I had a malfunctioning game account. It was SO bad for me on a personal level that I was close to quitting the game. But I could not quit without knowing that I had tried everything. Lucky for me, the last thing I tried worked, and I was able to restore my account to full functionality. I did it by a careful analysis of the contents of...
Wow, does this command line output a LOT of screen text. I had to spend close to an hour reading each command, trying a few, and then finding my place in the output to keep reading. But, the answer to my problems was in the list.
So in an attempt to make it easier for others to find their solution in the list, here is the contents of the list in a more readable form. This is the list as the system outputs it - a raw dump of the text. I am in the process of colorizing the list to make it more readable.
All of these commands are intended to be input to the chat window command line preceded by a '/'. Known arguments are '1', '0', 'On', 'Off', else stated in comment field, or make a good guess.
/(command) (argument)
Crewassignments Show/hide the status window/ship stations
Firetorps Fire all torpedoes
Firephaserstorps Fire all phasers and torpedoes
Ugcshowreviewgen Show the Foundry review dialog.
Setoffsettraybindsrow Set tray offset binds
Camfar Zoom the camera out
Keyboard Toggle keyboard display
Quitteam Leave your team
Request Request to join player's team
Lm Set team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
Credits Show/hide game terms of use
Fleet Say something on guild chat.
Kick Remove player from your team
Tickets Show/hide the GM help and bugs window
Social Show/hide people UIs (friends, search, etc.)
chan Send a message to a channel.
Winamp Connects a running winamp instance
Setrallypoint Set a rally point for your current target
Mentor Enable or disable mentoring for this team (mentor 1 to turn on, mentor 0 to turn off)
Setquality Set team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Startchatreply Start typing chat, to reply
Lootrollpass Pass on the item currently being looted
Bootfromteam Remove player from your team
Jointeam Request to join player's team
Declinerequest Decline request from player to join your team
Focustargetclear Clear the focused target
Killme Will kill your character. Only use as a last resort if there is no other way to get unstuck
Pvequeues Pops up tray powers
W Send a tell to a specific player.
Lootrollgreed Roll Greed on the item currently being looted
Status Show/hide your status/overview
Termsofuse Show/hide game terms of use
Usetrayslot5 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Traypowers Show/hide all your possible tray powers
Doff Show/hide the duty officer assignments UI
Pvpqueues Pops up tray powers
Keybinds Show the in-game mail interface.
Camzoomin Zoom the camera in
Buypointbrowser Show/hide the ZEN purchasing browser
Lootrollneed Roll Need on the item currently being looted
Switchactiveweapon Switch active weapon
Slq Set team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Fireprojectiles Fire all torpedoes and mines
Missiontoggletracked Toggle whether a given mission is tracked
Usetrayslot6 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Setlootquality Set team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Accept Accept invite to join a team
Fleetlog Show/hide your Fleet's Log
Cancelteamrequest Cancel your request to join a team
Teamdisband Leave your team
Characterstatus Show/hide the status window
Fleetwindow Show/hide fleet UI.
Teamcancel Cancel your request to join a team
Episodes Show/hide the episodes
Duty Show/hide the duty officer assignments UI
Cursorexecute Pops up entity popup menu on friendly entity, attacks hostiles
Startchatsemicolon Start typing chat, with a Semicolon
F Say something on guild chat.
Communitymissions Show/hide the available community authored missions
Disband Leave your team
Teamquit Leave your team
Firemines Fire all mines
Calendar Show/hide the calendar.
Traits Show/hide the traits
Dilithiumexchange Show/hide the dilithium exchange UI
Setallcarrierpetmode Sets all hangar pets to one of the requested modes: Attack, Escort, Intercept, or Recall
t Send a tell to a specific player.
Skills Show/hide your Captain's Skills
Camlook Alias for Camera.Freelook {} $$ Camera.Rotate {}
Bugs Show/hide the GM help and bugs window
missions Show/hide the mission journal
Quality Set team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Lootquality Set team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Kickteam Remove player from your team
off Say something on guild officer chat.
Fireall Fire all weapons
Releasenotes Show/hide the release notes
Contextaction Default behavior for clicking on a node or entity with a fallback to the context menu
Acceptrequest Accept request from player to join your team
Join Request to join player's team
Boot Remove player from your team
Yell Say something to the whole zone.
Ugchidereviewgen Hide the Foundry review dialog.
Decline Decline invite to join a team
People Show/hide people UIs (friends, search, etc.)
Setmentor Set the mentor for your team
Usetrayslot7 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
mail Show the in-game mail interface.
Transwarp Show/hide the transwarp chooser UI
Usetrayslot2 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Cstore Show/hide the Micro-Transactions UI (for buying stuff with real money).
Needorgreed Set team loot mode to need-or-greed
Mode Set how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
Say Say something to the people near you.
Usetrayslot9 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Gu Say something on guild chat.
Usetrayslot Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Currencyexchange Show/hide the currency exchange UI
Camsetlocktotarget Lock or unlock the camera to the target
g Say something on team chat.
Aimwithcam Aim
Focustargetset Set the focused target
Mentoron Enable mentoring for this team
Promote Promote a player to become your team leader
Available Show/hide the available missions.
Map Show/hide the map window
Acceptteamrequest Accept request from player to join your team
Chat Say something to the people near you.
