The fact that you're the only one who bothered posting it, and that you waited this long, makes your claim rather unbelievable. So I must say, pics or it didn't happen.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
This has got to be one of the more clever photoshops I've seen so far. But everyone knows you cannot fire weapons in ESD orbital space. So fake. Clearly you've photoshopped an image of a Starbase Fleet Defense over parts of ESD. The shoopwork is really quite good, but given that you've chosen to depict something that is physically impossible, the fakery is revealed.
This has got to be one of the more clever photoshops I've seen so far. But everyone knows you cannot fire weapons in ESD orbital space. So fake. Clearly you've photoshopped an image of a Starbase Fleet Defense over parts of ESD. The shoopwork is really quite good, but given that you've chosen to depict something that is physically impossible, the fakery is revealed.
This has got to be one of the more clever photoshops I've seen so far. But everyone knows you cannot fire weapons in ESD orbital space. So fake. Clearly you've photoshopped an image of a Starbase Fleet Defense over parts of ESD. The shoopwork is really quite good, but given that you've chosen to depict something that is physically impossible, the fakery is revealed.
<Vreenak>IT'S A FAAAAAAAKE!</Vreenak>
so you never seen hanger pets attacked ? ive seen this happen before but was long ago on the test server and to be precise you can attack any thing as long as it shows up as a enemy you just cant attack your own faction
Also, if this were genuine, from the angle of this shot, we would be able to see the aenigma nebula (Captain's Table entrance) in the distance, past the residential station. I don't see it.
Fleet Admiral Joseph D. Ridgeway
The Armada
Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
Hey to the op, I've got some great swamp land for real estate development in Florida if you're interested. Did you really think your photoshop wouldn't be found out? I was at ESD overnight and that clearly never happened.
I can not vouch for who took the screen but feel free to contact all you see in the pic it happened I know Cryptic did something similar with Borg attacking ESD before. I honestly think it would be something awesome to see every once in a while.
People forget that the dev's have full control of the in game environment at all times.
There was a emergency shut down of holodeck once, about a year ago, where we were told during the downtime Dan Stal would do a Q&A at Drozana on Tribble.
Will we were all waiting for him, the dev's made Drozana's interior "HOT" and started beaming in NPC enemies, the zone I was in got the Borg, others got the Unidine, I don't know about any other factions on other zones.
Everywhere I look, people are screaming about how bad Cryptic is.
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
It was photoshopped because the guys who say it was Were not present to at the event and as we all know these guys Must be present for any said event to be real. On a totally unrelated note: Its a game guys. Remember that.
Isn't it curious that the part of the map that shows players in front of esd and earth has exactly 5 players, except for a ship that is in a very dark area? A few other blue names in there that could easily be photoshopped into it, since we can't really see the ships, or they could be friendly Foundry npcs, with a player's name photoshopped on top of a npc named USS Hermes.
ESD and Earth is a premade Foundry space map that can be played by a team of 5 people. A gang of 5 friends can get together and shoot a Voth carrier placed at a specific x, y, and z value.
The other half of the map could be a screenshot of a fleet action, with the 5 Foundry players shooting at a ship that is placed in a spot relative to the necessary curve that would match the screenshot of the original fleet action. Or the fleet screenshot is made to fit with the exact spot of the ship being destroyed in the Foundry mission.
Still some nice photoshop work. Kudos for a creative use of the Foundry. Also "Allies" makes me think that you guys placed friendly npc mobs just outside of the frame.
I know it is possible to shoot in zones in that don't normally allow you, I've seen this happen a few times at DS9
I've seen this in situations where a certain KDF ship unleashes a bunch of drones... when the KDF ship leaves the sector, the drones suddenly turn into targettable enemies and they fire on ships and you can destroy them in turn
People forget that the dev's have full control of the in game environment at all times.
There was a emergency shut down of holodeck once, about a year ago, where we were told during the downtime Dan Stal would do a Q&A at Drozana on Tribble.
Will we were all waiting for him, the dev's made Drozana's interior "HOT" and started beaming in NPC enemies, the zone I was in got the Borg, others got the Unidine, I don't know about any other factions on other zones.
I have screenshots of that. After making the interior "hot" they did the same thing in the Drozana space map and there was a huge frenzy of chaotic deliciousness.
Also, if this were genuine, from the angle of this shot, we would be able to see the aenigma nebula (Captain's Table entrance) in the distance, past the residential station. I don't see it.
It's visible just above and to the right of the USS Triton. It's very faint though. Dunno if that's graphics settings or a photoshop blending layer.
