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Post your captains' backstory

starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
edited September 2014 in Ten Forward
Backstories. Post 'em if you got 'em.

I don't really expect them to be as intensive as mine: I write fanfiction and enjoy world-building. But I enjoy reading these kinds of things. EDIT: And I've been pleasantly surprised!


Kanril Eleya (Bajoran female from Bajor)

Born in Kendra Province to town maintenance workers, Eleya enlisted in the Bajoran Militia at the earliest legal age and was assigned to the patrol frigate Kira Nerys as an energy weapons crewman. Within a couple of years she made sergeant. One day an Orion vessel ambushed the Kira and boarded them, and Eleya was near-fatally wounded by a knife-wielding Orion matron while defending sickbay. She was awarded the Silver Cross for bravery, and still has occasional nightmares about the events of that night.

When the Militia retired the last of its space forces near the turn of the century Eleya applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy. After graduation she served two tours on the RSE border, then six months on DS9 as assistant liason officer to the Bajoran Militia. She was then assigned to the USS Kagoshima as second shift weapons officer.

When the Borg attacked Vega Colony*, she ended up inheriting command after the Borg killed or assimilated the Kagoshima's entire command staff, leaving her, only a lieutenant junior grade, the seniormost officer afloat. With the help of Ensign Tesjha "Tess" Phohl, formerly the second shift projectile weapons officer from the USS Khitomer, she got the Kagoshima underway and managed to save several ships.


Brokosh (Lethean male from Erewhon)

Born to colonists in the Hromi Cluster, Brokosh recieved a scholarship to the University of Alpha Centauri engineering school. After graduating with a double major in mechanical and chemical engineering, he served as a combat engineer for various private security outfits for several years before going freelance in 2402.

In 2407 Brokosh married his longtime lover Ba'woV of the House of Chel'toK, a minor member of a very minor Klingon house. Upon discovering she was pregnant in 2408** he signed on with the Klingon Defense Force for steadier pay and was assigned to the operations section of the IKS Vomriw. He distinguished himself as an engineer in several sorties against Starfleet and eventually was promoted and transferred to the IKS Sek'lhr to serve as Second Officer. Though loyal to his employers as long as he's paid and his family is cared for, he feels their idea of honor is usually at odds with their actions.

* This predates season 8.
** I have absolutely no idea what a half-Lethean, half-Klingon would look like. :D
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"

Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Post edited by starswordc on


  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I am One of Twelve. Unlike other Borg, I was never assimilated. Rather, I am the first of twelve identical Human-Borg clones created by the Collective in an experimental test of Human capability. The goal was to determine the potential for utilizing human adaptability and innovation separate from the Collective as a strategic asset for advanced special operations, while retaining the Borg identity.

    We twelve clones were coordinated into a hierarchy commanding eleven Borg tactical cubes. I, One of Twelve, was in command of the entire group, while each of the others after me commanded a cube; I stayed on the cube commanded by Two of Twelve as my flagship. Our first engagement with starfleet was a Borg success, resulting in the destruction of fourteen Federation vessels and the assimilation of their crews.

    Unfortunately, this success was not to last, as the Human capacity to adapt and overcome adversity was our undoing. During our second engagement with Starfleet, the tactical cube with myself and Two of Twelve, along with all the other drones on the cube, was disabled and captured. The other ten tactical cubes retreated only through the direct intervention of the Borg Queen. The result of this capture was the liberation of thousands of drones, and the start of my career with Starfleet.

    My separation from the Collective was undoubtedly the most unsettling experience in my life, but the result is very worthwhile.

    I now command my own ship, and have taken Two of Twelve as my First Officer. Our goal is to liberate the other ten of us, while continuing our quest for "perfection" throughout the galaxy.

    In some ways, the Borg experiment was a success, as it allowed the Borg to operate beyond their expected strategies. However, the Collective ultimately deemed the experiment a failure since the individual remained capable of introducing strategic errors to Borg operations.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Starfleet Report For Rear Admiral Stomvhal
    Species: Unknown, subject, claims half human, half celestial
    Home: Unknown, alternate universe, subject claimes Toril
    Age: 30
    Height: 72 inches

    Captain Stomvhal is from an alternate universe known as Toril. He was brought through a temporal event caused by the Hobus system going supernova. Subject was 8 when found. Found to have an extremely high IQ and empathic abilities, he was trained by Section 31 to get him used to standard knowledge of a child his age.

    He was put up for adoption and given to a star fleet officer family who had ties to section 31. As he grew up, found to have exceptional talent in science and medicine.

    Enrolled in Starfleet Academy in 2405, graduated 2409. Assigned as first officer to USS Hotspur, Oberth class science vessel for midshipman's cruise as first officer. During the cruise ship was attacked by the borg. Captain and half the crew was killed, Stomvhal took command and proceeded to fight off the borg probe and returned the ship to Earth spacdock. While ship was undergoing repairs Ensign Stomvhal was placed in command of the Peregrine fighter class ship USS Fury.