Reputation Show/hide the reputations
Usetrayslot1 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Leaveteam Leave your team
Startchat Start typing chat
Cursorpopupmenu Pops up entity popup menu on selected entity
frameRateStabilizer Enables hack that seems to stabilize the framerate on some NVIDIA cards
SetFocusToCurrentChatTextEntryWindow No comment provided
joystick_save_file No comment provided
higherSettingsInTailor If available, users higher detail settings when in character creation/customization interfaces
camRotate No comment provided
Channel_RefreshJoinDetail No comment provided
bug Report a problem with the game.
gfxForceProdModeDefaultSettings No comment provided
joystick_load No comment provided
videoMemoryMax Sets the maximum amount of video memory (in hundreds of MB) we will try to use.
camToggleChaseCam No comment provided
GenListUp If the given gen is a list, move the selected row up by one.
sndDisable Disable all playing of sound
useSM2B Uses only SM2B and lower
GenRemoveModal Hide a gen on the modal layer.
screenshot_ui_jpg Save a screenshot with the UI included
noCustomCursor Disable custom cursors, will just use the default Win32 cursor on PC
GenMovableBoxResetPosition Reset a movable box to its default position.
unlit Turns off all lighting on objects and sets the ambient to the specified value
joystick_load_file No comment provided
d3d9 Use the Direct3D 9 renderer device type
run No comment provided
interact Interact with the nearest interactable entity within range.
SafeLogin if true, then log the player back into their most recent static map instead of anything else. (For instance,
if the player is having trouble doing client patching for a NS map, they might be effectively blackholed
and have to use this to back out
ui_save Saves UI layout to default UI Window save file
demo_restart Restart a currently playing demo.
Playback will start up back at the beginning of the demo.
txaa Enables/Disables TXAA
mute No comment provided
WarpToRecruitHandle No comment provided
cursorClick No comment provided
backward No comment provided
reverseMouseButtons Reverse the left and right mouse buttons
camButton_Target_Lock_Toggle No comment provided
invertUpDown Inverts the InvertibleUp and InvertibleDown commands
gpuAcceleratedParticles Enables GPU-accelerated particle systems for increased performance on some systems
alias Create a more convenient alias for a longer command. You can embed "{}" in the command
to replace any arguments to the alias in the aliased command.
perFrameSleep Adds a per-frame sleep to artificially reduce CPU/GPU usage to help with overheating (will also slow the game down)
GenButtonClick If the given gen is a button, click it.
up No comment provided
Target_Clear No comment provided
demo_record_stop Stop recording any demos started earlier with DEMO-RECORD.
The demo will be saved into the filename previously specified.
GenRemoveWindow Hide a gen on the window layer.
softShadows Enables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
logout Log out the current character.
cmds Print out client commands for commands containing <string>
forward No comment provided
GenCycleFocus Cycle focus between the given gens, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
PetCommands_GlobalPetTrayExec No comment provided
GenJailSink Send the hovered jail to the bottom of the stack.
Target_Friend_Player_Near Targets the nearest friendly player in view
camToggleAimCam No comment provided
camCycleDist Cycle the camera distance between several preset values.
ClearTargetOrBringUpMenu If something is targeted, clear the target, If nothing is targeted, bring up the main menu.
channel_invite No comment provided
disableMRT Disables use of multiple render targets
Queue_JoinQueueWithPrefs No comment provided
trade Send trade chat to other players in the same zone.
invertibledown No comment provided
friend No comment provided
replyLast No comment provided
lightingQuality Sets various shader related rendering settings, only some values are allowed (0=low, 10=high)
ForceLogOut No comment provided
chandemote No comment provided
turnright No comment provided
findteams No comment provided
ClearTargetOrBringUpMenuIgnoreMouseLook No comment provided
GenSetText Set the text of a gen text entry.
Target_Friend_Prev Targets the previous friend in view
UGC.Redo No comment provided
create Create and join a new channel
unmute No comment provided
version Displays the current build version
dynFxExcludeFX No comment provided
ui_resolution Print the current UI screen resolution.
walk No comment provided
Target_Focus Target the focus target
dynFxDumpExcludedFX No comment provided
tex_memory_unload_threshold No comment provided
ShowGameUI No comment provided
unignore No comment provided
RemoveIgnore No comment provided
disable_3d_texture_flush turns off flushing of 3D textures after device loss. Flush and reload takes longer but fixes problems on ATI and Intel GPUs
netTimingGraphAlpha No comment provided
officer Send chat to other players in your guild.
GenSetValue Set a value on a gen
GenSliderAdjustNotch Move a slider's notch, if interactive, by the given amount.
svPushToTalk No comment provided
Channel_RefreshSummary No comment provided
Focus Focus <name>: Sets the Entity with the matching name as the focus target. If no name is given, focuses your current target.
GenPrisonShow Show a set of jails in a prison
Target_Button_Next Target the next enemy or friend in order
zone Send chat to other players in the same zone.
