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I love the 20 minutes of crying about the forums ending in a huge flame with you calling the community "whiny, entitled twits" and everyone laughing and high fiving eachother.
It's a pretty strong reaction, wouldn't you say?
Maybe you should ask yourself where it came from and what was your plan or objective?
Like your picture perfect outcome when you sat there and wrote the show, how was it going to play out in your head?
Take the trait revamp for example, the vast majority of traits available are located in lockboxes. Their is one from an episode and now 7 from RnD compared to how many in lockboxes?
Ditto with the kit modules, especially considering all new ones released outside of lockboxes are nothing more than mere reskins of existing modules with minor tweaks whereas all the really neat ones are found in lockboxes.
Universal ship models, same as above although their are now so many and thanks to reputation it is not a big deal aside from the obviously overpowered ones *cough leech*.
RnD revamp was also heavily influenced with poor design choices made to allow for better monetization of the system.
Balance tweaks are rarely made unless it is to a recently released item. Polish on older releases are no where to be found. Compare the Galaxy revamp to most of the Marvel Heroes 52 revamps and it is a sad.
The only content released on a consistent basis is not playable but instead of the build tweaking/customization variety which is fine as that is the part of the game I most enjoy. However unless you are willing to gamble with large sums of money, or take advantage of those who do via the exchanges, you cannot experience that content.
I have played many other F2P games with a variety of models. Many of those do a superior job of providing content I want to experience while creating a better world with superior systems to enjoy that content in.
I abhor the PWE F2P model and it's effect on the direction of the development. To the point where I will never play warframe again sadly.
Unfortunately while I have a wide variety of options with the ARPG game I choose, the MOBA, the FPS/RPG, generic fantasy MMO, and so on both F2P model, one time purchase model, etc etc, my space ship game options are very limited.
So how can I make the above feedback become constructive? I cannot, the model will not change and the development will always be a slave to it, they gotta make money after all as many say. It doesn't matter how constructive my feedback is, how nice it is, or how rude it is.
How can I make a productive feedback post then 95% of the time? It is impossible really unless I treat it as a rant making it productive for me. If their is another way for it to be productive, or have a purpose so to speak, please show me a better way. Seriously, or should I just not care? Just not offer feedback at all? Honestly that is the direction I have gone lately.
Disclaimer, the above only pertains to a post intended for the developers. When conversing with other players I try to limit myself to being constructive in an information sharing manner although at times I fail and I apologize for that.
*looks around*
Nope, that seems pretty accurate to me.
The fact of the matter is, many posts to these forms are so full of venom, vitriol, and irrationality that they're not even worth reading. To be blunt, "where it came from" is irrelevant, because the individuals are incapable of presenting themselves as rational human beings.
Please note that this doesn't apply to every person on the forums, but it does apply often enough that it's a very large, very real problem.
I don't agree with everything you posted, but IMO that was a legitimately constructive post. Well done.
And if the cogent feedback from tribble about the Doff ui had not been dismissed as valid so flippantly, then you'd be right in pointing the finger solely at players.
However, in this case, it has taken two to tango.
Change certainly needs to happen.....At both ends.
"It", as in their need for and reason to go off on a rant for 20 minutes crying about the forum and flaming the community on a "professional" podcast...
What inside the mentality of the podcasters made them sit down and plan to spend an entire podcast crying about the forums?
What did they hope to achieve?
It would seem you and the other developer apologists in the podcast are quite upset to the point you just threw self-control out the window trying to flame people for flaming.
So lost the moral high ground too
ps. just seems to me they ought to go on a search for themselves and find out who they are and what the objective is with doing a podcast.
My thoughts are, Specialization Tree is just Alternate Advancement from Everquest. And we already know how boring and grindy that ended up being.
Also the raise in level creates even more issues with the concept of ranks.
Overall, raising the levels, as a basic function of gameplay is fine. Raising the level cap in this game ruins the fluff/lore and their idea for spec tree is just tired old and lame game design from 2001.
I have to agree. Not sure what is going on inside P1, but it seems that your self-perception is starting to shift from player/user based fan product to unpaid PWE PR department.
There is no reason to mention that the devs work and try hard. I though the podcast was about the game,not the personal adventures of cryptics employees. There is a product ie. the D'kora, and if it is bugged, and has been since release, the tone of the forum posts concerning this bug become harsh. Tough luck, haven't seen the retail job that hasn't had to deal with harsh costumers. But finding a parent company that has the nerves to keep complaining about their costumers into their faces...thats quite something. Not to mention that obviously Star Trek fans, maybe more so then Victorica Secret shoppers, have a tendency to be very passionate about minute details of the IP. Naturally this passions translates into feedback about the game. One would assume that devs coming to work on it, knew this, since they are all passionate about trek themselves.
