Can you prove the opposite then? If not, you are equaly detached.
HEY GUYS, Cryptic is using paid shills to sway public opinion in the forums! The burden of proof is now upon you to disprove my extraordinary claim that I provide without evidence!
HEY GUYS, Cryptic is using paid shills to sway public opinion in the forums! The burden of proof is now upon you to disprove my extraordinary claim that I provide without evidence!
Get it correct. It is EA that is using paid shills to sway public opinion on the forums. Cryptic doesn't have the money available to do it.
HEY GUYS, Cryptic is using paid shills to sway public opinion in the forums! The burden of proof is now upon you to disprove my extraordinary claim that I provide without evidence!
It happens a lot. Also in for example product reviews. Also lobbying is a common practise. I find it naive to think it does not happen.
Get it correct. It is EA that is using paid shills to sway public opinion on the forums.
lol that made me laugh
so anyhow now i can login and play. Personally I find the mobs in the open kobali zone best to get some xp from because I can find groups that out level me in the zones and they are marked on the map plus i get marks up the ying yang that I can use for dilithium , but what do i know. :P
really go back and read the thread every bit of info was taken from players who either posted in this thread or another one on this forum. Including the people who reported the stuff as it was happening to the devs and the posts about the issues being reported on tribble server. And the logic that "well they didnt fix it on tribble therefore we will do it on live" every word is on this forum somewhere.
Add to that the noises made ingame of people recruiting for those instances and explaining to people in zone chat how to achieve these things and some of the arguments that also occured out in the open ingame as it was occuring over the issue. Nothing is hidden and everyone got to watch it in "real time" too lol blow by blow.
Some of us stood back and watched it unfold knowing what the ultimate outcome would be and even in some cases tried to get people to not do it. Others ran away (i ran away lol i got as far away from those instances as I could better safe then sorry)
it was so blatantely obvious it was like being hit in the head with a 2x4.
okay so you played the game normally and didnt loose anything.
Dont believe everyone says when it comes to trying to win over a community to some cause. Devs have data lots and lots of data they can see all quite literallly you cannot hide anything from them its their game on their servers.
They are busy balancing a game with some bugs as new content is always going to have issues its impossible to debug everything before releasing it to the masses. They obviously thought the issues reported could wait and didnt think it was going to become so heavily used that they had to push it to the top of the "todo" pile that was their mistake. The players mistake was taking advantage of the situation. They did a lot of rationalizing over it all but still there are rules and they are in the tos and eula.
The definition of an exploit is pretty standard but he posted it again. If you see a bug that gives you an unfair advantage over other players the rules say your not supposed to use the bug and find ways to allow the game to let you use the bug your supposed to avoid the bug because its not normal gameplay. If you use a bug that does this then yes its an exploit. "if its too good to be true it is"
Everyone admits they found the bug an were aware of them on tribble. They knew it was wrong. They chose to exploit the bug to gain an advantage over other players. In some cases they pulled their friends in with them as well and convinced them it was okay. (these are not friends i would have lol trust me on that one i am picky hehe). They got burned and now they are angry, but wait the devs let people keep some of the progress (which was actually very kind of them) they could have taken it all away or worse, but they decided to find a happy medium. I personally think that was very good of cryptic to do that. They levelled the playing field without over penalizing the participants.
Company-man much?! Though I realize your posts are mostly trollish, your assumption of malice is nonetheless indicative of the same sort of ill-will that befell D'Angelo; so therefore worth a reply.
Sure, I've been on Tribble a short few times, the last few weeks. But only to quickly check what console slots my lockbox ships would get with T5-U. Oh, and I played the first DR mission, cuz I was curious to see the Voyager bridge. Nobody told me about something weird in Tau Dewa (where I've never even been to have allegedly exploited; heck, I wasn't even in Argala, until I heard about that system here, LOL, after the fact).
And no, silly man, I don't usually go and check XP tables on Tribble (and even if I had, anything on Tribble is usually heftily subject to change anyway). In fact, I've never even bothered to look at what XP a mssion gives out, ever since I reached VA, a few years back. And why should I have?! After reaching lv 50, XP became as good as irrelevant.
