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So let me get this straight...



  • fruitvendor12fruitvendor12 Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    razar2380 wrote: »
    I did find it funny that they reduced how long it takes to level ships, because they admitted it wasn't fun to have to grind that long to level. Then they turn around and increase how long it takes to level from 50-60+. That was so funny.
    A ship's progression is not limited by the ability of one person to learn to do their job. A ship's progression is the total of all its member people.

    We as captains are one person, limited by our ability to master the craft.

    Works this way in the real world too. Anyone who has been in the military has seen this first hand.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    razar2380 wrote: »
    I did find it funny that they reduced how long it takes to level ships, because they admitted it wasn't fun to have to grind that long to level. Then they turn around and increase how long it takes to level from 50-60+. That was so funny.

    Probably because T6 Ships are already 30$, and they don't want to TRIBBLE off their big spenders ... leveling on the other hand ... well, buy your XP-Boosts already (I know nobody is gonna, but they can still hope) ... :P
    We as captains are one person, limited by our ability to master the craft.

    Not really ... that's what your Crew is for (imagine Picard with a bunch of Pakleds) ... might work this way in a video-game, but not in the "real world" ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I just hit lv54. So far the grind isn't too bad yet. But I'm sure it will be worse going by others. However the patrols between the missions isn't that bad. As its part of the story and you getting more info on what is going on. With the other species and what is going on in the area. I like this approach so far.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • opo98opo98 Member Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    farmallm wrote: »
    I just hit lv54. So far the grind isn't too bad yet. But I'm sure it will be worse going by others. However the patrols between the missions isn't that bad. As its part of the story and you getting more info on what is going on. With the other species and what is going on in the area. I like this approach so far.

    I would make a snarky joke about the fact that your name starts with "farm", but I'll refrain. :P

    Just wait until you get to spec points; 50-60 is easy enough, but I guarantee even a professional farmer would be taking anti-depressants by the time he/she was level 120.

    Maybe DR is being sponsored by pharmaceutical companies... #DRConspiracyTheory :P
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    farmallm wrote: »
    I just hit lv54. So far the grind isn't too bad yet. But I'm sure it will be worse going by others. However the patrols between the missions isn't that bad. As its part of the story and you getting more info on what is going on. With the other species and what is going on in the area. I like this approach so far.

    As you continue through the story arc and the situation arises where you have to be the next level up to play the next mission, but you're 30,000 points away from that level, you'll start to get as annoyed as a lot of other people are about it. Eventually those patrols you're enjoying will become a slight annoyance...
    Free Tibet!
  • fruitvendor12fruitvendor12 Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Not really ... that's what your Crew is for (imagine Picard with a bunch of Pakleds) ... might work this way in a video-game, but not in the "real world" ...
    Err my point being, your crew improves the ship. If you want to think the crew improves you, Picard, more than they improve the ship and how people use it over time... the franchise disagrees with you. Pretty strongly. Every series was heavily seasoned with story lines of a side character enhancing progress of some sort with the captain doing little more than agreeing to go along.

    IMO the borg queen and Q did far more to alter/advance Picard than any of the series' other main characters. Probably not the direction you want to encourage the devs. ;)

    In the real world military it is the folks in the engine room who made a mod, those sargents on FOB equipping the first video-only drones with rockets, or who drove the humvee and welded their own ablative armor because they got tired of being blown up... those folks innovated and educated their leaders to change the contracts. Their leaders didn't innovate and the only thing they learned in the process is what they already knew, how to make someone else's smart thinking work for everyone.

    Anyways going back to eating popcorn and watching. :)
  • acherion2175acherion2175 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So yeah, as the OP said .. at the start you could get max level in less than 5 days doing about 3 hours a day. Then you were stuck because they only had like 2 STFs. No rep, no nothing. I quit after 9 mo because there was nothing to do but grind STFs for little gain.

    Fast forward to about 60 days ago. This is when I returned and found the game to be MUCH more enjoyable. Bugs? Yep. Complaints? Always. It was still worth investing a ton of real $ into imo.

    So now we get to today and "THE GRIND". I didn't hit it till level 57. That was when I was forced to repeat queue missions or grind out whatever "patrol" I could find (before I knew about Argala). Level 58 is even worse and I cringe at level 59.

    Now, the "good news" I guess is that I will end up doing so many queue missions that I should have plenty of marks to max most of the reps with some left over for the gear. The bad news is that I will then really have nothing to do as I am sure I will be burned out by then.

    Proposal: Can we get some kind of daily patrol for the Delta quadrant? Something that gives us somewhere to go instead of just randomly cruising the planets? Maybe add a time factor to it for a bonus or something?

