The brave Community Podcast crews of Star Trek Online are commencing broadcast!
It is a new week, and that brings new data streams from your fellow captains who have braved the quadrants to bring you the latest news from the STO staff, all things SciFi out their amongst the stars, as well as the latest tidbits from the UGC Community!
No thank you! I have never enjoyed any of the STO casts.
Personally, I would like to see something a lot more professional put out by the STO devs bi-weekly or monthly.
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
Will not use this unless they use a text stream last thing I want is to hear someone babbling on. If some writes them up I nay be tempted to Check the podcasts out.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I've already made my feedback on podcasts and the lack of transcriptions available abundantly clear on several occasions, so I don't feel like going into it again.
So I'll just say a fancy new webpage linking podcasts we're already aware of existing is not worth the time and money put into it.
I'd rather see your web team do something more productive like making sure the STO forums on PWE's servers aren't a disgrace to modern web design. I'd say that statement of mine is vague, but I've already given my feedback on why they're specifically in such a sorry state of affairs on multiple occasions as well (along with constructive feedback on how to improve it!).
I know you're just the messanger, Smirk. So I hold nothing against you. But your bean counters several pay grades above you would be really awesome if they'd provide some meaningful directives to your web team rather than this superficial bread and circuses (not the forum poster!) TRIBBLE you expect us to consume and enjoy.
I do like communication, but the communication with the podcasts that cover STO, the communication at PWE, and the communication at Cryptic could use some big improvements.
And just to be fair, the communication from the playerbase could also use some improvements, too.
Cryptic is already taking some meaningful steps -- Stephen D'Angelo has made more posts on the forums in the past month than he has in the past few years combined. And that's progress!
Oh yes, so you've heard of all these podcasts already Iconian, I guess that means everyone who plays the game even those people who are brand new have heard of them too? Well that's good. I mean it's not like I played the game for several months before learning of Priority One and months longer before I ever even heard reference to Tribbles in Ecstasy. I must be misremembering things.
I for one like that the Devs have made this list available even if I'm already subscribed to two of the podcasts (Priority One and Foundry Roundtable) and know of, but rarely bother with, the third. It'll help get the word out to those who haven't heard of them yet.
As for people complaining about not having a text transcript? I wasn't aware that podcasts were obligated to make them in order to be considered podcasts. Oh wait, they aren't. The very definition of podcast explicitly mentions that they're audio or video files! If you don't like that then that's your prerogative, but keep in mind exactly what your criticizing something for before opening your mouths and confirming your ignorance for everyone.
As for people complaining about not having a text transcript? I wasn't aware that podcasts were obligated to make them in order to be considered podcasts. Oh wait, they aren't.
Well, I guess that makes leaving STO players without functional ears, speakers, or sound cards in the dark perfectly okay, then.
The ironic thing is how they could come out with a podcast about something that was worked on for a whole year that is broken in a major way you would think with a whole year of work that these problems would be few and far between.
I was for many years a loyal player and stuck with this game but with KDF problems and now this DR + grinding issue I've had to put it down until they come out with something that peaks my interest in this game. Currently though I have no interest in this game whatsoever.
A podcast is an audio and sometimes visual medium.
A written form of a podcast, sharing the "hosts" opinions would be a blog.
While I am sympathetic to those who have issues with hearing a podcast, asking all podcasts to become a blog (essentially) is kind of ridiculous.
All I can say, is that while it sucks that some may not be able to enjoy podcasts, I do not feel it is the responsibility of volunteer podcasters to provide a written form of their shows.
I suggest that people consider starting blogs about the game if they are so inspired.
I would read them.
But to call the podcasters out for not providing transcripts, is just plain silly.
Just my 2 latinum slips worth
- Hippie
Edit to Add : It is actually nice to see Cryptic or the Community Team, Smirk, or whoever's idea it was promoting and supporting the fans productions.
While I am sympathetic to those who have issues with hearing a podcast, asking all podcasts to become a blog (essentially) is kind of ridiculous.
All I can say, is that while it sucks that some may not be able to enjoy podcasts, I do not feel it is the responsibility of volunteer podcasters to provide a written form of their shows.
Asking for people with disabilities or disadvantages to have equal access to the same information as those who are abled or advantaged is not ridiculous, nor is it silly.
And I'm pretty sure there's several million people world-wide who agree with me.
Telling people who have hearing disabilities that "It sucks, but it's nobody's responsibility to accomodate you despite the fact you're equally entitled to the same information someone else is." is not sympathetic at all.
For a video game revolving around a franchise that people with disabilities and who are different from one another are treated as equals, and that technology and a willingness to improve themselves through technology and understanding of other people...
... the fact this is the talking point I see on the forums in regards to STO-related information available in a text-based format is nothing less than ridiculous.
"Sorry, Geordi. It sucks you're blind but it's nobody's responsibility to make a VISOR or Ocular Implants for you. But don't worry. I'm still sympathetic to your situation."
Asking for people with disabilities or disadvantages to have equal access to the same information as those who are abled or advantaged is not ridiculous, nor is it silly.
Please understand that I am not making light of people who have disabilities or disadvantages.
I think it sucks that there is a portion of the player base who do not have the ability to enjoy podcasts.
But what you are asking for is that podcasts add an additional load of work on people doing this voluntarily on their own time, to provide something that is not part of the definition of what they do.
You want blogs.
Podcasts are not blogs.
