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Inconvenience and Compensations: Hourly Events Issues



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    stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Unfortunatly, these things can happen.

    And people saying that Fleetmarks are ungrindable this way? Nonsense.

    Defera Hards daily give you nice 200 (daily, you can do multiple runs so you only have to turn back to deliver the drops), CEE gives 60 (30 or 60 mins, i forgot), NWS +/- 200 when failed, 500 when finished (30 mins cd).

    If you have more then 100.000 development points you can also run doff FM missions. Oh and don't forget fleet alert.

    All without marks event.
    If I can make 1000 marks easily, then others can do that as well.

    Oh, and if you're scared about NWS, I just made a Foundry trainings mission which you can try. It's called "NWS Training" and can be found under the "Review Content" section in the foundry. I recommend you to do it with a full team to get the full effect.
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    raphaeldisantoraphaeldisanto Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Technically, all content is still available to play.
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    jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    curedmen wrote: »

    You sir have won this thread. That video means more than one thing, think about it.
    sunseahl wrote: »
    Let the trolls roll...

    This is simply a logical proposal considering

    1. We as customers spend money on this game(time is money too)

    Time may equal money in a certain case, but Cryptic, nor PWE, directly profit from time. If all companies did, there would be too much money.

    2. When something is broken cryptic LOSES money.
      Maybe so ... your point?

      3. Compensating inconvenience is something every other company does. Not doing so not only is disrespectful to the customer it also fuels hate for your brand by even people who have loyalty to that brand.

      I disagree, Sport Direct (UK company) rarely compensate, but in fairness, I am not totally sure, so I am willing to stand corrected.

      I have to ask, are you trolling? I am virtually speechless. It is almost hilarious. No, I am not Trolling; I am merely "stating the facts".

      sunseahl wrote: »
      Flaws or breaks in any product are met with repair and compensation that's standard practice. From the company paying the shipping dime for the transport to an authorized repairer to compensation in the form of a payback or refund for the dissatisfaction. What makes anyone think that an internet product doesn't need to be met with the same kind of product to consumer treatment?

      Believing that an online product should be treated differently than a physical one is only entitling Cryptic to be the lazy gits that everyone already complains about.

      Ahh right, so it is okay now to start critizing the "oppenent"? Treat others and you would like others to treat you comes to mind.

      What makes Cryptic think it's "entitled" to Not follow standard compensation practices for physical products, especially being a US-based company?

      Their lawyers and business boffins :D

      Granted there are always instances that require more scrutiny than others, but when you have a MAJOR game mechanic flaw there needs to be some kind of compensation or at least an intense interaction between consumers and product manufactures...

      Look at EVE Online.... a bug pops up.. they don't take two weeks to fix it with no word on how/what happened. They fix it as soon as they get note of it (even on holidays) and if it's going to take weeks to fix they keep their customers WELL informed on what's going on with the update. If it does take that long to correct they even compensate their consumers for not just the inconvenience but the time lost for that game.

      Proof please. No proof nor evidence, no confirmed hypothesis.

      There is and always has been an utter lack of competent communication between Cryptic and it's customers. What little we DID have in the form of an Ask Cryptic was removed because of the OBVIOUS rehash of the same questions over and over. It's proposed replacement was then promptly swept under the rug, never to be heard from again...

      "Oh there's a major game mechanic that's broken right now? Who cares! Lest not talk about it and LIVESTREAM instead! And i'm giving away TRIBBLE too so forget all about that bug where you can't make dili or more marks or EC or get cheaper crafting supplies!" Am I the only one who sees the absurdity in this?

      Cryptic has always had a lack of communication with their consumers where STO is concerned. It's even worse when it comes to "fixing" things.(because it seems that the people who are working on STO simply don't give a damn about fixing it unless they have to and it's all the "new" people that are working on other games that seem to find and fix these "old" bugs.)
      They do. I don't need to cite, but if you must, I will find them.

      Stop being a jackass... >.> Real Mature. Not.

      You are getting seriously wound up! If you want compensation, don't go on the forums. File a futile ticket, don't troll us, troll them. There paid to deal with it! :D Okay, that is a bit harsh, and I take it back.
      ashkrik23 wrote: »
      Did the game break down and die for a week? No. Did it prevent you from playing? No.

      News flash, people use to play without hourly bonus events on stuff. It is not necessary nor does Cryptic owe you anything if the event calendar gets bugged out.

      Wins 2nd Place in thread!
      Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

      I hope STO get's better ...
    1. Options
      abfabfleetabfabfleet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      sunseahl wrote: »
      Probably not gonna happen but I have a proposal for Cryptic on the eventual return of Hourly Events....

