I haven't created a Romulan toon yet. meant to do so over the weekend, but no time.
Since I plan on having 2 toons per faction and one of each sex, I will have one toon align with the Fed and the other with the KDF.
I am thinking that a Romulan would probably be more inclined to align with the Fed, while the Reman would likely align with the KDF. Since I want a male Reman, I suppose that means my Romulan will be female.
The question is can I immediately start playing as a Reman, assuming I decide to pony up the 500 Zen for that race? Or do I need to play as a Romulan 1st before I can unlock the Reman?
I haven't created a Romulan toon yet. meant to do so over the weekend, but no time.
Since I plan on having 2 toons per faction and one of each sex, I will have one toon align with the Fed and the other with the KDF.
I am thinking that a Romulan would probably be more inclined to align with the Fed, while the Reman would likely align with the KDF. Since I want a male Reman, I suppose that means my Romulan will be female.
The question is can I immediately start playing as a Reman, assuming I decide to pony up the 500 Zen for that race? Or do I need to play as a Romulan 1st before I can unlock the Reman?
Iirc as long as you get one character to tier 5 in the Romulan rep system remans are a free unlock reward.
My Romulan is stuck at level 9, cause I can't decide which faction to join.
looking for some opinions on each side here...
Federtion..........poor..lives in a tent on welfare
KDF...................Rich....lives in the trump tower
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Although the more I learn about the game, the more I wish my engineer was an actual Romulan and not an alien that looks Romulan haha. What can I say, wanted to RP a Romulan/Vulcan hybrid, but then realized that I just don't like to RP in online games anymore .
Iirc as long as you get one character to tier 5 in the Romulan rep system remans are a free unlock reward.
Oh, okay. Well I didn't start doing the Romulan Rep yet. I think I will do it for my KDF toon though. However, since it will take some time to complete tier 5, I might as well just start off with making a female Fed aligned Romulan toon now and then I will create a male Reman toon aligned to the KDF later.
I tend to create characters based on possible future RP/backstory creation. I tend to be semi-serious so when I created my first Romulan, it was Federation based. He was found by a Vulcan scientist and raised on earth after being unable to locate any family. He still didn't feel like he fit in and went back to Romulan territory eventually.
Now, my KDF Romulan is a bit more recent. He is older and more of a mercenary, not really trusting any government and just wants his own kind of peace. And he also happens to be the father of my Federation Romulan though neither knows the other existance. But also, I really enjoy KDF side of things for the extra's.. Nausicaan Pirate trait for boffs + Romulan superior operative is decent and I felt a KDF aligned Romulan would be more likely to fly a Tal Shiar Battlecruiser than their Fed counterparts.
Went Federation, due to two simple pieces of logic. One, the Federation aided us, while the Klingons invaded us. Two, while the Federation will give us all manner of humanitarian aid if we work civilly with them, the Klingons will respect us just as much, so long as we hit them hard enough in the face.
I picked the Federation because it made the most sense and I'm strictly a Federation player aside from my one Romulan.
There would have been only ONE reason for me to pick the Klingons and that was for access to Quad Disruptors. Stupid reason but there you have it. I make due with Advanced Fleet Disruptors on my ships just fine though.
My first Rommie allied with Feds, I was told when I asked that Feds had better ships and equipment. I have found it easier to find things I needed for him in exchange and whatnot. But after hitting 50 I did make a KDF rommie and seems like the others said it is much more easier to make dil. Next step is to unlck a Reman...unsure which route to take with him, if anyone knows any other benefits for Reman, please add. Thanks
My first Rommie allied with Feds, I was told when I asked that Feds had better ships and equipment. I have found it easier to find things I needed for him in exchange and whatnot. But after hitting 50 I did make a KDF rommie and seems like the others said it is much more easier to make dil. Next step is to unlck a Reman...unsure which route to take with him, if anyone knows any other benefits for Reman, please add. Thanks
Don't forget that you get Reman for free from rank 5 Rommie rep.
KDF rommies get better dil rewards and easier access to top-tier Scimitar builds (due to the plasmonic leech console being cheaper for the KDF). Fed rommies get exploration missions and stuff from the FDC. KDF is generally considered to be better.
Used to go for both but mostly these days I stick with KDF as I have a good fleet there with fully upgraded fleet holdings and the Fed fleet I was a part of well...sorta died.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I do have 1 romulan I made to go kdf just for marauding missions. The amount of dilithium KDF characters can farm is moderately insane.
Yeah... Insane... I probably did not really focus on contraband missions until early April for my KDF toon that was created in Feb 2014. I current have about 700 contraband in my inventory. That excludes around 150 I transferred to my Fed toon and the contraband I turned in for dilithium.
I like playing both Fed and KDF factions. Since I now have a Fed toon and a Romulan-Fed toon, my 4th toon will most definitely be another KDF.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Hmmm I chose Starfleet mainly because my fleet was there but from an RP standpoint?