I'm also going to say again. From a personal standpoint, I think it is great to see the Community Team supporting volunteer fan productions. It's not a waste of time or money.
Asking for people with disabilities or disadvantages to have equal access to the same information as those who are abled or advantaged is not ridiculous, nor is it silly.
They do have a right but don't pretend that it doesn't require more time and resources (a luxury not all podcasters have). Do you think sign language interpreters are just machines or parrots people carry around with them everywhere like luggage just in case they are needed? People have a right to get their medical and legal needs attended to in their own language but society has to bear the cost of that at some point.
How about two words... Rambling Repeats.... :rolleyes:
If previous podcasts are of any indication, the latest ones will be filled with rants. Cryptic will use the podcasts to rationalize why they scr@#ed the fanbase. Gecko has a habit of giving lectures. Even though a massive portion of the fanbase has left, the developers will go into complete 'spin control'.
No. I want podcasts to provide transcripts. This is something other podcasts do. And this is something news organizations do, in order to make sure their message is able to be received by everyone who wants it.
I want equal access to all players of STO. Not just those fortunate enough to have functional ears, speakers, sound cards, or the time to listen.
Agree to pay me the standard salary for making transcripts to make transcripts of STO podcasts and I'll do it.
Heck, agree to pay any of the podcasters who volunteer their time and they'd probably do it.
These people do what they are doing as a labor of love, because they are fans of the game.
What you are asking for is HOURS of additional volunteer work from these folks.
Again, it sucks that you don't have the ability to enjoy podcasts. (an audio and sometimes visual medium), but it is not the responsibility of unpaid, volunteer podcasters to provide transcripts for each and every one of their episodes.
Agree to pay me the standard salary for making transcripts to make transcripts of STO podcasts and I'll do it.
Heck, agree to pay any of the podcasters who volunteer their time and they'd probably do it.
These people do what they are doing as a labor of love, because they are fans of the game.
What you are asking for is HOURS of additional volunteer work from these folks.
Again, it sucks that you don't have the ability to enjoy podcasts. (an audio and sometimes visual medium), but it is not the responsibility of unpaid, volunteer podcasters to provide transcripts for each and every one of their episodes.
For a labor of love, they have no issue asking for money or time to go party in Las Vegas on the dime of their donators.
How many donation meters are on the podcast websites to ask for money for transcription services?
For a labor of love, they have no issue asking for money or time to go party in Las Vegas on the dime of their donators.
How many donation meters are on the podcast websites to ask for money for transcription services?
You're making a sweeping generalization because 1 podcast (P1) and 1 internet radio station (Trek Radio) have done that.
And, if people want to donate to the show because they enjoy it, what skin is that off your back?
Why aren't you starting a GoFundMe, or whatever to raise funds for STO Podcasts doing transcripts if it is so important to you?
You should aim for collecting Thousands of dollars per podcast, because transcription services aren't cheap.
Figure double the time of the actual podcast spent transcripting it. Multiply by the hourly salary of a transcription service. Multiply by the number of podcasts you are asking to be transcripted.
Yup. Thousands of Dollars.
Good Luck.
Or are you just here to tell us how terrible the podcasters are because they're not doing it yet?
I get transcripts are a hot button item for players. That said, no podcast or radio station is required to do them. Yes, SSR did (or does haven't really paid attention as of late to anyone due to work lol), but it did take a team of people to do 1. It's possible, and yah I'm pretty sure if people volunteered to do them at the podcasts they would jump on it, but that's not my decision or anyone elses.
My personal opinion is as long as MAJOR GAME ANNOUNCEMENTS are still posted on here, or on the website, let media outlets have interviews. That's awesome, but if they're releasing details on new content, ships, c-store items etc it NEEDS to be in text format. Otherwise yah, it misses a huge demographic and that's not fair.
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
You're making a sweeping generalization because 1 podcast (P1) and 1 internet radio station (Trek Radio) have done that.
And, if people want to donate to the show because they enjoy it, what skin is that off your back?
Why aren't you starting a GoFundMe, or whatever to raise funds for STO Podcasts doing transcripts if it is so important to you?
Or are you just here to tell us how terrible the podcasters are because they're not doing it yet?
One is one too many, in my opinion.
What it comes down to is this has been an issue for a very, very long time. And nobody cares to do anything about it.
All people are interested in is passing the buck and unwilling to be accountable.
This is how the conversation always goes.
"I think people should be given transcripts." "That's nobody's responsibility." "Yes, it is." "Shut up."
This is how it's gone for months/years.
And until a change happens, I'm still going to express my displeasure with the laziness of the podcasters who have no issue asking for donations, but aren't willing to raise the bar and go the extra distance to make sure every single person is capable of consuming what they have to offer.
So what skin is it off my back? If I was really under the impression these podcasters were strapped with time and money, maybe I would understand. But that's not the impression I get.
The only impression I do get is guilt that their target audience deserve better, but they're unwilling to do anything about it.
"I think people should be given transcripts." "That's nobody's responsibility." "Yes, it is." "Shut up."
Really ? That's not how our conversation is going.
I'm just saying that volunteers in an AUDIO/VISUAL medium don't have the responsibility.
Transcription services are freaking expensive.
People get paid tons to do it.
I'm not comfortable asking volunteers to do that for free.
Instead I am suggesting two alternatives.
(1) Start a blog, encourage others to have blogs.
(2) Start a Donations Campaign yourself to acheive the $$ that would be needed to provide transcripts for all the podcasts.