    Placed as customs patrol for the Vega System until the system was attacked by the Borg. Helping to evac the civilians and hold off the Borg till the taskforce could arrive,Ensign Stomvhal was promoted to LT and given his command ability and his medical and scientific knowledge he was placed in command of USS Hotspur.

    Tours of duty:
    Lieutenant: CO: USS Hotspur- Oberth Class
    Lieutenant Commander: CO USS Althea Nova Class
    Commander: CO USS Indefatigable Ambassador Class
    Captain: CO USS Sutherlund Intrepid class

    Current Assignment: Commanding Officer 21st Exploration Squadron
    Ships under command:
    USS Ocean, Captured Obelisk Carrier
    USS Tonnent[Flagship] Sentinel class
    USS Nonsuch Luna Class
    USS Minotaur Hermes Class

    Current space assignment: Delta quadrant
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • philipclaybergphilipclayberg Member Posts: 1,680
    edited December 2013
    Personal log of Lieutenant General K'nesh

    Species: Mixed (see biography).
    Age: Birthdate unknown. Possibly in my late 20s or early 30s.
    Height: 78 inches.

    Part Orion, part Romulan, part human, I was looked down upon, bullied, humiliated, until I could take it no longer. Becoming an Orion slavegirl was offensive to me. I chose to join the KDF. It was not an easy path to take. But I succeeded, even to the point where my Klingon instructors told my fellow classmates, "This is what all of you should aspire to. Do not be ashamed of your ancestry, mixed or not. Let nothing hold you back. Stand tall, proud, and honorable. Strive as she has done, as Worf did. Strive to be the absolute best and you will never be disappointed with the results." True, I had instructors that were atypical Klingons (sadly, they were banished for life the day of my graduation from the Klingon Academy; it was only then that I was exposed by the Gorn instructor -- whom I had never really trusted -- to the Klingon High Council; I suppose I should be grateful that my Klingon instructors weren't just executed outright; perhaps the Klingon High Council weren't feeling bloodthirsty enough that day). Thus I will forever be grateful to them for their encouragement, their faith, their unwillingness to accept that just because I wasn't a Klingon, I was unworthy; I would not have come so far without them. I will continue to honor them each and every single day, whether when faced by an enemy, or while studying.
  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    race vulcan (female)
    origin: A parallel alternate future timeline (all good things-a)

    Lost here in an alternate timeline after her's was erased in a temporal conflict with the Borg.
    Admiral Kintisho and a handful of starships that were using experimental temporal shielding during a temporal wave effect initiated at unimatrix 01 were pushed into this parallel timeline.
    Now seeking allies in her quest to prevent the same fate for this reality she struggles on to eliminate the Borg.. With continuing battles and new threats being revealed her focus has shifted to the Iconians and their servitors the Elachi. Unfortunately the Undine accords were never stuck in this timeline, leaving our greatest and most powerful allies (the Undine) missing from the frey. Though somewhat disgusted with this starfleets decision to make outright warships she has since shifted over to more destructive means and with the discovery of the Solanie dyson sphere now considers the use of even more devastating weapons based on omega particle weaponry. My how the moral might fall to the needs of the many.
  • philipclaybergphilipclayberg Member Posts: 1,680
    edited December 2013
    Report given to Romulan Republic High Command by Vice Admiral T'kav

    Species: Romulan
    Age: Birth records destroyed in Tal Shiar attack on Virinat. Estimated age 40-50 years.
    Height: 76 inches.

    The Tal Shiar are not my friends. Know this about me first. When your parents are cut down in cold blood right in front of you by so-called "freedom fighters" who wish to help Empress Sela in any way they can, it is not only difficult to forget, it is almost impossible to forgive. The horrors of my ensuing captivity in a Tal'Shiar prison need not be described further here.

    I allied myself with the Federation in the hopes of avenging my parents' deaths. True, the KDF would have helped me further in that, but I do not wish to use killing to avenge killing. I wish to promote the fact that there are Romulans, such as myself, who see intelligence, education, and knowledge as the most powerful of weapons. Ignorance, I have noticed, breeds both hatred and even more ignorance. I will not allow that to happen to myself or to anyone I know and work with (especially my crew).

