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  • quintoneasttnquintoneasttn Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Walks into Ten Forward after attending her New Year's Eve birthday party celebration at Qwark's.


    Sometimes life is like holding a tiger by the tail, other times.. you are the tiger.

    Biographical Profile:

    Sasami's ancestral lineage can be traced back to nobility from the early days of the Romulan Royal Court. Through the early years of the growing Romulan Star Empire, her noble family's name was associated with honor, courage and respect. But the hierarchy of fleet administration favors those whose actions strike fear in their counterparts. Officers who will get the job done no matter what and bring back results. So her ancestral family lost favor, prestige, privilages, and position. Two centuries later from a rural agricultural setting, Sasami worked hard for her family to prosper their farm and dreamed of placing high in the mandatory military fleet aptitude test when she came of age as a young adult. Through dedication to her studies, a hard work ethic, and the rare characteristic of being trustworthy. Sasami worked her way through the Fleet Acadmy to earn a good position on a modest ship. It was an old ship, but each journey begins with but a small step. With the sudden unexpected cataclysm and loss of her homeworld from her sun going supernova, Sasami lost her world, lost her family, lost her past. The fleet is her home now, and her future filled with challenges and dark tidings competing against unsavory fellow officers for limited fleet promotions and even scarcer.. a ship of her own. Even though these are difficult times for all Romulans, she will make sure that her future will shine brightly and that her family name will once again be regarded with respect in the New Romulan Republic. She owes that much, to the close family who she had lost in the cataclysm. Ever more in her thoughts is an old Romulan Proverb, "Silence Constitutes Supreme Authority". Now with her efforts in wanting to help bring down the Tal'Shiar for destroying not only her adopted farming colony but others as well. Someone.. has to take a stand.

    Relationship status: Single, never married. Was briefly engaged to an assistant mathematics professor at the Fleet Military Academy on Romulus.
    Psychological review: Even tempered, calm under pressure, hard work ethic. Recommend this recruit for deep space missions or front line operations. Can be depended on to get the job done.
  • flightofcrimsonflightofcrimson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    Ajgkrabgjhrbakfdjhaf Kalleth Zuchiiini; Vice Admiral in the Republic Fleet; Diplomatic Attache to the Federaiton Embassy on New Romulus

    SPECIES: Unknown - Pending further investigation
    GENDER: Female
    PLACE OF BIRTH: Virinat Colony (destroyed)
    DATE OF BIRTH: Unknown

    CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Patrolling the Celes Sector
    CURRENT COMMAND: I.R.W. Amaranth Empress

    Vice Admiral Zuchiiini was one of the survivors of the attack on the neutral colony of Virinat, and following the arrival of the Republic fleet she enthusiastically enlisted in its military. She was part of the detachment sent to survey for a new home planet for the Republic, and was instrumental in the discovery of New Romulus.

    Following the official establishment of the nation and its alliance with the Federation, Zuchiini served as a diplomatic attache to the Federation Embassy, fighting both Romulan and Federation enemies alike. During the conflict with the Tal Shiar, she distinguished herself in skirmishes across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, proudly fighting against the tyranny that Empress Sela and her forces wished to inflict on the Romulan people.

    The loss of several warbirds has been a black mark on Zuchiiini's record, ensuring that the chance of a promotion to Admiral is all but impossible. However, the Vice Admiral is still considered a hero amongst the Romulan people, despite the fact that her origin and species are still unknown. Due to this, she has been allowed to take command of the I.R.W. Amaranth Empress, and continue to serve the Republic navy to the best of her ability.

    While Zuchiini's species has yet to be determined, it is clear that the Vice Admiral's biological makeup possesses many similarities with flora on the colony of Virinat. Indeed, it seem as if her body is a symbyosis between plant and animal. However, due to the colony's destruction, it is no longer possible to compare the native plants and her genetics, meaning that the mystery of her origin still eludes us.
    - Subcommander Satra, Science Officer aboard the I.R.W. Amaranth Empress

    Zuchiiini is considered to be reckless and highly energetic, and is incapable of spending long periods of time without action. She is fond of socialisation, capable of bonding with any type of person. Following the attempted indoctrination by the Tal Shiar (see file: Operatives.TalShiar), the Vice Admiral showed some suicidal tendencies, but has managed to overcome these.

    Highly loyal to the Republic, the Vice Admiral, despite her eccentricities, is mentally sound, and as such it is highly unlikely that she will betray her allegiances.
  • halfblack1halfblack1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Rico was a promising member of Starfleet, rising quickly to the rank of Commander despite a tendency to temper and an incorrigible stubborness. Strong-willed and decisive, she was very capable in combat, and a quick, agile mind made her a formidable strategist. Her peers and commanding officers, however, noticed that she was less than fond of Klingons, her tactics and orders towards them carrying much more force than towards other targets. She outright refused to allow Klingons to serve on her ship.

    It came to a head when her ship came across a small, disabled Klingon vessel with only a scant few survivors left inside. After initial objections to being told to take them aboard- "they'd be better off jettisoned"- Rico complied. However, keeping the half-dozen Klingons on the barest of rations - barely enough to keep them alive - and confined solely to a single small room with only the barest of medical attention earned her renewed ire and she was dressed down for her treatment of Klingon civilians, a couple of whom were barely adults.

    When one of the people reprimanding her made reference to reviewing her suitability for command of a ship, and another alluded to stripping her of some rank, that was the breaking point. After she was excused, she left and, with any crew that would come with her, left Starfleet altogether. Rather than lose command of a ship, she found her own and turned to pirating. Rico found she much preferred the freedom to do as she wished with her own ship and crew, as well as those she came across. The next time she came across Klingons in need of assistance, she turned a blind eye and a deaf ear.

    They weren't even worth the time to think about, and, if they died out there, there was only good to come from less Klingons in the universe.

    No one could tell her any different.
  • chivs116chivs116 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Fed : Rob Chivers

    Born in the city of York, UK, Earth, into a 5th generation Starfleet family, His Father, a Fleet Admiral at Starfleet HQ and his Mother, a Rear Admiral, in command of 6 Starfleet Shipyards and Orbital habitats at Utopia Planitia

    Graduated 4th in his class at Starfleet Academy, receiving high praises from his professors and fellow students. His lead professor stated "Cadet Chivers is one of my best students I've had in my 35 years at the academy; I will expect him to do well in Starfleet and go far"

    During a Borg engagement at Vega Colony, Ensign Chivers on board the 32 year old U.S.S. Farragut, was forced into hand-to-hand combat with a drone, and was scared along his right cheek

    With most of the command crew killed Ensign Chivers took command and with help of the remaining task force, was able to destroy the Borg armada

    Ensign Chivers was awarded Starfleet's medal of valour and Silver Star for the defence of his ship and crew during the engagement
    Starfleet also decided to give Ensign Chivers command of the re-fitted U.S.S. Farragut until it's decommission

    Shortly after Chivers was promoted to Lt.Cmd, Starfleet gave him command of the U.S.S. Endeavour, a new experimental Sabre class Starship. During an ambush by Klingon warships, the warp core was heavily damaged. With the emergency ejection system failing to engage, the crew abandoned ship. As the Klingons moved in, the core breached, taking out both warships

    Chivers and his crew spent 5 days in escape pods until rescue ships found them

    Now Vice Admiral, Chivers and crew have proven themselves in both the U.S.S. Atlantis and more recent the U.S.S. Horatio Caine

    Starships Commanded (To date):
    U.S.S Farragut NCC-94053 (Miranda Class) Decommissioned
    U.S.S Endeavour NX-93588 (Sabre Class) Destroyed
    U.S.S Sentinel NCC-93009 (Intrepid Class)
    U.S.S Atlantis NCC-92915 (Akira Class)
    U.S.S Ark Royal NCC-94223 (Galaxy-X Class)
    U.S.S L J Gibbs NX-93455 (Ambassador Re-fit Class)
    U.S.S Horatio Caine NCC-92966 (Prometheus Class MVAM)
    After major refit: NCC-92966-A (Fleet Prometheus Class MVAM)

    Rom: Marrus Selok

    Born in the Romulan capital city, and joined the Romulan military at the age of ascension, Marrus very quickly past's from the academy and joined the fleet, while servicing on the D'deridex Warbird I.R.W Tomal as a lieutenant, The I.R.W Tomal was caught in the trail edge of the Hobus supernova that destroyed Romulus. The I.R.W Tomal was heavily damaged, numerous hole breaches and main power failing, the crew knew that death was coming. After 6 days with Life support nearly gone the remaining crew were picked up by the U.S.S Farragut and taken to starbase 39.