And no, I never teamed with anyone. Just sole-ed a mission at DS9. And sure, it paid out a significant amount of XP (5x for what you would get on Normal, apparently). And why shouldn't it have?! Why should that have raised my suspicion?! On Elite, it sure was 5x as hard! The petty nerf, I say, should be undone, and Elite should *still* pay out 4-5x the amount of XP on Elite!
All of this is the result of devs failing to take personal responsibility for having made a boo-boo in the XP loot tables, for which they then harsly, unwarrantedly, and disproportionally punished the players.
P.S. Remember, pre-DR, when some of the crafted consoles apparently had higher stats than intended?! Nobody had those console taken away from them, or saw their names branded as an 'exploiter' for it. Cryptic simply adjusted the stats, like they do so often, and moved on. THAT is what should have happened here: not insulting your loyal, paying customers, and robbing their XP -- which is a very serious breach of trust, regardless of whether their ToS allows it.
Company-man much?! Though I realize your posts are mostly trollish, your assumption of malice is nonetheless indicative of the same sort of ill-will that befell D'Angelo; so therefore worth a reply..
a) I am not a man of any sort
b) there is no trolling going on just dont agree and that is allowed.
c) I am not so naive as to think that people smart enough to build ships and read and write cannot know the difference between right and wrong. Been playing mmos a very long time I have seen these things before and learned from experience.
d) I do not assume malice or anything I also know that those who are indeed innocent can contact support and get their toons fixed and given back the points. Support does exist and answers tickets in about 48 hours and does help. I know this because I have had to use them on several occassions. So those that are indeed innocent will get their points back and those that are not wont.
d) I do not assume malice or anything I also know that those who are indeed innocent can contact support and get their toons fixed and given back the points. Support does exist and answers tickets in about 48 hours and does help. I know this because I have had to use them on several occassions. So those that are indeed innocent will get their points back and those that are not wont.
Haha on contacting support! They give you the full runaround. GM tickets refer you to filing a Bug Report instead. And the Bug report ppl just refer you back to official forum posts! They got that tied up in a neat little bow, haven't they!?
Besides, seems in-game tickets get truncated after a lfew ines to begin with. Oh, and that email-address they posted, it's undeliverable. Go figure!
b) there is no trolling going on just dont agree and that is allowed.
c) I am not so naive as to think that people smart enough to build ships and read and write cannot know the difference between right and wrong. Been playing mmos a very long time I have seen these things before and learned from experience.
d) I do not assume malice or anything I also know that those who are indeed innocent can contact support and get their toons fixed and given back the points. Support does exist and answers tickets in about 48 hours and does help. I know this because I have had to use them on several occassions. So those that are indeed innocent will get their points back and those that are not wont.
When exp farms have existed in one form or another throughout this game's existence (e.g.: the original Mirror Universe Event, the patrols themselves (when it didn't matter how much xp you got because you were going to stop at 50 either way), etc.) you can't really claim that there is such a thing as "right and wrong." Sure, MU got taken away at some point, but it had been there for years and was used to great advantage by people to level up to 50 within days, and when it was changed, Cryptic didn't go and knock everyone back down to 1.
As for support, I've never had a particularly good experience with them. If I actually got a response, it was typically just some form response that went nowhere. More often I'd end up completely unable to submit a ticket online due to some infinite redirect loop. Wonder if that was ever fixed.
Haha on contacting support! They give you the full runaround. GM tickets refer you to filing a Bug Report instead. And the Bug report ppl just refer you back to official forum posts! They got that tied up in a neat little bow, haven't they!?
Besides, seems in-game tickets get truncated after a lfew ines to begin with. Oh, and that email-address they posted, it's undeliverable. Go figure!
well it works for me, but I go to the website and hit the button for support and they even ask for a screenshot. I dont use email though I go straight to the website. The day after launch of the new expansion (last weekend) I had a skillpoint issue imagine that. I contacted them and got an autoresponse as they were quite over loaded. Two days later they answered my ticket and asked for a screenshot.
