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Being labelled cheater by the devs sucked the fun out of the game.

guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
The EP thread got closed but no reason given. So I would like to address an issue that I refuse to stay silent about.

Firstly; I lost some specialisation points, so I'm supposably one of those 250 people that cheated. Would you kindly tell me how I exploited?

I went to tau dewa at lvl 60 because I read on the forums the npc's are a bit easier to kill there and levelling xp is nice and relaxing. I put the difficulty on elite, I then did the patrols on my own. I did this for hours, with voyager episodes on my second screen.

Old content npc's of the same level have always been easier to kill than new content enemies. If you go kill lvl 60 klingons they'll die a lot faster than lvl 60 tholians. This was my reasoning to go farm non-DR content. Because it's easier.

I then get labelled as a cheater and punished by the developers.

Exploiting is using game mechanics in an unintended way, how is putting a patrol on elite and doing them at a rate far higher than the average player unintended? I have progressed a lot in your game, and am now punished for being so efficient?

To put some more context: at the time I had around 20k dps, which is a factor 4 to 5 higher than the average player. Which means I'm able to do content 4 to 5 times faster than the average player. It stands to reason that I would be levelling 4 to 5 times faster than the average player. Is it so hard to understand that?

Secondly; Quite frankly this has sucked all the fun out of playing. I don't know what is and isn't allowed now. I still do content 4-5 times as fast as the average player, so anything I do could be seen as "exploiting" because I'm levelling/killing at an unintended rate?

What about other systems? Currently it's really easy to get experience from Duty officer assignments, it's a lot easier and faster to let doff missions run than it is to farm content. At least for me its a lot more fun to do it passively now. Will I in a week or few weeks be labelled a cheater again, and punished?

What about Dilithium? Doing Undine space battlezone or Dyson ground battlezone gives dilithium at a rate 10 times or more compared to any other content. How is that ok? I don't even dare to play because this might be labelled as unintended, people called exploiters and dilithium docked from accounts as punishment.

So to complete the circle; exactly how did I exploit?

What was my crime?!



It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
Post edited by guilli88 on


  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    And it also sucked the fun out of the game for players not affected by this decision. What on earth were they thinking?!

    Plus, they didn't say anything of relevance or value since, with only a Pronouncement from On High which was meaningless and arrogant. The result of this, and the rest of their stupidity, is that DR attendance figures have crashed into pre-Fleet Holdings levels and players (myself included) leaving like droves.

    Well Done Cryptic, I'm sure you're very proud of your "most successful launch ever".
  • calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    You folks practically got punished for playing infected conduit instead of hive onslaught, for the simplest reason that you chose to play an easier mission :D.

    What he said. I'm guilty of "exploiting" Infected: The Conduit and Khitomer Vortex too.
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    one of the things they mentioned was about crossing the line, and when to punish us....ok, so when they cross the line and have many times, when are they punished? i think they are being punished right now, look how many are leaving the game, and not buying...maybe now they will listen to star trek fans when making content now. we need more true trek fans, the kind who wear those uniforms and ears even outside of the conventions lol, if cryptic can appeal to them they would get more positive press. but first things first...fix the blasted game already, and make it resemble trek! whats with the dark and evil ships, invading other galaxys, commando heavy wired cybernetics ...trenchwarefare all over the place? that ran its limit in DS9...star...trek....e-x-p-l-o-r-a-t-i-o-n...lol

    im glad they didnt write for TNG, picard with the tommy gun in every episode

    Star Trek Online
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ah, the ole' X12 XP multibug ++ lol
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The fun has definitely been sucked out of this game. It's totally different to a month ago and it is quite significant that the people who usually jump to Cryptic's defence (presumably expecting to be given free stuff for their blind loyalty) have been very silent.

    On the plus side, the money I would normally have spent on this game I've spent on World of Tanks instead. Now I use gold ammo and deny it whenever anyone asks me. Eat lead, suckers.
    Free Tibet!
  • nyxadrillnyxadrill Member Posts: 1,242 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    janus1975 wrote: »
    And it also sucked the fun out of the game for players not affected by this decision. What on earth were they thinking?!

