I don't really feel that a game that requires teamspoken combinations of several APAs and SNBs to score any points at all in a team vs team setting is particularly well balanced, but that's not my primary issue with STO these days. It's the following:
Yes, there might be counters to everything. But whereas in the early days of the game it was enough to spend a few merits and energy credits to set up that counter build, it's now often several weeks and hundreds of dollars away. Yes, one can spend other people's money via the Dil/Zen exchange or by buying lockbox stuff via the exchange if one has tons of EC, but what used to be skill-gated is now time- and ressource-gated.
You have a great idea for an experimental PVP team setup that may or may not be the next big thing? Good for you, but unless you and your friends already have every relevant item in the game, it's all too often way too expensive to actually implement that build just for testing purposes and thus it will never see the light of day.
While I am not a big PvP player this statement perfectly captures my current frustration with STO. I enjoy flying a variety of ships, I love trying out new combos and builds. It is why PvE can remain interesting and enjoyable for me.
Trait revamp added new tools to the toolbox, in lockboxes.
Neat new doff active ability? Hope I got 50 mil EC laying around.
New boff abilities! Best be ready to spend $30 to replace my existing $25 ship.
Ship traits are going to be great, aside from the requirement to spend $$ for a ship just for the trait. I can't wait for the 'leech console' equivalent trait to be from a lockbox ship.
Why does STO PvP suck? Main reason right now is because no one plays. There are probably less than 500 people that actively PvP in STO tops across the effing world. I see the same dudes all the time and that's not a good thing. It's the same twenty dudes who post in the forum over and over with little to no newcomers.
Last night at 9pm pacific time, in ETA Eridani sector including Ker'rat, the were a total of 130 people across all zones. West coast, PDT, and only 130 people so words cannot describe how dead this TRIBBLE is.
PvP is dead in this game. Anyone who enjoys PvP has moved onto better games with PvP that is not completely neglected. This game is dated, the engine is super dated, meh. I'm over it.
And as Mancom pointed out, to many time gates, too much P2W and costs are out of control compared to a year ago. Anyone who has a life and can't grind 6-8 hours a day will take months to get the next new must have trait or console and by that time the next one's come out. Can't keep up!
Why does STO PvP suck? Main reason right now is because no one plays. There are probably less than 500 people that actively PvP in STO tops across the effing world. I see the same dudes all the time and that's not a good thing. It's the same twenty dudes who post in the forum over and over with little to no newcomers.
Last night at 9pm pacific time, in ETA Eridani sector including Ker'rat, the were a total of 130 people across all zones. West coast, PDT, and only 130 people so words cannot describe how dead this TRIBBLE is.
PvP is dead in this game. Anyone who enjoys PvP has moved onto better games with PvP that is not completely neglected. This game is dated, the engine is super dated, meh. I'm over it.
And as Mancom pointed out, to many time gates, too much P2W and costs are out of control compared to a year ago. Anyone who has a life and can't grind 6-8 hours a day will take months to get the next new must have trait or console and by that time the next one's come out. Can't keep up!
Said the one joined on Aug 2014. Bah, keep those fake numbers for yourself, will ya. The amount of people you see in sector space means nothing. You pretend to know something on the topic yet?
I'm just Glad people finally learned why you have to use FBP now. You're force to as stated by others and me. It's just how the game is. Deal with it. I discovered this 10 months ago, thanks for catching up people... FBP isn't lame it's just a counter.
Also, I completely agree with post #63. So much truth I nearly fainted.
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
seriously tho, It's too many time gates. I Like the idea of spending dilithium to to speed up 20 hour projects. The reputations could use that. "Pay to go faster" or "grind dilithium to go faster."
That would help people get ready for PVP faster. Too much waiting around. Only 2 of my 6 characters can PVP effectively, the rest are left in the dust by uncompleted reputations. Thinking about how long it takes just depresses me...
