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The Exchange needs to be capped



  • ikonn#1068 ikonn Member Posts: 1,450 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    You just contradicted yourself. If you admit that somebody will always be willing to pay those high prices then the price will always be driven up artificially by the 5-10% of the player base that compulsively buys/hoards, and consequently, that would make it next to impossible for most players to buy those items in the short-term. Yes, they will probably make enough ec after penny pinching for 2 months. Then they will buy one item with their entire savings and wonder was it really worth to do all that just to buy 1 item that was artificially inflated out the wazoo? What a healthy in-game economy....not.

    No there is no contradiction. To be fair, though, maybe I just didn't get my point across in the right manner.

    There are both types of people selling on the exchange... the ones who sell for way more than fair market value (the EC hoarders), and those that price their items to sell...
    You can see that by the wild change in prices for most items up for sale.

    Let's use the Mirror Negh'Var as an example...

    2 days ago, there were 2 of them on the Exchange for 99 mil and one for about 75 mil.

    Which one would you pay for?
    Is it worth that price?
    Would you be willing to wait and see if...

    A) Someone pulls the items and puts it back up for a lower price?
    B) More items are put up for sale?

    If someone bought the 75 mil one and the 99 mil one remains, will there be someone who is so desperate to buy one that they would shell out 99 mil for it?

    As of today, there are 16 Negh'Var ships up for sale... the cheapest currently 9.5 mil (most expensive, 175 mil)... definitely a more reasonable price. Not as good as what they were selling for about a month ago (around 6 mil) but still, a hell of a lot better than 99 mil.

    Bottom line, it's not Cryptic's responsibility to regulate our own buying habits on the Exchange... it's our own.
    -AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- Project Phoenix
    Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The Exchange HAS been capped. Nothing can break 500 million anymore.

    This has the effect of taking things like the Bug SHip off the exchange and forcing people to take the risk of a false trade.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I don't think prices should be capped. As others have pointed out it would have no effect anyways. But they should do something against people selling trader items at a much higher price on the exchange. Like they did with uncommon tech upgrades when the system went live. This was a clear fraud attempt to get money from less experienced players.
  • fallenhawkfallenhawk Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    adamofnod wrote: »
    1. Buy Low
    2. Sell High
    3. ???
    4. Profit!
    This how we get prices so high b/c of this .
    I can still move.
    I can still fight.
    I will never give up!
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    As much as I hate the naked greed in the game I would just like a really functional "exchange" with a real time search and complex sort options and other such QoL features and even a vendor history for what it would be worth but this is a very dated engine and I dont see PWE spending big money developing a new engine for the game but I could be wrong...

    Anyway what I really want to see happen is a listing fee as well as a sales tax implemented frankly speaking; a scaling sales tax for that matter. :D
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
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    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I think it's fair to say that the OP is a player who hasn't (and won't) spend a single penny on the game, but at the same time, wants access to the same toys that the players who spend money have access to.

    Sorry dude, won't happen.

    Also, remember this, the exchange is part of the game's player-based economy. Without it (or a ridiculous nerfing as you suggested) would mean a collapse of the game economy.

    What does this mean? well, ultimately a huge reduction in the value of Zen, which could damage the games future irrevocably. To free-players like you this won't matter but to Cryptic, this means a massive drop in profits.

    This also raises a point regarding the dil exploit in MIA the other day, many players couldn't see the issue in it, and even had a forked-tongue to those who exposed it. Again, they were too small-minded to see the bigger picture. If more people had Dil to sling around, then the value of Zen on the exchange would plummet. That would be bad news for everybody.

    To make such a thing easier to understand, imagine if the US government decided to print more money , say 100 billion dollars, to put into its economy. Would this make people richer? No. Why? Simply because there will be so much more money floating around which would lower the value of the dollar immensely. You can see this in countries like Zimbabwe, where the price of a pack of tea-bags is on average 1,085.70 ZWD ($3 USD). Sounds alot? Well it isn't because the ZWD is an almost worthless currency.

