These massive ships will be player piloted versions of armored repair support centers (auto shops in space). Their purpose is real time battlefield support and repairs, when other player ships become damage the FOBC will be able to modulate its shields to extend to near by ships including dock-able to replenish injured or dead crewmen, damaged subsystems, and or hull (weapons/abilities are disabled) . To allow for rapid deployment and extended battlefield campaigns. In order to access these carriers, players must fly to it and dock, and they will assume control over its systems. One each only will be allowed for pvp, purposes, and the team who manages to destroy the gain a significant advantage over the other team.
The only way to take down the FOBC's are to destroy 12 Regenerating hard points on the ship (2 Forward 2 Aft, 2 port 2starboard, 2 ventral and 2 dorsal ), and finally the ship itself, each regenerating hard point gives each FOBC a significant shield regenerative stack, each time a hard point is taking down, the FOBC looses a percentage of regeneration. After a certain amount of hard points is destroyed, it will become viable to attack the carrier directly, and destroy it.
The FOBC's will be armed with slow firing shield penetrating phaser/disruptor/plasma beam arrays that are focus fire oriented, the longer they connect to a target, the more damage the target receives, and extremely potent slow firing full spread of high yield tricobalt torpedoes designed to devastate/disorient several ships at a time.
Faction variants will include fighters for Klingons, worker bees for Federation, and full cloaking device with (reduced signature visible hard points) that mask near by ships.
Potential use of these carriers would allow for defend the carrier king of the hill style of game play, or defeat the other teams carrier before it reaches its objective location, and Carrier vs Carrier with fleet slugging it out until one carrier is destroyed.
Jupiter Class Dreadnoughts would be an excellent model for the initial design of the Federation.
There is a ship designation in the game based on scale called a command cruiser. Currently the only ship at that level in the game is the Crystalline Entity.
Many of the changes we are seeing in the game mechanics now seem to point to higher levels. Graphics uncovered in recent updates by the reddit crew also confirm higher class weapons and ranks. It's likely that the discussed 'full admiral' will have access to a lvl 60 'Command Cruiser'.
Recent blogs and interviews have touched base on side mounts for cannons. The elements are in place to make them viable, but it's gonna take time to graphics to match. I would hazard a guess that a new command class would be built for broadsides almost exclusively.
The Jupiter Class isn't likely to be that choice. She was designed to to fill a niche requirement, and frankly she's... not Starfleet enough.
In other games, the Klingons were the first to build 'mobile battlestations'. The B2 from Taskforce Games was essentially a dreadnaught that could deploy a battleship. Think a Scimidar that spawns a battleship. In that game, the size of your taskforce was contingent on the command points the 'command ship' could support. Nothing beat the size of a taskforce under the command of a B2. In that games history, only 2 were ever built.
Ideally a Command Ship would allow you to command a task force, likely captained by your Boffs. That would be very cool
Yeah. Or we could let Battlestar Galactica keep their motherships and instead implement something we saw on Star Trek into the game. Yeah, I like that one better.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
That doesn't sound very trek to me. In fact, I'm pretty sure you had BF 2142 in mind when writing.
Also, I don't see the point of having very huge ship to carry our ships. Where will we stop ? Next will we have flying dyson sphere to carry our super carriers ?
That doesn't sound very trek to me. In fact, I'm pretty sure you had BF 2142 in mind when writing.
Also, I don't see the point of having very huge ship to carry our ships. Where will we stop ? Next will we have flying dyson sphere to carry our super carriers ?
I'm not interested. Carriers are enough to me.
Firstly, I would like to say good guess, 2142 was one of the concepts I was thinking of. However good mechanics shouldn't belong to a single game,and the concept of trek purity went out the window with TDM ,CTF and not to mention the mass alien genocide playing the games storyline. My thought process is fun, and more versatile game play then the simple kill the straggler strategy which is every tactic in this game. The concept was of a goliath style subsystem with AOE mobile aoe shielding bubble stations that are quick fix locations, primarily for larger ships in need of repair.
Flying in these zones enhance your heals greatly, but your weapons will go offline, which means less offense/defense for your team, and yes it work like a titans hanger bay, however, the tactics will greatly change from powers and abilities that allow control, and defensive ships to shine in defense of a large target. Not just the dps hot rods, or drain builds, my methodology is to allow cruisers to harass smaller agile fighters, while truly giving them a true support feature to guard actual targets, instead of being the first to die due to inferior gear, or the last to die due to predictable defensive enhancements.