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
When it comes to faw, would people think it useful if say, engineers got an ability to draw all of the fire from someone/something BFAWing? So instead of the BFAW spam hitting every pet, mine, torp, other players etc, it would all be dragged onto the engineer.
STO PVP suffers from the fact that it's impossible to be a casual PVPer - itself the result of trying to tag PVP onto a progression-oriented PVE game. You've either got to do it wholeheartedly - grinding, spending and practising like a competitive sport - or you're going to get vaped repeatedly. Things are not helped by the (apparently) sizeable chunk of the PVP community who like to use their "elite" status to lord it over PVE-only players.
I don't actually think there's an easy answer - "grind for shinies" and "keep content accessible to people with limited gear" are two pillars of how Cryptic is trying to make an accessible F2P game with lasting appeal, and there is sound business logic to both.
Not to force anyone to break there RP mode. However... new people complaining about PvP... hasn't been about Klingon faction stuffs in 4 years. FvF killed all that long ago. The people in Kerrat don't even realize they are PvPing do you think they find there ways to the forums to complain.
95% of all QQ comes from The arena or C&H Que.. which until recently had been 95% FvF since the inception of FvF.
The mechanics are the mechanics... doesn't matter whom is shooting at whom. In most cases PvPers with even a small amount of XP under there belt are building toward proper PvP builds.
What has happened over the last 4 years is the gaps between people that know what they are doing and new people have gotten wider and wider. They have gotten harder to cross thanks to Cryptic power creeping the heck out of things and as Mancom has pointed out... making it very expensive to play the meta game.
Things against new players even holding there own are as follows;
1) Knowing which ship to fly... because any ship works in PvE land... in PvP land there are Best choice and ok choice ships. 80% of the rest of the options are bad.
2) Weapon selection. Even people that do really well in PvE are not prepared for 100+ defense. Weapons that own borg will NOT own a zooming escort or a healer with 80k hull and HPS 10x higher then the average PvE players DPS.
3) Gear Selection. Again anything works in PvE land. In PvP land PvP players know which sets to run, which fleet cores are good opitons. in which builds and often the costs of them is high enough when a new player is given solid advice they are often days or weeks from switching to the advised gear.
4) Boff selection. We laugh often at people with no tac team or only one... or no EPTS. Seriously though you don't need them for PvE. So why would a new player assume they needed them for PvP.
5) Doff selection. Much like boff selection there are things that are just not needed in PvE that are very good options for PvP. Why would some one only doing PvE ever buy a Beam overload Pen doff ? Even something like the Antimatter a2d doff isn't required for any pve missions. (on that note there is no need for A2D at all in pve)
6) Reputation choices. I say choices because most PvE people do have there rep completed. However much like the doffs... who needs 5% more shield pen in PvE ? PvE players often have setups that we would think stupid frankly. However they likely get 1k DPS extra in Infected with the ones they chose. lol
7) Buff watching. No one that has played STO PvE for 4 years is even remotely ready to watch an opponents buff bar. Even experienced PvP players have a hard time watching a targets buffs. Keeping track of a teams buffs ? Only the best among us can claim to be able to track more then a few players at once. Even then they know which buffs are important to watch. New players are used to seeing ZERO buffs on there NPC targets... or at most one which they often don't care about anyway.
8) Situational awareness again new players simply don't have this yet. (it comes with XP... not having it at first just adds to the confusion)
9) Cryptics mechanics... the WTF factor. There are MULTIPLE things that can one shot kill you in STO. Most of them are random procs... or small strings of them. This game is bad for that. Even long time players are constantly rolling back there log to see what got them. New players are getting hit with things they have never even heard of. So the WTF factor is high.
10) Counters.... This one is simple. NPCS in STO don't buff up much. When they do buff they have unique buffs most of the time that don't translate to STO pvp. Ask any one that has played PVE only since beta what counters a Sub nuke. Most won't know. Never mind VMs Scrambles Gravity wells TBRs TDF WarpP Tractors + all the gear set and uni consoles that they have never had fired on them (or rarely anyway)... You can't counter things at the right times if you don't even know how.
