I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Some KDF captains cannot switch to all of their costume slots.
Dare I ask where this falls in terms of priority/schedule?
It's not seriously affecting my gameplay, but it is seriously annoying... and deters me from doing anything with character slots or costume purchases.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Additional VO has been added to the beginning of the KDF episode flow.
These were missing spots of VO throughout the episodes which Worf VO had been added to previously.
Known Issues:
Some bridge officers' power buttons do not display when they are in the outer-most bridge officer slots.
Fire at Will still does not Crit.
Some KDF captains cannot switch to all of their costume slots.
We probably broke something somewhere and will fix it when we can.
That's funny. On my main tactical captain I've used the Medical Nanite Cloud T5 Omega rep ability several times in the Voth Battleground, and other parts in the game, and noticed that Tactical Initiative never reduced it's cooldown. It was disappointing because it has something like a 9 or 10 minute cooldown period. I've also tried it out while in DS9 or ESD since both abilities can be activated in social zones and still Tactical Initiative never reduced the cooldown on the T5 Omega ground ability.
But I am OK with nothing reducing cooldown on the T5 rep abilities since you have standardized the length of cooldown and made it a flat 5 minutes across the board.
And thank you for listening to feedback and removing the global cooldown on them.
Also: finally you're getting rid of that "Material Files Reloaded" message.
Well, nice overall. Now if only those known issues were fixed.
And to be sure, after this patch, there are no longer any shared CDs between Tier 5 Rep powers, and on top of it, you reduced individual CDs of each and any of those powers to 5 mins?
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Excellent patch notes - Yeah, the abilities at 5 minutes with no shared cooldown is much better. It's such a waste of a power if you can't use it very often, it's barely even worth slotting if it's not able to be used regularly!
Yes, the Nukara t5 rep power is increased to 5 minutes by these changes. In looking at these powers, I thought it was essential that we treat them consistently. At a 5 minute immutable cooldown, we'll be able to tune all of their effects to be interesting, potent, and worth using. Maybe the Tetryon Cascade's duration needs to be increased, or maybe its range needs to be increased - I'm not sure, feedback here is welcome. But ultimately, we're looking to keep all t5 rep powers at 5 minute cooldowns for the foreseeable future.
Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Yes, the Nukara t5 rep power is increased to 5 minutes by these changes. In looking at these powers, I thought it was essential that we treat them consistently. At a 5 minute immutable cooldown, we'll be able to tune all of their effects to be interesting, potent, and worth using. Maybe the Tetryon Cascade's duration needs to be increased, or maybe its range needs to be increased - I'm not sure, feedback here is welcome. But ultimately, we're looking to keep all t5 rep powers at 5 minute cooldowns for the foreseeable future.
Right now, Refracting Tetryon Cascade is a very effective spam cleanser (fighters/mines/torpedoes/etc) , especially in PvP. In PvE, the ability is particularly effective when used against groups of probes and spheres caught in a Gravity Well. Unlike the Omega Nanite Cloud or the Quantum Singularity Manipulator abilities, Refracting Tetryon Cascade wasn't a last chance at life ability. For most abilities, anything beyond 2-3 minutes in cooldown is an emergency ability. The three minute cooldown on the Refracting Tetryon Cascade ability was perfect, it wasn't too long and it wasn't too short. Players could use it as needed without worrying about putting it on a lengthy cooldown. The ability is also usable even when there aren't any targets within range, potentially putting the ability on cooldown without actually doing anything. This was also offset by the length of the cooldown.
Yes, the Nukara t5 rep power is increased to 5 minutes by these changes. In looking at these powers, I thought it was essential that we treat them consistently. At a 5 minute immutable cooldown, we'll be able to tune all of their effects to be interesting, potent, and worth using. Maybe the Tetryon Cascade's duration needs to be increased, or maybe its range needs to be increased - I'm not sure, feedback here is welcome. But ultimately, we're looking to keep all t5 rep powers at 5 minute cooldowns for the foreseeable future.
It's worse and functions the opposite of an Isometric Charge universal console.
Isometric Charge console:
Can hit up to 5 targes.
You need to be within 5Km of first target.
Each ship after the first takes more damage. So the first ship takes the least and the last ship takes the most damage in the chain.
Nukara T5 ability:
Can hit up to 3 targets.
You need to be within 3Km of first target.
Each ship hit after the first takes less damage. So the first ship takes the most and the last ship takes the least damage in the chain.
Quite frankly I was disappointed with this ability when I got my first character to T5 Nukara rep. It's dangerous to use and isn't strong enough to be worthwhile.
