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You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian



  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Just refute one point, starsword, Iconians didn't shoot at all. They just slapped the other species in the back of the head, pointed at the Federation and said "They did it!" and watched the ensuing fight while munching on popcorn.

    The point is, they were the first to take aggressive action and are ultimately responsible for the deaths of billions from the Hobus event alone. The Federation and everybody else are acting in pure self-defense.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • marcel314marcel314 Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    Take your head out of your TRIBBLE, Picard. It was also always the Federation Navy, responsible for defending Federation citizens against armed aggression.

    So don't use them. Fly a canon-friendly build with phasers.

    How is killing people with a thalaron generator any less moral than killing them with guns and torpedoes, pray tell?

    See "thalaron generator".

    I ignore them. As far as I'm concerned there aren't any non-Starfleet ships in the fleet.

    They shot first and we're defending ourselves and our allies.

    Please reread the flavor text. They tried diplomacy and it didn't work.

    The Tholians are xenophobic isolationists. Sometimes they negotiate in spite of it, sometimes they don't. This is apparently one of the latter times.

    More on this later, but for now, are you out of your frakking mind?

    They shot first.

    Explicitly refused negotiation because their leaders are xenophobes. Individual Voth defect to our side all the time.

    They shot first.

    They're a confederacy. It was one group, and they shot first.

    They shot first.

    They shot first.

    Now you're grasping at straws. Those 300,000 drones are all utterly devoted to the destruction of you, personally, and everything you hold dear. Guess what. It's a war. People die. The alternative is the deaths of everybody, not just Federation citizens and your own crew. As demonstrated abundantly in canon the Borg only even come close to negotiating when they're under imminent threat of being completely and deservedly exterminated, and they will go back on their word immediately when that is no longer the case. You cannot negotiate with people like that.

    You seem to be under the misapprehension that preferring peace means the Federation is pacifist, and utterly stupid to boot. That has never been the case and will never be the case. To quote another franchise:

    Diplomacy is a two-way street. If the other side won't engage then you need to use another option.

    Neatly refuted by Chuck Sonnenburg. TL;DR: The peoples of the Federation learned a long time ago that kowtowing to imperialists and conquerors just invites worse trouble down the line.

    About the disruptors/subspace weapons: There could atleast be some kind of order or law which would atleast allow us now to use more destructive weapons like disruptor ( and other non phaser weapons ). Just giving us acces to them without any further word is a slap to the face of over 200 years star fleet.
    Feds used energy weapons in form of beams. The defiant used cannons because it was probally based on a bird of prey. Star fleet had an exuse because of possible dangers in the gamma quadrant. Now we have a similiar situation which asks for heavier weaponary. I just wish to heard it out of the mouth of admiral quinn or aennik okeg that we are in desperate times and it takes desperate messeures to deal with it.

    Thalaron weapon... weapon stays weapon, i agree with you at that part. In tos the enterprise was could destroy the surface of a planet. Like above the stroy writers could atleast try to give us a reason why we use those now.

    The tantalus field is far worse than thalaron or disruptor. Giving us acces to it as ridiciolous as giving a playable borg cube or cityship.

    Combining immersion,gameplay and fun is very hard. I leave the topic lockbox ships alone now.

    Doesn't it bother you that basicly nearly (they are exceptions) every npc faction who is not part of our factions is an enemy. I know mmo like this involve battles and wars but do writers really need us to fight everyone? Like how about the breen, only a part tried to combat us and the deferi. Why not make one or more story missions after the 5 orignal breen episdoes in which fed ambassadors try to make peace with the rest of the breen race. There was a war 30 years ago, wouldn't they try to make atleast some attempts of diplomacy with us since they were on the loser side.
    Then the voth, most of them are xenophobic and think we are inferior but not everyone does it. In game we just get a single one who end up as traitor of his people and boff.
    I mean do we really need to shot 80% all of npcs races which we encounter? 50% or even less would already be fine. We are at war with 3 major powers + stealth one which could stomp us on the ground. Why not focus on these three instead of throwing new enemies at us with each season. Don't they develop new technology or strategies too? Can't they have tier 6 too?
    Just making shot first encounters is getting boring with the time.
    Also i only mentioned borg,undine and iconians to show that we basicly at war with everyone.