Adding in a third party heavy and deadly target means a paradigm shift in where ships fly, how ships fly, and what skills they choose to use, not just spamming the same set of macroed dps enhancers, you actually will have to think about keeping on the offensive and defensive at the same time. Time is no longer on the side of those who wait to participate or are looking for low hanging fruit. This makes ships with mines much more viable, it allow heavy duty heal vessels the ability to heal other ships then THEMSELVES on a continuous basis which means true support, not just a handful of major heals.
One of my other concepts for this method is objectives is a payload (TF2) style of combat, in which one team will try to defend the FOBC till the defending team manages to take it out, or the offensive team manages to break a gap in the defenses in the style of Deep Space Nines Sacrifice of Angels.
The FOBC's will be armed with slow firing shield penetrating phaser/disruptor/plasma beam arrays that are focus fire oriented, the longer they connect to a target, the more damage the target receives, and extremely potent slow firing full spread of high yield tricobalt torpedoes designed to devastate/disorient several ships at a time.
How about lots of powerful slow-firing turrets that keep anything larger than shuttles busy to the point of uselessness, so the real assault has to be done with small craft. They could have to fly up a heavily-defended trench to reach a small access port of some sort, and fire a torpedo into it thus iinto the main warp core. :P
How about lots of powerful slow-firing turrets that keep anything larger than shuttles busy to the point of uselessness, so the real assault has to be done with small craft. They could have to fly up a heavily-defended trench to reach a small access port of some sort, and fire a torpedo into it thus iinto the main warp core. :P
The weapons can be designed and tweaked accordingly, the main concept was a hulking mass that must be supported from a to b, and simultaneously be able to be an offensive/defensive moving platform which cannot be killed with brute force (unless attacked by another FOBC**), but require the art of misdirection, confusion, and other abilities that aren't frequently used, because the old paradigm has been nothing but focus fire over and over, after a point it just becomes about who uncloaks first, or who has the better gear, my idea is an attempt to change that.
I also thought about further emulating Battlefield 2142 by allowing strike teams to beam on board to take out the warp core from the inside, it might be seen as too much, but still a great concept none the less. Fabrication engineers would have a reason to cheer then.
How about lots of powerful slow-firing turrets that keep anything larger than shuttles busy to the point of uselessness, so the real assault has to be done with small craft. They could have to fly up a heavily-defended trench to reach a small access port of some sort, and fire a torpedo into it thus iinto the main warp core. :P
But don't forget to turn off your targeting cmputer
It would be useless in PvE....nothing in the game so far need such support
Damge can be repaired almost instantly
cargo hauling is not limited by the size of ships
Distances are traveled in seconds
it would be a useless ship in PvE
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
These massive ships will be player piloted versions of armored repair support centers (auto shops in space). Their purpose is real time battlefield support and repairs, when other player ships become damage the FOBC will be able to modulate its shields to extend to near by ships including dock-able to replenish injured or dead crewmen, damaged subsystems, and or hull (weapons/abilities are disabled) . To allow for rapid deployment and extended battlefield campaigns. In order to access these carriers, players must fly to it and dock, and they will assume control over its systems. One each only will be allowed for pvp, purposes, and the team who manages to destroy the gain a significant advantage over the other team.
The only way to take down the FOBC's are to destroy 12 Regenerating hard points on the ship (2 Forward 2 Aft, 2 port 2starboard, 2 ventral and 2 dorsal ), and finally the ship itself, each regenerating hard point gives each FOBC a significant shield regenerative stack, each time a hard point is taking down, the FOBC looses a percentage of regeneration. After a certain amount of hard points is destroyed, it will become viable to attack the carrier directly, and destroy it.
The FOBC's will be armed with slow firing shield penetrating phaser/disruptor/plasma beam arrays that are focus fire oriented, the longer they connect to a target, the more damage the target receives, and extremely potent slow firing full spread of high yield tricobalt torpedoes designed to devastate/disorient several ships at a time.
Faction variants will include fighters for Klingons, worker bees for Federation, and full cloaking device with (reduced signature visible hard points) that mask near by ships.
Potential use of these carriers would allow for defend the carrier king of the hill style of game play, or defeat the other teams carrier before it reaches its objective location, and Carrier vs Carrier with fleet slugging it out until one carrier is destroyed.