    It is an honor to serve both the Romulan Republic and the Federation, and I will continue doing my best for both so long as I shall live.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A sttaightfaced Vulcan female. Born and raised. Her father and mother both worked for Vulcan Affairs, developing planetside policy.
    Her family was related to the great Spock of Starfleet. Not by any close measure, but enough to make an impression on young T'Lena.
    She quickly took an intrest in science and history, and studied the relationship betwen the many factions in the Federation.
    By the age of thirteen, her parents had enrolled her into the Starfleet Academy for Gifted Youths
    While in attendance she recieved training, and lectures from some of the finest officers Starfleet has ever seen. Admiral DATA had given a fascinating lecture on positronic synthetics, and cognitive association.
    Admiral Laforge had personally created their course structure for systems engineering.
    The photonic DR, of Voyager fame, had presented a series of biological holopedias.Complete with various situational simulations.
    Jean Luc Picard himself had even made a brief lecture on Iconian artifacts. It was one of the few times T'Lena felt emotion. Nervousness, and honour. Respect.

    She moved on to the Academy when she was old enough. She was already well versed in Starfleet operations and disciplines by the time she started the recruit program.
    Needless to say she graduated within the top percentile all time, in Starfleet history.
    Admiral DATA had made a recommendation that she be fast tracked for captaincy of the science class Nebula advanced retrofit; USS HIGGS BOSON.
    Her first 2 years of duty led to discoveries in slip stream stability, advanced warpcore design, and improvements to sub space communications.

    T'Lenas first tour was an astounding sucess. Not only scientifically, but diplomatically, She brokered two peace treaties, between 6 warring factions off the Delta quadrant border.
    She then recruited and coordinated the 6 factions in a successful military strike on a nearby Borg outpost and Relay station.

    Upon return, Admiral Quinn had Immediatly promoted the fresh faced Vulcan.
    She would now take command of the Multi Mission Science Vessel Vesta;

    Since her promotion, Franklin Drake has called upon her expertise for various highly classified temporal assignments.
    Drake has made a Wells class science vessel available to T'Lena for use on section 31 missions.

    She lives to pursue study, and serves to bring the peace of Sarok to the far reaches of the Federation.
    She exists to serve the many.
  • jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Born to Starfleet officers Yvonne and Kael Darkrider, Jan spent most of her early childhood on board of the U.S.S. Rain. She was a lively child and as a lot of kids, who live on board of a ship with their parents, she wished to become a Starfleet officer one day as well. However, when Jan was around six years old, U.S.S. Rain encountered the Borg during their cruise. Things went sour for the ship's crew. Approx half of the crew was killed and the rest was assimilated. Including little Jan and her parents.

    Jan herself tries hard to not remember upcoming years, which she spent as part of the Borg Collective. There are things, which shouldn't be seen by such young eyes, and taking part in assimilating and killing innocents people counts as one of those. She no longer had a name. Her designation - "One of Six" was perhaps the last glimpse of any individuality for her.

    Eventually, fastforwarding these years, Jan was captured by Admiral Jennifer j'taH Firali, and soon enough, her connection to the Borg Collective was severed. Struggling to cope with her newfound individuality, Admiral Firali was the key person for her - as she too was once, albeit briefly, assimilated, so the two could find relation to each other, even if in limited way. Jan'd have to accept her own emotions, as well as to try and find out who she was, before her personality and life was taken away from her.

    Jan would remain on board of U.S.S. Aleksey Krupnyk for a year. This year was mainly about rediscovering her own self and recovery. That said, the crew of Aleksey Krupnyk influenced the girl enough, gaining antics of both Admiral Firali and her step-sister, Klingon k'taH Kaas. Her emotions still tumultuous at time, the presence of these people helped Jan to recover and eventually, she decided to apply for Starfleet Academy and thus, follow the wish she once had and which was long forgotten.

    Currently, Jan commands U.S.S. Aleksey Krupnyk and is an effecient leader to her crew, with albeit odd quirk there and there, as she still lacks proper understanding of human emotions and social occassions.

    (PS: We need longer entries to character biographies in game. This is so heavily trimmed & the last sentences I couldn't even fit in the game.. :( )
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
    "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
    "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9] 
    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,433 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Vice Admiral Jonathan Sills: The latest in a long line dedicated to service, VAdm Sills carries on a proud tradition. His backstory is nothing terribly remarkable - raised on Earth, in the Puget Sound area of North America, he excelled at scientific studies both in school and at Starfleet Academy. His commands have almost all been ships that have been designed to expand the frontiers of knowledge - except for his most recent, the Olympus Mons, a Solangae-designed carrier recovered from the subspace pocket accessible through the Mol'Rihan Iconian Gateway. It is itself a new frontier of knowledge...

    Grunt is a Ferengi, in semi-exile (a state never formalized by the Alliance, but the Alliance had no place for him). He borders on insanity by Ferengi standards, being physically brave and less ambitious than normal. However, the same factors that leave him unwelcome in Ferengi society mark him as an exceptional Starfleet captain. He has assembled a crew of fellow "rejects" - a Klingon discommendated for placing science above the Empire, a Pakled who readily admits to his engineering genius, an Andorian whose bloodlust makes other Andorians nervous, and an AI that grew rather than being designed (and thus lacks the firmware constraints designed into official Starfleet AIs). Of course, as his assignments have increased in scope (concomitant with his superiors' acceptance of his, ah, nonstandard nature), his crew has expanded as well, and now also includes a Soong-type android, a Ferengi tac officer trainee, and a Human comms officer who seeks to outdo the record of the legendary Jim Kirk as regards interstellar liasons.