    Then those 300000. I just wanted to show how different sto star fleet is compared to that one in the series. In voy there was even an episode in which the queen blowed up random ships of hers, bringing janeway in a pretty diffuclt moral situation.
    I know there need to be differences but what we got in sto is just another generic space fleet which can be encountered in star wars or other sci fi everywhere and everyday.
    Do we really need to kill of whole borg fleets to have fun in game? Why not make a few single bosses/critical and important beings or objects in the collective and/or doing more stealthy missions. At the moment star fleet strategy is just attack attack attack. For example those int ships and abilites gives us the opportunity for something like that.

    I don't want pacifists either but do we really need to be some generic space warmonger race. I love star trek for having a star fleet which have many different aspects. Just focusing on the peaceful or warlike side is bad.

    Basicly, i just want some story. I love the latest featured episodes. Just giving us some new pve queues and tier 6 would be a really shame in x2 but i am optimistic and the fact that 5 instead of 2 voy voice actor got recruited strengethered that. Maybe in x2 we won't enter the delta quadrant only as conquerers but also as ambassadors and scientists.
  • fcaptkmtonfcaptkmton Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Star Trek has lots of conflict. Anyone who says differently isn't remembering right.

    marcel314 wrote: »
    Star fleet used to be explorers, scientists and adventurers. Visiting other planets, making contact with unknown alien races and becoming with them friends.

    We fought the klingons, but when the empire was about to collapse, the fedaration didn't used it for their own advantage, instead we helped them to recover and some decades later a star fleet captain was choosen to support that race of honourful warriors to find a new leader.

    Some time later when the dominion and cardissians teamed up to enslave the alpha and beta quadrant, the fedaration was forced to fight again. In the shadow of the fedaration, section 31 decided to create a powerful biolocigal weapon to kill all founders, but two officers of DS9 found a cure for their affected friend. While the council of the feds were against it, the same friend bought the cure to their enemy which lead into a peace treaty after one, very bloody but last battle.

    And now, look what we have became.
    Disruptors were seen as cruel weapons of war and now are equipped on many of our ships.
    Sub space weapons were taken from elachi and now are installed in our ships.
    We allow our allies, the romulan republic, to use thalaron weaponary and a ship type which nearly killed all life on earth. The republic even tried to stop remans to use it during the story missions of star trek online.
    And now our latest weapon: ( Spoiler, don't read if you don't want anything from x2 spoiled )
    The tantalus field. This weapon was powerful enough that goate spock could take over the terran empire by himself.

    It's terrible enough that we use those tools of destruction, but we even use whole fleets of the enemy. 29th century ships which should be locked up instead of risking to anger the future fedaration. Species 8472/undine ships are under command. Nobody bothered to check if those bioships are sentinent beings like the creature in the TNG Episode Tin man. I look outside of a window of ESD and ask myself, is that the fleet of the star fleet?

    We are at war with:
    The remants of the romulan star empire and their hirogen allies.
    The crystalline entity ( okay, it doesn't want to speak with us like the first one )
    The tholians
    The borg
    The undine
    The voth
    The devidians
    The breen
    The iconians and their servants
    The terran empire
    And we only tried to find a diplomatic solution with the undine and after one failed attempt, we are at a full scale war with them which destroyed ESD and some unimportant klingon station of qou'nos.
    Yes, some of those just want to watch the federation burn but it doesn't mean we should stop to talk with them.
    And i got the bad feeling that x2 will bring us even more enemies.

    We survived all those enemies by using weapons which were forbidden because of their wicked and cruel. We killed millions of npcs. Doesn't a single borc cube or was it a sphere have 300000 drones on them?

    Is it really worth, to give up all ideals, everything which defined us, only to survive?

    And all of that decline of values and corruption could only happened because quark's lobi empire want to sell their latest produtcs. Economy, money and poverty which were abandon in the 22-23th century returned with full force.

    TL : DR Ferengi ruined the federation

    Real TL : DR Do we really need to destroy every single bit canon in this game for game play? Originally i came here for the IP Star trek. I didn't expected to fly the enterprise but atleast to do something else than killing everything between me and my dilithium/ec/lobi/crafting mats. Even the new fed ships don't look star fleet at all.

    Hmmm after so much ****posting for the lulz , i decided to make something useful this time :D

    Edit: No, i won't leave, you can't have my stuff.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Much Nerd rage i sense in this thread

    Its as if a million nerds screeched out in horror the n went silent :D
  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    Take your head out of your TRIBBLE, Picard. It was also always the Federation Navy, responsible for defending Federation citizens against armed aggression.

