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Scheduled Maintenance (July 10, 2014) [Complete!]

pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
Hi Captains,

We will be bringing down Star Trek Online tomorrow, Thursday, July 10th, at 7AM PDT (click here to view in your timezone) for our weekly scheduled maintenance and to apply a new patch. Patch notes can be found here, and we expect this maintenance to last for 3 hours. The test server, launcher and access to manage your account may also be unavailable during some portions of the maintenance.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,

- The Star Trek Online Team
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    asovanraasovanra Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Can someone explain why kits have yet to have their own place on the exchange? I fail to understand why week after week we are told it's a known issue. Is super technical script writing involved in the fix? Is the patch more complex then the entire redesign of ESD? I'm not trying to be a pain, I just don't understand why a patch has never arrived.
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    asovanra wrote: »
    Can someone explain why kits have yet to have their own place on the exchange? I fail to understand why week after week we are told it's a known issue. Is super technical script writing involved in the fix? Is the patch more complex then the entire redesign of ESD? I'm not trying to be a pain, I just don't understand why a patch has never arrived.
    apparently they were waiting to add the category along with ones for the new crafting stuff coming, because it just got added on tribble last night
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Thanks for the foundry fixes.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    ikonn#1068 ikonn Member Posts: 1,450 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The fix for the Kits and their search options is on the Tribble Server. That fix will more than likely come out with the 9.5 Update.
    -AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- Project Phoenix
    Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Not bad. Hope the Cryptic Hamsters are still alive.

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    adwynythadwynyth Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Not bad. Hope the Cryptic Hamsters are still alive.


    While you weren't looking, they got replaced with white rats.

    *leaves samples from bacon tree*
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    thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The list of fixes in this patch are, uninspiring to say the least.
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    jaguaro70jaguaro70 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    Thanks for the foundry fixes.

    I agree, Thank you Cryptic and PW for working to get the Foundry back up. Hope to see more improvements for the foundry this year. Kudos.
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    cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,530 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The last two weeks had no patch at all. There's Season 9.5 coming soon and after that an entire new expansion, it's kind of silly to think that all their time and effort wouldn't be focused on that.

    Don't forget about the TRIBBLE ton of new bugs and issues to pile on top of the tons that have been here since the open beta phase over four years ago. :P
    > <
    > <
    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
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    crm14916crm14916 Member Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Yes, and be patient... All those people who love long patch notes will get their wishes the days after 9.5 is released :)

    "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
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    albinovampire987albinovampire987 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Speaking of the exchange, why hasn't it been mentioned(or perhaps it has been) that 'sort by descending price per unit' and 'sort by ascending price per unit' have been switched?
    Galactic Horde.
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    sabouma1979sabouma1979 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    No offense, but what a lousy time for a maintenance for a Dutchie who has time off from work.... :mad:
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    stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    No offense, but what a lousy time for a maintenance for a Dutchie who has time off from work.... :mad:
    'tis elke donderdag rond deze tijd ;). You'll have enough days left to play!
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    policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The last two weeks had no patch at all. There's Season 9.5 coming soon and after that an entire new expansion, it's kind of silly to think that all their time and effort wouldn't be focused on that.

    Just so you know, we already had 3 weeks with no patches, not 2. And if you consider 2 mini fixes that im sure they could do on the run, a patch, then, well this is not the 4th week.

    LOL, of course, the problem is, they are not focusing on that now, but also not 1 week ago, or 2 weeks ago, or 3 weeks ago, or 4 weeks ago, or 2 months ago... lol, you see the pattern here?? you still think they are not doing fixes because of the new season? lol.. i know cryptic pays you a lot to say good things about them, but a lot of people play this game since YEARS ago, and they cant be fooled... ^^

    What will happen when they release the new 9.5 and then the new expansion, and the situation will be the same, you will say the same then??? lol. It will be worst, because we not only will have to deal with the all-time bugs and fails, we also we need to face the new "improved" bugs of the new season and the new expansion. So, be my guess lol.
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    antzudanantzudan Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Speaking of the exchange, why hasn't it been mentioned(or perhaps it has been) that 'sort by descending price per unit' and 'sort by ascending price per unit' have been switched?

    This. This. This.
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    adwynyth wrote: »
    While you weren't looking, they got replaced with white rats.