Jupiter Class Dreadnoughts would be an excellent model for the initial design of the Federation.
Hope you like this idea.
too many advantages that make it OP and not enough drawbacks.
if i played around with your idea little, the carrier would have stronger shield modifier and larger pool then any other ship and class with very high hull points, but its draw back is its slow, turn rate of .5 which means this player sits in the middle of the arena in effect and would take literally double digits in minutes to do a 180 and other players will have to come to this mobile station, because the station is effectively a massive healer in space, the threat it generates would have to be abnormally high, meaning cruisers would have to hit attract fire then more power to weapons. because its a small space station if you will, the power to its shields and weapons are higher, however it only has 4 weapons 2/2 setup total putting out dps to a standard t4.5 science cruiser with 3/3 with a BoFF seating of only engineering and science.
in pvp, battles go so fast that a mobile repair station would be nothing more then an obstacle, one to be ignored.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
It would be useless in PvE....nothing in the game so far need such support
Damge can be repaired almost instantly
cargo hauling is not limited by the size of ships
Distances are traveled in seconds
it would be a useless ship in PvE
It's function isn't a ship you would take into any STF, It's just not any other ship, like a shuttle, it would have specialized mission functions.
Damage for small ships maybe with easier to heal hulls, but not larger ships, long term they will endure crew loss, and eventually exhaust their heals.
Cargo hauling?
How would an objective based ship be useless in PvE when it is required to be destroyed or protected make it useless?
Also as for distances traveled, if you require to get through an area that requires a defensive area that only this ships shields can defend ( Think flying through a Metreon Nebula ) Speed is slowed, the environment is deadly, and flying outside of the shield for too long can eventually cripple systems on the average ship over time.
too many advantages that make it OP and not enough drawbacks.
if i played around with your idea little, the carrier would have stronger shield modifier and larger pool then any other ship and class with very high hull points, but its draw back is its slow, turn rate of .5 which means this player sits in the middle of the arena in effect and would take literally double digits in minutes to do a 180 and other players will have to come to this mobile station, because the station is effectively a massive healer in space, the threat it generates would have to be abnormally high, meaning cruisers would have to hit attract fire then more power to weapons. because its a small space station if you will, the power to its shields and weapons are higher, however it only has 4 weapons 2/2 setup total putting out dps to a standard t4.5 science cruiser with 3/3 with a BoFF seating of only engineering and science.
in pvp, battles go so fast that a mobile repair station would be nothing more then an obstacle, one to be ignored.
Firstly, its purpose is to be a PRIMARY target, secondly its turn rate would be so slow that it would take about 10 minutes to turn a full 360 degrees, this ship is not about maneuvering, it is quite like the mirror universe starbase, but mobile. The ship style and setting make it so that destroying the enemy carrier is an automatic win for your team, or keeping it alive from A to B is an automatic win for your team. Over all scores are kept for heals, and dps, but both are just vanity records, as the primary and only objective is to stop or protect the ship, or destroy their carrier before yours gets destroyed. Also the carrier would not be small it would be about 3-4x the size of a Scimitar. A great example would be a like this.
Also I do not know how you came upon the 2/2 number, as the carrier would be far more heavily armed then that. I think you made a mistake with my hard point example, as the 2 sets of hard points are objectives to be destroyed on the ship to bring down the ships shielding (example here as glowing hard points on the vehicle would instead be placed on key points of the ship, and essentially be the first targets of the opposing team to destroy. Each hard point would remove a significant amount of shield regeneration, and over all protection of the ships using it would loose defensive buffs as well, shielded areas would drop, exposing ships that dock with it. )
I would again like to emphasis this is an objective ship, it isn't something you would fly in sector space, it would have specialized maps made for it, and in special instances of pvp it would allow one per team.
Amazing, when cryptic does something star trek-ish, people hate on it, yet all the suggestions are throwing in things non star trek.
For the sake of curiosity, how is a deep space FOBC considered non-trek? In fact I have an argument that could set these specific ships as the sole reason such enormous giant stations exist in Trek canon, is because these massive ships are the foundations of all of the deep space - space stations.
A flying space autoshop, we already have one, its called a varanus/fleet Varanus, with its console, seriously between sci powers, enigeering powers, and its console it can't keep an entire fleet in good repair. If they ever allow you to bring your unused ships into combat with your primary ship which your playing, I'd totally buy the Varanus and the Fleet Varanus to mantain my whole fleet. Oh heck I might do that eventually anyways.