Perhaps you need to try again give them the link to this thread and then you can even pm a mod or tweet a dev with the ticket number. Remember though they have to pull data. Personally if it was me (and yes I have gotten caught in these things before in other games I am not perfect either) I just would regrind the stuff and forget about it. It simply was not worth my bother to wait for a response as i could regain the ground I lost before they likely would have a chance to answer, but everyone is different. /shrug
Despite what you feel the company is not out to get you they dont sit in little dark rooms thinking up ways to mess with their customers and make them angry. They have created a product meant to entertain people and they hope your entertained by it. If not oh well I guess it was fun for awhile.
b) there is no trolling going on just dont agree and that is allowed.
c) I am not so naive as to think that people smart enough to build ships and read and write cannot know the difference between right and wrong. Been playing mmos a very long time I have seen these things before and learned from experience.
d) I do not assume malice or anything I also know that those who are indeed innocent can contact support and get their toons fixed and given back the points. Support does exist and answers tickets in about 48 hours and does help. I know this because I have had to use them on several occassions. So those that are indeed innocent will get their points back and those that are not wont.
The definitions of an exploit in this game does not leave much room for innocense. They sort it not by action, but by the level of exposure to content you inevitably will encounter, within a very limited range of options.
okay so you played the game normally and didnt loose anything.
Dont believe everyone says when it comes to trying to win over a community to some cause. Devs have data lots and lots of data they can see all quite literallly you cannot hide anything from them its their game on their servers.
They are busy balancing a game with some bugs as new content is always going to have issues its impossible to debug everything before releasing it to the masses. They obviously thought the issues reported could wait and didnt think it was going to become so heavily used that they had to push it to the top of the "todo" pile that was their mistake. The players mistake was taking advantage of the situation. They did a lot of rationalizing over it all but still there are rules and they are in the tos and eula.
The definition of an exploit is pretty standard but he posted it again. If you see a bug that gives you an unfair advantage over other players the rules say your not supposed to use the bug and find ways to allow the game to let you use the bug your supposed to avoid the bug because its not normal gameplay. If you use a bug that does this then yes its an exploit. "if its too good to be true it is"
Everyone admits they found the bug an were aware of them on tribble. They knew it was wrong. They chose to exploit the bug to gain an advantage over other players. In some cases they pulled their friends in with them as well and convinced them it was okay. (these are not friends i would have lol trust me on that one i am picky hehe). They got burned and now they are angry, but wait the devs let people keep some of the progress (which was actually very kind of them) they could have taken it all away or worse, but they decided to find a happy medium. I personally think that was very good of cryptic to do that. They levelled the playing field without over penalizing the participants.
Why are you spending an absurd amount of time defending Cryptic? Do you or a family member work for them?! Its likes seriously, its not even debatable that they screwed up with multiple different things in DR and everywhere I look you are just making excuses for each and every one. Fanboy or girl much?! Kinda sad.
Not sure who you are trying to convince but Cryptic support DOES NOT HELP WHATSOEVER. We are literally talking about hundreds of players who get the run around from them and then you come in and tell people to file a support ticket and that it always works for you. Sorry no it does not. Fail. There is absoluely NO reason to believe the nonsense you are putting out
On Elite, it sure was 5x as hard! The petty nerf, I say, should be undone, and Elite should *still* pay out 4-5x the amount of XP on Elite!
This boils it down nicely. Again, I didn't lose anything. But it strikes me as a case where, even if Cryptic is right, it doesn't make Cryptic's behavior not also petty.
When engaging with the public in business, it's better to allow the customer to be wrong and be forgiving than be right and petty.
If you undercharge someone or allow them to underpay, you don't re-run their credit card or chase them down in the parking lot for loose change. It's just not acceptable in business. Even if that means some customers take advantage of you.
I suppose there are cases where the losses from allowing the customer to walk away would be catastrophic. And then, even if you aren't wrong as the business owner, you know what you do? Well, you re-run their credit card or follow them into the parking lot to ask them to pay. And you do it NICELY and you offer them something. Not because they were right to pay less but because you shouldn't be in a situation where you have to do that and while they may have exploited you, you need to take some ownership if the exploit is that big.
And if you can prove somebody is deliberately stealing from you, by all means: ban them. Call the cops. But if there's even one innocent casualty in a policy like this, you don't deserve to stay in business. You need to be prepared to let a hundred guilty people go free if it means sparing one innocent person.
You know what the big box department and grocery stores do? They take some precautions against losses, sure. Quite a few, in fact. But they also budget for theft because they don't want to risk injuring innocent customers.
Punishing the guilty is sometimes the morally and fiscally irresponsibile thing to do if it has casualties in the crossfire.
