The Romulans and Klingons could use a couple more ships each to round out their options and bring them in line with the number of Fed ships available. Maybe some updates on older ships are needed, but in general, T6 ships are completely unnecessary and from what I've read since the announcement, unwanted.
Oh wait, you missed the part where everybody knows that cryptic releases unnecessary stuff all the time, this is not new. But then, they say "we dont have time to invest in re-vamping ship interiors", yeah, they prefer to re-vamp unnecessary things and make changes for worst.
Agree T6 ships are not necessary , the oppossite. The problem is, making new ships is far faster and easier than making an upgrade-system, so, i guess it is the right thing to do (for cryptic).
I actually im used to this. I am just waiting to the X2 because i know things will be a complete chaos by then, so it will be the time i probably will stop playing STO for good. Until then, enjoy the game and "play" what you can, and forget about t6 ships or watever.
I would welcome the new T6 starships and level 60 cap. This represents progress in the game where players can get starships and have abilities beyond what the current game offers.
Many people do not want T6 ships because that will make their current T5.5 starships "obsolete". "Obsolete" is a rather inaccurate word to use by the fear mongers. Yes, the T5.5 ships that people have bought from the C-Store / Lobi-Store no longer represents the best ships in the game, but they will not "obsolete" as they put it. They will merely be considered very good starships. Their capabilities are still the same unless Cryptic decides to nerf current T5.5 ship... in which case that would be a totally different story.
I see the T6 starship much like I see PC hardware...
New CPU and GPU are being released at steady pace. What was once considered the bleeding edge of performance gets downgraded to only very high performance components when new generation of hardware gets released.
Back in 2006 the Intel Core 2 Quad series was considered the very best CPU taking back the gaming performance from AMD at that point in time. Had both AMD and Intel both stopped development of CPUs in 2008 the 2nd generation Core 2 Quad and 1st generation Phenom II X4 CPUs would still be top dogs to this very day. Today the 4th generation Haswell CPU series has eclipsed the performance of the CPUs available in 2008.
I am looking forward to next year when Intel is going to release their next generation series of CPUs known as Skylake which will be based on a totally new CPU architecture.
If you are so upset with Expansion 2 then ignore it. don't play the new content don't upgrade your ships and don't buy their 6. no skin off my back....but there is really no point to griping before all the info is released. but please by all means be a pessimist and troll the forums because the company running STO didn't get your permission to announce a expansion without releaseing every MB of info they have right away. Im sure they sit around a table going, "I wonder what risian will think about this. Chance is normal and expected, get off your high horse and adapt.
I don't troll the forums, I'm giving my opinion. If you don't like that, too bad for you.
Of course they don't need to care about what 'risian will think about this'. The point is, risian isn't the only one who's concerned.
Lots of customers are concerned here, and ignoring them isn't wise to say the least. Or calling them trolls, eh I mean whining people to quote a well known dev.
I would welcome the new T6 starships and level 60 cap. This represents progress in the game where players can get starships and have abilities beyond what the current game offers.
LOL. And why is this different about having a tier 2 ship, and to want a tier 3 ship?? lol.
Dont you realize, the REAL update will be to be able to UPGRADE our older ships to watever tier cryptic wants?? dont you realize releasing new ships is just the same over and over again? nevermind, some people will never realize until X2 is actually released.
Im going to wait till all the dev blogs are released and im doing the content to make my conclusions. cause there is nothing you can do about it. they are going to release the expansion and everything in it no matter how concerned you and all the other pessimists are.
Seriously? MMORGs need to advance and build to survive. I love all the posts that's state that they are happy with what we have now or that they wish we were back in season 5 6 or 7. I welcome tier 6 ships and level 60. I shows that cryptic is still commited to this game. Furthermore the company running this game is.......wait for it.....a business!!!! If they didn't charge for ships and other stuff they would lose money and the game would die. I for one am looking forward to this expansion. And the ships are the game. they are our sword and our shield and when a better one comes alog you upgrade. I love the iconic ships too but the way I see it its 2410.....there would be new designs in Starfleet. so exeryone just be calm and wait for them to release some blogs. then when we know what is really happening then flame
no one is saying that t6 ships, or new gear, or a new level is bad.. the problem is the skins that we use as our avatars in space, might not be useable... as I have said before, that would be like you wanting to play as a blood elf in wow, but with an expansion, they then say you have to be an orc. sure, you can still play the game, but now your own avatar does not reflect what you want it to look like, or be..