    Oh, and never assume that just because Grunt isn't a "normal" Ferengi, he doesn't have the lobes for business...
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Tylha Shohl was born on Gimel Vessaris, a fledgling colony world; her parents were among the founders of the colony, and were instrumental in its development along non-militaristic and environmentally sensitive lines. (They were the closest Andorians ever get to space hippies.)

    Unfortunately, the planet lay close enough to Nausicaan space for Nausicaan pirates to take an interest. A destructive raid left the colony in ruins and Tylha's fathers dead. Tylha herself was hit in the head by a stray disruptor shot that destroyed her right cheekbone; she was found unconscious and evacuated with the rest of the survivors. To this day, she carries the scars from the surgery needed to rebuild her head.

    Once she recovered, she decided to join the people who stood between the peaceful colonists and threats like the Nausicaans, and signed up with Starfleet. After the relatively insular colony world, Starfleet Academy was something of a revelation to her, and she absorbed a lot of out-of-the-way information about a number of Federation cultures in the process of training as a Starfleet engineer. She minored in palaeolinguistics, and also acquired a devotion to a twentieth-century Earth composer, after whose works her ships are named.

    As a young ensign, she was assigned to an exploration vessel, the USS Aquitaine, which - among other things - made first contact with the Jolciots, natives of the planet Magamba, who are now members of the Federation. It was on another ship, though, the USS Hammersmith, that she became caught up in the events of the Borg attack on Vega Colony... and the rest, as they say, is history.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Most of my characters backstories are buried in LCs and other stories.

    Jesu and Rusty LaRoca: Welcome Home
    Not a full backstory, but it's a start. More details are revealed in The Road to Ruin (flashback scenes in parts 8-10) Sins of the Fathers (flashback scenes in part 4) LC #51 and elsewhere.


    Ssharki: The Last Candle Burns
    Again not a full backstory. I plan to reveal more of his involvement in Starfleet during the Dominion War in an upcoming story arc (which will also reveal more about Jesu and Rusty.)


    Sway: The Victim


    Nine of Nine: To Form Again What Lasts


    Don'el Sander: To be revealed in an upcoming story arc


    Lewis McLain:
    Biographic Profile: Capt. Lewis McLain, Scientific Advisor to Starfleet Intelligence

    Species: Human
    Age (06.2409): 67
    Commands: USS Ray Bradbury NCC-451-F, retrofit Intrepid-class
    Former commands: USS Punisher NCC-78101, Defiant-class, 2374-2387; USS Ark Royal NCC-79107, Sovereign-class, 2387-2399

    Physical characteristics: average height, stocky build, fiery red hair (showing streaks of white) and terrific beard.

    History: Dominion War veteran, commanded USS Punisher, usually saw combat alongside Greg Sander of the USS Tiburon and Captain D'Ward of the IKS Norgh'Iw. Took command of the USS Ark Royal shortly before the Hobus Supernova event, and aided the evacuation of Romulan colonies. Married a Romulan refugee woman, divorced 2390. Has a son by her who does not know of him. Retired from active duty in 2399, began teaching Quantum Astrophysics, Practical Gravimetrics, and History of Interstellar Travel at Starfleet Academy. Returned to active duty with outbreak of Klingon War in 2405, taking command of the USS Ray Bradbury, retrofit Interpid-class, STS/OMEGA project testbed.

    Likes: Studying ancient technologies for faster-than-light travel (particularly fascinated with Iconian Gateways), generating Gravity Wells in combat situations ("They say Isaac Newton is the deadliest TRIBBLE. in space - Karl Schwarzschild would disagree...") and yelling at idiots.

    Dislikes: Physical violence, idiots, and talking about the Dominion War or his ex-wife ("the two most horrible experiences of my life...")

    Habits: Enforces rigid shipboard discipline. Quotes Shakespeare a lot, particularly Macbeth and King Lear (wanted to be an actor as a boy.) Eats smoked salmon for breakfast and shares Picard's passion for Earl Grey tea.

    Harding Cash:
    Section 31 Asset File A-03751D

    Name: Harding Cash
    Species: Trill/Human hybrid (joined)
    Homeworld: New Rhodesia
    Age: 60 / 39 (Jan 2412)


    Born in 2351 to a Trill (unjoined) mother and Human Father, Harding Van Buren excelled in school at math, science, and history. When Cardassian treaty put his world on the wrong side of the border, Harding and his father joined the Maquis. His father was killed by a Cardassian patrol in 2372.