And the best part the Vanarus is more mobile then this giant ship, it can deploy repair platforms all over the battle field. Which other ships can visit and it repair drones to heal thier ship. I think it might even deploy repair drones on my fighters, I'm not sure, which makes keeping a fleet healed easier then one person trying to maintain the whole fleet.
A flying space autoshop, we already have one, its called a varanus/fleet Varanus, with its console, seriously between sci powers, enigeering powers, and its console it can't keep an entire fleet in good repair. If they ever allow you to bring your unused ships into combat with your primary ship which your playing, I'd totally buy the Varanus and the Fleet Varanus to mantain my whole fleet. Oh heck I might do that eventually anyways.
And the best part the Vanarus is more mobile then this giant ship, it can deploy repair platforms all over the battle field. Which other ships can visit and it repair drones to heal thier ship. I think it might even deploy repair drones on my fighters, I'm not sure, which makes keeping a fleet healed easier then one person trying to maintain the whole fleet.
1) You skipped the point about the carrier being an objective based player ship.
2) A single console ability, and boff abilities that can be used on virtually any other science ship does not change the paradigm in approaching player targets.
3) The object is to give something players to protect like NWS, but against fellow players, and unlike NWS, the ship has defenses and mobility.
4) The goal is strategic combat not pure dog fighting which makes up the bulk of every single player vs player instance out there.
I like the idea myself, would open up some interesting mechanics for PvP
you could also use the stations in a type of pvp match similar to undine assault (and the MOBA's that it was based off of); make the stations stationary and NPC controlled
then have them set up like turrets in LoL or the many other moba's (except you can capture them rather than destroy them)
also one way for these command vessels to be less than OP in PvP, maybe make it so they have to stop moving to fire their weapons? sort of a tactical mode and mobility mode
KDF for Life! Romulan at Heart Fed cause they made me ~ :P
We dont even have any content other than doff missions that needs a freighter
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I like the idea myself, would open up some interesting mechanics for PvP
you could also use the stations in a type of pvp match similar to undine assault (and the MOBA's that it was based off of); make the stations stationary and NPC controlled
then have them set up like turrets in LoL or the many other moba's (except you can capture them rather than destroy them)
also one way for these command vessels to be less than OP in PvP, maybe make it so they have to stop moving to fire their weapons? sort of a tactical mode and mobility mode
Agreed agreed, anything to get out of targeting the nearest or weakest player in pvp, or shoot the nearest target in pve. This is first and the foremost goal, team work that is more then pack savager mentality, and more planning can go into making a build.
The thing about the weapons is they are devastating, but there is a significant cool down / load time before they become active again, at least a 2-3 minutes on the main gun, which would do about a 15k (?) hull strike bypassing shields, and no bof special abilities/traits/ or outside buffs will not apply to to the pilot of the carrier (It will work like a FE puppet ship) there is no special abilities that can be used other then what the ship itself has on it. So no, it wouldn't be required to stop, because the the down time on the weapon would be more then enough time to plan a secondary attack on the ship.
Make no mistake though, ships will die, and a lot. They will Kamikaze, pitch, yaw, act as tritanium meat shields, support, and swarm carriers for all intensive purposes of targeting the sweet spots, once the shield generators are destroyed, the carrier itself will be significantly easier to destroy, but it will take team work to break through metreon gas, traps of all sorts, and mines, and everything else that will be used to block the carriers FoV and there will be players trying everything to slow down the carrier, most of the time it will keep on going, also the carrier is immune to placate, and scramble, but the players defending the carriers are still. The design of this style of mission will be like a defend the castle style map, the player in the carrier will have set objectives to reach, each one they reach under par, they get a bonus for, as the carrier is going to the objective locations, the defending team sets up defensive structures of all sorts to slow or damage the attacking fleet of ships. If the carrier makes it to the end of the route & to the proverbial castle, the attackers win, if not and time is up, they lose, if it gets blown up they lose.
