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ive been robed

cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
edited January 2015 in Ten Forward
when the devs implemented the boff update I find all my toons boff powers reprogramed I searched looked and even used the how to guide like I need to use instructions after a year and a half and still no inactive boff powers that I had before 1/29/2015 boff powers update no inactive powers at all a bunch of repeat powers on some crew members and most strait forwardly even a skeezy we got your money sucker so die as we have reprogramed your account to not even have a engineering team at all on enny of my main toons engineering boffs now if thares a more strait up fashion of robing a player as to reprogram thare whole account of the investment to boffs over the last year and a half id like to know as thares no searching for boffs to buy to retrain but now to get back what I had already costs dilithium witch is the only thing caped by dilithium refinement cap and can be traded for zen witch is the only currency to perchase
Post edited by cromarty1 on


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    tradiktradik Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    My vote for best post ever.

    I have no idea what he is saying, but he sure means it.

    I mainly want to know where he goes to school, so I know exactly where NOT to raise my kids.
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    shandypandyshandypandy Member Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    u wot mate?
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tradik wrote: »
    My vote for best post ever.

    I have no idea what he is saying, but he sure means it.

    I mainly want to know where he goes to school, so I know exactly where NOT to raise my kids.

    my thread is a 30 second spit and type rage of being robed by a update witch is the same quality effort put into the update that most directly robed my account my only concern is the response time of the devs with a care to fix whats been dune to my account compaired to the response time to the internet crimes report devision site that allows reporting internet crimes to the feds in the us much the same way as making a 911 call after seeing someone take of with your tv in the middle of the night
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    crowley875crowley875 Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited January 2015
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    fringecutleryfringecutlery Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hey Cromarty1, if your boff are missing powers after the patch, have you tried running the workaround borticuscryptic posted?

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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tradik wrote: »
    My vote for best post ever.

    I don't know, the posts he did about wanting to see Trendy dragged away in handcuffs were more entertaining...imho.
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I don't know, the posts he did about wanting to see Trendy dragged away in handcuffs were more entertaining...imho.

    this is not general forum id hope a more respectable blog is expected its just not doable to blog respectfully to whats been dune to my account id wish some trust to make things right in a timely manner would happen but it has never been so and if everyone needs to be dragged off to jail to understand to get it right before the update goes live then so be it
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hey Cromarty1, if your boff are missing powers after the patch, have you tried running the workaround borticuscryptic posted?


    yes I looked at that blog hower my old boff powers are not in inactive location as expected so I don't have that option detailed in that work around
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'll say he's been robbed.

    They stole his full stop, cap and comma keys and even took away his ability to make paragraphs! :eek:

    Seriously.............Trendy in handcuffs? I'll shut up about that now..........she might be lurking.:o

    you are right bud im tottaly raged about being clearly robed of my investment and what must happen must happen maby some good will come of it
    if not I don't care if it crashs and burns as ive been robed in the way my account has been reprogramed to loose all my boff powers I had before thay are not inactive thare is not even inactive powers at all for me to even retrieve
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    echelonalphaechelonalpha Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I must protest, the title of this thread is completely misleading!!

    Here I thought it would be about someone getting a new robe..
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I must protest, the title of this thread is completely misleading!!

    Here I thought it would be about someone getting a new robe..

    sorry robbed by update no robe not even a engineering team to switch to active powers at all on my crew
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So there you are, in the Stations, right? You've clicked the checkbox for Change Abilities. You see one of the abilities is wrong (likely more, it's pretty butchered when you first do it). You click that ability, expecting to see your previous ability in the list below. You do have to click the specific ability to see the specific abilities you can replace (you can't click an Ensign ability and expect to see your Lieutenant abilities, for example). It's just not there though, right? So you switch over to the Skills tab and select the BOFF in question. Once again, you click particular ability (Rank) to see the available abilities there. Is it still not there? Is it instead listed there with a Learn button? But anyway, if it is there - you can set it there. Then if you go back to the Stations tab and click the Reset button over to the right of the abilities...that should fix it. Now, if the ability is not even listed while in Skills...is it a case that the last ability they were trained in is missing or are you looking at previous abilities you've trained that character in that were not the last one and expecting it to be there?
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So there you are, in the Stations, right? You've clicked the checkbox for Change Abilities. You see one of the abilities is wrong (likely more, it's pretty butchered when you first do it). You click that ability, expecting to see your previous ability in the list below. You do have to click the specific ability to see the specific abilities you can replace (you can't click an Ensign ability and expect to see your Lieutenant abilities, for example). It's just not there though, right? So you switch over to the Skills tab and select the BOFF in question. Once again, you click particular ability (Rank) to see the available abilities there. Is it still not there? Is it instead listed there with a Learn button? But anyway, if it is there - you can set it there. Then if you go back to the Stations tab and click the Reset button over to the right of the abilities...that should fix it. Now, if the ability is not even listed while in Skills...is it a case that the last ability they were trained in is missing or are you looking at previous abilities you've trained that character in that were not the last one and expecting it to be there?

