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Bridge Officer Abilities | Hand-Crafted Boffs



  • eamnoneamnon Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    ALL the passive skills my bridge officers had is now gone, all the time I spent collecting the right bridge officers and theire abillities just out the window. Why can´t you fix the bugs insted off "fixing" things that has never been an issue before................... :mad: Im not amused, not at all amused.
  • robert13starekrobert13starek Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Upon logging onto Holodeck today, after the 5th Anniversary patch, many players have noted that the abilities their Boffs currently own were changed. I'm here to tell you why that may have happened to you, and how to quickly deal with it.

    Any Bridge Officer that possessed a "rare" ability had it restored to them via a fix-up script we ran on the Boff's data. This script had the side effect of slotting these restored powers into active Stations.

    However, any Boff Ability that you previously chose to train these Boffs with should still be available. All you need to do to restore the ability, is select from the appropriate UI on the Stations Tab.

    After re-assigning their previous powers, you may need to update/refresh your current Load Out as well.

    We apologize if this causes players any inconvenience, but it was the only method we had available to ensure that these rare abilities were still available on the officers that were intended to have them, without forcing players to re-acquire them.

    I updated my skills yesterday as you stated above and saved to loadout as you suggested, saving loadouts doesn't fix the problem because it is back today.
  • robert13starekrobert13starek Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I updated my skills yesterday as you stated above and saved to loadout as you suggested, saving loadouts doesn't fix the problem because it is back today.

    Here is how it's going to work with all the bugs. Players get frustrated and quit, not enough revenue coming in, Game discontinued and Cryptic workers get laid off.
    I think many players have voiced their feelings of what is important to them, it is fixing the bugs that already are in the game, NOT NEW CONTENT! If you don't listen to the ones playing you will be assimilated into the unemployment line.

    Loadouts have been a problem since day one, now they are a much bigger problem. After saving loadouts: Skills on toon change, even after fixing that load out of skills in tray aren't saved. Game also very laggy now with rubber banding effect.
  • treking2treking2 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    Unfortunately, slotting/unslotting my bridge officers did not restore their abilities.
    ALL of my bridge officers on ALL of my toons have only the default abilities that they
    initially came with. ALL training has been lost. NO training for any other abilities is
    currently unlocked.

    Additionally, any high level training that a bridge officer received from another boff,
    (typicall one purchased from a lock box or from the exchange at great expense),
    is gone, and the new system has no easy way to restore it.

    For a person with many toons, each of which has many bridge officers, (well over 100
    bridge officers total), to loose ALL their abilities that I have spent years in this game
    developing is totally unacceptable. I can not even recall how I had them all set up
    for each of my different toons. (Forgive my failing memory, but that is no excuse for this.)

    *** What SHOULD have been done is to have KEPT each of the bridge officer abilities exactly
    as they were, and if you wanted to ADD the training for their initial default conditions, then
    you could have done so by just unlocking those additional abilities in the new system.

    I have only found out about these changes today, since the game has been so laggy since
    the anniversary event started until now, that I have been unable to actually play the game
    from then till now.

    It is painful to even do a simple mission, and almost impossible to do a STF using only
    these default abilities.


    A simple code change could have done this, instead of making the default something totally
    unworkable. In none of the dev blogs about the new bridge officer training system was it
    said that you would loose all of your existing bridge officer abilities, or have to go through
    a painful process just to get back to where you were. If it had, at least I would have tried
    to write down what abilities each officer had before, so I could get them back to where
    they were.

    This is compounded by the fact then every time you do a map change, you have a chance of
    having all of your bridge officers unslotted, resulting in a loss of ALL their abilities for the rest
    of a mission.

    Please seriously consider my suggestion and ROLL BACK the bridge officer abilities on all toons
    to what they were before the event.
    [Yes I know I am repeating myself here, but it is so important that it bears repeating.]

    Thank you.
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I experienced some trouble with my own BOFF abilities. Most of them came out fine but on one of my toons, Elisa Flores had rapid fire II replaced with torpedo spread III even though rapid fire II was in the slot before it.

    I had to figure out how to change what abilities she had active and switched it back to rapid fire II. That still didn't fix the issue as when I changed maps it defaulted back to torpedo spread III. However, unslotting Flores from her bridge station then re-slotting her seems to have worked thus far.