t6 ships cound cool, no doubt... if cryptic had come out and said, all t5 ships will have the option of being upgraded to full t6, we wouldn't be having this argument, and everyone would be excitedly speculating on what t6 was.. but since the t5 ships (our inspace avatars) are not being upgraded to the new level, and we are more than likely going to have to pay through the nose to get them to be "competitive" (which in cryptic terms means not quite t6, which will eventually strong arm those who want to stay competitive into buying t6 ships).. with t6 ships, but still not quite good enough more than likely).
again, most who are mad, are not mad that they have to level, or get new gear, or what not, most are unhappy that characters and ships they have built to fit into a story, or an idea, or because they grew up loving that ship are being cheapened.
you cannot look at a ship as a piece of gear, you slot gear into like a character, because the ships are your space characters.. devs have even said this about them, when explaining why they cant do certain things..
to bring it into sto terms.. say you like being a human, this would be the equivalent of them buffing Vulcans, andorians, and caitians, but not buffing humans.. now, suddenly, your human has a severe disadvantage to other races... that is what this is, they are creating new avatars, and potentially strong arming peeps into buying and using them..
cryptic should have never said anything abou t6 until they were ready to fully explain the process...
and let me ask the very small percentage of people who are for t6 ships and seem to think t5 ships will be just as good.. what will your thoughts be if the nay sayers are right, and t5 ships are left in the dust to t6 ships?
let me give you a scenarios.. firstly, there are only 7-10 ships spread throughout the factions, this means, that if t5 goes to the wayside and is no longer feasible at endgame, there will only be what, roughly 3 ships for each faction.. probably a cruiser, sci and escort type class (since they are going to be a new class that we don't know).. wow, how exciting is the game going to be when everyone is playing the same friggen ships.. awesome, so much win with everyone flying the same TRIBBLE... you know how boring pvp would be?
The thing that's pissing me off is the speculation. People talking like they know exactly how this is going to work. The constant jumping to conclusions. Wouldn't it be better to wait and hear it from the horse's mouth rather than some (possible) trolls on a forum or doom and gloom ledge jumpers?
And all the constant threats against cryptic. Real mature.
Do you think people should ignore prior Cryptic decisions and behavior? The past is prologue friend
Telling them how you will react if a prior poor decision is repeated, is pre-emptive customer feedback that they can incorporate into their decision making process. Because they are unlikely to change their mind after they implement.
Do you think people should ignore prior Cryptic decisions and behavior? The past is prologue friend
Telling them how you will react if a prior poor decision is repeated, is pre-emptive customer feedback that they can incorporate into their decision making process. Because they are unlikely to change their mind after they implement.
Dont worry, people like that guy probably are new to the game, so they dont know cryptic as we do :P
Just want to chime in for people who check the last page, don't read my OP, and want to comment. This is not a OMG speculation thread. This is not a "new things scare me thread". This is not a "derp cryptic is a business? that need's to make money herp" thread.
I've yet to read any post here that logically justifies Cryptic going to T6 ships and raising the level cap. There are a dozen other things that could have been done for expansion 2. The best one IMO would've been to introduce another mini-faction with a story line to go along with it a la LoR.
They could've done a major update to the Fleet system that people have spent so much time and resources on. They could've done a major update to PvP (Q the anti PvP comments). They could've done something with customizable interiors or some sort of player housing.
I could go on and on. I think all of things would have been received much better than MOAR SHIPS. I want STO to do well and make money. God knows I've spent a lot on this game and would continue to do so if I liked what was being offered. Like anyone I enjoy spending money on my hobbies but what I don't like is feeling like a fool for doing it.
Don't make fools out of your loyal player base Cryptic.
Im going to wait till all the dev blogs are released and im doing the content to make my conclusions. cause there is nothing you can do about it. they are going to release the expansion and everything in it no matter how concerned you and all the other pessimists are.
Talk about being pessimistic... 'there's nothing we can do about it'. So let's be totally indifferent and don't care that we're being treated the way we are.
No point in trying to argue with indifferent people. So have fun in the game, I'm done talking to you.
