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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If fleet time-gates had been rejected we'd have no reputation system.

    If people hadn't accepted crafting they wouldn't have built a dil lottery around upgrading.

    You teach them how to treat you by giving them money.

    And I am not out to flame anyone but coming on here after you gave them 400$ for 2 or 3 rear weapons it entirely mute.

    Like I said if anything turn it up high, let's go for 1500$ for upgrading 1 console it would seem there is no limit to people's stupidity around here

    To me it's a small miracle there is 1 single person in the entire game who was willing to re-buy all his old gear, stuff he already bought, with animations he already used 5 minutes copy-past job for MILLIONS of dil.

    I almost become religious and start believing in the super-natural !

    I gave them 0$, converted 0$ to 0 from 0, sold 0 contraband, have 0 items on the exchange and all my characters are in-active and I will be using 0 on upgrading and 0 on crafting

    THAT is how you communicate the message

    I already bought all my gear, re-buying what I already bought is worth exactly 0
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    pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Its worrying when you start hearing the whale song.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Its worrying when you start hearing the whale song.

    And yet Cryptic doesn't hear what we're asking for. Serious disconnect here. Or, speaking of whales, "It is difficult to answer, when one does not understand the question." :P
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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I had 10 level 50s I would keep geared and buy z-store ships for across all factions, now most of them are now just doffing alts and I am deciding whether to just focus on 1 or 2 of my KDF characters only. I used to buy Fed and Rom ships also but why bother when I don't have the time to upgrade all their stuff to make them competitive. I would have got the Delta Pack immediately if I knew I could still play all 10 of my characters.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    valoreah wrote: »
    No one is denying you can grind for years on end to obtain anything and everything in the store. Of course you can do it. Not everyone has the time or the inclination to do so. Some people do not live in their parents basement anymore and have actual lives outside of STO and would rather pay a few bucks here and there instead of spending months grinding.

    People really need to stop telling others to just "slow down" and "have patience and just grind free Dil". If everyone does that, then there is no income for STO and therefore no game.

    You missed the point people are complaining of the real world cost in dollars and cents so they pump hundreds of dollars into the system and still complain that the system doesn't change. If you want it to change just grind it dont pay them money when their bottom line changes they will change it. Until then your choice is "do i buy it for hundreds of dollars fast" or "do i buy it for 0.00 and do it slow".

    the reason the game is in the present state is due to the purchasing history of the players. Past and present. I dont particularly mind grinding so this bothers me not. I refuse to pay more for a game then tis worth so I dont no matter how much they dangle the carrot in front of my nose and despite the "grind". I will not fork over money and complain at the same time. The choices are clear fork over money if you want it fast. Grind it if you either a: refuse to pay for it. b: like grinding.

    those are the choices. Its possible to play this game and all freemium games for 0.00. The grind is there to entice you to pay them money to remove it. That is how it works.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I had 10 level 50s I would keep geared and buy z-store ships for across all factions, now most of them are now just doffing alts and I am deciding whether to just focus on 1 or 2 of my KDF characters only. I used to buy Fed and Rom ships also but why bother when I don't have the time to upgrade all their stuff to make them competitive. I would have got the Delta Pack immediately if I knew I could still play all 10 of my characters.

    Yup. That's exactly one of my points! I think they thought spending would rise logarithmically (people having 5 ships, each with 5 weps, each needing 5 round of upgrades, etc). It's what I callled 'Pokemon Economics.' :P In reality, of course, the only thing that's really happening is, that peeps are ditching everything else they got (doffing aside) and just concentrate on one, or maybe two toons. Same for their gear. Which is, of course, detrimental to the game. Thing of it simply is, people don't just have 10x the amount of disposable income to spend on STO -- even if they wanted to. And I'm still baffled why Cryptic (PWE?) thought that we would.

    I really hope they're gonna take a long and hard look at those infamous metrics, and see for themselves what's going on. And then maybe make a change or two. Yeah, I know, slim chance on that. But, as a favorite Captain of mine once said, "I've never known hope when it wasn't on a diet."
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    crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    All would be solved if they can FIX the so called exploit gates BUT re-institute XP leveling as it was 10/22. However, if it aint broken...let's break..its not a good business practice.

