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NEW SHIPS- whats coming?



  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It would be nice to have more interesting cstore ships. :)
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • moosoomanmoosooman Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I wonder if you'd be able do put the assimilated set on an undine ship or would the server crash :O
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    moosooman wrote: »
    I wonder if you'd be able do put the assimilated set on an undine ship or would the server crash :O

    Lol nice idea:)
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    There might be an undine ship which is more powerful and more agile than JHAS :D
    I suspect if (a big if) there is/are going to Undine ships then it will be engineering or sci based. But why would they make playable? These are bioships, kinda like pets to Undine.

    Are new masters going to tame it? Take it for a rodeo?????

    and it would look really messed up to have Undine ships hovering around ESD or Qo'noS
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    undine ships are TOTAL and COMPLETE bull**** as playerships.

    they are commanded by ONE pilot, they need a bioelectrical commandinterface only undine can control via their own neurosystem.

    its rediculous.

    as for now:

    intrepid rework


    constellation (t3) maybe a t5 variant for the heavycruiser refit as skin

    are pretty 100% sure to come.

    niagara and kind of? i dont wee why adding further kitbashes of the galaxy is needed?!

    whats still missing is (besides ships for kdf diversity) a starfleet carrier and a kind of universal ship comparable to the brel (maybe a miranda kind of thing, a workhorse with modular design)

    why do they want to add a dauntless "class" ? its neither a fedship (its an alien ship derived from data about the starfleet) nor does it fill a needed role.

    t6 ships will not gonna happen, unless you get a t6 variant of former t5 ships via fleet for free or maximum of one fleetmodule. (more levels will gonna happen eventually) also t6 ships would mean having at least 2 commanders as bridge officers ... that sounds, nice but kind of stupid same time.

    what we can expect? even more cruisers for fedetation, cause we dont have enough, no ships for kdf whatsoever cause, hey you brel is woth a thousand ships. new romulan ships? dont think its needed we already have all variations of bo/console layout
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Constellation is a given considering we've already seen her saucer. I would expect another KDF and Republic ship at some point within the next three months too. We know the Undine Lock Box (and Undine Ships *facepalm) are on route as well.

    There's also a chance that some old models may get revamped and fixed; a new Intrepid model, a centralized Galaxy X lance, a smoothed Noble saucer (etc) though we'll have to wait on all that.

    Would be nice to see a few more NPC ships though, Cardassian and Dominion to some extent; even though we're headed to the Delta Quadrant. Hmm.
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2014
    Norway Class dammit.

    And a D5, and K'Vort.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    saxfire wrote: »
    Undine lockbox is confirmed, and the actual undine consoles have been released aswell, one being nicor and another being something I don't remember, uncommon name it had regardless. I dunno about the stats of the ships but the ships have few wierd abilities like the planetkiller combo you can use with few players together.

    Thx. Good stuff. :)
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    artan42 wrote: »
    Norway Class dammit.
    Some would argue the Norway is the Oslo Class (though I would disagree with them). The Norway and the Steamrunner though ... there don't appear to be much distinctive use for two ships that fill practically the same role.
    artan42 wrote: »
    And a D5, and K'Vort.
    D5? From Enterprise? No! The K'Vort we've already got. It's called a B'rel. :P I don't personally wish to see an oversized Bird of Prey that can't lower it's wings. I'd rather them release another ship and name it the K'Vort; another battlecruiser.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    davideight wrote: »
    undine ships are TOTAL and COMPLETE bull**** as playerships.

    they are commanded by ONE pilot, they need a bioelectrical commandinterface only undine can control via their own neurosystem.

    its rediculous.

    There, there. Don't be that nerd kid from Galaxy Quest. :P

    As for interfaces, we're flying Tholian ships, Hirogen, Voth, Elachi, you name it. Try and wrap your brain around the notion that, at some point in the future, they were able to build an interface for us to pilot these ships.

    Oh, and just try and have fun! :) I, for one, am looking very much forward to these Undine ships. Hirogen stuff was rather uninspired; but the Undine are exciting, and come with many new, shiny toys.
  • vampirialvampirial Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    That Neural interface was in the last ep of Voyager where future janeway (from STO era I believe) had a chip in her brain to control ships with her mind.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    vampirial wrote: »
    That Neural interface was in the last ep of Voyager where future janeway (from STO era I believe) had a chip in her brain to control ships with her mind.