I'm not even joking about that.
If it is so important to you. And I can tell it is, Man. Don't be just a discontent grumbly gus, saying how lazy and etc etc podcasters are for not doing it, and take the bull by the horns and actually do something.
Complain all you want. That's just hot air.
Do something about it. Maybe the issue will get some traction.
If I was really under the impression these podcasters were strapped with time and money, maybe I would understand. But that's not the impression I get.
So because your impression is that these people have all the time in the world, that's true?
Not even remotely.
All the podcasters I know, don't have tons of time (or money).
They podcast because they love the game.
Simple as that.
Really ? That's not how our conversation is going.
This isn't the first conversation I've had about this issue. But this is exactly how our conversation is going.
I'm just saying that volunteers in an AUDIO/VISUAL medium don't have the responsibility.
Ethical, moral responsibility is still responsibility.
Transcription services are freaking expensive.
People get paid tons to do it.
I'm not comfortable asking volunteers to do that for free.
Subspace Radio does (or did). For free. They were willing to raise the bar.
Instead I am suggesting two alternatives.
(1) Start a blog, encourage others to have blogs.
(2) Start a Donations Campaign yourself to acheive the $$ that would be needed to provide transcripts for all the podcasts.
I'm not even joking about that.
I have a better idea. How about if these podcasts love the game so much, but they don't like using text -- stop advertising their podcasts in the forums.
How about that? If it isn't their responsibility to issue communication in a text format, then it shouldn't be a big deal to have a moratorium on using the text-only STO forums to advertise.
Or the very website Smirk linked us.
Make people communicate to the podcasts via phonecalls, teamspeak, raidcall, voicemail, and Skype calls only.
And be unwilling to communicate in anything but an audio format.
See how long that lasts before people recognize that maybe text is an equally important communication method.
If it is so important to you. And I can tell it is, Man. Don't be just a discontent grumbly gus, saying how lazy and etc etc podcasters are for not doing it, and take the bull by the horns and actually do something.
This is what I call blaming the victim. Instead of blaming the people doing podcasts for not taking the ethical and moral responsibility to provide transcripts on important STO news that isn't available via the forums, dev blogs, etc., it's easier to blame the people who simply can't listen to their podcasts (for whatever reason) for not being willing to do it for them.
Complain all you want. That's just hot air.
Do something about it. Maybe the issue will get some traction.
This is my way of doing something about it.
So because your impression is that these people have all the time in the world, that's true?
Not even remotely.
I have about as much proof that it is true as you have that it isn't true.
I have about as much proof that it is true as you have that it isn't true.
So, then, like me, you have been a podcaster.
Personally befriended many other podcasters.
Actually know some about their real life situations.
Because, if so, you wouldn't be making such uninformed statements.
And what you call "victim blaming".
I'm not saying the podcasts are perfect, Man. But you are making the podcasters into Super Villains because they dont do transcripts.
Maybe you are right.
Maybe because they do not share your issues, the issue isn't as present or important to them.
You call it victim blaming to ask you to do something besides complain about it all the time.
I say, you have what to you is proof that they are unwilling to do anything about it.
So, I say, be the person who does something about it, because it IS important to you.
You can call that victim blaming if you want.
I call it putting your money where your mouth is.
If you want the podcasts to provide transcripts, then help them do it.
Figure out, by communicating with them in a fashion of improving the community.
Brainstorm ideas with them about how to accomplish this.
So, then, like me, you have been a podcaster.
Personally befriended many other podcasters.
Actually know some about their real life situations.
Because, if so, you wouldn't be making such uninformed statements.
Maybe we don't know the exact same people, but I still stand by my original example how they aren't as time and cash-strapped as they like to say they are.
It's a cheap cop-out to wash their hands of any responsibility without seeming guilty over it.
And what you call "victim blaming".
I'm not saying the podcasts are perfect, Man. But you are making the podcasters into Super Villains because they dont do transcripts.
No, I'm saying they have the ethical and moral responsibility to provide equal access, and they simply choose not to. And that is a problem. And it has been a problem for some time.
You call it victim blaming to ask you to do something besides complain about it all the time.
Complaining is a form of doing something.
I say, you have what to you is proof that they are unwilling to do anything about it.
So, I say, be the person who does something about it, because it IS important to you.
If Star Trek Online was an audio-only format, I would agree with you. If dev blogs and forum posts were the ONLY way to distribute information to its playerbase, I would agree with you.
But if they have dev interviews where information is found there that isn't found elsewhere? Then there is a moral responsibility to making sure that information can be consumed by everybody who plays the game, including those who are hearing impaired, or have no speakers, sound card, or the time to listen.
Which is what the case has been from time to time. How many times have we seen, "Well this dev said this in this podcast." "Proof?" "You'll have to listen to it."
You can call that victim blaming if you want.
I do. Instead of holding podcasters to a higher standard, you're blaming the victim for having an issue with it.
I do. Instead of holding podcasters to a higher standard, you're blaming the victim for having an issue with it.
Actually, I don't "blame" you for having an issue with it.
I am actually acknowledging that it is an issue, and trying to spitball ideas that might help.
I'm suggesting that you do something besides just complain and try to engage the podcast community in an open discussion about how to improve things by either helping with fundraising for transcripts, or even just suggesting avenues they may not have thought of.
BUT, in this instance you have taken a very US vs THEM attitude.
You might think that complaining is doing something.
Normally I really like your postings and insights.
