They always do this sort of publicity when the time comes. And the lifetime benefits are the same as always, they just are doing more publicity this time, you right. Well they have reasons to be a little desperate. They know a lot of people is leaving, and others will soon. It is a logical step, seeing where the game is headed. So, the publicity about the lfts is priority one.
"This is your Captain Speaking. We've hit a rather large iceberg, and long story short, the Ship is Sinking. I would ask that all serving officers be sure to acquire the credit cards, purses and wallets from as many passengers as possible before vacating to the life boats."
"This is your Captain Speaking. We've hit a rather large iceberg, and long story short, the Ship is Sinking. I would ask that all serving officers be sure to acquire the credit cards, purses and wallets from as many passengers as possible before vacating to the life boats."
Lel, nice one.
Frankly LTS offers are simply not worth 200 bucks these days. PWE needs to step up it's game. BIG TIME.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Frankly LTS offers are simply not worth 200 bucks these days. PWE needs to step up it's game. BIG TIME.
I know, right? It wouldn't be so bad if there was something added each time a sale was put up, but there isn't. It's the same old stuff, and their largest target has to be the people who have only just arrived; them likely being a minority in their own right.
I got my LTS back in June '13, and I think there have been two sales since then (this one being the third?). In hindsight, I don't think an LTS was worth the purchase (for me) back then; it's great for people who may want 7 or 8 (or more) characters to run off, but with the continual grind that this game is lately, it's a struggle to keep a small number of characters up to date (especially when, ya'know, the games quite dull at the moment).
If you're only running a couple of characters (2-4 maybe?) you'd be better off leveling them to #50 and then purchasing a months subscription to boost your inventory and bank slots (which remain after your monthly subscription is up). Short of the free bank/inventory slots allocated with a LTS, and the 500 monthly zen, there's not a whole lot going for it.
Edit: The last extra item we (LTS members) received was the EV suit that used to be in the C-Store; this came after a dev note or something that claimed LTS members would be getting more items. Truth here is (at least, my opinion of the truth?); I can't imagine the EV suit was a huge hit, and once it was released as an LTS item, the devs had practically fulfilled their promise of giving us more, even if it wasn't something of note.
I've considered buying an LTS but I've been burned out lately. It has gotten to a point where it is difficult for me to even open the launcher. I just don't feel like playing this game anymore.
A few days ago I tried a run of ISE and we lost the optional and I just felt like "ugh I don't care" and just closed the game.
These days I try to log in just to get the Risian pearls. Almost there but I successfully log in every 2 days or so.
^^ I think a lot of people feel burnt out at the moment, and the probably reason for that is that it's just more of the same. Sure, we may have a different setting, different rewards etc, but we're still doing exactly the same sort of stuff to get there, and it's boring. This game needs something different incorporated into it, something fresh, something new.
Additional mini-games wouldn't be a bad idea either. I know it's not exactly on their to do list, but Poker and other such games would give players the chance to play the game, interact with fleetmates and friends all whilst having a break from the everyday STO grind. Alas, because there is no money in that for Cryptic, it would appear they don't wish to do it. Instead, it's more grind, and more depressed players.
... and they wonder why people aren't hot on this anymore.
Edit: I think, out of everyone (excluding the players) I feel sorry for the people working on this game. If it goes south, and they lose their jobs (endgame) that's going to suck, and it ain't their fault. The fault goes to the morons at the top who make all the stupid decisions and only care about greed and profit and not about what makes a game fun and enjoyable. It's a sad affair.
Cryptic should kill this since it is obsolete.
Have it a final time to sell the vet rewards and afterwards no longer sell it. Ever.
And create a tempting exp two to replace it.
Like they do with neverwinter
i just left eve to play this game (4yrs)... so personally i think these kinda space mmogs are rotating subscribers and from what ive seen of the game its quite good... the grind is alot less intense which is kinda what drove me away from eve and the direction of that game will most likely send more paying players this way.
i just left eve to play this game (4yrs)... so personally i think these kinda space mmogs are rotating subscribers and from what ive seen of the game its quite good... the grind is alot less intense which is kinda what drove me away from eve and the direction of that game will most likely send more paying players this way.
You've just arrived here? Give it 6-9 Months and you'll understand where the rest of us are coming from.
I'm also enjoying the game, though I am only a month into it and not at endgame. I've been considering the LTM, but unless it comes with an endless supply of lockbox keys, I too am finding it hard to justify.
I bought my LTS during this sale because I had the extra money and because I have been coming back to this game for several years now. I always end up playing this game again (even if I do take breaks) and that to me was worth the $200 bucks to do my bit to keep it alive.
I'm also enjoying the game, though I am only a month into it and not at endgame. I've been considering the LTM, but unless it comes with an endless supply of lockbox keys, I too am finding it hard to justify.
In a way it does, you get a 500 Zen per month "stipend" for free, that's 4 keys per month, it also stacks month on month so you get an endless supply of C-Store ships provided you're willing to wait.
Thanks for speaking for me, I really appreciate that you took the time to know what I'm thinking at any given moment. */sarcasm*
Clearly, you should stop trying to speak for other people.
