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Retirement Option?

section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
Here is the real stickler... they continue to nerf stuff that veterans have earned. It started with prototype consoles and then they nerfed bridge officer skills. I remember a time when scramble sensors meant that the enemy WOULD NOT target you with thier weapons for a period of about 3 seconds. Then it progressed to the BO's themselves once upon a time Efficient Saurians were +5 to all power levels and stacked. So everybody ran at +25 to thier current power levels assuming they had 5 Saurian BOs. They nerfed the hell out of that and those of us that had spent literally hundreds of millions if not billions in EC on them got SCREWED.

Point is there is NO respect for veteran players NOPE, NONE, NADDA, Not even a shred. There is no advantage to spending time or energy developing your toons when the next season they nerf the hell out of you all over again. I have watched them lie and decieve players since day 1... ask me how my lifer rewards are? Hidden in the 16 pages of today's update was a nerf to the transphasic build. Ask the DEVS why they intentionally "Toned Down" the Mk XI Breen Transphasic Cluster Bomb? Because too many wiley vets opted out of the a2b faw/dem build that was feeding into a lockbox feeding frenzy. These vets had the audacity to attempt to use strategy to come up with something other than a cookie cutter I win build.

They have gone out of thier way to make non-lockbox ships completely and utterly useless at level 50. Even the so-called "Fleet" versions are of no consequence. Now these powers and traits I collected are the subject of the latest nerf.

Why not just end this madness by saying ok you got to level 50 you are "RETIRED" start a new toon? After all that is the best way to keep newbies the same as veterans.
Post edited by section31agent#8506 on


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    greuceangreucean Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yes, but what can you do? Their game, their decisions.
    Don't buy zen. Don't play eventually.
    Took one look at the trait system today... got tired the next second. Am I supposed to check/change traits everytime I plan to do something? Wasn't there enough micromanangement?
    Gee, I hope THIS will revitalize the game. They say it's dying. Think they just hammered one more nail in its coffin.
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    rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    First, you claim to have been here from day one. Before people point out the fact that your Join Date says Oct 2012: mine says August while I joined in February 2012. I am however reluctant to believe your claim that you are a lifer, due to your forum title. This might simply be me wrong, but I am hesitant to believe you.

    As for your post. You describe the OP Saurian Boff stack. It was OP, and you knew it. Unless you only enjoy the game by killing everything out there in less than 4 seconds, this was not fun. I support the Devs for nerfing this. And for those millions/billions of EC you spend? Well, the boff was still there. You still had your boff. The OP effect was nerfed, that is all.This took away a cookie cutter, which is interesting since you complain about it in the second part of your post.

    I find myself respected. I have been here for two years, without subscription, but I think I can start calling myself a Veteran. You might not feel yourself respected, but there are countless of Veterans out there who feel otherwise. Don't represent a group if nobody gave you power to do so.

    Your reference to nerfing with a new season is something I guess a reference to the Rep Nerf? When aired, rep was designed for 4 passives space and ground, and 2 actives. Another two reps joined, doubling that effect. We reached another state of being OP. People complained about power creep for ages, Cryptic does something about it and..... well look at my signature.

    The Breen torp nerf? I did not find a reference to that. This might be an oversight on my part, so a quote to this would be appreciated. I'd like to evaluate the extent of the nerf before I decide whether it was needed or not.

    Non-lock box ships Useless at level 50? Delol? Are we playing the same game? I can fly a galaxy without tac consoles and boffs equipped and still be usefull in every PvE. I have even done an STF in a Brel, only tossing out heals and never fully decloaking, not even firing torpedoes. It was a PUG, and that team loved to have a fully dediccated healer around. Especially since I was stacked with heals and could heal everybody at once.
    Next to that, people were steamrolling STFs' in their NX and Constitution classes. And you complain about rep nerf? Peculiar.