If you are so upset with Expansion 2 then ignore it. don't play the new content don't upgrade your ships and don't buy their 6. no skin off my back....but there is really no point to griping before all the info is released. but please by all means be a pessimist and troll the forums because the company running STO didn't get your permission to announce a expansion without releaseing every MB of info they have right away. Im sure they sit around a table going, "I wonder what risian will think about this." Change is normal and expected, get off your high horse and adapt.
I am actually for the first time in years excited for the expansion. literally everything gets my blood flowing, except for the t5/t6 ship thing.. it looms over my excitement like a dark cloud. I have never played a cryptic design, and I never will, ill never forgive them for the death of my game (lol).. thought some peeps might like that.. extra points if you get the reference lol..
anyways, getting back into what I was saying, I want to go to the delta quadrant.. I want to try the new zones, and story line, it sounds fascinating so far.. and at least half the voyager episodes were some of my favorite in trek (I am one of the few who actually liked voyager lol).
however, I am stubborn on playing what I want to play as an avatar.. I soft roleplay, meaning, while I do not openly role play, I build my captain, crew and ship around stories, stories that I actually write leading up to when they hit endgame (I pretend that the leveling doesn't really happen lol, the stories are great, but the idea that a cadet was given command of a starship is very very outlandish, and that he would make captian in 1 year.. yeah, not gonna happen, ever, unless your kirk lol... but that neither here nor there. lol..
I write my stories based on how things work in real life, that you don't just bounce from ship to ship.. when you are given command of a ship, it is usually till retirement or promotion. they don't just keep bouncing people from command to command. the only way to actually make that happen story wise, is the destruction of your original ship, but I don't want that lol..
so yeah, I don't want to ignore the x pac, like I did legacy of romulas (cause that was a load of TRIBBLE lol). I want to be able to continue the stories I have made for my characters, and continue to use my avatars (space and ground) through out.. they are an extension of the story, and I don't want my story to end because cryptic wants to make a few extra bucks..
Just want to chime in for people who check the last page, don't read my OP, and want to comment. This is not a OMG speculation thread. This is not a "new things scare me thread". This is not a "derp cryptic is a business? that need's to make money herp" thread.
I've yet to read any post here that logically justifies Cryptic going to T6 ships and raising the level cap. There are a dozen other things that could have been done for expansion 2. The best one IMO would've been to introduce another mini-faction with a story line to go along with it a la LoR.
They could've done a major update to the Fleet system that people have spent so much time and resources on. They could've done a major update to PvP (Q the anti PvP comments). They could've done something with customizable interiors or some sort of player housing.
I could go on and on. I think all of things would have been received much better than MOAR SHIPS. I want STO to do well and make money. God knows I've spent a lot on this game and would continue to do so if I liked what was being offered. Like anyone I enjoy spending money on my hobbies but what I don't like is feeling like a fool for doing it.
Don't make fools out of your loyal player base Cryptic.
I think they could have done the t6 ships, but making t5 fully upgradeable and equal to t6.. so basically upgrading to full t6..
the mini faction wouldn't work.. one of the things they learned from lor as they said in the live casts at vegas.. was while they created the faction, and there was plenty for the faction to do, the other current factions were left out in the breeze.. as a fed only player, I had very very very little to do in their first expansion, which made the expansion a flop in my eyes..
but yes, I agree, there is a million other ways they could have gone to make some money.. like you said, new holdings in the fleet, a new dil sink that didn't involve the core fundamentals of the game. new races that you need to buy access too (like the catians and all the others already in game). anything but messing with the things people currently love.. if it aint broke, don't fix it.. lol..
I've yet to read any post here that logically justifies Cryptic going to T6 ships and raising the level cap.
Why do you even bother asking? First they sell gear to make content easier, then oh hey content is too easy here is new harder stuff to fight and moar powercreep to fight it. That is the logical justification, a scenario of their own making demands this solution. Plus they can charge $$ for upgrade parts. Next quarter they will start the ratchet again.
Any improvements to game play in here? Are they doing anything people have asked for, like FPS view in ground, or flying a ship from the bridge, or exploration and diplomacy, or in-rp PVP, or anything at all? Or is it squeeze the milk cow with arbitrary reset?
but please by all means be a pessimist and troll the forums because the company running STO didn't get your permission to announce a expansion without releaseing every MB of info they have right away.
Not much difference between their trolling and your trolling, especially in the end product.