    Plus, they didn't say anything of relevance or value since, with only a Pronouncement from On High which was meaningless and arrogant. The result of this, and the rest of their stupidity, is that DR attendance figures have crashed into pre-Fleet Holdings levels and players (myself included) leaving like droves.

    Well Done Cryptic, I'm sure you're very proud of your "most successful launch ever".

    Yes I feel the same. The bad feeling this has caused has tainted it for me, that and the DR expansion just doesn't work for me, too much grind, too many bugs.

    Overall its demotivated me to continue with progression. I have one toon at 60 and another at 51, as for the rest I cant see me using this decidedly alt unfriendly disaster.

    To the OP:
    guilli88 wrote:
    What was my crime?!

    Your crime good sir was that you were on the wrong side of an arbitrary line drawn by one man who, it seems, misinterpreted the dataset he was presented with. My toon was also using TD patrols to level as I too saw nothing wrong with using an already existing game mechanic. I was on the other side of "that line" though and lost nothing.

    So. Now my toons are all sitting at their respective parking points/orbits doing nothing but reputation stuff and then I log out.

    Now doubt the fans of STO will descend on this thread and to you guys I say I am pleased you enjoy the game, fill yer boots.

    However ultimately it will be the fans that Cryptic listen too and not the voices of the disheartened :(
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    js26568 wrote: »
    It's totally different to a month ago and it is quite significant that the people who usually jump to Cryptic's defence (presumably expecting to be given free stuff for their blind loyalty) have been very silent...

    I'm one of those people who usually jump to Cryptic's defense, because I have generally felt in the past that the actions they've taken has been in the best interests of the game, and have been justifiable. Not, as you put it, because I feel I'll get something in return (I never have received any benefit from doing so).

    In this case, the decision was totally reprehensible and I've said so, very loudly.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The damage which has been done over this can hardly be described in words. Players, well playing and paying, have left or begin to leave the game over this issue as well as many others.

    The rest look at the disaster currently named “endgame queues”. Those players left wait for some sort of “repair”.

    The question was never if DR was a successful launch to begin with but rather if any future releases have the slightest chance of becoming one at all.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I went to tau dewa at lvl 60 because I read on the forums the npc's are a bit easier to kill there and levelling xp is nice and relaxing.

    Uh--if you're level 60 you don't need to level. There's no leveling left to do. You must have been there for some other reason. I wonder what it could have been.

    It's still just your word against theirs, I'm afraid. And the funny thing about people who are--well, decorating the facts, shall we say?--is that they tend to give too much detail. That bit about watching Voyager on the second screen was a nice touch.
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    Uh--if you're level 60 you don't need to level. There's no leveling left to do. You must have been there for some other reason. I wonder what it could have been.

    It's still just your word against theirs, I'm afraid. And the funny thing about people who are--well, decorating the facts, shall we say?--is that they tend to give too much detail. That bit about watching Voyager on the second screen was a nice touch.

    Check your Specialization Tree, and notice all those levels, and three different groups... and you need to get up to some level in that Specialization Tree to be able to train your Bind on Pickup Intel Officers in Intel Skills too... so no, "if you're level 60" you absolutely have only just started to level up now.
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    janus1975 wrote: »
    And it also sucked the fun out of the game for players not affected by this decision. What on earth were they thinking?!

    Plus, they didn't say anything of relevance or value since, with only a Pronouncement from On High which was meaningless and arrogant. The result of this, and the rest of their stupidity, is that DR attendance figures have crashed into pre-Fleet Holdings levels and players (myself included) leaving like droves.

    Well Done Cryptic, I'm sure you're very proud of your "most successful launch ever".

    1) Numbers, or it isn't happening. What are the statistics, and where did you get them?

    2) "In droves," not "like droves."

