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Being labelled cheater by the devs sucked the fun out of the game.



  • christianmacchristianmac Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    daan2006 wrote: »
    dont worry i will look again in 6 hours better be more than 10 for your post :)

    You might want to look at the 5 other fleets we share TS with. together we Queue a lot. But in reality I could care less. I am happy with this game, weather you want to troll me or not.
  • oneofexploitoneofexploit Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    fenr00k wrote: »
    Until that happens however, it will contiinue to act as the basis of actions taken by employees and agents of Cryptic/PWE.

    Argue all you like about how enforcable it is here on this forum, but news flash, without actually taking it to court it will continue to be just your opinion. And news flash, when it comes to TOS/EULA etc, it's not actually the opinions of players that matters.

    Feel free to continue to wear out your keyboard however uselessly complaining here about it.

    People should stop posting that the TOS is the end be all and makes arguments invalid.

    Just sayin'
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You might want to look at the 5 other fleets we share TS with. together we Queue a lot. But in reality I could care less. I am happy with this game, weather you want to troll me or not.

    You've been here long enough now bud to realise that when somebody choses NOT to join the pitch fork wavers, they just get insulted and told their opinion is less important because "they say so". ;) The gods forbid you actually present evidence beyond "because I say so!" or "because other people on this forum say so!".

    Look on the bright side, you, like many others like us, are actually enjoying this game still, apparently. ;)
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    People should stop posting that the TOS is the end be all and makes arguments invalid.

    Just sayin'

    PWE/Cryptic have a legal team, they can afford one and to take things to court.

    Most players don't.

    Feel free to fund a judicial review or court case to test the legal standing of the TOS/EULA. Until then though, I would suggest considering abiding by it if you wish to continue to play PWE games.
  • christianmacchristianmac Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    fenr00k wrote: »
    You've been here long enough now bud to realise that when somebody choses NOT to join the pitch fork wavers, they just get insulted and told their opinion is less important because "they say so". ;) The gods forbid you actually present evidence beyond "because I say so!" or "because other people on this forum say so!".

    Look on the bright side, you, like many others like us, are actually enjoying this game still, apparently. ;)

    Im at work and prodding the trolls with a stick gives me something to do.

    And I am still enjoying the game....I log on everyday and run the advanced queues with fleetmates. And above al I keep in mind that this is a game. Sure they changed a lot and it got more difficult to level and the STFs got tougher....but I like a challenge and am getting to the point where ill be ready for Elites. Nobody I know Lost any points but mainly that was because we were teamed up going STFs and figuring out the changes while getting XP through the nose. That and I ran everything on elite.
  • tamujiintamujiin Member Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    K here is the deal, from my fleets point of view.

    Delta Rising, seems to be an overall success, and they DID say that 50-60 was something you cannot just blow through. They advertised this prior to launch, and people EXPLOITING the experiance glitch, get what they deserved.

    Anybody on this thread, had to have seen the masses of people in tau dewa, and wondered what they were doing, and power leveled themselves, so dont sit here and say you got ganked specialization points becuase you did your Romulan daily. That is a bold face lie, if you got ganked specialization points, that means you went and exploited the TRIBBLE out of Argala.

    As a Tier 5 FED/KDF packaged fleet, we are only conserned about one nerf coming, and thats the STACKS OF COMMON DOFF PACKS WE BUY with fleet credits, becoming unbound.

    Here is the deal, its a pointless nerf, it only means we have to open the boxes up now and mail them to ourselves. THATS IT.

    The only thing this does, is PREVENT us from helping SMALLER fleets, because we can turn around with those fleet credits and buy PURPLE DOFFS and sell them on the exchange.

    I open the boxes already when doing this, so i can make the money i want from "particular" doffs. Not the boxes themselves.

    I know as well so many other things, like if they really wanted to make people mad, they would have come out with a TRIBBLE lockbox, NOT the delta lockbox.

    All i see here is people whining because they nerfed an OBVIOUS way to SPEED level to get dilithium FAST. VERY similar to the foundry exploits of pre-LoR.