    I've also had a couple of engineering and sci BOFF skills altered but I don't remember the exact moves. Choosing the correct ability then unslot/reslotting worked for them too.
  • smeeinn1tsmeeinn1t Member Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    treking2 wrote: »

    Unfortunately, slotting/unslotting my bridge officers did not restore their abilities.
    ALL of my bridge officers on ALL of my toons have only the default abilities that they
    initially came with. ALL training has been lost. NO training for any other abilities is
    currently unlocked.

    Additionally, any high level training that a bridge officer received from another boff,
    (typicall one purchased from a lock box or from the exchange at great expense),
    is gone, and the new system has no easy way to restore it.

    For a person with many toons, each of which has many bridge officers, (well over 100
    bridge officers total), to loose ALL their abilities that I have spent years in this game
    developing is totally unacceptable. I can not even recall how I had them all set up
    for each of my different toons. (Forgive my failing memory, but that is no excuse for this.)

    *** What SHOULD have been done is to have KEPT each of the bridge officer abilities exactly
    as they were, and if you wanted to ADD the training for their initial default conditions, then
    you could have done so by just unlocking those additional abilities in the new system.

    I have only found out about these changes today, since the game has been so laggy since
    the anniversary event started until now, that I have been unable to actually play the game
    from then till now.

    It is painful to even do a simple mission, and almost impossible to do a STF using only
    these default abilities.


    A simple code change could have done this, instead of making the default something totally
    unworkable. In none of the dev blogs about the new bridge officer training system was it
    said that you would loose all of your existing bridge officer abilities, or have to go through
    a painful process just to get back to where you were. If it had, at least I would have tried
    to write down what abilities each officer had before, so I could get them back to where
    they were.

    This is compounded by the fact then every time you do a map change, you have a chance of
    having all of your bridge officers unslotted, resulting in a loss of ALL their abilities for the rest
    of a mission.

    Please seriously consider my suggestion and ROLL BACK the bridge officer abilities on all toons
    to what they were before the event.
    [Yes I know I am repeating myself here, but it is so important that it bears repeating.]

    Thank you.

    This pretty much sums up anything I had to add, except that with the total number of changes to Boffs and the iconography all at the same time it would be a lot to adjust to even if it all was WAI.

    Please reset our Boffs to the skills we trained them in, or at least fix why they are not in the list of available skills. I was just getting into a good place with my Eclipse and now it feels like I have to start all over again and that this will cost time, EC and dil just to get back to square one.
    "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This is kinda weird. I've been looking over my characters and A lot of old boffs that I probably got from story missions had their original skills added to the current ones, but the DR pack intel boffs apparently didn't.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Cheers to Borticus...sort of. Jeers to Smirk.

    Let me explain.

    While I thank him for at least telling us SOMETHING (more than the CMs have been doing in recent timeframe...I'll get to you next:mad:), Borticus shouldn't have had to come on the forums and do damage control AFTER the live release of ANYTHING.
    Parts of the development process should include:
    • planning (ever heard of flowcharting?)
    • alpha-testing
    • closed-beta testing
    • open-beta testing
    • Q&A
    • fixing problems BEFORE live release
    You also have this nifty thing called a TRIBBLE TEST SERVER that could help prevent or diminish these problems.
    These have supposedly been part of the process in the past with success (as well as in other successful MMOs that still exist to date and have existed LONGER than STO or any other Cryptic/PWI material). I don't know what you've done to your team, but undo it. Now.

    Now, CMs...:mad:
    Smirk should not be ordering anyone to "read this" when there are other methods of information dissemination. You also have features available that are NOT being utilized that have been utilized in the past with new releases to great success. Examples include:
    • the in-game announcement system ("What's New")
    • fly-in messages
    • system messages in chat upon login
    • forum news posts AHEAD of "known issues" going live
    Now add that you're going on about "rage" and there has been a tendency toward any thread critical of anything Cryptic/PWI screws up (yes, SCREWS UP) mysteriously disappearing under the pretense of censorship or controlling useless rage rants is quite indicative of a certain tendency toward improper information control. AND add that TRIBBLE about the player response to DR/the Vaadwaur being "overwhelming positive" is absolute horsecrap and you know it. I don't care how many yes-men or sheeple you have on the forums, DR SUCKS AND SO DO THE VAADWAUR.
    So what this boils down to is the CMs (Community Managers) are improperly titled. Not only do they tend NOT to be a part of the "community" when the only time we seem to see them anymore is when they delete critical threads or chastise us on our being upset with current state of affairs ("wait 2-3 days and suck it up"-type messages), but they're manipulating information and player response.
    I suggest retitling to PMs. Propoganda Managers. Because it's all just propaganda, information manipulation, pure and simple.