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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Yup. That's exactly one of my points! I think they thought spending would rise logarithmically (people having 5 ships, each with 5 weps, each needing 5 round of upgrades, etc). It's what I callled 'Pokemon Economics.' :P In reality, of course, the only thing that's really happening is, that peeps are ditching everything else they got (doffing aside) and just concentrate on one, or maybe two toons. Same for their gear. Which is, of course, detrimental to the game. Thing of it simply is, people don't just have 10x the amount of disposable income to spend on STO -- even if they wanted to. And I'm still baffled why Cryptic (PWE?) thought that we would.

    I really hope they're gonna take a long and hard look at those infamous metrics, and see for themselves what's going on. And then maybe make a change or two. Yeah, I know, slim chance on that. But, as a favorite Captain of mine once said, "I've never known hope when it wasn't on a diet."

    Yes and not only concentrating on one or two toons, but also one faction in my case so I can claim the same ships on the two that I am focusing on. Before I was spread across all 3 factions, but now just KDF so that limits a lot of the ships I might want to buy.

    They should take a example for how they made rep easier for for alts, maybe some kind of bonus xp once you level a character to 60 and a bonus for speciliazation points for characters with less then your main maybe.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Meimeitoo, another great post. I concur.

    While I do agree that a game needs to make things outdated, it was too much, too soon. Three things hit us in DR:

    Upgrade all your gear (except uni consoles. Poor Galaxy saucer sep)
    Harder enemies

    One or two might not have hurt that much. But all three results in a major shift - something that a lot of players don't want to grind MORE just to stay at the level of power they were at previously.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
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    sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If they are just sitting tight and hoping for players to come back into the queues - and hoping that those that do come back are most likely the ones that are willing to pay, they are taking the wrong approach. Without players that are FTP, the ones that do spend money, are going to be affected too.

    Problem is that I am a playing player, and I'm put off by their recent changes - enough that I was ready to put money into an Operations Pack but at this point, not going to unless the game turns around and players come back.

    They didn't do what they said (Advanced would be same a pre-DR Elite) and have invalidated the ships that we already have - even after upgrades. I don't mind working harder in STFs but Advanced is still ridiculous.

    I am trying to finish the Undine rep but things are at the point to where it takes about 20 to 40 minutes for enough people to come into a NORMAL queue that you want (not just Undine stuff.) It used to be 1-2 minutes at most. I don't see a lot of players in the DR queue either.

    Don't wait too long, Cryptic, or it might be too late.
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
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    zeus#0893 zeus Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Speaking as a "whale" since I started playing STO years ago, I find the DR expansion just not worth my money anymore.

    I have lots of ALTs and I am now only playing 2 in my account and even that is limited on the second toon. The upgrade costs (Dil, EC, etc.) and the nerf by Cryptic in getting these, have made it not worth it anymore.

    I love Star Trek and am one of the few that actually was around when Star Trek first aired so playing this game was something I truly enjoyed. I don't enjoy it now and that makes me sad. I don't play Asian grindfests and now that STO has become that, I will not do it the Cryptic way. I will play the game my way and stay at the "noob" level of STF's and events from now on. That also means I don't have to waste my money anymore trying to get the top end gear quickly because it is not needed at the "noob" level. And I did that before because my time away from RL is very limited.

    So I guess PWE/Cryptic can just keep adding more grind and hope others will pay the bill, but I must stop wasting my money for less and less in return with each "expansion".

    Nice job PWE/Cryptic!

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    rasilekrasilek Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The cost is way too high, the time way too long, the reward way too low, and the content way too non-existent.

    This, in essence, is the state of the game across the board.
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    sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zeus16nbs wrote: »
    Speaking as a "whale" since I started playing STO years ago, I find the DR expansion just not worth my money anymore.

    I have lots of ALTs and I am now only playing 2 in my account and even that is limited on the second toon. The upgrade costs (Dil, EC, etc.) and the nerf by Cryptic in getting these, have made it not worth it anymore.

    I love Star Trek and am one of the few that actually was around when Star Trek first aired so playing this game was something I truly enjoyed. I don't enjoy it now and that makes me sad. I don't play Asian grindfests and now that STO has become that, I will not do it the Cryptic way. I will play the game my way and stay at the "noob" level of STF's and events from now on. That also means I don't have to waste my money anymore trying to get the top end gear quickly because it is not needed at the "noob" level. And I did that before because my time away from RL is very limited.