This boils it down nicely. Again, I didn't lose anything. But it strikes me as a case where, even if Cryptic is right, it doesn't make Cryptic's behavior not also petty.
When engaging with the public in business, it's better to allow the customer to be wrong and be forgiving than be right and petty.
If you undercharge someone or allow them to underpay, you don't re-run their credit card or chase them down in the parking lot for loose change. It's just not acceptable in business. Even if that means some customers take advantage of you.
I suppose there are cases where the losses from allowing the customer to walk away would be catastrophic. And then, even if you aren't wrong as the business owner, you know what you do? Well, you re-run their credit card or follow them into the parking lot to ask them to pay. And you do it NICELY and you offer them something. Not because they were right to pay less but because you shouldn't be in a situation where you have to do that and while they may have exploited you, you need to take some ownership if the exploit is that big.
And if you can prove somebody is deliberately stealing from you, by all means: ban them. Call the cops. But if there's even one innocent casualty in a policy like this, you don't deserve to stay in business. You need to be prepared to let a hundred guilty people go free if it means sparing one innocent person.
You know what the big box department and grocery stores do? They take some precautions against losses, sure. Quite a few, in fact. But they also budget for theft because they don't want to risk injuring innocent customers.
Punishing the guilty is sometimes the morally and fiscally irresponsibile thing to do if it has casualties in the crossfire.
It really is sad with this company. They'd rather let several thousands of innocents get unfairly punished rather than let 300 go free - 300 people they apparently already knew the identity of.
well it works for me, but I go to the website and hit the button for support and they even ask for a screenshot. I dont use email though I go straight to the website. The day after launch of the new expansion (last weekend) I had a skillpoint issue imagine that. I contacted them and got an autoresponse as they were quite over loaded. Two days later they answered my ticket and asked for a screenshot.
Perhaps you need to try again give them the link to this thread and then you can even pm a mod or tweet a dev with the ticket number. Remember though they have to pull data. Personally if it was me (and yes I have gotten caught in these things before in other games I am not perfect either) I just would regrind the stuff and forget about it. It simply was not worth my bother to wait for a response as i could regain the ground I lost before they likely would have a chance to answer, but everyone is different. /shrug
Well, this I can try. Thx.
Despite what you feel the company is not out to get you they dont sit in little dark rooms thinking up ways to mess with their customers and make them angry. They have created a product meant to entertain people and they hope your entertained by it. If not oh well I guess it was fun for awhile.
Not out to get me per se, no. Self-centered, though?! Yes! The devs assumed everyone knew, or was supposed to know, what the XP loot tables should have been. That was rather egocentrical thinking really, as, outside of the dev team, I bet only the absolute DPS mongers probably know: the rest of us simply doesn't (and doesn't care, either).
Then they didn't take personal responsibility; and, instead of just adjusting the tables, and be (silently) done with it, they went completely overboard, and became all punitive and unreasonable. That was their second mistake.
Then they didn't take personal responsibility; and, instead of just adjusting the tables, and be (silently) done with it, they went completely overboard, and became all punitive and unreasonable. That was their second mistake.
I am jaded I dont expect much else from any large company "saving face" and they are part of a larger corporate machine its very common. They fix what they can and move on. I dont think they are lying they have nothing to gain from that, but I think they have done all that can be expected in this type of competitive business.
I do think they have done a pretty decent job and people can hate me for it but in comparison to what this game was at its launch (i am an old beta player who returned recently) its much improved. I expected the release to be far more buggy.
c) I am not so naive as to think that people smart enough to build ships and read and write cannot know the difference between right and wrong. Been playing mmos a very long time I have seen these things before and learned from experience.
Exactly how is it that enemies having 5-8x the hit points rewarding 5x the xp is supposed to intuitively strike someone as being "wrong"?
To most players, a typical mission going from 15 minutes to an hour is what felt like "off the baseline" and they responded by embracing what felt more familiar.
In the context of how the game has felt for over 2 years, nobody has really ever had to pound out xp like 50-60 and beyond demands, so of course nobody had seen the kind of xp possible under the 100% normal and working as intended systems that existed. Necessity is the mother of all invention as they say.
"You should have known better" is nothing but a captain-hindsight, intellectually lazy cop out.