    3) It hasn't sucked the fun out of the game for me, and I am unaffected. Who appointed you to the position of ambassador for the player base?
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    1) Numbers, or it isn't happening. What are the statistics, and where did you get them?

    2) "In droves," not "like droves."

    3) It hasn't sucked the fun out of the game for me, and I am unaffected. Who appointed you to the position of ambassador for the player base?

    1. Check the specialization tree in your characters yourself. I'm not doing your homework for you.

    2. Can't cope? Then get lost.

    3. I've been speaking for myself... as have you. Can't cope with people not agreeing with you? Your problem. Get lost.
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    yep, what will be called next exploiting ??
    I do about 45k/dps, is my ship exploiting when i do content so much faster then other people (when i do a stf with my fleet-mates i normaly do more dps/damage then my 4 friends togetter), must i now keep a eye on my marks/dilitium so i don't get robbed by cryptic and called a cheater ??
    And can i still play togetter with my friends from dps-30.000 ?? It must be a exploit to have a team of 200k/dps when normal people's team is about 25k/dps, will we get branded exploiters and robed ???

    I fell i can't trust cryptic any-more...
    Biggest problem for me is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battered_person_syndrome
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    janus1975 wrote: »
    Check your Specialization Tree, and notice all those levels, and three different groups... and you need to get up to some level in that Specialization Tree to be able to train your Bind on Pickup Intel Officers in Intel Skills too... so no, "if you're level 60" you absolutely have only just started to level up now.

    Interesting. I don't need to do any "extra" play time to train those officers. I have those points in huge quantities. Training them doesn't even make a dent in the reserve. I must have done something differently throughout the years, and I couldn't guess what it was because I don't pay attention to those things.

    I don't know--there's just something about these stories that rings false to me. I thought all those folks with the zillion-DPS boats loved a challenge and sneered at everyone else who took the easy way out by running ordinary STFs. Suddenly those folks are in Tau Dewa repeating the same missions with OCD-like intensity, and we're supposed to think that's normal behavior for them?

    Sorry--it's as authentic as that teenager excuse that the drugs aren't his, he's just holding them for a friend.

    Feel free to accuse me of schadenfreude; I still think that in the majority of the cases, the biters got bit and they're spending far too much time protesting their innocence (read: "trying to avoid taking responsibility for their actions"). There are several bits of standard jurisprudence that apply here:

    1) If you're in a car used by someone who commits a robbery, you are a de facto accessory to that robbery even if you didn't know it was going to occur and didn't directly participate. You will at least still be charged, even if found not guilty later.

    2) You can be ticketed for speeding even if you forgot the speed limit or missed reading the sign.

    3) Reckless driving in most jurisdictions is determined by the judgment of the officer on the scene.

    Sometimes you get caught based on the Duck Rule: if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

    Bad things happen to people all the time for the most arbitrary of reasons. Nobody lost a job here. Nobody died, or suffered bodily harm. Nobody's reputation would have been put in jeopardy if they'd have just shut up about it rather than blabbing it all over the forums. There's no tangible loss because the assets involved have no fungible value (and only have value in the minds of the self-labeled aggrieved parties).

    There is really, REALLY nothing to see here. A year from now the only people who will remember it are the people who should remember it--and they won't have learned anything from it. They'll be in whatever the hot sector du jour is, trying to game the game and ramp up that DPS.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    Interesting. I don't need to do any "extra" play time to train those officers. I have those points in huge quantities. Training them doesn't even make a dent in the reserve. I must have done something differently throughout the years, and I couldn't guess what it was because I don't pay attention to those things.

