Tribble is being brought down for maintenance to update it to build ST.45.20141019a.12.
Resolved an issue which was blocking Federation Aligned Romulans from leaving Starfleet Academy.
The Mirror Invasion Event Journal ad text displays the correct Captain level range and rewards for the current Mirror Invasion Event.
Resolved an issue where two tiny ships were floating in Delta Quadrant Command center.
Female KDF Talaxians are no longer labeled as Male.
Resolved numerous issues which caused body parts to be invisible such as when wearing swimsuits.
The Talaxians species Trait details now correctly describe Talaxian traits.
Previously, Reman Traits were displayed.
PvE Queues:
Delta Marks can now be earned when completing the Mirror Invasion event.
This includes the Daily Mark reward pack and standard reward pack.
Increased Dilithium rewards for all queues.
Normal queues will reward 360 Dilithium upon successful completion.
Advanced queues reward 720 Dilithium upon successful completion.
Elite queues reward 1440 Dilithium upon successful completion.
Private PvE queues now scale to level 60.
Azure Nebula Rescue:
Advanced mode now correctly rewards an Advanced R&D Pack upon successful completion.
Ships will now count for credit and the required Free three ships fast can be completed.
There are no longer two mission timers for The Cure Found Advanced.
Increased Dilithium rewards by 50% in Adventure Zones and Battle Zones.
For an example, if the Dilithium reward for an Adventure Zone mission was 10, it will now be 15.
Resolved an issue where if defeated after completing the step Defeat Cooper, the player is spawned in the incorrect respawn point, blocking progression.
Space NPC ships level 50-60 have had their Hit Points reduced.
This change affects Space NPC ships in Normal and Advanced modes.
Hit Points have not been altered for NPCs in Elite mode.
Resolved an issue where shuttle loadouts would not automatically apply when entering a queue that automatically switches the players ship to a shuttle.
Resolved an issue where items saved to a loadout would occasionally remove itself from its slot when transferring to another map.
Resolved an issue where items shared between the active ship and current shuttle do not move when swapping between them.
Upgrade System:
Federation Type 3 Phaser Rifles can now be upgraded.
Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Beam arrays can now be upgraded.
Polarized Tetryon Beam Arrays can now be upgraded.
Adaptive Transphasic Torpedo can now be upgraded.
Nanopulse Lirpas can now be upgraded.
Batleths can now be upgraded.
Resolved an issue where the UI did not register a percentage improvement on the chance to upgrade an item when using a Research Boost.
This is a display fix as the boost was working correctly.
Rock and Roll Captain Specialization Power:
Resolved an issue where the following ships would not play the Rock and Roll animation:
Andorian Kumari Escort: Charal Class
Andorian Kumari Escort: Khyzon Class
Andorian Kumari Escort: Kumari Class
Faeht Intel Warbird
Resolved an issue which was causing the audio for Rock and Roll to be heard by every player on a map when one player uses the power.
Known Issues:
The Federation, Klingon, and Romulan tutorials award the incorrect type of kits upon completion of the tutorial.
KDF aligned Romulans will see duplicate powers when training Bridge Officers.
One set of the powers are invalid.
The Bio-Neural Gel Pack in the Delta Alliance Reputation system does not apply the correct amount of Subsystem Power Boost.
soooo surgical strike still just dealing phaser damage? my poor non feds would like to use that without being gimped, or reinvesting in phaser tac consoles
I appreciate that You are quashing as many BUGs as you can each week.
It just seems to take forever...
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Good changes and good fixes (assuming they work --> looking at you, loadouts).
I'd still very much prefer normal queues to get 480 dil as prior to DR and advanced to get the previous elites' worth of 960 dil.
Curious about how the loadouts will behave now. I'm kinda skeptic these fixes will be enough, if they even work.
Nice additions to upgradeable gear.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Good changes and good fixes (assuming they work --> looking at you, loadouts).
I'd still very much prefer normal queues to get 480 dil as prior to DR and advanced to get the previous elites' worth of 960 dil.
