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Romulan Republic "acheivements"

adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
Okay so i just read the new dev blog... I fib, I read the first paragraph :P

"maintained a fragile alliance while running the Solanae Dyson Sphere Joint Command, and helped to establish a ceasefire between the Federation and Klingon Empire in the middle of repelling an Undine invasion."

Yet they did none of this! (Except running the joint command) The Federation and the Klingon empire did this! It is well known that the Klingon Empire and the Federation will put differences aside to fight greater foes.

As for the cease fire... Where was the Romulan Republic representative when the discussions were going on!? Where was the Romulan Republic Representative when the Klingon high council was vaporised!? And lastly, Where was the Romulan Republic Representative when the cease-fire was declared? Oh wait... they were in the crowd!

They say they were there to repel the Undine invasion... They were late! By the time they arrived the battle was won! Where were they in the mean time!? Sitting around a table at their precious capital city while the powers of the quadrant fought for their existence and they want to take credit for repelling the Undine invasion!?

This reminds me of America during the latter part of the 20th century and beyond, this has to stop! I say Starfleet and the KDF should re-evaluate their alliances with the Republic at best, if not eradicate them before they deceive us into a false sense of security and then strike like... well, Romulans!
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    * hands over a Thalaron shaped device * here you go " friend " its a... table lamp ( r.r.w. d'ventax one to transport now ).
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    umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It's a very nice troll post, op.

    You have peace because of the Republic. Had we not been there, you'd still have been collectively at each other's throats.

    Be grateful we were pivotal to you (the Feds) and the KDF having circumstances and opportunity to mend fences. Fortunately for you, we were quite willing to grab our allies where we could get them, and focus on the things that mattered. Because otherwise, you'd be staring at other powers like the Borg completely overrunning you by 2413 (as admitted by one of your own admirals during the DS9 conference).

    Did we do this entirely out of the goodness of our own hearts? No. Of course not. We pushed for this because we wanted to survive, and were aware of far more immediate dangers than you self-absorbed superpowers were.

    Villify us if you will, but you benefitted as well. Maybe, instead of spouting hot air, you ought to just focus on your real enemies, and enjoy what you're benefitting from today.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'm sorry, while the Federation was interested in ensuring the security of the Jenolan sphere, you lot and the KDF were more interested in who controls the thing, at the conference about countering the Undine threat, what was on D'Tan's mind? Who the Sphere belongs to!? (it so happened it was also on the Ferengi's mind, but that wasn't about political gain).

    It is a well known fact that the KDF and the Federation have a habit of forming new alliances as and when new threats come along, i.e the Borg or the Undine, or indeed the Iconians, we didn't need you to show up for the party LATE and then claim that YOU won the fight, that YOU negotiated the ceasefire while you were standing in the crowd watching!
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    ltdata96ltdata96 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    OP is right and not a troll - i have to agree with everything said...
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    realisticaltyrealisticalty Member Posts: 851 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I believe it was one of your federation ancestors, someone named.."Benjamin Franklin" who once said:

    "We must hang together or assuredly we will shall all hang separately."

    As I recall, the last time the Federation, KDF and Romulan Republic failed to coordinate the results were...most undesirable.
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    anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Without the Romulans, we would not have a s*itload of Iconian gateways active.

    At least give them some credit... Romulans are good at making things unstable, because they like to rush things.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
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    anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ltdata96 wrote: »
    OP is right and not a troll - i have to agree with everything said...

    No, he isn't. The Lleiset was there right at the beginning of the attack on Earth Spacedock, and arrived at Qo'noS before the Enterprise, very early in that fight. D'tan and Jarok were both in the Great Hall while the conference happened. The Jenolan conference was supposed to be at least as much about solving the issues of control over the Jenolan Sphere as it was about the Undine threat, since the near-skirmish at the end of A Step Between Stars was what caused Tuvok to call the thing to begin with. D'tan being primarily concerned with this aspect stems from the relative lack of contact between the Undine and the Romulans, he is concerned about what currently matters to the Republic.