    In 2374 Harding and his mother fled the Dominion crackdown and resettled on Trill. Harding entered the Trill Science Academy the same year, and transferred to Starfleet Academy in 2376. In 2377 (at his mother's insistence) he applied for joining. To his surprise, the symbiosis commission was impressed by his talents and ambition. His field docent was one Scaevola Kicur, who gave him very high marks. In 2378 he was awarded the honor of being the first host of the young Cash symbiont, who was only 5 years old at the joining.

    Cash was far more impressed by Harding's past as a Maquis fighter than his future plans as a Federation computer scientist, and influenced him to drop out of Starfleet Academy and begin a career selling his skills to the highest bidder. This proved lucrative, but after twenty-five years he never amassed any significant personal wealth.

    Following a chance encounter with Captain D'Ward and Cmdr. Ssharki of the IKS Norgh'Iw, Harding Cash begins a very profitable working relationship with Klingon Intelligence. Which leads to him becoming a double-agent, also working for Section 31. He operated from the Koloth-class bird-of-prey Ghu moH (Ugly Baby) under command of Lt. Kragan.

    In 2405 he delivered Franklin Drake to Klingon custody, arranged a meeting between Drake and then-Captain Ssharki and then helped Drake escape, setting off a series of events that led to Ssharki uncovering treacherous actions by the House of Torg and Torg's subsequent discommendation.

    Cash was later given the provisional rank of Commander and command of a Phalanx-class science vessel, IKS Lung moH (Ugly Lizard.) He retains LCdr. Kragan as first officer. Senior science officer (and handler reporting directly to Ssharki) is LCdr. Marzilli (Gorn, Female.) Security chief and confidante is Scion, a Soong-type positronic android of Harding's own design - exterior resembles a male Trill of above-average size.

    Known Habits:

    Cash is a decidedly unlucky gambler, an alcoholic and a womanizer. He seems to squander his money almost as fast as he earns it. In recent months, however, he has seemed more disciplined with his spending habits.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    starswordc wrote: »
    Backstories. Post 'em if you got 'em.

    I don't really expect them to be as intensive as mine: I write fanfiction and enjoy world-building. But I enjoy reading these kinds of things.


    Kanril Eleya (Bajoran female from Bajor)

    Born in Kendra Province to town maintenance workers, Eleya enlisted in the Bajoran Militia at the earliest legal age and was assigned to the patrol frigate Kira Nerys as an energy weapons crewman. Within a couple of years she made sergeant. One day an Orion vessel ambushed the Kira and boarded them, and Eleya was near-fatally wounded by a knife-wielding Orion matron while defending sickbay. She was awarded the Silver Cross for bravery, and still has occasional nightmares about the events of that night.

    When the Militia retired the last of its space forces near the turn of the century Eleya applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy. After graduation she served two tours on the RSE border, then six months on DS9 as assistant liason officer to the Bajoran Militia. She was then assigned to the USS Kagoshima as second shift weapons officer.

    When the Borg attacked Vega Colony*, she ended up inheriting command after the Borg killed or assimilated the Kagoshima's entire command staff, leaving her, only a lieutenant junior grade, the seniormost officer afloat. With the help of Ensign Tesjha "Tess" Phohl, formerly the second shift projectile weapons officer from the USS Khitomer, she got the Kagoshima underway and managed to save several ships.


    Brokosh (Lethean male from Erewhon)

    Born to colonists in the Hromi Cluster, Brokosh recieved a scholarship to the University of Alpha Centauri engineering school. After graduating with a double major in mechanical and chemical engineering, he served as a combat engineer for various private security outfits for several years before going freelance in 2402.

    In 2407 Brokosh married his longtime lover Ba'woV of the House of Chel'toK, a minor member of a very minor Klingon house. Upon discovering she was pregnant in 2408** he signed on with the Klingon Defense Force for steadier pay and was assigned to the operations section of the IKS Vomriw. He distinguished himself as an engineer in several sorties against Starfleet and eventually was promoted and transferred to the IKS Sek'lhr to serve as Second Officer. Though loyal to his employers as long as he's paid and his family is cared for, he feels their idea of honor is usually at odds with their actions.

    * This predates season 8.
    ** I have absolutely no idea what a half-Lethean, half-Klingon would look like. :D

    http://www.catstarsto.com/caitian-picard <-- Caitian Picards story

    http://catstarsto.deviantart.com/art/Temporal-Ambassador-Part-9-404843326 <--brief history of CatStar told in this chapter.
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Pahthor: (Klingon Male Tac): Not much back story. He like to fight and he wears an eye patch :p

    Kel: (Orion Male Eng): Being a TRIBBLE orion male can be hard! Got himself banished by the orions so we went to live with the Gorn as they arent as susceptible to his pheromones. Klingons conquered Gorn, so now he serves the KDF who were impressed with his resourcefulness.