But if you are only willing to engage in (1) Complaining and (2) Insulting the Podcasters and calling them lazy, etc. while not actually being willing to engage in positive community interaction, then in this case, it's a bunch of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Actually, I don't "blame" you for having an issue with it.
I am actually acknowledging that it is an issue, and trying to spitball ideas that might help.
I'm suggesting that you do something besides just complain and try to engage the podcast community in an open discussion about how to improve things by either helping with fundraising for transcripts, or even just suggesting avenues they may not have thought of.
I've pointed Podcasters in the direction of open source transcription software. I've pointed them in the direction of individuals in STO who can help them.
And I have still not seen meaningful change.
So, now all I do is point out from time to time the problem that continues to exist.
BUT, in this instance you have taken a very US vs THEM attitude.
You might think that complaining is doing something.
It's better than doing nothing. I like the Podcasters. I think what they do is a valuable and appreciated service.
I just think they are also doing a disservice to part of their targeted audience, I explain why, and I explain methods to change that.
But if you are only willing to engage in (1) Complaining
That's what the forums are for, right?
(2) Insulting the Podcasters and calling them lazy
I've pointed out specific actions and inactions which I believe is evidence this is a case of laziness rather than inability due to financial or time contraints.
An inability to provide equal access is different from an unwillingness. Inability I have no issue with. Unwillingness I do.
while not actually being willing to engage in positive community interaction, then in this case, it's a bunch of sound and fury signifying nothing.
I've been willing to engage in positive community interaction with the various podcasters. I've given them the information I believe is beneficial to help them.
If they simply choose not to use any of that information or feedback, then they will simply continue to get negative feedback.
So they can either get used to getting negative feedback for not having the moral or ethical responsibility expected of media (even as hobbyists), or they can make the concessions asked of them for the benefit of all and put an end to the negative feedback from this particular issue.
I do the same with Cryptic. I do the same with the playerbase whenever I see it. I'm holding the Podcasters to the same standard.
Please understand that I am not making light of people who have disabilities or disadvantages.
I think it sucks that there is a portion of the player base who do not have the ability to enjoy podcasts.
But what you are asking for is that podcasts add an additional load of work on people doing this voluntarily on their own time, to provide something that is not part of the definition of what they do.
You want blogs.
Podcasts are not blogs.
I'm also going to say again. From a personal standpoint, I think it is great to see the Community Team supporting volunteer fan productions. It's not a waste of time or money.
Perhaps but to maximize their audience, text at work goes a long way. I also know two deaf players that enjoy STO. A podcast does them absolutely no good and I'm sure they are not the only ones. One of them tried playing DCUO and couldn't enjoy the game because their cutscenes didn't have any option to add subtitles. When you start the game, you get a fairly long cutscene but that is useless to someone who is deaf if there are no subtitles.
Podcasts may be done by volunteers and players but try to remember that Star Trek attracts people from all walks of life, including people with various disabilities.
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
I usually don't listen to them. I did when DR was coming out to see what new info they would give. I don't have time to listen to them for a hour on stuff. And I have no intention to download them on my ipod and listen in the car either.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
As a former podcast, I can definately say that I wouldn't have the time to transcribe my pocast. Heck, I barely have time to blog now. I usually end up with weeks between blog posts. I have been striving for weekly, but life happens. What I can say about transcription and Podcasts is that it's not really the responsibilty of the podcaster is that is not what he wants to target as an audience. I never considered that Deaf People would have been trying to listen to my efforts. Even so, I would have had a hard time to come up with time, money and materials to do a transcript. Now, if some one else took it upon themselves to transcribe my podcast, I would not have been offended and would actually have added any link to thier published transription on my blogsite and podcast notes.
As for information being released only on podcasts, that's on Cryptic not providing all available information on thier officials channels be it the forums or the facepage or event the twitter account. But I have encountered the fact Cryptic has released info on Twitter only, Facebook Only and Forums Only too. And I don't look at the facebook and rarely look at the twitter feed. I just don't have time to track down all sources of info. Cryptic needs to put all that info in one place for official information. They dont' Nor does any other game company I know of.
So I put it to you Iconians, if you want the transcripts, do it yourself and then make it available for everyone who wants it. This would be a way more productive and helpful process than banging your head against the same wall of telling someone else to fix a problem that is just not that High a priority for most people.
I am tired of hearing people villify Podcasters because they don't do something for some special subset of people. Rather than blame others, do something about it. And constantly complaining about how transcripts are not done by the podcasters is NOT doing something about it. It actually quite the opposite, you are doing nothing to change the situation nor are you solving the problem. Your just festering the issue.
I don't need you to respond to me Iconians. But I do need you think about it and contemplate what others steps you can do to solve the problem.
Iconians, if you had to choose one STO podcast to be transcripted which one would it be? P1?
That's not much of a choice. Either transcribe every dev interview on any podcast so those of us who want to remain informed about STO news can do so, or don't have dev interviews that release exclusive information to said podcasts at all, since not everybody can be informed by it.
That is the only fair option.
I do not care if they transcribe what color their shirt is their wearing or what craft beer they're drinking. I do not care about the weather in their areas. I do not care if they transcribe all the "Ums" and "Uhs".
All that is important to the entire STO playerbase is a hard copy of developer information. Therefore, in my opinion, that is the only thing that deserves to be transcribed. The rest is up to them and how they feel about it.