    *leaves samples from bacon tree*

    Rats, huh?

    *munches Tofu Bacon*

    I preferred the hamsters. They had more horsepower--hamsterpower?
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    bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So someone posted this awhile back, has sto reached that stage now like champions where there's no patches anymore just maintenance? This is the third week with nothing, considering the sheer number of problems ive read about this is disturbing. :confused:
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bannon3 wrote: »
    So someone posted this awhile back, has sto reached that stage now like champions where there's no patches anymore just maintenance? This is the third week with nothing, considering the sheer number of problems ive read about this is disturbing. :confused:
    Hah. You only WISH we could be like Champions, left in peace to play the game. No, this is just the calm before the storm. It gets worse. Savor it while it lasts.
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    bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Oh I know all about it :) but after that drop will we be back to patchless maintenance again until the next content update, cause we all know 9.5 will introduce an enitire new set of bugs to go crawling through the game :cool:

    Hah. You only WISH we could be like Champions, left in peace to play the game. No, this is just the calm before the storm. It gets worse. Savor it while it lasts.
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
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    mushariagainmushariagain Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So, for just that, you're bringing the server down for three hours? I don't even want to know how long it takes you guys to do your hair! O.o

    I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
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    nikkojtnikkojt Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bannon3 wrote: »
    Oh I know all about it :) but after that drop will we be back to patchless maintenance again until the next content update, cause we all know 9.5 will introduce an enitire new set of bugs to go crawling through the game :cool:

    It's a general trend, here and in other MMOs I've played, that the closer you get to a big release, the fewer patches you get. After S9.5 we'll be back to normal...until the run-up to the expansion begins. After that point, patches start getting rolled into the Big Release update, and they try to avoid non-essential patches in order to reduce the number of new bugs they introduce that could **** up the Big Release.

    I imagine the only reason we're getting a patch today is because there was a serious crash issue. Any other minor stuff, even if it's ready now, will probably be bundled into the 9.5 update just for ease of deployment.

    So, for just that, you're bringing the server down for three hours? I don't even want to know how long it takes you guys to do your hair! O.o
    Even without the patch, server maintenance still has to happen. It's a couple of hours every Thursday, even if no update is being deployed.
    This is the server cluster equivalent of restarting your PC and running defrags and virus scans once a week.
    I am NikkoJT, Foundry author and terrible player. Follow me!
    There used to be a picture here, but they changed signatures and I can't be bothered to replace it.
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    jrq2jrq2 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The list of fixes in this patch are, uninspiring to say the least.

    Why fix anything now when you know its only going to get broken again when Season 9.5 goes live.
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    pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So, for just that, you're bringing the server down for three hours? I don't even want to know how long it takes you guys to do your hair! O.o
    I tend to take a while on my hair if I put the time and effort into it.

    For everyone curious about the maintenances lately, we have been working on quite a bit of stuff that you can find popping up in the Tribbles patch notes. This is part of our expected content finalization before 9.5.

    The extended maintenance time is due to hardware upgrades and updates we're doing. Lately my friends in engineering are using this time to get fancier hamster wheels (they have flame decals) to update the hardware behind the scenes.

    Hope that helps explain a little more. Also goodmorning!
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    pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Maintenance has begun! I will post again once maintenance has completed and everyone can get back into the game!

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    policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    nikkojt wrote: »
    It's a general trend, here and in other MMOs I've played, that the closer you get to a big release, the fewer patches you get.

    And this is true, but this doesnt apply to STO. Because we always had less than "a few" patches since a long time.... not just now.. most of the bugs they tried to fix were not fixed after all, and so on. You cant tell they did bug fixing before planning 9.5 and the next expansion. Its been always like this since more than a year now that i can remember.
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    jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And this is true, but this doesnt apply to STO. Because we always had less than "a few" patches since a long time.... not just now.. most of the bugs they tried to fix were not fixed after all, and so on. You cant tell they did bug fixing before planning 9.5 and the next expansion. Its been always like this since more than a year now that i can remember.

