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Am I the only one getting bored ?

earwigvr6earwigvr6 Member Posts: 293 Arc User
edited May 2014 in The Academy
As the title really, just wondering if I am the only one ?

I have been playing for maybe just over a year.

I have a Fed toon and a Rom toon. Both are max level and have top end ships and gear. All fleet gear and all the ships I want right now. JHDC for both toon's, Kumari, Fleet Ar'Kif, Scimitar etc... All kitted to the best they can be.

Both toons have 300k+ in Dilithium and a further 240K each to refine..... They both have several thousand fleet mks which I cannot get rid of due to no fleet projects as everything is a t max level, but then having said that they both have in excess of 250k fleet credits anyway..... Again with nothing to actually spend them on as both toons have everything.

I have 150Mill EC between the 2 toons but again, nothing I can buy with it that is better that I currently have.

STF's and end game content now just seem totally pointless. Nothing to grind for, nothing to aim for. I find myself now logging in and just literally doing nothing.....

The new undine stuff we have waiting, what ? 6 months for ? A few missions that last an hour at most and a couple of space Queued missions that are awful.... Being pulled all over the place by rifts, stuck in bubbles, shooting at enemies that vanish and then reappear.... It's all just frustrating rather than being fun and something that I am not alone in thinking judging by how sparse the Queues are for these maps.

And what do we have right now ? Get 15 Lobi each day by repeating the same old stuff you have already done !

Why should we have to keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over ?

I really do long for new content, something fresh, something new, something exciting. I see little point in revamping old feature episodes and missions for the tiny amount of people that will actually play them.

More and more the people I used to play with day in day out, I now see maybe once a week or sometimes even further apart so it's clear that people are not playing as much as they used to.

Why can't we have more space missions ? Why can we not settle down somewhere ? Build our own houses etc... ? Why can we not customise ships more ? Why can I not spend my hundreds of millions of EC, adding tac console slots to ships ? Tailor them as I want them ? Why can I not add further weapon slots ? Everything is predetermined which means that when the vast majority of people get to the top level they fly the same ships, with the same gear etc...

This game, this universe has so much potential, so much scope, so much depth and it;'s all just being ignored and bypassed in favour of repeating the same boring TRIBBLE day in day out.

Sorry for the rant, but I just don't want to see this game slowly vanish and fade into nothing.... :cool:
Post edited by earwigvr6 on


  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Yup, a lot of people is really starting to do other things but playing STO. Of course, this needed to happen, since cryptic is doing nothing but TRIBBLE for the last year. Plus, they dont fix things, and the new stuff they release is pure TRIBBLE, with a real poor done work, with a lot of fails, lag, fps issues and a huge etc. I think , finally people is getting into reason, better later than never, i guess lol. STO right now is more boring than ever, and as you say, once you have done every reputation and everything else, there is nothing left to play for. Because cryptic will keep focusing their efforts on more reputations, and more stupid new stuff instead of trying to think on original ideas and ways to expand the game in more interesting ways. But this will never happen, so, this is what we get.

    And yup.. this game is going to vanish slowly, its already started time ago. But this had to happen. There is no way this game will grow up, if we see how cryptic is doing their work. We only hope that the time this game has left, will be enough to prepare ourselves lol.
  • ragnar0xragnar0x Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Housing would be ok i praise that idea. I am getting bored too, doing only 1 undine stf for the undine rep and thats it. I am just waiting for the new ships that will come.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Prior to S7, I rerolled most toons every 2-3 weeks. At the end of 2013, I deleted 8 of 9 toons and rerolled 7 (left one slot empty) for 2014. I was doing two solo fleets, but I deleted one when I deleted the toons that would have fed it.

    I don't play to get anywhere - I play to have fun. If I was playing to get somewhere, well - all the toons I've deleted would have looked pretty silly...heh. I don't play to have the best this or that, I play to fly what might be fun for me - play to have fun. If I was playing to reach some goal, it might turn into work - where I'd either get burnt out along the way or reach that goal, leaving myself wondering what now? Nope...I just play to have fun.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Well there's PVP, for what thats worth, the only thing thats never exactly the same (although there is a lot of repetition with certain OP ships and setups). Other than that, its the same repeatable content, over and over. Maybe build a DPS ship and go for personal high-score on ISE. Otherwise roll a new toon and try to play a different aspect of the game but if you've already done the two-and-a-half factions then that's dead too.