    So, to summarise, The exchange is perfectly fine and cheapskates like you need to get your wallet out from time to time to express your interest in the game. I myself am not a subscriber, but I have paid for Zen to get what I want from the C-store.
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    foundrelic wrote: »
    The Exchange HAS been capped. Nothing can break 500 million anymore.

    This has the effect of taking things like the Bug SHip off the exchange and forcing people to take the risk of a false trade.

    Dude, I think the OP would like to buy the Bug Ship for 10k EC, not 450 million.

    The OP is clearly skipping along the yellow brick road wearing his ruby slippers.....
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    darkjeff wrote: »
    Come on guys, capping prices are a good thing! Who doesn't want a Porsche, Lamborghini, or Ferrari for $20k?

    You do realise you could find loads of Posches, and a few Lambos and Ferraris for $20k?

    They probably wont be very good, but they exist.

    OP - Posts like yours are why Cryptic ignores suggestions made in these forums.
  • calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    aspartan1 wrote: »
    Anyway what I really want to see happen is a listing fee as well as a sales tax implemented frankly speaking; a scaling sales tax for that matter. :D

    And people will starts selling (spamming) their wares in ESD zone chat instead.
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2014
    reinawatt wrote: »
    The sheer level of greed in asking prices is over the top, like 14 million EC and more for a single upgrade token, and over 100 million for a lock box ship.

    And then there are the stupidly high prices for consoles and equipment on the Exchange

    1/ I'd say go and try obtaining a lock box ship by buying keys and opening boxes, let me know when you've hit the 100 million EC mark and let me know how many ships you've obtained, because I bet it'll cost you more than 100 mil to get one. Even the lobi store ones take a while to acquire unless your opening up tons of boxes each day.

    2/ You might want to go look at the R&D/Crafting system you'll soon see why people can justify the costs because of the investment of time, materials and not to mention refined dilithium. But some consoles are a must have for certain types of builds, such as the plasmonic leech, as well as doffs such as the A2B techs.

    The exchange is simply driven by supply and demand, but since cryptic controls the supply, by setting the drop rate of items from boxes and packs, then its them you want to be pointing the finger at. Not the players that are fortunate enough to pick up and item.
    If you dont like the prices on the exchange, then simply put dont pay them and go grind for what you want. A single upgrade token will set you back 700 zen -> 112,000 dil = 14 days of refining at the base 8k cap.

    Do be fair its not hard to earn EC in this game, it just takes a bit of time and the willingness to learn.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    fallenhawk wrote: »
    This how we get prices so high b/c of this .

    Lol, you must be a troll. Or you've never had to manage a personal budget in your life.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The exchange is already Capped, and thank goodness it is, there was a thread that wanted the cap removed altogether, so count yourself fortunate that the deal is not altered any further. :P

    So yes, there is already a cap in place, if it were not for that cap, prices would be 10x more than what it is now. As far as you wanting to cap at a lower pricing, no, you will not see anything of value posted on the exchange.

    Regarding ship tokens, they are correctly priced to some degree, since it is an item that must be purchased at the CStore and at a high cost in zen. So it is justified to be properly priced on the exchange. Want a ship token, either subscribed Gold and save stipend, same with Lifetime, or simply continue to save your EC for those important ship token upgrades and equipment.

    - Nuff said
  • lordkhoraklordkhorak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    stark2k wrote: »
    The exchange is already Capped, and thank goodness it is, there was a thread that wanted the cap removed altogether, so count yourself fortunate that the deal is not altered any further. :P

    So yes, there is already a cap in place, if it were not for that cap, prices would be 10x more than what it is now. As far as you wanting to cap at a lower pricing, no, you will not see anything of value posted on the exchange.

    Regarding ship tokens, they are correctly priced to some degree, since it is an item that must be purchased at the CStore and at a high cost in zen. So it is justified to be properly priced on the exchange. Want a ship token, either subscribed Gold and save stipend, same with Lifetime, or simply continue to save your EC for those important ship token upgrades and equipment.