    May 1

    Joysticks once again work as they did prior to the Season 9 launch.
    Telekinesis can once again be slotted as an active trait for the races which have this trait.
    Active traits will no longer appear in the Powers list unless they are slotted in the Traits window.
    Fleet Featured Projects are now set to a new rotation:
    Dilithium Mine, Embassy, Spire, and Starbase Fleet Holdings will all have 1 Featured project apiece to slot and will rotate every 2 weeks.
    In addition, Fleet Starbases will have a second featured project always available; Room with a View.
    These are all projects which have previously existed.
    If your fleet has already completed these projects, they will not appear in the list of special projects to slot.
    This began with the launch of Season 9 but was not noted in release notes.
    The audio for the Fluidic Beam Burst for the Fluidic Antiproton Wrist Lance now syncs up with the FX.

    Resolved an issue which was causing Federation captains to not be able to complete promotion missions.
    Resolved an issue which was blocking completion credit to all Fleet Action daily missions such as The Big Dig, Gorn Minefield, and Klingon Scout Force.
    Resolved an issue which was blocking the replay for the episode “Fluid Dynamics”.
    Episode “Where Angels Fear to Tread”:
    Resolved an issue where the VO did not always match the gender for the Romulan Prisoner.
    Created infected Romulan Republic and Tal Shiar Commander costumes for the npcs in this episode.
    Undine Space Battlezone:
    Rewards for defeating all 3 planet killers will now be given right after they are defeated, instead of after the Voth Invasion is completed.
    Resolved an issue where a floating Aenar would eerily observe captains fighting in the Voth stage of the zone.
    Resolved an issue where rewards were not being properly given out for completing the Voth Invasion open mission.
    Resolved an issue where players would randomly be rewarded for completion of a Federation point, even if they had not participated in it.
    Resolved an issue during the Planet Killer boss fight where the Klingon stage would be skipped.

    Resolved an issue that was causing Hourly XP Projects to have far longer cooldown periods than intended.
    When this fix is applied, all cooldowns will automatically recalculate to 20 hours from the appropriate cooldown start period.
    8472 Counter-Command Reputation:
    Added text to the Item and Project descriptions for each piece of the Ground Set.
    You must obtain all 3 pieces of the set in order to earn a Tailor Unlock that will allow you to display the armor visuals.
    Also added this information to the Info contact, accessible from the Reputation UI.
    Resolved an issue that caused the player Undine Bio-Warship and Undine Bio-Cruiser to not benefit from Improved Hull Regeneration.
    These ships now correctly benefit from a minor out of combat hull regeneration.
    You might have to transfer maps at least once before this power takes effect.

    The door to Quinn’s old office has now been hooked to a new location on new ESD for Foundry missions.
    The door has been moved to the Bridge Officer Requisitions Office in the lower level of Ops.
    Foundry objects and doors have been renamed around ESD to be more descriptive of what they are now.

    May 8

    Two ship slots have been added to each captain.
    Players will receive the slots as soon as they log in after the update with all characters.
    These slots are added to the total maximum number of slots available.
    Jem'Hadar Mk XII armor from the Lobi Store will now automatically unlock a costume they can add using the Tailor interface.
    This Tailor unlocked costume contains additional pieces that were not previously available.
    This applies to captains who have already purchased as well as those who purchase it going forward.
    Resolved an issue which was only allowing captains to slot one non-unique duty officer at once.
    Resolved an issue where solo/duo PVP queues were allowing groups of 3+ to queue.
    The Undine Bridge no longer has a label for the Hirogen Bridge in the ship tailor.
    The Kit tabs in the dilithium store now correctly mention they are Kit Modules.
    The backgrounds for numerous contacts when interacting with them on ESD now show the correct background of new ESD.
    Caitian and Ferasan tails are now visible on Voth and Undine armor.
    Kits for Hipsattach Right on Pants category Loose Knee High have been added.
    Resolved an issue which caused the Khan Head Wrap to no longer be an option.
    Resolved graphical issues with the bottom of the Dyson Sphere zones on low graphic settings.
    Resolved an issue which was causing Khan and Punk hairstyles to clip through the head when scaled up.
    Resolved an issue which was causing a delay when toggling Full Impulse on/off quickly.
    Resolved an issue which made the 3 modules in the Counter-Command reputation system Account Bind on Equip.
    These are now correctly Bind on Pickup.