    See?! There ya go! Problem solved! :P
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    vampirial wrote: »
    That Neural interface was in the last ep of Voyager where future janeway (from STO era I believe) had a chip in her brain to control ships with her mind.

    True but we are talking about a bio-ship that would react to us in the same way our immune system reacts to an infection. This means the first problem you have to get around is that before you can even fit it out for us to fly. What if the hips can only be controlled by a certain pilot, as a security measure, then that would be another problem to deal with.

    In that episode she was controlling Starfleet tech.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jexsamx wrote: »
    I still say they need to take a cue from the Temporal Lockbox and offer some more faction-split lockboxes.

    Granted this is a lot harder now with the RR in the mix. My idea was for "versus"-themed lockboxes showcasing two different species, one from each faction, other than human and Klingon. For example, you;d have a "Vulcan vs Orion" lockbox where the top prize would be either a new Vulcan ship or a new Orion ship, handed out in a similar manner as the Temporal Science ships but not being basically the same ship on both sides. And the best part is this setup could last for multiple lockbox iterations - Vulcan/Orion, Andorian/Gorn, Tellarite/Nausicaan, Caitian/Ferasan, Bajoran/Lethean, etc etc. If each race gets a grand prize and a lobi consolation prize ship, suddenly you've got sizable representation for races that, thus far, have gotten little or no love.

    It could still be done but you'd run out of potential races really quickly seeing as the only ones RR-side you could remotely justify are Reman and maybe, maybe if you're willing to stretch, Suliban. Then again, I suppose you could keep bouncing between Reman and Suliban to help fill out the RR's somewhat lacking endgame ship roster as you do other races for KDF and Fed.

    This is actually a great idea! :) I'd love for them to come to their senses and tone down the alien TRIBBLE lockbox infestation.

    Too bad Cryptic usually ignores all good ideas and always listens to the stupid, idiotic ones. :(
  • vampirialvampirial Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    *note I hate the idea of Player Undine ships*

    However it's not a stretch that Feds could use a bioneural gel pack as a bridge coupled with a neuro chip to control a bio ship, it's a star treky pseudo canon way to explain this crazy bull shunky
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    vampirial wrote: »
    *note I hate the idea of Player Undine ships*

    However it's not a stretch that Feds could use a bioneural gel pack as a bridge coupled with a neuro chip to control a bio ship, it's a star treky pseudo canon way to explain this crazy bull shunky

    Yes, it's a very big stretch. But Cryptic doesn't seem to care about the game's quality any more, for the last year all the explanation they deemed necessary was - $$$.
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2014
    flash525 wrote: »
    Some would argue the Norway is the Oslo Class (though I would disagree with them). The Norway and the Steamrunner though ... there don't appear to be much distinctive use for two ships that fill practically the same role.

    I don't care, I love it :o.
    flash525 wrote: »
    D5? From Enterprise? No! The K'Vort we've already got. It's called a B'rel. :P I don't personally wish to see an oversized Bird of Prey that can't lower it's wings. I'd rather them release another ship and name it the K'Vort; another battlecruiser.

    We have no end of ENT and TOS era ships for all factions, make it a slight redesign like the Andorian escorts or the Somraw raptor.

    The K'Vort is the same size as the Haj (give or take).
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

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  • anothervisitoranothervisitor Member Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Not even the Borg can conquer and assimilate the Undine, yet some lobi Ferengis have an unlimited stock of their ships. Haha, typically Cryptic.
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    Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
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  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited April 2014
    I wonder when we will finally get the Typhoon Battleships that are so frequently seen in Klingon missions and Mirror Universe Incursions.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I wonder what happened to the other andorian ship that was in the works ?