To be honest it flat out sucks. It requires you to be very close to enemies, putting you in danger of being nailed by your own attacks, such as a high yield plasma torpedo or bio-neural warhead or anything else that you would take damage from if you're too close when it goes off (Romulan rep Hyper Plasma Torpedo is a great example of that), due the the likelyhood the enemy will end up even closer to you (less than 2Km). The amount of damage it does is minimal. And when you get that close to enemy ships, sometimes it's hard to get some distance from them and you'll most likely take damage from your own attack before you can get away, even when using evasive maneuvers or something else that boosts your speed.
Yes, the Nukara t5 rep power is increased to 5 minutes by these changes. In looking at these powers, I thought it was essential that we treat them consistently. At a 5 minute immutable cooldown, we'll be able to tune all of their effects to be interesting, potent, and worth using. Maybe the Tetryon Cascade's duration needs to be increased, or maybe its range needs to be increased - I'm not sure, feedback here is welcome. But ultimately, we're looking to keep all t5 rep powers at 5 minute cooldowns for the foreseeable future.
I'll give my best to not Sound to critical.
Any cooldown longer then 3 minutes is already painful long if you consider how fast paced most of the Content nowadays turns out to be and how brief most of the encounters finaly are especialy Elite STF and such.
I would have rather loved to see these powers cooldowns reduced to something in between 120 to 180 seconds. Yet on 300 they will tend to become just another flashy button on my powertray that i dont will hit to often, considering what effort went into it to unlock the power.
Any cooldown longer then 3 minutes is already painful long if you consider how fast paced most of the Content nowadays turns out to be and how brief most of the encounters finaly tend to be especialy Elite STF and such.
This is very accurate for space. An ability has very little use if the cooldown is longer than three minutes. Two minutes or less is the ideal time for Space abilities, unless said ability is a last ditch chance at survival (Temporal Backstep, Quantum Singularity Manipulation, Miracle Worker, etc.) On the ground, any kit ability with a cooldown longer than 1 minute is not ideal. Kits on the ground are used based on the length of cooldowns and the effectiveness of abilities. Kits with abilities on a one minute or less cooldown are used frequently and kits with abilities on long cooldowns are used infrequently. It's all about pacing of the game. If the cooldown is too long, the can't be used reliably, which may result in players avoiding an ability altogether. This is most noticeable in the case of the Squad Leader, Security Protocols, Physician, and Equipment Technician kits. All of these kits suffer from a 30 second uptime/90 second cooldown on the abilities. In the case of Squad Leader, Rally Cry suffers a 15 second uptime/120 second cooldown. Compare that to Fire Team, most abilities have a 15 second uptime/60 second cooldown or less.
This is very accurate for space. An ability has very little use if the cooldown is longer than three minutes. Two minutes or less is the ideal time for Space abilities, unless said ability is a last ditch chance at survival (Temporal Backstep, Quantum Singularity Manipulation, Miracle Worker, etc.) On the ground, any kit ability with a cooldown longer than 1 minute is not ideal. Kits on the ground are used based on the length of cooldowns and the effectiveness of abilities. Kits with abilities on a one minute or less cooldown are used frequently and kits with abilities on long cooldowns are used infrequently. It's all about pacing of the game. If the cooldown is too long, the can't be used reliably, which may result in players avoiding an ability altogether. This is most noticeable in the case of the Squad Leader, Security Protocols, Physician, and Equipment Technician kits. All of these kits suffer from a 30 second uptime/90 second cooldown on the abilities. In the case of Squad Leader, Rally Cry suffers a 15 second uptime/120 second cooldown. Compare that to Fire Team, most abilities have a 15 second uptime/60 second cooldown or less.
If I had an upgraded physician kit with a 1 minute cooldown Dylovine and an added sonic pulse, I'd be a melee'ing fool!
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Yes, the Nukara t5 rep power is increased to 5 minutes by these changes. In looking at these powers, I thought it was essential that we treat them consistently. At a 5 minute immutable cooldown, we'll be able to tune all of their effects to be interesting, potent, and worth using. Maybe the Tetryon Cascade's duration needs to be increased, or maybe its range needs to be increased - I'm not sure, feedback here is welcome. But ultimately, we're looking to keep all t5 rep powers at 5 minute cooldowns for the foreseeable future.
Tetryon Cascade is WAY to weak to be at 5 minutes. If you are totally unwilling to put it back to 3 minutes than it needs a power boost.
My solution. Change it to hit up to 5 targets and 5km range, same as isometric charge. that way now you have to wait an extra 2 minutes but you can stay farther away and it can hit more targets when there are more.
I'd like to see it be changed so that it cannot be activated if nothing is in range. A 5 minute cooldown for nothing is really punitive. Even at 3 minutes the power is mostly unusable due to having to maneuver into close range and ideally have more than one target.