    Episode “Surface Tension”:
    Trait Packs rewarded from this episode can now be discarded by players.
    The false Starfleet officer discovered in Surface Tension no longer fights other Undine.
    Resolved an issue which could sometimes cause a Borg to be trapped in the Defera Invasion Zone.
    This would allow it to attack players but players could not attack it back.
    Resolved an issue which was blocking completion of the mission “A Good Start”.
    The bioplasmic emitters that appear on the outer shell of the massive Planet Killer in Undine Assault can no longer be targeted and destroyed.
    Their bioplasmic torpedoes can still be targeted and destroyed, but now benefit from increased Defense.
    Resolved an issue that was causing NPCs in Storming the Spire (Elite) and The Breach (Elite) to be much more difficult than intended.
    Crystalline Entity (Elite) queue now awards 960 Dilithium upon completion.
    More costumes have been updated for contacts on ESD.
    Resolved an issue which was causing ships to be blurry in the Hfihar System.


    Resolved an issue where owning an old Mk XII Fleet Enemy Neutralization kit was not qualifying the owner for a fleet kit turn-in.
    Captains who own this kit can now properly trade it in for a post-Kit-Revamp version of the same kit from the Spire Kit Vendor.
    All vendors who sell Kit Frames for Energy Credits will now also sell Kit Modules.
    Fluidic Kit Models:
    Biotech Turret Fabrication (Eng):
    Can now trigger Armory Duty Officers that beam in additional turrets.
    Those turrets will be standard though, not special Biotech turrets.
    Full ability description can now be seen on tooltip.
    Active Immunity Mine Field (Eng):
    Can now trigger Security Duty Officers that enhance mines with a chance to Hold affected foes.
    Increased explosion damage by 100%.
     Psionic Empathy Feedback (Eng):
    Increased feedback base value from 25% to 50%.
    Resolved an issue that was preventing the reflect percentage from scaling with Kit Module Mark.
    Active Immunity Grenade (Tac):
    Increased explosion damage by 100%.
    Biotech Siphon (Tac):
    Increased buff duration from 12 seconds to 15 seconds.
    Resolved an issue that was preventing the health steal percentage from scaling with Kit Module Mark.
    Psionic Command Aura (Tac):
    Increased Control Resist base value from 20% to 40%.
    Resolved an issue that was preventing the Control Resist value from scaling with Kit Module.
    Mark Psionic Assault (Sci):
    Increased debuff base value by 100%.
    Resolved an issue that was preventing the debuff from scaling with Kit Module Mark.
    Omega Kinetic Shearing:
    The stack limit on the DoT this power applies has been removed.
    All torpedo hits by a captain who owns the power will now apply the DoT.
    Resolved an issue causing the Lobes Ferengi racial trait to occupy a Trait slot.
    This power is once again free for all Ferengi.
    Resolved an issue where Orions were unable to click the "Details" button in their Trait window.
    Their "Details" button will now appear and correctly summarize their racial traits.
    Task Force Omega:
    Commander Roxy now offers Omega Equipment Registration services.
    Interact with her on Deep Space Nine's promenade to find a new dialog option that will open a Gear Registration store.
    "Purchasing" an item in this store will remove the existing version of that item from your inventory and replace it with an exact copy.
    The item must be unequipped and in your bag.
    This process can sometimes clear up missing/incomplete Accolades and Costume Unlocks for certain characters.
    It should be used only by players that suspect it will fix an issue they are experiencing with their armor visuals and tailor options, and it is known that this *will not* fix all costume issues for all species of characters.
    The short description on the Adapted MACO Phaser Pulsewave Rifle now correctly indicates that it deals Phaser damage, rather than Disruptor damage.
    The display name for all Omega Force ground shields have been changed to "Omega Force Reflex-Enhancing Shield."
    The Mk X version of the item already used this name, so we chose to standardize the Mk XI and XII to read the same.
    8472 Counter-Command:
    Replaced references to "runspeed" in all Bio-Molecular Incubation space procs with the term "Flight Speed".
    This is a text change only.
    Reactive Shielding: Resolved an issue where this power's long description indicated that its effects took place in space.
    This description now correctly reads that the power is a ground power.


    Resolved an issue which was causing the ship tailor window to close when choosing to change parts of the ship.
    There should now be a confirmation window prompt.
    This was occurring for all ships which did not require Zen to purchase.
    Slotting an active trait now places it in your power tray.
    Sensor Analysis will now appear in the Special Powers Tray for all ships that have it.