    - Nuff said

    One Jem'Hadar Dreadnought, now for the low, low price of all your children's organs.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    reinawatt wrote: »
    This will probably not go down well with many who seem to think hoarding mass amounts of virtual money is the way to live, but the Exchange in the game really needs a selling cap. The sheer level of greed in asking prices is over the top, like 14 million EC and more for a single upgrade token, and over 100 million for a lock box ship.

    And then there are the stupidly high prices for consoles and equipment on the Exchange. While there may be those who will grind away relentlessly to have as much virtual money as possible, all useless in the real world, there are those who play who aren't likely to spend hours on end doing that.

    I feel that a selling cap needs to be imposed on the Exchange, something like not being able to sell something for more than 20,000 EC. This would allow any one new to the game or trying to equip their lower level characters and higher level with needed consoles and equipment instead of having to put up with lower level gear that isn't making much of a dent in any attackers.
    There really is no need for people to be demanding so much EC for things, it isn't like they can use their amassed virtual money in the real world. Even if they could it would have very little value in real world currency rates, Lindens in Second Life being one such example.

    MMO'S fairly tend to bring out the Ferengi in people and it's pretty sickening.

    well, but game market works extrenmly well - if you sell for to much big price, no one will buy it, to low ? and others will make nice profit for reselling it.
    Andf here are ways ho to earn 1-2m of ec per day (for cca 1-2 hour "work") - of you want to do missions, if you are mearket/manufaturing oriented you can a lot more.
  • darthraiderxxxdarthraiderxxx Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I love how the OP accused most exchange sellers of greed. The only one who is greedy is the OP himself who wants to have all the shiny toys that people either have bought with lots of real money (someone has to buy all those keys, upgrade or fleet ship modules) or by investing a lot of time (farming mats + dil, crafting) yet invest neither money or time himself to get those. And 20k EC is something you can get in 10 seconds by selling trash to a vendor merchant.

    A 20k cap would only do one thing with the exchange, turn it into a wasteland. If anything, the exchange we currenlty have is great minus the lag and stupid filter options.
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lordzakath wrote: »
    If someone is stupid enough to spend 100million for a ship, then all I have to say is, "A fool and his money are soon parted." I don't buy much off of the Exchange because the prices are, in my opinion, too high. However, if someone else wants to spend millions on something, that is their business. If you have an item that you want to sell on the Exchange that most people are selling for millions, feel free to undercut them and sell it for 20k.

    As the person above me said, if you set a limit (especially the laughable limit of 20k) on the exchange, then people will move their buying and selling elsewhere. And the items you want will still be unavailable for you.

    Let the markets decided. While for big economies, some regulation is necessary, I think on the scale of an MMO, its less necessary, if people aren't buying on the exchange, the rest of the game will go on. And if people aren't buying, people will choose to not sell, or lower their price.

    In terms of 'stupidity' of spending that money on a ship. I sold a bugship which I got from the one and only doff pack I've bought for ~400+mill ec, bought the Wells I wanted for ~80mill ec. Each person exchanged the ec they wanted, and got the item they actually wanted, what's stupid about that? Just to add, even without the bug and not doing any additional ec generation other than selling particular loot drops on the exchange (ie. no buying items from the C/Z store and selling on the exchange) I still had enough for the Wells, it would just have left my account a bit emptier.
  • drsanitydrsanity Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Honestly, the initial post (which I do not agree with, at all) feels like a 'look over here when what I'm really upset about is over here' statement. Apologies to the Op as I'm not sure that's deliberate on their part.

    Noting the particular values that he's citing they are all above the 10 mil basic limit that can only be dealt with by actually investing a _one time_ cost in the game of 500 zen.

    Is the complaint grounded in a 'why should I have to pay to access all the super high end stuff for free?'

    I don't know, but I'm asking the Op the question all the same. If this limit doesn't apply to them (as they are a current, LT or player who has secured the wallet improvement) whatever I'm keying to is off track.
    "The only thing mankind learns from the study of history is that mankind does not learn from the study of history." ~G. Santayana
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The chance to get a lockbox ship is 0.5 % per lockbox opened.
    Over 500 tries the average chance that not a single lockbox ship was found is around 8.2 %.