The masses were tossed a phantom scape-goat to blame for Cryptic ratcheting up the grind (as they had intended to all along) and they're eating it up. I'm willing to bet the 250-300 players thing is 100% fairy farts and unicorn droppings. That's a faceless, nameless, voiceless entity for people to channel their rage at and you can see people lumping their already-hated category of players into that group by automatic assumption, even applauding and cheering that an entire segment of the player base be driven out of the game altogether.
d) I do not assume malice or anything I also know that those who are indeed innocent can contact support and get their toons fixed and given back the points. Support does exist and answers tickets in about 48 hours and does help. I know this because I have had to use them on several occassions. So those that are indeed innocent will get their points back and those that are not wont.
We've had over 48 hours, can anyone demonstrate their points being restored to verify this claim?
It's scary on how many defend cryptic, who probably just feed them more money.
Would be nice if they actually listened to people on tribble, and you knw, fix the bugs before it goes to holodeck.
Back OT, I feel like the EP just personally insulted me. Wouldn't most forumers get a ban for that kind of tone in a post? You know, labeled as flamebait or trolling..
It's scary on how many defend cryptic, who probably just feed them more money.
It's because they wear the rose-tinted glasses. They believe that Cryptic/PWE can do no wrong, and that anyone who has a complaint, legitimate or otherwise, should shut up.
It's because they wear the rose-tinted glasses. They believe that Cryptic/PWE can do no wrong, and that anyone who has a complaint, legitimate or otherwise, should shut up.
I think that might be because we're still waiting for that legitimate complaint....
well it works for me, but I go to the website and hit the button for support and they even ask for a screenshot. I dont use email though I go straight to the website. The day after launch of the new expansion (last weekend) I had a skillpoint issue imagine that. I contacted them and got an autoresponse as they were quite over loaded. Two days later they answered my ticket and asked for a screenshot.
Perhaps you need to try again give them the link to this thread and then you can even pm a mod or tweet a dev with the ticket number. Remember though they have to pull data. Personally if it was me (and yes I have gotten caught in these things before in other games I am not perfect either) I just would regrind the stuff and forget about it. It simply was not worth my bother to wait for a response as i could regain the ground I lost before they likely would have a chance to answer, but everyone is different. /shrug
Despite what you feel the company is not out to get you they dont sit in little dark rooms thinking up ways to mess with their customers and make them angry. They have created a product meant to entertain people and they hope your entertained by it. If not oh well I guess it was fun for awhile.
Sure all those players who feel very disappointed, feel and are insulted by being called exploiters by Cryptic, because Cryptic has an release management issue, does not play test proper before releasing, does not read Tribble feedback, exploits players by extremly monetizing the game, etc are wrong. And you are right. If that makes you feel better
HEY GUYS, Cryptic is using paid shills to sway public opinion in the forums! The burden of proof is now upon you to disprove my extraordinary claim that I provide without evidence!
Get it correct. It is EA that is using paid shills to sway public opinion on the forums. Cryptic doesn't have the money available to do it.
It happens a lot. Also in for example product reviews. Also lobbying is a common practise. I find it naive to think it does not happen.
Also the first post is a clear example of it.
lol that made me laugh
so anyhow now i can login and play. Personally I find the mobs in the open kobali zone best to get some xp from because I can find groups that out level me in the zones and they are marked on the map plus i get marks up the ying yang that I can use for dilithium , but what do i know. :P
So do you stay away from Dyson ground, as well?
Not on a Cryptic forum, gets deleted very fast.
Company-man much?! Though I realize your posts are mostly trollish, your assumption of malice is nonetheless indicative of the same sort of ill-will that befell D'Angelo; so therefore worth a reply.
Sure, I've been on Tribble a short few times, the last few weeks. But only to quickly check what console slots my lockbox ships would get with T5-U. Oh, and I played the first DR mission, cuz I was curious to see the Voyager bridge. Nobody told me about something weird in Tau Dewa (where I've never even been to have allegedly exploited; heck, I wasn't even in Argala, until I heard about that system here, LOL, after the fact).
And no, silly man, I don't usually go and check XP tables on Tribble (and even if I had, anything on Tribble is usually heftily subject to change anyway). In fact, I've never even bothered to look at what XP a mssion gives out, ever since I reached VA, a few years back. And why should I have?! After reaching lv 50, XP became as good as irrelevant.