Holster Attempt to holster your active weapon
UGC.PlayMission No comment provided
maxfps Sets the maximum allowed framerate
CombatPowerStateCycleNext No comment provided
ThrottleToggle No comment provided
timerRecordEnd Stops any current profiler recording or playback
channel_leave No comment provided
channel_access No comment provided
TrayExecByTrayWithBackup TrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
svChannelLeave No comment provided
turnright1 No comment provided
suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving Alters the forceMouselook mode and stops the player from moving at the same time
deviceType Use the specified renderer device type (valid options: Direct3D11, Direct3D9Ex, Direct3D9)
Target_Enemy_Next Targets the next enemy in view
d3d11 Use the Direct3D 11 renderer device type
TrayChangeIndex TrayChangeIndex <UITray> <Change>: Change the UITray's displayed Tray by a positive or negative amount. Will rollover in case of underflow or overflow.
ShowGameUINoExtraKeyBinds This command does not add any keybinds for showing the UI when the user presses escape
hdr_max_luminance_adaptation 0 = use log average luminance measurement, non-zero = use maximum luminance
VersionSlow displays the version a second later, useful for debugging things that depend on slow command return
GenCycleFocusReverse Cycle focus between the given gens in reverse, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
FollowUntilInCombatOrInRange No comment provided
unifiedInteractAtCursor Interacts with the object under the cursor.
LookingForGroup Send LFG chat to other players in the same zone.
GenSliderSetValue Set a slider's notch, if interactive.
renderSize Sets the pixel resolution to render the 3D world at
window_restore Toggles the window between restored and maximized
screen Sets or displays the current screen resolution. Usage: /screen Width Height
soft_particles Smooth particle intersections with geometry by fading out near the intersection
interactOverrideCursor Set entity/object under cursor to be interact target
CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForTeam No comment provided
texAniso Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
caccess No comment provided
Target_Teammate Target the Nth person in your team.
GenPrisonHide Hide a the visible jails in the prison
DisableRallyPointFX Toggle pet rally point FX
Befriend No comment provided
msaa Enables/disables multisample antialiasing
UGC.CloseProject No comment provided
CombatLog No comment provided
bind_local_save_file Save keybinds to the given filename.
motd No comment provided
shadows Enable shadows
svMicSetLevel No comment provided
joystick_save No comment provided
highDetail Enables high detail objects
traceQueries Traces query use to the debugger.
ToggleHolstered No comment provided
GenAddWindowPCXbox Show a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
Unfriend No comment provided
LootCancel Don't take loot, just destroy the client list
highQualityDOF Enables/disables high quality depth of field
cam_pitch_interp No comment provided
bind_load_file Load entity keybinds from the given filename.
bloomQuality Sets bloom quality, range = [0, 3]
CombatReactivePowerExec No comment provided
GenMovableBoxResetAllPositions Reset a movable box to its default position.
UGC.PlayMap No comment provided
ShooterSetOverlayRow No comment provided
STOTrayExecByTray No comment provided
Whitelist_Chat Toggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive messages from friends, SG members, and Team members
GenSetTooltipFocus Set tooltip focus to the given gen.
unbind_all Unbind all keys for the current keybind profile
channel_description No comment provided
cam_pitch_speed No comment provided
channel_uninvite No comment provided
autoForward No comment provided
turnleft1 No comment provided
renderScale Sets the percentage of the display resolution to render the 3D world at
ItemUpgradeUI_SetUpgradeTime No comment provided
screen_pos_size Sets the current screen position and resolution. Usage: /screen_pos_size X Y Width Height
Target_Self Target the current player
screenshot_depth Save a screenshot with the depth only
bind_save Save entity keybinds to ent_keybinds.txt.
RemoveFriend No comment provided
chaninvite No comment provided
gamma Changes the gamma
right No comment provided
channel_motd No comment provided
bind_local_save Save keybinds to keybinds.txt.
ToggleDefaultAutoAttack: Toggles the state of auto attack
GameMenu Opens the game pause menu
mouseForward No comment provided
cam_far No comment provided
netgraph No comment provided
Target_Enemy_Player_Next Targets the next enemy player in view
A quick look at their list and my list, and I would say that with each season/patch that the available commands change. There are some differences. My list is a raw dump from the game this morning. I had considered alphabetizing the list, But it will only be current until a patch introduces new commands and removes old ones. A lot of work for little return. I kinda figure that if people are at the point of sifting this list for game fixes then they are savvy enough to cope with the disorganized format of the list. It is in the order I got it from inside the game. I would rather be philanthropic and avoid cult of personality. Just passing along information that helped me. Sorry it is in two parts, I am an amateur at this sort of thing.
If you find any of these commands useful then please 'bump' the thread so others can easily find their solution as well. Thanx.
Had hoped they might be similar to the old CoH/CoV '/macro' command but I haven't had any success... I'm also using syntax from a dead game that was coded over 10 years ago
A quick look at their list and my list, and I would say that with each season/patch that the available commands change. There are some differences. My list is a raw dump from the game this morning. I had considered alphabetizing the list, But it will only be current until a patch introduces new commands and removes old ones. A lot of work for little return. I kinda figure that if people are at the point of sifting this list for game fixes then they are savvy enough to cope with the disorganized format of the list. It is in the order I got it from inside the game. I would rather be philanthropic and avoid cult of personality. Just passing along information that helped me. Sorry it is in two parts, I am an amateur at this sort of thing.
If you find any of these commands useful then please 'bump' the thread so others can easily find their solution as well. Thanx.