    No, you do NOT get to tell me to dial down the rage, sir! This is MY game, just like it is every other player's game, and you answer to US, not the other way around.

    You may have made it F2P and have your collective hands out in blatant greed over micro-transactions fuelling damn-near every aspect of this game, but many of us PAID already in monthly and lifetime subscriptions that are not justified in their benefits over F2P. We funded this game to this point. WE ARE THE REASON YOU HAVE A JOB. WE are customers, YOU are employees, and YOU work for US. If you anger the players and we leave, you don't have an MMO to run anymore. Simple.

    And taking something that was once so great and unlike so many other MMOs, plus capturing the essence of Star Trek (don't mess with Trekkies!) and turning it into a greedy pile of wannabe-just-like-every-other-MMO absolutely FILLS me with rage. So I say to YOU "suck it up"!

    There are known issues that have been on the table for YEARS that still have not been addressed.

    There are revamps to the game that were NOT necessary that are now causing so many issues the game is near unplayable, even staying away from the event.

    There are features that drew me to the game and made me love it and influenced my paying HUNDREDS of dollars for a lifetime subscription that no longer exist because of your PROPAGANDA in saying they "weren't to your standard", yet you have shown NO signs of replacement with what IS your standard. As a result, some of us are figuring out what "your standard" is and it's the heart of what's wrong with the game.

    If you make the game "just like all the other MMOs" and take away what made it special and what made it a Star Trek game to begin with, guess what? We no longer have any reason to NOT go to ANOTHER MMO. I hear SW:TOR and others calling my name...

    If I compare this game now to the game I started playing right after F2P was implemented (when I loved STO), they aren't the same game.

    I used to brag about this game, rave about it to friends and family, try to get them to play it with me. Now I feel like a fool for it, embarrassed for it. I even got asked recently why I even bothered to play it anymore considering all I seem to do anymore is complain about it.

    I wonder myself.

    Shame on you.
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    shouldn't have had to come on the forums and do damage control AFTER the live release of ANYTHING.
    Parts of the development process should include:
    planning (ever heard of flowcharting?)
    closed-beta testing
    open-beta testing
    fixing problems BEFORE live release
    You also have this nifty thing called a TRIBBLE TEST SERVER that could help prevent or diminish these problems.
    These have supposedly been part of the process in the past with success (as well as in other successful MMOs that still exist to date and have existed LONGER than STO or any other Cryptic/PWI material). I don't know what you've done to your team, but undo it. Now.

    Demanding much? Also, they did test it in Tribble. I don't know if you noticed the tribble notes, but here, I'll link you.


    Secondly, it's not broken for everyone. If it's broken for /you/ doesn't mean it 's broken for /everyone/. I had to switch skills but I was able to do so. As the thread shows, some people were able to fix it by reslotting. And let me say now, bugs that are intermittent are REALLY difficult to pinpoint let alone fix.
    Smirk should not be ordering anyone to "read this" when there are other methods of information dissemination. You also have features available that are NOT being utilized that have been utilized in the past with new releases to great success. Examples include:
    the in-game announcement system ("What's New")
    fly-in messages
    system messages in chat upon login
    forum news posts AHEAD of "known issues" going live

    Yes, because as we all know, a pinned forum thread is real difficult to find.. :rolleyes:
    Now add that you're going on about "rage" and there has been a tendency toward any thread critical of anything Cryptic/PWI screws up (yes, SCREWS UP) mysteriously disappearing under the pretense of censorship or controlling useless rage rants is quite indicative of a certain tendency toward improper information control. AND add that TRIBBLE about the player response to DR/the Vaadwaur being "overwhelming positive" is absolute horsecrap and you know it. I don't care how many yes-men or sheeple you have on the forums, DR SUCKS AND SO DO THE VAADWAUR.
    So what this boils down to is the CMs (Community Managers) are improperly titled. Not only do they tend NOT to be a part of the "community" when the only time we seem to see them anymore is when they delete critical threads or chastise us on our being upset with current state of affairs ("wait 2-3 days and suck it up"-type messages), but they're manipulating information and player response.
    I suggest retitling to PMs. Propoganda Managers. Because it's all just propaganda, information manipulation, pure and simple.

