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Undine Rep worth doing?



  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I mean so far im enjoying the undine PVE, except for those bubble things, very annoying.

    So reputation stuff is actually easier for me to do now so...is the Undine rep worth doing, idk if anyone has the specs for any of the armor, shields or special weapon for that rep. I have started Voth rep on my romulan awhile ago and is at tier 3.

    Anyway is the undine rep worth doing if anyone has a clue?

    It depends on what you want.

    I completed the prior reputations mainly for the reputation powers (defensive). As a defensive Sci they made my ship and captain more sturdy but certainly not op'ed. Sometimes the reputation equipment was a nice bonus.

    The removal of being able to use all of my selected powers simultaneously, or rather why not grandfather a player's original rep. powers and amend the system moving forward, leaves me wondering why I should participate further.

    If the gear and reputation powers interest you then yes, if not then no.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This is a bigger deal for Feds, IMO. The ONLY space set that buffs Phasers is from the 8472 rep. There's also alot of Feds that use Phasers still despite the other very good energy weapon choices that do get assorted buffs. It also buffs Photon Dmg. Oh, hey, guess what torp type is the favorite Torp these days? :D

    KDF / KDF-Rom that sport Disruptors will like it even more, but due to the lack of Phaser boosting options for the Feds, the set is very relevant to their interests.

    Yeah, the torpedo is nice for this Season. That will be useful for Fed and Klinks. The Rommies have already had it as a mission reward.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jslyn wrote: »
    Yeah, the torpedo is nice for this Season. That will be useful for Fed and Klinks. The Rommies have already had it as a mission reward.

    Except they aren't the same...the Romulan mission one is basically a green photon torpedo with some bonus damage vs Undine where as the rep one is much more useful against more than the Undine.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    To those of you that don't think Rep is worth it any more...

    1200 Rep Marks and 40 days JUST doing the 2500/day

    600 Rep Marks and 20 days for any alt that has a sponsorship

    Below is what you get from doing 1 daily for the bonus with a Rep Mark Bonus from Lock Boxes.

    ISE = 168 Marks and ~20 minutes
    Undine Infiltration Elite = 111 and ~20 minutes
    Nukara = 2 Easy missions and 2 Mediums 162 marks in ~20 minutes
    Rommie = Tau Dewa Sector Patrol 138 Marks in 20-30 minutes
    Dyson Sphere = 1 Atmospheric flight mission 78 Marks in 5-10 minutes

    If that's too much of a grind for some of you l33t players, you may want to go find another game:rolleyes:

    SWTOR's grinds aren't that forgiving at all.

  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I love the new torps.

    As much damage as the Grav photons, but instead of a chance to proc their special they ALWAYS do, and it's radiation damage and not a shabby amount at that (and I think it's considered exotic).

    Right now I'm running Bio-molecular up front, Grav torps in back so I can "smoke-screen" until I get the rest and/or my vesta.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I love the new torps.

    As much damage as the Grav photons, but instead of a chance to proc their special they ALWAYS do, and it's radiation damage and not a shabby amount at that (and I think it's considered exotic).

    Right now I'm running Bio-molecular up front, Grav torps in back so I can "smoke-screen" until I get the rest and/or my vesta.

    I just tried out the same with the 2 torpedos. I like it. They took away the 2 set torpedo bonus it seems for the undine set?
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    sets that boost damage for gal-x and chimera lotus, woo.
  • adorenkoadorenko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm doing it for one character that will be phaser based and use the undine torp launcher.
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  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    adorenko wrote: »
    I'm doing it for one character that will be phaser based and use the undine torp launcher.

    Basically the rep is only useful to an all disruptor or Phaser based build. The there is alost zero use for any of the rep passives.

    I am doing it on 1 of my 15 toons that have T5 in all sections. Without the changes to the rep system I might have done it in a few more - but not worth the time under the new system. Just means it frees up more time to do other stuff rather than another boring rep grind.

    Finally going to check out some foundry missions now that they have brought the daily officer reports rewards back:D:)
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The new Undine Battle Zone trivializes farming Undine Marks.

    I'm not sure if I want the Undine space set, but my Nicor should be sporting the new Bio-molecular torpedo later tonight. :D
  • nathraelnathrael Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Two-piece with both of the consoles makes a nice match with 3 piece Silent Enemy on my main's S'Golth. So far have not gotten to any of the others (Undine rep not yet high enough) though may add the Heavy Turret as well.

    As far as the deflector and all, will be tough for it to beat MACO, but might try it out for some testing. Maybe on my Vesta for the particle bonus.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Anyone have pics of the graphics from the space set by chance?
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Is it worth doing the undine rep, or an other rep for that matter?

