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Junior Officer weekend when Mac users can't join in?

darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
Cryptic, fixing the game and THEN holding events like this would be the way to go. Players like I look forward to these events. Holding them when you've broken the game for us is very poor form.
Post edited by darramouss1 on


  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Cryptic, fixing the game and THEN holding events like this would be the way to go. Players like I look forward to these events. Holding them when you've broken the game for us is very poor form.

    Most events are scheduled months in advance, not only that while they acknowledge that they know the MAC client has some issues, they can't just put the entire game and all events on hold because of it :(

    I know it's not fair, but would it be fair for everyone to not get anything because of it?
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I wasn't aware that things were planned so far in advance. Now that I understand that I see that's it's not fair to hold the event off.

    What would be fair is for Cryptic to pitch all of their resources to ensuring that everyone can play the game. Anything that they're working on behind the scenes should be put on hold for that purpose.
  • inkrunnerinkrunner Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    askray wrote: »
    would it be fair for everyone to not get anything because of it?

    They could easily delay it. Waiting longer for it =/= not getting anything from it.
  • swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I bet that most of the developers at Cryptic aren't Mac/Wine people and would be useless if thrown at trying to fix the Mac problems. While they're coming up to speed, the people working on the Mac problems would be sidetracked helping them, and all other work and bugfixes would be derailed.
    In short, throwing people at a problem will often make it worse.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I wasn't aware that things were planned so far in advance. Now that I understand that I see that's it's not fair to hold the event off.

    What would be fair is for Cryptic to pitch all of their resources to ensuring that everyone can play the game. Anything that they're working on behind the scenes should be put on hold for that purpose.

    I hate to point this out...but the number of people that try to play this game on a Mac is not equal to the number of people who quit this game in a given week. You kind of sunk your own boat when you bought an Apple product.
  • mindmagemindmage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I hate Macs. I destroyed a couple in school because they never worked. The entire school went to microsoft computers the year after and had no more computer problems.
    Playing since launch in 2010.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    MI and now JOW? The grind drive just cannae take any more captain!

    If they fixed the two minutes of waiting for DOffs and R+D to complete I might have been tempted to do make use of the commendation bonus on more than one character.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    jup, mac problems are sort of punishment for using overpriced apple stuff. Ist much that you can do to fix that, just hope that cryptic get enough of generated crash reports (in cca of 5% of cases in which game crash) to fix it.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This shouldn't turn in to a Mac bashing session. Cryptic were the ones to provide a Mac client, therefore, unless they state that they're planning to can said Mac client, they should be dedicated to ensuring it works.

    As for sinking my boat by buying Apple or their reliability it's worth noting that in other games I can set all of the graphical settings to max an have very pleasing frame rates, whereas with this game I have to set the graphics low. This shows that its not a product capability, rather it's laziness on the part of the developers.

    In regards to reliability, I can't comment on the Mac experience of others, but my Mac is not only blisteringly fast but I've never owned a PC that's even approached the reliability of my Mac.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This shouldn't turn in to a Mac bashing session. Cryptic were the ones to provide a Mac client, therefore, unless they state that they're planning to can said Mac client, they should be dedicated to ensuring it works..

    Most MMOs generally are a month or so behind in updating their Mac clients. They do their PC first, get the patch bugs kinked out of it, then release a Mac client behind it. It's standard MMO practice.

    So while I feel your pain, and I'm sorry about it, the fact that they are following standard MMO practice and that the Mac users are such a minority that to slow up something as unimportant as a junior officer weekend or to stop doing anything else they're doing to fix the Mac client (which is a different program team from the team that does bug fixes and graphics) that I don't see why.

    Also like mentioned above, the teams that are fixing the bugs now are not the same team that works the Mac client, and probably couldn't tell you jack about how to code for a Mac. So stopping them from their work is kind of silly, when they'd just make the Mac client even worse then it is now.
  • deuszeus1deuszeus1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I agree mate... just bought a brand new mac book pro... and it worked perfectly before DR expansion... now it just randomly crashes for no reason... its not a mac issue its a client compatibility issue. Which I know the developers are aware of, however, there is no ETA.... i have been forced to go back to playing on my Lenovo laptop much to the annoyance of my mrs xD.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Cryptic, fixing the game and THEN holding events like this would be the way to go. Players like I look forward to these events. Holding them when you've broken the game for us is very poor form.

    I just wonder why I'm not having ANY of the issues that people are reporting with the mac client, is everyone on Yosemite or have a nVidia card?

    I'm currently on 10.9 (Mavericks) with an AMD card... I can't be the only one not having issues, can I?
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm on Yosemite with twin AMD FirePro D700s. (D700s are Mac versions of the AMD FirePro W9000 that are built in to the motherboards.)
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm on Yosemite with twin AMD FirePro D700s. (D700s are Mac versions of the AMD FirePro W9000 that are built in to the motherboards.)

    Did your issues start after upgrading to Yosemite? I ask because I have fleetmate who also has issues with the client and he's also on Yosemite.
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Did your issues start after upgrading to Yosemite? I ask because I have fleetmate who also has issues with the client and he's also on Yosemite.