I'll throw these in a database for easy indexing/sorting.
@OP Did you type these all out, or did you find a way to dump/export from in game?
"The dead one tried to show me h3ll, but it was a pale imitation of the horror I can paint on the darkness in a quiet moment. - Mark Lawrence
Usetrayslot3 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Invite Invite player to your team
Sharemission Share a mission with nearby team mates
Fullimpulsetoggle Toggle full impulse
Declineteamrequest Decline request from player to join your team
Inventory Show/hide your inventory
Ugcmissions Show/hide the available community authored missions
Clearrallypoint Clear the rally point for your current target
Focustargetselect Target the focused target
Leader Promote a player to become your team leader
Terms Show/hide game terms of use
Teamlootmode Set team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
Usetrayslot0 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Interactcursor Interact with specific object
Pvpreport Toggles the PVP report UI
Costume Show/hide uniform change UI
Whisper Send a tell to a specific player.
Foundry Show/hide the Foundry spotlight
Showtraypowers Show/hide all your possible tray powers
Teamboot Remove player from your team
Tm Set how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
Roundrobin Set team loot mode to round robin
Lq Set team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Dutyofficers Show/hide the duty officer assignments UI
Requestteam Request to join player's team
Dofficer Show/hide the duty officer assignments UI
Help Show/hide the GM help and bugs window
Count Set team loot mode to count-based
Bootteam Remove player from your team
Freeforall Set team loot mode to free-for-all
p Say something on team chat.
Usetrayslot8 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
Dutyofficer Show/hide the duty officer assignments UI
c Send a message to a channel.
Executeaction Default behavior for clicking on a node or entity
Transwarpchooser Show/hide the transwarp chooser UI
Setoffsettraybindscolumn Set tray offset binds
Clearallrallypoints Clear all the rally points
Disbandteam Leave your team
O Say something on guild officer chat.
Kickfromteam Remove player from your team
Group Say something on team chat.
Cancelteam Cancel your request to join a team
Friends Show/hide friend UI.
Rearrange Move or resize various elements on the screen
Itunes Connects a running itunes instance
Journal Show/hide the mission journal
Helpnext Go to the next page in the Help/Tip window
Teamleader Promote a player to become your team leader
Dropmission Drop a mission
Music Toggle MediaControl window
Foundarymissions Show/hide the available community authored missions
S Say something to the people near you.
Showentitypopupmenu Pops up entity popup menu on selected entity
Teamwindow Show/hide team UI.
Leave Leave your team
Firephasers Fire all phasers
Interactwindow Initiate interact gen
Camzoomoutsmall Zoom the camera out slightly
Guildwindow Show/hide fleet UI.
Camzoominsmall Zoom the camera in slightly
Setteammode Set how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
Party Say something on team chat.
LootMode Set team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
Toggleaimwithcam Toggle Aim
r Reply to recent tell.
Setlootmode Set team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
Uniform Show/hide the uniform change UI
Helpprevious Go to the previous page in the Help/Tip window
Diary Show/hide your Captain's Log
Camzoomout Zoom the camera out
Masterlooter Set team loot mode to master-looter
Usetrayslot4 Execute a tray power, or play an error sound on failure
reduce_mip Reduces the resolution of textures to only use the reduced (mip-map) textures.
EM.Save No comment provided
tex_memory_allowed Limits the total use of texture memory as a fail-safe against fatal allocation errors.
Gates loading of new textures when the total memory loaded and in-use for loading is above
this threshold. This value is initialized gfxStartupPreWorldLib, or by the command-line.
HolsterToggle Attempt to holster or draw your weapons
bind_pop_profile Pop the given key profile from the stack
Follow Follow: Follows the targeted entity
visscale Sets world detail scaling
vsync Turns on or off vsync
RememberWindows No comment provided
highFillDetail Enables high fill detail objects
ui_GenLayersReset Resets the layout, used for when the server updates movable window positions
Target_Enemy_Player_Prev Targets the previous enemy player in view
Unholster Attempt to draw your active weapon
ThrottleAdjust No comment provided
ContactDialogEnd Stop talking to the current contact. Safe to use if there is no current contact.
This should be called instead of "ContactDialogEndServer" so that the client can
validate that the player is actually in a contact dialog. Otherwise, there are
some weird edge cases when multiple Contact Dialogs happen close together.
Target_Enemy_Near_SideArc Targets the nearest enemy in view and within the given side firing arc (starboard and port)
bind_push_profile Push a specific key profile onto the stack
ExecActiveItemPowerInBag No comment provided
GenRemoveWindowPCXbox Hide a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
TrayExecByTray TrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
interactIncludeVolume Interact with the nearest interactable entity within range, followed by volume
UGC.Map.Duplicate No comment provided
NavToSpawn_ReceivePosition No comment provided
rdrMaxFramesAhead Number of frames to allow the renderer to get
camUseChaseCam No comment provided
slow1 No comment provided
printStallTimes Prints out the amount of time a stall took whenever a stall occurs
slow No comment provided
invertX Invert the horizontal axis for movement controls
togglefullscreen Toggles fullscreen
Target_Manual_Modal Find the previous targetable entity and target it.
WorldDetail Sets world detail scaling
bind_local Bind a key to a command.
bind_load Load entity keybinds from ent_keybinds.txt.
