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Bait and Switch Tactics Involving Eclipse Intel Cruiser



  • castigercastiger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Good to know.

    I've not gotten mine back yet, but the above reply gives us some hope of such a thing, even if we don't get it back, it was still wrong on PWE's part, and they're not going to hear the end of it until they make up for it, because in doing what they did, they're breaking their own rules.

    Flaming people, causing negative feelings, or insulting people is against the rules on this game I'm pretty sure, and in taking our zen, and giving us a product that wasn't what was described in the description, I'd say that count's as an insult seeing they won't give us our zen back, and they act like its our fault for not magically knowing that one of them made a mistake in their product description. We're the one's who have to suffer for it, and we're the one's who are being trolled, now is the rule breaker gonna get banned or warned, or is there a different set of rules for staff?

    All I simply asked for was to refund my digital money, it's kinda funny they keep track of zen history when you purchase it with dilithium, they got no problem doing that for months on end, and when you buy zen with money on PWE's page they keep track of those purchases too, but when you transfer that zen into star trek, there is no record of that, and when you spend the zen ingame there is no history of those zen purchases either, makes me and most people wonder what the big deal is.
  • darthhammerdarthhammer Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    All the people talking about 'chargeback requests' and taking this to a small claims court or what have you are forgetting one very important thing.

    Those actions only work when the transaction involves actual currency, I.E. US dollars. So the only time where that would be viable is if there was a mistake/misinterpretation/error in the purchase of the ZEN itself.

    The purchase for the ship with ZEN was one digital commodity for another digital commodity within the game, and therefore is not bound by the same protections as an actual monetary transaction.
  • castigercastiger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Even if that is so, it doesn't change that fact that people are not getting what was described in the product description, this isn't the first time this has happened to anyone either, and whether it is against the law or not, people deserve to know what is happening, I'd prefer more people not getting scammed on C-Store ships like me, and if the support/staff doesn't do anything about it, I want people to know that too, so that they know if anything goes wrong, and they get a misrepresented product off the C-Store, that they're on their own, and the support won't care. They will keep your zen, and you can keep your ship that isn't what you paid for, isn't as described in its description.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That's funny. I did a lot of research on these ships to decide which one I want to get when I have the zen, and I know for a fact that when I looked the Eclipse had a Lt sci station listed, a ltcomm tac and station, and comm and ltcomm eng stations. Idk what's up with your systems but it was showing correct when I looked at it about a week ago.
  • castigercastiger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ghyudt wrote: »
    That's funny. I did a lot of research on these ships to decide which one I want to get when I have the zen, and I know for a fact that when I looked the Eclipse had a Lt sci station listed, a ltcomm tac and station, and comm and ltcomm eng stations. Idk what's up with your systems but it was showing correct when I looked at it about a week ago.

    You saw the picture, and you saw all the replies not denying the zen store had Lt Cmdr Science Seat in its description, it came out 6 day's ago, and when it came up, up to now, it still says Lt Cmdr Science Seat in the description, as does my picture, and everyone on this reply, idk where you're getting this, you're probably googling it like nobody should have to do, you should only have to look in the Zen Store at the product description, if anything extra is needed, it should clearly state that, it does not, but if you can take a picture and prove it, that'd be a nice, but don't do it after an update to STO happens, do it now, because you can bet they'll "fix it" in the next update. If you take a picture after an update where they fix their "typo" then your reply will no longer be valid.
  • coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Thanks for posting this info. They need to post what you really are getting. Text info plus visual image of what they're trying to offer. Like you did.

    Ship A
    3D 360 degree angle viewing
    True items that is included Mark 12 Very Rare Purple

    Ship A
    Stations Options by Rank.

    Or what other online gaming companies do is create a Video showing the ship specs how they're suppose to be laid out with stations examples. Plus how the ship does in combat. That's it.

    Time will only tell!
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    First of all, there was a typo. Any kind of intentional misleading needs to be proved, and I very much doubt that there was any intention on behalf of PWE/Cryptic/Arc/whoever. That being said, as a company I would in a case like this refund the money to those who think that this missing ability slot is a deal breaker. This would be good business practice in my book.

    Whether or not they need to refund is complicated, as has been pointed out. The actual money tranfer was on Zen, which probably worked as intended. The in game exchange itself has no legal protection on the same level. On the other hand, A case can be made that the Zen would not have been bought if the ship was advertised as it is. Here TOS and EULA collide with advertising laws, and EULAs always lose to real laws when they are deemed sufficiently off since treaties are bound by law. (E. g., I can sign any EULA giving a company the right to acquire my first born - that would simply be invalid). And as others have pointed out, US laws do apply here (and European laws as well, depending on where you use the service). But as laymen, we should not call this "clear cut" one way or the other.

    However, regardless of all of this, I will repeat what others already said: if you want somebody to do something they need not do (or at least they think so and it is unclear whether they are right), start polite, it will get you way farther than accusations, insults and a general negative attitude. This is not only true here but in other cases as well, people would be way more inclined to actually help you. (And think on the other hand how you would like it, if you accidentally gave some wrong information to somebody, if you would immediately be called a liar, scum of the earth, instead of the other side simply realizing it was an honest mistake - for which you may be responsible, but there's no need to get all aggressive).