Id say my Rom doesnt trust the KDF after the slaughter of Romulan colonists during the invasions. By that same token, she doesnt entirely trust Starfleet either. Or the Remans or DTan for that matter. (its only paranoia if someones not actually tying to kill you .)
I am toying with the idea of playing her as Tal Shiar serving as an informant within Starfleet to apprise Sela of their status, movements, etc, ensuring that the balance of power doesnt tip too drastically away from the Romulans and towards the other two whatever it takes to protect the Romulan people and way of life. For this joining Starfleet was a no-brainer as it would give her nearly unlimited access to not only the Federations movements but the KDFs as well.
As for me, I find unbeliveable a new alliance between Romulans and Klingons, even considering only the timeline of Tv & Movies... the original one was forced just to let the Klingons have the cloaking device (a really disappointing decision, good just for make the writers work easier), but the two power are born to be enemies.
So of course I've chosen Fed, trying to approach the strange idea of a Republic insted of an Empire and... yes, now that I've hit lv. 50 for some time, I'm pretty convinced, of course with all the limitations and frustrations of having finally the chance to play a Romulan and found Romulus destroyed.
So for now my Tal'Exa will support the new faction of moderate Romulan with her heart and soul, hoping that our story can advance one step further and we could regain all our lost territories and colonies...
Since I plan on having 2 toons per faction and one of each sex, I will have one toon align with the Fed and the other with the KDF.
I am thinking that a Romulan would probably be more inclined to align with the Fed, while the Reman would likely align with the KDF. Since I want a male Reman, I suppose that means my Romulan will be female.
The question is can I immediately start playing as a Reman, assuming I decide to pony up the 500 Zen for that race? Or do I need to play as a Romulan 1st before I can unlock the Reman?
Iirc as long as you get one character to tier 5 in the Romulan rep system remans are a free unlock reward.
Federtion..........poor..lives in a tent on welfare
KDF...................Rich....lives in the trump tower
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Although the more I learn about the game, the more I wish my engineer was an actual Romulan and not an alien that looks Romulan haha. What can I say, wanted to RP a Romulan/Vulcan hybrid, but then realized that I just don't like to RP in online games anymore
Oh, okay. Well I didn't start doing the Romulan Rep yet. I think I will do it for my KDF toon though. However, since it will take some time to complete tier 5, I might as well just start off with making a female Fed aligned Romulan toon now and then I will create a male Reman toon aligned to the KDF later.
Now, my KDF Romulan is a bit more recent. He is older and more of a mercenary, not really trusting any government and just wants his own kind of peace. And he also happens to be the father of my Federation Romulan though neither knows the other existance. But also, I really enjoy KDF side of things for the extra's.. Nausicaan Pirate trait for boffs + Romulan superior operative is decent and I felt a KDF aligned Romulan would be more likely to fly a Tal Shiar Battlecruiser than their Fed counterparts.
There would have been only ONE reason for me to pick the Klingons and that was for access to Quad Disruptors. Stupid reason but there you have it. I make due with Advanced Fleet Disruptors on my ships just fine though.
Reman--Fed. Because I wanted the Yellowstone pets for the scimi.
Don't forget that you get Reman for free from rank 5 Rommie rep.
KDF rommies get better dil rewards and easier access to top-tier Scimitar builds (due to the plasmonic leech console being cheaper for the KDF). Fed rommies get exploration missions and stuff from the FDC. KDF is generally considered to be better.
I do have 1 romulan I made to go kdf just for marauding missions. The amount of dilithium KDF characters can farm is moderately insane.
Yeah... Insane... I probably did not really focus on contraband missions until early April for my KDF toon that was created in Feb 2014. I current have about 700 contraband in my inventory. That excludes around 150 I transferred to my Fed toon and the contraband I turned in for dilithium.
I like playing both Fed and KDF factions. Since I now have a Fed toon and a Romulan-Fed toon, my 4th toon will most definitely be another KDF.
Joined January 2009
Id say my Rom doesnt trust the KDF after the slaughter of Romulan colonists during the invasions. By that same token, she doesnt entirely trust Starfleet either. Or the Remans or DTan for that matter. (its only paranoia if someones not actually tying to kill you .)
I am toying with the idea of playing her as Tal Shiar serving as an informant within Starfleet to apprise Sela of their status, movements, etc, ensuring that the balance of power doesnt tip too drastically away from the Romulans and towards the other two whatever it takes to protect the Romulan people and way of life. For this joining Starfleet was a no-brainer as it would give her nearly unlimited access to not only the Federations movements but the KDFs as well.
So of course I've chosen Fed, trying to approach the strange idea of a Republic insted of an Empire and... yes, now that I've hit lv. 50 for some time, I'm pretty convinced, of course with all the limitations and frustrations of having finally the chance to play a Romulan and found Romulus destroyed.
So for now my Tal'Exa will support the new faction of moderate Romulan with her heart and soul, hoping that our story can advance one step further and we could regain all our lost territories and colonies...