There those are my TOP 10 reasons. Why new players get super frustrated almost instantly with PvP when they try it out. It has nothing to do with Role Playing folks in Antiquated Birds of Prey.
Ok I"m going to ask something here, and get laughed out of the PvP forums, I stopped using EPTS a LOOOONG time ago, was that a bad choice? *puts on troll, flame, and laugh retardant suit*
depends on the ship.
a high regen & using other shield heals, then using speed boosting abilities can be just as valid.
especially for a bug or bop.
Yeah, I do RSP and EMPTE, evasives and stuff. Found that for my play style, EMPTS does jack while an EMPTE actually will do something for my survivability.
Ok I"m going to ask something here, and get laughed out of the PvP forums, I stopped using EPTS a LOOOONG time ago, was that a bad choice? *puts on troll, flame, and laugh retardant suit*
There are 3 keys to defense in STO.
Hull resistance
Shield Resistance
Defense values
EPTS is the easiest way to 100% of the time bump that shield resist value up... as you get resist from both shield power and from the skill itself.
However there are more ways then ever to bump that number up for shorter periods... and there are also more ways to bump both of the other 2 up as well. So sure if your build has enough of the other 2 you may be able to go with out the staple skill for boosting 1/3 of the picture. Of course some ships like torp boats, vapers ect simply don't plan to stick around, In which case there is little need for EPTS. The EPTS thing required for pvp isn't what it once was when EPTE wouldn't do squat in regards to keeping you alive, and of course if your in a carrier or something the idea of not running epts is still very bad.
Because Feds now get open cloaks on everything, and sensors to see every cloaked KDF within game renderable distance.
I was quite pleased to see a Raptor and BC to start the KDF T6 lineup. That enthusiasm was of course dampened by endless cloaking Fed ships and the Romulan dealie with the EBC + Death Star beam.
I really hope that the Raptor is a suitable escort choice with five forward weapons and/or five tac consoles.
In answer to the OP - because we keep getting less substance and more style and trickeration.
I'm expecting the people that commented about the fact that this game is balanced to retract their claims.
Thank you very much.
Those people were deluding themselves. It's been a powercreep grind fest for years now. Not sure why it surprises anyone when they turn the powercreep up to "11" on an annual basis.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
game is balanced buddy, just not the way you want it to be
sorry you die alot in matches
Im also really sorry for you man, this game really hit you hard, to keep posting over and over, its like some sad ex-girlfriend that wont just move on, but keeps calling and calling
I hope you find the pvp your looking for in another game.
STO PVP suffers from the fact that it's impossible to be a casual PVPer - itself the result of trying to tag PVP onto a progression-oriented PVE game. You've either got to do it wholeheartedly - grinding, spending and practising like a competitive sport - or you're going to get vaped repeatedly.
They want it to be "progression oriented" ie incrementalist
I don't actually think there's an easy answer - "grind for shinies" and "keep content accessible to people with limited gear" are two pillars of how Cryptic is trying to make an accessible F2P game with lasting appeal, and there is sound business logic to both.
Yeah its too late for STO, too far down that road, the T6 changes killed it for good.
thats funny, cause for me, what sucks in this game is guys like you,
folks that hop on the forums everyday complaining non-stop
folks that state like you did in another forums post here in pvp- "pvp is dead"
ok? simple, so when you wrap your head around that you can see most things are pretty balanced, and what really throws things out of balance is when you face 5sci, 5vapers, etc when you face teamwork vs no teamwork, THATS your balancing issues, BUT NO!! thats cryptics fault right? what people chose to put on their ship and work as a team to spam it, thats all cryptic right?
heres the best part, we all know whats getting abused and over used in the cues, IF you know that there will be a high probability that you will face X and you have no real defense against it-
why would you cue up?
fix the ship, get the console you can swap out if you face X, get some alt boffs ready to go, YOU KNOW, have a plan, LOL!!
to many folks want to build 1 ship, 1 setup, and expect EASY MODE in every pvp match, wtf is up with that? track the problem back to the source, was it their fault for equiping it? or is it your fault for not being perpared for it and dying to it?