    So don't use them. Fly a canon-friendly build with phasers.

    How is killing people with a thalaron generator any less moral than killing them with guns and torpedoes, pray tell?

    See "thalaron generator".

    I ignore them. As far as I'm concerned there aren't any non-Starfleet ships in the fleet.

    They shot first and we're defending ourselves and our allies.

    Please reread the flavor text. They tried diplomacy and it didn't work.

    The Tholians are xenophobic isolationists. Sometimes they negotiate in spite of it, sometimes they don't. This is apparently one of the latter times.

    More on this later, but for now, are you out of your frakking mind?

    They shot first.

    Explicitly refused negotiation because their leaders are xenophobes. Individual Voth defect to our side all the time.

    They shot first.

    They're a confederacy. It was one group, and they shot first.

    They shot first.

    They shot first.

    Now you're grasping at straws. Those 300,000 drones are all utterly devoted to the destruction of you, personally, and everything you hold dear. Guess what. It's a war. People die. The alternative is the deaths of everybody, not just Federation citizens and your own crew. As demonstrated abundantly in canon the Borg only even come close to negotiating when they're under imminent threat of being completely and deservedly exterminated, and they will go back on their word immediately when that is no longer the case. You cannot negotiate with people like that.

    You seem to be under the misapprehension that preferring peace means the Federation is pacifist, and utterly stupid to boot. That has never been the case and will never be the case. To quote another franchise:

    Diplomacy is a two-way street. If the other side won't engage then you need to use another option.

    Neatly refuted by Chuck Sonnenburg. TL;DR: The peoples of the Federation learned a long time ago that kowtowing to imperialists and conquerors just invites worse trouble down the line.

    Best post in this thread (serious post that is)
  • darthlokidarthloki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I know it may just be me but I do not have a problem with all the npc factions that are not allied to the federation or new romulans as I call them and the klingons are hostile because it is a time of chaos where everyone is fighting each other and I'm glad actually threw out the scientist, diplomatic parts
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    marcel314 wrote: »
    Basically, i just want some story.

    I think you should play another Star Trek game that doesn't involve phasers or weapons of any kind. Not even shaving razors or butter knives.
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Its as if a million nerds screeched out in horror the n went silent :D

    Except they have not gone silent, they never will, it is the screech that never ends.
  • stomperx99stomperx99 Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    Wall of text

    YOU WIN THE THREAD!! :P *Gives a free cookie*

    I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    Except they have not gone silent, they never will, it is the screech that never ends.

    What is dead may never die!

    Should really be the mantra of the STO forums.
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    marcel314 wrote: »
    Star fleet used to be explorers, scientists and adventurers. Visiting other planets, making contact with unknown alien races and becoming with them friends.

    We fought the klingons, but when the empire was about to collapse, the fedaration didn't used it for their own advantage, instead we helped them to recover and some decades later a star fleet captain was choosen to support that race of honourful warriors to find a new leader.

    Some time later when the dominion and cardissians teamed up to enslave the alpha and beta quadrant, the fedaration was forced to fight again. In the shadow of the fedaration, section 31 decided to create a powerful biolocigal weapon to kill all founders, but two officers of DS9 found a cure for their affected friend. While the council of the feds were against it, the same friend bought the cure to their enemy which lead into a peace treaty after one, very bloody but last battle.

    And now, look what we have became.
    Disruptors were seen as cruel weapons of war and now are equipped on many of our ships.
    Sub space weapons were taken from elachi and now are installed in our ships.
    We allow our allies, the romulan republic, to use thalaron weaponary and a ship type which nearly killed all life on earth. The republic even tried to stop remans to use it during the story missions of star trek online.
    And now our latest weapon: ( Spoiler, don't read if you don't want anything from x2 spoiled )
    The tantalus field. This weapon was powerful enough that goate spock could take over the terran empire by himself.

    It's terrible enough that we use those tools of destruction, but we even use whole fleets of the enemy. 29th century ships which should be locked up instead of risking to anger the future fedaration. Species 8472/undine ships are under command. Nobody bothered to check if those bioships are sentinent beings like the creature in the TNG Episode Tin man. I look outside of a window of ESD and ask myself, is that the fleet of the star fleet?

