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Broken Chat System and Player Harrasment



  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I couldn't help to see someone mentioned the ignore feature. The ignore feature is a pile of goo. It only works to get them off your chat box so you don't see what they are saying or doing "in the chat". What happens if the person realizes that you ignored them?

    Case in point: I had a user on my ignore list who was able to spam friend requests at me (as in, send a request, remove it and then do it all over again), this proceeded for nearly 10 minutes.

    2nd Case in point: Another user on my ignore list proceeded to follow me around and spam trade windows at me (not intending to do anything other than spam boxes at me).

    I did report these two incidents and all I got was a response about the ignore feature and that I should use it. It would be nice if these issues are actually looked into instead of getting rubbed off.

    So just even ignoring the users in question doesn't work entirely if you have someone who is just there to try to get under your skin.

    I wasn't aware of this issue. So those of you who have suggested using the ignore feature there is your answer. Why can't ignore be just simply that, ignore.

    The only answer to this is simply stop playing the game but PWE/Cryptic doesn't want that I hope.
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I know a community moderator was kind enough to give some feedback on this but what is it going to take for those that know when something is going to be done about these issues to give us some feedback?

    It is a little obvious this is a huge issue in the community.

    Can we get something from Cryptic/PWE on this?
  • borg7of10borg7of10 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As a long time player I feel it is time to speak up about some things. Some of you will give me grief and say I should suck it up and others I hope will agree.

    I have been a member of this community for more than three years. I can remember when if you wanted to role play you were welcomed into communities and embraced for it. I can remember a time when we the players seemed to have the support of the developers. Now I am not saying we are completely ignored but it seems it is getting closer to that these days.

    The chat system currently in place was a welcome addition to the game. The private channels are great so you can choose who stays in them. If someone is in your channel you supposedly have the tools in place to mute or kick someone. The current state of the chat system makes this almost impossible. you can mute someone and they can get around that easily. You kick someone they come right back in. A ban feature has been requested for quite a while and it is still absent.

    Roleplaying is hard these days due to certain groups. These groups have gone as far as slander, posting real life info in game, and threatening players. I have seen a number of people quit the game because of these things. They come into chat channels and blatantly violate TOS.

    We, the players, have been asked to file reports. We gladly do that and we immediately receive canned responses back and nothing seems to be done. The offenders are right back in the channels flaunting their TOS violations and bragging that nothing will be done.

    I have posted on the forums before asking that something be done about the chat system and receive no response other than that the chat system is in beta. I don't know that it has ever come out of beta to be honest.

    So to keep from rambling on this is my post to ask PWE/Cryptic if something can be done about the broken chat system and about the harassment to fellow players. I know that I would be able to enjoy the game much more if I was able to manage a channel more efficiently and if I didn't have to deal with harassment.

    I appreciate any and all responses, comments, just anything I can get in regards to this post.

    Welcome to PWE Man they Never do a dam thing about players breaking their TOS and That is a Known fact! Support is a Complete Joke and never bother with ticket's and If they respond they say ohh Sorry Not our Problem and close your ticket That is why PWE is a Joke and for these reasons alone i rarely ever log in any more if you want to play a game where their Company Does enforce their TOS and they Actually have Support staff who Know what their actually doing and Know wtf their even talking about take your business over to BLIZZARD Entertainment !
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What I find most disturbing here is a number of players have shown concern over these issues.

    We are up to 4 pages of comments and one mod has commented and not one single actual representative of PWE or Cryptic has ackowledged this thread.

    I mean are they sitting at the office laughing at us? Sure feels like it.
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey PWE/Cryptic. I just want to say on behalf of the players thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day and giving us some sort of response in this thread.

    This topic has been discussed since the 2nd, a full week, and not one single response has been given. It is a great feeling to see a game company care so much about their players.

    This week alone I have seen harassment multiple times and seen people try to use a chat system to try and kick/mute people in a room to stop harassment. Needless to say the harassment continued.

    I mean seriously would it hurt your image or be such a pain to let us know what can be done to help us? I guess it's just easier to sit back, read our posts, and laugh at us while many of your players keep sending you money.

    For those who want to lash out and tell us to get over it, quit making such a big deal, ignore the issue, I hope you aren't the target of these issues. If it ends up happening to you please make a post so I can come back and say I told you so. It's not as much fun on the receiving end.