    Marrus was 1 of 26, of a crew of 1500, to survive the blast on-board the I.R.W Tomal, wounded and scared Marrus spent 3 years in a Romulan hospital recovering.

    3 weeks before being discharged Marrus put a request to the surviving military leadership to re-join the military at his old rank; this was refused by the leadership because they didn't believe Marrus could cope with his injury in the military.

    With the Romulan home world destroyed, his family killed and the empire now in turmoil Marrus didn't know what to do with his life, he moved from planet to planet seeking work. The Civil war soon broke out and Marrus didn't choose a side in the power battle. With the two sides at war Marrus was left on the side lines, in the end settled in a small colony at Virinat.

    With assistance from the Federation and the Klingon Empire in helping create the colony at "New Romulus" Marrus left Virinat to settle on "New Romulus". D'Tan the leader of the "New Romulus" colony visited all the returning officers and offered them to return to duty to help re-build and protected the new Republic.

    Although visibly scared, Marrus has vowed to rebuild the republic for all Romulans and to cast out the old ways that destroyed his home and family.

    Ships command to date
    R.R.W Terrik (T'Varo Class)
    R.R.W Veles (Dhelan Class)
    R.R.W Solian (Mogai Class)
    R.R.W Ravius (D'deridex Class)
    R.R.W Gannius (Fleet Ha'feh Class)
  • angelsilhouetteangelsilhouette Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2014
    This is a pretty short bio, because it had to fit within the in game biography interface. I've expanded it just a little, though, because I felt it needed at least one more paragraph.

    It was requested I post the bio after I posted the picture of this captain in a uniform thread. (See the link below. I won't post the pic directly, because it is very large and I don't want to take up any more space than need be.)

    Butcher never really had the lobes for business. Even while he still had his first set of ears, his father berated him for his poor grasp of the business. Unsurprisingly, he had little interest in the Continuum and the rules of acquisition. It all bored him and reminded him of his father's abuse. He much preferred playing tactical war games over the subspace net with the Human and Andorians.

    That life could not last forever, though; eventually his father disowned him for disgracing his family name. Leaving home, however, turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to him. Shortly after leaving he found and fell in with "the bad crowd"; a gang of youths who glamorised the Klingon way of life and practised fighting in secret. He renounced his name and insisted upon remaining nameless until he could earn a name worthy of his skill and prowess.

    Silence was his primary weapon within the gang, watching, waiting and learning. He may not have had the lobes for business but he definitely had a mind for tactics. As a result, he excelled within the group, earning the conspicuously Human name of "Butcher Sphynx" due to his brutality and silent, enigmatic nature. He eventually fought his way to the top, maintaining his alpha rank by defeating all comers until he was old enough to join Starfleet.

    He was accepted quickly and his excellence in the tactical programs made him a very promising cadet; or would have had fighting not managed to follow wherever he went. It was not as if he actively sought out turmoil or conflict, he did his absolute best to be a model cadet, but just as on Ferenginar, fighting seemed to gravitate to him. If it wasn't someone trying to take down the toughest looking punter in the bar to prove his manliness, it was a bully living under the impression that all Ferengi were pathetic, whimpering cowards.

    Butcher eventually found himself reporting to Captain's Mast. During the mast, his future at the academy was looking very dim; but were it not for a Colonel that witnessed the latest brawl in which Butcher had injured several of his MACO regulars, he most certainly would have been expelled. The officer made a request for clemency on Butcher's behalf, proposing a cadet exchange with the Academy CO: Butcher would be sent to West Point to learn discipline and obedience and a MACO cadet would take his place at the Academy. Eventually the finer points of the exchange were worked out and Butcher began his cross training where he immediately found himself instructing hand to hand combat to the MACO cadets. The exchange, as it turned out, had been proposed purely for MACO's benefit. The colonel had recognised a strategy in Butcher's chaotic and seemingly unpredictable fighting style, so made the exchange under false pretences in order to acquire him as an instructor. He wasn't a fool, though; he knew that it would only be temporary and that when the exchange was over, there had better be some progress to show for it. To that end, Butcher was put through his paces and ridden very hard in order to break him down. A year later, when he was returned to the Academy, he was permanently MACO. He graduated with honours in the top of his class, was given an immediate promotion to Lieutenant, and even given a battlefield promotion to acting captain during the Veyga conflict; many claim him to be one of the finest officers the Academy has ever produced, but once a MACO, always a MACO.
  • pupxpupx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It would become too long a post to include the bios of all my officers, but these here two excerpts I would like to post:

    T'Press Pok'Dahl
    Federation, Vulcan Female
    Age: 42. Height: 1.92. Grey eyes, dark hair.
    Science Carreer.
    Current ship: V.S.S. Dryad (Vulcan T'Kyr)

    What's to say about Vulcans you don't already know? T'Press was always studious, always curious, always displaying a deep interest in anything there was to know about the universe, life, and everything. She went to Starfleet Academy and graduated with flying colours. Other than that, she doesn't have anything particular to share about herself, as her ego, much unlike her resolve, is nigh on absent.

    Her chief science officer, Chedride Yaksoe, on the other hand, greatly looks up to Admiral T'Press, which T'Press finds somewhat awkward, no matter how much Chedri is appreciated as a very fine officer.

    At one time exclaiming "Captain, I may not be your Number One, but I am your number one fan!", Chedri now gets to see the ship's counselor a lot more often than before.

    Zephyra Zuula
    KDF, Orion Female
    Age: 32. Height: 1.92. Green skin, endless legs.
    Tactical Carreer.
    Current ship: O.S.S. Cherub (Marauder Flight Deck Cruiser)

    Renegade Orion Pheromone Flinger.

    What brought her to the position of Lieutenant General of the KDF? Cunning, manipulation, well orchestrated intrigue and relentless aggression. Yes, the utilization of pheromones, that speaks for itself.

    More than half of her crew consists of outcasts, renegades and fugitives who now at last make a stand for themselves, under the flag of a proud Empire, yet with a freedom that no other faction could offer them anymore.

    Notable crew members include Gul Wren, a Cardassian doctor who, during the occupation of Bajor, ... well let's just say he's a war criminal - you wouldn't want to let him near you with a hypospray unless it's absolutely necessary; And Busi, fruit of an unholy bond between a Cardassian and a Romulan, who found herself struggling with her identity, and not as welcome in either society.

    As for the Gorn Tashathul, Zephyra's famed First Officer, he might have been Captain instead, if things had been just a little different.

    Honorable and wise, he makes it no secret that he is glad that his commanding officer isn't Klingon, but like himself, a member of a conquered species.

    He does however appreciate the strength of the Empire, and feels proud to serve an important position.

    Other characters include Gash Lacerate, the Gorn, because one needs to have a Gorn character, and Circe Flax, a Rogue Joined Trill. Unrightfully abducted the symbiont and putting it to vengeful purposes for the KDF.
  • robpivarnikrobpivarnik Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Kinravip, an albino Vulcan, was an outcast most of his life, but not because of his lack of pigmentation. Kin, as he is known to his friends, represses none of his emotions. (Upon graduating from Starfleet Academy, his Terran classmates gifted him with a t-shirt reading: "Kohlinar is for sissies.")

    Kinravip recognizes the value of Logic, and can verbally spar with the greatest minds in the galaxy, but as a child, he was a student of Terran behavior. He discovered a fondness for the complexities of the human personality. He also learned that emotionally-based "human instinct" was a tool he could cultivate and hone within himself, and while it made him no friends on his homeworld, it has stood him in good stead throughout his career in Starfleet. While most humans take an instant liking to Kin, most Vulcans either look upon him with extreme distaste or suspect he suffers from early-onset Bendii Syndrome.