    Your retirement option? That is when I had confirmation that this really is a blind troll rant. Sorry, but when somebody suggest to delete all that is endgame, they are trolling. So I hope you had your fun. And just to be on the safe side: if this wasn't a troll, just. exit. the. game. In which case, can I haz ur stuff?
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    midwayacemidwayace Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well we may not be able to anything as a single entity, but if enough of the players get thier hard earned stuff nerfed they will find other games out there. And for the record no not any of the PWE games.

    This is my first and only MMO... was excited at first then I reached level 50. They changed the game and introduced grinds right after I had spent all the time and energy crafting. So I shrugged and went off to grinding for reputation. Now my traits access has been reduced.

    Arnthebard has a point about the Starships too.... I spent the Zen to buy the C-store versions. Now all of a sudden they are total TRIBBLE because of the latest lockbox ships? I understand giving a new look or a new console to a ship. But come on guys... Why not let fleet version C-store ships have the ability to move any console from any ship you have into that ship so that they will be as competitive?

    Here is an idea for a lifer reward...

    Skin of the ship of your choosing and the following:

    4 Forward Weapons
    4 Aft weapons
    4 Device slots
    12 Universal Console Sots

    Crew- 3 Universal Commander Slots, 2 Universal Lt Commander Sots, 1Universal Lt. Slot, and 1 Ensign Slot.

    That would generate a ton of Lifetime Subscriptions even at $300.00 USD even the greedy people can see the profit in that.
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    vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The words "Breen" or "Cluster" cannot be found in the patchnotes.

    The word "transphasic" only returns this:
    "The first time a player completes "Fluid Dynamics" they will receive: A unique "Adaptive Transphasic Torpedo Mk XII [Dmg]x3 [Borg]" which deals additional damage to enemy Borg."

    So unless you provide some proof of alleged "nerf", respectively a solid quote, I regard your post as gibberish. Thank you.

    As a matter of fact the cluster torp has been buffed if you like so. "Omega Weapons Training has been replaced with a new reputation trait, Omega Kinetic Shearing. Omega Kinetic Shearing causes all of your Mine and Torpedo attacks to deal 40% extra damage over a 6 second period."This comes at the cost of 30 points in weapons training. So this trait replacements = nerf to energy wepons, buff to kinetic weapons.
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    There is no respect for players, period.

    And being a veteran doesnt give you more rights. In fact you paying what any other player will buy, the cap services, the slot services, and the other services cost almost the same ammount of what you paying for the LFS. The only exception are the veteran rewards and the dilithium stipent (well 500 in a month is absolutel ridiculous, but well). So, dont pretend that veteran players should have more respect than others... it is a stupid assumption.
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    section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »

    First, you claim to have been here from day one. Before people point out the fact that your Join Date says Oct 2012: mine says August while I joined in February 2012. I am however reluctant to believe your claim that you are a lifer, due to your forum title. This might simply be me wrong, but I am hesitant to believe you.

    Well take the time to look... I joined the forum in 2012 but have been here since beta testing. And my title here only has to do with the amount of posts.

    I have been a lifer so long my subscription paid for itself after 40 months Cryptic began to pay me 500 zen a month to play.
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    gracendangergracendanger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    because after all the time I put in to earn something was taken away. So now I have to choose 4 of the traits out of the many I earned, when most of them are TRIBBLE by themselves. I certainly wasn't op'd. If I'd have known sooner, i could have skipped them altogether and saved some time. The wasted time is what really gets to me.
    As it was, the extra traits made my build viable other then going with a cookie cutter build.I hope this will draw in more players, I just hope future changes don't end up chasing more away then they attract.
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    groomofweirdgroomofweird Member Posts: 1,045 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    because after all the time I put in to earn something was taken away. So now I have to choose 4 of the traits out of the many I earned, when most of them are TRIBBLE by themselves. I certainly wasn't op'd. If I'd have known sooner, i could have skipped them altogether and saved some time. The wasted time is what really gets to me.
    As it was, the extra traits made my build viable other then going with a cookie cutter build.I hope this will draw in more players, I just hope future changes don't end up chasing more away then they attract.