If it wasn't for the reality that Cryptic/PWE has a spotty track record with communication lately (although they have been making great strides to improve that recently), this would not even be an issue for me and others like me.
But the reality is what it is regardless of who is accountable for what and whether or not media has the ethical responsibility to ensure their information is available to everyone.
People are being left in the dark for information. They have been for a while. No change has happened. Change needs to happen. It can't be any more simple than that.
As for information being released only on podcasts, that's on Cryptic not providing all available information on thier officials channels be it the forums or the facepage or event the twitter account. But I have encountered the fact Cryptic has released info on Twitter only, Facebook Only and Forums Only too. And I don't look at the facebook and rarely look at the twitter feed. I just don't have time to track down all sources of info. Cryptic needs to put all that info in one place for official information.
This is the heart of the issue. But communication is a two-way street. There is Cryptic's side of things. There is the Podcast's side of things. Each of them are trying to wash their hands of any personal responsibility for making sure this information is available to all. I do not care who is to blame or who is not to blame.
I do care that this is an issue that isn't being resolved, and this passing the buck back and forth is silly.
So I put it to you Iconians, if you want the transcripts, do it yourself and then make it available for everyone who wants it. This would be a way more productive and helpful process than banging your head against the same wall of telling someone else to fix a problem that is just not that High a priority for most people.
Some people are more important than others, then? If you are Deaf but want exclusive information devs give podcasts, tough rocks? Guess you should have known better than to be born with a hearing defect or suffer some injury that causes you to lose your hearing? If you're Deaf, you should know better than try to remain informed on what news and information is being released about a game you love to play?
And if you play STO, I guess just deal with the fact that there are abled people who are too busy to raise the bar to help their fellow players?
For podcasters who seem to care so much about the game and community of the game, it's amazing how easily they're able to marginalize and disregard a decent portion of the playerbase.
I am tired of hearing people villify Podcasters because they don't do something for some special subset of people.
And I'm tired of Cryptic/PWE releasing information to podcasts despite knowing said podcasts don't have equal access to their patrons. And I'm tired of podcasts not transcribing because they simply don't want to do it despite podcasts being their hobby. If they consider themselves part of STO's media -- then they take the responsibility of behaving in an ethical fashion just as the media does.
They open themselves to scrutiny the same as any other media organization regardless of their volunteer, non-profit status.
There are no sacred cows for me. The podcasts are able to be vilified the same as Cryptic and the same as players who I believe are doing the wrong thing.
If podcasts have the power to interview Cryptic devs and code their websites and publish their podcasts, then they have the ethical obligation to use that power responsibly.
Rather than blame others, do something about it. And constantly complaining about how transcripts are not done by the podcasters is NOT doing something about it.
I'd argue otherwise. I'm giving a voice to players in the forums and in the game who do not have a voice, or who had voices at one time but simply do not care to do anything about it anymore.
I'll continue to point out what I consider to be a bad call by the various podcasters until changes are made, or any of the volunteer mods decide to ban me (although I have tried my best to remain civil and constructive in my position whenever these threads come up). People will continue to tell me it isn't anybody's responsibility, and this conversation will go on months or years down the road, because this isn't an issue that is easily forgotten, nor should it ever be forgotten.
Your just festering the issue.
Then you acknowledge there is an issue. There has been an issue. And the issue has yet to be resolved to any meaningful extent.
Therefore, it is imperative that the pressure continue to be applied.
I don't need you to respond to me Iconians.
Yeah, well what can I say. I decided to go beyond what I'm responsible for in order to communicate with you directly.
But I do need you think about it and contemplate what others steps you can do to solve the problem.
I've taken more steps than others seem to think I have. I've been productive and helpful in this conversations in the past.
But as Askray has pointed out, this will continue to be a hot button topic. And if it's a hot button topic, then don't be surprised if me and people like me continue to press the button.
Personally, I would like to see something a lot more professional put out by the STO devs bi-weekly or monthly.
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Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
So I'll just say a fancy new webpage linking podcasts we're already aware of existing is not worth the time and money put into it.
I'd rather see your web team do something more productive like making sure the STO forums on PWE's servers aren't a disgrace to modern web design. I'd say that statement of mine is vague, but I've already given my feedback on why they're specifically in such a sorry state of affairs on multiple occasions as well (along with constructive feedback on how to improve it!).
I know you're just the messanger, Smirk. So I hold nothing against you. But your bean counters several pay grades above you would be really awesome if they'd provide some meaningful directives to your web team rather than this superficial bread and circuses (not the forum poster!) TRIBBLE you expect us to consume and enjoy.
I do like communication, but the communication with the podcasts that cover STO, the communication at PWE, and the communication at Cryptic could use some big improvements.
And just to be fair, the communication from the playerbase could also use some improvements, too.
Cryptic is already taking some meaningful steps -- Stephen D'Angelo has made more posts on the forums in the past month than he has in the past few years combined. And that's progress!
I for one like that the Devs have made this list available even if I'm already subscribed to two of the podcasts (Priority One and Foundry Roundtable) and know of, but rarely bother with, the third. It'll help get the word out to those who haven't heard of them yet.
As for people complaining about not having a text transcript? I wasn't aware that podcasts were obligated to make them in order to be considered podcasts. Oh wait, they aren't. The very definition of podcast explicitly mentions that they're audio or video files! If you don't like that then that's your prerogative, but keep in mind exactly what your criticizing something for before opening your mouths and confirming your ignorance for everyone.