    did all that when presented with things I must pay dilithium to get back I decided no im not spending more time and or money getting back what was taken im dune this is fraud to reprogram my account and take away stuff I had hope the devs make it right and if not criminal charges may
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    echelonalphaechelonalpha Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    cromarty1 wrote: »
    sorry robbed by update no robe not even a engineering team to switch to active powers at all on my crew

    That's horrible news, buddy... simply horrible!

    What kind of monsters would take away your engineering team?!?

    and not even give you a robe!!
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    cromarty1 wrote: »
    did all that when presented with things I must pay dilithium to get back I decided no im not spending more time and or money getting back what was taken im dune this is fraud to reprogram my account and take away stuff I had hope the devs make it right and if not criminal charges may

    When you say it is a case of saying you must pay Dilithium to get the abilities back, you are saying that you lost Eng Captain trained abilities off of a BOFF or BOFFs, right? Since you've mentioned Engineering Team a few times, I take it that ET3 was one of the abilities you lost off a BOFF? EPtA3, EPtE3, EPtS3, EPtW3, DEM3, ExS3, or EWP3? Cause those would be the abilities that could potentially require you to spend Dil again - though, you do not need to do so as you can buy either the PADD or the Manual of the Exchange. If you're not talking about those, and you're say talking about missing ET1 or the like - then there is no Dil requirement at all. It's a Manual bought from the BOFF trainer. You've gone on a bit about being robbed, have mentioned ET (but not the rank of ET), and so forth - but you haven't actually detailed what you believe was taken from you on each of the BOFFs you feel do not have what they should have available as abilities. So what does each have for their available abilities and what do you believe they should have for their available abilities?
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    That's horrible news, buddy... simply horrible!

    What kind of monsters would take away your engineering team?!?

    and not even give you a robe!!

    completely wright

    and if my thread is being lurked to make myself clear I checked agreements of use can only stop me from sueing it cannot stop criminal responsibility of a criminal act and cant legally do that in the united states
    just be lucky im giving a chance to make things right as loging in to sto to find my account reprogramed and robed is the same as waking up to some theif robing my tv the thief gets no chance to bring it back as taking it is already dune and is a criminal act that's the same
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    echelonalphaechelonalpha Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    cromarty1 wrote: »
    completely wright

    and if my thread is being lurked to make myself clear I checked agreements of use can only stop me from sueing it cannot stop criminal responsibility of a criminal act and cant legally do that in the united states
    just be lucky im giving a chance to make things right as loging in to sto to find my account reprogramed and robed is the same as waking up to some theif robing my tv the thief gets no chance to bring it back as taking it is already dune and is a criminal act that's the same

    You should totally contact your lawyer, guy...

    I'm sure any court of law would plainly see you have a case.
  • Options
    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    When you say it is a case of saying you must pay Dilithium to get the abilities back, you are saying that you lost Eng Captain trained abilities off of a BOFF or BOFFs, right? Since you've mentioned Engineering Team a few times, I take it that ET3 was one of the abilities you lost off a BOFF? EPtA3, EPtE3, EPtS3, EPtW3, DEM3, ExS3, or EWP3? Cause those would be the abilities that could potentially require you to spend Dil again - though, you do not need to do so as you can buy either the PADD or the Manual of the Exchange. If you're not talking about those, and you're say talking about missing ET1 or the like - then there is no Dil requirement at all. It's a Manual bought from the BOFF trainer. You've gone on a bit about being robbed, have mentioned ET (but not the rank of ET), and so forth - but you haven't actually detailed what you believe was taken from you on each of the BOFFs you feel do not have what they should have available as abilities. So what does each have for their available abilities and what do you believe they should have for their available abilities?