And no, I never teamed with anyone. Just sole-ed a mission at DS9. And sure, it paid out a significant amount of XP (5x for what you would get on Normal, apparently). And why shouldn't it have?! Why should that have raised my suspicion?! On Elite, it sure was 5x as hard! The petty nerf, I say, should be undone, and Elite should *still* pay out 4-5x the amount of XP on Elite!
All of this is the result of devs failing to take personal responsibility for having made a boo-boo in the XP loot tables, for which they then harsly, unwarrantedly, and disproportionally punished the players.
P.S. Remember, pre-DR, when some of the crafted consoles apparently had higher stats than intended?! Nobody had those console taken away from them, or saw their names branded as an 'exploiter' for it. Cryptic simply adjusted the stats, like they do so often, and moved on. THAT is what should have happened here: not insulting your loyal, paying customers, and robbing their XP -- which is a very serious breach of trust, regardless of whether their ToS allows it.
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
- Christopher Hitchens
Also, proving a negative is a logical fallacy.
What a about all those things that cannot (yet) be proven but do exist.
Another fallacy.
a) I am not a man of any sort
b) there is no trolling going on just dont agree and that is allowed.
c) I am not so naive as to think that people smart enough to build ships and read and write cannot know the difference between right and wrong. Been playing mmos a very long time I have seen these things before and learned from experience.
d) I do not assume malice or anything I also know that those who are indeed innocent can contact support and get their toons fixed and given back the points. Support does exist and answers tickets in about 48 hours and does help. I know this because I have had to use them on several occassions. So those that are indeed innocent will get their points back and those that are not wont.
Haha on contacting support!
Besides, seems in-game tickets get truncated after a lfew ines to begin with. Oh, and that email-address they posted, it's undeliverable. Go figure!
When exp farms have existed in one form or another throughout this game's existence (e.g.: the original Mirror Universe Event, the patrols themselves (when it didn't matter how much xp you got because you were going to stop at 50 either way), etc.) you can't really claim that there is such a thing as "right and wrong." Sure, MU got taken away at some point, but it had been there for years and was used to great advantage by people to level up to 50 within days, and when it was changed, Cryptic didn't go and knock everyone back down to 1.
As for support, I've never had a particularly good experience with them. If I actually got a response, it was typically just some form response that went nowhere. More often I'd end up completely unable to submit a ticket online due to some infinite redirect loop. Wonder if that was ever fixed.
well it works for me, but I go to the website and hit the button for support and they even ask for a screenshot. I dont use email though I go straight to the website. The day after launch of the new expansion (last weekend) I had a skillpoint issue imagine that. I contacted them and got an autoresponse as they were quite over loaded. Two days later they answered my ticket and asked for a screenshot.
Perhaps you need to try again give them the link to this thread and then you can even pm a mod or tweet a dev with the ticket number. Remember though they have to pull data. Personally if it was me (and yes I have gotten caught in these things before in other games I am not perfect either) I just would regrind the stuff and forget about it. It simply was not worth my bother to wait for a response as i could regain the ground I lost before they likely would have a chance to answer, but everyone is different. /shrug
Despite what you feel the company is not out to get you they dont sit in little dark rooms thinking up ways to mess with their customers and make them angry. They have created a product meant to entertain people and they hope your entertained by it. If not oh well I guess it was fun for awhile.
The definitions of an exploit in this game does not leave much room for innocense. They sort it not by action, but by the level of exposure to content you inevitably will encounter, within a very limited range of options.
Why are you spending an absurd amount of time defending Cryptic? Do you or a family member work for them?! Its likes seriously, its not even debatable that they screwed up with multiple different things in DR and everywhere I look you are just making excuses for each and every one. Fanboy or girl much?! Kinda sad.
Not sure who you are trying to convince but Cryptic support DOES NOT HELP WHATSOEVER. We are literally talking about hundreds of players who get the run around from them and then you come in and tell people to file a support ticket and that it always works for you. Sorry no it does not. Fail. There is absoluely NO reason to believe the nonsense you are putting out
This boils it down nicely. Again, I didn't lose anything. But it strikes me as a case where, even if Cryptic is right, it doesn't make Cryptic's behavior not also petty.