    Another thing the could do if they wanted to make people MAD, is CUT the MAX ROSTER OF TOONS TO 8-10 and thats IT.

    They dont do these obvious cuts to kill your dilithium rate, because MOST of you people don't realize you dont need to level all your toons if you get say 30 of them. They are called drones/mules for a reason.

    Simply making them the right faction ( KDF ) and parking them in the right spot, gets you your dilithium no problem.

    Every toon that you have, is another 8k dilithium, and i am sure cryptic would be fine with people FARMING this way, because its so OBVIOUS, people miss it ALOT.

    You all wanted a harder difficulty, and this is how you repay cryptic? By bum rushing to 60+50 with an exploit, then, complain its to hard?

    My fleet is ACTIVE and WELL. And we are LOVING recruiting all the RETURNING PLAYERS delta rising is bringing back to the game.

    All you whiners and complainers need to STOP, and ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME, and FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET 10k DPS, as it is NOT HARD TO DO EVEN FOR A CASUAL PLAYER.

    Then get your OTHER TOONS to do the same, and you have your "fast" dilithium farm right there, cryptic cannot NERF, because you are ACTUALLY playing the game.
  • origin350rorigin350r Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Ok, I rarely post on these forums...I prefer to PVP in game...but this whole thing is ridiculous. I've been gaming since computer games existed...including an old artillery simulator. What these people lost spec points over was NOT an exploit. I am not one who lost points, but I understand their rage. An exploit is basically finding a way to duplicate gold/EC/whatever, or a way to duplicate items, a way to clip through a wall to shortcut content, or a way to bug out a boss so that it doesn't attack you and turns into a big fat loot pinata. Gaining AA points/spec points at a faster rate than "intended"...is not an exploit. That word has a VERY specific definition. The people did not take advantage of some off the wall mechanic or buggy code that made the game trivial. This is one of those situations...you keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.

    If they didn't like the rate that people were gaining spec points and wanted to close the mechanic...that's fine...that's their call to make, and as a software developer myself, I support them fully in doing so if that is their judgment call. The reason for all the righteous outrage is that they then punished people by removing their specialization points and called them exploiters. Everyone messes up their code occasionally...everyone occasionally forgets about a function that was in an extremely long program from time to time...and that's fine...it's human. When it happens, you go back, fix your code to what you intended, and move on. These people having more than 10 AA points was not game breaking. It did not give them an unfair advantage, or if it did...then your AA "specialization" system is fundamentally flawed from the beginning.
  • nightchills2nightchills2 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This game is a broken piece of trash I have had a lifetime since beta and seams like every turn they try harder and harder to take that away.
    This expac is nothing but a money grab 130 for an EXPAC Crypitc your stupid. I could care less if this POS gets trashed at this point the game sucks. Nothing but a paywall at ever turn even for those stupid enough to sub to this TRIBBLE game. I'm done with this stupid TRIBBLE.
    Never mind that fact that if they had made a quality game from the get go they would have never HAD to go free to play.

    Cryptic take you stupid comic TRIBBLE and shove it.
  • christianmacchristianmac Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    tamujiin wrote: »
    K here is the deal, from my fleets point of view.

    Delta Rising, seems to be an overall success, and they DID say that 50-60 was something you cannot just blow through. They advertised this prior to launch, and people EXPLOITING the experiance glitch, get what they deserved.

    Anybody on this thread, had to have seen the masses of people in tau dewa, and wondered what they were doing, and power leveled themselves, so dont sit here and say you got ganked specialization points becuase you did your Romulan daily. That is a bold face lie, if you got ganked specialization points, that means you went and exploited the TRIBBLE out of Argala.

    As a Tier 5 FED/KDF packaged fleet, we are only conserned about one nerf coming, and thats the STACKS OF COMMON DOFF PACKS WE BUY with fleet credits, becoming unbound.

    Here is the deal, its a pointless nerf, it only means we have to open the boxes up now and mail them to ourselves. THATS IT.

    The only thing this does, is PREVENT us from helping SMALLER fleets, because we can turn around with those fleet credits and buy PURPLE DOFFS and sell them on the exchange.