    Uhh...i think you are thinking about something else. Hit U, at the top of the window there is a new thing that was added on DR launch the Specializations tab. Intelligence Officer, Commando and Pilot trees. Even when you hit level 60 you continue to gain the necessary XP to fill that spec bar to put spec points into Intel Officer, Commando and Pilot trees. It sounds like you are talking about the skill point pool that you continue to gather at cap which is used to retrain boff abilities.
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »

    You lost my interest in anything you might have had to say when you decided to appoint yourself Chief of the Grammar Police. I haven't even bothered reading your latest pointless diatribe. Don't bother responding to me.
  • rragadonrragadon Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    Interesting. I don't need to do any "extra" play time to train those officers. I have those points in huge quantities. Training them doesn't even make a dent in the reserve. I must have done something differently throughout the years, and I couldn't guess what it was because I don't pay attention to those things.

    Yeah no. He's not talking about expertise, he's talking about the fact that you have to level up fairly high in the intelligence specialization tree (meaning, higher than level 60 allows you to, probably equivalent to around lvl 90ish IIRC) to even be able to train the tier 3 skills.
    Also, the ability to use the green/blue/purple intelligence modules in ground kits.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    Interesting. I don't need to do any "extra" play time to train those officers. I have those points in huge quantities. Training them doesn't even make a dent in the reserve. I must have done something differently throughout the years, and I couldn't guess what it was because I don't pay attention to those things.

    They are talking about SPECIALIZATION (the new level up mechanic in DR). You are talking about SKILLS (or rather the EXPERTISE you pay for BO skills. They are talking about the fact that you need a certain number of SPECIALIZATION points in the Intelligence Officer tree to be allowed to train your Intelligence BOs rank III Intelligence abilities.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    And furthermore now that the jbmonroe knows what we are talking about, it is in that specialization tree that people were getting deducted points from EVEN when they were not in Tau Dewa doing anything. I myself only lost one measly little point, but there were people in ESD chat saying they had lost 5 points, 6 points or 8 points and they too did not participate in the Tau Dewa Patrol fest.

    Want to know what i did?

    -new DR Storyline content with absolutely no repeats of any storyline content

    -New Romulus rep space daily-like i've always done since this daily was introduced i would get the daily and i would do Carraya 5 times in a row. Since the other systems had the same thing anyways but with different variations. There are like 3 or 4 different variations of the Carraya patrol. Carraya has romulan npcs as the enemy, i think one other system has MU npc ships, one system has renegade klingons or something. And the other being a tadpole escort quest, and one or two other variations that i dont even remember other then they were boring. I've done Carraya x5 a lot pre DR, but on DR release i only did it 3-4 times to get my daily marks for new Romulus.

    -To fill the XP gaps so i could get to the next DR storyline content i did queues on normal mode. Mine Trap a few times, Ensnared like once, Khitomer, Infected, Cure, Breach, the other Voth space one. Some of those got taken down, or were added later on. But i did them whenever they were all available.

    That was everything i did on my one toon. And since i was doing just PVE queues i too had time to alt tab and watch Voyager episodes.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    guilli88 wrote: »
    The EP thread got closed but no reason given. So I would like to address an issue that I refuse to stay silent about.

    Firstly; I lost some specialisation points, so I'm supposably one of those 250 people that cheated. Would you kindly tell me how I exploited?

    I went to tau dewa at lvl 60 because I read on the forums the npc's are a bit easier to kill there and levelling xp is nice and relaxing. I put the difficulty on elite, I then did the patrols on my own. I did this for hours, with voyager episodes on my second screen.

    Old content npc's of the same level have always been easier to kill than new content enemies. If you go kill lvl 60 klingons they'll die a lot faster than lvl 60 tholians. This was my reasoning to go farm non-DR content. Because it's easier.

    I then get labelled as a cheater and punished by the developers.

    Exploiting is using game mechanics in an unintended way, how is putting a patrol on elite and doing them at a rate far higher than the average player unintended? I have progressed a lot in your game, and am now punished for being so efficient?

    To put some more context: at the time I had around 20k dps, which is a factor 4 to 5 higher than the average player. Which means I'm able to do content 4 to 5 times faster than the average player. It stands to reason that I would be levelling 4 to 5 times faster than the average player. Is it so hard to understand that?