    If you are with the times you know the big issues with cyberbullying and you will see many similarities here. I think it's time to do something about it and at one point something was being done. It only lasted a short while but it's easier to go to the bank then it is to moderate a game or fix broken code.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    OP, I understand where you're coming from, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. This is an online game. The internet is not the place to go if you want friendly chatter. While I agree that no one should be put down for how they choose to play, everyone is sti entire to their opinion, whether it be nicely worded or just a relentless torrent of name calling and bad mouthing. Lastly, I'm pretty sure the chat system is the lowest priority of just about any mmo developer. There is, however, a solution. Team speak servers. From what I gather, you can make 1 for free, and they aren't very hard to do. If you have a certain group, or your fleet, that you are in constant contact with, this is an ideal solution. Personally, I keep my chat bar closed unless I get a pm. I don't really care what anyone has to say unless it's directly to me, and in that case they can take the 5 seconds to pm it.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What I find most disturbing here is a number of players have shown concern over these issues.

    We are up to 4 pages of comments and one mod has commented and not one single actual representative of PWE or Cryptic has ackowledged this thread.

    What I find most amusing is how the OP accounts for by far the bulk of this thread. When you've got 40 posts, and 16 of them are from one person, you get the appearance of someone trying to convince us that "their" problem" is "everyone's" problem and failing quite drastically. Much like all the anti-Subspace-Party-Amplifier threads with people claiming to be the spokespeople for some "silent majority" who can't be bothered to speak up on their own despite outnumbering the naysayers by such a wide margin.
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If I were the only one posting on this thread then yes I would have to agree it is "my" problem. Others have commented. I am just trying to get some issues acknowledged here.

    If this issue hasn't affected you then why even bother here? Many folks won't comment in fear of backlash or more grief than they already receive. I personally don't care about the grief. At the end of the day I can turn off my screen and walk away. So can anyone else for that matter.

    This game is based off of a concept that many of us grew up on and enjoy. I just feel it's sad to see it exploited like this.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies. ~Askray
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies. ~Askray
  • th3xr34p3rth3xr34p3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I will say it again since I was apparently edited. I will not be responding in kind to those that choose to belittle my friends, staff and listeners during the times I am online in our channels and cause drama after nearly 4 years of trying to put up with a broken chat admin system.

    We have tried being neutral and tried to ignore them but enough is enough and this needs to be fixed.

    [SIGPIC]Click to visit Subspace-Radio[/SIGPIC]
    Twitter | Blog | Original Join Date: Dec 2007 | Gaming Setup | Raptr Profile | Gamer DNA
    The opinions expressed in my posts are my own views and do not reflect on any other entity(s) or person(s) I may or may not represent at the time.
  • captinjacksparowcaptinjacksparow Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As a long time player I feel it is time to speak up about some things. Some of you will give me grief and say I should suck it up and others I hope will agree.

    I have been a member of this community for more than three years. I can remember when if you wanted to role play you were welcomed into communities and embraced for it. I can remember a time when we the players seemed to have the support of the developers. Now I am not saying we are completely ignored but it seems it is getting closer to that these days.

    The chat system currently in place was a welcome addition to the game. The private channels are great so you can choose who stays in them. If someone is in your channel you supposedly have the tools in place to mute or kick someone. The current state of the chat system makes this almost impossible. you can mute someone and they can get around that easily. You kick someone they come right back in. A ban feature has been requested for quite a while and it is still absent.

    Roleplaying is hard these days due to certain groups. These groups have gone as far as slander, posting real life info in game, and threatening players. I have seen a number of people quit the game because of these things. They come into chat channels and blatantly violate TOS.

    We, the players, have been asked to file reports. We gladly do that and we immediately receive canned responses back and nothing seems to be done. The offenders are right back in the channels flaunting their TOS violations and bragging that nothing will be done.

    I have posted on the forums before asking that something be done about the chat system and receive no response other than that the chat system is in beta. I don't know that it has ever come out of beta to be honest.

    So to keep from rambling on this is my post to ask PWE/Cryptic if something can be done about the broken chat system and about the harassment to fellow players. I know that I would be able to enjoy the game much more if I was able to manage a channel more efficiently and if I didn't have to deal with harassment.