    We are at war with:
    The remants of the romulan star empire and their hirogen allies.
    The crystalline entity ( okay, it doesn't want to speak with us like the first one )
    The tholians
    The borg
    The undine
    The voth
    The devidians
    The breen
    The iconians and their servants
    The terran empire
    And we only tried to find a diplomatic solution with the undine and after one failed attempt, we are at a full scale war with them which destroyed ESD and some unimportant klingon station of qou'nos.
    Yes, some of those just want to watch the federation burn but it doesn't mean we should stop to talk with them.
    And i got the bad feeling that x2 will bring us even more enemies.

    We survived all those enemies by using weapons which were forbidden because of their wicked and cruel. We killed millions of npcs. Doesn't a single borc cube or was it a sphere have 300000 drones on them?

    Is it really worth, to give up all ideals, everything which defined us, only to survive?

    And all of that decline of values and corruption could only happened because quark's lobi empire want to sell their latest produtcs. Economy, money and poverty which were abandon in the 22-23th century returned with full force.

    TL : DR Ferengi ruined the federation

    Real TL : DR Do we really need to destroy every single bit canon in this game for game play? Originally i came here for the IP Star trek. I didn't expected to fly the enterprise but atleast to do something else than killing everything between me and my dilithium/ec/lobi/crafting mats. Even the new fed ships don't look star fleet at all.

    Hmmm after so much ****posting for the lulz , i decided to make something useful this time :D

    Edit: No, i won't leave, you can't have my stuff.

    Someone please use a disruptor on his hippy peaceloving nuts
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The Varo-T Disruptor or what it was called was an illegal weapon in the Federation, because it was extra-cruel.

    But reguar Disruptors never seemed to be a problem to the Federation. It just preferred Phasers.

    And we checked that the Undine Bio-Ships aren't sentient. If you don't believe me, wait for Delta Rising, the first mission makes it explicit.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Because, in my experience with these sort of enemies, they generally don't give a frak if you want to talk. All that time you've sitting there jabbering, the other guy is targeting your shield emitters and weapons systems so they can put you dead in space and then BLOW YOU TO SMITHEREENS.

    Nothing you say is going to sway them. Hell, even in the TV shows, diplomacy failed 9/10 times and the hero vessel ended up either killing the enemy or letting the enemy get away and then just kill them in the later seasons. So what point is there in talking?

    The point isn't the reply, Its more involved for people who want a minor element of immersion.

    The ships in the shows didn't go about assuming Hostile intent, shooting first then asking questions later. Sure they may not want to talk other than to declare they want to kill you, they may ignore the hail entirely, the point isn't to Always have them back down, the point is the Federation is supposed to try and solve things peacefully if they can, It seems out of character to simply blast em out of existance then scan the wreck afterwards to figure out what was going on.

    Its not so much the combat that bothers me, Starfleet has always been involved in combat in all the series, and MMO insist on throwing wave after wave of easily killed Mooks at you, but Its the Shooting first and asking questions later that irritates me. For instance, a number of our mission objectives and patrol missions are simply Kill x amount of ships. No dialogue, little explination, just kill em all Thats just lazy and as an objective is shunned by many members of the foundry community for good reason

    These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
  • ledgend1221ledgend1221 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I don't know why people bring up the Voth, because they're subject to the Omega Directive, not the Prime directive. Which is probably going to apply to the rest of the Delta quadrant as well.
  • masterfiretrollmasterfiretroll Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    marcel314 wrote: »
    Star fleet used to be explorers, scientists and adventurers. Visiting other planets, making contact with unknown alien races and becoming with them friends.

    We fought the klingons, but when the empire was about to collapse, the fedaration didn't used it for their own advantage, instead we helped them to recover and some decades later a star fleet captain was choosen to support that race of honourful warriors to find a new leader.

    Some time later when the dominion and cardissians teamed up to enslave the alpha and beta quadrant, the fedaration was forced to fight again. In the shadow of the fedaration, section 31 decided to create a powerful biolocigal weapon to kill all founders, but two officers of DS9 found a cure for their affected friend. While the council of the feds were against it, the same friend bought the cure to their enemy which lead into a peace treaty after one, very bloody but last battle.