I meant the rest of us that were talking about the LTS not being worth it. Clearly you should pay more attention to an ongoing conversation rather than trying to make some petty argument about a quick release of words. :rolleyes:
Its mostly a gimmick on the fact that they put in small annoyances so if you do buy the LTS its just an expensive way to avoid dumb things they put in lol like currency and slot differences.
I should think that the answer to this question is obvious to the devs. They simply can't or won't cough up the answer. There has been in excess of 10,000 posts about a tactically oriented Galaxy class cruiser.
Cryptic\PWE-If you want to sell lifetime subs you will release a galaxy retrofit with the same console\bridge officer layout as he Advanced Heavy cruiser or the Assault cruiser and it would only available as a life time reward. To be fair you would need to give similar treatment to Romulan and Klingon ships as well. You have to give to get and frankly you're not doing it right.
Give paying players what they want, let the free to play people envy and desire said shinies seen flying around and before long you'll have more paying customers. It's solid business model.
I'm not a lifetime sub by the way and I whole heartedly feel that monthly\lifetime sub players should have access to things that aren't available to others, desirable things like tactical Galaxies, defiants with battle cloaks, exclusive playable characters, etc.
If you set a man a fire he will be warm for a night. If you a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Exactly WHAT of any substance do we get from the LTS, except a nifty jacket and a liberated borg? I mean, the ultimate prizes gameplay wise are the Chimaera and the Captain's yacht, which are both matched or overshadowed by newer ships.
I also play DC Universe Online, and their MONTHLY memberships lets you open unlimited lockboxes.
Unless you sweeten the pot and give a guarantee that we will not be screwed by a shutdown (a la City of Heroes) before we get our money's worth, then count me out.
Nothing breaks the tension better than a tankard of warnog - except maybe a good brawl...
Frankly LTS offers are simply not worth 200 bucks these days. PWE needs to step up it's game. BIG TIME.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I got my LTS back in June '13, and I think there have been two sales since then (this one being the third?). In hindsight, I don't think an LTS was worth the purchase (for me) back then; it's great for people who may want 7 or 8 (or more) characters to run off, but with the continual grind that this game is lately, it's a struggle to keep a small number of characters up to date (especially when, ya'know, the games quite dull at the moment).
If you're only running a couple of characters (2-4 maybe?) you'd be better off leveling them to #50 and then purchasing a months subscription to boost your inventory and bank slots (which remain after your monthly subscription is up). Short of the free bank/inventory slots allocated with a LTS, and the 500 monthly zen, there's not a whole lot going for it.
Edit: The last extra item we (LTS members) received was the EV suit that used to be in the C-Store; this came after a dev note or something that claimed LTS members would be getting more items. Truth here is (at least, my opinion of the truth?); I can't imagine the EV suit was a huge hit, and once it was released as an LTS item, the devs had practically fulfilled their promise of giving us more, even if it wasn't something of note.
A few days ago I tried a run of ISE and we lost the optional and I just felt like "ugh I don't care" and just closed the game.
These days I try to log in just to get the Risian pearls. Almost there but I successfully log in every 2 days or so.
Additional mini-games wouldn't be a bad idea either. I know it's not exactly on their to do list, but Poker and other such games would give players the chance to play the game, interact with fleetmates and friends all whilst having a break from the everyday STO grind. Alas, because there is no money in that for Cryptic, it would appear they don't wish to do it. Instead, it's more grind, and more depressed players.
... and they wonder why people aren't hot on this anymore.
Edit: I think, out of everyone (excluding the players) I feel sorry for the people working on this game. If it goes south, and they lose their jobs (endgame) that's going to suck, and it ain't their fault. The fault goes to the morons at the top who make all the stupid decisions and only care about greed and profit and not about what makes a game fun and enjoyable. It's a sad affair.
Have it a final time to sell the vet rewards and afterwards no longer sell it. Ever.
And create a tempting exp two to replace it.
Like they do with neverwinter
In a way it does, you get a 500 Zen per month "stipend" for free, that's 4 keys per month, it also stacks month on month so you get an endless supply of C-Store ships provided you're willing to wait.
Clearly, you should stop trying to speak for other people.
Cryptic\PWE-If you want to sell lifetime subs you will release a galaxy retrofit with the same console\bridge officer layout as he Advanced Heavy cruiser or the Assault cruiser and it would only available as a life time reward. To be fair you would need to give similar treatment to Romulan and Klingon ships as well. You have to give to get and frankly you're not doing it right.
Give paying players what they want, let the free to play people envy and desire said shinies seen flying around and before long you'll have more paying customers. It's solid business model.
I'm not a lifetime sub by the way and I whole heartedly feel that monthly\lifetime sub players should have access to things that aren't available to others, desirable things like tactical Galaxies, defiants with battle cloaks, exclusive playable characters, etc.
I also play DC Universe Online, and their MONTHLY memberships lets you open unlimited lockboxes.
Unless you sweeten the pot and give a guarantee that we will not be screwed by a shutdown (a la City of Heroes) before we get our money's worth, then count me out.