    So I guess PWE/Cryptic can just keep adding more grind and hope others will pay the bill, but I must stop wasting my money for less and less in return with each "expansion".

    Nice job PWE/Cryptic!


    Even playing at "noob" level is difficult when there are fewer players to fill even the Normal queues.

    Are you reading this, Cryptic? Lots of people are saying this. Queues are emptying... you gotta do something fast. Please save this game!
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
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    stommy1stommy1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Im so glad i left this game. i bought now a top game and the best is, i have no followup costs like in sto. i can play this new game whenever i want, no stupid events, no grinding and i have more fun and more real gameplay and the best fair pvp. since i left sto everything in my life is become better. i have more sleep, more power, more fun, more of everything thats good.
    p.s. i have grinded the 12500 zen for the dr expansion and what i saw was absolutely dissapointing. the only thing sto has cost me in this last 2 or almost 3 years was my time, im glad i never spend money for this bs. I have grinded everything you could get in sto. my secret was multiboxing and having way more than one farming char.:P

    I play my new game now really only when i have nothing better to do and only in my free time. when i come home from work i go now often and sleep first for one or two hours. in my old sto times there was no short sleep after the work, there was very often stupid endless grinding. sto is 99 percent grinding and only 1 percent gameplay, my new game is exactly the opposite.
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    quepanquepan Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    while i can understand the OP "whalette"'s point of view . that they are correct that our gear is basically useless outside the story missions and normal ques . while i have no issue having to work towards the new elite level ,for a expansion.
    My original gear should be able to handle ALL THE OLD CONTENT at what was ELITE , AKA the new advanced without any steps in the specializations . from being able to pug to not a snow balls chance in hell is whats happened . it also ruined any chance to get APCs without dedicated fleet groups , pug is not a option so forget getting any Delta rep gear without that .

    i feel the same about alts , its alot of resources to get to at least a level where you could use them . your looking at spending alot depending on how many alts . so basicly Crypic has said you must spend the minimum of the delta pack or more to continue to play old content advanced and the newer elite content .if you intend to play with more than one character from the looks of it .
    if you want to gear out one character, its alot cheaper to manage but you still have to pay for a upgrade at least if not a t6 ship or 2 depending on the ship specs you want .

    ive never seen a mmo that has had a level cap expansion change the current content levels to match the new cap. They only make the new quests and raids for those new cap levels never seen them change old content to force you into purchases like has been done here .

    im sure this is how alot of Player feel about DR
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    js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Please stop saying "the enemies are harder" - they aren't at all. They just have a stupid amount of hull points so it takes longer to kill them. I have literally nodded off while doing an elite Argala patrol. I'm genuinely not exaggerating.
    Free Tibet!
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    sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    quepan wrote: »
    My original gear should be able to handle ALL THE OLD CONTENT at what was ELITE , AKA the new advanced without any steps in the specializations . from being able to pug to not a snow balls chance in hell is whats happened . it also ruined any chance to get APCs without dedicated fleet groups , pug is not a option so forget getting any Delta rep gear without that .
    ive never seen a mmo that has had a level cap expansion change the current content levels to match the new cap. They only make the new quests and raids for those new cap levels never seen them change old content to force you into purchases like has been done here .

    This isn't brought up enough. You can't just ignore the expansion if you don't like it. Forcing people to do things doesn't seem to me to be a good way to do anything, unless you're talking about prison...certainly not in business. This all seems to be about forcing people (via game mechanics, lack of choice, or monetization) to do things. And, by "forcing," I mean "strongly encouraging." or "penalizing for not doing it."

    So, You are to play 1 character. A federation character. In a T6 ship. In the Delta Quadrant. Avoiding queues until level 60. Beta testing (yes, I said it) the expansion content ad nauseum to level to 60.