    Optimistically speaking, that would be a cost of around 500 $.

    Something like 20,000 EC - that's what, that's basically 200 looted items or something like that. Think about what it takes to make 500 $ vs what it takes to loot 100 items.

    IF you think about that - areyou really surprised people ask 100+ Million EC for a lockbox ship?

    Heck, the real surprise should be that you can even find any on the Exchange.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • narrheehawnarrheehaw Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I am all for an open and free market, where everyone can

    Buy and sell and make a little cash here and there.

    this is Gene's vision, a clean and wholesome

    place where everyone can prosper.

    This, is the goal, of narrheehaw
    It's mission, to destroy new worlds and civilizations
    And to boldly ruin, what no one has ruined before.
  • kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    A cap of 20,000 ec? I'm sorry, but there are items that you can vendor trash for more. :P :rolleyes:
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
  • renew1981renew1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I think this would do more harm then good to the exchange.

    I recently purchased a upgrade token , the price on the store was 700 zen
    wich i did not have so my choices where ec or exchange dill for zen.

    I purchased the token for 8.5 Mil , wich to most players is quite alot
    of money including myself however i still think this was a bargain because
    i also know if i put some time and effort into it i can relatively easily earn that
    ec i used back.

    Ec is easier to get then Dill plus i did not have to use real money either
    i think the exchange is great for stuff like this because it gives players a option

    You dont have to purchase a 100 mill or higher ship , if you can then great by
    all means you want it then get it it might be a high price in ex but how high
    of a price would it otherwise be if praying to the rng gods when opening boxes ?

    I am far from a expert on the lockboxes but i do know that getting a ship from
    it is a pretty low chance , so it can be argued that getting the one you really after
    from the exchange is actually cheaper.

    All in all i think the exchange is fine as it is except for the searching bugs there will
    always be players making more money of it then others but thats how it works
    and you cannot expect new / hot items to start off with low pricing.
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    calamintha wrote: »
    And people will starts selling (spamming) their wares in ESD zone chat instead.
    A different issue with a different solution and people have done it there and other places since day one so flawed logic. Furthermore the whole point of the recent rewards nerfs was to reduce the currency in game. Simply put there are not enough reasonable money sinks in the system.
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • wrenfuwrenfu Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    reinawatt wrote: »
    This will probably not go down well with many who seem to think hoarding mass amounts of virtual money is the way to live, but the Exchange in the game really needs a selling cap. The sheer level of greed in asking prices is over the top, like 14 million EC and more for a single upgrade token, and over 100 million for a lock box ship.

    And then there are the stupidly high prices for consoles and equipment on the Exchange. While there may be those who will grind away relentlessly to have as much virtual money as possible, all useless in the real world, there are those who play who aren't likely to spend hours on end doing that.

    I feel that a selling cap needs to be imposed on the Exchange, something like not being able to sell something for more than 20,000 EC. This would allow any one new to the game or trying to equip their lower level characters and higher level with needed consoles and equipment instead of having to put up with lower level gear that isn't making much of a dent in any attackers.
    There really is no need for people to be demanding so much EC for things, it isn't like they can use their amassed virtual money in the real world. Even if they could it would have very little value in real world currency rates, Lindens in Second Life being one such example.

    MMO'S fairly tend to bring out the Ferengi in people and it's pretty sickening.

    many, many people have earned the money to buy these things. why can't you?
  • jarfarujarfaru Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The OP must be new to mmo's Greed has been the way since mmo's started. And it helps keep the gold farmers and sellers in business. You have a choice on how you make ec. You can grind ec for an hour and maybe make 10 mil. Or go to a gold selling site and for 10 bucks buy 100 mil. 10 bucks is 2 beers at the local pub. Because of the prices on the exchange i'm sure the gold sellers are doing great business off this game. Of course no one would ever admit to doing it.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I like how we have one of these exchange witch hunt threads every month or two from ignorant players that are too lazy to do the work themselves and don't even remotely fathom the ramifications of what enacting their demands would produce.
    The chance to get a lockbox ship is 0.5 % per lockbox opened.
    Over 500 tries the average chance that not a single lockbox ship was found is around 8.2 %.