    I open the boxes already when doing this, so i can make the money i want from "particular" doffs. Not the boxes themselves.

    I know as well so many other things, like if they really wanted to make people mad, they would have come out with a TRIBBLE lockbox, NOT the delta lockbox.

    All i see here is people whining because they nerfed an OBVIOUS way to SPEED level to get dilithium FAST. VERY similar to the foundry exploits of pre-LoR.


    Another thing the could do if they wanted to make people MAD, is CUT the MAX ROSTER OF TOONS TO 8-10 and thats IT.

    They dont do these obvious cuts to kill your dilithium rate, because MOST of you people don't realize you dont need to level all your toons if you get say 30 of them. They are called drones/mules for a reason.

    Simply making them the right faction ( KDF ) and parking them in the right spot, gets you your dilithium no problem.

    Every toon that you have, is another 8k dilithium, and i am sure cryptic would be fine with people FARMING this way, because its so OBVIOUS, people miss it ALOT.

    You all wanted a harder difficulty, and this is how you repay cryptic? By bum rushing to 60+50 with an exploit, then, complain its to hard?

    My fleet is ACTIVE and WELL. And we are LOVING recruiting all the RETURNING PLAYERS delta rising is bringing back to the game.

    All you whiners and complainers need to STOP, and ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME, and FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET 10k DPS, as it is NOT HARD TO DO EVEN FOR A CASUAL PLAYER.

    Then get your OTHER TOONS to do the same, and you have your "fast" dilithium farm right there, cryptic cannot NERF, because you are ACTUALLY playing the game.

    Heck we have people coming back from being away for years and think DR is the best thing since sliced bread.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The Players that are enraged about how Cryptic handled the issue with power leveling have every right to be enraged!

    Players who were testing DR on Tribble pointed out numerous bugs and the big difference between Exp payouts leveling DR content and existing content and it fell on deaf ears.

    Cryptic had the information but choose to ignore it in favor of pushing out buggy release.

    The only reason that Cryptic even took any action IMO is because there metrics were thrown off due to most of the player base quickly realizing that they could level much faster to level 60 and level their specializations much faster by doing just about any existing non Delta Rising content.

    I'm willing to bet that if the Patrol Missions that were giving out the best EXP were in the Delta Quadrant instead of Romulan space, Cryptic would have done nothing and came out thanking the players for making Delta Rising the most successful update for Star Trek Onilne to Date ;)

    It's pretty clear (to me at least) that Cryptic is punishing some of Players of STO due to its own lack of quality control and that IMO is beyond wrong.

    None of this would have come to pass if the so called exploit was dealt with on Tribble.

    It seems that has this MMO goes on new Lows are hit by the Developers and the players are left holding the bag.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    tamujiin wrote: »
    K here is the deal, from my fleets point of view.

    Delta Rising, seems to be an overall success, and they DID say that 50-60 was something you cannot just blow through. They advertised this prior to launch, and people EXPLOITING the experiance glitch, get what they deserved.

    Pray-tell, what 'experience glitch' would that be?! NPC's paying out the same amount of XP as they have been for the last few years?!
    Anybody on this thread, had to have seen the masses of people in tau dewa, and wondered what they were doing, and power leveled themselves, so dont sit here and say you got ganked specialization points becuase you did your Romulan daily. That is a bold face lie, if you got ganked specialization points, that means you went and exploited the TRIBBLE out of Argala.

    Moron much?! Of course people were grinding like crazy since DR, because there were finally new levels to grind! Duh!

    Ironically, you exemplify the same twisted error in thought that befell the Devs: you are faulting people for grinding.
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    origin350r wrote: »
    Ok, I rarely post on these forums...I prefer to PVP in game...but this whole thing is ridiculous. I've been gaming since computer games existed...including an old artillery simulator. What these people lost spec points over was NOT an exploit. I am not one who lost points, but I understand their rage. An exploit is basically finding a way to duplicate gold/EC/whatever, or a way to duplicate items, a way to clip through a wall to shortcut content, or a way to bug out a boss so that it doesn't attack you and turns into a big fat loot pinata. Gaining AA points/spec points at a faster rate than "intended"...is not an exploit. That word has a VERY specific definition. The people did not take advantage of some off the wall mechanic or buggy code that made the game trivial. This is one of those situations...you keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.