If you don't like the tone of the forums, fine. But what reason could there possibly be to devote a good portion of your show to calling names and trolling the forums? You know there are real people behind those posts, and they try really hard to communicate with cryptic. Whats the point in insulting them? Its bad enough that Geko calls pvp'ers 14 year old min-maxers with too much time, why on earth would a player based podcast join this kind of chorus.
It's cryptics PR and development moves that are setting the tone of the forums, nothing more nothing less. Sure crazy people exist here and elsewhere, but that has no bearing whatsoever on anything expressed in this episode.
TL;DR. I don't care about P1 personal feelings about the hard work of cryptic employees schedules, nor their feelings about the persons frequenting the STO forums. Bashing players is just as bad as bashing devs. Neither has anything to do with the game: Star Trek online.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
Myeah, you know there isn't a single forum out there without it's fair share of trolls. Obviously trolls in a public forum are more "exposed" shall we say because people tend to see the most obvious troll posts over the serious posts first. I have to be 100% honest, I do feel fairly... shall we say unfairly targeted by these podcast fellows. The way they project it, it kinda feels like they accuse us all of being a bunch of forum trolls. There are still plenty of constructive posts around, you just need to filter it every now and then.
And yes... welcome to public MMO forums, home of the serious and not so serious players!
Pretty accurate and sadly the problem with most of the corporate media/news in the modern era. Also why some new media is becoming very popular. .
I think this is the problem.
I don't disagree that there are copious examples where forum posters, lets say, could have expressed themselves better.
But to focus just on that dynamic, when there has been this constant hum from certain quarters of cryptic to blame the players, is to miss the overall point.
P1, imo, is slowly turning into the unofficial official arm of Cryptic/PWEs PR effort.
After all, no such thing as a free lunch......even in Vegas.
Let me be clear as well.
The comment was not offensive in the least to me. The reaction of some members of the podcast was.
I largely feel we've entered an area where people are quick to accuse others of trolling, but in doing so have pretty much forgotten what trolling is like. There's just an over-sensitive feel to criticism and negative feedback, where it's all now being righteously ignored and lumped into some trolling description. When in reality most of it is just criticism about X, Y or Z.
Whining and complaining isn't trolling.
If some of those people (especially certain Cryptic employees) would like a refresher course on ACTUAL trolling, I will gladly volunteer to re-educate them as to what trolling is actually like.
I'm sorry that it came off offensively, that was certainly not our intent in any way. Our reaction to that specific comment was simply our surprise at the content as not all of us had read each piece of feedback prior to recording that segment. I'm not sure why you would be more offended by us finding it amusing than by the person who presumably genuinely felt that way, though. I think I made it clear in the last two episodes during this discussion that I think the term "entitlement" gets thrown around too much and that the only issue I have is with levels of vitriol that are detrimental to -- again in my opinion -- all involved.
We are all members of the forum, after all. No need to feel put on the defensive when some members are criticized for extreme behaviors such as likening the developers to terrorists or driving away new players with harsh vitriol, which are some of the examples that were brought up. I've been here since the beginning, myself.
Let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill; lest we want to prove the original "twit" comment true
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That reasoning for the response makes sense. I think my reaction to it was due to my perception of the already established tone from the podcast and some devs toward the forums and the feedback in the recent past. Keep in mind you can say 'not all forum members' until your blue in the face and I will still feel included in what you are saying. Just like how my recent posts are mostly about your co-hosts but you still feed somewhat included.
I hold the members of the podcast, and developers, to a higher standard than I do the general public. I have a higher expectation, perhaps even a sense of 'entitlement', of a more respectable? mature? professional? mature? attitude.
Also I am beginning to tire of the corporate/indie dev double standard Cryptic and it's defenders continue to abuse. If they heavily monetize something to the determinant of the gaming experience it is supposed to be acceptable because they are a business and need to make money. Yet when they are expected to properly cultivate their public image and promote a healthy community they do nothing and instead it the blame is placed upon their 'entitled' customers. If they are going to act like a business they should at times expect to be treated as a business and not individuals.
Your own feedback on one of the core problems of the forum would be a major improvement. The 'controversial rising to the top' thing that is. The creation of a simple side bar similar to that of reddit with guides to help existing players locate the valuable forum posts filled with useful information would be nice, or even a small developer created 'encyclopedia' so to speak. A new forum topic layout properly separating general discussion, information, and feedback areas would help. Aggressive moderation proper for the areas would help. Like say in the feedback sub-forums if your post or post response is not on topic it gets deleted whereas in the general discussion forums it would not be.
The forums are problematic in their current state. The only one who can fix it is Cryptic themselves. Unfortunately since it cannot be monetized the only improvements we are likely to see will be done by Cryptic employees when they are off the clock.