    Secondly; Quite frankly this has sucked all the fun out of playing. I don't know what is and isn't allowed now. I still do content 4-5 times as fast as the average player, so anything I do could be seen as "exploiting" because I'm levelling/killing at an unintended rate?

    What about other systems? Currently it's really easy to get experience from Duty officer assignments, it's a lot easier and faster to let doff missions run than it is to farm content. At least for me its a lot more fun to do it passively now. Will I in a week or few weeks be labelled a cheater again, and punished?

    What about Dilithium? Doing Undine space battlezone or Dyson ground battlezone gives dilithium at a rate 10 times or more compared to any other content. How is that ok? I don't even dare to play because this might be labelled as unintended, people called exploiters and dilithium docked from accounts as punishment.

    So to complete the circle; exactly how did I exploit?

    What was my crime?!

    oh give it a rest whats done is done and another opinion doesnt change anything. play the game or dont, your choice.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2014
    oh give it a rest whats done is done and another opinion doesnt change anything. play the game or dont, your choice.

    It's going to keep up though, people have reason to be annoyed and their entitled to make their view, just leave the forums for a few days if it bothers you. I mean I can understand it gets dull seeing similar stuff posted each day but truth be told change isn't made unless one keeps pressing away at it.

    Also as a kinda relevant point, considering the issues and the drop-off of players Cryptic is going to have to do something more than keep putting out daft events to keep players, I mean heck since when did they give out lobi for doing nothing?.
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    oh give it a rest whats done is done and another opinion doesnt change anything. play the game or dont, your choice.

    Um no, the OP has just as much a right to explain his opinion, state why he's annoyed, and ask a legitimate question.

    If you don't care, don't respond.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • tankfox23tankfox23 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Tribble testers: Hey Cryptic we think there's an exploit here, also the bag of hp you call enemies are no fun.

    Crypitc: silence

    Tribble testers: Ok I guess working as intended we'll carry on

    Cryptic brings it into holodeck chock full of bugs and the exploit (as they say). Humans as humans tend to do find the path of least resistance towards a goal. They tell their friends. All of a sudden the metrics are off because someone didn't pay attention, or didn't have time to fix something that was brought to their attention. Now a mass punishment is handed out - and I am quite sure that there can't be this many liars, the baby did get flushed down with the bath water.

    It's horrible behavior. It's like at work someone was taking 2 hour lunches so instead of dealing with that person, now everyone needs to log the time they go to lunch and come back on a board. It's bad practice, it's bad management, and it certainly does not instill confidence. Cryptic is doing the same, and I really don't think they know that the hell they are doing besides trying to squeeze every penny out of me (thank you for the upgrade system, it's so dil and mat friendly!).

    The queues are still dead, and you can explain it by saying that people are doing DR stuff, private queueing, but the numbers are like 2/3 down from before DR. I really enjoyed this game, but these recent decisions by Cryptic have really turned me off.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It's going to keep up though, people have reason to be annoyed and their entitled to make their view, just leave the forums for a few days if it bothers you. I mean I can understand it gets dull seeing similar stuff posted each day but truth be told change isn't made unless one keeps pressing away at it.

    Well you can also put the spin on it like Priority 1 did and say "something happened ingame that involved an exploit , but we can't talk about it because of the EULA . Biiiiiiiiiii " .

    .... nothing else happened ... at all ...
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    For the longest time, I thought my alleged 'exploitative behavior' was having solo-ed the 'Shutdown' mission (at DS9) on Elite, and having reaped 5x XP, for foes 5x as hard to kill, whilst I should supposedly have known that was a bug. Until the other day, I naively figured the faulty XP tables were the result of something inadvertently having carried over from Tribble, when DR went live.

    Now it turns out... it wasn't even a bug! Apparently, those enemies have been paying out that exact same amount of XP *for years*. That's no longer a bug, but 'working as intended.' Period.