Well, I guess that makes leaving STO players without functional ears, speakers, or sound cards in the dark perfectly okay, then.
I was for many years a loyal player and stuck with this game but with KDF problems and now this DR + grinding issue I've had to put it down until they come out with something that peaks my interest in this game. Currently though I have no interest in this game whatsoever.
How about two words... Rambling Repeats.... :rolleyes:
A written form of a podcast, sharing the "hosts" opinions would be a blog.
While I am sympathetic to those who have issues with hearing a podcast, asking all podcasts to become a blog (essentially) is kind of ridiculous.
All I can say, is that while it sucks that some may not be able to enjoy podcasts, I do not feel it is the responsibility of volunteer podcasters to provide a written form of their shows.
I suggest that people consider starting blogs about the game if they are so inspired.
I would read them.
But to call the podcasters out for not providing transcripts, is just plain silly.
Just my 2 latinum slips worth
- Hippie
Edit to Add : It is actually nice to see Cryptic or the Community Team, Smirk, or whoever's idea it was promoting and supporting the fans productions.
Asking for people with disabilities or disadvantages to have equal access to the same information as those who are abled or advantaged is not ridiculous, nor is it silly.
And I'm pretty sure there's several million people world-wide who agree with me.
Telling people who have hearing disabilities that "It sucks, but it's nobody's responsibility to accomodate you despite the fact you're equally entitled to the same information someone else is." is not sympathetic at all.
For a video game revolving around a franchise that people with disabilities and who are different from one another are treated as equals, and that technology and a willingness to improve themselves through technology and understanding of other people...
... the fact this is the talking point I see on the forums in regards to STO-related information available in a text-based format is nothing less than ridiculous.
"Sorry, Geordi. It sucks you're blind but it's nobody's responsibility to make a VISOR or Ocular Implants for you. But don't worry. I'm still sympathetic to your situation."
Please understand that I am not making light of people who have disabilities or disadvantages.
I think it sucks that there is a portion of the player base who do not have the ability to enjoy podcasts.
But what you are asking for is that podcasts add an additional load of work on people doing this voluntarily on their own time, to provide something that is not part of the definition of what they do.
You want blogs.
Podcasts are not blogs.
I'm also going to say again. From a personal standpoint, I think it is great to see the Community Team supporting volunteer fan productions. It's not a waste of time or money.
They do have a right but don't pretend that it doesn't require more time and resources (a luxury not all podcasters have). Do you think sign language interpreters are just machines or parrots people carry around with them everywhere like luggage just in case they are needed? People have a right to get their medical and legal needs attended to in their own language but society has to bear the cost of that at some point.
I would rather listen to Klingon Opera music.
Link: Klingon Opera
Don't get me wrong. I want Cryptic to succeed and fix game issues.
"Its not who you are on the inside, but what you do that defines you."
Action speaks louder than words.
No. I want podcasts to provide transcripts. This is something other podcasts do. And this is something news organizations do, in order to make sure their message is able to be received by everyone who wants it.
I want equal access to all players of STO. Not just those fortunate enough to have functional ears, speakers, sound cards, or the time to listen.
Agree to pay me the standard salary for making transcripts to make transcripts of STO podcasts and I'll do it.
Heck, agree to pay any of the podcasters who volunteer their time and they'd probably do it.
These people do what they are doing as a labor of love, because they are fans of the game.
What you are asking for is HOURS of additional volunteer work from these folks.
Again, it sucks that you don't have the ability to enjoy podcasts. (an audio and sometimes visual medium), but it is not the responsibility of unpaid, volunteer podcasters to provide transcripts for each and every one of their episodes.
For a labor of love, they have no issue asking for money or time to go party in Las Vegas on the dime of their donators.
How many donation meters are on the podcast websites to ask for money for transcription services?
You're making a sweeping generalization because 1 podcast (P1) and 1 internet radio station (Trek Radio) have done that.
And, if people want to donate to the show because they enjoy it, what skin is that off your back?
Why aren't you starting a GoFundMe, or whatever to raise funds for STO Podcasts doing transcripts if it is so important to you?
You should aim for collecting Thousands of dollars per podcast, because transcription services aren't cheap.
Figure double the time of the actual podcast spent transcripting it. Multiply by the hourly salary of a transcription service. Multiply by the number of podcasts you are asking to be transcripted.
Yup. Thousands of Dollars.
Good Luck.
Or are you just here to tell us how terrible the podcasters are because they're not doing it yet?
My personal opinion is as long as MAJOR GAME ANNOUNCEMENTS are still posted on here, or on the website, let media outlets have interviews. That's awesome, but if they're releasing details on new content, ships, c-store items etc it NEEDS to be in text format. Otherwise yah, it misses a huge demographic and that's not fair.
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
One is one too many, in my opinion.
What it comes down to is this has been an issue for a very, very long time. And nobody cares to do anything about it.
All people are interested in is passing the buck and unwilling to be accountable.
This is how the conversation always goes.
"I think people should be given transcripts." "That's nobody's responsibility." "Yes, it is." "Shut up."
This is how it's gone for months/years.
And until a change happens, I'm still going to express my displeasure with the laziness of the podcasters who have no issue asking for donations, but aren't willing to raise the bar and go the extra distance to make sure every single person is capable of consuming what they have to offer.
So what skin is it off my back? If I was really under the impression these podcasters were strapped with time and money, maybe I would understand. But that's not the impression I get.
