,, make people leave because people can't seem to wait as they want it now now noooww noooooowwww...
I personally can't wait as patrol grinding is something I've never done unless I've been desperate to get that last bar filled.. It is boring..
Also can't wait for reward updates to ques and xp in battle zones its neeedeeeddd..
It's not hard.
Here is my entry for posterity...
Always a walk of shame with these people instead of just dealing with problems they brought about.
But by all means let's waste another 3-6 months hoping we can silence veto away all the nerfs, the grinding with DR and the millions of dil for copy paste text.
> <
> <
Listen to the interview, he explains everything.
Yep, that's what Geko said. Nerf argala but add a dilithium reward, then buff every other patrol in the game, even the non-DR ones. That sounds a lot better to me than grinding Argala.
Interestingly , that's how things worked before DR .
Nay , correction , before the EC nerf of the vendor trash prior to DR .
So , someone will have to explain (but won't) why this "joyride" of nerfs was even needed ?
(besides for herding some of us to DQ :eek:)
That was ALWAYS the plan .
The Rep systems (among others) got born out of that plan .
In short , nothing new .
... aside from their obvious pandering to DPS at the cost of the "casuals..." , so much for DR "fixing" the powercreep ...
Ummm , yeah .
First they nerf things into the ground (DR STF awards 240/480/720 for example) , and then they raise awards slooooowly to a point they think they can get away with it (current STF awards 480/720 for example).
... I wouldn't celebrate just yet ... , and most ppl won't if the Argala nerf comes before the newest "award normalization" ... -- and as hard as it is for me to do , I'll quote ashkrik23 on this ... :