TrayExecByTrayNotifyAudio No comment provided
Target_Button_ToggleModalCycle No comment provided
useSM30 Uses full SM30
GenListDoSelectedCallback If the given gen is a list, run the selected callback.
ssao Enables and disables screen space ambient occlusion
window_minimize Minimizes the window
DisableCursorMode Disables cursor mode and returns to action combat if the param is true, otherwise does nothing
process_priority 0 - default, normal always; 1 - normal in foreground, below normal in background/alt-tabbed; 2 - high always
ThrottleSet No comment provided
teamHideMapTransferChoice No comment provided
gclAutoAttack_DefaultAutoAttack <1/0>: Enable or disable auto attack
Target_Friend_Next Targets the next friend in view
loc Global value for location
Target_Enemy_Near_AftArc Targets the nearest enemy in view and within the given aft firing arc
MacroRun No comment provided
NavToPosition No comment provided
chanaccess No comment provided
GenSetFocus Set focus to the given gen.
GenListActivate If the given gen is a list, activate the selected row.
targetCursor Target the entity clicked on.
entityTexLODLevel Sets the quality level for character textures. Normal values range from 0.5 to 10.0.
Target_Enemy_Prev Targets the previous enemy in view
UGC.Map.Delete No comment provided
ChannelSend Send chat to a channel
down1 No comment provided
useSM20 Uses only SM20
UGC.Undo No comment provided
UGC.Item.Delete No comment provided
unbind Unbind a key stored on your character.
Assist Assist <name>: Assists the Entity with the matching name. If no name is given, assists your current target.
interactOptionPower No comment provided
targetCursorOrAutoAttack Target the entity clicked on.
PowerTrayExec PowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
GenSetFocusOnCreate Set focus to the given gen as soon as it becomes ready.
aim No comment provided
water Enable water effects
Target_Enemy_Player_Near_ForArc Targets the nearest enemy player in view and within the given forward firing arc
gotoCharacterSelect Log out the current character.
showmem Displays process memory usage
ui_load Loads default UI Windows save file
alphaInDOF Does world+character alpha objects before DoF pas
MacroExec No comment provided
cam_yaw_interp No comment provided
TrayExec TrayExec <Active> <UITray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the UITray at the Slot
Options Show the options screen.
TerrainDetail Sets terrain detail scaling
d3d9ex Use the Direct3D 9Ex renderer device type
left1 No comment provided
UGC.Item.Create No comment provided
Power_Exec_Category Activate a power by category
uiCancel Respond "Cancel" to an open dialog box; may not work in all dialogs.
UGC.Save No comment provided
aspectRatio Sets the aspect ratio. Common values are 0 (auto), 4:3, 16:9 (widescreen TVs), 16:10 (widescreen monitors)
lookDown No comment provided
cam_distance_interp_speed No comment provided
walk1 No comment provided
ShooterResetTrayBinds No comment provided
cam_near No comment provided
Whitelist_Emails Toggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive emails from friends, SG members, and Team members
bind Bind a key to a command, and store it on your character.
reply No comment provided
disableAutoAlwaysOnTop Disable setting the window to always on top while in the foreground
ugcDemoMode Gamescom demo features
dof Enable depth-of-field rendering
Target_Button_ModalCycle No comment provided
screenshot Save a screenshot
Target_Button_SetModalCycle No comment provided
camdist Sets the camera distance from the player
Power_Exec_NearDeath Activates the appropriate NearDeath-related Power
ShooterClearTrayBinds No comment provided
ugcEditorExportProjectSafe No comment provided
timerRecordStart Starts recording profiling information to the given filename
Target_Button_Prev Find the previous targetable entity and target it.
svSetMute No comment provided
forceOffScreenRendering Forces off-screen rendering, may resolve rendering issues on some platforms (WINE)
Target_Button_Clear No comment provided
HardTargetLock No comment provided
Target_Friend_Near Targets the nearest friend in view
NotesServerName No comment provided
ResourceOverlayLoad No comment provided
disable_multimon_warning Disables displaying a warning about which monitor we're rendering on
noSleepWhileWaitingForGPU Disables yielding the CPU while waiting for the GPU
Login_Back From anywhere in the character creation / login process, go back.
Where you go back to depends on where you are.
ui_load_file Loads named UI Windows save file
UGC.Map.Import No comment provided
twitter_watch No comment provided
dynFxSetFXExlusionList No comment provided
Target_Enemy_Near Targets the nearest enemy in view
demo_record Start recording a demo, save it into FILE.
The demo will be saved in the demos/ data folder, as FILE.demo.
Note that not all events are saved into the demo, but most are.
invertibleup No comment provided
CamReset No comment provided
tactical No comment provided
UGC.Map.Create No comment provided
GenSliderSetNotch Set a slider's notch, if interactive.
camButton_LockControllerControl No comment provided
Target_Enemy_Player_Near_SideArc Targets the nearest enemy player in view and within the given side firing arc (starboard and port)
useManualDisplayModeChange Manually change the display mode for fullscreen settings, rather than allowing Direct3D to make the mode switch.
camoffset Sets the camera offset from the player
GenSendMessage Send a message to a gen.
turnleft No comment provided
ShooterMoveOverlay No comment provided
guild Send chat to other players in your guild.
channel_join No comment provided
RememberUILists Whether to remember UI List Column placement and width.
comicShading Enables postprocessing, outlining, depth of field, and shadows.
