I was in sector space and the client just up and crashed.
I've been seeing server not responding errors as well before hand, so not sure whats what there..
anyone else see their game client crash after the recent bout of server issues?
Murphy's laws:
1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
Any change of map or instance right now has been a gamble since the last patch [among other issues from said patch, like destabilizing tetryon's supposed '3-4x stronger than currently shown' not materializing, and its proc rate getting axed atop that].
Academy maps are a guaranteed crash once per academy instance per character: Beaming to either academy kills the game, requiring a full file verification, and only through ARC [I get a write error otherwise, and ARC is not a good thing for resource usage] as it turns out does the thing get fixed.
After said verification, I can load the map without instant crash [restarting normally was giving the crash again] and chase some mini-Qs, just this once, until the next time I try to beam back there.
Other crashes are more random, but the dilithium mine's like 50/50 going in.
No server issues like lag that I noticed, but the game did up and die on me, taking my graphics drivers out with it for a moment before it recovered. I thought it was just me, so I was surprised to see this thread.
For me the problem is in alt+tab behavior... I used to only restart the game on patch Thursdays, now at least once per day the game crashes as I switch back into it from windows.
Academy maps are a guaranteed crash once per academy instance per character: Beaming to either academy kills the game, requiring a full file verification, and only through ARC [I get a write error otherwise, and ARC is not a good thing for resource usage] as it turns out does the thing get fixed.
After said verification, I can load the map without instant crash [restarting normally was giving the crash again] and chase some mini-Qs, just this once, until the next time I try to beam back there.
Other crashes are more random, but the dilithium mine's like 50/50 going in.