Im sure they sit around a table going, "I wonder what risian will think about this."
Someone does sit around a table and think "What will the customers think about this?"
For that someone, it's their actual job.
Change is normal and expected, get off your high horse and adapt.
LOL. And why is this different about having a tier 2 ship, and to want a tier 3 ship?? lol.
Dont you realize, the REAL update will be to be able to UPGRADE our older ships to watever tier cryptic wants?? dont you realize releasing new ships is just the same over and over again? nevermind, some people will never realize until X2 is actually released.
I recall reading a statement that the new T6 ship will have specific abilities only available to T6 starships. If I deem the new abilities to significantly better than the current free T5 ships that my various toons are flying then I will be willing to drop some Zen for them.
Through this point in time I do not see much of an improvement in the T5.5 starships to justify spending Zen on them. The exception is the KDF Mogh which I was somewhat interested (back in March) in until I noticed it was just a Federation Avenger in disguise... at which point I lost interest...
If I can upgrade my free T5 starships to even T5.33 that would be great as long as the cost is not very high. Like the T5.5 starships, I would only buy a T6 starship if I deem them to be worthy enough to justify spending Zen on.
I don't care about Microsoft and Sony consoles. I don't use those.
As far as I know, there's no competition between someone who uses an older console and a player that uses a new one. If they are playing the same game, they should be able to perform equally well in that same game. So the release of a new console doesn't affect the ability to play the game I'm playing at this moment, does it?
I don't troll the forums, I'm giving my opinion. If you don't like that, too bad for you.
Of course they don't need to care about what 'risian will think about this'. The point is, risian isn't the only one who's concerned.
Lots of customers are concerned here, and ignoring them isn't wise to say the least. Or calling them trolls, eh I mean whining people to quote a well known dev.
Talk about being pessimistic... 'there's nothing we can do about it'. So let's be totally indifferent and don't care that we're being treated the way we are.
No point in trying to argue with indifferent people. So have fun in the game, I'm done talking to you.
There is a difference, im not pessimistic or optimistic about am being a realist. I know that the devs don't listen to our opinion but I also know ill enjoy the content. What im saying is that we should wait for the blogs before we pass judgement. I am very attached to my tier 5 ships and am sure that my ships will still be viable.
This is not a surprise to anyone. In the November 2012 Ask Cryptic DStahl stated they would be adding a level cap increase to 60 and that they would be telling us about it around Season 9. That means it was in planning 2 years before it came out. In December of 2013 Geko stated they had started working on the mechanical aspects of Expansion 2. That means they were doing the work nearly a year before it will come out.
When they are planning things 2 years ahead of time, and starting to manufacture them 1 year ahead of time, we have no immediate input in the process. We hear about it 3 months before it comes out when all of the approvals from CBS and most of the work is already done. It is far too late to make major changes in the process by then.
But at the same time they asked us what TV series we wanted them to focus the game on, and we polled Voyager - which is why that became EP 2. Later they asked us what species we wanted them to focus on from Voyager, and we polled Kazon. So people should not be surprised that Voyager and the Kazon will have a big part in it.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
This is not a surprise to anyone. In the November 2012 Ask Cryptic DStahl stated they would be adding a level cap increase to 60 and that they would be telling us about it around Season 9. That means it was in planning 2 years before it came out. In December of 2013 Geko stated they had started working on the mechanical aspects of Expansion 2. That means they were doing the work nearly a year before it will come out.
When they are planning things 2 years ahead of time, and starting to manufacture them 1 year ahead of time, we have no immediate input in the process. We hear about it 3 months before it comes out when all of the approvals from CBS and most of the work is already done. It is far too late to make major changes in the process by then.
But at the same time they asked us what TV series we wanted them to focus the game on, and we polled Voyager - which is why that became EP 2. Later they asked us what species we wanted them to focus on from Voyager, and we polled Kazon. So people should not be surprised that Voyager and the Kazon will have a big part in it.
Whenever I read the phrase that Cryptic will "take care of us" I get the mental image of Jackson in Pulp Fiction asking, "Take care of her, take care of her?" while pointing gun fingers at his head.
Yeah, Geko is going to "take care of us" all right lol
There is a difference, im not pessimistic or optimistic about am being a realist. I know that the devs don't listen to our opinion but I also know ill enjoy the content. What im saying is that we should wait for the blogs before we pass judgement. I am very attached to my tier 5 ships and am sure that my ships will still be viable.