    Saw your post title dude and I get your frustrations. But I wouldn't have gone so far as to uninstall the game, on the basis that the silver lining I have found is that everybody has been crapped on in the same way. There's no paying to get out of it, everyone has to live with this new game mechanic.
    We as a playerbase should moan, adapt, and continue, that's what we do on the whole right?
    "If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
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    rickskynightrickskynight Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »

    First, you claim to have been here from day one. Before people point out the fact that your Join Date says Oct 2012: mine says August while I joined in February 2012. I am however reluctant to believe your claim that you are a lifer, due to your forum title. This might simply be me wrong, but I am hesitant to believe you.

    Uh I and a lot of others have been here since day one as well. My join date says 2012 But I've been here since late 2010 actually. So I do believe him. Besides the OP is right, they are nerfing things for us who have been in the game a long time. People spent a lot of time and effort grinding, getting EC getting what they wanted only to then later on have it taken away? How is that even fair? Where is the refund or compensation for all that time and effort spent? I know the game needs to keep changing to get balanced out, but crpytic seems to keep taking and taking and giving back very little unless its a new grind.
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    nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just because you are a lifer, doesn't mean you should get special treatment. You payed Cryptic once and now you don't have to pay them again. What they are focusing their attention on, are people who spend money to buy zen. I'm not a lifer, I've subscribed for only a month or two, but I've probably spent more money on the game than the lifetime sub costs buying C store stuff. Waving your lifetime subscription around like a trump card isn't going to do you any favors.
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Is there a 401K ?:confused:
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    originalshakkaroriginalshakkar Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    My handle reflects the fact that when PWE forced us to all have to reapply for our own names and deleted thousands of my posts, we lost our "seniority" from post numbers and from how long we had been part of the community. I actually stayed away for some months because I was upset about losing my name and the rest at the time.

    I joined the community during beta. I pre-ordered pretty much everything except the shoot thru walls rifle along with an LTS. The game went live for me on Jan. 26, 2010.

    Just letting you know that thousands of us lost that join date and such and you can't tell who is or isn't a day one lifer anymore. But it is good practice and good manners to assume your fellow players aren't lying as a matter of course. You were obviously just mistaken and now understand why the join date doesn't match up to the facts.
    I used to be Shakkar with thousands of posts. My very identity was stolen from me so now I am originalshakkar, the original.
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    ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,427 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    At one point in the forums lifetime, if I remember right about the time they got bought out by Atari, everyone's "join" date got reset. There also is a small bug where sometimes the career/starfleet title doesn't always "stick" from time to time.

    If you want I can switch over to the 1000 day vet title as well, if I seriously have to prove myself to some people, but I've been here since beta as well, and you can see the join date as July 2012. So just because he has a join date of 2012, doesn't make the OP a liar on his join date.
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    silverwidow2silverwidow2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I don't understand why all the whinning and QQing over a game. its not your job its not affecting your income or food on your table. its a game for relaxing and having FUN. unless FUN is a forgone conclusion these days. yes vets put in a lot of time for rep I have done all the rep also, but please the crying over something you have no control over is wasted energy that could be used to do other things like idk THE NEW REP AND TOYS.

    now trolls can continue flamage.

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    rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    If people would actually read what I typed, I have no question marks of him being around since beta. Like I said, I have the same issue: joined in Feb, forum says Aug. LTS was something I was not sure about.
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    section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    There is the title although it does not show my 1573 days of contimous service. When I bought mine I bought a special edition from Best Buy, and bought other editions from Game Stop, Target, Walmart, and Steam. I collected them because I loved stuff like the TR116A Sniper Rifle. All told I initatially spent roughly $600.00 including the Lifetime Subscription.