I like the idea of increasing the range to the full 10 km and requiring a target, but then it becomes a lot like Isometric Charge. I dunno, maybe just increasing the radius (say 5 or 6 km) and requiring a target to prevent accidental activation would be enough.
Perhaps also give it a damage buff but making it immune to other buffs. This was always an issue with me (and I have a similar issue with the Phaser Lance on the Galaxy X and aux cannons on the Vestas), that if you go with Tetryon weapons and consoles you're going to get significantly more out of this power than someone who doesn't. But if I want to use a different type of weaponry I'm penalized for it, and it's silly to stick with Tetryon just to buff one power, especially if it's going to have such a long cooldown, so ultimately it winds up becoming something of a throwaway power -- it takes too much effort to maneuver into position to use it, you run the risk of it doing nothing, and even when you manage to get 3 targets the damage is subpar because you're not using a Tetryon build.
So I guess this is my suggestion: double the current radius, require a target to prevent accidental activation, and significantly buff the damage but make it immune to other damage buffs.
But I have to agree with the others, 5 minutes is a really long cooldown, both on the ground and in space. I know you want to standardize it, but not all these powers are created equal or have equal uses. it's one thing to have a long CD on something designed as an "oh sh*t" power, it's another for powers that already have limited use due to their current CD or require time and effort to properly set up.
My solution. Change it to hit up to 5 targets and 5km range, same as isometric charge.
It does already hit 5 targets, it's just not a direct reverse isometric charge. The attack fires a Tetryon Beam at up to the 5 nearest targets within a 1.2km radius (tooltip says 3km) of the player's ship. That beam then makes 5km hops to two additional targets each. In total, that's 15 Tetryon hops for respectable damage when combined with crowd control and debuffs. Also note that the 3km sphere tooltip is spotty at best. If the target moves outside of 3km while the beam is firing, it deals no damage and the effect cancels on that specific target. I've only had a 100% success rate with firing that weapon when 1.2km or closer.
Like Bfaw....code being completely rewritten or crits are working but procs are not...
Just more detailed status updates on bugs that are critical to the public.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
I can actually see their point in that. I wouldn't be too keen to submit my progress for micromanagement by consensus, either.
Much better, thank you.
Dare I ask where this falls in terms of priority/schedule?
It's not seriously affecting my gameplay, but it is seriously annoying... and deters me from doing anything with character slots or costume purchases.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
That's funny. On my main tactical captain I've used the Medical Nanite Cloud T5 Omega rep ability several times in the Voth Battleground, and other parts in the game, and noticed that Tactical Initiative never reduced it's cooldown. It was disappointing because it has something like a 9 or 10 minute cooldown period. I've also tried it out while in DS9 or ESD since both abilities can be activated in social zones and still Tactical Initiative never reduced the cooldown on the T5 Omega ground ability.
But I am OK with nothing reducing cooldown on the T5 rep abilities since you have standardized the length of cooldown and made it a flat 5 minutes across the board.
And thank you for listening to feedback and removing the global cooldown on them.
Also: finally you're getting rid of that "Material Files Reloaded" message.
Bah, whatever. I'm sure less than two weeks is enough to test it thoroughly, right? I mean, what could possibly go wrong...? :rolleyes:
Also, people are still experiencing missing textures and icons since Season 8 launch. But I guess since its not in the "Known Issues" section Cryptic just doesn't care that some players already stopped playing altogether because of this.
And to be sure, after this patch, there are no longer any shared CDs between Tier 5 Rep powers, and on top of it, you reduced individual CDs of each and any of those powers to 5 mins?
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
Whoa, massive nerf for Refracting Tetryon Cascade there.
It is pretty strong for what's effectively a PBAoE Iso charge...
We've actually found this to be working in the latest code we're testing on Tribble. Take a look at let us know if it's not resolved
Brandon =/\=
This should resolve the issues mentioned here -- take a look and let us know
Brandon =/\=
Agreed, the ability worked very well as a spam clearer with the 3 minute cooldown. Adding +2 minutes is too extreme.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Right now, Refracting Tetryon Cascade is a very effective spam cleanser (fighters/mines/torpedoes/etc) , especially in PvP. In PvE, the ability is particularly effective when used against groups of probes and spheres caught in a Gravity Well. Unlike the Omega Nanite Cloud or the Quantum Singularity Manipulator abilities, Refracting Tetryon Cascade wasn't a last chance at life ability. For most abilities, anything beyond 2-3 minutes in cooldown is an emergency ability. The three minute cooldown on the Refracting Tetryon Cascade ability was perfect, it wasn't too long and it wasn't too short. Players could use it as needed without worrying about putting it on a lengthy cooldown. The ability is also usable even when there aren't any targets within range, potentially putting the ability on cooldown without actually doing anything. This was also offset by the length of the cooldown.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
It's worse and functions the opposite of an Isometric Charge universal console.