Too bad there are no timestamps in the chat log to compare to the time at the minimap. The fleet mark notifications could have been from several minutes earlier.
I should point out that there are THREE screenshots of this, not just the one, and the Aenigma nebula looks the same in all 3. Why bother doing 3 shop jobs AND bother replicating such a graphical anomoly in all 3? There's also temporal cohesion between all 3 with the player's damage floaters being consistent as well as player names that are on and then off screen. I'm calling dev shenanigans.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
However sadly faked this image is.... wouldn't be awesome if such random events just happened. What if you are hanging around ESD, and then a swarm of Klingon NPCs beamed in and started mucking the place up.
Or if Drozana got attacked by Dividians.
Or Qo'nos itself was attacked by the Fek'lir.
Not often.. but one random, unannounced event at odd hours every week or so. One random incursion that takes hundreds of players to take down....
Life is but a dream I guess :rolleyes:
Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
However sadly faked this image is.... wouldn't be awesome if such random events just happened. What if you are hanging around ESD, and then a swarm of Klingon NPCs beamed in and started mucking the place up.
Or if Drozana got attacked by Dividians.
Or Qo'nos itself was attacked by the Fek'lir.
Not often.. but one random, unannounced event at odd hours every week or so. One random incursion that takes hundreds of players to take down....
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Unsure who took it I forgot the name I did not take it but I am the Scimitar R.R.W. Phoenix
system Lord Baal is dead
chat options
system Lord Baal is dead
The Armada
Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
there were i think 3-4 ships that came in.
<Vreenak>IT'S A FAAAAAAAKE!</Vreenak>
Ah, that right there proves it.
so you never seen hanger pets attacked ? ive seen this happen before but was long ago on the test server and to be precise you can attack any thing as long as it shows up as a enemy you just cant attack your own faction
system Lord Baal is dead
The Armada
Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
There was a emergency shut down of holodeck once, about a year ago, where we were told during the downtime Dan Stal would do a Q&A at Drozana on Tribble.
Will we were all waiting for him, the dev's made Drozana's interior "HOT" and started beaming in NPC enemies, the zone I was in got the Borg, others got the Unidine, I don't know about any other factions on other zones.
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
they also forget they can become npc them self think dan did it one time
system Lord Baal is dead
ESD and Earth is a premade Foundry space map that can be played by a team of 5 people. A gang of 5 friends can get together and shoot a Voth carrier placed at a specific x, y, and z value.
The other half of the map could be a screenshot of a fleet action, with the 5 Foundry players shooting at a ship that is placed in a spot relative to the necessary curve that would match the screenshot of the original fleet action. Or the fleet screenshot is made to fit with the exact spot of the ship being destroyed in the Foundry mission.
Still some nice photoshop work. Kudos for a creative use of the Foundry. Also "Allies" makes me think that you guys placed friendly npc mobs just outside of the frame.
If ya need to send kudos to the 'alledged photoshop' artist his name is, and Im not kiddin... 'The British Guy' on Steam.
I know it is possible to shoot in zones in that don't normally allow you, I've seen this happen a few times at DS9
I've seen this in situations where a certain KDF ship unleashes a bunch of drones... when the KDF ship leaves the sector, the drones suddenly turn into targettable enemies and they fire on ships and you can destroy them in turn
So this is possible, but not likely
It proves nothing. There's normally nothing in Sol that you can target with weapons so obviously you normally can't fire.
I have screenshots of that. After making the interior "hot" they did the same thing in the Drozana space map and there was a huge frenzy of chaotic deliciousness.
It's visible just above and to the right of the USS Triton. It's very faint though. Dunno if that's graphics settings or a photoshop blending layer.
Too bad there are no timestamps in the chat log to compare to the time at the minimap. The fleet mark notifications could have been from several minutes earlier.
I should point out that there are THREE screenshots of this, not just the one, and the Aenigma nebula looks the same in all 3. Why bother doing 3 shop jobs AND bother replicating such a graphical anomoly in all 3? There's also temporal cohesion between all 3 with the player's damage floaters being consistent as well as player names that are on and then off screen. I'm calling dev shenanigans.
Joined January 2009
Or if Drozana got attacked by Dividians.
Or Qo'nos itself was attacked by the Fek'lir.
Not often.. but one random, unannounced event at odd hours every week or so. One random incursion that takes hundreds of players to take down....
Life is but a dream I guess :rolleyes:
My character Tsin'xing
Your talent level shows here... *claps*