I'll be glad to try out some new content as well, no arguing from me there. There is something to be said to wait for the dev blogs, and that's what I'll be doing. Just saying that I won't spend another euro until I know more. Seems the logical thing to do right?
Gee - another Soon™ post by a PWE/Cryptic employee. Must be part of the "Forty Delta Rising blogs READY to go..."; which was stated at the STLV 2014 panel presentation -- of which we've see three -- NONE of which have really given any further info on T^ ships themselves; or the mechanic by which some T5 ships can be upgraded to have some T6 abilities, etc.
Hell, this is the SAME marketing team that took 5 DAYS after the STLV 2014 panel presentation to put the Deta Rising Expansion announcement on the official ARC STO News section (Even the Devs there at STLV were saying we'd see a blog the following Monday; but nothing appeared officially until Thursday.
So, again, color me unimpressed that a Cryptic/PWE is again coming on to these forums with yet another "We'll release info Soon™..." post.
To Cryptic: Post some actual T6 ship system info, or just keep quiet and stop teasing the STO playerbase with the tired 'Info Soon™...' bit, it's getting OLD.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I'll be glad to try out some new content as well, no arguing from me there. There is something to be said to wait for the dev blogs, and that's what I'll be doing. Just saying that I won't spend another euro until I know more. Seems the logical thing to do right?
Im doing the same, I have 10000 zen that I am not going to use till X2. I just don't see the point of using it now. Plus im just happy that my bug ship will be getting a free upgrade
This is not a surprise to anyone. In the November 2012 Ask Cryptic DStahl stated they would be adding a level cap increase to 60 and that they would be telling us about it around Season 9. That means it was in planning 2 years before it came out. In December of 2013 Geko stated they had started working on the mechanical aspects of Expansion 2. That means they were doing the work nearly a year before it will come out.
When they are planning things 2 years ahead of time, and starting to manufacture them 1 year ahead of time, we have no immediate input in the process. We hear about it 3 months before it comes out when all of the approvals from CBS and most of the work is already done. It is far too late to make major changes in the process by then.
But at the same time they asked us what TV series we wanted them to focus the game on, and we polled Voyager - which is why that became EP 2. Later they asked us what species we wanted them to focus on from Voyager, and we polled Kazon. So people should not be surprised that Voyager and the Kazon will have a big part in it.
not only did the krenim win that pole.. I also remember almost every dev who was interviewed, and anything written, was that t6 ships would not happen.. they seemed pretty dead set against them, and even said that instead of t6 ships, we would see new variations of t5 (ie, possible broadside mounted weapons, ability to have npc ships fight with you, and the works). but I do remember stahl, and a few others stating that t6 was either not likely to happen, or wasn't ever going to happen (depending on the dev saying it)..
now im not saying they lied or anything, I happen to think that they still didn't want this from some of the body language and interviews, but that they are being possible forced into it from the powers to be..
The Romulans and Klingons could use a couple more ships each to round out their options and bring them in line with the number of Fed ships available. Maybe some updates on older ships are needed, but in general, T6 ships are completely unnecessary and from what I've read since the announcement, unwanted.
Like the title says, Ships are not a game. What I mean by that is that what this game is sorely lacking is new content...
Woot! When you hear the know you've heard the truth!
not only did the krenim win that pole.. I also remember almost every dev who was interviewed, and anything written, was that t6 ships would not happen.. they seemed pretty dead set against them, and even said that instead of t6 ships, we would see new variations of t5 (ie, possible broadside mounted weapons, ability to have npc ships fight with you, and the works). but I do remember stahl, and a few others stating that t6 was either not likely to happen, or wasn't ever going to happen (depending on the dev saying it)..
now im not saying they lied or anything, I happen to think that they still didn't want this from some of the body language and interviews, but that they are being possible forced into it from the powers to be..
the kazon not only did not win they came in 3rd yet we still are getting stuck with a species that the borg didnt even want.
Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days.
Gee - another Soon post by a PWE/Cryptic employee. Must be part of the "Forty Delta Rising blogs READY to go..."; which was stated at the STLV 2014 panel presentation -- of which we've see three -- NONE of which have really given any further info on T^ ships themselves; or the mechanic by which some T5 ships can be upgraded to have some T6 abilities, etc.
