Hi all. Bit of trouble logging in... After entering my details, I'm asked to provide a one time code, that has been sent to my email address. Thing is; it never got, or gets, sent.
Is there a way round this, or a universal code that's been released?
Staying hopeful
You need to look at the Account Guard FAQ document... http://crypticstudios.com/accountguard
No there is no way around it and no universal code. Both would completely invalidate the purpose of the system.
And the prize for most unhelpful reply goes to...
Sorry, just a rather annoyed sense of humour at the moment. I had read the FAQ several times before posted. "donotreply@crypticstudios.com" has been added to the white list in hotmail since I first installed the game, seven months ago. It's been since I updated from WinXP to Win7 that I now get asked for the code, but still haven't received an email containing it.
And........ There doesn't seem to be the usual "Resend code" link anywhere. Rather annoyed at myself for upgrading, and at the game for being silly!
So, did you actually read the FAQ document and try the instructions to disable Account Guard?
And if you're not getting the Email, did you check that your registered contact information is up to date?
I just tried it myself, and promptly go the Email with the verification code. If your Email is up to date, and your not getting the Email, you may need to have a talk with the Administrators at Hotmail...
Because of that I can not post a new thread on the forums and instead must hit a reply button.
I did a search to try to find a thread I could reply on for this verification issue. All that are available currently are old threads that fit into the 'no necroing threads' forum guideline. The most recent of which has already been closed by an admin for necro action. Every other thread that remotely points to the problem I am having is a necro. As such, if I am going to bloody well be considered a necro poster I figured I should at least make sure the post fits the topic as best as I can and hope that the forum mods realize that I did not want to be a necroer but was forced to by perfect world's own policy on forum posting.
Please tell me you read that mods? Maybe, just maybe, if this dumb 'no new thread' policy was removed you'd have less people necroing threads which you mods seem to hate for some bizarre reason. Check out how many threads have been closed by mods for 'necro' that had a response from a user with just a small number of posts (especially just 1) and you'll see how pervasive this dumb move on perfect world's part and the mod's part is.
Now, getting into the reason why I am actually posting on this thread and hopefully will get an actual response instead of some dumb mod with more rule following regulations than actual brain power into reasons why people were forced into the violation...
I am having a serious issue with account verification here. I have been a member at the Champions Online game for months now, but only recently started playing on star trek online. Today I tried to look into getting a gold monthly subscription for STO like I have for CO. Except I ran into this nonsense with account guard verification.
My email is legit and up to date, and the verification letter gets received without any problems from going to my spam or anything... Nope I receive them in my Inbox just fine. But I don't receive them until ages later when the session already expired. It 'should' be instantly received not bouncing around the net or the perfect world 'to-do' list for hours.
So now I can't use this computer to access the subscription page for Star Trek Online - even though it worked fine for Champions Online the last time I had to go through this cycle. And this is while both of the two games are supposedly both "going through the same single location for my security" to partial quote this whole stupid account guard propaganda.
The FAQ page for account guard is nice and all, but absolutely useless in this case. I can't disable account guard until after I get successful entry, which I can not bloody do because they don't send their one time code in a timely manner.
I tried to post this in a new thread but since I have never posted on the STO forums before I am being treated like a brand new person, even though I have posted for months on the CO forums. Because I am being treated like a new person I can only reply to old threads, and there is no old threads that would qualify as a non-necro that explain the problem I am having.
So now I am stuck here in a classic end loop of nonsense not being able to get anything done or even give money to this company all because of all the stupid and pointless regulations of perfect world's policy. Thanks a bloody lot perfect world. I wonder how many new people you've driven away from your games out of frustration at these endless array of stupid policies.
And I imagine some random mod is going to close this up as a necro sight unseen without even bloody reading the fact that I had no other option of response here. So again, thanks a bloody lot for nothing perfect world!
I am having the exact same problem. However, I wound up getting the one time code 20 minutes later, where it didn't work since I had since refreshed the browser. Still waiting
Genius! Why didn't I think of disabling Account Guard?! Guess what? IT REQUIRES A ONE-TIME CODE TOO! Derp...
cryptic has been asking me for a "one time code" and this is being sent to my OLD email
address. I've tryed numerous times to update to my new email, but i am getting no where..
With the code being sent to a e-mail i don't hve access to anymore. I have to way of getting the code and I haven't been able to pay star trek all month I am so aggrivated, I need help to get the e-mail changed so i can get the code and play... help???