    Kinravip began his Starfleet career as a medic, but soon acquired advanced degrees in medicine and linguistics. It was his desire to learn and explore that led him to command his own ship. While not strictly a pacifist, Kinravip would rather liberate a Borg than destroy one. This is an admirable attitude, considering that his parents, civilians who were on their way to visit Kin on Earth, were assimilated by the Borg, and later killed at Wolf 359. He has no other living relatives. Kin considers his shipmates his family, and his ship his home.

    Kin's areas of expertise and interest are many, and include: Federation history, Terran culture, xenobiology, xenocuisine, xenolinguistics, holophotography, and poker.

    Kinravip's [first] ship, the U.S.S. Asclepius, is named for the ancient Greek symbol of medicine and healing. While not a hospital ship, per se, the Asclepius has one of the most advanced sickbays in all of Starfleet.
    Un ami est quelqu'un qui te connait bien, mais t'aime quand meme.
  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This one took me a while.

    Personnel Record, Starfleet Command

    Captain ZHANG, Robin L.
    Male Human, Oriental
    Born January 13, 2381 in Taipei, Taiwan on Earth

    Marital Status
    In a relationship; Name withheld

    Both parents retired from Starfleet service; Father was Systems Engineer at Utopia Planitia Shipyards; Mother was Logistics Clerk at Materiel Supply Command; One younger brother working at Daystrom Institute; Paternal grandfather served in Starfleet and survived Wolf 359; Maternal grandparents were miners on Janus IV; Immediate and extended family currently managing a large fruit orchard on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia.

    Majority of formative years in Taiwan, punctuated with frequent stays at the orbital residential complex near Utopia Planitia Shipyards; Family later relocated to Melbourne, Australia following mother?s reassignment

    Entered Starfleet Academy in 2399, attending classes at the main San Francisco campus.

    Initially enrolled in Engineering/Operations Track, intending to specialize as a Systems Engineer like his father; later transferred to Command/Tactical/Security Track in 2400, following favorable assessment by academy instructors.

    Majored in Tactical and Engineering, Minored in Security. Notable courses undertaken include:
    - Diplomacy: Hostile Species
    - Diplomacy: Non-Traditional Situations
    - Engineering: Base-Mode Operations
    - Engineering: Intermediate Isolinear Circuit Design 1
    - Engineering: LCARS Programming 1
    - Engineering: Operations and Command Functions
    - Engineering: System Design
    - Survival: Captivity
    - Survival: Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training
    - Tactics: Combat, Major Starships
    - Tactics: Combat, Non-Federation Starships
    - Tactics: Combat, Phasers and Photon Torpedos
    - Tactics: Combat, Small Weapons
    - Tactics: Combat, Unarmed

    Graduated in 2403, ranked thirteenth in Second-Class Honors, First Division.

    USS Bellerophon, NCC-65773 ? Miranda-class Light Cruiser (2404-2405)
    Commissioned as Ensign - Projectile Weapons Specialist, 2nd Class on Stardate 81173.0.

    Responsibilities included supervising the periodic testing of Mk XXV Photon Torpedoes complement, operation/maintenance of torpedo launchers.

    Crew evaluation reports indicated diligent performance of duties, and frequent suggestions for improving efficiency of operational unit; psychological profiling suggests minor behavioral issues, especially pertaining to interpersonal relationships.

    Involved in altercation with another crew member over personal matters on Stardate 82001.6; identity of second party withheld; disciplinary action limited to written warning due to behaviour being identified as non-recurring.

    Ship destroyed by catastrophic structural integrity and antimatter containment failure on Stardate 82008.48, due to friendly fire from USS Titan (NCC-80102) whilst defending Federation colony on Korvat. One of five survivors recovered from escape pod, received Starfleet Decoration for Gallantry in ensuring survival of fellow crewmembers Ensigns Thomas Richardson, Christine Barber, Mirra Shran and Vrin K?vov. Captain Paul Matthews and senior staff of USS Titan subsequently charged with gross negligence and dismissed from Starfleet.

    Convalescent leave between Stardates 82025.5 and 82080.3, to attend mandatory counselling sessions and care for fellow survivor.

    USS Lakota,NCC-42768 - Excelsior-class Heavy Cruiser (2405-2407)
    Commissioned as Lieutenant - Security Officer, 1st Class on Stardate 82220.5.

    Responsibilities included maintaining shipboard order and safety, escorting dignitaries and away teams, monitoring incarcerated prisoners, ship armory maintenance.

    Received Star Cross on Stardate 83695.1, for quelling riots at Arcadia Spaceport on Federation colony on Carnegie IV, during system-wide medical quarantine enacted due to virulent plague outbreak.

    Received Starfleet Medal of Commendation on Stardate 84023.3, for leading a contingent of security officers in securing and defending a field hospital on Ajilon Prime, as well as later coordinating its evacuation upon official Federation withdrawal.

    Participated in testing of a prototype personal shield generator on Stardate 83913.1; recommended several changes to improve power cell output efficiency.

    Temporarily promoted to Acting Security Chief on Stardate 84028.1, following incapacitation of Security Chief Lieutenant Commander Ekaterina Kotova and deaths of three Lakota crewmembers while ship?s complement took shore leave on Starbase Deep Space K-7; headed investigation into incident and identified a Lakota security officer as primary suspect; charges dismissed and detailed case records sealed by order of Starfleet Command as of Stardate 84058.7.

    Responsible for coordinating security arrangements for the official First Contact ceremony between Federation and Chalanan delegations, on Stardate 84149.7.

    USS Currahee,NCC-79886 - Sovereign-class Assault Cruiser (2407-2409)
    Commissioned as Lieutenant Commander - Chief Tactical Officer on Stardate 84182.1.

    Responsibilities included overseeing all shipboard weapons and defensive systems, coordinating Tactical Department personnel and resources, advising senior staff during potentially hostile encounters.

    Commended for actions on Stardate 84672.5, during dispute between civilian freighter fleets from the Malseeran Ascendancy and the Tu'Vubiri Republic; prompt intervention prevented both fleets from opening fire upon each other.

    Participated in combat against Klingon and Gorn forces over Cestus III on Stardate 85272.1; overload occurred in ship?s fore ventral phaser array, resulting in injuries to seven crew members and significant damage to lower secondary hull; cleared of any negligence or wrongdoing by Starfleet OHSC inquiry on Stardate 85850.1.

    Passed Starfleet Bridge Officer Examination on Stardate 85864.4; subsequently assigned to head Gamma Shift.

    Present during first contact with Endari at Kappa Gamma IV on Stardate 86014.4; ship severely damaged by attacks from Endari Warbirds; Captain Zak Kebron incapacitated, First Officer T?Lanis KIA, numerous casualties amongst crew; assumed command as Acting Captain; awarded Christopher Pike Medal of Valor for successfully protecting the Currahee and surviving crew from second and third attack waves until arrival of Starfleet reinforcements.

    USS Odyssey, NX-94276 - Intrepid-class Long Range Science Vessel (2409-present)
    Commissioned as Captain on Stardate 86204.1, assigned as inaugural Commanding Officer of USS Odyssey, NX-94276.

    Oversaw installation and commissioning of improved Quantum Slipstream Drive and upgraded Tactical systems prior to launch on Stardate 86504.1.

    Intervened in dispute between two Cardassian Defense Force Guls on 86560.1; uncovered attempt by Cardassian True Way terrorist faction to frame key CDF personnel.

    Present at First Contact with Syvlrans on Stardate 86593.0, whilst investigating disappearance of USS Brunel, NCC-61889-A; Brunel discovered adrift over Syvlran homeworld, crew held in captivity as gladiatorial combatants along with those from major Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers; brief ceasefire declared with Klingon representative Captain Margon of the IKS Somraw to allow evacuation of all Starfleet personnel and Federation citizens present in area.

    Present at P?Jem during incident on Stardate 86621.5; ground combat engagement with Klingon commando forces whilst escorting Ambassador Sokketh to Monastery; Sokketh later identified as infiltrator of Species Species 8472 / Undine origin.