    At the time D.Stahl was in charge. It was made plain and clear that there were differences between regular players and Lifers. Lifers got the best stuff and had privileges like the captain's table [which very few people ever used]. This is where the point is going. Once upon a time veterans had respect and were given rewards for time completed. PWE is yet to honor the agreement it made with Atari/Cryptic. Not too long ago they stiffed us on our stipends of 500 Zen a month for several months until there was such a outcry and threats of legal action they finally made restitution. PWE reminds me of the Ferengi Consortium in the fact they call themselves buisnessmen.

    I remember a time when the new ship came out you simply went to the C-store and bought it for usually less than $20.00. You didn't spend untold money on a gamble of hoping to get one. Now if you don't participate in the lock box hell you cannot be competitive in PvP. Even the fleet versions of the C-store ships pale in comparison to the lockbox monsters. To further get the point across they continually nerf anything that remotely hints of strategy and using something other than a A2B FAW/DEM speed tank build. They are always messing with stuff that isn't broke. For instance I referenced this earlier today I was doing Undine Mission and used scramble sensors on a huge group of attackers. Scramble goes off and they continue to shoot me. So what was the point of scrambling them? When the game was new the scramble kept opponents from firing on you for like 3 seconds and if they used transferable heals you got them. So what is the point of nerfing BO skills to where they do nothing?

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    revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »

    First, you claim to have been here from day one. Before people point out the fact that your Join Date says Oct 2012: mine says August while I joined in February 2012. I am however reluctant to believe your claim that you are a lifer, due to your forum title. This might simply be me wrong, but I am hesitant to believe you.

    As for your post. You describe the OP Saurian Boff stack. It was OP, and you knew it. Unless you only enjoy the game by killing everything out there in less than 4 seconds, this was not fun. I support the Devs for nerfing this. And for those millions/billions of EC you spend? Well, the boff was still there. You still had your boff. The OP effect was nerfed, that is all.This took away a cookie cutter, which is interesting since you complain about it in the second part of your post.

    I find myself respected. I have been here for two years, without subscription, but I think I can start calling myself a Veteran. You might not feel yourself respected, but there are countless of Veterans out there who feel otherwise. Don't represent a group if nobody gave you power to do so.

    Your reference to nerfing with a new season is something I guess a reference to the Rep Nerf? When aired, rep was designed for 4 passives space and ground, and 2 actives. Another two reps joined, doubling that effect. We reached another state of being OP. People complained about power creep for ages, Cryptic does something about it and..... well look at my signature.

    The Breen torp nerf? I did not find a reference to that. This might be an oversight on my part, so a quote to this would be appreciated. I'd like to evaluate the extent of the nerf before I decide whether it was needed or not.

    Non-lock box ships Useless at level 50? Delol? Are we playing the same game? I can fly a galaxy without tac consoles and boffs equipped and still be usefull in every PvE. I have even done an STF in a Brel, only tossing out heals and never fully decloaking, not even firing torpedoes. It was a PUG, and that team loved to have a fully dediccated healer around. Especially since I was stacked with heals and could heal everybody at once.
    Next to that, people were steamrolling STFs' in their NX and Constitution classes. And you complain about rep nerf? Peculiar.

    Your retirement option? That is when I had confirmation that this really is a blind troll rant. Sorry, but when somebody suggest to delete all that is endgame, they are trolling. So I hope you had your fun. And just to be on the safe side: if this wasn't a troll, just. exit. the. game. In which case, can I haz ur stuff?

    The join date doesnt say anything.
    Lots of people had to make new forum accounts with new names, if not all. (Still don't get why)
    I have been here since closed beta and my join date certainly does not mirror that.
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    chiyoumikuchiyoumiku Member Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »

    First, you claim to have been here from day one. Before people point out the fact that your Join Date says Oct 2012: mine says August while I joined in February 2012. I am however reluctant to believe your claim that you are a lifer, due to your forum title. This might simply be me wrong, but I am hesitant to believe you.

