The issue is not being blown off. The problem is that this issue requires a programmer to fix. It has been assigned to a programmer, but our programmers have a lot on their plates. As such, issues requiring their attention are triaged based upon how much of the game is affected by the issue. Combine that with the fact that any issue requiring a programmer will take time just due to the nature of the work and we have a situation that probably won't be fixed quickly. I can't even venture a guess as to how long a fix might take.
I understand you have spent a lot of time on a project that was messed up by this issue. I understand that you are angry about that. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. If I could fix the problem myself, I would.
That's the situation to the best of my knowledge.
Is this why stuff has been broken for the KDF for over a year now without any fixes?
The issue is not being blown off. The problem is that this issue requires a programmer to fix. It has been assigned to a programmer, but our programmers have a lot on their plates. As such, issues requiring their attention are triaged based upon how much of the game is affected by the issue. Combine that with the fact that any issue requiring a programmer will take time just due to the nature of the work and we have a situation that probably won't be fixed quickly. I can't even venture a guess as to how long a fix might take.
I understand you have spent a lot of time on a project that was messed up by this issue. I understand that you are angry about that. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. If I could fix the problem myself, I would.
That's the situation to the best of my knowledge.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to relay the progress of the dev team to us. It is greatly appreciated.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
Will you please just admit it that this has been Blown off!
Season 8 Tribble is in full gear.
Hmm, let me wonder where all the programmers will be focusing their efforts?
Gee thats's a tough one isn't it.
I guess the most important part of my series is just F$%$%ed as well as the others whose missions have been destroyed by this. Apparently it's too much trouble to fix a simple map for us lifers who have spent money as well as dedicated time to building these missions for a game which at the time, was suffering from lack of content. Now that the content is there, TRIBBLE us and our broken mission maps.
Just admit it, this issue is not even on the radar, it HAS been blown off!
DoR :mad:
hmmmm. It has been 5 month since this was broken and I came back to see what the status was and to see if the Foundry was given any love after NW launched. But I can see reading Duke of Rock post that things are the same. I share his feeling on this. I am sadden to see a great creative and innovative feature like to foundry left to wither and die in this manner.
Thirded. I hold myself to the same standard that I hold other programmers: game-breaking bugs are unacceptable, end of discussion.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
LoR (and Foundry "fixes") were released way back in May or June. It's been over six months, and something as simple as undoing a map crop still wasn't done. I'm still sitting on over 1500 errors, after deleting the redundant maps.
Over six months, and still waiting.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
thedukeofrock, can you get me the Mission ID for you affected project so that when the fix makes it into a build I can test your mission to make sure it is fixed?
For that matter, if anyone else has a mission that was broken by the Ice Caves 03 bug and is still in that state, let me know the Mission ID. I want to make sure the fix works.
thedukeofrock, can you get me the Mission ID for you affected project so that when the fix makes it into a build I can test your mission to make sure it is fixed?
For that matter, if anyone else has a mission that was broken by the Ice Caves 03 bug and is still in that state, let me know the Mission ID. I want to make sure the fix works.
Absolutely, The mission is Spawn of Medusa IV
Man, you will have made my day, week, and month if they get it fixed. Thanks a lot
for the update.
ABI-Artificial Borg Intelligence by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
Also play Spawn of Medusa - The 5 Part series
by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
thedukeofrock, can you get me the Mission ID for you affected project so that when the fix makes it into a build I can test your mission to make sure it is fixed?
For that matter, if anyone else has a mission that was broken by the Ice Caves 03 bug and is still in that state, let me know the Mission ID. I want to make sure the fix works.
LOL and I had all but written this off. I got to give you some points for keeping at it and single handedly trying to keep the Foundry alive.
Here is my mission info:
Tipping Point - Fed Side - ST-HBS33H8KT
CrypticFrost, the Dev who could. "I think I can.... I think I can.... I think I can get this bug fixed!!"
LOL and I had all but written this off. I got to give you some points for keeping at it and single handedly trying to keep the Foundry alive.
Here is my mission info:
Tipping Point - Fed Side - ST-HBS33H8KT
CrypticFrost, the Dev who could. "I think I can.... I think I can.... I think I can get this bug fixed!!"
For what it's worth, I've been very much wanting to play this mission. I did a Google search for 'favorite Star Trek Online Foundry missions'... and 'Tipping Point' showed up on the STO forum discussion posts quite a bit!
Take Care!
P.S. Thank you CrypticFrost and other devs for all your efforts and hard work!
I did what I could, but the person you really need to thank is BranFlakes. He brought the problem to Mr. D'Angelo's attention, who was pretty much the one who initially designed and built the Foundry, in addition to being Cryptic's Chief Technical Officer and STO's EP. As I understand it, it took himself with some help from Neverwinter's main Foundry programmer (probably the two people most knowledgeable with the inner workings of Foundry in the whole company) to find and fix the issue.
That's my understanding of things.
The next time you see BranFlakes at a Con, buy him a drink.
I did what I could, but the person you really need to thank is BranFlakes. He brought the problem to Mr. D'Angelo's attention, who was pretty much the one who initially designed and built the Foundry, in addition to being Cryptic's Chief Technical Officer and STO's EP. As I understand it, it took himself with some help from Neverwinter's main Foundry programmer (probably the two people most knowledgeable with the inner workings of Foundry in the whole company) to find and fix the issue.
That's my understanding of things.