    Long term. Can I suggest a campaign map? An area of space that has to be conquered. Not a single zone but an interactive map. You gain territory by completing missions. Have some really hard command bases ect. Closer you get to the enemy's home territory the harder it gets. Slow times would allow the enemy to retake space. Just an idea.
  • bcwhguderian1941bcwhguderian1941 Member Posts: 804 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Much of the comments in this thread have been echoed all over our forum. I guess I'll jump
    in again and express my view that I have never had an issue with leveling/spec pts./upgrades/grinding
    and so on. I simply move around the universe provided, doing whatever strikes my fancy (the
    variety is quite broad), and just playing the game. I have one charachter (Fed TAC), and am
    currently level (60+6). I have only completed about half of the DR story missions, and am never
    in a hurry to "win/obtain/achieve" anything. I log in to simply play and enjoy the game.

    Recently joined a Fleet, so I now get to participate in the "real" grind as many have put it. I
    consider myself a fair contributor to the organization, and I have FUN doing it. So I guess I'm
    lucky my playstyle meshes well with Cryptic's/PWE's STO, (or I'm just a blind simpleton).

    I know there are many issues/problems with the game (I do sympathize with subscibers), but
    the game is TOTALLY free unless one chooses otherwise. If ones playstyle clashes so glaringly
    with what Cryptic/PWE offers, for heavens sake move on. I have no desire for us to lose a single
    player, but really, folks, its not healthy. :o

    Just one rookies view.

    BCW. :)
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    ... I have never had an issue with leveling/spec pts./upgrades/grinding and so on. I simply move around the universe provided, doing whatever strikes my fancy...

    That's what I was doing as well but the lastest nerfing here/powerboosting XP in DR made me give up on that.

    I might get back to playing STO properly once Cryptic grow up... in the meantime I'm strictly treating STO as a casual episodic game and enjoying the forums while spending my gaming budget elsewhere.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Short answer... Both.

    I got around the ship upgrade cost by using lobi ships on my main toons. But the gear upgrade costs are too much as well (IMO). I also don't see why upgrade cost for some things seem more than others, for instance it seems that eng/tac/sci consoles cost a lot less than a ship weapon to upgrade. When I upgraded my primary toon I was using green and blue upgrade tech from the exchange and it cost me somewhere around 400-500,000 dilithium to get every part of my ship to MK XIV. My other two main toons I used almost all blue tech upgrades so my dilithium cost was better, maybe 300-400,000 dilithium (I'm just going off memory here).

    I did listen to that podcast and I hope they do something to ease the costs soon. My question would be why did they release an incomplete (and broken IMO) upgrade system? Now if they reduce the costs those of us that already spent the money are just SOL?

    Using green or blue tech upgrades is automatically more costly. Don't use them if you can avoid it in any way.

    The upgrade system was released because the core functionality is there - you can upgrade your gear to Mark XIV and even Epic quality if you want to. Alt-friendly additional mechanics can be implelemented and released later without blocking this core functionality. And so that is what they did. Releasing Delta Rising and the new elite difficulty without the upgrade system wouldn't have worked well.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    gfreeman98 wrote: »
    We all know the forums are awash with complaints about all manner of things - nothing new there, it's been that way since the beginning. However the latest flack over Delta Rising seems to be that leveling to 60 "takes too long/requires too much grinding, etc."

    When the game was new everyone started out at Ensign. Some got to Rear Admiral faster than others and complained about there being "nothing to do" now that they're topped out. So some of us purposely tried to take our time, enjoying all the content before we topped out. Then they opened up level 50, and again some people rushed that just as fast as they could, then complained about having "nothing to do" now. So the forums were awash with complaints that it was too easy to level up, and demands that "Cryptic must do something about this!".

    Oh the irony. :rolleyes:

    Not a bad troll thread. Got to the fifth page in about 12 hrs, so there is that. Unless it's not a troll thread... which would be sad. Meh, I'll give the short version of my response just in case you're serious:

    Think of it this way... you can have too little to eat and slowly waste away, you can have too much to eat and slowly drift into obesity, or you can have the right amount of food and enjoy tasty meals and a healthy life. Just because either extreme has negative effects doesn't mean that folks shouldn't seek the middle when they are at those extremes. :P

    Alternatively... we used to be bored because we were done with our progression too quickly, but could make new alts to try new things. Now we are bored because we have very little progression at all, and even advancing existing alts is tedious. Maybe something in between the two would be better?

    Also... Robert Jebediah Freeman, is that you? :confused:
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    gfreeman98 wrote: »
    We all know the forums are awash with complaints about all manner of things - nothing new there, it's been that way since the beginning. However the latest flack over Delta Rising seems to be that leveling to 60 "takes too long/requires too much grinding, etc."

    When the game was new everyone started out at Ensign. Some got to Rear Admiral faster than others and complained about there being "nothing to do" now that they're topped out. So some of us purposely tried to take our time, enjoying all the content before we topped out. Then they opened up level 50, and again some people rushed that just as fast as they could, then complained about having "nothing to do" now. So the forums were awash with complaints that it was too easy to level up, and demands that "Cryptic must do something about this!".

    Oh the irony. :rolleyes:

    Yup, the human condition! Personally, I find it much more bearable when one plugs one's ears with their little finger and run the gauntlet. Maybe whinge cards aren't such a bad idea after all...
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
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