    As for your post. You describe the OP Saurian Boff stack. It was OP, and you knew it. Unless you only enjoy the game by killing everything out there in less than 4 seconds, this was not fun. I support the Devs for nerfing this. And for those millions/billions of EC you spend? Well, the boff was still there. You still had your boff. The OP effect was nerfed, that is all.This took away a cookie cutter, which is interesting since you complain about it in the second part of your post.

    I find myself respected. I have been here for two years, without subscription, but I think I can start calling myself a Veteran. You might not feel yourself respected, but there are countless of Veterans out there who feel otherwise. Don't represent a group if nobody gave you power to do so.

    Your reference to nerfing with a new season is something I guess a reference to the Rep Nerf? When aired, rep was designed for 4 passives space and ground, and 2 actives. Another two reps joined, doubling that effect. We reached another state of being OP. People complained about power creep for ages, Cryptic does something about it and..... well look at my signature.

    The Breen torp nerf? I did not find a reference to that. This might be an oversight on my part, so a quote to this would be appreciated. I'd like to evaluate the extent of the nerf before I decide whether it was needed or not.

    Non-lock box ships Useless at level 50? Delol? Are we playing the same game? I can fly a galaxy without tac consoles and boffs equipped and still be usefull in every PvE. I have even done an STF in a Brel, only tossing out heals and never fully decloaking, not even firing torpedoes. It was a PUG, and that team loved to have a fully dediccated healer around. Especially since I was stacked with heals and could heal everybody at once.
    Next to that, people were steamrolling STFs' in their NX and Constitution classes. And you complain about rep nerf? Peculiar.

    Your retirement option? That is when I had confirmation that this really is a blind troll rant. Sorry, but when somebody suggest to delete all that is endgame, they are trolling. So I hope you had your fun. And just to be on the safe side: if this wasn't a troll, just. exit. the. game. In which case, can I haz ur stuff?

    /slow clap.
    Defending The Galaxy By Breaking One Starfleet Regulation After The Next.
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    grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »

    First, you claim to have been here from day one. Before people point out the fact that your Join Date says Oct 2012: mine says August while I joined in February 2012. I am however reluctant to believe your claim that you are a lifer, due to your forum title. This might simply be me wrong, but I am hesitant to believe you.

    As for your post. You describe the OP Saurian Boff stack. It was OP, and you knew it. Unless you only enjoy the game by killing everything out there in less than 4 seconds, this was not fun. I support the Devs for nerfing this. And for those millions/billions of EC you spend? Well, the boff was still there. You still had your boff. The OP effect was nerfed, that is all.This took away a cookie cutter, which is interesting since you complain about it in the second part of your post.

    I find myself respected. I have been here for two years, without subscription, but I think I can start calling myself a Veteran. You might not feel yourself respected, but there are countless of Veterans out there who feel otherwise. Don't represent a group if nobody gave you power to do so.

    Your reference to nerfing with a new season is something I guess a reference to the Rep Nerf? When aired, rep was designed for 4 passives space and ground, and 2 actives. Another two reps joined, doubling that effect. We reached another state of being OP. People complained about power creep for ages, Cryptic does something about it and..... well look at my signature.

    The Breen torp nerf? I did not find a reference to that. This might be an oversight on my part, so a quote to this would be appreciated. I'd like to evaluate the extent of the nerf before I decide whether it was needed or not.

    Non-lock box ships Useless at level 50? Delol? Are we playing the same game? I can fly a galaxy without tac consoles and boffs equipped and still be useful in every PvE. I have even done an STF in a Brel, only tossing out heals and never fully decloaking, not even firing torpedoes. It was a PUG, and that team loved to have a fully dedicated healer around. Especially since I was stacked with heals and could heal everybody at once.
    Next to that, people were steamrolling STFs' in their NX and Constitution classes. And you complain about rep nerf? Peculiar.