    Sher: (Ferasan male sci): A very intelligent yet shady (smuggler) cat who found himself under attack by Caitans. Got rescued by a Gorn ship and now flies the Varanus and extracts revenge against the Caitans and by extension the Feds for the loss of his ship and crew (and loads of contraband!).

    Riddick: (Alien male tac/KDF): Riddick got sucked into a wormhole when escaping a pursing necromonger ship. He ended up in the Star Trek universe. There he found the Federation laughable pansies. He then met a Klingon who promptly picked a fight with him. After a pretty good round of "fist-i-cuffs" and mutual respect gained, he was offered a place among the KDF and has been there since.

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • carter60carter60 Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    this is my background story






  • ccmurphyccmurphy Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here are my two best stories, so far anyways

    Thylan Benning (Andorian)
    Thylan grew up in starfleet, his parents were crew members of the USS.Khitomer. As soon as he could Thylan left the Khitomer to go to starfleet acadamy. His first quad consisted of a human, Chistopher Murphy, an trill, Sem Aurbour, and a Cathian Tomas Hawk. He luarned a lot from these three quad mates, and they stayed in contact even when they were transfered quads. His nickname was given to him by Christopher, saying that his horse playing attatude reminded him of an old Earth TV charatar. He now serves on the USS. Columbia, his first assinment brings him all the way back home.
    After helping the Khitomer, Thylan asked for some assistance retaking his own ship. His own twin sister, Tallsaa Benning was assined to him. He now servers as the acting capten of the USS.Collumbia NX-100002 along with his sister, his cheaf of sercurity.

    - Ships Commanded -
    Columbia - NX-100002 - - NX Class
    USS.Columbia - NX-100002 - A - Rhode Island Class
    USS.Columbia - NX-100002 - B - Thunderchild Class
    USS.Columbia - NX-100002 - C - Ambasitor Class
    USS.Columbia - NX-100002 - D - Bellerophon Class

    NCC- 93013 USS.Alpha Flyer - Deltaflyer Class

    First Officer - Traiva Adivri
    Cheaf of Sacurity - Tellasa Benning
    Cheaf Tatical - Tellasa Benning
    Cheaf Engener - Alton Jame Arron III
    Operations - Kolna
    Cheaf Medical - Neanna Baret
    Sience - Minami Karleen Apostol

    Nathanial Parker (Human)
    Nathanial Parker was born and raised in a Starfleet family on earth, spending most of his time at his aunt and uncles place because of his parents being on active duty. He got to see them in regularly, but it didn't matter. Though every time he did them they would bring models of starships that he could put together.
    This enviably led to Nate wanting to become a starship designer, he loved putting the models together with pieces from different kits, for new hall designs and etc.
    When he could he joined Starfleet in the engineering department. During his time at the academy, Nathanial, met his best friend and current first officer Minami Neg. They were always together at the academy, pulling pranks on fellow students and instructors alike. Despite that they both graduated first and second in the engineering department.
    Another member of his crew he met at the academy was Tepoz Huguz, he was in the science department of the academy. They shared their second year quad together. They became rivals quite quickly, the one thing they fought over the most was Minami, and she loved the attention she got from them.
    Nathanial served on multiple ships including the Lexington and Luna, no one ship for more than a year. At the Age of 24 Neal was assigned to Utopia Planitia ship yards orbiting Mars, to work on two starship design projects, the light carrier, History Class and the frigate Shoe class. During the projects Nate had two requests, first that his best Friend Minami join the project as a top class engineer, and second have his little cousin Valery Parker, a recent graduate of the academy be the test pilot of the ships.
    After refit of the USS. Vanguard NCC-93154, an Oberth Class starship, the three of them were asked to come along on the shakedown cruise, by none other than captain Hez, the commanding officer of the ship, incase anything went wrong. During the shakedown cruise, the Vanguard received a distress Call from a civilian freighter ship the S.S. Azura. The ship was under attack, by the Orion ship and the warp core was about to go critical. After fighting off the initial wave of Orion ships, Nate, Minami, and Valery were assigned to an away team, to rescue the survivors of the Azura and if possible stop the meltdown.
    Though the away team had succeeded in their mission, the Vanguard did not fare as well, having to take on another two waves of Orions during the mission. By the time the away team had returned the whole bridge crew were either dead or dying. As Captain Hez lay there dying, he transferred command to Nate. Nate managed to hold off the Orians long enough for the Azura to limp it?s way from the battle to the Earth Defense Zone, then warped to the safety of the EDZ.
    For his actions Nathanial Parker was given permanent command of the Vanguard, and the right to choose his command staff. Though it pains him to leave ship building, Nate knows that Starfleet is at war, and that they need every available captain and ship for it. He promised himself that one day he would be back doing the thing he loves.