    Also remember that many of the player characters who were there for the whole running battle of Surface Tension were Romulan Republic characters, so the Romulans were the instrumental players in the events leading to the peace treaty. If you want to delve even further into it, without the Republic settling on Dewa III, nobody discovers that gateway, or goes to the mysterious station in subspace, or resets the gateway network, so the gate to the Solanae sphere is never discovered, and the Jenolan sphere remains lost in the Delta Quadrant with one Starfleet vessel in it, then nobody is in the Jenolan sphere to take notice of the Undine force moving through on its way to Sol and eventually Qo'noS, so everyone probably arrives too late to stop them. It's a continuous story, not just one episode.
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Yet they did none of this!

    Let me guess: you don't have a Romulan character.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Let me guess: you don't have a Romulan character.

    As it happens, I do but I played the game mainly from the fed side, so I play from that point of view.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    anodynes wrote: »
    If you want to delve even further into it, without the Republic settling on Dewa III, nobody discovers that gateway, or goes to the mysterious station in subspace, or resets the gateway network, so the gate to the Solanae sphere is never discovered, and the Jenolan sphere remains lost in the Delta Quadrant with one Starfleet vessel in it, then nobody is in the Jenolan sphere to take notice of the Undine force moving through on its way to Sol and eventually Qo'noS, so everyone probably arrives too late to stop them. It's a continuous story, not just one episode.

    The only reason the Jenolan sphere is now lost in the delta quadrant is BECAUSE the Solanae sphere was found! if it weren't for this whole thing with the darned gateway being found, the Jenolan sphere would still be within warp range.
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    The only reason the Jenolan sphere is now lost in the delta quadrant is BECAUSE the Solanae sphere was found! if it weren't for this whole thing with the darned gateway being found, the Jenolan sphere would still be within warp range.

    So, for activating a gateway to a distant quadrant of the galaxy, and unleashing a hostile power, the Republic is responsible?

    I'm glad the Federation has finally decided to admit that it was the war criminal Sisko and Starfleet's own belligerence that caused the Dominion War!
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    beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    I'm sorry, while the Federation was interested in ensuring the security of the Jenolan sphere, you lot and the KDF were more interested in who controls the thing, at the conference about countering the Undine threat, what was on D'Tan's mind? Who the Sphere belongs to!? (it so happened it was also on the Ferengi's mind, but that wasn't about political gain).

    It is a well known fact that the KDF and the Federation have a habit of forming new alliances as and when new threats come along, i.e the Borg or the Undine, or indeed the Iconians, we didn't need you to show up for the party LATE and then claim that YOU won the fight, that YOU negotiated the ceasefire while you were standing in the crowd watching!

    first off u can not blame the romulans they did not even know about the jenolan sphere existed but i am surprised the KDF did not know since they where allies with the FED when the TNG crew found it u would think they would have been told. as for the ferengis asking about the sphere is anyone surprised they would try to buy it? lol

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    beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    The only reason the Jenolan sphere is now lost in the delta quadrant is BECAUSE the Solanae sphere was found! if it weren't for this whole thing with the darned gateway being found, the Jenolan sphere would still be within warp range.

    acctually that is wrong the jenolan sphere was lost when worf and whoever reseted all the iconian gateways/network to stop the planet destroying earthquakes on new romulous.

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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    So, for activating a gateway to a distant quadrant of the galaxy, and unleashing a hostile power, the Republic is responsible?

    As I recall, the Federation and Klingons both have a very well reasoned policy of "Do NOT under any circumstances play with Iconian technology" I do believe the current situation only reinforces the wisdom of this.
    I'm glad the Federation has finally decided to admit that it was the war criminal Sisko and Starfleet's own belligerence that caused the Dominion War!

    As for the Dominion war, one of the things that helped it to happen at all was the Cardassians giving the Dominion a base behind the lines anyway, another was Starfleet's negligence to station a fleet at DS9 when they found the Dominion, had DS9 been reinforced there would have been a far smaller chance of it being taken as one can only get so many ships through the wormhole at any given time.