    TBH I really can't tell. I had Mavericks before I went on holiday. DR was released when I was on holiday. When I got home I upgraded from Mavericks to Yosemite before playing STO, so both Yosemite and DR were new to my machine at the same time.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    TBH I really can't tell. I had Mavericks before I went on holiday. DR was released when I was on holiday. When I got home I upgraded from Mavericks to Yosemite before playing STO, so both Yosemite and DR were new to my machine at the same time.

    I'm willing to bet it IS due to cider needing to be updated for Yosemite. Since cider is a 3rd party component of the (don't call it an emulator) Mac Client, Cryptic probably can't do anything until transgaming updates their cider component.

    I assume bootcamp and windows is not an option for you?
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm willing to bet it IS due to cider needing to be updated for Yosemite. Since cider is a 3rd party component of the (don't call it an emulator) Mac Client, Cryptic probably can't do anything until transgaming updates their cider component.

    I assume bootcamp and windows is not an option for you?

    I used to have an older Mac pro that did have a Bootcamp partition with Windows 7. My new Mac Pro, the small black one, only supports Windows 8 and above. I'm not prepared to spend over $100 for a crappy operating system that will only be used for one game, nor do I want to lose HD space to it, either.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I hate to point this out...but the number of people that try to play this game on a Mac is not equal to the number of people who quit this game in a given week. You kind of sunk your own boat when you bought an Apple product.

    Not exactly. Its just some Apple Computer owners refuse to get Boot Camp. And make full use of what the computer's potential is. I play STO on my "Windows" side, and still do. So even now I can still play STO where Apple only users can't.

    Even now I'm looking at a new IMac to replace my current old one. Once I do, it will have Boot Camp and Windows on it as well. This way I have 2 computers for the price of one. You can't beat that deal.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I used to have an older Mac pro that did have a Bootcamp partition with Windows 7. My new Mac Pro, the small black one, only supports Windows 8 and above. I'm not prepared to spend over $100 for a crappy operating system that will only be used for one game, nor do I want to lose HD space to it, either.

    Oh, you have a new Mac Pro... Okay I'm officially jealous. Well, I hope they get it sorted out for you soon.

    I'm sure not upgrading until they do, though. :)
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm willing to bet it IS due to cider needing to be updated for Yosemite. Since cider is a 3rd party component of the (don't call it an emulator) Mac Client, Cryptic probably can't do anything until transgaming updates their cider component.

    I assume bootcamp and windows is not an option for you?

    I asked this before. Some just refuse to do it. To me it was $ well worth spent. Since I can use it for STO. Plus if my wife's laptop goes down for some reason. She has mine for back up for work. Since her work don't recognize Apple type programs.

    Plus most are forgetting. To play this game in the past. You had to use windows. It wasn't until recently they added the Apple version. This is how I can still play with an Apple. I use Boot Camp. I'm in the market for a new IMac. And even it will have the Boot Camp. So I can reach the full potential for the computer. Where else you can buy 2 computers for 1 unit.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • rswfiredotcomrswfiredotcom Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    What would be fair is for Cryptic to pitch all of their resources to ensuring that everyone can play the game. Anything that they're working on behind the scenes should be put on hold for that purpose.

    This would not be possible, because not everyone would have the ability to help with Mac issues. I imagine they have a team of maybe a few people or more who deal with Macs (or maybe not since they are still broken after all this time...or they are super incompetent, I don't know.) But "all of their resources" cannot help with this. I've been programming for 30 years and I do not know the first thing about Macs -- would you really want me working on your problems knowing this? :)

    /73secs (can't believe this timer still exists)
    /27secs (seriously cryptic, do you just spend your time thinking up new ways to annoy your customers?)
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    When I first started playing STO I bought Windows 7 just to play it. The Windows partition only existed for that. The new Mac, not supporting Windows 7, would force me to buy Windows 8. I don't want to spend another $120 for an operating system that I've got no real use for (I use Mac as I'm a photographer and my wife uses Mac as she prefers it) plus I really don't like Windows 8. To me it's too much like a tablet OS. Looks like I'll just have to keep pressuring the devs via the forum until they get their A in to G.

    Oh, you have a new Mac Pro... Okay I'm officially jealous. Well, I hope they get it sorted out for you soon.

    I'm sure not upgrading until they do, though. :)

    Yosemite is awesome but yeah, don't upgrade until you hear of a Mac fix!!
  • spacekorgathspacekorgath Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm willing to bet it IS due to cider needing to be updated for Yosemite. Since cider is a 3rd party component of the (don't call it an emulator) Mac Client, Cryptic probably can't do anything until transgaming updates their cider component.

    I assume bootcamp and windows is not an option for you?

    Those of us still using Mavericks are having exactly the same problem.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Those of us still using Mavericks are having exactly the same problem.