    -Ships commanded-

    NCC - 93154 - USS. Vanguard Oberth Class
    NCC - 93154 - A USS. Vanguard Rhode island class


    NCC - 93555 USS. Yager Deltaflyer Class

    First Officer - Minami Neg
    Cheaf of Sacurity - Valery Parker
    Cheaf Tatical - Valery Parker
    Cheaf Engener - Minami Neg
    Operations -
    Cheaf Medical - Zezra Kori
    Sience - Tepoz Huguz
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Eight of Ten(Liberated Borg Human)
    *Excerpt from a section 31 personnel file*
    The birth date of Eight is unknown as is his real name. Current info on this subject proves that he was born sometime in the 18th century but due to a temporal vessel of unkown origin crash landing where his suspected hometown was all records of his birth or childhood have been lost. Once the craft had crashed the temporal drive destructed causing a massive explosion that wiped out all life within the area although ,through unknown means Eight survived, however due to heavy exposure to chronitons his body stopped aging completely at around the age of 24 and increased his healing factor intelligence and strength to above average levels.

    After about 10 years a vessel from Temporal investigations came to investigate the crash having missed the impact date due to a malfunction in their temporal drive. After locating the crash site they discovered Eight there, as he visited the crash site to remember the family he lost there, and seeing his mutation from chroniton energy took him with them to investigate just how his body survived radiation levels that would have vaporized any life forms exposed to them. Once he was onboard the ship received orders to investigate an event in the beginning of the 25th. While the ship arrived in the timeline and began searching for the event( current data on the "Event" is located within another file) Eight took the opportunity to peruse the ships database as he waited for whatever came next. Due to his increased intelligence he took to the information quickly and soon was familiar enough with the current sciences and history of the time to be a citizen there.

    A short time after the ship experienced a catastrophic malfunction believed to have been caused by the "Event" which they decided to emergency evacuate out of the ship. Everyone on board having forgotten about him for the time Eight decided to use the transporter to escape however due to an explosion of chronitons winded up transporting to earth in the year 2400. Using his natural guile he quickly came to be a citizen of the federation and began living out a quiet life however he eventually decided to take a trip to Deep Space Nine in order to get a more adventurous life. During the journey aboard an unknown freighter the ship was the victim of a surprise attack by Borg. The majority of the crew was assimilated however the nanites that were intended to assimilate Eight failed to access any information stored in his brain although still managed to assimilate him.

    A couple years later an unkown force believed to be the "Event" caused a massive systems failure in the Borg cube where Eight was stationed. The failure cause home. To finally be freed from the collective however he still had to get off the cube before its destruction. Luckily a federation ship was in the vicinity and by hacking into the cubes transporters hae managed to save himself and another now liberated Borg known as Five of Seven. Although he was freed from the collective his memories of his real name and identity where lost when the nanites failed to assimilate his memories. The crew began to call him Eight as that had been his Borg designation. After the crew removed as much of the Borg cybernetics from him as possible he and Five joined them on a voyage back to earth where once they arrived they joined Starfleet and began their career as cadets. While at the academy Eight made new friends and surprised the instructors by excelling at all tasks he was set upon even showing impressive leadership and diplomacy skills that would befit a captain of the highest caliber.

    For more data on Eight of Tens personnel file you must request additional information on him.

    I'll go back and add some paragraph spacing to this some other time. I could probably right a book about my admiral and the "Event" and his adventures.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Romulan Republic personnel file: Do'eth (presumed pseudonym, real name and surname unknown). Species and gender: Romulan female (presumed cisgender). Rank: Vice Admiral. Command: IRW Vengeance (retrofitted T'varo-class warbird). First Officer: Subcommander Omek'ti'kallan (male Jem'Hadar). Proconsul D'tan recording. Stardate REDACTED.

    Do'eth is our single most experienced commander on the Elachi front. One of the few Virinat survivors, her past is something of a mystery. She arrived on Virinat with the Maiori, having been a tactical lieutenant on his starship since the mid-2370s. Surviving crewmates recall that she was quiet, kept to herself, and cried herself to sleep every night for some thirty years. Reports also note that she drew hundreds of pictures of a young woman, possibly a spouse, sibling, or other close relative, and pinned them up around her bunk.

    Do'eth hates the Tal Shiar, the Elachi, and the Iconians more than anything else. She harbored a particular loathing for Tal Shiar colonel Hakeev, who she killed several months ago. Do'eth has expressed Unificationist beliefs in the past--I suspect that she was a member of an early Unificationist group shortly before I joined the movement, and suffered Tal Shiar retribution. More research is necessary.