Curious about how the loadouts will behave now. I'm kinda skeptic these fixes will be enough, if they even work.
Nice additions to upgradeable gear.
Actually, to me, it appears fundamentally sound this way.
One gets double the reward for each level increase.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Then it should be 200% Health and Damage on Advanced mobs, 400% Health and Damage on Elite mobs, by your thinking.
Funny thing, DR launch its was more, Advance was 250% more then normal and Elite was 416% more then normal.
Damage wasn't much buffed, but still Elite has something like 200-300% more damage then normal, they only thing was/is that damage at normal is laughable, like 400-600dps, so on elite they did something like 1,5-2k.
Then it should be 200% Health and Damage on Advanced mobs, 400% Health and Damage on Elite mobs, by your thinking.
Since when has STO NPC Health/Damage quantified Reward in the game?
Given our past experiences, the Rewards are based on Cryptics Percentage of Monetary Intake.
Not on how well we can play the game.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Why should there be content players can't overcome? Especially if that's not the intention of the devs.
I think there should be content that gives players a reason to rise up and become better. STO of a few weeks was not it. I thought Delta Rising would change that but from what I can see it looks like I was or will be wrong soon
I'm getting the impression you guys are actually listening and trying now. This pleases me. Maybe there's hope, after all.
I agree and welcome this new direction. I hope that it's a true change that lasts, which will benefit both Cryptic's employees as well as the customer base.
I think there should be content that gives players a reason to rise up and become better. STO of a few weeks was not it. I thought Delta Rising would change that but from what I can see it looks like I was or will be wrong soon/
I think there should be content that gives players a reason to rise up and become better. STO of a few weeks was not it. I thought Delta Rising would change that but from what I can see it looks like I was or will be wrong soon/
Again, I ask..., Why?
ELITE play is getting little to no changes. And what They may change, will be harder, not easier.
Why does that not satisfy the few who demand a complete and serious challenge?
(AI Intelligence not withstanding)
Why does the whole game have to reflect a style that caters to those few who are outstanding DPS'ers?
I've always played the game on Advanced, and while Post-D.R. has put quite a cramp on my enjoying the game fully, I still managed to muddle through to level-60 in about a weeks time.
I haven't once asked that the game be made to fit my play-style (though I am pizzed at the reward nerf - which They are fixing), I've had to adapt because I still want to play the game.
If at some point Advanced becomes to easy for me, then I will probably start attempting to do ELITE stuff.
I certainly won't put in a request for Advanced to be made harder.
(nor would I expect the Devs to listen to such a request)
I realize that I'm not the only one playing the game and many folks are not as adept (nor wish to be) as I am in figuring out what works best.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Good stuff comming our way. Hope next week's patchnotes will have the same amount of QoL fixes that will bring more improvements so the game can go back on track on being enjoyable and fun for everyone.
People who can't do advanced content should stick to normal difficulty content.
People who can't do elite content should stick to advanced difficulty content.
All the devs needed to do was change the rewards, not try to make the normal queues redundant again. This way people could enjoy queues that are tailored to their skill level, instead of making the advanced queues the new "normal" queue.
ELITE play is getting little to no changes. And what They may change, will be harder, not easier.
Why does that not satisfy the few who demand a complete and serious challenge?
(AI Intelligence not withstanding)
Why does the whole game have to reflect a style that caters to those few who are outstanding DPS'ers?
I've always played the game on Advanced, and while Post-D.R. has put quite a cramp on my enjoying the game fully, I still managed to muddle through to level-60 in about a weeks time.
I haven't once asked that the game be made to fit my play-style (though I am pizzed at the reward nerf - which They are fixing), I've had to adapt because I want to still play the game.
If at some point Advanced becomes to easy for me, then I will probably start attempting to do ELITE stuff.
I certainly won't put in a request for Advanced to be made harder.
I realize that I'm not the only one playing the game and many folks are not as adept (nor wish to be) as I might be in figuring out what works best.