    I appreciate any and all responses, comments, just anything I can get in regards to this post.

    I couldn't agree more, grave.
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Not sure what I said that violated forum rules but my point goes back to my original post.

    We need something done about these issues and not to just sit here ignored. 7 days and nothing from those we support. Where is our support here Cryptic/PWE?
  • dunmovyndunmovyn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Not to make to fine a point, but you can just get everyone to place the offenders on ignore. That works great. I have all the ESD harassers on ignore. It makes life better, and you dont lose anything by ignoring people that bother you.

    And if they follow you about, just go somewhere they cannot, like your starbase. Or another instance. They will have to tire looking for you and move on.

    I'm not being negative, just trying to make useful suggestions within the current system.
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    We have a public service channel and should not have to ask 400+ people to ignore someone. We simply ask that the tools we supposedly have be fixed to work.

    Cryptic/PWE why do you still refuse to comment on this thread?
  • th3xr34p3rth3xr34p3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dunmovyn wrote: »
    Not to make to fine a point, but you can just get everyone to place the offenders on ignore. That works great. I have all the ESD harassers on ignore. It makes life better, and you dont lose anything by ignoring people that bother you.

    And if they follow you about, just go somewhere they cannot, like your starbase. Or another instance. They will have to tire looking for you and move on.

    I'm not being negative, just trying to make useful suggestions within the current system.

    1) we are asking for a fix to the chat admin system for myself and other public channel operators to be able to have a Perma mute/kick work as intended (no setting the channel to private is not possible nor the intended end result as that will not get the admin tools fixed)

    2) 400+ people in a public service channel will not just hit EVERY person that is Harassing them on ignore and as such will do nothing as they will find other ways to continue.

    3) We already use private instances when we feel it is relevant to avoid these people as such that leads back into point 2.

    last but not least, trust me we have tried every option avaliable to us to sort this and right now having a working perma mute/kick for public open service channels to deal with them is what we need.

    If you cannot understand this then please do not respond with another /ignore works for me post cause yes that works on an INDIVIDUAL basis but not in a situation where you have between 400-1200+ people in a channel at any given time.
    [SIGPIC]Click to visit Subspace-Radio[/SIGPIC]
    Twitter | Blog | Original Join Date: Dec 2007 | Gaming Setup | Raptr Profile | Gamer DNA
    The opinions expressed in my posts are my own views and do not reflect on any other entity(s) or person(s) I may or may not represent at the time.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    O key > Search tab > Privacy button > Search visibility

    Now they can't find and follow you after a map transfer or instance change.

    Also there's other useful settings there and in the LFT button. It won't outright solve your problem, but combine it with ignore and you're most of the way there for individual harassment. Unfortunately it doesn't help at all for moderating a public chat channel.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    2 weeks and no response from Cryptic. Can you feel the love folks?
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What is more surprising is why individual names or groups of offenders cannot be posted here on the forums without a moderator removing the content. It doesn't make sense.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What is more surprising is why individual names or groups of offenders cannot be posted here on the forums without a moderator removing the content. It doesn't make sense.

    You probably should read Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Makes total sense why the names or groups would be removed.

    You start calling people out and you are skirting on defamation of character and slander.

    The rules plainly state that there will be no name calling, flaming, or trolling. That's pretty much a no brainer there.

    No sense in doing that here. Have enough of that to deal with in game.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    askray wrote: »
    Thanks Askray for the link, I was looking for that for a while. Lost most of my bookmarks a couple months ago. :)
    Makes total sense why the names or groups would be removed.

    You start calling people out and you are skirting on defamation of character and slander.

    The rules plainly state that there will be no name calling, flaming, or trolling. That's pretty much a no brainer there.

    No sense in doing that here. Have enough of that to deal with in game.

    I'm not saying break the rules, not at all. I'm just questioning the rationale behind some of these rather puzzling rules.

    In the real world, you pick up a newspaper such as the Toronto Star, and there is likely a section on "XYZXYZ arrested/charged for ABCABC". Same goes with television news reports, and most types of news services. If the person in question is of legal age, at least in my country, their names are printed or shown publicly. This allows employers and other people in the public and private sectors to "watch out" for a possible criminal offender.

    But here, the very policies that try to protect users from harassment also impede the efforts of groups attempting to defend themselves. There is something wrong with the system here.