      Because a lot of us are grinders on the hourly events the loss of it has made most of us not even work for the rep or any fleet anything unless we HAVE to. This means that your content isn't being used and players are ready to move on to another game because what little convince in consta-grind is now gone. So when it returns i propose...

      1. The possibility of 500 of each mark split into 5, 100 boxes of your choice of marks
      (based on and average of 20 bonus marks twice a day for 14 days rounded down to the nearest hundred)

      2. 8k Dilitium
      (a DRASTICALLY reduced sum based on what one can obtain in 2 weeks)

      3. 1 million EC
      (again, another paltry sum based on loot drops from all hourly event content absent from STO for 2 weeks)

      This is hysterical, BUT we all know Cryptic is going to say 'See the TOS'. Let's be real, I give you credit for asking or demanding, but you'd have better luck winning the lottery in your home state. :D
    2. Options
      hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      The typical User Agreement basically absolves the company from providing anything on a reliable basis for your money. I expect it's the same with Cryptic/PWE, so don't hold your breath waiting for compensation.
      Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
    3. Options
      captainpirkocaptainpirko Member Posts: 270 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      i'm on two sides of the fence with this one. on one side this is NOT a crippling bug, everything these events are for can be done in other ways. granted, mirror universe event cannot be done, you cant tour the universe for money, and everything else is harder for those people that time their playtime with the events they want to run, but on the other hand, nothings hugely changed for me. i playtime rarely intersects when the bonus marks event is running so that doesnt help me, i have more then enough experience from Doff stuff that i dont need mirror universe, and none of the others have really been that interesting to me.

      however here's point A. in favor of the OP:
      this is the most severe bug we've had in a long time that has nothing to do with internet. this is the sort of bug that only comes about because someone wasnt paying attention. alot of GOOD games do compensate their players not for lost time, or resources, but because it's a way of saying "our bad, sorry for inconveniencing you". why? because it builds a connection between the players and the devs. now what do i mean by GOOD games? in this case the definition is a game that has grown popular not because it has something unique gameplay wise, but because the devs treat the players with a different kind of respect then just "hey they pay for stuff, we should be nice when we talk to them". its the understanding that "hey, even after this you're still with us, thanks! *gives player something that doesnt take long to make and can be easily added to all players over night*".

      now here's point B. that sorta sides with everyone else:
      this bug doesnt stop gameplay. we can still do everything, it's just harder. while this does make some people less interested in playing, resulting in cryptic loosing money unless they do something fast... its okay, because at one point we didnt have alot of these events. and alot of people dont use em even when they are running. bonus marks only runs maybe twice a day. do i stalk the game till it's running then spam fleet alert? no. i just find which missions give alot, and do then any time i feel like it. an extra 10-20 marks isnt that noticeable if you're doing runs all day. the only time i would actually EXPECT a compensation box like what's being suggested, is if the entire game was down for a week. in that kind of situation, i'd be very disappointed if we didnt get something for our loyalty.
      [SIGPIC]Timelords Fleet [/SIGPIC]
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      nightmarechi1dnightmarechi1d Member Posts: 62 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      sunseahl wrote: »
      Flaws or breaks in any product are met with repair and compensation that's standard practice. From the company paying the shipping dime for the transport to an authorized repairer to compensation in the form of a payback or refund for the dissatisfaction. What makes anyone think that an internet product doesn't need to be met with the same kind of product to consumer treatment?

      Believing that an online product should be treated differently than a physical one is only entitling Cryptic to be the lazy gits that everyone already complains about.
      Well, your wish is granted. Your shipping fees will be refunded in full by Cryptic. Since you paid no shipping fees that's been done already. The fees you paid to play have also been refunded since this game is free to play. And don't give me that TRIBBLE about paying for a subscription. Subscription fees are not charged to play since the game went f2p, they are charged for the bonuses you get: bank slots, character slots etc. You have been refunded the $0 you actually spent to play. Congratulations!

      Look at EVE Online.... a bug pops up.. they don't take two weeks to fix it with no word on how/what happened. They fix it as soon as they get note of it (even on holidays) and if it's going to take weeks to fix they keep their customers WELL informed on what's going on with the update. If it does take that long to correct they even compensate their consumers for not just the inconvenience but the time lost for that game.
      Even if this is true, EVE online is pay to play. This is free to play. Cryptic/PWE isn't forcing you to give them any money. If you volunteer to give them money that still doesn't entitle you to get compensation. Unless you can provide some proof that Cryptic/PWE promised you some kind of compensation for ingame bugs if you pay them. Which you can't since it never happened.

      Also, Cryptic isn't the only company that doesn't compensate people for bugs. I think I've played only a couple games that do. Unless it's pay to play and the bug makes it impossible/difficult to play most don't compensate.