My illogical fear is elite in time will be dumb cause someone thinks it is too hard but more then that if Advanced truly becomes old elite then nothing changes, we get back to my illogical fear. A "master"of Advanced sets foot in elite content, gets his face into it hamburger meat, and then he starts saying its too hard, the nerf bats swings and get back to the norm.
And yes, I'm pretty sure most players would love the return to the norm but the devs stepped away from the norm for a reason. I can't speak for their reasons for the change but I can guess. Maybe they wanted to give us something challenging.
They see a 26% HP reduction. And all difficulties reward quite a bit more skill points.
Is the skill point increase intentional or a bug?
well thats quite some increase there in skill points, nearly back to the values of what they where before he huge nerf. Well only 24% less, cruisers gave ~940xp on elite.
My illogical fear is elite in time will be dumb cause someone thinks it is too hard but more then that if Advanced truly becomes old elite then nothing changes, we get back to my illogical fear. A "master"of Advanced sets foot in elite content, gets his face into it hamburger meat, and then he starts saying its too hard, the nerf bats swings and get back to the norm.
And yes, I'm pretty sure most players would love the return to the norm but the devs stepped away from the norm for a reason. I can't speak for their reasons for the change but I can guess. Maybe they wanted to give us something challenging.
Part of the problem here is that Normal DOES NOT give the necessary rewards for players to be able to eventually try the next level up.
They HAVE to dive head-first into Advanced play in order to better their ship/toon.
As an example...
I have only been able to acquire ONE Ancient Power Cell (the one from the story line) since D.R. hit.
I have as of yet been in a successful STF (I PUG - don't go there) that rewards them.
Imagine now all the folks that have as of yet been able to get any of the Specialized gear that comes from the reps since D.R.'s changes.
How do they get better at the game if they can't get the stuff required to get better??
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
People who can't do advanced content should stick to normal difficulty content.
People who can't do elite content should stick to advanced difficulty content.
All the devs needed to do was change the rewards, not try to make the normal queues redundant again. This way people could enjoy queues that are tailored to their skill level, instead of making the advanced queues the new "normal" queue.
I think bringing in "failure standards" could help here:
A brand new player with a brand new toon, that's still leveling-up, with equipment you'd expect a toon to hit that level with (not end up with), should be able to complete that mission on Normal.
An established player and/or an established toon, that's either completed leveling up, and/or has equipment you'd expect that level to end up with, should be able to complete that mission on Advanced.
An established player with an established toon, that's completed leveling up, with the highest level of equipment, should be able to complete that mission on Elite.
The 'failure standard' would be e.g. if the average newbie player in their Level 45 toon that has equipment expected (e.g. blue Mk XI) can't complete the primary objectives for Normal STF. Similar for advanced, and for elite. It may even be that there should be a 'failure standard' at the upper level, eg. a team of five level 45s with basic equipment for that level can get the optionals, then its too easy.
Some 'dispassionate' models of what is and is not expected to be achievable is a good idea, and also that should not lock out the opportunities for new players. It might be that Advanced should be 'always' winnable by established players, but that Elite should fail 20% of the time (or something like that).
The TL : DR - If Advanced is too hard for the majority of established toons, and Normal is where everyone needs to be... then where do really new players go? And maybe, Elite should be expected to fail regularly: big risk for a big reward, and done more for the challenge than an expected payout?
Part of the problem here is that Normal DOES NOT give the necessary rewards for players to be able to eventually try the next level up.
They HAVE to dive head-first into Advanced play in order to better their ship/toon.
As an example...
I have only been able to acquire ONE Ancient Power Cell (the one from the story line) since D.R. hit.
I have as of yet been in a successful STF (I PUG - don't go there) that rewards them.
Imagine now all the folks that have as of yet been able to get any of the Specialized gear that comes from the reps since D.R.'s changes.
How do they get better at the game if they can't get the stuff required to get better??
The set from A step between the stars
Romulan Rep
Voth/Undine battlezone
Only Omega and Delta rep really has no way to get rep gear with STFing and I say fix that and not turn NPCs into easy pushovers.