    As such, yes, I personally do believe Starfleet allowed the Dominion war to begin. Just as the Romulan Republic's ignorance of history and advice from both it's allies has landed us in the current mess.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    beerxhyper wrote: »
    acctually that is wrong the jenolan sphere was lost when worf and whoever reseted all the iconian gateways/network to stop the planet destroying earthquakes on new romulous.

    Which in turn made the Solanae sphere available for exploration, thus I'm still right.
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    As I recall, the Federation and Klingons both have a very well reasoned policy of "Do NOT under any circumstances play with Iconian technology" I do believe the current situation only reinforces the wisdom of this.

    The only Klingon policy was Worf grumbling about how wrong it was because the Federation said so.

    The only reason why it didn't work was because the Cooper Undine sabotaged it.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The only reason why it didn't work was because the Cooper Undine sabotaged it.

    If I recall rightly from the mission, whomever was in the control centre before us sabotaged it, which I reckon was probably the Iconians themselves.
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    icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    lol the feds and rommies going on about whos fault it was . it was both of your faults . rommies for not being able to control themselves, feds for being arrogant , all in all its the Klingons who should be in control of it all. its a warzone after all now and who is the warrior race? who knew the undine had infiltrated Starfleet? it was the Klingons all any of this has done is show that the Klingon while thought of as fools were correct all along and if we had been listened too none and I mean none of this mess would have happened.

    and since Worf was on the Enterprise when they found the 1st sphere it proves what I have been saying all along he is a federation patsy and should be executed. no reason for our ambassador to hide information like that from the Empire.

    We should have surrounded that damn Romulan flotilla and killed them all while we had the chance and put an end to their misery once and for all.

    Now what do we get? a year later lies all lies and Romulan propaganda about how they saved the galaxy its all Targ Dung.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    If I recall rightly from the mission, whomever was in the control centre before us sabotaged it, which I reckon was probably the Iconians themselves.

    They're a suspect, I will grant you that much, but I have to point the finger at Cooper. The Undine used the gateways to attack both Earth and Q'ronos, and he was in the room at the time.

    It seem pretty clear to me that the Gateway would have worked just fine, if Starfleet hadn't have let an Undine waltz right in and nearly destroy New Romulus.
    icsairguns wrote: »
    its a warzone after all now and who is the warrior race?

    Who's homeworld would be a rapidly cooling field of debris without the Shon showing up to save it?
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Who's homeworld would be a rapidly cooling field of debris without the Shon showing up to save it?

    There are plenty of Klingon colony worlds.
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    There are plenty of Klingon colony worlds.

    There were plenty of Romulan colony worlds, too. Look how that turned out.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    There were plenty of Romulan colony worlds, too. Look how that turned out.

    Yeah, civil war, although that was due to a dishonest system of government that fell apart when the brain when missing. The Klingon system of government on the other hand, allows for the loss of the council.
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    xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Yeah, civil war, although that was due to a dishonest system of government that fell apart when the brain when missing. The Klingon system of government on the other hand, allows for the loss of the council.

    Because all will be fine when the Great Houses are left to themselves.

    Are you trolling or are you serious with anything you wrote so far?
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    xiaoping88 wrote: »
    Because all will be fine when the Great Houses are left to themselves.

    Are you trolling or are you serious with anything you wrote so far?

    Well, I'm trolling . . . .
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    starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    icsairguns wrote: »
    lol the feds and rommies going on about whos fault it was . it was both of your faults . rommies for not being able to control themselves, feds for being arrogant , all in all its the Klingons who should be in control of it all. its a warzone after all now and who is the warrior race? who knew the undine had infiltrated Starfleet? it was the Klingons all any of this has done is show that the Klingon while thought of as fools were correct all along and if we had been listened too none and I mean none of this mess would have happened.

    Which faction wasted five years on a completely pointless landgrab war that had frak-all to do with the Undine infiltrating anyone? Which faction tried to sic a planet killer on Federation civilians and was only stopped by one of their own people doing the right thing and defecting? Which faction started attacking Romulan colonies right after Hobus? Which faction invaded Gorn space years before the Undine were even a factor? Which faction loves selling POWs into slavery with the Orion Syndicate? I'll give you three guesses each.