    How does this relate to this thread? It would be a lot simpler if a "most wanted" list could be made to track repeat offenders in a reliable fashion. Unfortunately, this website does not allow either the posting of @handles or links to websites that might.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • gardatgardat Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You know I'd be fully in support of Megan's Law / Sarah's Law being applied to online gaming environments.

    I see no drawbacks whatsoever and we should always be thinking of child safety.

    For reference:
    486 DX2/66Mhz, 4MB SD-RAM, 16KB L-1 cache, 120MB HDD, 3.5" FDD, 2x CD-ROM, 8-Bit Soundblaster Pro, IBM Model M PS/2 keyboard, Microsoft trackball mouse, 256KB S3 graphics chip, 14" VGA CRT monitor, MS-DOS 6.22
  • tenelltenell Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    th3xr34p3r wrote: »
    1) we are asking for a fix to the chat admin system for myself and other public channel operators to be able to have a Perma mute/kick work as intended (no setting the channel to private is not possible nor the intended end result as that will not get the admin tools fixed)

    2) 400+ people in a public service channel will not just hit EVERY person that is Harassing them on ignore and as such will do nothing as they will find other ways to continue.

    3) We already use private instances when we feel it is relevant to avoid these people as such that leads back into point 2.

    last but not least, trust me we have tried every option avaliable to us to sort this and right now having a working perma mute/kick for public open service channels to deal with them is what we need.

    If you cannot understand this then please do not respond with another /ignore works for me post cause yes that works on an INDIVIDUAL basis but not in a situation where you have between 400-1200+ people in a channel at any given time.

    Interesting at how the current count for NoPs Public Service count is 6,221 registered users with only two rules it also moderates itself without having admins or mods keep a constant eye over the channel itself at all. The usual count for the channel itself runs about 1.000-+1,200 users online with more joining in everyday. If you like free fleet gear and helpful advice I suggest you join us at NoP Public Service for all the benefits and none of the downside.
  • gravefatal1tygravefatal1ty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yay for Cryptic. Season 9 is coming out but they can't be bothered to fix the chat system. Still having issues with folks harassing and nothing is being done.

    My guess at this point is someone on staff is associated with those harassing therefore Cryptic doesn't care. So comforting to know I sunk money into a joke.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    But here, the very policies that try to protect users from harassment also impede the efforts of groups attempting to defend themselves.

    No they don't. If you're being harassed by someone in the game, no one here on the forum can help you. Report it to a GM, ignore the person, and move on with your life.
  • fakefivefakefive Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies. ~Askray
  • fakefivefakefive Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    tenell wrote: »
    Interesting at how the current count for NoPs Public Service count is 6,221 registered users with only two rules it also moderates itself without having admins or mods keep a constant eye over the channel itself at all. The usual count for the channel itself runs about 1.000-+1,200 users online with more joining in everyday. If you like free fleet gear and helpful advice I suggest you join us at NoP Public Service for all the benefits and none of the downside.

    You dont need to join this channel for invites to Anything. You can ask in zone. ask in Doffjobs, Opvp and TheTradingChannel.

    The fact that you continually pat yourselves on the back for it goes to show what types of people you really are. It wasnt your idea, 'n most of the fleets granting access are in no way NoP or Dental. Your actions and attitudes are deplorable.
  • fakefivefakefive Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    dunmovyn wrote: »
    Not to make to fine a point, but you can just get everyone to place the offenders on ignore. That works great. I have all the ESD harassers on ignore. It makes life better, and you dont lose anything by ignoring people that bother you.

    And if they follow you about, just go somewhere they cannot, like your starbase. Or another instance. They will have to tire looking for you and move on.

    I'm not being negative, just trying to make useful suggestions within the current system.

    Ignoring people does make zone a better place, That doesnt work for an opperator or admin in a large channel though. When over 200 members the chat system becomes bugged and the moderator needs to be able to see who's somehow slipped off their channel mute so that they can again and again take action to keep their respective channel an enviroment that its members can enjoy.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    fakefive wrote: »
    [...] When over 200 members the chat system becomes bugged and the moderator needs to be able to see who's somehow slipped off their channel mute so that they can again and again take action to keep their respective channel an enviroment that its members can enjoy.[...]

    If only mute work properly, see my signature.
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