    Well, I'd say yes for a number of reasons.

    Firstly, at tier 5, you're looking at a new active power and a hunk of dilithium.

    Both, always handy to have.

    You'll also stack up access to a whole new bunch of passives. Even if you dont use them now, you may play with them later....why cut yourself off from the option?

    Nowadays you get items from the rep store for each completed project. Even if you never use them, thats a little bit of vendor trash. And, if you are going to use a given piece, its a lot cheaper than getting them as a random drop.

    And, finally, what else are you going to do with a veteran level 50 toon?

    My main, literally, has no other goals in the game, bar contributing to fleet stuff.

    I like to keep him up to date :D
  • jagdhippiesjagdhippies Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Is it worth doing the undine rep, or an other rep for that matter?

    Well, I'd say yes for a number of reasons.

    Firstly, at tier 5, you're looking at a new active power and a hunk of dilithium.

    Both, always handy to have.

    You'll also stack up access to a whole new bunch of passives. Even if you dont use them now, you may play with them later....why cut yourself off from the option?

    Nowadays you get items from the rep store for each completed project. Even if you never use them, thats a little bit of vendor trash. And, if you are going to use a given piece, its a lot cheaper than getting them as a random drop.

    And, finally, what else are you going to do with a veteran level 50 toon?

    My main, literally, has no other goals in the game, bar contributing to fleet stuff.

    I like to keep him up to date :D

    Basically, most of this. For most of the reps, they are so easy that the dilithium is worth the effort. Just take the most efficient approach to finishing it, don't be in a hurry, and take the chunk of change at the end as your reward.
    My carrier is more powerful than your gal-dread
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    reyan01 wrote: »
    So, what is it (ability or whatever) that makes the character's eyes glow pinkish?
    Psionic command aura?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Meh do it, and get it over anyways.

    It takes one single good mission run, or a trip into the BZ, for enough marks each day.

    So 30mins. per toon I suppose.

    Don't buy anything rep related, unless you really need it for a specific build.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jslyn wrote: »
    Yeah, the torpedo is nice for this Season. That will be useful for Fed and Klinks. The Rommies have already had it as a mission reward.

    The original Bio-Molecular Torpedo from the early Romulan campaign got removed with S9 hitting. If you didn't go back to get a Mk XI version from a replay, or just never elected to get it, you're screwed and have to play the 8472 rep for a Bio-Molecular Torp.
    Nope, especially with the nerf on reputation powers.


    Ahhhh.... Still pouting in a corner.

    (Pats head)

    There, there. It'll get better...
  • catliketypingcatliketyping Member Posts: 611
    edited May 2014
    The Enhanced bio torpedo is OP. Get it while it still works this way.
    Nessia (KDF Sci)
    IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If I am not mistaken, the Undine Space grants you another Tier 5 active space ability, and currently, we have 4 slots for active powers, and only 2 active space powers.

    Of course, I think this is a design error - they should have split the active powers, too. But they didn't.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • r9xchaosr9xchaos Member Posts: 249
    edited May 2014
    daqhegh wrote: »
    My answer is NO. None of the reps are actually worth it.

    lol really?

    Reputation sets do give set bonuses...
  • ginobaldelli823ginobaldelli823 Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    iceeaglex wrote: »
    So, 13% phaser damage from the console.
    7% phaser damage from a 2 piece set.
    About 20% total.

    Or 31% phaser damage from a fleet console.......
    Um, yeah, nope. Set is still worthless on a phaser based ship.
    Its a universal console so you don't have to sacrifice a tac slot for it so you can add it to the fleet consoles.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Its a universal console so you don't have to sacrifice a tac slot for it so you can add it to the fleet consoles.

    The set has two consoles and one of them (from the FE) is a tactical console, not a universal console. :)
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I could see it being worthwhile IF you use phasers/disruptors AND are fighting things that survive long enough for the radiation damage boost to kick in. I tried the bio torpedoes for a while but didn't get to use the radiation bonus enough. And it would be way too expensive to switch energy weapons.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'm just doing it for kicks.I am pretty satsfied with my Borg rep gear.I figure I would grab the Undine rep gear, and try a different build on one of my ships.I think the armor looks pretty cool.
  • toalfacttoalfact Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I mean so far im enjoying the undine PVE, except for those bubble things, very annoying.

    So reputation stuff is actually easier for me to do now so...is the Undine rep worth doing, idk if anyone has the specs for any of the armor, shields or special weapon for that rep. I have started Voth rep on my romulan awhile ago and is at tier 3.