    Present at First Contact with Malincorians on Stardate 86639.3, whilst investigating repeated raids on the joint Cardassian-Federation colonization project on Molovan III; Malincorians admit responsibility, claiming fear of interlopers; arranged mutual non-aggression and cooperation treaty; preliminary investigations suggested Malincorians are late-21st Century United States Marine Corps personnel displaced from an alternate Quantum Reality.

    Charged with murder of decorated Starfleet Captain Shras th'Zarath on Stardate 86787.2, whilst taking shore leave on Risa; evidence presented at Court-Martial revealed th'Zarath to have been murdered by Orion Syndicate associates in a unsuccessful smuggling operation, as well as subsequent framing of Captain Zhang to divert attention; Zhang subsequently exonerated and charges dismissed.

    Present at First Contact with Birakorn on Stardate 86823.2; individuals identified as crew of a Warp-1 capable civilian transport sheltering in escape pod following destruction of ship; communication issues due to Universal Translator unable to decipher specific nuances in Birakorn language; rapport established through manual means, crew returned safely to Birakorn government.

    Held captive for four days along with Tactical Officer Lieutenant Commander Christine Barber by Klingon Captain Margon of the IKS Somraw on Stardate 86872.3, as part of terms for safe passage following ambush by cloaked Klingon vessel; assisted Margon in uncovering and preventing assassination attempt on M?ven, Son of Drex; Barber participated and won Bat'leth tournament on Forcas, representing House of Martok; both released as gesture of goodwill on Stardate 86886.2.

    - Amateur harmonica player
    - Displays fondness for loose leaf teas and noodle soups
    - During the Kobayashi Maru test at the Academy, Zhang regarded the scenario as a trap, choosing to destroy the titular civilian freighter rather than rescue it from the surrounding Klingon warbirds. His justification was that the crew were either already deceased, suffering under torture or collaborating with the enemy, thus making them legitimate targets*.

    [FONT=&quot](*Author?s Note: Interestingly, this was the same solution proposed decades before by Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, who coincidentally was overseeing Cadet Zhang?s test that day.)[/FONT]
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • gorillachopsgorillachops Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Fitzwiliam, Elizabeth L.
    Character Owner: @gorillachops
    Type: Player Character
    Name: Elizabeth Lucas Fitzwiliam
    SF ID NO: SC-200-137
    Rank: Admiral
    Born: 2379 Age: 30 Height: 179 cm
    Origin: Human (Female) Hair: Ginger
    Place of Birth: (Edinburgh, Scotland)
    Assignment: U.S.S. Solzhenitsyn, Commanding
    Academy Class: 2404 93rd Percentile

    Personal Biography:
    • Moved to St. Said's School for Girls, Ukraine. Focused on Math, Science, Music, Linguistics and Ballet studies.
    • Joined the Kiev Ballet Company as 'Enfant premiere dancer'
    • Formed a part of delegation sent to Children of Tamar (Tamarians), part of a Federation cultural exchange programme.
    • (RELEVANT EXTRACT FROM ACADEMY APPLICATION: It occurred to me many of the problems imposed upon communication with the Tamarians were born of our refusal to accept that our universal translators did indeed work. The problem was not a linguistic, but rather an anthropological one. So it seemed that the mime and silent movement in ballet would provide a suitable basis for Tamarian access to our own narrative history.)
    • Performances in front of current Federation President (see Okeg, Aennik), other ambassadors, etc.
    • Performance in Shakespeare tour of Klingon and Romulan worlds, including King Lear performance featuring Ambassador Worf.
    • Left Kiev Ballet. Joined Irish National Ballet as Principal Ballerina.
    • Studies begin at Trinity College, Dublin, specializing in mathematical sciences and music.
    • Applied to Starfleet Academy under advisement from university tutors. Granted special dispensation from Academy instructors to begin medical training in addition to her Science officer programme.
    • Testified during inquiry into Cadet Nathaniel Scott?s conduct. (File REF: SA532-G390)
    • Graduates from Starfleet Academy with high marks in sciences and medical training, excelling in mathematics, but low scores in tactical awareness. Note made on record by Admiral Sonatra allowing her to graduate with the rest of her class.
    • Three months stationed on Vulcan. Begins relationship with Vulcan seismographer.
    • Three months stationed on Risa. Ends relationship with Vulcan seismographer.
    • Assigned three months to Ba'ku, Briar patch. Shuttle forced to land at NGC 2812 after excessive build up of Metreon gas made further travel impossible. Played major part in the transition to a system wide subsistence economy. Remained on the planet forty-nine weeks.
    • Promoted to Acting Commander via subspace link.
    • Negotiates continued mining operations on [REDACTED]
    • Returned to Starfleet Academy to take part in Flag Officer Deep-selection programme.
    • Adapts original graduate thesis into undergraduate text; 'Application of Fast Fourier Transforms for Adaptive Subspace-signal Processing'.
    • Receives the Admiral Kirk award for 'original thinking' to the Kobayashi-Maru scenario.
    • Assumed command, U.S.S. Shostakovich NCC-93987
    • U.S.S. Shostakovich assigned to New Romulus
    • First meeting with Commader Tuvi'qu, member of Romulan Republic diplomatic attache.
    • Takes part in Battle of Starbase 234 against Tal Shiar, alongside Tuvi'qu?s D'deridex Warbird.
    • Promoted to Captain.
    • Performed Luciano Berio's 'Sequenza III' for female voice during ceremony of Vwort system admission to the Federation.
    • Encounter with 'Farpoint species' during Borg research mission. Prevented their assimilation.
    • Assumed command, U.S.S. Solzhenitsyn NCC-91482.
    • Promoted to Rear Admiral.

    Winner Fields Medal (International Mathematical Union, Earth) 2406,
    Admiral Kirk award 'Original thinker' for Kobayashi-Maru scenario,
    Silver Lyre, Trinity college, Dublin
    Deltan Academy of Music Inlas'lor award for Solo Vocal Performance.
    Prima Ballerina, Irish National Ballet, (2397-2401)

    Father, David Baxter Fitzwiliam (Born 2352), Starfleet historian (earth history); Mother, Emmanuelle McKenzie (Born 2357, Married 2378), senior biochemist Starfleet (retired); Brother, David Jr. (Born 2390, Died 2391), rare conjenital defect; Uncle Alex McKenzie.

    Ballet, Music, Applied mathematics, Linguistics, Haute couture, Swimming.
  • sharksinspacesharksinspace Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Jorin Solinek

    My First character Federation

    Biography: A veteran of the Dominion War, he is rigid in his logic and fairly cynical about the expansion of the Federation to include some of the less "civilized" planets as well as the reestablishment of any but a basic truce with the Klingon Empire. At the beginning of the Borg conflict he re-enrolled in the Academy for officer training.



    Biography: The Inspector of Virinat's police force when it was attacked by the Elachi and a sometime freight hauler when supplies were needed by the colony. He was born on Virinat 8 months prior to Hobus and his earliest memories were of the strife that followed over the next years. He was orphaned by marauders when they destroyed the freighter that his parents served on. He is currently the Consul for Alliance Cooperation with Starfleet and Unaligned Forces in charge of coordinating joint ventures with non Klingon forces. His prime objective is to expand the Republic into the former Imperial core as much as possible and make it the sole successor to the Romulan Star Empire.



    Biography: A drunkard he was demoted for burning out the engine of the cruiser (by dropping Grapok sauce into the primary computer circuits) he was the engineer of surviving only due to a hefty bribe he paid the Captain. While he is of the warrior caste long term sobriety (or lack of) has kept him in a relatively low position until recently.
  • sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Service Record:
    Vice Admiral Brendan Ty Stevens, Elite Warfare Operations and Command group
    Dual Commission: Starfleet Command & Military Assault Command Operations

    CO of the U.S.S. Rhea

    - Current Assignment: [REDACTED]

    Starfleet Rank: Vice Admiral

    M.A.C.O Rank: Colonel (voluntarily demoted from Brigadier General)

    Adjucnt Prof. Starfleet Academy - Weapons Engineering

    Commendations and Awards:

    Immigrants to Japan in the post-apocalyptic horror of World War III as refugees aboard the USA Aircraft Carrier, U.S.S. Lincoln. Records from this era are sketchy but Steven's ancestor, Timothy Stevens was a reporter and was involved in the capture and execution of Col. Green during his attempted purge in Kyoto.