    Your retirement option? That is when I had confirmation that this really is a blind troll rant. Sorry, but when somebody suggest to delete all that is endgame, they are trolling. So I hope you had your fun. And just to be on the safe side: if this wasn't a troll, just. exit. the. game. In which case, can I haz ur stuff?

    I Agree with you hundred percent but I believe the op don't know how to build a good char or build a good ship and the op is tired of respawning the whole time, or the op is a groupie and want to prove he can write something bad about a game like STO.

    Most of them loses because they don't understand the mechanics and to be honest I'm still learning it myself but with help from the fleet and friends and a lot of reading I made a nice ship to defend and a char to blow things up, I build from my start date I believe 45 chars why because I didn't like it or I wanted something new. This game you have to learn and understand even calculate and if you do it right this game rocks !!!

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »

    First, you claim to have been here from day one. Before people point out the fact that your Join Date says Oct 2012: mine says August while I joined in February 2012. I am however reluctant to believe your claim that you are a lifer, due to your forum title. This might simply be me wrong, but I am hesitant to believe you.

    This can be misleading. I am a lifer who got it around the first of this year and have not really played long. I think my forum presence looks like a new player though as I never went to the settings to post my new title and add an avatar and all that nonsense. I know others who's join date is badly broken (years wrong). I do not think you can tell much from looking at someone's forum specs. On top of that some (many? most?) folks have multiple accounts, and post from a lesser account.

    The rest of your post is spot on though.
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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    There is no respect for players, period.

    And being a veteran doesnt give you more rights. In fact you paying what any other player will buy, the cap services, the slot services, and the other services cost almost the same ammount of what you paying for the LFS. The only exception are the veteran rewards and the dilithium stipent (well 500 in a month is absolutel ridiculous, but well). So, dont pretend that veteran players should have more respect than others... it is a stupid assumption.

    +1 in total agreement!

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    section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    I Agree with you hundred percent but I believe the op don't know how to build a good char or build a good ship and the op is tired of respawning the whole time, or the op is a groupie and want to prove he can write something bad about a game like STO.

    Most of them loses because they don't understand the mechanics and to be honest I'm still learning it myself but with help from the fleet and friends and a lot of reading I made a nice ship to defend and a char to blow things up, I build from my start date I believe 45 chars why because I didn't like it or I wanted something new. This game you have to learn and understand even calculate and if you do it right this game rocks !!!

    Well this Original Poster would be more than happy to meet you in a 1-vs-1 to show you his build. If you knew anything about me or my ship you would know I am anything but cookie cutter. I can usually be found in Kerrat... or send me a PM through the mail system.

    Now as far as calcutaltions and developing a build... been there done that. Now I am ticked off because here they go again messing withn stuff that isn't broken. Why do they suddenly feel this ovewhelming need to nerf the Breen Transphasic Cluster Bomb [remember nerf #1 back in 2011 when the Breen bomb had 80% shield penetration?] or the Chroniton Mine barrier?

    I know a ton of sci ships that specifically built transphasic torpedo boats so that they could do some real DPS. First Cryptic starts nerfing the sci skills, next the traits, next the "Tone Down" of the transphasics. But let's be honest here Cryptic has not given anything back.

    Instead they roll out the Rommie Faction with a plethora of goodies the least to mention is the +18% to energy damage doff [Where is the kinetic counterpart?] and then there is the matter of shield penetration energy weapons. Now there are Vapers who decloak and fire with insane criticals and BOOM your dead because they bypassed RSP/FBP..., As far as I know there is NO defence against that. So before you go spouting about fairness and balance look at the reality of what is .... not what should be.