    And now, look what we have became.
    Disruptors were seen as cruel weapons of war and now are equipped on many of our ships.
    Sub space weapons were taken from elachi and now are installed in our ships.
    We allow our allies, the romulan republic, to use thalaron weaponary and a ship type which nearly killed all life on earth. The republic even tried to stop remans to use it during the story missions of star trek online.
    And now our latest weapon: ( Spoiler, don't read if you don't want anything from x2 spoiled )
    The tantalus field. This weapon was powerful enough that goate spock could take over the terran empire by himself.

    It's terrible enough that we use those tools of destruction, but we even use whole fleets of the enemy. 29th century ships which should be locked up instead of risking to anger the future fedaration. Species 8472/undine ships are under command. Nobody bothered to check if those bioships are sentinent beings like the creature in the TNG Episode Tin man. I look outside of a window of ESD and ask myself, is that the fleet of the star fleet?

    We are at war with:
    The remants of the romulan star empire and their hirogen allies.
    The crystalline entity ( okay, it doesn't want to speak with us like the first one )
    The tholians
    The borg
    The undine
    The voth
    The devidians
    The breen
    The iconians and their servants
    The terran empire
    And we only tried to find a diplomatic solution with the undine and after one failed attempt, we are at a full scale war with them which destroyed ESD and some unimportant klingon station of qou'nos.
    Yes, some of those just want to watch the federation burn but it doesn't mean we should stop to talk with them.
    And i got the bad feeling that x2 will bring us even more enemies.

    We survived all those enemies by using weapons which were forbidden because of their wicked and cruel. We killed millions of npcs. Doesn't a single borc cube or was it a sphere have 300000 drones on them?

    Is it really worth, to give up all ideals, everything which defined us, only to survive?

    And all of that decline of values and corruption could only happened because quark's lobi empire want to sell their latest produtcs. Economy, money and poverty which were abandon in the 22-23th century returned with full force.

    TL : DR Ferengi ruined the federation

    Real TL : DR Do we really need to destroy every single bit canon in this game for game play? Originally i came here for the IP Star trek. I didn't expected to fly the enterprise but atleast to do something else than killing everything between me and my dilithium/ec/lobi/crafting mats. Even the new fed ships don't look star fleet at all.

    Hmmm after so much ****posting for the lulz , i decided to make something useful this time :D

    Edit: No, i won't leave, you can't have my stuff.

    The Only diplomatic solution is to join the insidious" pervasiveness of the Federation

    Federation values of benevolence, peaceful co-existence and co-operation, the rule of law, and equal rights and justice.

    Federation Council knew about this insidious" pervasiveness..
    Fading into the mists of history."
  • tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Wow, I can't believe how aggressive some players get when someone brings up something even remotely related to canon/immersion. It is matter of fact, that STO gets further and further away from show Star Trek, if this goes on it WILL drive players away as the game's success is based largely on the IP. So please stop bashing people who would prefer to disable NPCs instead of just blowing them up Rambo-style without any reason.
    As to ignoring certain gameplay elements: There is only so much you can ignore in a game with the big S and big T when you grew up with the shows. I personally gave up on headcanon fed-side.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    What a fine example of the STO forum's users complete lack of reading comprehension this thread turned out to be...:(
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I run my feds as rogues...they are the lesser celebrated but essential strong arm of starfleet; bucaneers of sorts, working under the remit of starfleet to defeat their enemies whilst remaining squeaky clean as my feds actions are not sanctioned (hence why my feds have no qualms hoovering up loot from defeated vessels and turning it to ec) while the mission loot is the price paid to get my fed rogues to work and save the universe (tm)

    As to my romulans having tharalon and scims..well, you try taking them off them - it'll end badly, I tell you :p
  • heckgoblinheckgoblin Member Posts: 685
    edited September 2014
    You should look up the following phrase: Inter arma enim silent leges. I think there was a DS9 episode with this name.

    It means "in times of war, the law falls silent." Considering that STO's federation is at war with a species of ancient hyper-evolved ultra-advanced baddies, it's not really surprising that their formerly upright moral spine is developing a bit of scoliosis.
    I AM WAR.
  • darthlokidarthloki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    heckgoblin wrote: »
    You should look up the following phrase: Inter arma enim silent leges. I think there was a DS9 episode with this name.