When engaging with the public in business, it's better to allow the customer to be wrong and be forgiving than be right and petty.
If you undercharge someone or allow them to underpay, you don't re-run their credit card or chase them down in the parking lot for loose change. It's just not acceptable in business. Even if that means some customers take advantage of you.
I suppose there are cases where the losses from allowing the customer to walk away would be catastrophic. And then, even if you aren't wrong as the business owner, you know what you do? Well, you re-run their credit card or follow them into the parking lot to ask them to pay. And you do it NICELY and you offer them something. Not because they were right to pay less but because you shouldn't be in a situation where you have to do that and while they may have exploited you, you need to take some ownership if the exploit is that big.
And if you can prove somebody is deliberately stealing from you, by all means: ban them. Call the cops. But if there's even one innocent casualty in a policy like this, you don't deserve to stay in business. You need to be prepared to let a hundred guilty people go free if it means sparing one innocent person.
You know what the big box department and grocery stores do? They take some precautions against losses, sure. Quite a few, in fact. But they also budget for theft because they don't want to risk injuring innocent customers.
Punishing the guilty is sometimes the morally and fiscally irresponsibile thing to do if it has casualties in the crossfire.
It really is sad with this company. They'd rather let several thousands of innocents get unfairly punished rather than let 300 go free - 300 people they apparently already knew the identity of.
Well, this I can try. Thx.
Not out to get me per se, no. Self-centered, though?! Yes! The devs assumed everyone knew, or was supposed to know, what the XP loot tables should have been. That was rather egocentrical thinking really, as, outside of the dev team, I bet only the absolute DPS mongers probably know: the rest of us simply doesn't (and doesn't care, either).
Then they didn't take personal responsibility; and, instead of just adjusting the tables, and be (silently) done with it, they went completely overboard, and became all punitive and unreasonable. That was their second mistake.
your welcome hopefully it works I know the website works the ingame applet I dont use... its too small.
I am jaded I dont expect much else from any large company "saving face" and they are part of a larger corporate machine its very common. They fix what they can and move on. I dont think they are lying they have nothing to gain from that, but I think they have done all that can be expected in this type of competitive business.
I do think they have done a pretty decent job and people can hate me for it but in comparison to what this game was at its launch (i am an old beta player who returned recently) its much improved. I expected the release to be far more buggy.
Exactly how is it that enemies having 5-8x the hit points rewarding 5x the xp is supposed to intuitively strike someone as being "wrong"?
To most players, a typical mission going from 15 minutes to an hour is what felt like "off the baseline" and they responded by embracing what felt more familiar.
In the context of how the game has felt for over 2 years, nobody has really ever had to pound out xp like 50-60 and beyond demands, so of course nobody had seen the kind of xp possible under the 100% normal and working as intended systems that existed. Necessity is the mother of all invention as they say.
"You should have known better" is nothing but a captain-hindsight, intellectually lazy cop out.
The masses were tossed a phantom scape-goat to blame for Cryptic ratcheting up the grind (as they had intended to all along) and they're eating it up. I'm willing to bet the 250-300 players thing is 100% fairy farts and unicorn droppings. That's a faceless, nameless, voiceless entity for people to channel their rage at and you can see people lumping their already-hated category of players into that group by automatic assumption, even applauding and cheering that an entire segment of the player base be driven out of the game altogether.
We've had over 48 hours, can anyone demonstrate their points being restored to verify this claim?
Would be nice if they actually listened to people on tribble, and you knw, fix the bugs before it goes to holodeck.
Back OT, I feel like the EP just personally insulted me. Wouldn't most forumers get a ban for that kind of tone in a post? You know, labeled as flamebait or trolling..
It's because they wear the rose-tinted glasses. They believe that Cryptic/PWE can do no wrong, and that anyone who has a complaint, legitimate or otherwise, should shut up.
I think that might be because we're still waiting for that legitimate complaint....
Players who never did anything but solo, STF, and Doff losing points while players who were in TD hours on end all week going untouched comes to mind.
Sure all those players who feel very disappointed, feel and are insulted by being called exploiters by Cryptic, because Cryptic has an release management issue, does not play test proper before releasing, does not read Tribble feedback, exploits players by extremly monetizing the game, etc are wrong. And you are right. If that makes you feel better