    The Stevens family have been long-time members of Starfleet. No less than three different Stevens have served on Federation Flagships, though only one has served on an Enterprise, (NCC-1701, KIA during a engineering malfuction RE: a temporal incident, CLASSIFIED). The Stevens and Sulus, due to shared history (both were present for Col. Green's purge in 2061) have maintained family friendship of varying degrees (relations were weakest in the mid to late-23rd Century). Admiral Stevens and Captain Sulu are not to be assigned to a joint operation due to conflict of interest.


    Born and raised in Kyoto, Col. Stevens was born into an influential family, but has had a strained relationship with his immediate family, preferring to stay with the Miyazaki family in his youth. Stevens was initially assigned to the U.S.S. Endeavor where he worked as a low-level engineer until he reached Lt. Cmdr. His Captain and most of the crew were killed by a Crystalline Entity. He took command and was given the U.S.S. Rhea as his ship. Joining the M.A.C.O.s following the Battle of the Doomsday Machine, Stevens worked on the Odyssey-Class as a consultant with power regulation and Aquarius escort integration. The third ship of the class, the Misawa-B was given to him to serve as a Command Ship in the fight against the Borg and the Cardassian True Way.

    Steven's first officer is his old friend Kikyo Miyazaki, an expert on advanced power regulation systems. Second officer Commander Kari Monroe is also the first trans officer to command a starship (the Misawa's Aquarius Escort, the Shinjitsu).

    UPDATE: The Misawa's command has been transferred to commanding officer of the Elite Warfare and Operations group's Starbase. This is a rotating position and as such, no formal CO is assigned to Misawa at present.

    Stevens primary command is the Ambassador-class Rhea. The Rhea, constructed in 2379 was the last Ambassador-class built.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
  • ricosakararicosakara Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Thought I post both my Captain & crew's bios. Please forgive the crappy backgrounds to these characters. I wrote these most of these bios at the seat of my pants. ^^;

    Capt. Morya Saliva Koliya:

    Born a Namekian-Andorian Hybrid, Morya Salvia Koliya is a shining example of what starfleet is made of. Her first tour of duty as Captain was aboard the U.S.S. Axalon, where she met her first officer and lover, Andorian Security Officer, Anthi.
    Now a Vice Admiral, and Captain of the I.S.S. Retrocausality, with Anthi by her side, Morya is determine to put an end to the war between the Federation and the other factions.
    Vice Admiral Morya is also a founding member of Fleet Team "Sakara-Heart."

    Cmdr. Anthi Ethozi:

    Second in command of the Retrocausality, Commander Anthi Ethozi is Vice Admiral Morya's lover and best friend. She is tough as nails when it comes to her duty, and never goes by the book when the situation becomes grim.
    Off duty, she is sometimes a loner, but gets along great with Morya, Irab, Dr. Soduri, K'Kanak, Lenga, and Rodet. She in fact is best friends with fellow warrior K'Kanak.
    One of her hobbies includes collecting tribbles.
    Anthi hopes to become a captain and command a ship of her own one day.

    Cmdr. Jazzia Amelia Soduri:

    Dr. Jazzia Amelia Soduri graduated from Starfleet when the war started, and comes from a long line of doctors. She is also 3rd in Command of the Retrocausality, and is best friends with Vice Admiral Morya, Commander Anthi, and Commander Rodet.
    She cares for each of her patients just as a mother would her own child. She tends to think of the Retrocausality crew as her family.

    Lt. Cmdr. Irab Jha'tyg K'hyv:

    A "Miracle Worker" in his own right, Irab Jha'tyg K'Hyv serves aboard the Retrocausality as Chief Engineering Officer. His family comes from a long line of engineers rivaling that of Mongotmery Scott's lineage.
    He is also a huge fan of both Scotty and Geordie La Forge, and hope one day to have his name down in the history books.
    Outside of his duty, his is quiet, calm, and tends to speak the point of the conversation. He became fast friends with Dr. Soduri and Rodet. One of his specialties is hull and shield repair.

    Lt. Cmdr. K'Kanak:

    A member of the house of Martog, Klingon officer K'Kanak is among a handful of Klingon Officers and Officials who wish for peace with the Federation once again, believing that having the Federation as allies once again will strengthen the Klingon Empire rather than soften it.
    He joined Starfleet hoping his involvement would help.
    Even though he doesn't like Tribbles, he keeps one in his quarters to remind him of the troubled history his people had with them. He also keeps a pet Targ, which he raised since birth.
    A warrior loyal to his ship and crew, he also made a fast friendship with Commander Anthi, and sees her as a fellow warrior he wants to join with him on the battlefield.

    Lt. Lenga Sura:
    Lenga Sura is the Saurian Chief Science Officer aboard the Retrocausality, and is Dr. Soduri's most trusted friend. Much of her past she keeps to herself, but what is known is that she was once married and had three children. Her husband died during the beginning of the war, and has since join Starfleet to avenge his death.
    Usually by the book unless conditions arise, Lenga is the type of Starfleet officer that's seen pretty much everywhere.

    Cmdr. Pran:

    A high-ranking Breed General, Pran defected to Starfleet after the Preserver incident in the Lae'nas System, joining Capt. Morya's crew as a tactical commander.
    Despite his cold-hard exterior, Pran has slowly, but maturely, became a loyal member of Retrocausality's crew and family, acting like a "family bodyguard." He get along nicely with both T'Plong and Ulmek.

    Four of Six:

    Four of Six was once a young teenager named Mary-Jean Clark. Born on Earth, she was assimulated by the Borg when she was 12 year old during a Borg invasion of Rigil Colony.
    When she was finally alliberated by the Crew of the Retrocausality, she decided to join their ranks in the Engineering Department, helping Irab with his work.

    Lt. Zosan Avryb:

    A young Aenar and an old childhood friend of Anthi's, Zosan joined the Retrocausality the moment she knew her friend was serving as Commander.
    As the newest addition to the Engineering crew, Zosan works alongside both Irab and Four of Six as an engineering assistant.
    In their childhood, Zosan and Anthi were known as "The Dynamic Duo."

    Lt. Cmdr. Demetri Tobias Statham:

    Because he is a direct decendant of the famous 21st century actor Jason Statham, Demetri has not only his voice, but also his good looks, and badass additude to boot, earning him the nickname "The Jason Statham of Starfleet."

    Despite being a Science officer, Demetri also doubles a member of security, working alongside both Anthi & K'Kanak. As both a security and science officer, Demetri Tobias Statham is strictly by-the-book and gets the job done.

    While off duty, he prefers training with Anthi & K'Kanak, and loves following Klingon traditions.

    Lt.. Rodet Kraluburo:

    Rodet Kraluburo is a young Ferengi trader who serves aboard Retrocausality as Operations Officer. Despite fregeni law stating women can't practice trading, Rodet's father taught her all the rules of the trades before his death. Since then, she has used her cunning skills in trading to secretly sell enough gold-pressed latinum within the ferengi market to retire from the trade and live a peaceful life.
    After reitring from the trades, Rodet has joined Starfleet, hoping to end the war and share that peaceful life with her friends and family.
    She is best friends with Dr. Soduri and Lenga, and has three pet tribbles.
    When off duty, she tends to follow ferengi tradition, spending her off hours in her quarters naked.

    Ensign Naruko Mikamura:

    One of the youngest on the Retrocausality at only 14 years old, Nurako Mikamura is a child prodigy and one of the best gifted officers Starfleet has to offer.
    Much of her record is keep under wraps.
    Outside her duty, she a loveable, but a bit of spoiled brat, and is always found trying to cause trouble for either K'Kanak or Dr. Soduri.

    Lt. Cmdr. T'Plong:

    A member of the Vulcan Science Academy, T'Plong joined Retrocausality's crew as a tactical officer, hoping to bring a "science to tactical know-how." Her logic goes hand-in-hand with her loyal and stronge will of mind, making her a valuable member of the crew. She offen find herself in the company of young Maruko Mikamura, much to her chargen.

    Cmdr. Vorara'Ukan Ikat'toran:

    A Ex-member of the Dominion, Vorara'Ukan is among a few Jem'Hadar who wished to join Starfleet in the effords to end the war.