The next time you see BranFlakes at a Con, buy him a drink.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
I did what I could, but the person you really need to thank is BranFlakes. He brought the problem to Mr. D'Angelo's attention, who was pretty much the one who initially designed and built the Foundry, in addition to being Cryptic's Chief Technical Officer and STO's EP. As I understand it, it took himself with some help from Neverwinter's main Foundry programmer (probably the two people most knowledgeable with the inner workings of Foundry in the whole company) to find and fix the issue.
That's my understanding of things.
The next time you see BranFlakes at a Con, buy him a drink.
That's awesome. I hope he can continue to help to get the Foundry bug list down.
Also, would love to see you and Kestral come out to the Las Vegas con too.
I cannot express my gratitude enough for Brandon getting involved and Mr. D'Angelo helping out. It's great to see the team effort to help us and very much appreciated.
Now if you can forgive me, I need to run and get into the foundry again to see
about testing and republishing Spawn of Medusa IV.
I'm feeling a little inspired again at last, now I can get back to work on Medusa's Revenge.
ABI-Artificial Borg Intelligence by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
Also play Spawn of Medusa - The 5 Part series
by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
I cannot express my gratitude enough for Brandon getting involved and Mr. D'Angelo helping out. It's great to see the team effort to help us and very much appreciated.
I am a huge fan of the Star Trek Online Foundry... it's absolutely wonderful that it's getting this kind of care and attention!
We need more comments like the quote above as well, the STO forums can be very negative and downright hurtful at times.
Yes, thanks for finally fixing this map. I'm planning on remastering that mission anyway, so I won't be republishing it right away, but at least I can use the map again.
Is this why stuff has been broken for the KDF for over a year now without any fixes?
Thanks for taking the time and effort to relay the progress of the dev team to us. It is greatly appreciated.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
hmmmm. It has been 5 month since this was broken and I came back to see what the status was and to see if the Foundry was given any love after NW launched. But I can see reading Duke of Rock post that things are the same. I share his feeling on this. I am sadden to see a great creative and innovative feature like to foundry left to wither and die in this manner.
Good job on the map fix, much appreciated.
Thanks again!
by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
LoR (and Foundry "fixes") were released way back in May or June. It's been over six months, and something as simple as undoing a map crop still wasn't done. I'm still sitting on over 1500 errors, after deleting the redundant maps.
Over six months, and still waiting.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
thedukeofrock, can you get me the Mission ID for you affected project so that when the fix makes it into a build I can test your mission to make sure it is fixed?
For that matter, if anyone else has a mission that was broken by the Ice Caves 03 bug and is still in that state, let me know the Mission ID. I want to make sure the fix works.
Mission: The Prisoner
Faction: KDF
Absolutely, The mission is Spawn of Medusa IV
Man, you will have made my day, week, and month if they get it fixed. Thanks a lot
for the update.
by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
LOL and I had all but written this off. I got to give you some points for keeping at it and single handedly trying to keep the Foundry alive.
Here is my mission info:
Tipping Point - Fed Side - ST-HBS33H8KT
CrypticFrost, the Dev who could. "I think I can.... I think I can.... I think I can get this bug fixed!!"
For what it's worth, I've been very much wanting to play this mission. I did a Google search for 'favorite Star Trek Online Foundry missions'... and 'Tipping Point' showed up on the STO forum discussion posts quite a bit!
Take Care!
P.S. Thank you CrypticFrost and other devs for all your efforts and hard work!
These Are The Voyages...
"Ghosts of War, Part VI" (aka "Time's Hammer")
Mission ID: ST-HB3UDU2GK
Author: @NCC-89471
Faction: Federation
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
The template map Interior Ice caves 03 will no longer be partially cut off and inaccessible.
after more then 6 months, re-publishing now....
CrypticFrost, help yourself to anything in the break room refrigerator labeled "Capt.Geko" You earned it.
I did what I could, but the person you really need to thank is BranFlakes. He brought the problem to Mr. D'Angelo's attention, who was pretty much the one who initially designed and built the Foundry, in addition to being Cryptic's Chief Technical Officer and STO's EP. As I understand it, it took himself with some help from Neverwinter's main Foundry programmer (probably the two people most knowledgeable with the inner workings of Foundry in the whole company) to find and fix the issue.
That's my understanding of things.
The next time you see BranFlakes at a Con, buy him a drink.
Hope to see some of you at the next con
Brandon =/\=
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
That's awesome. I hope he can continue to help to get the Foundry bug list down.
Also, would love to see you and Kestral come out to the Las Vegas con too.
I haven't seen any indication of PWE on or offsite at Comic-Con.
I met Jack Emmert there before CoH launched, very briefly.
Does a dev delegation look likely? I'd imagine pro badges are running low if they have any.
P1 is in the early stages of planning a return to Vegas in 2014, so here's the deal:
Tony will buy one drink for BranFlakes (or the dev of his choice) per Foundry Bug caught and squished by July 1, 2014.
Make it so!
Now if you can forgive me, I need to run and get into the foundry again to see
about testing and republishing Spawn of Medusa IV.
I'm feeling a little inspired again at last, now I can get back to work on Medusa's Revenge.
by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
I am a huge fan of the Star Trek Online Foundry... it's absolutely wonderful that it's getting this kind of care and attention!
We need more comments like the quote above as well, the STO forums can be very negative and downright hurtful at times.
Well said Duke Of Rock!
Take Care!
These Are The Voyages...
Congrats to both authors and devs.
its soul crushing when you pour days and weeks into missions and they break beyond your control.
My character Tsin'xing
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
Just needed to fix that Mark. It's a good fix and I am thankful. I hope this sudden interest continues.