I know I wont get an honest answer out of you or half the other complainers on here over the above, your going to go the aux2bat b.s. or you will go off on multi-subnuke and so on, just understand, that there are some fights, your build will most likely ALWAYS LOSES against, because your just not built to handle full bore ying to yang,
the rock meets the scissors full on, you get me?
no one ship can take on every type of build out there, no one build can fight off everything, sooooooooooo many folks cant swallow this one-
and lets not forget that if you DONT go into a match with a good team and you FACE ONE, ya your probably going to die no matter what you do, again, soooooooooo many folks cant swallow this one either, they think they are the best, they think they got the best build, they go into a pvp match, get disabled, held, nuked, and poped, or just insta vaped, and they throw their hands in the air- rush to the forums, and complain and complain over and over this is op, that is unbalanced, this is cheese, etc over and over
OR in my mind, worse then the above, idots that say pvp is dead in this game
we got matches going every minute of the day, folks are dying in kerrat every minute of the day, and god knows how many 1v1 private matches go down everyday, forums have thousands of views on posts, I mean, what ...an.... idiot to say pvp is dead, its rocking, matches are happening- what more do you want?
oh, you want your friends back-
I get ya, they quit the game and moved on, np, ONLY A MILLION some odd other people are playing this game, stop being a prick and just make some new friends
heres really the best part, this is the thing that burns me the most,
if you think the game is unbalanced, if you think the games pvp and grind is stupid, and you think nothings ever going to change....
why play?
its a game, this is for FUN, if you not having fun, why play? unless you LOVE TO COMPLAIN, if thats your fun, if you love being that jerk at the party in the corner saying the music sucks, and you cant stand her, and you think the food could be better ... you know... THAT GUY, we all have been at a party with that guy before and if you havent been to one, guess what, YOU PROBABLY WERE THAT GUY LOL
NO ONE wants to go to a party with that guy, some miserable human being thats only joy in life is to complain,
OH OH OH!! whats that?!? YOUR OPINIONS MATTER YOU SAY? (at least thats what you fired back in the other forum) I hear ya, your a big deal, thats right, so its ok for you to go to the pvp forums, drop into forum posts, and the only VALID ADDITION to the subjects, is always this shallow, low brow, complaining, TRIBBLE you drop in every time, and what? we are suppose to always give you a pass on that? cause you want to be "that guy" we cant call you out on it to back up your statements? give some substance? and your only rebutle half the time is "who are you? I know you? how DARE you question ME!" LOL like your the top guy in the game!! LOL
LIKE your somebody- I hear ya big guy, your the best, if anyone can call it- its you I gotcha
tell ya all what, if you are frustraited with this game, whaaaat IDIOT would keep playing!?! ME? the day I log into this game (3years strait, 6 days a weak, OFTEN 5+ hours a day) and I dont have fun in pvp, im gone,
done, just gone, NO long dragged out complaining on the forums, no crying, just poof, like that -new game, move on, its simple, I played mmos all the way back to Ulitima Online 98, at SOME point in time for all of us, a game loses its luster, its becomes not as fun as it use to be, I know, I played them all, man, been there, theres games I poured huge blocks of my life into that now I couldnt care less about right now, and in time, the same things going to happen to me for this game- but I just dont get the folks that cant just move on man
final thought auron,
I have read your posts in the past, little substance, lotta grief- is your m.o. for sure, if you want any of us to EVER respect your opinion, your going to have to add more then "this sucks" as your opinion thats for sure, LOL
OH ya, after 3 years of heavy pvp gameplay, I have faced and killed about everyone by now, Im sure your somewhere in there LOL
as for the folks about the balance in sto pvp?