Power_Exec Activate a power by name
channel_info No comment provided
disable_windowed_fullscreen Disables going into full-screen windowed mode when maximized
poissonShadows Enables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
Target_Enemy_Next_Exposed Targets the nearest enemy that is "exposed", and switches to a weapon that can exploit the target
netTimingGraph No comment provided
useFullSkinning Forces skinning to only two bones to improve performance ("Simple Skinning" in the Options screen)
cam_mid No comment provided
chanpromote No comment provided
quit Close the window.
unbind_local Unbind a key from a command (this happens automatically when rebinding as well).
Whitelist_Tells Toggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive tells from friends, SG members, and Team members
right1 No comment provided
gfxTransgamingSetFullscreen Transgaming fullscreen/windowed mode commands.
Target_Enemy_Player_Near_AftArc Targets the nearest enemy player in view and within the given aft firing arc
dofToggle No comment provided
ui_save_file Saves UI layout to named UI Window save file
uiOK Respond "OK" to an open dialog box; may not work in all dialogs.
crouch No comment provided
GenSliderAdjustValue Move a slider's value, if interactive, by the given amount.
camButton_LockAutoAdjust No comment provided
RestoreGameUI Restore the UI when escape is pressed
camUseAutoTargetLock No comment provided
ignore No comment provided
Target_Friend_Player_Next Targets the next friendly player in view
dynamicLights Enables dynamic lights
ignore_spammer No comment provided
backward1 No comment provided
FriendComment No comment provided
channel_create Create and join a new channel
Target_Enemy_Player_Near Targets the nearest enemy player in view
tell Private tell. Chat handles should be prefixed with an '@' character.
autoForward1 No comment provided
cam_autolevel_interp_speed No comment provided
outlining Enable comic outlining
Target Target <name>: Targets the Entity with the matching name
GenListDown If the given gen is a list, move the selected row down by one.
UGC.Do No comment provided
SetFollow SetFollow: toggle follow
channel_setcurrent No comment provided
UGC.Item.Duplicate No comment provided
maxShadowedLights sets the maximum shadow casting lights per frame
GenAddWindow Show a gen on the window layer.
OpenUrlCmd No comment provided
Target_Friend_Player_Prev Targets the previous friendly player in view
camTurnToFace No comment provided
bind_save_file Save entity keybinds to the given filename.
CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForEntity No comment provided
UseDevice Use an item in a given invetory slot
sndEnable Enable playing of sound
PowerSlotExec PowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
camMouseLook No comment provided
scattering 0 = scattering off, 1 = scattering on high res, 2 = scattering low res
PowerExecStruggleIfHeld Attempt to struggle out of a power
cam_yaw_speed No comment provided
setMouseForward No comment provided
CharacterDetail Sets entity detail scaling
texLoadNearCamFocus Turn on/off loading textures near the camera focus, in addition to just near the camera.
Chat_SetStatus No comment provided
MakeCostumeJPeg Write out a character's costume (by slot index) It uses project specific defined
camera angles and is a 300 x 400 shot
screenshot_jpg Save a screenshot
FoundryTips_Withdraw No comment provided
gfxSettingsSetMinimalOptions Called when running on old drivers or unsupported hardware
screenshot_ui Save a screenshot with the UI included
maxInactiveFps Sets the maximum allowed framerate when the application is not in the foreground
lookUp No comment provided
SoftwareCursor Use a software cursor instead of hardware cursors (fixes issues on some video card configurations, but is less responsive)
disableSplatShadows Turns off splat shadows
left No comment provided
ui_TooltipDelay Sets the additional delay, in seconds, before tooltips appear
GammaCalibration_Reset No comment provided
interactOverrideClear Clears current interact override
channel_kick No comment provided
rdrDisableSM2B Disables use of shader model 2.0b and higher for the renderer only, leaving full-featured materials
bind_local_load_file Load keybinds from the given filename.
showfps Displays frame rate
who No comment provided
svChannelJoin No comment provided
channel_destroy No comment provided
processMessagesOnlyBetweenFrames Prevents processing the device thread message queue except between frames.
setGameCamYaw No comment provided
bind_local_load Load keybinds from keybinds.txt.
Clear No comment provided
Target_Enemy_Near_ForArc Targets the nearest enemy in view and within the given forward firing arc
InventoryExec Executes the first power on the item in the bag at the slot
UIRememberPositions Whether to remember UI sizes and positions. On by default.