    Game really needs some open-world constructs, like trading and crafting and exploration and open PVP. Repeatable content is a dead end.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I play to have fun as well, in fact i only have reputations maxed in my 2 first characters. I have other 6 so far and i never cared about doing the reputations lol. I just play to have fun with a different ship on all on my characters and enjoy my builds.

    But the problem is, with all the bugs in-game, and all the fails you find in your basis play, there is a moment that eventually the fun decreased a lot. And that happens to me sometimes when i am flying , having fun, and suddenly a wave of bugs come to me. Starting with skills disappearing from my try, weapons not firing, skills going into cooldown without activating, my transphasic clusters floating in space without doing nothing, my weapon graphics dissapearing, my torp spread firing only 3 torps (or maybe the other ones are invisible...), and a huge etc.

    When this happens, i just want to finish and do something else because all the fun is gone.

    And since now i cant go to big queues events, like crystaline, fleet alert or things like that, cuz i cant see any weapon firing at all, more reasons to just get out and wait until i am in a better mood.

    And since we dont have any more original missions, or new exploration zones (player - made, that will be a great addition and an awesome idea, but i dont think it will happen) there is nothing more to have fun with.

    This is only the little point of the iceberg, but those are some examples. When a game is not a "game" anymore, thats too bad lol.

    And no, i will never do pvp, not for now anyways. For the same reasons above plus becauses pvp is so messed up that its even worst than doing anything else.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    From someone who used to play about 8 hours a day when I could i have gotten so bored of this game now i just login refine set up certain stuff then logout

    Kinda bored of lack of new content that's isn't grind or one offs.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    A bit bored. The last two seasons didn't do all that much for me. S8 came down to pretty much just the Dyson rep and Voth BZ for me. S9 came down to Undine rep and Undine BZ. I didn't like the queue missions from either season.

    Right now my routine is to log on, refine dil, get rep projects running, do a run of the Undine BZ if low on marks, go play something else. I'm hoping that Ex2 has some substantial content that I enjoy, but that's still a way off.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I feel like the only content worth playing are the borg stfs still. With all the new stuff thats quite sad. And since i played those like hundrets of times on multiple chars. The final kick for me was the stf reward nerf and ofc the general rep nerf. No real reason to play since that happend.
  • gorillachopsgorillachops Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I feel I have a similar experience.
    I've been playing the game for around 18 months now. I'm a F2Per with 19 character slots. 1 of them still sits there, unused... possibly never to be used.

    I've only just started posting on these forums recently because I feel there's a crisis coming in game play and I guess that's how you change the world. I've posted stupid ideas like a Tier 5 Miranda, but the solution will not lie in things like that; the way back into getting this game to feel more 'TREK' is not there.

    I remember watching reviews from internet reviewers, people like ANGRY JOE and THE SPOONY ONE when this game first came out, and they saw it for what it is.

    It feels so...hollow? Where's the RP in this game.

    Like I said, I have 19 slots, 18 toons, (8 FED, 4 KDF, 6 ROM), 6 of them at level 50. I've run out of energy because there's little to nothing that separates one toon from another. When I created Lizzy as my first toon, I wanted her to be a nurse, then progress up to CMO before gaining command. But there is no aspect of the game mechanic that would respect that. You are required to make one choice about your class in this game; all others can be respected at will. The new traits system has made this even worse.

    There are no stamina bars in this game, so you can run for 3 minutes solid without running out of breath. Heals are never less powerful than always. There's barely any point to being a medic in this game anyway. The respawn penalty is a joke; it's a timer for goodness sake, you never drop equipment! And even when you have teammates with injuries, you cant heal them because you used skill points to LEARN to do that; you just buy a regenerator and Bobs-your-uncle. The food that we get burdened with carrying (ignoring the logic of why a Tholian would have a banana-split in the first place), is for the most part useless. The out-of-combat buffs stack very poorly.