    May 15

    The AFK penalty has been applied to additional queued events.
    Captains that AFK in a queued map will receive the following penalty:
    0 rewards for the event.
    2 hour cool down on the ability to queue for any event.
    These changes are implemented into the following queued events in normal and elite mode where applicable:
    Storming the Spire
    The Breach
    Undine Assault
    Undine Infiltration
    Viscous Cycle
    Resolved an issue where a player could sometimes get stuck in the shuttle bay on ESD.
    Resolved an issue where some hair styles appeared to have holes in them.
    This was most noticeable on Hair Bun 03 and Hair Bun 04 for female.
    Starfleet Saurian captains are no longer missing arms when equipping the Voth Light Soldier Outfit.
    The Vulcan Background Template in the Foundry is no longer flat grey.
    The Tempest Fleet window option now appears correct on the saucer.


    Reman Traits:
    Resolved an issue where Resilient was incorrectly costing Remans a Trait slot.
    This is part of their Racial trait and thus is free.
    Resolved an issue where Telekinetic could not be slotted by Remans.
    Resolved an issue where Singularity Specialist could not be slotted by Remans.
    Resolved an issue where Remans were gaining access to Superior Soldier.
    They are now correctly offered standard Soldier.
    STF Set Registration: Resolved an error with Roxy's registration store that was making KHG Armor Mk XI cost KHG Armor Mk XII.
    Added Undine Lockbox and Lobi ship consoles to the reclaim store.
    These consoles can now be reclaimed if the player owns the ship that originally came with the console and doesn't have the console in their current inventory.
    Corrected a typo in the Dyson Science Destroyer reward pack description that stated that the box was tradable before it was opened.
    This ship pack is not tradable.
    This isn't a change to the item, just a correction to its tooltip.

    May 22


    Resolved an issue where in rare occasions, items could duplicate upon map transitions.
    Fluidic Cocoon:
    Increased chance to trigger from 5% to 20%.
    No longer triggered by damage-over-time effects such as Kinetic Shearing
    These Toggle Traits can no longer be activated while Stealthed.
    Six Sense, Immunity Response and Adrenal Release
    These Toggle Traits can no longer be activated while Stealthed.
    Added Profession-Specific Kits to each of the following Missions, on both initial play and replay:
    Task Force Hippocrates (Fed only)
    Keep Your Enemies Closer (Kdf only)
    Fistful of Gorn (all factions)
    Cutting the Cord (all factions)
    Of Bajor (all factions)
    Removed the Kit reward from "Abducted" (Rom only)
    Replaced it with your choice of ground plasma weapons.
    This Kit reward was moved to "Fistful of Gorn" so that all factions may receive it.
    “Surface Tension” has been moved to the end of the Solanae Dyson Sphere arc in the episode journal.
    The minimum level requirement for this mission is now level 50.
    Resolved an issue where players could sometimes get trapped when respawning during the Undine Assault queued event.
    Resolved an issue which was causing bridge officers and npcs to become stuck in their pathing on Nimbus ground.
    The Vault: Ensnared queued event now gives out the correct rewards.
    Reduced the damage dealt by turrets mounted on the exterior of the Voth city-ship in The Breach Elite.
    Rigelian Females no longer have access to tails.
    This was not meant to be an option.
    Letheans now have arms when equipping the Voth Light Upper in the tailor.
    Borg feet once again appear on Borg Liberated Bridge Officers.

    Need i go on?
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    jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And FYI, there was a 3 week gap w/no patches leading up to Season 9
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I tend to take a while on my hair if I put the time and effort into it.

    For everyone curious about the maintenances lately, we have been working on quite a bit of stuff that you can find popping up in the Tribbles patch notes. This is part of our expected content finalization before 9.5.

    The extended maintenance time is due to hardware upgrades and updates we're doing. Lately my friends in engineering are using this time to get fancier hamster wheels (they have flame decals) to update the hardware behind the scenes.

    Hope that helps explain a little more. Also goodmorning!

    Morning, Trendy!

    Will there be pics of the new, fancified, flame-decaled hamster wheels? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!!!

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    jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Morning, Trendy!

    Will there be pics of the new, fancified, flame-decaled hamster wheels? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!!!


    Pweeeaassseeee, i wants to see those fancy new wheels, otherwise I will have nothing to keep me going while the servers are down :(

This discussion has been closed.