    Also, it has been brought to my attention, that, apparently, they measured my 'XP per time VS average XP per time.' I hope someone in the highter echelons of PWE catches the irony of this. So, I paid D'Angelo hundreds of euros this month, so as to gear up my Aquatic Destroyer (and other ships) to all Ultra Rare Mk XIV, and now I'm an exploiter because I did too much DPS?! Lolwut?! Say it ain't so! Because if it is, then there's not enough voltage in the universe to electroshock me back into coherence! I did *exactly* what they expected of me: drop tons of RL money to gear up, significantly. And in comes D'Angelo, telling me I wasn't allowed to go so much faster than the 1k person across the map! And then he steals 300,000 skillpoints from me!

    I really do want my XP back. I was never in Tau Dewa; I never teamed up with anyone (except for PUGs, of course); nor even used any team trickery, or any other means to cheat. 'The story of me' went down exactly as laid out above.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    jbmonroe must be blind.:eek:

    nah hes either a complete troll or just very uninformed.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    guilli88 wrote: »
    The EP thread got closed but no reason given. So I would like to address an issue that I refuse to stay silent about.

    Firstly; I lost some specialisation points, so I'm supposably one of those 250 people that cheated. Would you kindly tell me how I exploited?

    I went to tau dewa at lvl 60 because I read on the forums the npc's are a bit easier to kill there and levelling xp is nice and relaxing. I put the difficulty on elite, I then did the patrols on my own. I did this for hours, with voyager episodes on my second screen.

    Old content npc's of the same level have always been easier to kill than new content enemies. If you go kill lvl 60 klingons they'll die a lot faster than lvl 60 tholians. This was my reasoning to go farm non-DR content. Because it's easier.

    I then get labelled as a cheater and punished by the developers.

    Exploiting is using game mechanics in an unintended way, how is putting a patrol on elite and doing them at a rate far higher than the average player unintended? I have progressed a lot in your game, and am now punished for being so efficient?

    To put some more context: at the time I had around 20k dps, which is a factor 4 to 5 higher than the average player. Which means I'm able to do content 4 to 5 times faster than the average player. It stands to reason that I would be levelling 4 to 5 times faster than the average player. Is it so hard to understand that?

    Secondly; Quite frankly this has sucked all the fun out of playing. I don't know what is and isn't allowed now. I still do content 4-5 times as fast as the average player, so anything I do could be seen as "exploiting" because I'm levelling/killing at an unintended rate?

    What about other systems? Currently it's really easy to get experience from Duty officer assignments, it's a lot easier and faster to let doff missions run than it is to farm content. At least for me its a lot more fun to do it passively now. Will I in a week or few weeks be labelled a cheater again, and punished?

    What about Dilithium? Doing Undine space battlezone or Dyson ground battlezone gives dilithium at a rate 10 times or more compared to any other content. How is that ok? I don't even dare to play because this might be labelled as unintended, people called exploiters and dilithium docked from accounts as punishment.

    So to complete the circle; exactly how did I exploit?

    What was my crime?!

    i was one of them doing japori and me and my fleet mate didnt have any any specs taking away but then again we stop once we hit 60 and to be frank i think we should ban together and get all exploits closed like T-rex zone hopping tagin on voth battle zone
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    Uh--if you're level 60 you don't need to level. There's no leveling left to do. You must have been there for some other reason. I wonder what it could have been.

    Hello Kitty?! Ever heard of the Specialization tree?! Or the manifold of ships I all need to complete the Mastery on?! After Dilithium, XP has now become the second-most important commodity in the game!
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Welcome to Nerf Bats Online! :D

    (a.k.a seal clubbing)
  • tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Well you can also put the spin on it like Priority 1 did and say "something happened ingame that involved an exploit , but we can't talk about it because of the EULA . Biiiiiiiiiii " .

    .... nothing else happened ... at all ...

    No that's either being spineless or they're boot licking. I ought to listen to that mind, didn't realise a new one had come out. Truth is though there's nothing that stops you talking about stuff, and if there is it isn't valid anyway.

    I lost faith in their podcast a long time ago, they never confront the devs properly on anything.
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
This discussion has been closed.