Hell, this is the SAME marketing team that took 5 DAYS after the STLV 2014 panel presentation to put the Deta Rising Expansion announcement on the official ARC STO News section (Even the Devs there at STLV were saying we'd see a blog the following Monday; but nothing appeared officially until Thursday.
So, again, color me unimpressed that a Cryptic/PWE is again coming on to these forums with yet another "We'll release info Soon..." post.
To Cryptic: Post some actual T6 ship system info, or just keep quiet and stop teasing the STO playerbase with the tired 'Info Soon...' bit, it's getting OLD.
So..keep quiet and get yelled at, post what they can get yelled at.
Seems like a damned/damned situation to me.
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Oh wait, you missed the part where everybody knows that cryptic releases unnecessary stuff all the time, this is not new. But then, they say "we dont have time to invest in re-vamping ship interiors", yeah, they prefer to re-vamp unnecessary things and make changes for worst.
Agree T6 ships are not necessary , the oppossite. The problem is, making new ships is far faster and easier than making an upgrade-system, so, i guess it is the right thing to do (for cryptic).
I actually im used to this. I am just waiting to the X2 because i know things will be a complete chaos by then, so it will be the time i probably will stop playing STO for good. Until then, enjoy the game and "play" what you can, and forget about t6 ships or watever.
Many people do not want T6 ships because that will make their current T5.5 starships "obsolete". "Obsolete" is a rather inaccurate word to use by the fear mongers. Yes, the T5.5 ships that people have bought from the C-Store / Lobi-Store no longer represents the best ships in the game, but they will not "obsolete" as they put it. They will merely be considered very good starships. Their capabilities are still the same unless Cryptic decides to nerf current T5.5 ship... in which case that would be a totally different story.
I see the T6 starship much like I see PC hardware...
New CPU and GPU are being released at steady pace. What was once considered the bleeding edge of performance gets downgraded to only very high performance components when new generation of hardware gets released.
Back in 2006 the Intel Core 2 Quad series was considered the very best CPU taking back the gaming performance from AMD at that point in time. Had both AMD and Intel both stopped development of CPUs in 2008 the 2nd generation Core 2 Quad and 1st generation Phenom II X4 CPUs would still be top dogs to this very day. Today the 4th generation Haswell CPU series has eclipsed the performance of the CPUs available in 2008.
I am looking forward to next year when Intel is going to release their next generation series of CPUs known as Skylake which will be based on a totally new CPU architecture.
I don't troll the forums, I'm giving my opinion. If you don't like that, too bad for you.
Of course they don't need to care about what 'risian will think about this'. The point is, risian isn't the only one who's concerned.
Lots of customers are concerned here, and ignoring them isn't wise to say the least. Or calling them trolls, eh I mean whining people to quote a well known dev.
LOL. And why is this different about having a tier 2 ship, and to want a tier 3 ship?? lol.
Dont you realize, the REAL update will be to be able to UPGRADE our older ships to watever tier cryptic wants?? dont you realize releasing new ships is just the same over and over again? nevermind, some people will never realize until X2 is actually released.
no one is saying that t6 ships, or new gear, or a new level is bad.. the problem is the skins that we use as our avatars in space, might not be useable... as I have said before, that would be like you wanting to play as a blood elf in wow, but with an expansion, they then say you have to be an orc. sure, you can still play the game, but now your own avatar does not reflect what you want it to look like, or be..
t6 ships cound cool, no doubt... if cryptic had come out and said, all t5 ships will have the option of being upgraded to full t6, we wouldn't be having this argument, and everyone would be excitedly speculating on what t6 was.. but since the t5 ships (our inspace avatars) are not being upgraded to the new level, and we are more than likely going to have to pay through the nose to get them to be "competitive" (which in cryptic terms means not quite t6, which will eventually strong arm those who want to stay competitive into buying t6 ships).. with t6 ships, but still not quite good enough more than likely).
again, most who are mad, are not mad that they have to level, or get new gear, or what not, most are unhappy that characters and ships they have built to fit into a story, or an idea, or because they grew up loving that ship are being cheapened.
you cannot look at a ship as a piece of gear, you slot gear into like a character, because the ships are your space characters.. devs have even said this about them, when explaining why they cant do certain things..