Example : one player science ship that flies into a oppositions swarm of player ships guarding last few remaining regenerative shield pylons of the carrier the science ship flew in and tractor repulsored the enemy ships guarding the carrier and doing so will likely cause the retaliation on the science vessel to be dire via the enemy fleet, and carrier itself, however in the long run it doesn't matter, because behind said science vessel was a tactical escort which flies through the gap made by the repulsor, and the guns on the carrier are recharging after having finished shot a heavy salvo, the escort blows up the final shield regenerating hard point, shields drop, and all that is left is solid hull, time passes, the carrier is knocked down to 2%, and the defending team has 40 seconds before the attacking team reaches the objective with their nearly dead carrier, a hot shot decked out defending tactical player with full elite fleet gear/bofs/dofs/traits in a escort cruiser Rambo's it and goes to make a strafing run on the ship, and a single shot from the carriers main gun a phaser lance (360) (20 meter firing distance) cripples the lone wolf to 50% of their health, and the attacking team finishes Rambo off easily.
Then comes a cruiser and they are partnered with a science ship, the science ship backs off because they know that the phaser lance cannon have significant shield penetration, instead it opts to defend the cruiser as it endures enormous punishment (in which it was designed to) sets up a full broadside with the carrier, meanwhile the science ship provides heals and crowd control keeping the majority of the fleet off the cruiser as it is able to whittle down the last amount of hull the carrier has left, and the carrier explodes & then victory.
We dont even have any content other than doff missions that needs a freighter
Not even defending a terradome containing good Undine from "Voyagers (in the Flesh) " against rogue zealot Klingon or Federation hell bent on complete genocide?
First scenario : F or K the zealot wins, and gets their carrier to the terradome, the cut scene shows a telepathic link between the player team leader and a main Undine having it been one of the previous people from the episode for example, the Undine tells you "We are of no threat to you, let us speak with Janeway, stop now" and the lead player captain breaks out of the trance saying more undine lies, all lies, and suddenly they get a incoming hail from Captain Shon or Koren confirms the Undines' story, Said captain tells the player how this entire mess is because of the Oconians and they should not fear every Undine, and let the player know that there are in fact some good ones out there. Player issues an apology to said Undine, said Undine accepts, and player captain take us out. End.
Second : F or K loses the zealot loses, and Shon or Koren apologizes for you, (As you are dead) at this point.
Have you seen a floating repair station when Federation/Klingons/Romulans attacked Cardassia Prime during Dominion War?
We have healers like an Odyssey Science Cruisers, which makes more sense in supporting a battle group. "Extend our structural integrity field...", "We will Extend out shields [to Defiant] once you get close enough", sentences I've heard in Voyager and DS9. Healers make more sense than you think.
Have you seen a floating repair station when Federation/Klingons/Romulans attacked Cardassia Prime during Dominion War?
We have healers like an Odyssey Science Cruisers, which makes more sense in supporting a battle group. "Extend our structural integrity field...", "We will Extend out shields [to Defiant] once you get close enough", sentences I've heard in Voyager and DS9. Healers make more sense than you think.
No, but how do you think those massive stations got there? They never actually show how do they? It would be a perfect addition to canon that these ships go out in warzones / extreme spacial disturbances to setup the foundations of deep space starbases. Similar to a ship in Startrek Armada, but larger, and heavily armed.
They could have to fly up a heavily-defended trench to reach a small access port of some sort, and fire a torpedo into it thus iinto the main warp core. :P
No, but how do you think those massive stations got there? They never actually show how do they? It would be a perfect addition to canon that these ships go out in warzones / extreme spacial disturbances to setup the foundations of deep space starbases. Similar to a ship in Startrek Armada, but larger, and heavily armed.
In what world would mobile deathstars be a perfect addition to canon? Starfleet ships are designed to operate alone and fully support themselves. If you form them together in a fleet, every ship is according to it's own dimension capable of fully supporting themselves and allies around it. A Galaxy Class Starship, not talking of the Oddyssey in STO, is already close to a flying starbase. It is able to support colonization efforts significantly on it's own. And no, Starbases don't fly all the way to their destination, they are most likely assembled at their destiation point by a fleet of ships until it is able to support itself. After reaching that point it only requires protection and a steady resource supply.
Your idea may hold merit in terms of gameplay, if you are into battlefield games. But not for a Star Trek game, let alone Star Trek Online which has no content that would even remotely require basic team support aside from throwing a heal here and there.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I wouldn't want to be the one piloting the space station, though.
Maybe Sarge can give it a go
Many of the changes we are seeing in the game mechanics now seem to point to higher levels. Graphics uncovered in recent updates by the reddit crew also confirm higher class weapons and ranks. It's likely that the discussed 'full admiral' will have access to a lvl 60 'Command Cruiser'.