    So instead of this thread, a polite message along the lines of "Dear Mr. Cryptic, after I saw the information about the new ship, I immediately made up a plan how to use it. After buying it, it turned out that I cannot do it as I intended since missing boff slot. Would there be any way the deal can be refunded/the ship be changed/I can get some compensation? Yours etcetera" may have done the trick. If it doesn't, you can always change pace afterwards with a more serious stance (but still stay polite). It is quite easy to convince somebody who thinks you are a nice guy that you actually are not. It is very difficult to do it the other way round.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    castiger wrote: »
    This is completely unjust. Most people don't even look at those previews, they just buy from the zen store, right now,

    ^^ That's your problem, right there! Next time, watch a youtube vid, look at the devblogs, before you buy the ship. This was simply an obvious typo.
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    khenalian wrote: »
    BTW, OP, I would recommend filing another GM requesting a refund as the product you received was not what was delivered to you, and if you fail to receive a refund and removal of the ship from your account, then file a chargeback request with your credit card company and use the email correspondence as proof that the merchant did not give you what was promised and refused to give you a refund, and file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

    You are entitled to a refund if the product you received was not what was advertised and you made the purchase based on that advertisement, and you can dispute the transaction on those grounds. They need to own up to this mistake and reverse the transaction, returning your zen and removing the Ship from your account.

    As someone who worked with credit card transactions, this is terrible terrible advice, and is wrong.

    You buy Zen with money, not ships. He got the Zen, he has no right to a charge back. If he files a charge back PWE get billed for a charge back, and since its an a high risk online transaction, its not going to be a little bill, probably at least $50. They will then lock down his account until he pays them back the charge back fee. And if by some bizarre miracle of incompetence at the charge back office they actually take the money paid for the Zen back as well, they will also want that paid back before unlocking the account. As long as he was given the amount of Zen promised for the price charged those agencies have ZERO power to do anything.
  • razorwalkerrazorwalker Member Posts: 160 Media Corps
    edited October 2014
    Excuse me for a sec, I have a message for the OP on this matter....

    OK, I had a similar issue last year concerning the Mogai Heavy Warbird Retrofit. I bought the Mogai for the console, that was it. No intention of ever flying it. I wanted the console for the 2-piece set bonus with the console that comes with the Valdore. I read the description very carefully, saw NO restrictions on the console, bought the ship and then found out that the console was Restricted to the Mogai &/or Valdore. I made out a support ticket, calling attention to the fact that every other ship in the store lists if it's console is restricted, took a screenshot and emailed it all to Cryptic Support. Within 48 hours, Cryptic refunded my Zen and re-locked that ship on the C-store from claiming. In my email, I was polite, but firm and they responded in kind. So, they CAN give refunds on C-store purchases if they choose to. I am proof that they do. However, they probably will not respond to threats or yelling.

    OP, if you have not already done so, I would fill out a ticket and include the screenshots and send it in. Even if they do not refund, they WILL reply. Might take a little bit, but try that. Good Luck :)
  • calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    xyquarze wrote: »
    That being said, as a company I would in a case like this refund the money to those who think that this missing ability slot is a deal breaker.

    In the case of LtC vs Lt science station... it pretty much is. I'd definitely fly the ship if I could use Gravity Well with it. Now I'm just going to max the ship XP for the trait and switch back to my T5-U.
  • castigercastiger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    PWE Support responded saying they'll give my Zen back, I just won't have access to the Intel Cruiser, just wanted everyone to know. Thank's for contributions to this thread.

    And thank you for your reply RazorWalker, that is basicly what is going to happen with me!
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    castiger wrote: »
    PWE Support responded saying they'll give my Zen back, I just won't have access to the Intel Cruiser, just wanted everyone to know. Thank's for contributions to this thread.

    And thank you for your reply RazorWalker, that is basicly what is going to happen with me!

    Exit personal responsibility. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. For shame, for shame!
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Maybe so, but what was ADVERTISED is what I bought and paid for, and I expect to receive what was advertized, or there will be a chargeback issued. Period. TOS doesn't apply in cases of false advertising or fraud.

    I bet your glad this isnt a bigpoint game. With them if you issue a chargeback. They automatically Perma ban your account.
    All the people talking about 'chargeback requests' and taking this to a small claims court or what have you are forgetting one very important thing.

    Those actions only work when the transaction involves actual currency, I.E. US dollars. So the only time where that would be viable is if there was a mistake/misinterpretation/error in the purchase of the ZEN itself.

    The purchase for the ship with ZEN was one digital commodity for another digital commodity within the game, and therefore is not bound by the same protections as an actual monetary transaction.

    This says it all.

    In all of my time in STO. I have lost count of the times I have seen this happen. And of those times NONE got a refund.

    Edit okay twice. both of which were posted above.

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