    If they didn't like the rate that people were gaining spec points and wanted to close the mechanic...that's fine...that's their call to make, and as a software developer myself, I support them fully in doing so if that is their judgment call. The reason for all the righteous outrage is that they then punished people by removing their specialization points and called them exploiters. Everyone messes up their code occasionally...everyone occasionally forgets about a function that was in an extremely long program from time to time...and that's fine...it's human. When it happens, you go back, fix your code to what you intended, and move on. These people having more than 10 AA points was not game breaking. It did not give them an unfair advantage, or if it did...then your AA "specialization" system is fundamentally flawed from the beginning.

    Uhm, actually it was. The devs slipped up, they didn't "set things" in Tau Dewa or something so that the enemies ranked up to level 60, or the player down to 50 when over 50, or something like that, making those patrols VERY easy to do on elite, at high speed. Some players spotted this, and exploited the heck out of it, filling up on spec points etc, and then using it to produce large quantitied of unrefined dilithium quickly.

    In other words, there was a bug. Players found the bug, discovered it gave them an advantage, and used the bug to do just that. Now I am by no means an internet enyclopedia, but I am fairly certain that this is the definition of an exploit.

    Some folks however it would seem were just unlucky. They fell victim to however Cryptic were identifying those who did use the exploit, when they just found ways to level faster. To these folks, I say that they should try to submit a ticket to appeal this. I myself have fallen victim to similar in another game once, where I got perma banned amongst hoards of other players who WERE using an exploit. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and got caught in the net. I sent an appeal via ticket however, and a proper investigation was done into my account, and my ban was lifted and I was absolved of any wrong doing. THIS is the way forward, not ranting about it on a public forum.
  • heckgoblinheckgoblin Member Posts: 685
    edited October 2014
    TOS is garbage.

    Not enforceable, and if brought to any court of law, tossed out.

    Plus, why respect the TOS when you don't respect the S?
    I AM WAR.
  • christianmacchristianmac Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    origin350r wrote: »
    Ok, I rarely post on these forums...I prefer to PVP in game...but this whole thing is ridiculous. I've been gaming since computer games existed...including an old artillery simulator. What these people lost spec points over was NOT an exploit. I am not one who lost points, but I understand their rage. An exploit is basically finding a way to duplicate gold/EC/whatever, or a way to duplicate items, a way to clip through a wall to shortcut content, or a way to bug out a boss so that it doesn't attack you and turns into a big fat loot pinata. Gaining AA points/spec points at a faster rate than "intended"...is not an exploit. That word has a VERY specific definition. The people did not take advantage of some off the wall mechanic or buggy code that made the game trivial. This is one of those situations...you keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.

    If they didn't like the rate that people were gaining spec points and wanted to close the mechanic...that's fine...that's their call to make, and as a software developer myself, I support them fully in doing so if that is their judgment call. The reason for all the righteous outrage is that they then punished people by removing their specialization points and called them exploiters. Everyone messes up their code occasionally...everyone occasionally forgets about a function that was in an extremely long program from time to time...and that's fine...it's human. When it happens, you go back, fix your code to what you intended, and move on. These people having more than 10 AA points was not game breaking. It did not give them an unfair advantage, or if it did...then your AA "specialization" system is fundamentally flawed from the beginning.

    Taking advantage of a bug is an exploit. In fact we had some fleeties do jadori twice and when we realized that they were leveling up crazy fast we all decided to stay away as a fleet and all of them submitted bug reports. I was easy to see that there was an issue when we had people lever from 57 to 60 in like 30 min.
  • christianmacchristianmac Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This game is a broken piece of trash I have had a lifetime since beta and seams like every turn they try harder and harder to take that away.
    This expac is nothing but a money grab 130 for an EXPAC Crypitc your stupid. I could care less if this POS gets trashed at this point the game sucks. Nothing but a paywall at ever turn even for those stupid enough to sub to this TRIBBLE game. I'm done with this stupid TRIBBLE.
    Never mind that fact that if they had made a quality game from the get go they would have never HAD to go free to play.