Recent blogs and interviews have touched base on side mounts for cannons. The elements are in place to make them viable, but it's gonna take time to graphics to match. I would hazard a guess that a new command class would be built for broadsides almost exclusively.
The Jupiter Class isn't likely to be that choice. She was designed to to fill a niche requirement, and frankly she's... not Starfleet enough.
In other games, the Klingons were the first to build 'mobile battlestations'. The B2 from Taskforce Games was essentially a dreadnaught that could deploy a battleship. Think a Scimidar that spawns a battleship. In that game, the size of your taskforce was contingent on the command points the 'command ship' could support. Nothing beat the size of a taskforce under the command of a B2. In that games history, only 2 were ever built.
Ideally a Command Ship would allow you to command a task force, likely captained by your Boffs. That would be very cool
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Also, I don't see the point of having very huge ship to carry our ships. Where will we stop ? Next will we have flying dyson sphere to carry our super carriers ?
I'm not interested. Carriers are enough to me.
Firstly, I would like to say good guess, 2142 was one of the concepts I was thinking of. However good mechanics shouldn't belong to a single game,and the concept of trek purity went out the window with TDM ,CTF and not to mention the mass alien genocide playing the games storyline. My thought process is fun, and more versatile game play then the simple kill the straggler strategy which is every tactic in this game. The concept was of a goliath style subsystem with AOE mobile aoe shielding bubble stations that are quick fix locations, primarily for larger ships in need of repair.
Flying in these zones enhance your heals greatly, but your weapons will go offline, which means less offense/defense for your team, and yes it work like a titans hanger bay, however, the tactics will greatly change from powers and abilities that allow control, and defensive ships to shine in defense of a large target. Not just the dps hot rods, or drain builds, my methodology is to allow cruisers to harass smaller agile fighters, while truly giving them a true support feature to guard actual targets, instead of being the first to die due to inferior gear, or the last to die due to predictable defensive enhancements.
Adding in a third party heavy and deadly target means a paradigm shift in where ships fly, how ships fly, and what skills they choose to use, not just spamming the same set of macroed dps enhancers, you actually will have to think about keeping on the offensive and defensive at the same time. Time is no longer on the side of those who wait to participate or are looking for low hanging fruit. This makes ships with mines much more viable, it allow heavy duty heal vessels the ability to heal other ships then THEMSELVES on a continuous basis which means true support, not just a handful of major heals.
One of my other concepts for this method is objectives is a payload (TF2) style of combat, in which one team will try to defend the FOBC till the defending team manages to take it out, or the offensive team manages to break a gap in the defenses in the style of Deep Space Nines Sacrifice of Angels.
How about lots of powerful slow-firing turrets that keep anything larger than shuttles busy to the point of uselessness, so the real assault has to be done with small craft. They could have to fly up a heavily-defended trench to reach a small access port of some sort, and fire a torpedo into it thus iinto the main warp core. :P
The weapons can be designed and tweaked accordingly, the main concept was a hulking mass that must be supported from a to b, and simultaneously be able to be an offensive/defensive moving platform which cannot be killed with brute force (unless attacked by another FOBC**), but require the art of misdirection, confusion, and other abilities that aren't frequently used, because the old paradigm has been nothing but focus fire over and over, after a point it just becomes about who uncloaks first, or who has the better gear, my idea is an attempt to change that.
I also thought about further emulating Battlefield 2142 by allowing strike teams to beam on board to take out the warp core from the inside, it might be seen as too much, but still a great concept none the less. Fabrication engineers would have a reason to cheer then.
But don't forget to turn off your targeting cmputer
IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
Damge can be repaired almost instantly
cargo hauling is not limited by the size of ships
Distances are traveled in seconds
it would be a useless ship in PvE
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
too many advantages that make it OP and not enough drawbacks.
if i played around with your idea little, the carrier would have stronger shield modifier and larger pool then any other ship and class with very high hull points, but its draw back is its slow, turn rate of .5 which means this player sits in the middle of the arena in effect and would take literally double digits in minutes to do a 180 and other players will have to come to this mobile station, because the station is effectively a massive healer in space, the threat it generates would have to be abnormally high, meaning cruisers would have to hit attract fire then more power to weapons. because its a small space station if you will, the power to its shields and weapons are higher, however it only has 4 weapons 2/2 setup total putting out dps to a standard t4.5 science cruiser with 3/3 with a BoFF seating of only engineering and science.
in pvp, battles go so fast that a mobile repair station would be nothing more then an obstacle, one to be ignored.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
It's function isn't a ship you would take into any STF, It's just not any other ship, like a shuttle, it would have specialized mission functions.