    Who is Lizzy? I mean, who is she as opposed all my other characters, or any of the other characters in the game. I go into my quarters on my ship and I stand there and look at my room... and it's exactly the same as every other one of my FED alts. I have +60 costume slots. SO!? NPCs don't respond to me any differently no matter what I wear. It's now become a task of saving up enough EC to buy ALL AVAILABLE TRAITS, because now you can be them all, just not at the same time.

    And my ship. ... I like my ship. My ship is called a 'Fleet Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit'. Sounds pretty good, right? Well it doesn't mean anything. Seriously. When you look at the words 'Advanced Research Vessel', they don't mean anything. It was the first C-store ship I bought. I bought it over a year ago now, and I haven't changed it since. I must have bought over twenty C-store ships by now for other toons. The STOwiki describes it as 'the workhorse of the federation'. GREAT! Wonderful. I don't want the flag ship. Jack Aubrey of the Master and Commander series didn't captain a First-rate Ship-of-the-line; it was a sixth-rate frigate.

    There's talk of letting every ship be different (with things like Raider flanking and the new Science ship sensor analysis), instead of making each new ship more OP, and I like that. I fully support that idea, but I don't understand why I can instantly replace three torps with three beam weapons when out of combat.

    I have half my toons sitting below level 20 because there's no place for them; how do I make them different from what I've already got. I created two Orions and one Gorn, because I dream of one day having an Orion syndicate in game. Imagine, instead of the BIG BAD MEAN UNDINE!!!, you had a Gorn Hegemony Adventure zone, where each player makes a choice about whether they will help or hinder the Gorn separatist movement. You earn some Gorn-marks for defeating Tal Shiar's plan to infect a Gorn community with a virus. You repel a Klingon 'ethnic cleansing' movement. Good.

    Now imagine a Gorn reputation system THAT WORKS BOTH WAYS. Do you support them, or the Klingons? We NEED that Klingon peace, right? Who are the Gorn to you? What kind of captain are you? Klingon Captains, what do you want? If you oppress the Gorn, you won't be able to team with FEDs on Defara, but you can gain the Gorn Reputation. Think about REAL CHOICES, ones that decide what kind of a warrior you are.

    But no. We grind. Grinding gives us new shinny things, precious. We could of course, not grind, but then there would be no new content. There exists no other mechanism in the game that rewards our actions within the areas of the new created content beyond the Reputation system.

    See you in game...

    I don't remember why...

  • lomax6996lomax6996 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I agree. I've been playing for over 3 years. Started out F2P but now Sub. I love the game, overall. But lately I log in, grind a little (half the time I don't even know what I'm grinding FOR) then sit there trying to decide what to do with myself. Nothing sounds enjoyable. I sampled the Voth missions when they first came out but didn't care for them at all. The storyline is silly, the characters absurd and the missions... the same old grind. Also, I'm sorry but flying a Starship around a cloud filled sky engaging others in combat... how is that different from any of the WWII flight combat sims available??

    The Undine are even less interesting and more frustrating than the Voth. When did frustration come to equal "challenge"? I do play the Foundry missions and that's the closest thing to "Trek" I've found in the game. But it would be nice to have more real substance to the game. A real framework to hang everything on.

    As it is now this game has become just a huge, confused mess... :(
    *STO* It’s mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'm not wanting to start a fire storm, but I have to ask ... What did you expect?

    Granted the content could be a little more varied, and certainly there are aspects of the Trek Universe that, for whatever reason (though I suspect the almighty dollar) Cryptic (or more likely PWE) hasn't really touched upon, such as Crafting, Exploration, Diplomacy and yes even Marauding and Mercenary pursuits.

    However, as a Free to play game, I can't say that I'm all that surprised, that much of the content is just the same old same old, only in a new skin. I've got entire shelves filled with Single Player Games, some of which I have payed up to $100 for, and none of them have given me more than 1 or 2 days worth of entertainment as far as base content goes.

    Even the almighty edifice that is Skyrim, which I have played for nearly 1900 hours, is, as a base game, quite boring, and I've only actually played a toon from Creation to End about 4 times. The rest of the time has been spent froickin' about with various mods.