to bring it into sto terms.. say you like being a human, this would be the equivalent of them buffing Vulcans, andorians, and caitians, but not buffing humans.. now, suddenly, your human has a severe disadvantage to other races... that is what this is, they are creating new avatars, and potentially strong arming peeps into buying and using them..
cryptic should have never said anything abou t6 until they were ready to fully explain the process...
and let me ask the very small percentage of people who are for t6 ships and seem to think t5 ships will be just as good.. what will your thoughts be if the nay sayers are right, and t5 ships are left in the dust to t6 ships?
let me give you a scenarios.. firstly, there are only 7-10 ships spread throughout the factions, this means, that if t5 goes to the wayside and is no longer feasible at endgame, there will only be what, roughly 3 ships for each faction.. probably a cruiser, sci and escort type class (since they are going to be a new class that we don't know).. wow, how exciting is the game going to be when everyone is playing the same friggen ships.. awesome, so much win with everyone flying the same TRIBBLE... you know how boring pvp would be?
Telling them how you will react if a prior poor decision is repeated, is pre-emptive customer feedback that they can incorporate into their decision making process. Because they are unlikely to change their mind after they implement.
Dont worry, people like that guy probably are new to the game, so they dont know cryptic as we do :P
I've yet to read any post here that logically justifies Cryptic going to T6 ships and raising the level cap. There are a dozen other things that could have been done for expansion 2. The best one IMO would've been to introduce another mini-faction with a story line to go along with it a la LoR.
They could've done a major update to the Fleet system that people have spent so much time and resources on. They could've done a major update to PvP (Q the anti PvP comments). They could've done something with customizable interiors or some sort of player housing.
I could go on and on. I think all of things would have been received much better than MOAR SHIPS. I want STO to do well and make money. God knows I've spent a lot on this game and would continue to do so if I liked what was being offered. Like anyone I enjoy spending money on my hobbies but what I don't like is feeling like a fool for doing it.
Don't make fools out of your loyal player base Cryptic.
Talk about being pessimistic... 'there's nothing we can do about it'. So let's be totally indifferent and don't care that we're being treated the way we are.
No point in trying to argue with indifferent people. So have fun in the game, I'm done talking to you.
I am actually for the first time in years excited for the expansion. literally everything gets my blood flowing, except for the t5/t6 ship thing.. it looms over my excitement like a dark cloud. I have never played a cryptic design, and I never will, ill never forgive them for the death of my game (lol).. thought some peeps might like that.. extra points if you get the reference lol..
anyways, getting back into what I was saying, I want to go to the delta quadrant.. I want to try the new zones, and story line, it sounds fascinating so far.. and at least half the voyager episodes were some of my favorite in trek (I am one of the few who actually liked voyager lol).
however, I am stubborn on playing what I want to play as an avatar.. I soft roleplay, meaning, while I do not openly role play, I build my captain, crew and ship around stories, stories that I actually write leading up to when they hit endgame (I pretend that the leveling doesn't really happen lol, the stories are great, but the idea that a cadet was given command of a starship is very very outlandish, and that he would make captian in 1 year.. yeah, not gonna happen, ever, unless your kirk lol... but that neither here nor there. lol..
I write my stories based on how things work in real life, that you don't just bounce from ship to ship.. when you are given command of a ship, it is usually till retirement or promotion. they don't just keep bouncing people from command to command. the only way to actually make that happen story wise, is the destruction of your original ship, but I don't want that lol..
so yeah, I don't want to ignore the x pac, like I did legacy of romulas (cause that was a load of TRIBBLE lol). I want to be able to continue the stories I have made for my characters, and continue to use my avatars (space and ground) through out.. they are an extension of the story, and I don't want my story to end because cryptic wants to make a few extra bucks..
I think they could have done the t6 ships, but making t5 fully upgradeable and equal to t6.. so basically upgrading to full t6..
the mini faction wouldn't work.. one of the things they learned from lor as they said in the live casts at vegas.. was while they created the faction, and there was plenty for the faction to do, the other current factions were left out in the breeze.. as a fed only player, I had very very very little to do in their first expansion, which made the expansion a flop in my eyes..
but yes, I agree, there is a million other ways they could have gone to make some money.. like you said, new holdings in the fleet, a new dil sink that didn't involve the core fundamentals of the game. new races that you need to buy access too (like the catians and all the others already in game). anything but messing with the things people currently love.. if it aint broke, don't fix it.. lol..