    Rule 21: If you use the word sheeple, you've lost.

    Also, threads disappearing that are critical of Cryptic? Man, have you seen the forums?

    No, you do NOT get to tell me to dial down the rage, sir! This is MY game, just like it is every other player's game, and you answer to US, not the other way around.

    You may have made it F2P and have your collective hands out in blatant greed over micro-transactions fuelling damn-near every aspect of this game, but many of us PAID already in monthly and lifetime subscriptions that are not justified in their benefits over F2P. We funded this game to this point. WE ARE THE REASON YOU HAVE A JOB. WE are customers, YOU are employees, and YOU work for US. If you anger the players and we leave, you don't have an MMO to run anymore. Simple.

    They do not work for you. They do not answer to you. They are not obligated to cater to everyone. Get over your entitlement.
    And taking something that was once so great and unlike so many other MMOs, plus capturing the essence of Star Trek (don't mess with Trekkies!) and turning it into a greedy pile of wannabe-just-like-every-other-MMO absolutely FILLS me with rage. So I say to YOU "suck it up"!

    No, they don't have to. Also they never really said that. MMOs have certain common mechanics for a reason.

    There are revamps to the game that were NOT necessary that are now causing so many issues the game is near unplayable, even staying away from the event.

    Yes, heaven forbid they overhaul systems that don't work well or aren't used. Or even, attempt to add new functionality! THAT CAN'T BE ALLOWED!

    There are features that drew me to the game and made me love it and influenced my paying HUNDREDS of dollars for a lifetime subscription that no longer exist because of your PROPAGANDA in saying they "weren't to your standard", yet you have shown NO signs of replacement with what IS your standard. As a result, some of us are figuring out what "your standard" is and it's the heart of what's wrong with the game.

    /s/Propaganda/statements I disagree with/


    Okay, so. I'd like to suggest that at least being polite instead of raging at the keyboard and going "I am fed up, and will spend no more money until the following is looked at for reasons (...)" would have a lot more impact than a post that they'll read and instantly dismiss.
    Unfortunately, slotting/unslotting my bridge officers did not restore their abilities.
    ALL of my bridge officers on ALL of my toons have only the default abilities that they
    initially came with. ALL training has been lost. NO training for any other abilities is
    currently unlocked.

    Odd. I lost no skills. Did you file a support ticket?
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Secondly, it's not broken for everyone. If it's broken for /you/ doesn't mean it 's broken for /everyone/. I had to switch skills but I was able to do so. As the thread shows, some people were able to fix it by reslotting. And let me say now, bugs that are intermittent are REALLY difficult to pinpoint let alone fix.


    Odd. I lost no skills. Did you file a support ticket?

    So, by YOUR standard, just because it worked for YOU (regardless if it worked for anyone else...notice I posted on the TENTH PAGE with a LOT of other players ALSO having problems with this), then that's just fine and everyone else that it DIDN'T work for just need to shut up and take it?

    Congratulations that YOU got it to work. Here's your cookie. No, you're not getting milk. Now step back and let those that have legitimate complaints AND AREN'T SHEEPLE (yes, I said it Mr. Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #21) have their say.

    And also, considering a past occupation of mine was as a maintenance tech (you don't have clearance for the details) and letting the gear go back out with an A799 code ("could not duplicate fault") was considered a cop-out and was avoided at all costs, we did everything we could to find the problem and fix it...BECAUSE IT WAS OUR JOB.
    Yes, because as we all know, a pinned forum thread is real difficult to find..

    Not every player READS the forums (a point stated earlier in this very thread..."Man, have you seen the forums?" :P ), but they're obviously playing the game (that has features for information dissemination). Now sit down before you hurt yourself.
    They do not work for you. They do not answer to you. They are not obligated to cater to everyone. Get over your entitlement.

    FYI, in any business, without customers there is no business. And as so many have pointed out (while proving my point), they're in this business to make money. From customers. Who aren't happy. Hello? Get it?

    If I felt I was "entitled", I'd be arrogantly demanding freebies (like so many I saw demanding free time on WoW when the game glitched). As far as being a paid member vs. a F2P, in that respect I AM entitled (like many others).