    I think that even having enough "newish" content to keep players in game for 6 months, is an accomplishment, so I'm not going to say that Cryptic have completely failed ...

    Could they do better? Yes!

    Could we have more varied content, and actually create a "Galaxy" that is alive and interesting? Yes ...

    Could they do it under their current F2P model, and still make the $$$ that PWE want, without compromise? ... Uhhh ...
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    earwigvr6 wrote: »
    As the title really, just wondering if I am the only one ?

    I have been playing for maybe just over a year.

    I'm not getting bored. Probably a lot of that because I'm logging in to do my Lobi run, then playing Knights of the Old Republic 2 that I picked up on a Steam sale recently. ;)

    Been here since February 2012...probably played two-thirds of that time's worth in that time. There's your secret- take a vacation before burnout sets in. :D
  • creolemustardcreolemustard Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I played EVE online for a few months till my laptop died last year, and this is my first baby steps back into gaming.(just started my STO F2P today and still waiting on the first "patch" to finish(all 8988 mbs OF IT!!!!:mad:).

    Sounds like STO might take a lesson from EVE(yes eve is pay2play) but I thought the free markets, the jobs(crafting, mining, transporting, whatever. somebody has to get that titanium to the ship yards to build those shiny ships). I kinda liked the peace of mining mining.

    Sounds like they could open up the markets(separate market on each station in eve, so if you found a nich that no body else was filling you made the big time
  • catliketypingcatliketyping Member Posts: 611
    edited May 2014
    I run KDF BoPs. I try to refine what I do in a BoP because I know I can do better, and the BoP requires you to push yourself a bit more IMO. There's always a way to tweak it, and there's no one right answer in a BoP.

    Boredom assumes I've achieved some sort of stasis in what I do. In a B'rel, I think I'm close to satisfaction. That's why I run my Fleet Norgh & Fleet Hoh'sus.

    I wish there were more battlegrounds & battlespaces. I like the Voth & Undine stuff a lot more than the old stuff, but others certainly disagree for their own reasons.
    Nessia (KDF Sci)
    IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    For me personally, it's just not worthwhile any more. They're starting to take this game out of development to work more on their next upcoming thing, so when the only content we're getting is a new grind, a place to do that grind, and a mission or two to grind in, obviously something is not right. It's to the point where there just isn't a whole lot to do other than log in for a rep run, then log out.

    The content isn't bad, but when it's just there to add to the already grind ridden issues, it's just going to make things worse, and we clearly hit that point at the launch of LoR.
  • kronmyrkronmyr Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2014
    I feel this article is very telling.

    I see comments such as "I've been playing for 7000 hours and I'm bored. What the hell Cryptic?!?! Entertain me forever for free! What's wrong with you?!"

    Guys, seriously. Play the game as long as it's fun, buy stuff if you want to support the game, then move on. There's no reason for such a bizarre form of entertainment entitlement. The game is free; if you were entertained for a few hours, then you are already well ahead of the profit-loss curve.
  • cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    see i like some the new stuff.. . and seriously the rp is in the players and there imgination honestly u have allot senario's and other content for rp..... i played over 4 years yes a stale is the word i would use and all the a2b power creeps are a lil old in pvp but sto is way better then allot of the sci fye mmo's out there..........
    Honestly people the bugs are down right mind numing specially in the quater master spot and some the undine maps have poor frame rate like humm dont now not a rpogrammer but i am a gamer. honestly beleave its not that bad ,the hard core is still here we are just watching..... i never post forums maybe once in a month. But honestly sto is way better the allot of the mmo's out there i will not agree on the content issue if u are board there are several zones and other area's to have fun in ........

    If u are a real gamer u game for fun not aquisition of wealth...... funnie a hard core trek fan complianng about how much money they have and no imgination lmao content is great.. the bugs the bugs dam cryptic need the orkin man.
    Sto is still fun and still keeps my attentions.. you guys need to relax....... omg in sci fye mmo i preferr sto ne day till ne other out there...
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
  • ovinspaceovinspace Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2014
    These threads are almost always started by someone that has been playing too much, if you've got a load of top ships, top gear and a large amount of the various currencies all ground out in a year you were playing too much, take a break for your own good.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,235 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If you're that bored.... write a foundry mission. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ovinspace wrote: »
    These threads are almost always started by someone that has been playing too much, if you've got a load of top ships, top gear and a large amount of the various currencies all ground out in a year you were playing too much, take a break for your own good.