      "Oh there's a major game mechanic that's broken right now? Who cares! Lest not talk about it and LIVESTREAM instead! And i'm giving away TRIBBLE too so forget all about that bug where you can't make dili or more marks or EC or get cheaper crafting supplies!" Am I the only one who sees the absurdity in this?
      Yeah, because not getting a few more marks for doing a mission is certainly game breaking. It's certainly a major issue when people are too lazy to run a mission unless they get slightly more marks for it.
      I didn't ask to be President of the Balloon Enterprises! The Balloon Enterprises demanded it!
    5. Options
      curedmencuredmen Member Posts: 215 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      jumpingjs wrote: »
      You sir have won this thread. That video means more than one thing, think about it.

      Did you mean this by any chance? = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rE-L2s_44E
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      otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      To the guy that suggested Epphos (sp?), sure that works now during the winter event, but what if this happened outside of the winter event?

      And yes we still get FM, but at a reduced rate, since the bonus event went AWOL.

      I mostly did FM missions during the bonus event, but not so much outside the event.

      But as I said earlier, compensation would be nice, but knowing Cryptic/PWE, this is unlikely to happen. All we will get is the standard "sorry for the inconvenience" line...
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      gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      otowi wrote: »
      To the guy that suggested Epphos (sp?), sure that works now during the winter event, but what if this happened outside of the winter event?

      That was my point in mentioning it - It Hasn't happened outside of the Winter Event. I'm sure it would have been nice to have both, but whilst you haven't gotten a bonus, you at least aren't crippled in your earnings.
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      aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      sunseahl wrote: »
      Probably not gonna happen but I have a proposal for Cryptic on the eventual return of Hourly Events....

      "Probably?" Pfft. The slightest passing familiarity with standard ToS boilerplate will tell you that there's no "probably" to it. It's not gonna happen, period.
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      erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      sunseahl wrote: »
      2. 8k Dilitium
      (a DRASTICALLY reduced sum based on what one can obtain in 2 weeks)

      3. 1 million EC
      (again, another paltry sum based on loot drops from all hourly event content absent from STO for 2 weeks)
      I don't remember any hourly events with increase loot drops. Did I missed that ?
      As for dil, I don't remember any hourly event with free dil, except for the mining dil and event academy, I don't know if they are broken, and there is much better way to grind dil (contraband, eSTF...).
      You are asking for compensation with items not related to the supposed loss.

      Also, nothing prevented you to play stf or any queued event. You don't have to wait for the event to play them. I hope you know that.

      All I see is a generic "gimme free stuff plz" topic, with a generic excuse behind to not look greedy.
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      andyslashandyslash Member Posts: 195 Arc User
      edited January 2014
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      jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      meimeitoo wrote: »
      No offense, but I always consider claims for compensation rather over-entitled.

      meimeitoo wrote: »
      Having said that, not restarting the calendar is just a weird thing to do. And while I think asking for compensation is too much, the absence *does* affect people.
      I was under the impression the fix for the calendar hadn't passed QA yet.
      You're right. The work here is very important.
      tacofangs wrote: »
      ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
    12. Options
      aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      jeffel82 wrote: »
      I was under the impression the fix for the calendar hadn't passed QA yet.

      I was under the impression they still hadn't figured out what's wrong with it. Last I heard was "Well we had hoped the post-maintenance server restart would fix it..."
    13. Options
      jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      I was under the impression they still hadn't figured out what's wrong with it. Last I heard was "Well we had hoped the post-maintenance server restart would fix it..."

      Looks like you could be right about that - my mistake.
      We still need work on the resolution, test the fix internally, get it into a build, and then to Tribble, etc.
      You're right. The work here is very important.
      tacofangs wrote: »
      ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
    14. Options
      wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      sunseahl wrote: »
      Probably not gonna happen but I have a proposal for Cryptic on the eventual return of Hourly Events....

      Because a lot of us are grinders on the hourly events the loss of it has made most of us not even work for the rep or any fleet anything unless we HAVE to. This means that your content isn't being used and players are ready to move on to another game because what little convince in consta-grind is now gone. So when it returns i propose...

      1. The possibility of 500 of each mark split into 5, 100 boxes of your choice of marks
      (based on and average of 20 bonus marks twice a day for 14 days rounded down to the nearest hundred)

      2. 8k Dilitium
      (a DRASTICALLY reduced sum based on what one can obtain in 2 weeks)

      3. 1 million EC
      (again, another paltry sum based on loot drops from all hourly event content absent from STO for 2 weeks)

      Lmao ur in dreamland the most there will do is do a boues weekend
    15. Options
      mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      sunseahl wrote: »
      Probably not gonna happen but I have a proposal for Cryptic on the eventual return of Hourly Events....