Isometric Charge console:
Can hit up to 5 targes.
You need to be within 5Km of first target.
Each ship after the first takes more damage. So the first ship takes the least and the last ship takes the most damage in the chain.
Nukara T5 ability:
Can hit up to 3 targets.
You need to be within 3Km of first target.
Each ship hit after the first takes less damage. So the first ship takes the most and the last ship takes the least damage in the chain.
Quite frankly I was disappointed with this ability when I got my first character to T5 Nukara rep. It's dangerous to use and isn't strong enough to be worthwhile.
To be honest it flat out sucks. It requires you to be very close to enemies, putting you in danger of being nailed by your own attacks, such as a high yield plasma torpedo or bio-neural warhead or anything else that you would take damage from if you're too close when it goes off (Romulan rep Hyper Plasma Torpedo is a great example of that), due the the likelyhood the enemy will end up even closer to you (less than 2Km). The amount of damage it does is minimal. And when you get that close to enemy ships, sometimes it's hard to get some distance from them and you'll most likely take damage from your own attack before you can get away, even when using evasive maneuvers or something else that boosts your speed.
I'll give my best to not Sound to critical.
Any cooldown longer then 3 minutes is already painful long if you consider how fast paced most of the Content nowadays turns out to be and how brief most of the encounters finaly are especialy Elite STF and such.
I would have rather loved to see these powers cooldowns reduced to something in between 120 to 180 seconds. Yet on 300 they will tend to become just another flashy button on my powertray that i dont will hit to often, considering what effort went into it to unlock the power.
just my2cent
The ability does not need a damage buff, it may be buffed with Tactical abilities and Tetryon damage booster consoles.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Just saying...
That would be nice.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
This is very accurate for space. An ability has very little use if the cooldown is longer than three minutes. Two minutes or less is the ideal time for Space abilities, unless said ability is a last ditch chance at survival (Temporal Backstep, Quantum Singularity Manipulation, Miracle Worker, etc.) On the ground, any kit ability with a cooldown longer than 1 minute is not ideal. Kits on the ground are used based on the length of cooldowns and the effectiveness of abilities. Kits with abilities on a one minute or less cooldown are used frequently and kits with abilities on long cooldowns are used infrequently. It's all about pacing of the game. If the cooldown is too long, the can't be used reliably, which may result in players avoiding an ability altogether. This is most noticeable in the case of the Squad Leader, Security Protocols, Physician, and Equipment Technician kits. All of these kits suffer from a 30 second uptime/90 second cooldown on the abilities. In the case of Squad Leader, Rally Cry suffers a 15 second uptime/120 second cooldown. Compare that to Fire Team, most abilities have a 15 second uptime/60 second cooldown or less.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
If I had an upgraded physician kit with a 1 minute cooldown Dylovine and an added sonic pulse, I'd be a melee'ing fool!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Tetryon Cascade is WAY to weak to be at 5 minutes. If you are totally unwilling to put it back to 3 minutes than it needs a power boost.
My solution. Change it to hit up to 5 targets and 5km range, same as isometric charge. that way now you have to wait an extra 2 minutes but you can stay farther away and it can hit more targets when there are more.
I like the idea of increasing the range to the full 10 km and requiring a target, but then it becomes a lot like Isometric Charge. I dunno, maybe just increasing the radius (say 5 or 6 km) and requiring a target to prevent accidental activation would be enough.
Perhaps also give it a damage buff but making it immune to other buffs. This was always an issue with me (and I have a similar issue with the Phaser Lance on the Galaxy X and aux cannons on the Vestas), that if you go with Tetryon weapons and consoles you're going to get significantly more out of this power than someone who doesn't. But if I want to use a different type of weaponry I'm penalized for it, and it's silly to stick with Tetryon just to buff one power, especially if it's going to have such a long cooldown, so ultimately it winds up becoming something of a throwaway power -- it takes too much effort to maneuver into position to use it, you run the risk of it doing nothing, and even when you manage to get 3 targets the damage is subpar because you're not using a Tetryon build.
So I guess this is my suggestion: double the current radius, require a target to prevent accidental activation, and significantly buff the damage but make it immune to other damage buffs.
But I have to agree with the others, 5 minutes is a really long cooldown, both on the ground and in space. I know you want to standardize it, but not all these powers are created equal or have equal uses. it's one thing to have a long CD on something designed as an "oh sh*t" power, it's another for powers that already have limited use due to their current CD or require time and effort to properly set up.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)