    A man of little history, he is a warrior engineered to perfection. As Second Tactical Officer, Vorara'Ukan hopes to serve the Retrocausality with honor and pride.

    Cmdr. Ulmek Lorix R'Ven:

    A loyal follower of Obisek and his Remen, Ulmek Lorix R'Ven requested a transfer to join the Retrocausality's crew after their assistant at Brea.
    Joining the crew and family as a science officer, Ulmek has so far show nothing but absolute loyality.
    He's gets along nicely with both T'Plong and Pran, as well as Vorara'Ukan and Four of Six. The five are known by Morya and her main bridge crew as "Team Think-Tank."


    CLASS: Mobius Temporal Destroyer
    REGISTRY: N.C.V.-93612-Y
    CREW: 250

    Chroniton Dual Beam Array, 2x Elachi Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons, & Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher

    Elachi Disruptor Turret, Kinetic Cutting Beam, & Temporal Disruption Device

    -Subspace Field Modulator, Temporal Fragmentation Set (Tipler Cylinder & Manheim Device), Tachyokinetic Converter, Assimilated Module, & Subspace Integration Circuit

    That's my crew & ship in a nutshell. ^^;;;
  • kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Cmdr Adams, Kylie J, currently commander of the U.S.S. Egypt V, NCC-91193

    A member of the Starfleet Academy Class of 2407, Kylie was an average graduate - not at the top, not at the bottom.. According to her class transcripts, that is. She paid attention in class, asked questions when relevant and understood everything her instructors taught, though when it came to written tests she was not the best. Regardless, she graduated and the training cruise passed without incident, finally ending up with a transfer to the U.S.S. Egypt, a ShiKhar-class frigate, as a minor member of the command staff.

    During a routine patrol, the Egypt picked up a distress call from several ships engaged with the Borg and responded. Ship was boarded, most of the command staff was killed, kicking Kylie from "low ranking bridge gopher" to "commanding officer of a starship". Since then, she has been commander of several frigates and destroyers, always returning them to the Mars shipyards on their own impulse power, thanks to her personal belief that she is, in fact, invincible, and more importantly, the skill of her engineering crews (which, seeing as she picked her Head of Engineering, who picked excellent engineers to serve aboard, is an extension of that belief). After an incident involving a crippled Defiant, she was given command of a recently launched Hermes-class patrol escort and told to stop blowing up her ships, which she has done, mostly. No matter how much damage the Egypt V has taken, it's always returned to shipyards for repair under it's own power, finally being refitted to fleet standards in early 2409. Nobody, least of all Kylie herself, is sure how much of the original hardware the ship was launched with has not been replaced.

    In person, Kylie is an intelligent, charming and friendly young woman, relaxed and, at most times, "fun" would be how people describe her. She is relaxed during ship operations, though expects her crew to carry itself with both the dignity and grace expected of a Starfleet officer in front of non-Egypt personnel, and will not tolerate continued behavior un-befitting of a Starfleet officer. A general standing order on the bridge is "if you have an idea, speak up now", and she has done her best to replace the bridge crew with people who are both creative and willing to speak up, often sacrificing discipline or ability for someone with an actual personality. She also has a habit of taking trophies, and her ready room is decorated with said trophies - bat'leths she's used in combat or taken from enemies, other weapons, various unique items she's come across or 'won' for herself.

    LtC Kyldam, currently commander of the U.S.S. Balboa, NCC-93044

    Another member of SFA Class of 2407, a Trill science cadet, she was bunked with Kylie due to alphabetical naming. The two of them immediately hated each other, Kylie being a laid back security officer and Kyldam an ambitious trill woman of science. Kylie would gain great (possibly unhealthily excessive) amusement from shifting a pen around on her desk or moving something in her half of the dorm, causing Kyldam to spend a few minutes rearranging her desk. FINALLY, after a few months, the issue suddenly stopped, nobody quite sure *why* it had and they became best of friends, the only other change a few scratches and a bruise on Kylie's face, which she declined to have healed or explain what had happened. Kylie being Kylie, they healed quickly and left no marks.

    Kyldam has had considerable less success than Kylie, by 2409 only commanding a Nova-class scout frigate. She is a strict but fair commander, expecting her crew to do their jobs well without question, although she will not ignore ideas submitted by junior officers if they are sound. She also despises tribbles - she is a woman of science and logic, and tribbles follow neither. She has an ensign who's sole task aboard the Balboa, is to bring a crate of provisions up to her quarters when she requests it. She then locks a single tribble inside and goes off to do things for an hour or so, then returns, unseals the crate and stuffs the resulting mass of tribbles into a replicator for recyclement, deriving immense pleasure from doing so.

    Cmdr Sokut, currently commander of the U.S.S. Darmstadt, NCC-93578

    Space is cold.

    An excellent graduate of the SFA Class of 2408, this Vulcan woman joined SFA for the pure, simple joy of repairing and working with machinery, taking things that are not operational, and then, via the magics of engineering and technical knowledge, making them operate as intended, or possibly even *better* than they were intended to. However, one of her instructors suggested she should transfer to Command - Starfleet needed able captains, and Sokut had potential to become an excellent captain. After several days of deliberating she, regretfully, transferred to Command track. Command was a whole new career, and being in a position of Command complicates things far beyond "fixing machines", but duty calls.. After several exams, she was deemed "a fine captain candidate" and given XO position of a Centaur-class frigate. After a few months or so, the captain retired and she was promoted to CO. Finally after about a year, several engagements with the Borg and Klingons, she was given command of a Saber-class escort frigate assigned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. She'd really rather spend her life on a warm, dry planet, fixing machines, but duty calls. In addition, there are certain perks to being commanding officer of a starship, even a small frigate.

    She has the strange quirk of wearing a blue/grey scarf over her uniform.

    Lieutenant Jezoz, commander of the U.S.S. Kashmir, NCC-93648

    A graduate of the SFA Class of 2409, Jezoz was an ideal Starfleet officer. Originally an Engineering cadet, she found she was better suited to Command shortly before graduating. Klingon ambush, training cruise, kicked upstairs, we all know what happens. After heavily damaging the U.S.S Tasmania, the Miranda-class she was given command of, she was shifted sideways to a Centaur-class called the Kashmir.

    She has the strange quirk of liking to sneak up on members of warm blooded species and sticking her cold hands up their shirt, particularly Vulcans and other similarly stoic species.

    Romulan Republic

    Captain Tireth, commander of the R.R.W. Crateris, an Ar'kif-type flight-deck warbird

    A survivor of the Destruction of Virinat, she rallied a group of colonists and hijacked an ancient T'liss-type warbird in orbit, clearing a path from Virinat close orbit to out of the system, linking up with the Romulan Republic. She was one of the first Romulans to Dewa III after it was discovered and decided by D'tan to become New Romulus and one of the first Romulans to ally with the Federation without hesitation.

    Tireth may be allied with the Federation and Starfleet, but she is a Romulan foremost... although she isn't exactly sure *what* a Romulan is. She knows what the Romulans *used* to be, a society of technological superior beings, incessantly backstabbing eachother while looking down upon anyone else who doesn't have copper-based blood... yet look where that got them - their Homeworlds destroyed by meddling with ancient technology, their society scattered to the ethereal winds, the legitimate governing body intimidating and murdering their own, selling those who disagree or refuse to be cowed to another, little known race of hostile aliens for insane medical experiments... and worse. Things *must* change, or the Romulans will become extinct. So Tireth discards ancient traditions, blazing her own path and creating her own definition of what a Romulan is, first and foremost, abandoning the subtle politeness and dishonestly the Romulans are known for. She is direct and crude, though with a clever charisma if the situation calls for it.