fpsgraph Enables a graph showing recent frame times
rdr_debug_max_sync_waits No comment provided
up1 No comment provided
forward1 No comment provided
ListCellSize If set, then this overrides the default cell size
svSpeakersSetLevel No comment provided
down No comment provided
local Send chat to other players in your vicinity
tacticalSpecial No comment provided
freeMouseCursor No comment provided
ShooterPrimary No comment provided
autoEnableFrameRateStabilizer Auto-enables /frameRateStabilizer as it feels appropriate
target_highlight 0 = simple targeting graphics, 1 = glowing outline/inline effect
SkipFMV This allows the player to skip FMV
UGC.ViewEULA No comment provided
fxQuality No comment provided
specialClassPower No comment provided
RejectFriend No comment provided
camUseAimCam No comment provided
ugc_MaybeShowReviewGen No comment provided
team No comment provided
fpshisto Enables a histogram of frame times
Follow_Resume No comment provided
suspendForcedMouselook No comment provided
Channel_RefreshAdminDetail No comment provided
frameRateStabilizer Enables hack that seems to stabilize the framerate on some NVIDIA cards
SetFocusToCurrentChatTextEntryWindow No comment provided
joystick_save_file No comment provided
higherSettingsInTailor If available, users higher detail settings when in character creation/customization interfaces
camRotate No comment provided
Channel_RefreshJoinDetail No comment provided
bug Report a problem with the game.
gfxForceProdModeDefaultSettings No comment provided
joystick_load No comment provided
videoMemoryMax Sets the maximum amount of video memory (in hundreds of MB) we will try to use.
camToggleChaseCam No comment provided
GenListUp If the given gen is a list, move the selected row up by one.
sndDisable Disable all playing of sound
useSM2B Uses only SM2B and lower
GenRemoveModal Hide a gen on the modal layer.
screenshot_ui_jpg Save a screenshot with the UI included
noCustomCursor Disable custom cursors, will just use the default Win32 cursor on PC
GenMovableBoxResetPosition Reset a movable box to its default position.
unlit Turns off all lighting on objects and sets the ambient to the specified value
joystick_load_file No comment provided
d3d9 Use the Direct3D 9 renderer device type
run No comment provided
interact Interact with the nearest interactable entity within range.
SafeLogin if true, then log the player back into their most recent static map instead of anything else. (For instance,
if the player is having trouble doing client patching for a NS map, they might be effectively blackholed
and have to use this to back out
ui_save Saves UI layout to default UI Window save file
demo_restart Restart a currently playing demo.
Playback will start up back at the beginning of the demo.
txaa Enables/Disables TXAA
mute No comment provided
WarpToRecruitHandle No comment provided
cursorClick No comment provided
backward No comment provided
reverseMouseButtons Reverse the left and right mouse buttons
camButton_Target_Lock_Toggle No comment provided
invertUpDown Inverts the InvertibleUp and InvertibleDown commands
gpuAcceleratedParticles Enables GPU-accelerated particle systems for increased performance on some systems
alias Create a more convenient alias for a longer command. You can embed "{}" in the command
to replace any arguments to the alias in the aliased command.
perFrameSleep Adds a per-frame sleep to artificially reduce CPU/GPU usage to help with overheating (will also slow the game down)
GenButtonClick If the given gen is a button, click it.
up No comment provided
Target_Clear No comment provided
demo_record_stop Stop recording any demos started earlier with DEMO-RECORD.
The demo will be saved into the filename previously specified.
GenRemoveWindow Hide a gen on the window layer.
softShadows Enables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
logout Log out the current character.
cmds Print out client commands for commands containing <string>
forward No comment provided
GenCycleFocus Cycle focus between the given gens, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
PetCommands_GlobalPetTrayExec No comment provided
GenJailSink Send the hovered jail to the bottom of the stack.
Target_Friend_Player_Near Targets the nearest friendly player in view
camToggleAimCam No comment provided
camCycleDist Cycle the camera distance between several preset values.
ClearTargetOrBringUpMenu If something is targeted, clear the target, If nothing is targeted, bring up the main menu.
channel_invite No comment provided
disableMRT Disables use of multiple render targets
Queue_JoinQueueWithPrefs No comment provided
trade Send trade chat to other players in the same zone.
invertibledown No comment provided
friend No comment provided
replyLast No comment provided
lightingQuality Sets various shader related rendering settings, only some values are allowed (0=low, 10=high)
ForceLogOut No comment provided
chandemote No comment provided
turnright No comment provided
findteams No comment provided
ClearTargetOrBringUpMenuIgnoreMouseLook No comment provided
GenSetText Set the text of a gen text entry.
Target_Friend_Prev Targets the previous friend in view
UGC.Redo No comment provided
create Create and join a new channel
unmute No comment provided
version Displays the current build version
dynFxExcludeFX No comment provided
ui_resolution Print the current UI screen resolution.
walk No comment provided
Target_Focus Target the focus target
dynFxDumpExcludedFX No comment provided
tex_memory_unload_threshold No comment provided
ShowGameUI No comment provided
unignore No comment provided
RemoveIgnore No comment provided
disable_3d_texture_flush turns off flushing of 3D textures after device loss. Flush and reload takes longer but fixes problems on ATI and Intel GPUs
netTimingGraphAlpha No comment provided
officer Send chat to other players in your guild.
GenSetValue Set a value on a gen
GenSliderAdjustNotch Move a slider's notch, if interactive, by the given amount.
svPushToTalk No comment provided
Channel_RefreshSummary No comment provided
Focus Focus <name>: Sets the Entity with the matching name as the focus target. If no name is given, focuses your current target.
GenPrisonShow Show a set of jails in a prison
Target_Button_Next Target the next enemy or friend in order
zone Send chat to other players in the same zone.
