They are on the same cool down. So it is not possible to pop one then the other right away. When the shared cool down 15s ends your aux power is back. The idea is to back to back them back and forth.
With a2b/a2d, two a2d will trip over each other for couple of seconds.
Wonder what happens with purple doff with 23 sec resist, does it get to +80 or new countdown is beginning??
I've been playing this game for quite some time. My original toon, and the one I play the most is a tactical officer. I've always been partial to running Escorts. They're fun, and when played properly can pack a serious punch!
So I own the Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier and Dreadnaught. When this recent promotion came out for the bug ship, I totally had to get it to complete the set. Bam. Jem'Hadar Attack Ship Acquired. I was so happy! Got the Elite Fleet hangar item for my dreadnaught and so on. Now running it for a while, she was pretty decent in terms of damage output, definitely on the upper end. I compared it to the Hunter Heavy escort, and that ship has so much more damage capability, survivability and so on. The Hirogen escort is by far a superior ship. this was very disappointing because that ship wasn't anywhere close to 400 million EC.
What do you guys think?
i think that you clearly dont understand how to put a ship together the bug ship is the best escort in the game.....
So, A2D resists *are* dependant upon aux levels. That's what I thought.
A2D kinetic resist is. Aux also increases the turn and speed bonus. Immunity to push and pull is not effected. The +35% energy resist imparted by the matter anti matter doff is not dependent on aux at all. Even at 5 aux its still +35% all energy resistance for 24s... which when chaining with a2b is pretty much enough to be always on.
The romulan in your sig looks like she is wearing a see-thru top.
That is my contribution to this thread.
Not sure the Bug ships is all that these days. Don't get me wrong, it's a good ship as I own one, but not sure it is quite worth what they go for these days, especially with the flood of other ships that have entered the fray..
I will just reiterate what I stated above: The Bug is still one of the top 3 Escorts in the game - whether you put it 1, 2, or 3. It also has Synergy with the Jem Dread. That makes it twice as valuable: valuable for those who want to fly the Escort and valuable for those who want to use the Carrier Pets.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
It is. My fleet had a bug party last night. And it was just as insane as it used to be. For damage, the thing still shines.
but not sure it is quite worth what they go for these days, especially with the flood of other ships that have entered the fray..
It's price tag seems high but EC has such a low overall value that I think it's really up for debate. I mean it's high price tag is also affected by its rarity.
The flood of other ships tends to really only give players other options. The Bug hasn't been replaced. People can just go and buy something else that can get into the conversation.
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
10 seconds cooldown if you are mixing those....
So, A2D resists *are* dependant upon aux levels.
Only the kinetic resist, the +energy resist from the doff is not.
Wonder what happens with purple doff with 23 sec resist, does it get to +80 or new countdown is beginning??
i think that you clearly dont understand how to put a ship together the bug ship is the best escort in the game.....
A2D kinetic resist is. Aux also increases the turn and speed bonus. Immunity to push and pull is not effected. The +35% energy resist imparted by the matter anti matter doff is not dependent on aux at all. Even at 5 aux its still +35% all energy resistance for 24s... which when chaining with a2b is pretty much enough to be always on.
Which is why I already secured myself one today, while they're still cheap. :P
Not sure the Bug ships is all that these days. Don't get me wrong, it's a good ship as I own one, but not sure it is quite worth what they go for these days, especially with the flood of other ships that have entered the fray..
It is. My fleet had a bug party last night. And it was just as insane as it used to be. For damage, the thing still shines.
It's price tag seems high but EC has such a low overall value that I think it's really up for debate. I mean it's high price tag is also affected by its rarity.
The flood of other ships tends to really only give players other options. The Bug hasn't been replaced. People can just go and buy something else that can get into the conversation.