    It's more funny than maddening, in that it's not even cleverly disguised.
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    coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    quepan wrote: »
    while i can understand the OP "whalette"'s point of view . that they are correct that our gear is basically useless outside the story missions and normal ques . while i have no issue having to work towards the new elite level ,for a expansion.
    My original gear should be able to handle ALL THE OLD CONTENT at what was ELITE , AKA the new advanced without any steps in the specializations . from being able to pug to not a snow balls chance in hell is whats happened . it also ruined any chance to get APCs without dedicated fleet groups , pug is not a option so forget getting any Delta rep gear without that .

    i feel the same about alts , its alot of resources to get to at least a level where you could use them . your looking at spending alot depending on how many alts . so basicly Crypic has said you must spend the minimum of the delta pack or more to continue to play old content advanced and the newer elite content .if you intend to play with more than one character from the looks of it .
    if you want to gear out one character, its alot cheaper to manage but you still have to pay for a upgrade at least if not a t6 ship or 2 depending on the ship specs you want .

    ive never seen a mmo that has had a level cap expansion change the current content levels to match the new cap. They only make the new quests and raids for those new cap levels never seen them change old content to force you into purchases like has been done here .

    im sure this is how alot of Player feel about DR

    Interesting youtube video you have there. Well it all sum-up to what home headquarters has vision for STO here. I am sure more of the same will enter our PCs one day. Really nothing any of us can do they're not going to listen to all the post. If they solve what needs to be solved then just push on to the next story-line.

    Delta Rising needs new full missions and complete the story-line. Hopefully this month or the end of 2014 they'll gives us more content. Fleet Admiral, Grand Admiral level 60 and beyond. I am sure they'll figure it out.

    Time will only tell!
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    janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    everyone is so quick to blame the EP and Cryptic... and totally forget they have a chinese/korean mmo grindfest corporate master that likely has had a lot to do with the progression we've been seeing for quite a while now.

    Yes and those Chinese/Korean grindfest masters have several masters themselves called "Customers", "Shareholders" and other stakeholders. If they can't handle the customers from STO, and it's seriously beyond their capabilities to deal with more than one type of cultural playstyle need, and can only foist a model that cannot work on a customer base, then they have two choices:
    1. Wear the STO asset into the ground where it no longer generates income
    2. Sell it to someone who knows how to cope

    And the EP's job in this, is to knock on the door of his Corporate Masters and say "This model is not working for this product, because..."
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    nbs2vipernbs2viper Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    do you remember cryptic? when you promised content on a monthly or sometimes bi-weekly schedule? Maybe its time to set the perverbial clocks back again? The grinding of in game curancies is way to much. I have a JOB.... I don't want to play a game that feels like another one when I get home to relax.
    I personally like how you've changed how we got needed content!! at least with omega, at least we could do normal STF's to get the needed items to craft omega gear(marks and implants). which you got more implants from elite STFs but you worked your way to that..Now the only way you can get materials needed to get elite gear upgraded and get DR gear materials(power cells) is to somehow make it thru the NEW & IMPROVED ELITE STFs?!!!!!

    I remember a post where a dev quoted that the outline of Delta Rising was ment to be able to be played with "non" upgraded ships with mk XII gear..? It cant hoppen and the producer( yes the producer) has alienated 90% of the player base.
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    vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Yes, Mr. D'Angelo, I'm talking about you. :)

    Sorry to hear about your feelings and I agree. Still, I think D'Angelo and Gecko(Geko) reponse would be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StTqXEQ2l-Y
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    hatchetl4dhatchetl4d Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'll only do the daily mirror mission and stop after until they fix the XP, the rewards, the enemies and the loadout and maybe they rethink the upgrade cost (just made a new loadout and saved it and it loaded the old one gg).
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    priestofsin420priestofsin420 Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2014
    Before DR, I had three decked out characters. An engineering, a tactical, and a science officer. I got the most enjoyment out of my science officer.

    Since I get the most enjoyment out of my science, he is always the first through the content. With DR, he will be the only character through the content. I cannot afford, nor do I wish to spend the extra cash, to upgrade all three characters. Instead, I will focus on a single character, and even then, there's zero rush to do any upgrading at all. Cryptic removed my need to rush because they destroyed the way XP is earned, so I just run a few missions a day, make zero progress, and don't feel any pressure.

    Cryptic harpooned this particular whale with DR, and my spending has gone down from about $50 a month, to zero. I'm now spending my stipend on keys, which I sell, that I use to buy upgrades, and then I just run projects and older things all month. They will see the metrics soon enough, and will hopefully change what they've done.
    Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos
    Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
    Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
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    nbsjdnbsjd Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Look at my post count I'm just happy to play the game and let things rock on along. well at least I was. so now I feel the need to get on here. there is a lot more folks that won't do this and they will just pack up and move on. so here is my rant.

    I don't mind my gear becoming obsolete.