      Because a lot of us are grinders on the hourly events the loss of it has made most of us not even work for the rep or any fleet anything unless we HAVE to. This means that your content isn't being used and players are ready to move on to another game because what little convince in consta-grind is now gone. So when it returns i propose...

      1. The possibility of 500 of each mark split into 5, 100 boxes of your choice of marks
      (based on and average of 20 bonus marks twice a day for 14 days rounded down to the nearest hundred)

      2. 8k Dilitium
      (a DRASTICALLY reduced sum based on what one can obtain in 2 weeks)

      3. 1 million EC
      (again, another paltry sum based on loot drops from all hourly event content absent from STO for 2 weeks)


      this is not a requirement, you are doing it of your own free will, it is not critical in any way. and just because you want to spend months mindlessly grinding away for this stuff doesnt mean you deserve anything beyond what you put into it which you already got.

      besides what is 2 or 3 weeks compared to 11 months and a few weeks when you can do it and regain what you lost anyways? i completely fail to see your logic in this fictious idea of entitlement.
      T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
      Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
    16. Options
      john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      Should they compensate there customers for all the game breaking bugs we have been dealing with in BFAW for the last 2 months, and now the calendar breaking and them not bothering to fix it in a timely manner, yes ofcourse they should. A business that cares about there customers would offer some sort of compensation in an attempt to make there TRIBBLE ups right. Unfortunately cryptic is not a company that cares about its customers and therefor nothing will ever come of this.
    17. Options
      kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      To the OP:
      ... I think that about sums it up.
      Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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      solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      LOL@compensation for a FREE game. Maybe if you have a paid subscription, but if you're a F2Player . . . get real.
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      hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      LOL@compensation for a FREE game. Maybe if you have a paid subscription, but if you're a F2Player . . . get real.

      Even a paid subscription doesn't entitle you to compensation for stuff like this, no matter how many petulant tantrums the kids throw.
      Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
    20. Options
      mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      hanover2 wrote: »
      Even a paid subscription doesn't entitle you to compensation for stuff like this, no matter how many petulant tantrums the kids throw.

      QFT and fully agree.
      T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
      Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
    21. Options
      john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      I wouldn't say anyone is entitled to compensation, its just good business to throw your customers a bone when you massively **** up.
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      mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      john98837 wrote: »
      I wouldn't say anyone is entitled to compensation, its just good business to throw your customers a bone when you massively **** up.

      mmo companies have screwed up from time to time and being honest so have we all at some point or will probably do so in the future, it deserves one free chance. but a consistent TRIBBLE up is another matter. this calendar thing the op means was probably just an accidental snagged twig in the server restart for holodeck the other week. these things happen.
      T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
      Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
    23. Options
      askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      john98837 wrote: »
      Should they compensate there customers for all the game breaking bugs we have been dealing with in BFAW for the last 2 months, and now the calendar breaking and them not bothering to fix it in a timely manner, yes ofcourse they should. A business that cares about there customers would offer some sort of compensation in an attempt to make there TRIBBLE ups right. Unfortunately cryptic is not a company that cares about its customers and therefor nothing will ever come of this.

      Ahh another person using the words "game breaking bug" to over exaggerate a problem. Do I like the BFAW issue? No. Is it 100% STOPPING me from playing the game? Far from it and no one can say it's stopping them from playing unless you just are that reliant on it then it's only a problem for you, not an actual game breaking bug. Same with the calendar events. Yes, it makes things harder (considering i had to level characters without them back in the day) but it doesn't completely stop you from being able to do things.

      The calendar is being worked on (only been stated a few times before) and you have to also realize this happened while a lot of developers were gone. It's a huge thing they are working on as we speak and it wouldn't surprise me if we saw a patch go up today or tomorrow on tribble with a possible fix.

      I would like compensation as well honestly but ultimately don't care. I'll just keep punching away :)
      Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
      Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
      Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

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      admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      Ok so your wanting compensation from Cryptic which is the same company that locked out some 300 plus players, (confirmed No telling how many more didn't report it, Free Gold and Lifers) from playing the game at all. And all we got was a We are working on it response?

      Good luck. I'm a gold member and I lost a total of 4 weeks that's right one month that I have paid for but could not play because of Error number 18897741, because of lockouts. And you want them to compensate you for not being able to play the events?


      Fleet leader Nova Elite

      Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
    25. Options
      gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      john98837 wrote: »
      Should they compensate there customers for all the game breaking bugs we have been dealing with in ...

      Game Breaking means it breaks the game. That the game is no longer playable. The game is playable. It is 98%+ playable. It is not broken.

      (Sorry - Had the same reaction as when people say "I literally died laughing". No. You didn't. You're still alive - Mores the pity. You meant figuratively).
    26. Options
      markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      Here's my thoughts on the OP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de3fl3IvtyE
      My character Tsin'xing
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