Damage for small ships maybe with easier to heal hulls, but not larger ships, long term they will endure crew loss, and eventually exhaust their heals.
Cargo hauling?
How would an objective based ship be useless in PvE when it is required to be destroyed or protected make it useless?
Also as for distances traveled, if you require to get through an area that requires a defensive area that only this ships shields can defend ( Think flying through a Metreon Nebula ) Speed is slowed, the environment is deadly, and flying outside of the shield for too long can eventually cripple systems on the average ship over time.
Firstly, its purpose is to be a PRIMARY target, secondly its turn rate would be so slow that it would take about 10 minutes to turn a full 360 degrees, this ship is not about maneuvering, it is quite like the mirror universe starbase, but mobile. The ship style and setting make it so that destroying the enemy carrier is an automatic win for your team, or keeping it alive from A to B is an automatic win for your team. Over all scores are kept for heals, and dps, but both are just vanity records, as the primary and only objective is to stop or protect the ship, or destroy their carrier before yours gets destroyed. Also the carrier would not be small it would be about 3-4x the size of a Scimitar. A great example would be a like this.
Also I do not know how you came upon the 2/2 number, as the carrier would be far more heavily armed then that. I think you made a mistake with my hard point example, as the 2 sets of hard points are objectives to be destroyed on the ship to bring down the ships shielding (example here as glowing hard points on the vehicle would instead be placed on key points of the ship, and essentially be the first targets of the opposing team to destroy. Each hard point would remove a significant amount of shield regeneration, and over all protection of the ships using it would loose defensive buffs as well, shielded areas would drop, exposing ships that dock with it. )
I would again like to emphasis this is an objective ship, it isn't something you would fly in sector space, it would have specialized maps made for it, and in special instances of pvp it would allow one per team.
For the sake of curiosity, how is a deep space FOBC considered non-trek? In fact I have an argument that could set these specific ships as the sole reason such enormous giant stations exist in Trek canon, is because these massive ships are the foundations of all of the deep space - space stations.
And the best part the Vanarus is more mobile then this giant ship, it can deploy repair platforms all over the battle field. Which other ships can visit and it repair drones to heal thier ship. I think it might even deploy repair drones on my fighters, I'm not sure, which makes keeping a fleet healed easier then one person trying to maintain the whole fleet.
1) You skipped the point about the carrier being an objective based player ship.
2) A single console ability, and boff abilities that can be used on virtually any other science ship does not change the paradigm in approaching player targets.
3) The object is to give something players to protect like NWS, but against fellow players, and unlike NWS, the ship has defenses and mobility.
4) The goal is strategic combat not pure dog fighting which makes up the bulk of every single player vs player instance out there.
you could also use the stations in a type of pvp match similar to undine assault (and the MOBA's that it was based off of); make the stations stationary and NPC controlled
then have them set up like turrets in LoL or the many other moba's (except you can capture them rather than destroy them)
also one way for these command vessels to be less than OP in PvP, maybe make it so they have to stop moving to fire their weapons? sort of a tactical mode and mobility mode
We just dont have any pve content that needs it
We dont even have any content other than doff missions that needs a freighter
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Agreed agreed, anything to get out of targeting the nearest or weakest player in pvp, or shoot the nearest target in pve. This is first and the foremost goal, team work that is more then pack savager mentality, and more planning can go into making a build.
The thing about the weapons is they are devastating, but there is a significant cool down / load time before they become active again, at least a 2-3 minutes on the main gun, which would do about a 15k (?) hull strike bypassing shields, and no bof special abilities/traits/ or outside buffs will not apply to to the pilot of the carrier (It will work like a FE puppet ship) there is no special abilities that can be used other then what the ship itself has on it. So no, it wouldn't be required to stop, because the the down time on the weapon would be more then enough time to plan a secondary attack on the ship.