    It appears Cryptic wants to herd us into believing the ONLY way we are going to be somewhat successful is to buy the latest and greatest lockbox gamble. It is a downright shame that they are overlooking the real potential of the game. The Romulans should be a single faction all thier own not divided between the Empire and the Federation. Secondly why isn't there a faction of merchantmen and traders? Imagine all the freighter ships they could sell. Why don't they give the Foundry access to more tools and then replace the kill 5 mobs missions in exploration with approved Foundry missions? There is the content that the Klingons have begged for and this does not cost PWE/Cryptic one red cent. It is absolutelty free so they can concentrate on fixing stuff that IS broken.
    We as players deserve some respect the game exsists because we spend money on it. Anybody else remember back in 2010 when the Devs actually listened to player imput? They need to return to thier roots and get a fresh perspective on what thier needless meddling is doing to the playerbase.
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    im sick of all changes they made which noone asked for they just ruined reputation system and there was only few threads how this makes power creep and now ty to less then 10 players and their alt acounts they ruined game for everyone else:(
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    chiyoumikuchiyoumiku Member Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Herding us? Maybe YOU are being herded. I don't need anything out of the lockbox for my Vesta to be effective. And I haven't used the Breen Cluster Torp since the Gravimetirc Photonic one from Dyson Rep. Lets face it, black holes when done 9 times on an undine from 9 players....AT ONCE.... is pretty damn special when the ship goes down in like 30 seconds :)
    Defending The Galaxy By Breaking One Starfleet Regulation After The Next.
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    hunteralpha84hunteralpha84 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    God! Talk about an entitlement thread!
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    midwayacemidwayace Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    God! Talk about an entitlement thread!

    As I learned in OCS "Respect is Earned not Given" and the OP has every right to his point of view. One that is shared by many of the players. While we may not technically own anything according to the TOS, I might point out so that as long as I do not violate the TOS, that the acquired ships and rank and trinkets and services I have procured with payment are mine to do with as I will. Think of it as a type of lease.

    While I may never actually own the vehicle I am the one driving it. The company has no business telling me how fast to drive as long as I obey speed limits or where I can or cannot go with the vehicle once it is under my control.

    That is where the OP is going he just wants respect for veterans who earned all of thier stuff the hard way grinding countless hours. After all why should you join one day and the next be on equal footing with a guy who has been here for four plus years?

    By the way I found the Retirement Solution the ultimate end to the endgame quite funny:D That would solve the power creep for sure....
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Which is not new for any MMOs. Flavor of the month build doesn't last long, thus the name. You either know that, and then choose if you spend on it or not, or you are not a veteran and think it will stay that way forever.

    Cookie cutter build are annoying because it pretty much force everyone to have the same build, and it makes everything else useless.

    MMO FOTM third rule : enjoy it while it last, get ready for the nerf. The first and second rule are : you don't speak about the FOTM build (so it take longer to be nerfed).
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    talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    midwayace wrote: »
    As I learned in OCS "Respect is Earned not Given" and the OP has every right to his point of view. One that is shared by many of the players. While we may not technically own anything according to the TOS, I might point out so that as long as I do not violate the TOS, that the acquired ships and rank and trinkets and services I have procured with payment are mine to do with as I will. Think of it as a type of lease.

    While I may never actually own the vehicle I am the one driving it. The company has no business telling me how fast to drive as long as I obey speed limits or where I can or cannot go with the vehicle once it is under my control.

    That is where the OP is going he just wants respect for veterans who earned all of thier stuff the hard way grinding countless hours. After all why should you join one day and the next be on equal footing with a guy who has been here for four plus years?

    By the way I found the Retirement Solution the ultimate end to the endgame quite funny:D That would solve the power creep for sure....

    Sorry all after OCS got lost in translation. Figures a 0 would make a statement like that. :cool:
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

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    midwayacemidwayace Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    talonxv wrote: »
    Sorry all after OCS got lost in translation. Figures a 0 would make a statement like that. :cool:

    Officer Canidate School You know like Westpointe or the US Naval Academy? Maybe you think your snarky posts are cute. But it only shows your ignorance.
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