    Optimistically speaking, that would be a cost of around 500 $.

    Something like 20,000 EC - that's what, that's basically 200 looted items or something like that. Think about what it takes to make 500 $ vs what it takes to loot 100 items.

    IF you think about that - areyou really surprised people ask 100+ Million EC for a lockbox ship?

    Heck, the real surprise should be that you can even find any on the Exchange.

    Two. 20,000 EC is literally two looted items. This thread is a farce.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Heck, the real surprise should be that you can even find any on the Exchange.

    This deserves underlining. People put 800 Lobi ships on Exchange too, for far less EC than what it cost them, real money-wise, to get 800 Lobi. We should kindly thank those people, and quickly move on.

    This thread is a farce.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    reinawatt wrote: »
    This will probably not go down well with many who seem to think hoarding mass amounts of virtual money is the way to live, but the Exchange in the game really needs a selling cap. The sheer level of greed in asking prices is over the top, like 14 million EC and more for a single upgrade token, and over 100 million for a lock box ship.

    And then there are the stupidly high prices for consoles and equipment on the Exchange. While there may be those who will grind away relentlessly to have as much virtual money as possible, all useless in the real world, there are those who play who aren't likely to spend hours on end doing that.

    I feel that a selling cap needs to be imposed on the Exchange, something like not being able to sell something for more than 20,000 EC. This would allow any one new to the game or trying to equip their lower level characters and higher level with needed consoles and equipment instead of having to put up with lower level gear that isn't making much of a dent in any attackers.
    There really is no need for people to be demanding so much EC for things, it isn't like they can use their amassed virtual money in the real world. Even if they could it would have very little value in real world currency rates, Lindens in Second Life being one such example.

    MMO'S fairly tend to bring out the Ferengi in people and it's pretty sickening.

    A fewl issues with your idea:

    1. The prices are not daunting for "new players" as someone just starting to come in an level a toon would have no need for exchange items.... anything they need to level can be attained via mission drops. I never buy anything what-so-ever off the wschange before lvl50.... it's pointless and awaste of money.

    2. 20k ec isn't just unreasonable.... it's absurd. that's less that many things vendor trash worth. Why would I post that primo purple MK XII drop on the exchange for a 20k cap, when I can vendor trash for more than that?

    3. Upgrade tokens are only acquired via Zen, which means either paying real world money, or grinding and refining dilithium to get it to post on the exchange in the first place...... EC is little worth compared to Zen or Dilithium, You're basically claiming something that cost about 110k worth of refined dilithium be capped off 20kEC in sale value..... basically 14 day worth of refining compared to an equivalent EC value of what I can vendor trash a couple items for after a space mission.

    And uhuh..... greed is the issue here...... that you think that 14 days worth of someone else's work should be handed over to you for what you can gain in 10 minutes is a symptom of your innate greed.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Actually all Cryptic needs to do is make everything available on the C-Store after a time.

    Putting the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship in the store would seriously dent the greed on the Exchange for example.
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    fallenhawk wrote: »
    Greedy ****** everyone of you. You talk about how you make millions of EC but never go in to great detail about how or what you do to get millions. DON"T say you not rich by any mean or whatever you say just **** off the OP is right and this go for every game this need be done not saying at 20k maybe at most 50m for the more high end stuff.

    Arrgg .....

    Get-rich-quick schemes do not exist unless you do it by selling C-Store items. Instead, those of us with our billion(s) worked hard to earn it. Need a little help? Here is a spreadsheet (easy to use) that might work for you if you put in the time and effort: http://bit.ly/STOECGenerator

    Also, being rich does not mean a person is greedy. So I made my fortune selling TR-116Bs, but I have given away (free!) almost as many rifles as I sold. I doubt you could say the same about whatever it is you have been trying to profit with.
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    What BS. If you cant buy it dont buy it. Dont blame others for your own shortcomings.
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