Make no mistake though, ships will die, and a lot. They will Kamikaze, pitch, yaw, act as tritanium meat shields, support, and swarm carriers for all intensive purposes of targeting the sweet spots, once the shield generators are destroyed, the carrier itself will be significantly easier to destroy, but it will take team work to break through metreon gas, traps of all sorts, and mines, and everything else that will be used to block the carriers FoV and there will be players trying everything to slow down the carrier, most of the time it will keep on going, also the carrier is immune to placate, and scramble, but the players defending the carriers are still. The design of this style of mission will be like a defend the castle style map, the player in the carrier will have set objectives to reach, each one they reach under par, they get a bonus for, as the carrier is going to the objective locations, the defending team sets up defensive structures of all sorts to slow or damage the attacking fleet of ships. If the carrier makes it to the end of the route & to the proverbial castle, the attackers win, if not and time is up, they lose, if it gets blown up they lose.
Example : one player science ship that flies into a oppositions swarm of player ships guarding last few remaining regenerative shield pylons of the carrier the science ship flew in and tractor repulsored the enemy ships guarding the carrier and doing so will likely cause the retaliation on the science vessel to be dire via the enemy fleet, and carrier itself, however in the long run it doesn't matter, because behind said science vessel was a tactical escort which flies through the gap made by the repulsor, and the guns on the carrier are recharging after having finished shot a heavy salvo, the escort blows up the final shield regenerating hard point, shields drop, and all that is left is solid hull, time passes, the carrier is knocked down to 2%, and the defending team has 40 seconds before the attacking team reaches the objective with their nearly dead carrier, a hot shot decked out defending tactical player with full elite fleet gear/bofs/dofs/traits in a escort cruiser Rambo's it and goes to make a strafing run on the ship, and a single shot from the carriers main gun a phaser lance (360) (20 meter firing distance) cripples the lone wolf to 50% of their health, and the attacking team finishes Rambo off easily.
Then comes a cruiser and they are partnered with a science ship, the science ship backs off because they know that the phaser lance cannon have significant shield penetration, instead it opts to defend the cruiser as it endures enormous punishment (in which it was designed to) sets up a full broadside with the carrier, meanwhile the science ship provides heals and crowd control keeping the majority of the fleet off the cruiser as it is able to whittle down the last amount of hull the carrier has left, and the carrier explodes & then victory.
Not even defending a terradome containing good Undine from "Voyagers (in the Flesh) " against rogue zealot Klingon or Federation hell bent on complete genocide?
First scenario : F or K the zealot wins, and gets their carrier to the terradome, the cut scene shows a telepathic link between the player team leader and a main Undine having it been one of the previous people from the episode for example, the Undine tells you "We are of no threat to you, let us speak with Janeway, stop now" and the lead player captain breaks out of the trance saying more undine lies, all lies, and suddenly they get a incoming hail from Captain Shon or Koren confirms the Undines' story, Said captain tells the player how this entire mess is because of the Oconians and they should not fear every Undine, and let the player know that there are in fact some good ones out there. Player issues an apology to said Undine, said Undine accepts, and player captain take us out. End.
Second : F or K loses the zealot loses, and Shon or Koren apologizes for you, (As you are dead) at this point.
We have healers like an Odyssey Science Cruisers, which makes more sense in supporting a battle group. "Extend our structural integrity field...", "We will Extend out shields [to Defiant] once you get close enough", sentences I've heard in Voyager and DS9. Healers make more sense than you think.
No, but how do you think those massive stations got there? They never actually show how do they? It would be a perfect addition to canon that these ships go out in warzones / extreme spacial disturbances to setup the foundations of deep space starbases. Similar to a ship in Startrek Armada, but larger, and heavily armed.
You might understand this if my obvious Star Wars Death Star trench run reference:
hadn't (apparently) sailed right over your head.
but only if you can tap into the prophets power.
In what world would mobile deathstars be a perfect addition to canon? Starfleet ships are designed to operate alone and fully support themselves. If you form them together in a fleet, every ship is according to it's own dimension capable of fully supporting themselves and allies around it. A Galaxy Class Starship, not talking of the Oddyssey in STO, is already close to a flying starbase. It is able to support colonization efforts significantly on it's own. And no, Starbases don't fly all the way to their destination, they are most likely assembled at their destiation point by a fleet of ships until it is able to support itself. After reaching that point it only requires protection and a steady resource supply.
Your idea may hold merit in terms of gameplay, if you are into battlefield games. But not for a Star Trek game, let alone Star Trek Online which has no content that would even remotely require basic team support aside from throwing a heal here and there.
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I didn't think your reference was worth mentioning, as I suspected you are trolling, and now I know you are trolling.