Allow Deferi and Kobali battlezones to reward BNP/APCs for missions there
And advance STF only 720? so, only arround a 200 dil increase? That is a really small buff.
I'm a little taken back by this myself. the "old Elite" was 1440, so even if "buffed" up, it's still half of what a majority of players were getting prior. They said themselves that the new Elite was only for the "best of the best" but those players will be the only ones who saw dilithium rewards at least remain flat. For the rest of us, it remains a 50% cut to pre-expansion rates.
The set from A step between the stars
Romulan Rep
Voth/Undine battlezone
Only Omega and Delta rep really has no way to get rep gear with STFing and I say fix that and not turn NPCs into easy pushovers.
Allow Deferi and Kobali battlezones to reward BNP/APCs for missions there
At what level?
Go play ELITE if you think the other two levels are to easy... It's calling to you.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I'm a little taken back by this myself. the "old Elite" was 1440, so even if "buffed" up, it's still half of what a majority of players were getting prior. They said themselves that the new Elite was only for the "best of the best" but those players will be the only ones who saw dilithium rewards at least remain flat. For the rest of us, it remains a 50% cut to pre-expansion rates.
This will not bode well for the casual player.
If They add more Dilithium to the "Adventure Zones" then folks won't have to do STF's exclusively to get ahead.
I'm a casual player and I have little problem in getting enough Dilithium to spend.
It can be a bit tedious at times, but that's the nature of being a MMO player.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
But didn't queues already scale?
Or did I not notice because I just played elite onyl?
And advance STF only 720? so, only arround a 200 dil increase? That is a really small buff.
Division Hispana
Let the shield melting begin. Awesome.
BTW - Awesome job finally getting to fix the loadout problems, and adjusting rewards.
So little time...
I appreciate that You are quashing as many BUGs as you can each week.
It just seems to take forever...
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I'd still very much prefer normal queues to get 480 dil as prior to DR and advanced to get the previous elites' worth of 960 dil.
Curious about how the loadouts will behave now. I'm kinda skeptic these fixes will be enough, if they even work.
Nice additions to upgradeable gear.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
Actually, to me, it appears fundamentally sound this way.
One gets double the reward for each level increase.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Then it should be 200% Health and Damage on Advanced mobs, 400% Health and Damage on Elite mobs, by your thinking.
There should but players can't handle that
Why should there be content players can't overcome? Especially if that's not the intention of the devs.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Funny thing, DR launch its was more, Advance was 250% more then normal and Elite was 416% more then normal.
Damage wasn't much buffed, but still Elite has something like 200-300% more damage then normal, they only thing was/is that damage at normal is laughable, like 400-600dps, so on elite they did something like 1,5-2k.
Since when has STO NPC Health/Damage quantified Reward in the game?
Given our past experiences, the Rewards are based on Cryptics Percentage of Monetary Intake.
Not on how well we can play the game.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I think there should be content that gives players a reason to rise up and become better. STO of a few weeks was not it. I thought Delta Rising would change that but from what I can see it looks like I was or will be wrong soon
I agree and welcome this new direction. I hope that it's a true change that lasts, which will benefit both Cryptic's employees as well as the customer base.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Again, I ask..., Why?
ELITE play is getting little to no changes. And what They may change, will be harder, not easier.
Why does that not satisfy the few who demand a complete and serious challenge?
(AI Intelligence not withstanding)
Why does the whole game have to reflect a style that caters to those few who are outstanding DPS'ers?
I've always played the game on Advanced, and while Post-D.R. has put quite a cramp on my enjoying the game fully, I still managed to muddle through to level-60 in about a weeks time.
I haven't once asked that the game be made to fit my play-style (though I am pizzed at the reward nerf - which They are fixing), I've had to adapt because I still want to play the game.
If at some point Advanced becomes to easy for me, then I will probably start attempting to do ELITE stuff.
I certainly won't put in a request for Advanced to be made harder.