    Cryptic take you stupid comic TRIBBLE and shove it.

    Ummm read the fine print dude....the pack was for ships and titles. you didn't need to buy it to do the expansion.......
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    errab wrote: »
    The Players that are enraged about how Cryptic handled the issue with power leveling have every right to be enraged!

    Players who were testing DR on Tribble pointed out numerous bugs and the big difference between Exp payouts leveling DR content and existing content and it fell on deaf ears.

    Cryptic had the information but choose to ignore it in favor of pushing out buggy release.

    The only reason that Cryptic even took any action IMO is because there metrics were thrown off due to most of the player base quickly realizing that they could level much faster to level 60 and level their specializations much faster by doing just about any existing non Delta Rising content.

    I'm willing to bet that if the Patrol Missions that were giving out the best EXP were in the Delta Quadrant instead of Romulan space, Cryptic would have done nothing and came out thanking the players for making Delta Rising the most successful update for Star Trek Onilne to Date ;)

    It's pretty clear (to me at least) that Cryptic is punishing some of Players of STO due to its own lack of quality control and that IMO is beyond wrong.

    None of this would have come to pass if the so called exploit was dealt with on Tribble.

    It seems that has this MMO goes on new Lows are hit by the Developers and the players are left holding the bag.

    your post will get ignored because it makes to much sense
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Pray-tell, what 'experience glitch' would that be?! NPC's paying out the same amount of XP as they have been for the last few years?!.

    again to much sense so will get ignored because we are not bowing
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • origin350rorigin350r Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Like I said...I prefer to PVP in the game, and not on the forums...and you know what they say about arguing with idiots. This doesn't match the definition of an exploit. Unintended, unfortunate, sloppy coding, woops we forgot about that mechanic...sure...but not an exploit.
  • oneofexploitoneofexploit Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yeah, all the defenders seem to ignore this issue was reported on tribble repeatedly.

    Since it was that way on holodeck, seems like tactic approval to use those zones.

    As others said, if they had ANY Q&A this issue would of been moot.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yeah, all the defenders seem to ignore this issue was reported on tribble repeatedly.

    this^^^^^^ again to much sense
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    heckgoblin wrote: »
    Plus, why respect the TOS when you don't respect the S?

    Because, otherwise, you get TOSSED out. :P
  • tankfox23tankfox23 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I don't remember hearing that they took away the unrefined dil. All they did is roll back the specialization points of a select number of players. Why? What did that accomplish exactly? Except upset a lot of players?

    It's a petty way to go about the issue. Patch the issue, explain the reasoning move on. They choose to go another route. Self inflicted wound. The fact that this was reported makes it a joke.
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    jbmonroe must be blind.:eek:

    Well I must be blind as well. I am deaf however...
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The most amusing thing here, and a clear elephant in the room, is that the pitch fork wielder argument consists of:-

    1) Their personal definition of an exploit. The only definition that matters however is the one been used by PWE/Crytpic.

    2) That the bug was reported on tribble, and therefore they chose to take it's continued existance as implied consent to use the bug. Using a bug is an exploit, reported or not, it's pretty black and white.

    "I do not recognise the authority of this court!", gets hung anyway....

    Good luck with that argument.
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This times 10. My fleet is as active as ever and having a blast!!

    Same here. It is in fact more active than ever. I happen to like the DR content much more than the Dyson content. I have actually left the game for a while because I fond it boring. Now I keep changing between my Mat'Ha and Qib and I'm having a great time. Is DR perfect? Not at all. But I'm having a blast and I know I'm not the onyl one.

    Now, about getting Ancient Power Cells... this feels like the old STF's. I have a hard time finding an Advanced STF and a harder time getting into one that actually succeeds. Right now I've been getting them from reputation boxes... all 3 of them:mad:

    But other than that, thanks Cryptic. I really enjoy DR.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    guilli88 wrote: »
    To put some more context: at the time I had around 20k dps, which is a factor 4 to 5 higher than the average player.