    Don't kid yourself: The Klingons are just as much to blame in this utter clusterfrak of a decade as everyone else and the execution of the armistice feels like a cop-out. Sure, Shon was right to admit that the Federation had its head up its TRIBBLE about the Undine, but he should've then gone on the attack and called the Klingons on their bullsh*t.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
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    xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Well, I'm trolling . . . .

    At least you're cool about it. ;)
    Reality is an illusion.
    The universe is a hologram.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    As I recall, the Federation and Klingons both have a very well reasoned policy of "Do NOT under any circumstances play with Iconian technology" I do believe the current situation only reinforces the wisdom of this.

    Yeah, because remaining ignorant of Iconian technology would serve the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the New Romulan Republic well when the Iconians finally launch an open assault on the three powers. :rolleyes:
    adamkafei wrote: »
    As for the Dominion war, one of the things that helped it to happen at all was the Cardassians giving the Dominion a base behind the lines anyway, another was Starfleet's negligence to station a fleet at DS9 when they found the Dominion, had DS9 been reinforced there would have been a far smaller chance of it being taken as one can only get so many ships through the wormhole at any given time.

    As such, yes, I personally do believe Starfleet allowed the Dominion war to begin. Just as the Romulan Republic's ignorance of history and advice from both it's allies has landed us in the current mess.

    Yeah, because the Iconians weren't already causing trouble for all three powers, and the Undine weren't already well-positioned to continue their troublemaking. :rolleyes:
    icsairguns wrote: »
    land since Worf was on the Enterprise when they found the 1st sphere it proves what I have been saying all along he is a federation patsy and should be executed. no reason for our ambassador to hide information like that from the Empire.

    We should have surrounded that damn Romulan flotilla and killed them all while we had the chance and put an end to their misery once and for all.

    And now we have heard from the knuckle-dragging microbrains who know only one reply to anything, that being mindless violence without honor. I insult you, petaQ. Time you go back to your Orion Mistresses and get an attitude adjustment, but I'm betting you're too much of a lutlh-wI' to do that, so come for me, and feel the caress of my Honor Blade against your throat like the Ha'DIbaH you are.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    xiaoping88 wrote: »
    Because all will be fine when the Great Houses are left to themselves.

    What would be the difference? The Great Houses are left to themselves already, do you really think that the existence of Qo'noS as a planet holds them together?
    What holds them together is the shared interests of them being Klingon and J'mpok focusing their attention by warmongering for the Empire.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    protogoth wrote: »
    Yeah, because remaining ignorant of Iconian technology would serve the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the New Romulan Republic well when the Iconians finally launch an open assault on the three powers. :rolleyes:

    Knowing not to play with things is different to ignorance, as for Iconians launching an open assault, who is to say they weren't simply going to use us for their own amusement? Not to mention we don't have any Iconian weaponry to study or for that matter, any data on any such things (to my knowledge) so studying their gate technology that they left behind that wasn't destroyed isn't going to help us fight them.
    Yeah, because the Iconians weren't already causing trouble for all three powers, and the Undine weren't already well-positioned to continue their troublemaking. :rolleyes:

    Have you noticed how New Romulus wasn't a major point for Undine attack? If it was attacked at all? I suspect D'Tan and the Republic leadership are all Undine...
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Yeah, civil war, although that was due to a dishonest system of government that fell apart when the brain when missing. The Klingon system of government on the other hand, allows for the loss of the council.
    And we all know the Klingon are never fighting civil wars. Even when their homeworld is still standing. For example, not some civil war between a crazy eyes chancellor and a romulan puppet great house with 2 big TRIBBLE leaders. Or a small civil war between Martok's house vs another romulan puppet. Never happen ! No sir !
    2 civil wars in about 40 years, that say a lot about stability.
    The Klingons great house never hold a grudge, and are always friendly amongst themselves.
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