Any improvements to game play in here? Are they doing anything people have asked for, like FPS view in ground, or flying a ship from the bridge, or exploration and diplomacy, or in-rp PVP, or anything at all? Or is it squeeze the milk cow with arbitrary reset?
Not much difference between their trolling and your trolling, especially in the end product.
Someone does sit around a table and think "What will the customers think about this?"
For that someone, it's their actual job.
And back to trolling!
I recall reading a statement that the new T6 ship will have specific abilities only available to T6 starships. If I deem the new abilities to significantly better than the current free T5 ships that my various toons are flying then I will be willing to drop some Zen for them.
Through this point in time I do not see much of an improvement in the T5.5 starships to justify spending Zen on them. The exception is the KDF Mogh which I was somewhat interested (back in March) in until I noticed it was just a Federation Avenger in disguise... at which point I lost interest...
If I can upgrade my free T5 starships to even T5.33 that would be great as long as the cost is not very high. Like the T5.5 starships, I would only buy a T6 starship if I deem them to be worthy enough to justify spending Zen on.
There is a difference, im not pessimistic or optimistic about am being a realist. I know that the devs don't listen to our opinion but I also know ill enjoy the content. What im saying is that we should wait for the blogs before we pass judgement. I am very attached to my tier 5 ships and am sure that my ships will still be viable.
When they are planning things 2 years ahead of time, and starting to manufacture them 1 year ahead of time, we have no immediate input in the process. We hear about it 3 months before it comes out when all of the approvals from CBS and most of the work is already done. It is far too late to make major changes in the process by then.
But at the same time they asked us what TV series we wanted them to focus the game on, and we polled Voyager - which is why that became EP 2. Later they asked us what species we wanted them to focus on from Voyager, and we polled Kazon. So people should not be surprised that Voyager and the Kazon will have a big part in it.
The Krenim won that poll.
Yeah, Geko is going to "take care of us" all right lol
Sorry for my here-since-beta cynicism
I'll be glad to try out some new content as well, no arguing from me there. There is something to be said to wait for the dev blogs, and that's what I'll be doing. Just saying that I won't spend another euro until I know more. Seems the logical thing to do right?
Gee - another Soon™ post by a PWE/Cryptic employee. Must be part of the "Forty Delta Rising blogs READY to go..."; which was stated at the STLV 2014 panel presentation -- of which we've see three -- NONE of which have really given any further info on T^ ships themselves; or the mechanic by which some T5 ships can be upgraded to have some T6 abilities, etc.
Hell, this is the SAME marketing team that took 5 DAYS after the STLV 2014 panel presentation to put the Deta Rising Expansion announcement on the official ARC STO News section (Even the Devs there at STLV were saying we'd see a blog the following Monday; but nothing appeared officially until Thursday.
So, again, color me unimpressed that a Cryptic/PWE is again coming on to these forums with yet another "We'll release info Soon™..." post.
To Cryptic: Post some actual T6 ship system info, or just keep quiet and stop teasing the STO playerbase with the tired 'Info Soon™...' bit, it's getting OLD.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Im doing the same, I have 10000 zen that I am not going to use till X2. I just don't see the point of using it now. Plus im just happy that my bug ship will be getting a free upgrade
not only did the krenim win that pole.. I also remember almost every dev who was interviewed, and anything written, was that t6 ships would not happen.. they seemed pretty dead set against them, and even said that instead of t6 ships, we would see new variations of t5 (ie, possible broadside mounted weapons, ability to have npc ships fight with you, and the works). but I do remember stahl, and a few others stating that t6 was either not likely to happen, or wasn't ever going to happen (depending on the dev saying it)..
now im not saying they lied or anything, I happen to think that they still didn't want this from some of the body language and interviews, but that they are being possible forced into it from the powers to be..
Woot! When you hear the know you've heard the truth!
the kazon not only did not win they came in 3rd yet we still are getting stuck with a species that the borg didnt even want.
So..keep quiet and get yelled at, post what they can get yelled at.
Seems like a damned/damned situation to me.
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
hate to say it, but you make mention of the opposite to answer this question; does the community team care to notice any more to such comments?
just one of those ironic comments thats best left unanswered.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.