    It means "in times of war, the law falls silent." Considering that STO's federation is at war with a species of ancient hyper-evolved ultra-advanced baddies, it's not really surprising that their formerly upright moral spine is developing a bit of scoliosis.

    so this right here with the iconians back and manipulating everyone there is no such thing as peace or diplomacy when you are fighting for survival you throw everything out the window to survive
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    marcel314 wrote: »
    Star fleet used to be explorers, scientists and adventurers. Visiting other planets, making contact with unknown alien races and becoming with them friends.
    Didn't they resolve this little conflict of interest with, say, the very first mission of the NX-01?

    I know there were a handful of speaches later in the timeline that might give you a different impression but do try to keep in mind that what people want to do and what people have to do aren't necessarily the same thing (nor is doing the latter at the expense of the former a major ethical dilemna. It's just life. If you don't stop that giant space cone from obliterating inhabited planets who will?)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Because they are crazy xenophobes who dont WANT to make peace with species they consider lesser then them.

    You cant make peace with someone or something that is unwilling, such as the Voth, Borg, and Iconians, or unable to, such as the Crystal Entity, accept peace.

    Voth are stubborn, but might have a chance to work with us one day.. Never know. Borg and Iconians have a evil side to them.

    Time will only tell!
  • rancidmojorancidmojo Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    Take your head out of your TRIBBLE, Picard. It was also always the Federation Navy, responsible for defending Federation citizens against armed aggression.

    I don't think it was until after TOS ended that the idea of Starfleet not being military ever came up. I Personally I think its ridiculous to say its not military. They have a military rank structure and conduct tasks that one would expect the military to do. The problem is people begin equating military with naked aggression. I retired from the army a year ago, and believe me, I'd have been happy to have never had any armed conflict occur during my time in and beyond.

    I don't really understand why some fans are so against Starfleet being a military organization. (and I really don't care what GR said about it. He also came up with the no money thing, which is pretty silly, unrealistic and a imo a useless idea as far as storytelling goes.)

    As far as different weapons go and even the violence, that's gameplay. Yeah, they could have maybe created more peaceful alternative stories, but players usually play so they can arm their photon torpedoes and phaser banks.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    the Undine are being tricked, so expect us to get a story mission where we prove it to them and they stop attacking.

    It's going to be the stupidest mission we ever play.

    The Undine have infiltrated us for years, yet they're apparently too dang stupid to realize that no one in Starfleet was even aware of these supposed attacks on the Undine.
  • lunastolunasto Member Posts: 774 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I remember Q mentioning to Picard that we are known by the games that we play, then Picard firing back with it's better stated, how we play them defines us better.

    What we role play must really be who we really are, lolz, I must have an inner Quark in me that wants to be rich, with a desire to rule an empire of businesses, while sitting on a throne in place of a Captains chair aboard my ship, caressing a cute and fuzzy bunny and sipping antique wine. I can live with that! ;)
    Lightningdealwithit.gifNew Lunar Republic
    "Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
  • nepsthennepsthen Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    There's a reason why gold members eventually get the AGT combadge....
    STO is a different universe, more akin to the Terran Empire. That's my headcanon anyway. With how many space nations the Federation is at war with, one would suspect that the high ups have been infiltrated by the Iconians, too. It's not like the command staff hasn't been controlled before.
    DxDiag64 dump 19Feb2016: http://pastebin.com/1c0pkEuw
  • strykewolf67strykewolf67 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I'm a drunken space viking, so I don't care. :)

    Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
    Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Talking lore of STO is like counting rain drops

    You won't even see crazy people do it
  • chiyoumikuchiyoumiku Member Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Time to reinforce the point, If CBS Says it's Star Trek, It's Star Trek. You don't have to like it, but you cannot change the fact that it's Star Trek.
    Defending The Galaxy By Breaking One Starfleet Regulation After The Next.
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I ask this question in the various threads like this that pop up. If this game goes against Star Trek, against canon, goes against the core ideas of Star Trek...Then why do you play?

    I think people are assuming that Picard's command style is the way all Star Fleet captains should be. I am a fan of TOS and can't think of any time someone fired on Kirk's enterprise and he didn't fire back. I recently re-watched Balance of Terror and at no time did Kirk try to diplomatically solve the situation.
    If look at the Star Trek movies that involved combat...Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock and Undiscovered Country...Kirk did not try to talk his way out of anything...they fired on him, he fired back.

    I think the typical Star Fleet officer, IE "us", would fall somewhere in between Kirk and Picard.
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