I couldn't agree more. I've mentioned before that I've moderated forums in the past and thus empathize that it's a challenging task, all the moreso when you are potentially "policing" paying customers. The default structure of forums doesn't serve the average player in my opinion, and I think the responsibility for finding an alternative -- assuming that any given company is serious about soliciting feedback -- falls on the host.
Thanks for elaborating, it is appreciated always. I took responsibility for the segment because with Elijah unavailable this week I took the lead on some aspects of production and am not as practiced at such things as he is, so I am sorry that it was less professional that I would prefer.
Back to blowing up Crystalline Entities and running R&D projects for now!
See you in game.
I wouldn't call the STO forums unfriendly, especially when compared to other popular online games that make the STO forums look like Ghandi. But those who commented they left or was about to leave STO because of the forums was likely looking for an excuse. Because you can't judge a community based on a forum, you have to based the in-game community as well.
People got to remember the Forums are there for both positive and negative feedback. And people are voicing their opinions and surely not everyone will be pleased. But if you get so easily offended to not receive some criticism, then maybe perhaps the forum isn't for you. Everyone has their comfort spots after all. That or you adopt the tactic of post-and-run, where you give your positive feedback and don't ever return to that thread, because you said what you needed to be said.
As for the Devs not coming to the forum, I think it does a disservice to the game, because if you are getting negative feedback, then it means what you are doing, isn't appealing to your customers. And if a certain population doesn't like it, then you end up losing money, because they likely would be leaving. But not everyone here is negative, we will give credit where credit is due.
But I will say one thing, about those you quoted in episode 187 - they are no better than we are.
Entitlement? We played this song and dance in the last couple of episodes over Tier 6 ships. Those who cry entitlement are typically people who have tons of disposable income that just laugh as they throw money around. There are some of us who worked hard for our ships by spending what little funds we got so we could enjoy the game, and now Cryptic making us start over........you should walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you start using such hateful terms. Especially when we could very well be forced not to fly our favorite Star Trek ship anymore.
Though I will say this............wonder they realized that Tier 6 will surely put a major dent in their Tier 5 ship sales. And since they only got a handful of Tier 6 ships, who is going to buy Tier 5 ships now?
Checked it, didn't feel like grinding to 60. Got enough grinding in STO already. :P
That's a really great point.
And as far as the in-game community goes, I've nothing bug great things to say about it. (Though I also have good things to say about the forums. The forum posters I think are by and far the greatest. The most negative of negative posters on these forums are still Star Trek fans. And so they never get to me. The other side of that ... the CRs Mods and employees ... well, that's another story).
Anyways, the in-game community? Freakin amazing. Everything from the fleet I was in to the STB channel to the other channels I was in, everyone, has just been great. There's so many Star Trek fans playing this game, and it's really been so much better an experience than other MMOs.
It' being done by players , moderators (allowing that Doom thread to go on while admitting g it broke the rules of the forums) , it's been bashed by Devs and hell some forums express their "superiority" by semi-regularly take ng a swipe at the STO forums (Reddit 4 example) .
So really, it's not something out standing if pretty much done everywhere .
Off course like voting for the last two presidents of the US for a second term ... -- not every move by the majority is a smart move .
And I'm sure that at least as far as some ppl are concerned ( be they players or podcasters) , if they had more playable content on a more regular schedule and more new info to talk about -- they would rather do that then tear into their fellow players .
As history teaches us, the first time players really started to consistently chew on each other was during the year of hell .
Cryptic's content release schedule & PWE's Information release schedule are more then likely are the source for some of the troubles we're seeing on this front .
You had from what, thursday until sunday correct? Maybe even part of monday morning if all-nighter
Plus, 7 additional days before recording, yes?
Far be it from me to call you a liar, but that is a lot of of time to make your choices, right?
To call it spur of the moment could be fair in a live podcast but this isn't live, not the case here is it - it'd be a stretch
It also doesn't account for the 20 minutes leading up to the comment which is straight up flaming aswell.
It was planned, recorded, edited and then aired right, so.
You discredit the forums for flaming, complaining and whining - well take a look in the mirror
in short, the p1 podcasters must be soft, and if they really have a such a dim view of this forum and its regular participants why bother with this thread? arent you afraid us 'trolls' are going to stain your thread? to be honest, if i had to choose between the posts of trolls or the p1 pwePR threads i would choose the trolls every day. so feel free to shove off, p1. i wont miss you.
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I get that forum posters can express themselves better, at least some of them.
But this constant drone of player-blaming utterly misses out Cryptic/PWEs role in this.
The fact that a so called player driven podcast joins in on this dog pile is more than saddening.
There is a commuication problem, and the fault/remedy lies on both sides.