    Playing too much? I disagree. If you acquire max this and max that, taking a break isn't going to relieve the boredom of an underdeveloped game. It's bad enough certain ships are withheld from the players by the random lockbox and fleet-timed gates that players cannot choose ships they want to use for role-playing. Ship interiors have been neglected to the point that it makes a difficult to role-play inside your own ship. And why do I emphasize role-playing? Because there have been two or three posts on the subject in the blogs as answer to "boredom". Heck, even our own fully structured starbases still lack the ability to use the holodeck. (And on that side note, I would like to see fleets be able to access all Foundry missions from instead of having to start off from a console on ESD.) And even then, not everyone likes to RP.

    Personally, I think crafting might help if you can use data samples to build small items to help build your big item instead of using Dil unreplicatable items. Let us build our own specific gear. Granted these are just suggestions.

    For me, I do feel the boredom, and I don't have everything. I like "Star Trek". I, like many others, feel that this game needs more "Trek" in the game instead of just mindlessness.
  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If you're that bored.... write a foundry mission. :P

    Write a Foundry mission that would take a lot of time to develop and only a few would play? Then there is the learning curve if you haven't done a mission before. It's easier said than done. If you can live without being appreciated for that work, go for it. Otherwise, I feel like the Foundry isn't an answer to boredom.
  • gooddaytodie39gooddaytodie39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    They're starting to take this game out of development to work more on their next upcoming thing, so when the only content we're getting is a new grind, a place to do that grind, and a mission or two to grind in, obviously something is not right.
    Please don't continue to spread that misinformation, especially in the forum for new players because it just is not true. A second expansion with an amount of content equal to what we received in LoR is slated for later this year. Guys, we get it. You need a break from the game, then take one.
    After a year of playing religiously I took a few weeks off, got rid of all my fully geared and repped toons and rolled all brand new ones when I decided I wanted to come back. I can't imagine any game can keep someone entertained indefinitely...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,235 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    velqua wrote: »
    Write a Foundry mission that would take a lot of time to develop and only a few would play? Then there is the learning curve if you haven't done a mission before. It's easier said than done. If you can live without being appreciated for that work, go for it. Otherwise, I feel like the Foundry isn't an answer to boredom.
    Well, share it with your in-game friends.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Cryptic and STO should not define the fun for us. There is a huge game in STO. Playing it over time means a player will eventually "been there and done that". Once bordom kicks in, I humbly submit, it's time to put the game down or away. Life is more entertaining anyway :P

    Having said that, playing Foundry missions breaks the flow that Cryptic has designed. Frankly, some of those missions are more like "Star Trek" than the in-game episodes. No offense to the Cryptic writers intended, but there are some players that can make an amazing adventure ...

    The only other advice I have is to intentionally handicap yourself to create a challenge: using Common gear in space and ground; not using any kit powers; using different BOffs for away missions; using a ship you would not normally use; and the be-all end all ... RP.

    This game is far from underdeveloped. All MMOs are "boring" at some point. It just depends on how creative the player can be with what they've been given.

    In my opinion.
  • kronmyrkronmyr Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2014
    velqua wrote: »
    For me, I do feel the boredom, and I don't have everything. I like "Star Trek". I, like many others, feel that this game needs more "Trek" in the game instead of just mindlessness.

    Why are you putting so much of your focus on this one game?

    It seems as if some people look towards MMOs as a sole, end-all and be-all means of entertainment...then get mad and indignant when a single MMO fails to provide unlimited content.

    You are given the opportunity to participate in an online experience that Cryptic Studio provides in a Free to Play format. This is a privilege and a contribution to both the existing Star Trek fanbase as well as gamers in general. Free entertainment! Set in your favorite setting! With days upon days of stuff to do!