    What was my crime?!

    I would say that's actually average or a bit below for 60. Hell that's only so-so for 50.

    The REWARDS we're broken. You're average speed isn't the issue. If you did the mission in two seconds or two hours, NO ONE CARES that isn't the issue.

    Take a breath. Read. The REWARDS we're broken.

    And your crime? Pride. Thinking for some reason you were above average. Or thinking the average was well below your level.

    Or maybe that isn't it. Maybe you can trade God a ship for that information.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yeah, all the defenders seem to ignore this issue was reported on tribble repeatedly.

    Since it was that way on holodeck, seems like tactic approval to use those zones.

    As others said, if they had ANY Q&A this issue would of been moot.

    They ignore it, because then they can't condescend to people. Makes it easier if you want an artificial sense of superiority.
  • origin350rorigin350r Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    fenr00k wrote: »
    The most amusing thing here, and a clear elephant in the room, is that the pitch fork wielder argument consists of:-

    1) Their personal definition of an exploit. The only definition that matters however is the one been used by PWE/Crytpic.

    2) That the bug was reported on tribble, and therefore they chose to take it's continued existance as implied consent to use the bug. Using a bug is an exploit, reported or not, it's pretty black and white.

    "I do not recognise the authority of this court!", gets hung anyway....

    Good luck with that argument.

    It is not a personal definition of an exploit...see, in software development...we have these specific terms that have definitions. Cryptic is welcome to make whatever choice that they want...but when you start running a game by knee jerk reactions and made up definitions, I can tell you the average time before you run off all your subs and shut down the servers is just under 2 years. Maybe that's enough time for them...maybe that's their business model/exit strategy, who knows. It's not my business, and it's not my choice. I will pay for what I enjoy until I don't enjoy it any more...then I will move on.
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    origin350r wrote: »
    It is not a personal definition of an exploit...see, in software development...we have these specific terms that have definitions. Cryptic is welcome to make whatever choice that they want...but when you start running a game by knee jerk reactions and made up definitions, I can tell you the average time before you run off all your subs and shut down the servers is just under 2 years. Maybe that's enough time for them...maybe that's their business model/exit strategy, who knows. It's not my business, and it's not my choice. I will pay for what I enjoy until I don't enjoy it any more...then I will move on.

    You're still arguing semantics, you are aware of this aren't you? Oh, and prove it. lol

    Heh whatevr though, I don't need to "win" the argument here. I DIDN'T exploit the heck out of a bug and end up losing spec points that I didn't actually earn fairly. I don't feel any anger towards Cryptic (or anybody for that matter), and above all else I really like 80% of the additions and changes that they made to the game. So, in a sense, I've already won, as have all of the other players who feel the same way.

    So please, feel welcome to consider that you have "won the argument", I will feel very happy that you feel better about at least something.

    To those who DIDN'T use the exploit, and have been unfairly caught in the net, you have my support, Cryptic/PWE really should look into putting things straight for you. To the rest of you who DID run in and exploit the heck out of it, learn from this and that way you can turn that negative into a positive. You only have yourselves to blame. If however raging at me, Cryptic etc, helps you to feel better, then please do. Just don't expect me to agree with you.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thissler wrote: »
    I would say that's actually average or a bit below for 60. Hell that's only so-so for 50.

    The REWARDS we're broken. You're average speed isn't the issue. If you did the mission in two seconds or two hours, NO ONE CARES that isn't the issue.

    Take a breath. Read. The REWARDS we're broken.

    Were not. Read. NPC's have been paying out the *exact* same XP for those missions *for years*.

    And your crime? Lack of reading comprehension. And denial. I understand the latter. Until yesterday, I too believed there was some bug in the XP tables, that had carried over from Tribble, with the introduction of DR. Turns out, that was not the case at all. The 'affected' systems, as the EP so disingenuously called them, were EXACTLY THE SAME as they were prior to DR, and have been for years.

    They were suddenly deemed an exploit, because, finally having to level again, people actually started using those old missions again. Oh, the horror!
This discussion has been closed.