    Centaurion Tehis, commander of the R.R.W. D'daen, a Dhelan-type warbird

    Another survivor of Virinat, Tehis convinced a freighter captain to take her and her closest friend and companion off of Virinat before it was destroyed, riding freighters until she could join up the Romulan Republic and gaining command of a T'liss-type warbird of her own. Finally, after the talks at Khitomer proved successful, she was one of the many Romulans who allied themselves with Starfleet.
  • timothyre99timothyre99 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Vice Admiral Samuel Richards:
    Born in California in 2350, Samuel seemed to be a little different from the other children, as he never played with any toys, and instead spent most of his time messing with science tools his father, a prominent scientist who was secretly working with section 31, left around at their house. Although it seemed like a miracle that Sam didn't hurt himself, it was later shown that he was born with a genetic mutation in his brain that let him pick up information extremely fast, and that he, by the age of 5, had learned a extraordinary amount of information based solely on his father's reports that were on his father's desk. Therefore, when Sam reached the age of 18, he applied to Starfleet to use his knowledge to help benefit the sciences division. It was there that Samuel met his future wife and first officer, Sarah Kleff. After Sam graduated, he quickly became chief science officer aboard the first ship he served on. When a tragic surprise attack left Sam the only senior officer left aboard his skip in 2376, he assumed command and managed to outwit his assailants. Starfleet promoted him to Lt. Commander soon after, and gave him command of the ship. This was when he learned that Sarah was to be transferred to his ship, and they rekindled a relationship, got married, and had a child in 2379, who they named William. Samuel, however, grew to dislike his son when William decided that he was more tactically inclined than scientifically, and chose to go to Starfleet academy for tactical division, not science. This led to a tense relationship between the two, and Samuel and Sarah divorcing, which was especially hard because Sarah was now Sam's first officer. In 2409, Samuel was making his way to a science convention, when a Klingon spy shot him through the chest. Just before he died, he apologized to William and Sarah, and they forgave him, letting him pass away peacefully.

    William Richards:
    William was born in 2379 to Samuel and Sarah Richards. As he grew up, his father, a brilliant scientist, pushed him to become a scientist as well. However, William was more tactically inclined, leading to his ignoring of his father's pleads, and joining Starfleet as a tactical cadet. This caused a tense relation between his father and him, which also led to his parent's divorce, for his mother still supported him. He had joined Starfleet Acadamy at the late age of 26, and came out the standard 4 years later, assigned to the USS. Broadsword. He was on his first voyage, when the vega colony distress call rang out, and most of the senior officers were killed in the following battle. Taking command, William got his crew and ship out alive, and became the new commanding officer of the broadsword with a promotion to Lieutenant. And thus, our story begins, trudging through the campaigns of STO, and working towards the admiralty. However, another tragedy entered his life. A few months after the Vega Colony attack, Samuel Eichards was shot by a Klingon spy. Going to see his father one last time, William finally forgave him, and Samuel passed away. Now, after a few long years, Samuel has climbed the ranks and has reached Vice Admiral, and the is where our hero is now.
  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I know, late to the party, but I had a hard time actually figuring out this story, but now I have one

    "Ash Blazer":

    Ash Blazer is a lie. A story made up by a crew and backed up by Starfleet superiors with the idea of hoping to fix a mistake.

    Tristian Matthews was your average human born on Earth who, on a fit of pique, decided to try something vastly different from his family's more mundane life and attend Starfleet Academy. There, he met the real Ash Blazer, one of the more prestigious students in the class of 2409, a vast contrast to the more level-headed and average Tristian. Upon graduating, both men were assigned to the Miranda-class U.S.S. Hanasaki. Everyone knows the whole ordeal of the Vega Colony, the incident leading to Ash taking command.

    That's where things to a turn for the worse. Ash took the sudden "promotion" to his head, making Tristian his "number one" (which was more "gopher boy") and running him ragged while Ash took his superiority and tried to ram it down the Klingon's throats during the war. His actions angered friendly aliens and his own crewmates.

    The day Blazer found himself promoted to Lieutenant Commander was the last straw: just after obtaining the promotion and getting a better ship to command, the crew was called in to aid in the destruction of ta Doomsday Machine. Arriving at the site, Blazer broke away from the other Federation cruisers that were attempting to stop the Klingons and attempted to attack the Doomsday Machine head on. Tristian objected to this course of action, but was blown off. Other crewmembers objected as well, leading to Ash to explode in complete anger, telling them that this was his chance to prove that he, and he alone, would be the one who'd save the day.

    Tristian, usually a meek man who allowed to be bullied, couldn't take it any longer and decked Ash, knocking him out and allowing Security to detain him. Citing a few rules and regulations over his actions, his next order was to get their ship out of the way of the weapon, barely averting becoming slag, and returning to the battlefield.

    Returning to Starbase after the incident, Ash was turned over to the authorities while Tristian prepared for his own punishment with dignity. He believed, despite his very valid reasonings, he had broken a few codes of conduct and was ready for their decree. Instead, Tristian was commended for his actions, protecting his crew from an obviously unstable individual. However, noting how similar Tristian looked to Ash, they gave him his new orders: to fix the damages done by Ash in his overzealous run by assuming his identity. To protect his identity, he does a pair of goggles to hide his eyes with the story that he needs them to see in the light after an accident and he's just too busy to get them fixed at the moment.

    So far, this mission has gone very well. Officially, Tristian Matthews is a Vice Admiral who recently became an envoy and completed his first First Contact. As captain of the modified Prometheus-class U.S.S. Natsuki and the Odyssey-class U.S.S. Hanasaki-A, among others, he has done very well in protecting the Alpha Quadrant from dangers. Unofficially, these are Ash Blazer's achievements, mending broken bridges caused by the real Ash's attacks.

    As for the real Ash Blazer, he sits in a cell, plotting for the day he gets back at his crew for taking "his" spotlight.
  • captain185captain185 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Vice Admiral Stark, N.A.
    Starfleet Science Officer
    Commanding Officer U.S.S. Neil Armstrong
    Federation Avenger Class Battle Cruiser

    Born in the year 1976, This man lived for approximately 36 years in the 20th and 21st centuries. On December 21, 2012, an enormous subspace distortion appeared around Washington, DC. The planet would have been destroyed in a matter of hours had no one taken action. Mr. Stark hurled his body into the distortion in an attempt to save the Earth. It succeeded. Emerging in the year 2400, in a weird twist of fate, he was rescued by the starship bearing his own name to commemorate his actions in what was dubbed the Great Cataclysm of 2012 referenced above. DNA analysis proved that he was not a clone, but the actual man. The distortion transformed his body into that of a 16 year-old. After spending 5 years coming to grips with his situation and mourning the loss of everything he knew, he decided to apply to Starfleet Academy as a science candidate in 2405. During his 4 years at the Academy, he excelled in all his classes. In 2409, he graduated at the top of his class and was the only cadet to maintain a perfect GPA during all 4 years. Promotions came quickly to Mr. Stark both because of his celebrity status and his exceptional abilities as a Starfleet officer. To date, His body has aged to that of a 25 year-old. He was awarded the command of the U.S.S. Neil Armstrong upon his promotion to Vice Admiral.
    So, I just push the buttons and things blow up? Fascinating...
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Morgaiah ir-Sheratan t'Thavrau
    Fed-Rom Sci, currently C.O, USS Glamdring (Gladius-class escort refit I had available from the last giveaway)

    Born in 2359 on Sheratan VII, Morgaiah "Morgan" Thavrau was the daughter of Iliana Thavrau, an administrative aide employed by the Imperial Senate who worked for a number of influential senators over the course of a forty-four year career. Morgan suspected that one of these senators, likely Merken Vreenak based on timing, was her father, but her mother remained tight-lipped about the matter until her death in the Hobus supernova. She acquired her nickname from Gina Parker, a childhood friend and the daughter of a Federation ambassador.

    Morgan graduated from the Romulan Naval Academy in 2382 on science track with specializations in botany and physics, but was swept up in the Romulan Civil War near the end of her first tour of duty on the IRW Albintian. She was taking a watch on the bridge when a ship of the Imperial Romulan State decloaked and attacked. The conn officer was killed and Morgan took the helm, managing to get the ship to safety. It got her noticed and within two years she was the first officer of the Albintian.