The only impression I do get is guilt that their target audience deserve better, but they're unwilling to do anything about it.
Not unable to do anything about it. Unwilling.
Really ? That's not how our conversation is going.
I'm just saying that volunteers in an AUDIO/VISUAL medium don't have the responsibility.
Transcription services are freaking expensive.
People get paid tons to do it.
I'm not comfortable asking volunteers to do that for free.
Instead I am suggesting two alternatives.
(1) Start a blog, encourage others to have blogs.
(2) Start a Donations Campaign yourself to acheive the $$ that would be needed to provide transcripts for all the podcasts.
I'm not even joking about that.
If it is so important to you. And I can tell it is, Man. Don't be just a discontent grumbly gus, saying how lazy and etc etc podcasters are for not doing it, and take the bull by the horns and actually do something.
Complain all you want. That's just hot air.
Do something about it. Maybe the issue will get some traction.
So because your impression is that these people have all the time in the world, that's true?
Not even remotely.
All the podcasters I know, don't have tons of time (or money).
They podcast because they love the game.
Simple as that.
This isn't the first conversation I've had about this issue. But this is exactly how our conversation is going.
Ethical, moral responsibility is still responsibility.
Subspace Radio does (or did). For free. They were willing to raise the bar.
I have a better idea. How about if these podcasts love the game so much, but they don't like using text -- stop advertising their podcasts in the forums.
How about that? If it isn't their responsibility to issue communication in a text format, then it shouldn't be a big deal to have a moratorium on using the text-only STO forums to advertise.
Or the very website Smirk linked us.
Make people communicate to the podcasts via phonecalls, teamspeak, raidcall, voicemail, and Skype calls only.
And be unwilling to communicate in anything but an audio format.
See how long that lasts before people recognize that maybe text is an equally important communication method.
This is what I call blaming the victim. Instead of blaming the people doing podcasts for not taking the ethical and moral responsibility to provide transcripts on important STO news that isn't available via the forums, dev blogs, etc., it's easier to blame the people who simply can't listen to their podcasts (for whatever reason) for not being willing to do it for them.
This is my way of doing something about it.
I have about as much proof that it is true as you have that it isn't true.
So, then, like me, you have been a podcaster.
Personally befriended many other podcasters.
Actually know some about their real life situations.
Because, if so, you wouldn't be making such uninformed statements.
And what you call "victim blaming".
I'm not saying the podcasts are perfect, Man. But you are making the podcasters into Super Villains because they dont do transcripts.
Maybe you are right.
Maybe because they do not share your issues, the issue isn't as present or important to them.
You call it victim blaming to ask you to do something besides complain about it all the time.
I say, you have what to you is proof that they are unwilling to do anything about it.
So, I say, be the person who does something about it, because it IS important to you.
You can call that victim blaming if you want.
I call it putting your money where your mouth is.
If you want the podcasts to provide transcripts, then help them do it.
Figure out, by communicating with them in a fashion of improving the community.
Brainstorm ideas with them about how to accomplish this.
But yeah, that's victim blaming. *facepalm*
- Hippie -
Maybe we don't know the exact same people, but I still stand by my original example how they aren't as time and cash-strapped as they like to say they are.
It's a cheap cop-out to wash their hands of any responsibility without seeming guilty over it.
No, I'm saying they have the ethical and moral responsibility to provide equal access, and they simply choose not to. And that is a problem. And it has been a problem for some time.
Complaining is a form of doing something.
If Star Trek Online was an audio-only format, I would agree with you. If dev blogs and forum posts were the ONLY way to distribute information to its playerbase, I would agree with you.
But if they have dev interviews where information is found there that isn't found elsewhere? Then there is a moral responsibility to making sure that information can be consumed by everybody who plays the game, including those who are hearing impaired, or have no speakers, sound card, or the time to listen.
Which is what the case has been from time to time. How many times have we seen, "Well this dev said this in this podcast." "Proof?" "You'll have to listen to it."
I do. Instead of holding podcasters to a higher standard, you're blaming the victim for having an issue with it.
Actually, I don't "blame" you for having an issue with it.
I am actually acknowledging that it is an issue, and trying to spitball ideas that might help.
I'm suggesting that you do something besides just complain and try to engage the podcast community in an open discussion about how to improve things by either helping with fundraising for transcripts, or even just suggesting avenues they may not have thought of.
BUT, in this instance you have taken a very US vs THEM attitude.
You might think that complaining is doing something.
Normally I really like your postings and insights.
But if you are only willing to engage in (1) Complaining and (2) Insulting the Podcasters and calling them lazy, etc. while not actually being willing to engage in positive community interaction, then in this case, it's a bunch of sound and fury signifying nothing.
- Hippie -
I've pointed Podcasters in the direction of open source transcription software. I've pointed them in the direction of individuals in STO who can help them.
And I have still not seen meaningful change.
So, now all I do is point out from time to time the problem that continues to exist.
It's better than doing nothing. I like the Podcasters. I think what they do is a valuable and appreciated service.
I just think they are also doing a disservice to part of their targeted audience, I explain why, and I explain methods to change that.
That's what the forums are for, right?
I've pointed out specific actions and inactions which I believe is evidence this is a case of laziness rather than inability due to financial or time contraints.
An inability to provide equal access is different from an unwillingness. Inability I have no issue with. Unwillingness I do.
I've been willing to engage in positive community interaction with the various podcasters. I've given them the information I believe is beneficial to help them.