(nor would I expect the Devs to listen to such a request)
I realize that I'm not the only one playing the game and many folks are not as adept (nor wish to be) as I am in figuring out what works best.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
They see a 26% HP reduction. And all difficulties reward quite a bit more skill points.
Is the skill point increase intentional or a bug?
People who can't do advanced content should stick to normal difficulty content.
People who can't do elite content should stick to advanced difficulty content.
All the devs needed to do was change the rewards, not try to make the normal queues redundant again. This way people could enjoy queues that are tailored to their skill level, instead of making the advanced queues the new "normal" queue.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
My illogical fear is elite in time will be dumb cause someone thinks it is too hard but more then that if Advanced truly becomes old elite then nothing changes, we get back to my illogical fear. A "master"of Advanced sets foot in elite content, gets his face into it hamburger meat, and then he starts saying its too hard, the nerf bats swings and get back to the norm.
And yes, I'm pretty sure most players would love the return to the norm but the devs stepped away from the norm for a reason. I can't speak for their reasons for the change but I can guess. Maybe they wanted to give us something challenging.
well thats quite some increase there in skill points, nearly back to the values of what they where before he huge nerf. Well only 24% less, cruisers gave ~940xp on elite.
Part of the problem here is that Normal DOES NOT give the necessary rewards for players to be able to eventually try the next level up.
They HAVE to dive head-first into Advanced play in order to better their ship/toon.
As an example...
I have only been able to acquire ONE Ancient Power Cell (the one from the story line) since D.R. hit.
I have as of yet been in a successful STF (I PUG - don't go there) that rewards them.
Imagine now all the folks that have as of yet been able to get any of the Specialized gear that comes from the reps since D.R.'s changes.
How do they get better at the game if they can't get the stuff required to get better??
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I think bringing in "failure standards" could help here:
A brand new player with a brand new toon, that's still leveling-up, with equipment you'd expect a toon to hit that level with (not end up with), should be able to complete that mission on Normal.
An established player and/or an established toon, that's either completed leveling up, and/or has equipment you'd expect that level to end up with, should be able to complete that mission on Advanced.
An established player with an established toon, that's completed leveling up, with the highest level of equipment, should be able to complete that mission on Elite.
The 'failure standard' would be e.g. if the average newbie player in their Level 45 toon that has equipment expected (e.g. blue Mk XI) can't complete the primary objectives for Normal STF. Similar for advanced, and for elite. It may even be that there should be a 'failure standard' at the upper level, eg. a team of five level 45s with basic equipment for that level can get the optionals, then its too easy.
Some 'dispassionate' models of what is and is not expected to be achievable is a good idea, and also that should not lock out the opportunities for new players. It might be that Advanced should be 'always' winnable by established players, but that Elite should fail 20% of the time (or something like that).
The TL : DR - If Advanced is too hard for the majority of established toons, and Normal is where everyone needs to be... then where do really new players go? And maybe, Elite should be expected to fail regularly: big risk for a big reward, and done more for the challenge than an expected payout?
The set from A step between the stars
Romulan Rep
Voth/Undine battlezone
Only Omega and Delta rep really has no way to get rep gear with STFing and I say fix that and not turn NPCs into easy pushovers.
Allow Deferi and Kobali battlezones to reward BNP/APCs for missions there
I'm a little taken back by this myself. the "old Elite" was 1440, so even if "buffed" up, it's still half of what a majority of players were getting prior. They said themselves that the new Elite was only for the "best of the best" but those players will be the only ones who saw dilithium rewards at least remain flat. For the rest of us, it remains a 50% cut to pre-expansion rates.
This will not bode well for the casual player.
At what level?
Go play ELITE if you think the other two levels are to easy... It's calling to you.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
If They add more Dilithium to the "Adventure Zones" then folks won't have to do STF's exclusively to get ahead.
I'm a casual player and I have little problem in getting enough Dilithium to spend.
It can be a bit tedious at times, but that's the nature of being a MMO player.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
And you could stay in normal if Advanced is too hard for you:rolleyes:
Nerfing Advanced into old "elite" helps no one. If it happens we wind up with the same mess that old elite became.