    Disaster struck in 2387. The Hobus event killed virtually everyone Morgan had ever known, both on Romulus and Sheratan. She was then gravely wounded when the Albintian, escorting the few survivors of the Senate, was disabled by the Narada. The final nail in her career came when she rejected the advances of the ship's Tal'Shiar political officer and decided it wasn't safe to stay anymore. During a resupply stop she jumped ship and joined a refugee convoy, eventually ending up on a fleaspeck agri-world called Virinat where she would live for the next twenty-one years under the guise of a simple farmer.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • elvnswordselvnswords Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    Vice Admiral; Task Force Omega; CLASSIFIED See Below
    Reveris of the House of Ash

    RACE: Caitian Genetic Offshoot
    STATUS: Active Duty Starfleet Captain.
    Refused admiralty posting at Deep Space K-7
    Refused admiralty posting at Starbase 32

    Now serving as Admiral Commading of the 3rd Temproal Group, including NX-99781 U.S.S. Ouroboros, and NX-99782 Tempest ships created for the Office of Temporal Investigations, according to records created from the captured remains of a ships from the 27th Century.

    Ash Reveris of the house of Ash was born to a people long thought conquered and defeated. His proud warrior heart, and the straight biological drive of his body to fight kept him from accepting this. Seeing Starfleet as an outlet for these feelings he grew very attached to the extended family he meet in the Federation's Finest. Now he fights to defend his Pride, as a Warrior, of blade and words.
    Considered by many of his own people to be a dangerous individual he is actually a throwback. A rare genetic mutation closer related to the ancient Kzinti, then either the Caitians or the dread offshoot Ferasans. This makes him more prone to anger, and strangely telepathic.
    He founded the House of Ash for those throwbacks and renegades within both Ferasan and Caitian society. The House of Ash has grown faster then any house in the last two centuries due to it's inclusion of outsiders, Ferasans, throwbacks, and all who wish to re-earn they're honor.

    His assignment to the Ouroboros has been extremely helpful, preventing several dozen borg temporal incursions into the recent past with the ships capability.

    Most Recent Assignment: Called to the Gateway system by Office of Temporal Investigations due to

    unusual behavior by the Guardian of Forever, specifically the Guardian asking for Ash Reveris by name. Since his report in at Gateway, Reveris and his ship has not reported in, however it has been seen intervening in events around the quadrant including a Borg Attack on the IKS Kang, the Rescue of several Romulan Republic ships from Tholian Space, and at least one or two sightings on Earth Space Dock. He somehow avoids security at every turn, and has not reported in to superiors now for over 4 months, it is believed that he is not rogue, but operating on some agenda outside the purview of our temporal view and while orders are to bring him in for debrief, it is strictly forbidden to engage his ship, or crew with anything other then non lethal means.

    Update: As of 2410 has been seen in a new ship, a carrier of some sort, capable of docking both the Ouroborus and Tempest, which have been seen leaving the ship. This new ship is unknown to Temproal investigations, but gives the transponder code of simply "Derecho" an old term for an extremely destructive storm system on Earth. ((OOC Note: this carrier is technically an Aquatic Xindi Dreadnought Carrier, but, with some artistic license it could easilly be another temporal ship))

    Recent reports have come in detailing the new ship's intervention and aid in more then four dozen incidents accross more then eight sector blocks, sometimes literally in two places a the same time. It was key in stopping an undine incursion in the outskirts of the Andorian System, while at the same time reported helping to down the Borg Queen's attempts at a temporal transit in the Beta Epsilon system. It is unknown at this time how it is compensating for the Temporal Backlash normally caused by such anamolous activity.

    Approach with caution but be aware, while Admiral Ash is wanted for questioning he has not ever fired on Federation personel.
    ================================================== ====
  • coastcomiccoastcomic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    "They say the sea is cold, but the sea contains the hottest blood of all."

    T'Phal was born in Shi'Kahr, on Vulcan, in 2260. It was apparent from an early age that she was extraordinarily gifted with understanding and maintaining machinery. Not only was she, at 12 standard years old, the youngest being to receive a fellowship offer from the Daystrom Institute, she was also the youngest (and one of the few, period) to turn the down the Institute flat.

    One of the primary reasons she refused this great honor is that T'Phal has great difficulty in interacting with others -- particularly those of the opposite gender. In order to control her hormonal imbalances, she threw herself headlong into logic as a way of life. Indeed, the exercise of cold, hard logic had become a refuge for T'Phal (but far from a perfect one).

    In an effort to remove herself from some extremely distracting Vulcan males, T'Phal sought and gained admission to Starfleet Academy in 2286. She reasoned that throwing herself into a study of strange alien technologies, coupled with her rigid adherence to logic, could keep her mind off of men.

    During her time at the Academy, T'Phal met Saavik, and later befriended and became extremely close with Valeris. Because Captain Spock acted as a mentor to the two women, T'Phal had a number of occasions to meet him, but close proximity to the larger-than-life Vulcan unnerved her, and so she eventually began avoiding Spock as much as possible.

    After graduation (with several advanced technology degrees, and more than one patent to her name), T'Phal was posted as an engineer on a number of capital ships, fairly quickly rising to the rank of Commander and being given command of the Miranda-class U.S.S. Exeter (NCC-93001). She kept in contact with Valeris (although friendly, she and Saavik had little in common due to her often-emotional nature) and because of this close friendship, T'Phal was contacted in late 2291 by Starfleet Intelligence. Evidence was mounting that Valeris might be involved in a far-reaching conspiracy of some type, and Starfleet Intelligence wanted T'Phal to utilize her relationship with Valeris to gain access to the upper-level conspirators.

    Initially she wanted nothing to do with Starfleet Intelligence's investigation, but upon reviewing the evidence, the logical course of action became obvious. T'Phal's ship and crew were immediately dispatched on a “mission” that would coincidentally bring her into close proximity with Valeris' posting. After a time, Valeris took T'Phal into her confidence, and introduced her to some of the lower-level conspirators. Eventually, T'Phal was able to maneuver her way into gaining a meeting with the highest echelons of the conspiracy.

    As she worked to betray one of her best friends, T'Phal began experiencing guilt, despite her best attempts to tell herself that she was following the only logical course of action. Eventually, she decided to contact Saavik and ask for her advice. However, the recorded subspace message was intercepted by Valeris, who'd had some suspicions of her own. Under the guise of rendezvousing with the conspiracy leaders, Valeris lured T'Phal to a remote area of the Alpha Quadrant and neutralized her ship and crew.

    Not able to bring herself to actually kill T'Phal and her crew, Valeris instead had the Exeter's propulsions, computers and communications systems smashed, and the ship left adrift where it would be weeks (if not months) until it was discovered.

    Upon recovering consciousness, T'Phal and her crew discovered that while adrift the Exeter had encountered a spatial anomaly and been cast into what appeared to be a pocket dimension of some kind. Over the next few months, the captain and crew were able to restore (and in some cases greatly enhance) the ship's systems, but a way out of the pocket dimension eluded them until nearly a year had passed.

    Eventually, however, a way to escape was devised, and the Exeter was returned to normal space, only to appear in the midst of what was clearly a pitched battle between what appeared to be Starfleet vessels (although their designs and weapons were incredibly strange) and some sort of cyborg aliens with powerful, cube-shaped ships. After noting that the transponder signals of one of the sides appeared to be Federation in origin, T'Phal ordered the Exeter to fire on what appeared to be the flagship of the cyborg aliens. The Borg immediately perceived the new threat and made their customary announcement of their intent to assimilate the Exeter's crew, but were apparently unable to easily adapt to the ship's modified weaponry and shielding. The appearance of the Exeter quickly turned the tide of the battle, and the Starfleet forces rallied and were able to destroy the Borg ships.

    Ordered to stand down and be boarded after the battle, T'Phal, her crew and ship were taken by Starfleet to the Sol System where they were informed that it was now the year 2409. The ship and crew had been listed as “missing, presumed lost” in 2293, and over 100 years had passed. The crew was allowed to resume their Starfleet commissions, and T'Phal was assigned as captain of the U.S.S. Heinlein (NCC-95555), an Intrepid-class Long Range Science Vessel. By special dispensation, T'Phal and her officers were allowed to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one had gone before, wearing their familiar red Starfleet duty uniforms.

    Vice Admiral T'Phal
    Commander, USS Heinlein
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I've created two of my toons' bios in Wiki form:

    Edinger Deet:

    Aznia Deet:
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