ya, your right, im wrong, its all cryptics fault, they should make sure every fight is fair, every build is bland, and there is no such things as premades, they should take away everything with an effect so all we do is fly around cannoning each other with healers, yup, that would be awsome mode for sto pvp LOL
While I am not a big PvP player this statement perfectly captures my current frustration with STO. I enjoy flying a variety of ships, I love trying out new combos and builds. It is why PvE can remain interesting and enjoyable for me.
Trait revamp added new tools to the toolbox, in lockboxes.
Neat new doff active ability? Hope I got 50 mil EC laying around.
New boff abilities! Best be ready to spend $30 to replace my existing $25 ship.
Ship traits are going to be great, aside from the requirement to spend $$ for a ship just for the trait. I can't wait for the 'leech console' equivalent trait to be from a lockbox ship.
Last night at 9pm pacific time, in ETA Eridani sector including Ker'rat, the were a total of 130 people across all zones. West coast, PDT, and only 130 people so words cannot describe how dead this TRIBBLE is.
PvP is dead in this game. Anyone who enjoys PvP has moved onto better games with PvP that is not completely neglected. This game is dated, the engine is super dated, meh. I'm over it.
And as Mancom pointed out, to many time gates, too much P2W and costs are out of control compared to a year ago. Anyone who has a life and can't grind 6-8 hours a day will take months to get the next new must have trait or console and by that time the next one's come out. Can't keep up!
Said the one joined on Aug 2014. Bah, keep those fake numbers for yourself, will ya. The amount of people you see in sector space means nothing. You pretend to know something on the topic yet?
Also, I completely agree with post #63. So much truth I nearly fainted.
That would help people get ready for PVP faster. Too much waiting around. Only 2 of my 6 characters can PVP effectively, the rest are left in the dust by uncompleted reputations. Thinking about how long it takes just depresses me...
I don't actually think there's an easy answer - "grind for shinies" and "keep content accessible to people with limited gear" are two pillars of how Cryptic is trying to make an accessible F2P game with lasting appeal, and there is sound business logic to both.
Yeah, I do RSP and EMPTE, evasives and stuff. Found that for my play style, EMPTS does jack while an EMPTE actually will do something for my survivability.
Bunch of hypocrites maybe.
There are 3 keys to defense in STO.
Hull resistance
Shield Resistance
Defense values
EPTS is the easiest way to 100% of the time bump that shield resist value up... as you get resist from both shield power and from the skill itself.
However there are more ways then ever to bump that number up for shorter periods... and there are also more ways to bump both of the other 2 up as well. So sure if your build has enough of the other 2 you may be able to go with out the staple skill for boosting 1/3 of the picture. Of course some ships like torp boats, vapers ect simply don't plan to stick around, In which case there is little need for EPTS. The EPTS thing required for pvp isn't what it once was when EPTE wouldn't do squat in regards to keeping you alive, and of course if your in a carrier or something the idea of not running epts is still very bad.
That's when said player REGISTERED for the forum...on that account.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
I was quite pleased to see a Raptor and BC to start the KDF T6 lineup. That enthusiasm was of course dampened by endless cloaking Fed ships and the Romulan dealie with the EBC + Death Star beam.
I really hope that the Raptor is a suitable escort choice with five forward weapons and/or five tac consoles.
In answer to the OP - because we keep getting less substance and more style and trickeration.
Those people were deluding themselves. It's been a powercreep grind fest for years now. Not sure why it surprises anyone when they turn the powercreep up to "11" on an annual basis.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Because the game is full of people like this
Yeah its too late for STO, too far down that road, the T6 changes killed it for good.
Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
as I said, here is the problem of pvp...touch
I have not read everything,It was too long