If they simply choose not to use any of that information or feedback, then they will simply continue to get negative feedback.
So they can either get used to getting negative feedback for not having the moral or ethical responsibility expected of media (even as hobbyists), or they can make the concessions asked of them for the benefit of all and put an end to the negative feedback from this particular issue.
I do the same with Cryptic. I do the same with the playerbase whenever I see it. I'm holding the Podcasters to the same standard.
Perhaps but to maximize their audience, text at work goes a long way. I also know two deaf players that enjoy STO. A podcast does them absolutely no good and I'm sure they are not the only ones. One of them tried playing DCUO and couldn't enjoy the game because their cutscenes didn't have any option to add subtitles. When you start the game, you get a fairly long cutscene but that is useless to someone who is deaf if there are no subtitles.
Podcasts may be done by volunteers and players but try to remember that Star Trek attracts people from all walks of life, including people with various disabilities.
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USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
As for information being released only on podcasts, that's on Cryptic not providing all available information on thier officials channels be it the forums or the facepage or event the twitter account. But I have encountered the fact Cryptic has released info on Twitter only, Facebook Only and Forums Only too. And I don't look at the facebook and rarely look at the twitter feed. I just don't have time to track down all sources of info. Cryptic needs to put all that info in one place for official information. They dont' Nor does any other game company I know of.
So I put it to you Iconians, if you want the transcripts, do it yourself and then make it available for everyone who wants it. This would be a way more productive and helpful process than banging your head against the same wall of telling someone else to fix a problem that is just not that High a priority for most people.
I am tired of hearing people villify Podcasters because they don't do something for some special subset of people. Rather than blame others, do something about it. And constantly complaining about how transcripts are not done by the podcasters is NOT doing something about it. It actually quite the opposite, you are doing nothing to change the situation nor are you solving the problem. Your just festering the issue.
I don't need you to respond to me Iconians. But I do need you think about it and contemplate what others steps you can do to solve the problem.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
That's not much of a choice. Either transcribe every dev interview on any podcast so those of us who want to remain informed about STO news can do so, or don't have dev interviews that release exclusive information to said podcasts at all, since not everybody can be informed by it.
That is the only fair option.
I do not care if they transcribe what color their shirt is their wearing or what craft beer they're drinking. I do not care about the weather in their areas. I do not care if they transcribe all the "Ums" and "Uhs".
All that is important to the entire STO playerbase is a hard copy of developer information. Therefore, in my opinion, that is the only thing that deserves to be transcribed. The rest is up to them and how they feel about it.
If it wasn't for the reality that Cryptic/PWE has a spotty track record with communication lately (although they have been making great strides to improve that recently), this would not even be an issue for me and others like me.
But the reality is what it is regardless of who is accountable for what and whether or not media has the ethical responsibility to ensure their information is available to everyone.
People are being left in the dark for information. They have been for a while. No change has happened. Change needs to happen. It can't be any more simple than that.
This is the heart of the issue. But communication is a two-way street. There is Cryptic's side of things. There is the Podcast's side of things. Each of them are trying to wash their hands of any personal responsibility for making sure this information is available to all. I do not care who is to blame or who is not to blame.
I do care that this is an issue that isn't being resolved, and this passing the buck back and forth is silly.
Some people are more important than others, then? If you are Deaf but want exclusive information devs give podcasts, tough rocks? Guess you should have known better than to be born with a hearing defect or suffer some injury that causes you to lose your hearing? If you're Deaf, you should know better than try to remain informed on what news and information is being released about a game you love to play?
And if you play STO, I guess just deal with the fact that there are abled people who are too busy to raise the bar to help their fellow players?
For podcasters who seem to care so much about the game and community of the game, it's amazing how easily they're able to marginalize and disregard a decent portion of the playerbase.
And I'm tired of Cryptic/PWE releasing information to podcasts despite knowing said podcasts don't have equal access to their patrons. And I'm tired of podcasts not transcribing because they simply don't want to do it despite podcasts being their hobby. If they consider themselves part of STO's media -- then they take the responsibility of behaving in an ethical fashion just as the media does.
They open themselves to scrutiny the same as any other media organization regardless of their volunteer, non-profit status.
There are no sacred cows for me. The podcasts are able to be vilified the same as Cryptic and the same as players who I believe are doing the wrong thing.
If podcasts have the power to interview Cryptic devs and code their websites and publish their podcasts, then they have the ethical obligation to use that power responsibly.
I'd argue otherwise. I'm giving a voice to players in the forums and in the game who do not have a voice, or who had voices at one time but simply do not care to do anything about it anymore.
I'll continue to point out what I consider to be a bad call by the various podcasters until changes are made, or any of the volunteer mods decide to ban me (although I have tried my best to remain civil and constructive in my position whenever these threads come up). People will continue to tell me it isn't anybody's responsibility, and this conversation will go on months or years down the road, because this isn't an issue that is easily forgotten, nor should it ever be forgotten.
Then you acknowledge there is an issue. There has been an issue. And the issue has yet to be resolved to any meaningful extent.
Therefore, it is imperative that the pressure continue to be applied.
Yeah, well what can I say. I decided to go beyond what I'm responsible for in order to communicate with you directly.
I've taken more steps than others seem to think I have. I've been productive and helpful in this conversations in the past.
But as Askray has pointed out, this will continue to be a hot button topic. And if it's a hot button topic, then don't be surprised if me and people like me continue to press the button.