    So why do people feel so betrayed and cheated when a Free to Play project fails to provide constant, non-stop, eternal stimulation? I just don't understand, and hope someone can help me.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If you feel that way and that bored with the game. All your doing is making yourself not wanting to play, or to the point of hating the game. I say take a break. Play another game, or do a hobby of some sort. Like put a model car together, something outside, etc. Where I live its close to summer, lots to do outside. Take a few weeks off, a month, or wait until new content comes out. Since your not happy with the current one. Cause all your doing it making yourself dislike the game even more. As you keep pushing yourself to play. And in time you will no longer wish to play at all as frustration builds up, and loath to log on.

    Taking a break at times does help. And then come back later so you will be more happy to play again. There is no shame or wrong to take a break at times.

    As for me personally, I don't play enough to get bored or catch up with the current game. So there is plenty enough for me to do. So I look forward to the next chance I can get on.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • gorillachopsgorillachops Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If you're that bored.... write a foundry mission. :P

    Hmmm... What a splendid idea! :)
  • earwigvr6earwigvr6 Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Other things I have been thinking about to make the game better is make it more of a level playing field.

    Why does everything have to be dps in this game ? Why not hull heals ? Shield heals ? Why can these not count for something ? You very rarely see a mixture of ships these days as everything is based towards dealing stupid amounts of dmg !

    I can complete ALL of the Borg STF's in under 10 mins without including Hive, which is the only challenge. How can completing all of those in such a short amount of time be fun ?

    Gone are the days where you slowly pick away at the Borg cubes with your cannon ship while your freind in a Sci ship keeps your hull and shields topped up.... Working as a team.... Now you can Solo a cube in 15-20 Seconds without any outside help..... Pointless !

    We should be having massive space battles and working as teams.

    As for the notion of playing to much ? Yeah maybe that is true, but this game has so much scope it should be impossible to play to much ? The galaxy is endless right ? Ideas are endless right ?

    Times seems to be spent in all the wrong areas on this game. Hey let's redesign ESD... Err why ? And then at the same time release the next arc to the story using the OLD ESD ? I just don't get it....

    There is a reason people are leaving this game as has been spelled out by many people in this thread, I honestly didn't expect so many people to feel the same way. I expected nothing but people defending the game in every way possible.

    I really hope the devs sit up and take note otherwise the game will slowly die.

    It's also worth noting that I rarely buy any game as I don't feel they are worthy of my money. I usually download first and then if I like it, I buy it. BF3 I bought, BF4 I did but got 0 DLC as it went very much downhill..... Those are pretty much the ONLY games I have paid money for over the last few years.

    This game however I have happily ploughed a few hundred $ into. I have a monthly subscription and buy 5k Zen or more at a time and have done that 3-4 times already.

    I pay well for it even though it's FreetoPlay as I do/did enjoy it. Sadly though I can't see me putting anymore money into this game at any time soon as I just don't feel it will last. The lifetime sub that I keep thinking about is certainly a no go for me right now as I just don't see a future unless things take a radical turn...
  • weylin1988weylin1988 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    What this game needs is a Ship Simulation Mode.

    In this, players would be crewmen aboard a ship, tending to many of the aspects of running one in order to enhance its performance, repair damage, and keep everyone on board well and alive.

    When shields are lowered, or boarding shuttles land, a crew may have to contend with intruders and fight them off before they can sabotage anything critical.

    As for who would actually be controlling the simulated ship, and if it would simulate a fully functional bridge and all, that is up for discussion, but the main idea is that the ship would be jam packed with interactive nodes that all contribute to keeping the ship operating at full capacity.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    weylin1988 wrote: »
    What this game needs is a Ship Simulation Mode.

    In this, players would be crewmen aboard a ship, tending to many of the aspects of running one in order to enhance its performance, repair damage, and keep everyone on board well and alive.

    When shields are lowered, or boarding shuttles land, a crew may have to contend with intruders and fight them off before they can sabotage anything critical.

    As for who would actually be controlling the simulated ship, and if it would simulate a fully functional bridge and all, that is up for discussion, but the main idea is that the ship would be jam packed with interactive nodes that all contribute to keeping the ship operating at full capacity.

    Yeah, and dreams are that, dreams. :cool:
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