    That's why I was asking above, my very low data sample showed that only Yosemite people were affected. I'm not having any issues, so I was trying to find a common denominator, and I bet so's Cryptic.
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • jaymclaughlinjaymclaughlin Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I was fine before DR, then as soon as I patched to DR I started getting the pixel shader errors and crashing after a few mins.

    I then upgraded to Yosemite... made no difference.

    I've tried installing windows via bootcamp, but for some reason my Mac Pro doesn't want to recognise the windows dvd or boot from a windows usb, so that's not an option for me
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    Most MMOs generally are a month or so behind in updating their Mac clients. They do their PC first, get the patch bugs kinked out of it, then release a Mac client behind it. It's standard MMO practice.

    So while I feel your pain, and I'm sorry about it, the fact that they are following standard MMO practice and that the Mac users are such a minority that to slow up something as unimportant as a junior officer weekend or to stop doing anything else they're doing to fix the Mac client (which is a different program team from the team that does bug fixes and graphics) that I don't see why.

    Also like mentioned above, the teams that are fixing the bugs now are not the same team that works the Mac client, and probably couldn't tell you jack about how to code for a Mac. So stopping them from their work is kind of silly, when they'd just make the Mac client even worse then it is now.

    you know this would be fine an dandy, if it were the case. they aren't a month or so behind, but ever since season 9.5 the official mac client amounts to false advertising.

    its not a little bugged, but unplayable. People bought DR packs and can't even open them. And until some new guy creates a blooper in his personal forum into, the state of the mac client has not been commented upon by cryptic in any way shape or form.

    Client updates have never been included in the patch notes. There are no known issue for it, and the mac client subform has not had a single dev post since release of the client .

    They are not a month or so behind, they sell cake, where they have none. And yes, missing out on the release of DR, the mirror event, and now the Junior officer Weekend, falling behind in levelling, crafting and all that funk, a small we're sorry for the snafu consists of some emote, or reward box mailed to mac client users. All gold members should get additional months added to their subscription for as long as the client doesn't work. But this will never happen, i doubt that the client will ever be playable again, so the only question left is: how much longer are they going to keep up that charade of supporting macs.
  • mavfinmavfin Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Those of us still using Mavericks are having exactly the same problem.

    My son's playing just fine on a 3 year old iMac, running Mavericks, with an AMD vid card.

    I'm playing fine on a 5.5 year old Mac Pro as well, running Mavericks. (When I play it Mac-side)

    I do play it on Win 7 on my old Mac Pro, however, since the Mac client is simply crappy, graphics-wise. It's simply not set up right. I have a feeling that the people who ported it didn't get the DirectX-->OpenGL conversion quite right. It heats up the video card even on low settings. That's not really a surprise. Blizzard had to write their own OpenGL frontend to get it to work right, after all. My son on his iMac doesn't care that the graphics are low. He's 11, and blowing up ships is fun for him.

    Also, someone said that 'standard MMO practice' is to update Mac clients later...not in my experience. Blizzard releases simultaneously, and updates simultaneously as well. That should be the standard.

    Cryptic probably should have not bothered, and let someone run STO in a Wineskin wrapper like I do Neverwinter. It runs fine that way. One of my pet peeves in Mac gaming is that if you're going to give a product Mac support, support it right, no half-TRIBBLE solutions.
  • rake0321rake0321 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I am playing on a 3 year old Mac mini. I have had no problems with STO or any other MMO for that matter. It seems that i'm lucky or immune to all the Mac shenanigans.

    I have Yosemite and everything still works fine.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This shouldn't turn in to a Mac bashing session. Cryptic were the ones to provide a Mac client, therefore, unless they state that they're planning to can said Mac client, they should be dedicated to ensuring it works.

    ^^^ This.

    However, the game is not "fair". They schedule nonstop events -- almost every weekend there is something to do, mirror, double xp, all kinds of lockboxes, extra dil, junior officer, crafting, ... constant stuff. Sometimes people miss out due to real life. Sometimes they miss out due to technical difficulty.

    You can't win the darn cross platform problem. Its been a frustrating, bumpy, and ongoing issue since I got into the biz, back in the early 90s, and its better than it was but still a major hassle. Java and whatnot (slow clunky language that it is) let you port a program... until that program needs to touch the hardware (graphics!!). And the cross platform gui stuff like qt are a joke, its like using tools from 1990, only worse. Most of the time it is still better to just write 2 versions of the interface or graphics portions of the code, from my experience -- which doubles the workload. But my stuff does not need patches and upgrades -- I would pull my hair out trying to run something that needed updates using that approach. Or you can let the 0.00001% of your clients that use a mac (or worse, a hobby OS) suffer and try to get it to work with their windows VM...
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    noroblad wrote: »
    ...Or you can let the 0.00001% of your clients that use a mac (or worse, a hobby OS) suffer and try to get it to work with their windows VM...

    I would hazard a guess that there's a larger percentage of Mac players than most people would assume. My reasoning? Because Cryptic would NEVER have made a Mac client unless they knew it would be profitable. Let's face it, unless it brings in the dollars their PWE overlords would never let it happen.
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