Holster Attempt to holster your active weapon
UGC.PlayMission No comment provided
maxfps Sets the maximum allowed framerate
CombatPowerStateCycleNext No comment provided
ThrottleToggle No comment provided
timerRecordEnd Stops any current profiler recording or playback
channel_leave No comment provided
channel_access No comment provided
TrayExecByTrayWithBackup TrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
svChannelLeave No comment provided
turnright1 No comment provided
suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving Alters the forceMouselook mode and stops the player from moving at the same time
deviceType Use the specified renderer device type (valid options: Direct3D11, Direct3D9Ex, Direct3D9)
Target_Enemy_Next Targets the next enemy in view
d3d11 Use the Direct3D 11 renderer device type
TrayChangeIndex TrayChangeIndex <UITray> <Change>: Change the UITray's displayed Tray by a positive or negative amount. Will rollover in case of underflow or overflow.
ShowGameUINoExtraKeyBinds This command does not add any keybinds for showing the UI when the user presses escape
hdr_max_luminance_adaptation 0 = use log average luminance measurement, non-zero = use maximum luminance
VersionSlow displays the version a second later, useful for debugging things that depend on slow command return
GenCycleFocusReverse Cycle focus between the given gens in reverse, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
FollowUntilInCombatOrInRange No comment provided
unifiedInteractAtCursor Interacts with the object under the cursor.
LookingForGroup Send LFG chat to other players in the same zone.
GenSliderSetValue Set a slider's notch, if interactive.
renderSize Sets the pixel resolution to render the 3D world at
window_restore Toggles the window between restored and maximized
screen Sets or displays the current screen resolution. Usage: /screen Width Height
soft_particles Smooth particle intersections with geometry by fading out near the intersection
interactOverrideCursor Set entity/object under cursor to be interact target
CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForTeam No comment provided
texAniso Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
caccess No comment provided
Target_Teammate Target the Nth person in your team.
GenPrisonHide Hide a the visible jails in the prison
DisableRallyPointFX Toggle pet rally point FX
Befriend No comment provided
msaa Enables/disables multisample antialiasing
UGC.CloseProject No comment provided
CombatLog No comment provided
bind_local_save_file Save keybinds to the given filename.
motd No comment provided
shadows Enable shadows
svMicSetLevel No comment provided
joystick_save No comment provided
highDetail Enables high detail objects
traceQueries Traces query use to the debugger.
ToggleHolstered No comment provided
GenAddWindowPCXbox Show a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
Unfriend No comment provided
LootCancel Don't take loot, just destroy the client list
highQualityDOF Enables/disables high quality depth of field
cam_pitch_interp No comment provided
bind_load_file Load entity keybinds from the given filename.
bloomQuality Sets bloom quality, range = [0, 3]
CombatReactivePowerExec No comment provided
GenMovableBoxResetAllPositions Reset a movable box to its default position.
UGC.PlayMap No comment provided
ShooterSetOverlayRow No comment provided
STOTrayExecByTray No comment provided
Whitelist_Chat Toggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive messages from friends, SG members, and Team members
GenSetTooltipFocus Set tooltip focus to the given gen.
unbind_all Unbind all keys for the current keybind profile
channel_description No comment provided
cam_pitch_speed No comment provided
channel_uninvite No comment provided
autoForward No comment provided
turnleft1 No comment provided
renderScale Sets the percentage of the display resolution to render the 3D world at
ItemUpgradeUI_SetUpgradeTime No comment provided
screen_pos_size Sets the current screen position and resolution. Usage: /screen_pos_size X Y Width Height
Target_Self Target the current player
screenshot_depth Save a screenshot with the depth only
bind_save Save entity keybinds to ent_keybinds.txt.
RemoveFriend No comment provided
chaninvite No comment provided
gamma Changes the gamma
right No comment provided
channel_motd No comment provided
bind_local_save Save keybinds to keybinds.txt.
ToggleDefaultAutoAttack: Toggles the state of auto attack
GameMenu Opens the game pause menu
mouseForward No comment provided
cam_far No comment provided
netgraph No comment provided
Target_Enemy_Player_Next Targets the next enemy player in view
cmdlist Print out all commands a
Perhaps you should join the sto-wiki community and help them with this.
Its marked at the bottom, "Category: Pages needing cleanup".
Just a thought...
Deceiver's Lair Fleet
Short 10 sec trailer for Cube 571
The one good thing about being Borg you never need tech-support
Before you post in the STO tech support forum
A quick look at their list and my list, and I would say that with each season/patch that the available commands change. There are some differences. My list is a raw dump from the game this morning. I had considered alphabetizing the list, But it will only be current until a patch introduces new commands and removes old ones. A lot of work for little return. I kinda figure that if people are at the point of sifting this list for game fixes then they are savvy enough to cope with the disorganized format of the list. It is in the order I got it from inside the game. I would rather be philanthropic and avoid cult of personality. Just passing along information that helped me. Sorry it is in two parts, I am an amateur at this sort of thing.
If you find any of these commands useful then please 'bump' the thread so others can easily find their solution as well. Thanx.
Had hoped they might be similar to the old CoH/CoV '/macro' command but I haven't had any success... I'm also using syntax from a dead game that was coded over 10 years ago
I'll throw these in a database for easy indexing/sorting.
@OP Did you type these all out, or did you find a way to dump/export from in game?