Hello, there's a slight complication with the K't'inga and all its incarnations.
They used to look like this:
which means they were really well done with lightmaps, glowy parts etc.
For a long while now they look like this:
Now I now what you're gonna say: "Dude, you've got the wrong viedo settings and the model is so far away". But here's the thing: Nope, play with your vid settings all you want, get as close as you can...you you'll see no glowy parts and very little detail. In fact I show you this particular picture because at an even greater distance the details become visible:
Yep at a really high distance, beyond the maximum zoom of the camera, the high details are visible but not at close range.
Could you please fix this?
They have totally screwed up the LOD on the K'T'inga.
Given how drastically different the model looks compared to the one that should be visible my guess is there's more to it than just lightmaps.
There are probably at least two completely different models depending on distance and they reversed their order.
It's maddening to me to know the model is already there it's just not used.
The ship is probably not set up to allow mix and match, but I've got to admit that since the D7 and K't'inga versions are so similar in STO there's very little to mix there anyways.:)
And yeah I agree the K't'inga refit is so different it would probably look rather sill.
I think there should also be a financial incentive to fix this.
The more people saw the ship looking like this leveling up:
the more would be willing to shell out some FSMs to get it.
I mean in this case it's not even the need to make any changes to the model or redo it, it's fixing a bug.
Thank you for your support, both of you.:)
Thanks for your support.:)
As much as I'd like to see customization one day, let's not get ahead of ourselves.;)
I stumbled onto something interesting:
When entering the Dyson Sphere for the first time, we get a nice scene of the ship coming through the gate...no that's not the interesting part, that's just stating the obvious.
This is the interesting part:
Yep, we get a properly functioning K't'inga model in this sequence.
So to reiterate: we're not asking for the moon, we're not asking for a redesign of the ship...we're asking for the correct use of art assets that are already there and working.
And my thanks for raising your voice in this matter.
I'm not sure whether this issue can be made any more obvious.
Thank you:)
From an outsider's view it looks like something rather mundane like an integer that controls the level of detail has been set wrong but that's just a guess.
Anyway here's what the ship should look like with the Vet skin:
and here with the "classic" light grey:
by now this thread has been viewed over 400 times. So *raises voice a bit* anyone else who'd like to have his/her battlecruiser look the proper way?;)
I agree, more customization is always great.
Well I am totally asking for the moon.
I want the ship to get a proper make over, with better canon representation for both the K'Tinga and the D7.
In incentive for Cryptic would be to make a Romulan version (as seen in TOS-R and TAS) ?n the process and sell it on he C-Store to the Romulan faction.
I used to fly a K't'inga back in 2010. Fond memories of a beautiful ship.
My pleasure and thanks for raising your voice here.
The more people do, the better our chances Cryptic will actually listen.
Though I wish it had LTC Tac slot (I'm a Torp Spread 3 junkie), it is a very fun ship to fly and quite survivable with any of the game's content.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Later, some K't'ingas had nacelle glows.
But it was never consistent.
I am more concerned that they still need work to look closer to the actual models used in the series. I'd also like for them to have the spotlights on the rear facing surfaces as they do in the movies and shows.
Personally, I think they look more intimidating without the nacelle glows; more of a dark shape coming out of the inky backdrop with the faint glimmering of the viewports.
Speaking of which, the pattern of the standard windows is a bit disappointing, as well.
It wouldn't let me have 5 images. >.< This is another example of no nacelle glows.
Perhaps it's just me, but the in game K't'inga still just doesn't feel right.
However they always had the glowing red section on the top of the hull, which is also not working right now.
So it's a bug and not intentional in any remote way.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Are you talking about the shape of the plating or elevation? Because on some versions the plating was elevated. You can see it on the left side of this picture of the CG model.
Needless to say, the thread invoked an emotional reaction withing me. I guess that over time, I've become an even bigger sucker for Klingon stuff.
This is a very good thread and misterde3 did an awesome job elaborating the issue. All the compliments for that.
I have a Fleet K'tinga because I couldn't resist having this iconic Klingon ship. And looking at all the pictures and examples posted here, I feel a bit sad that the in-game model is still lacking the discretely glowing parts the ship is suposed to have.
So given that we get KDF ships on rare ocassions Cryptic, could you please at least try and fix some of the issues with the ones we already have? It would be awesome and we'd be so gratefull for it.
I've said it before, I'm generally fine with having new KDF ships only ocassionally as long as it's continuous. However having the iconic canon ones that are availible to me look genuine to the ones seen in the shows just tickles my heart and would bring so much enjoyment!
Thanks for noticing and thanks for the additional p.o.v.
Yeah, the K't'inga could use a serious facelift. It's easily one of the most iconic ships ever to grace the screen in Star Trek history... and I believe the only one to be seen onscreen in all five series. It deserves better.
Bugs notwithstanding, the model itself ought to be brought up to par with the newer STO standards. The difference in model and texture quality between launch models and post-LOR models is quite stark. I could say the same for pretty much all of the ships from launch and shortly thereafter, but particularly iconic ships like the K't'inga.
I'd love to see the K't'inga get the same treatment that the Defiant variants did a couple months back, with added higher-quality options.
Also, those "plates" on top of the hull really need to go. It looks clumsily done.
This doesn't mean it will happen any time soon, it just means that I will keep it in the back of my head when discussions come up about updating old content.
Thanks for documenting the errors!
33.33% of the STO Ship Art team.
100% of the new guys on the STO Ship Art team.
Really? You are seriously using the "our current standard" line?
The K't'inga is just one of many, many old models that have really annoying issues. Overhauling those long neglected ships, which are icons of Star Trek, would greatly increase the overall "feeling" of the game. We don't get to explore anything anymore, let at least look our starships pretty once more
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