    Anyway is the undine rep worth doing if anyone has a clue?

    What's stopping you from slowly filling it up each day or two days even if you're not going for sets? Just visit Space Battlezone here and there, or do Undine fleet action and slot reputation. Daily bonus mark box is enough to sustain you.

    In my opinion, it's always nice to have additional options, even if I'm not going to use them.
    [SIGPIC]U.S.S. Reisen[/SIGPIC]
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Since my Fed toon is using phasers and my KDF toon is using plasma Disuptors I will likely work on this rep system. However, both are currently doing two reps each (Fed = Omega & Dyson / KDF = Omega & Romulan) so I will not bother the Undine Rep for sometime. Maybe I will wait until July or August.
  • johnchrightonjohnchrighton Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    cptjhunter wrote: »
    I'm just doing it for kicks.I am pretty satsfied with my Borg rep gear.I figure I would grab the Undine rep gear, and try a different build on one of my ships.I think the armor looks pretty cool.

    This is why I am doing it.
    Headlong into mystery
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If your killing stuff before the radiation damage you clearly didn't need it, and you still benifited from the speed debuff.

    The biomolecular proc is the weird love child of the original biomolecular torp, a chroniton torp, and a plasma torp. Its a Photon torp that deals extra damage to Undine, so its like a the original biomolecular torp, it slows enemy ships so its like a Chroniton Torp, and it deal some damage directly to the hull, which can be cleared by hazard emitters like a Plasma Torp. And it still gets 3 mods. One of the best Torps in the game.

    One down side to the set is I've gotten 3 of the set pieces, the two consoles and the Torp, before I actually have the Heavy Biomolecular Turret, which you get last, which gives me a power I can't currently use! They should switch the 4 set bonus and the 3 set bonus.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    warpangel wrote: »
    You can look up the story cutscenes on youtube. The whole point of the trainwreck that is the new rep system is that you don't get any more stat bonuses, just "options," just like the 16 other "options" you already had and now can't use because you only got 4 slots. And its faster to just grind the 50k dil or whatever for yourself than do the rep hoping for a T5 reward.

    There's nothing left but the gear, and it doesn't impress.

    Then what is the point playing the game at all? The story is one of the biggest part of it. If not, then I have no reason to play. As for the cutscenes I watch them as I unlock them. Even the Tuvok stories I hadn't saw yet. As I hadn't unlocked them in order. Since I'm still on the Dyson Rep.

    The Rep system is far from a train wreck. I played a MMO that you was forced to log on and do those repeated missions everyday if you wanted to progress. At least this one I can gather points, and don't have to do the repeated missions. Until I used them all up. Then go and hit them again. This is one of the best Rep Systems I have ever done. For once I enjoy them where I used to loath and avoid them.

    Even if the stats are options, I do have the choices to use which ones I unlock. Even some is better than none. So I can customize my character to better match their style. Something had to be done with the "power creep". And this was their solution. Other games do a gear stat "squish".

    I don't grind the Rep for the Dil. I do it for story progression as my primary. Rest is gear, stats, and what profits I can get. After all that even the Dil is put to good use. Either on gear, the fleet, or exchange. To what ever I see fit.

    The gear, it all depends. Some are nice some are not. I know I'm gearing my Romulan ship with a full set of Romulan gear. So it will be one nasty ship when done. Rest I might pick up armor/shield or a weapon along the way. To add to the inventory of my weapon collection. So you will never know what I might show up to shoot with.

    The Rep might not be for some. Others don't mind it. I'm doing them cause for once they are fun. As long it has a story to keep me going. I heard the 8472 don't have story. So I will avoid it like I have the Borg and Nukura one.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
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  • adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If your killing stuff before the radiation damage you clearly didn't need it, and you still benifited from the speed debuff.

    The biomolecular proc is the weird love child of the original biomolecular torp, a chroniton torp, and a plasma torp. Its a Photon torp that deals extra damage to Undine, so its like a the original biomolecular torp, it slows enemy ships so its like a Chroniton Torp, and it deal some damage directly to the hull, which can be cleared by hazard emitters like a Plasma Torp. And it still gets 3 mods. One of the best Torps in the game.

    One down side to the set is I've gotten 3 of the set pieces, the two consoles and the Torp, before I actually have the Heavy Biomolecular Turret, which you get last, which gives me a power I can't currently use! They should switch the 4 set bonus and the 3 set bonus.

    Its also got a 20 percent chance to reduce cooldown by 3 secs, so it also has the Rapid fire transphasic special in there

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