    Let's do some simple logic, cause and effect, supply and demand. There is a demand for an MMO. There is a demand specifically for a Star Trek MMO. A group of people get together and decide to make a Star Trek-based MMO for the following reasons: to make money and/or because they want it also (the whole "labor of love"-thing). They create one, plan it, develop it, test it, release it, advertise it, and get an influx of ...
    ... CUSTOMERS ...
    ... to initially PAY to play it. It is successful and they begin expanding on it, developing it, utilizing resources such as testing, troubleshooting, Q&A to guarantee a good product that will keep the customers coming. Word-of-mouth can make or break any business, so they want the players to say good things about it, get other players from other MMOs to come play (and pay).

    Very simple formula.

    Then someone gets greedy and/or foolish. Let's get rid of some of the features that got the customers in and playing and happy in the first place. Let's develop and change things without the same level of quality and testing as had been done before. Let's make so many features require additional payment that what's the point of subscribing in the first place? Let's ignore customer complaints, let the tickets pile up, delete the "rage" threads (because they might have a point), and shun the community that got us to where we are in the first place.

    Because we don't need our CUSTOMERS. The game will play (and pay for) itself. Right? <S-A-R-C-A-S-M...because you obviously need it spelled out for you>
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • edited February 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • morden613morden613 Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    They do not work for you. They do not answer to you. They are not obligated to cater to everyone. Get over your entitlement.

    Just to echo the previous answer (my 2cents):

    Without paying players - even down to the smallest transaction - the devs/CMs/etc wouldn't be paid. Simple as. The money has to come from somewhere otherwise does someone has a limitless pot of money that we're unaware of?

    The rage should be taken in stride. I agree, they don't get to tell us to tone down the rage. The rage was justified. They screwed up, they can damn well fix it. Not "delete outright every comment we disagree with". Rage may not be constructive but that doesn't negate the ongoing issue. Yes, there's a problem. No matter how many people it does or doesn't affect, there's still a problem. None of this had to happen. After extensive testing, they should have known about the problem, notified the playerbase and worked on a solution even before anyone posted anything. Problems should have been anticipated. They should have been several steps ahead (of where they are now) already.

    If I were Mr. Executive Director D'Angelo, I'd have a few candidates lined up for the chopping block. This is very bad for business.
  • morden613morden613 Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    westmetals wrote: »
    Somewhat related question:

    I have candidate BOFFs (not commissioned yet) on some of my captains (in the stations screen candidate list). It used to be possible to drag them from there to mail or exchange; however this does not appear currently possible (unless I am doing something wrong).

    Is there a way to transfer these candidate boffs off of the captain they are currently on?

    (And yes, I know they cannot be used for training. That's not what I have in mind anyway.)

    It would seem that BOFF candidates cannot be dragged anywhere - not into mail, not into Exchange, nothing. So yes, I can verify this is an issue, probably by design.
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Can you still get dilithium for discharging a BOFF if they can no longer be sold on the Exchange?

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
  • morden613morden613 Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gulberat wrote: »
    Can you still get dilithium for discharging a BOFF if they can no longer be sold on the Exchange?

    Let me conduct a scientific experiment and discharge one of my own BOFF candidates:

    You get nothing.
  • spacehermitspacehermit Member Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gulberat wrote: »
    Can you still get dilithium for discharging a BOFF if they can no longer be sold on the Exchange?

    I can still drag them from inventory, but it seems that once they are in your candidate roster they stay put! Whether this is by design, who knows?
  • obainobain Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Everyone look at this thread and OP!

    Smirk Commands it!

    (this has been an emergency backup post to activate the Dev Tracker to ensure everyone sees this thread/post)

    Thanks everyone! Happy Birthday!


    No - not in Europ / Germany

    We all so have no Patchnots for the last Update.

    Wy cant i build torpedo spread III and Beamoverload III ???

    My BO's have a Slot for it in the BO's Trait Window, but in the F&E Window cant i find them to build it.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    westmetals wrote: »
    Somewhat related question:

    I have candidate BOFFs (not commissioned yet) on some of my captains (in the stations screen candidate list). It used to be possible to drag them from there to mail or exchange; however this does not appear currently possible (unless I am doing something wrong).

    Is there a way to transfer these candidate boffs off of the captain they are currently on?