    all of the above and more I have perchased a lifer sub on discount and before that I have paid about 1000 us dollars into game that will reprogram my account and take away what thay want at will I don't care I hope thay delete my account as thay may as well have dune so as thay cant be trusted with a pay in option type of game at all and im dune don't care crime report put in last night after menny hours of looking for some way to get back whats been taken with no refund in mind from the developers or owners effectively robing me
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You should totally contact your lawyer, guy...

    I'm sure any court of law would plainly see you have a case.

    no I cant sue but nothing legal can stop criminal responsibility of reprograming my account and taking away whats in it
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    echelonalphaechelonalpha Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    cromarty1 wrote: »
    no I cant sue but nothing legal can stop criminal responsibility of reprograming my account and taking away whats in it

    That's unfortunate, friend... Have you considered writing Cryptic a sternly worded letter?

    I find nothing works better than a sternly worded letter to resolve these sorts of deplorable situations!
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    That's unfortunate, friend... Have you considered writing Cryptic a sternly worded letter?

    I find nothing works better than a sternly worded letter to resolve these sorts of deplorable situations!

    I find nothing of that sort works but I did to worn them the police will come nocking to investigate and question both sides and if I cant say thay did the right thing to make things right I don't care as sales fraud is sales fraud
    and a fraud I don't care to be nice to as what thay did is not respect or to care to be nice too

    thay robed me takem away that's as far as ill care.
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    moonshadowdarkmoonshadowdark Member Posts: 1,899 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
    "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"

    -Leonard Nimoy, RIP
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    wilai29#4617 wilai29 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have found a bunch of lose ....... and , ,,,,,,,.,,,,,,
    Maybe you can mash them into a wall of text, so people wont develop mental problems.
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    That's unfortunate, friend... Have you considered writing Cryptic a sternly worded letter?

    I find nothing works better than a sternly worded letter to resolve these sorts of deplorable situations!

    I think thay just forgot that with this free to play model reprograming account content and removing whats in an account that's been invested in quickly becomes an issue of fraud to be luged away to prison not to cort to pay up to an unhappy customer
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    dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1. You don't own anything in game, so you can't be robbed by rightful owner which is Cryptic (you only rent the right to use Cryptic property).

    2. Creating account in game you agreed to terms of TOS and EULA. And those say pretty clear taht Cryptic can change anything, anytime, anyway they want. You signed under that so shut up and stop complaining that Cryptic done something what you agreed for.
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    grandnaguszek1grandnaguszek1 Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    cromarty1 wrote: »
    I find nothing of that sort works but I did to worn them the police will come nocking to investigate and question both sides and if I cant say thay did the right thing to make things right I don't care as sales fraud is sales fraud
    and a fraud I don't care to be nice to as what thay did is not respect or to care to be nice too

    thay robed me takem away that's as far as ill care.

    Let me know how all that works out for you, rofl:P.

    Not that your issues aren't important, but im pretty sure the police have better things to do than knock on Cryptic's door and arrest Tacofangs and Trendy for updating the game:rolleyes:.

    This video may help (sorry, the link went to the wrong paragraph).
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    cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    dkratasco wrote: »
    1. You don't own anything in game, so you can't be robbed by rightful owner which is Cryptic (you only rent the right to use Cryptic property).

    2. Creating account in game you agreed to terms of TOS and EULA. And those say pretty clear taht Cryptic can change anything, anytime, anyway they want.

    ok its free to play so the only thing that can be said to be renting is free what you mean is the free to play mod by design id a fraud sceem so content I buy in game im not buying to own making the sale of something your not giving the crime in the first place and at anytime I don't like whats been taken from my account automaticly its like a fake sale of a car its fraud if you sell me a car and don't give it to me

    and its misrepresenting the sale because all content sold says perchase not rent so if I don't like something that has been dune the crime has already been commited and I can report it at anytime I want
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    hawku001xhawku001x Member Posts: 10,764 Arc User
    edited January 2015
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