    Its part of a game growing, mind you they really need to consider power creep here.

    I don't mind a bit of a grind.

    I know that all MMO's have a grind element to them.

    However I do mind what this game is turning into. Folks are calling this a Korean grindfest. I'm having trouble seeing an argument against that.

    I do mind the fact we have bugs that have not been fixed in so long they are becoming features.

    I do mind that this new content cannot take you to level cap with out repeating it.

    I do mind having rewards nerffed to the point that they are.

    I do mind That a ton of promises made by cryptic haven't come true.

    I do mind how the Devs are allowed to call player names and we haven't seen anything concerning that issue.

    I'm with a lot of people my wallet is shut. I'll play the game get my stipend and hope things around here get better. maybe when the folks who are buying Zen stop and you've lost two myself and another who didn't mind tossing a hundred bucks or so at the game each week. maybe just maybe yall will wake up and fix this mess.

    What keeps me playing? my friends and my love of Trek. But Honestly since this debacle I've got a ton of grumpy friends and the rose colored glasses have long since broke.
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    nbsjdnbsjd Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    10/31/2014 Star Trek Online Holodeck
    -10600 0
    10/31/2014 1414774676237578 Direct Credit Card Completed
    Your transaction was successfully processed. $100 10600 10600
    10/19/2014 Star Trek Online Holodeck
    -10600 0
    10/19/2014 1413736442765024 Direct Credit Card Completed
    Your transaction was successfully processed. $100 10600 10600
    10/15/2014 Star Trek Online Holodeck
    -2000 0
    10/15/2014 1413391504910525 Direct Credit Card Completed
    Your transaction was successfully processed. $20 2000 2000
    10/15/2014 Star Trek Online Holodeck
    -10600 0
    10/15/2014 1413391461094695 Direct Credit Card Completed
    Your transaction was successfully processed. $100 10600 10600
    10/10/2014 Star Trek Online Holodeck
    -10600 0
    10/10/2014 1412998904058880 Direct Credit Card Completed
    Your transaction was successfully processed.
    09/26/2014 Star Trek Online Holodeck
    -2000 0
    09/26/2014 1411783729051554 Direct Credit Card Completed
    Your transaction was successfully processed. $20

    heres a month of the cash I spent. I refuse to do this anymore until we see some major fixes. this doesn't show the DR I bought for a buddy.

    So Cryptic balls in your court.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    You are ignoring just one thing...


    It may not work for you or me, but there is a large enough segment in this community that has totally embraced that those of us who refuse to are in the minority. If it was not profitable they would not be doing what they are doing. They do not care that we are not the ones throwing money at them. All they care about is that money is being thrown at them.

    Like I said. Even if enough of the lemmings stop being lemmings and see what's happening, it will not change anything for the better. If this game ceases to be profitable, PWE will not pour money into reinventing it. They'll shut it down, move the team to other projects, and use it as a tax write-off.

    We can kick and scream like a bunch of babies having a tantrum all we want. The best of what STO could have been is actually what Jack Emmert lied and told us it would be when it was first announced.

    I dunno, really. If the empty queues are any cue, then maybe it's not working entirely 'as intended.' We can't really tell, from here, why they're empty, of course; but, whatever the cause, it can never be a sign of something good.

    And no sane company immediately shuts down when it doesn't work out. CCP (EvE Online) didn't throw in the towel after the Jita Riots, either, and, instead, did a wise turnabout, and mended their ways. So can Cryptic. Whether they'll actually do it is another matter, of course. As Molari once said, quoting an Earth saying, "Pride goeth before a fall."
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    savnokasavnoka Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I would say it is not working.

    As many on here have surmised, us "whales" tend to mingle mostly in our own circles.

    The offerings in DR are simply not worth the money or time, and they are so blatantly money grabs that it offends.

    I really could care less of the opinions of others how to spend my own money. I make enough that dropping $200 a month on this, $200 a month on SWTOR, and $200 a month on TSW doesn't even really show up. Whole Foods tears my wallet up way more than STO.

    The problem is that the utiliity and value given is so much lower. It is not one incremental thing, it is a huge series of incremental buys. A 'gold ship' requires a level of cash to even make me pause.

    Unless the model is adjusted, most whales will drop some cash, but I fear most will be like me and only focus on one character, and certainly not all the way to gold.
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