  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It really would be nice to know what's coming up right about now. I just can't decide whether I should be converting the dil I made off the MU event into zen, or spending it on fleet stuff. Some idea of what might be coming to the c-store in the near future would help a lot.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Not even the Borg can conquer and assimilate the Undine, yet some lobi Ferengis have an unlimited stock of their ships. Haha, typically Cryptic.
    Well, I'll post no spoilers on existing episodes here, but: We can destroy Undine bioships by the dozen in the new Battlezone. I am sure some of them might just lose their pilot and could be salvaged. (Well, at first, they'd just be tractored to a safe place, then they'd be analyzed).

    For all t hose Lobi ships to make sense, you actually have to conclude that the Lobi Consortium has a big sciencetific research department. Think of them as the Googles, Monsantos, Microsofts and Rheinmetalls of the 24th to 25th century in a not merely globalized world, but in an interstellarized world. Remember there are Ferengi "entrepeneurs" that supply mat
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    questerius wrote: »
    If they throw in DQ lockboxes, perhaps a mirror universe intrepid.
    MMM...... I'd LOVE a Dairy Queen Lockbox! Would it come with the uniforms the employees wear? Some sort of scoop-ish melee weapon? Weapons with a 5% chance to cause brain-freeze?

    Oh. Delta Quadrant. NM.
    capnmanx wrote: »
    It really would be nice to know what's coming up right about now. I just can't decide whether I should be converting the dil I made off the MU event into zen, or spending it on fleet stuff. Some idea of what might be coming to the c-store in the near future would help a lot.
    Hold onto the dil for now. With the amount being pumped into the game's economy right now, Zen is inflated. By the time it comes back down, you'll know if you want to use the dil or the Zen.
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    BTW, here is something in terms of expectation management to consider:

    A truckload or boatload or lot of ships is a very relative term, but... The Dyson Science destroyer could be counted as either 9, 3 or 1 ship.
    I strongly suspect cryptic's count is closer to "9" ships then "1" ship.

    So whatever arbritrary number of ships you hoped Cryptic to imply with its statement, it might be better to reduce that count by 9 with the Dyon ship.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    New Orleans class would be an instant C Store purchase for me, even if it was only Tier 3 or 4 (considering how much smaller than the Galaxy it is, it probably would have to be).
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    vampirial wrote: »
    *note I hate the idea of Player Undine ships*

    However it's not a stretch that Feds could use a bioneural gel pack as a bridge coupled with a neuro chip to control a bio ship, it's a star treky pseudo canon way to explain this crazy bull shunky

    It's still a stretch that we can actually get in the ships without them attacking us like an infection. A gel pack would be nothing to a bioship to destroy.
  • remianenremianen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    BTW, here is something in terms of expectation management to consider:

    A truckload or boatload or lot of ships is a very relative term, but... The Dyson Science destroyer could be counted as either 9, 3 or 1 ship.
    I strongly suspect cryptic's count is closer to "9" ships then "1" ship.

    So whatever arbritrary number of ships you hoped Cryptic to imply with its statement, it might be better to reduce that count by 9 with the Dyon ship.

    I was thinking the same thing. I'm positive Cryptic is trying to find a way to create a pack similar to the Dyson megapack. How else would they hook the people who have more money than sense? *whistles innocently* It's either that or that megapack flopped so hard, they're trying desperately to put it in the rearview mirror. But given how many people I know who bought it, I'd have trouble believing that to be the case.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    remianen wrote: »
    I was thinking the same thing. I'm positive Cryptic is trying to find a way to create a pack similar to the Dyson megapack. How else would they hook the people who have more money than sense? *whistles innocently* It's either that or that megapack flopped so hard, they're trying desperately to put it in the rearview mirror. But given how many people I know who bought it, I'd have trouble believing that to be the case.

    Though I would be fair on one thing - counting them as 3 ships makes sense to me - they may have similar BO layouts and all, but the model is completely different.

    Another thing to consider - if these 9 ships were really only equivalent to the work of 3, a lower sales volume for the 9-pack might be acceptable for Cryptic, since the return on investment is still good.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • blessedladyboyblessedladyboy Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm looking forward to the next risian ship. Hoping for a risian pleasure barge with corvette pets!
  • empireofsteveempireofsteve Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    usscapital wrote: »
    I wonder what happened to the other andorian ship that was in the works ?

    It has been in game for quite some time.
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