    (And yes, I know they cannot be used for training. That's not what I have in mind anyway.)
    mail them to yourself... if you can.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • edited February 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    westmetals wrote: »
    That was my intent (to move them to another captain, who would then commission them) - however, the ones in the candidate screen cannot be dragged into mail slots, nor into exchange posting, nor into your own inventory. (Ones in inventory, however, can be dragged to the other places.)

    I'm hoping this is a bug? At present, the only way I would be able to transfer these is by commissioning them first, then double trading with another player.
    that does sound like a bug all right... much like how they don't show what skills they have until you commission them :/
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Did they ever post how we are supposed to get abilities (training manuals for them) such as Target Shields Subsystems III? Those used to be only gotten by having a BOff train another BOff, I suppose what they now refer to as "rare" abilities, but how do we get them now? Since BOffs no longer have abilities at all it seems, is it a case of if you don't already have it you'll never get it again?

    I've checked on that ability specifically and, while it's a tactical ability, it is nowhere in the R&D window nor in the skill tree window for any of my characters, tactical or otherwise, and have found no manuals for it on the exchange (and of course the vendor doesn't have any III abilities).

    And since I've seen Dispersal Pattern Alpha III as "learnable" on a tactical BOff's ability window, does that mean we'll be able to get it finally? :eek:
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • tontokowalski22tontokowalski22 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You know, I would look on this skill revamp extremely favorably if it weren't for the persisting bug that randomly removes all your boffs from their stations. Only now it not only removes them from their stations, it also changes their skills back to their original ones. I know of the pseudo-workaround that can be used to quickly return your boffs to stations, but it doesn't change the skills back to what you want. Plus, the workaround doesn't always work and you end up having to re-slot everything the way you want it after you warp into a mission/stf.

    Other than this incredibly annoying bug that's been around forever, I really like the new skill system. It's awesome to be able to train up your special boffs the way you want.
    I don't always feel like endlessly grinding for hours with little to gain from it. But when I do, I choose Star Trek Online
  • jerichoredoranjerichoredoran Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Did they ever post how we are supposed to get abilities (training manuals for them) such as Target Shields Subsystems III? Those used to be only gotten by having a BOff train another BOff, I suppose what they now refer to as "rare" abilities, but how do we get them now? Since BOffs no longer have abilities at all it seems, is it a case of if you don't already have it you'll never get it again?

    Would you actually read the blog posts about it, you would know the answer.
    1 - There is no way to get them now, if you dont have them already
    2 - They are thinking about a way to make them available again (some day in 2xxx)
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Would you actually read the blog posts about it, you would know the answer.

    If they showed up when I searched for them (before posting here because they didn't), then I'd know the answer.
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Would you actually read the blog posts about it, you would know the answer.
    1 - There is no way to get them now, if you dont have them already
    2 - They are thinking about a way to make them available again (some day in 2xxx)
    1: incorrect. Newly commissioned boffs might have the skill. The thing is that you can't train your existing boffs with them
    2: yeah, no timeframe there or indication of how it'll work when it does get here.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • panamppanamp Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    how am i supposed to get my previous skills back? do i have to re-do all officers on all characters? are u serious???

    Where is that appropriate UI on the Stations tab?
  • cdnhawkcdnhawk Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This workaround did not work for me. I had to buy manuals to get my BOFFs old skills back. Also, my BOFF candidates have no space skills listed. Working as intended?
  • jerichoredoranjerichoredoran Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    At least my BOffs still had their old skills and some additional maybe original ones.
    You can change BOffs default skills on the skills tab while selecting a BO. You can change BOs currently active skills on station tab by clicking on one of their abilities and then on the right side select the checkbox "change skills".

    Sometimes the interfaces doesnt react to changes. Click a bit around then, I often needed to change commander skill even the BO wasnt in a seat with commander ability.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This is kinda weird. I've been looking over my characters and A lot of old boffs that I probably got from story missions had their original skills added to the current ones, but the DR pack intel boffs apparently didn't.

    I can confirm that the boffs from the old Federation and KDF tutorials (before the revamp) have had their original abilities restored. The Intelligence officers from the Delta Rising Operations Pack have not. This is another inconsistency that may or may not be a bug.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    cdnhawk wrote: »
    This workaround did not work for me. I had to buy manuals to get my BOFFs old skills back. Also, my BOFF candidates have no space skills listed. Working as intended?
    Candidates seem to be gliched right now. Old random candidates don't show skills(but will have them when commissioned), newly acquired ones display a full set of skills.
    My character Tsin'xing
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