    Of special note is Do'eth's negative reaction to Starfleet admiral T'nae's expressed anti-Unification sentiments. She became very emotional while talking to T'nae at Khitomer, and had to be physically restrained by her then-first officer Tovan Khev (now stationed with the Mol'Rihan defense fleet on the RRW Gannius, Do'eth's previous command).

    As liason to the KDF, vice admiral Do'eth has gained much respect from the Klingon empire. Her work during the Borg incursions has been invaluable in furthering our alliance. Commendations have been appended to this file.

    Psychological evaluations recommended whenever she gets back from the Dyson Sphere. Her ship's psychotherapist/assistant chief engineer/resident telepath, a Lethean mercenary called Daysnur, has informed Command that Do'eth has a set of impressive, voluntary mental blocks and an obsession with someone called "Adani". He has also informed us that her name is a pseudonym, but refuses to divulge her real identity. I will never understand the Lethean mindset.

    Kererek: Don't let her know that psych evals are scheduled for her. She will be angry, but forcible telepathy may be necessary to maintain her mental functionality. Use your best judgement and confer with Obisek first.

    UPDATE (added on Stardate REDACTED by Proconsul D'tan. Access to this file is limited to D'tan and Admiral Kererek.):

    Research has found an intercepted pre-Hobus event Tal Shiar file referring to an early Unificationist group that was raided by the Tal Shiar on Romulus in the 2360s. The raid was led by then-Subcommander Hakeev, and all but two members of the group were executed on the spot.

    Two members escaped immediate death: Adani Krell and D'trel Tomalak, the leaders of the group. All reference to the former save her name has been redacted. The latter is listed as missing, presumed escaped, and is marked as a high-priority target.

    Kererek: DO NOT under any circumstances mention this to Do'eth/D'trel. Get Tal'mera to have her spies work on this. We need any and all Tal Shiar data to do with Do'eth/D'trel and Adani Krell, and it is imperative that the admiral not find out about our activities.

    DO NOT attempt forceful telepathic memory retrieval. She will most likely not respond well, and we can't risk breaking her. We need her experience.

    Use your best judgement, but do please be discreet.
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Alexei Ivanovich Strannik, known to his close friends as Alyosha, gives the impression of being human, but unknown to all but his first officer, his chief medical officer, and those Starfleet higher-ups cleared to know, Strannik is in fact a member of the usually feared Devidian race.

    Alyosha was found in an egg-like encasement in an abandoned creche beneath the city of San Francisco in 2353. At the time, his race was unknown to Federation records, and he was taken to the Interphasic Research Lab in St. Petersburg, Russia, for study. Despite a terrible tragedy at the start, where the starved foundling unwittingly killed and ingested the neural energy of one of his caretakers before an alternate means of feeding him was devised, he soon revealed a cautious, kind nature--and great remorse for what he had done. This personality led to his being named Alyosha after Alyosha Karamazov.

    Alyosha would assume the form of an adolescent male human to communicate and grow in his participation in human culture, even reaching the point of baptism and chrismation in the Russian Orthodox Church.

    His freshman year at Starfleet Academy--2368--was marred by a horrible discovery: the Devidians. He was nearly booted from the Academy, but advocacy by his foster parents and a few committed professors kept him in--provisionally. Ironically another race of shapeshifters saved his career. Realizing that while a Founder could copy his outer human form, it could not mimic his phase shift, Ensign Strannik was immediately recruited as a courier of top-secret orders during the Dominion War.

    Strannik served well, and while his advancement has been slowed by continued suspicion and mistrust of some cleared to know his Devidian nature, he has continued to serve Starfleet and treat his crews with great care. Whether you know him as an ordinary human or as a Devidian--he is a sympathetic listener, loyal friend, and committed servant of God and "country."

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    got enough captains but only one will get any coverage on the issue.

    Shenna - Orion KDF Female
    Junior Member, House Kyrixix

    Born into the minor Royal house of Kyrixix on Orion before it was abandoned, Shenna's parents were known widely as notorious drunkards and serial bed hoppers, that habit caught up to them and they died a few years after their daughters birth due to serious complications. Taken under the care of Menas herself, the leader of the Royal House when she could lead with authority. Shenna developed a strong personality and grasp of understanding command and mechanical skills as well as learning to use weapons which was a common practice on Orion.

    When Orion was abandoned a year into Shenna's life, a small space station served and guarded the Former Royal houses future for a few years before the House had to again move but to Qo'nos near Kang's Summit. The house was made into a Klingon house, title and deeds. With the houses future secure, Menas was fast entering her century of life and unwilling to command forever. The House gained command of a Vor'cha attack cruiser and its subsequent upgrade, the ship has played protector for the House ever since as well as its rename from Dyo'chiq to Kyrixix.

    With the House secure from issues, the only issue that arose was challenge for leadership of the house. Shenna entered into the KDF and quickly rose the ranks doing many heroic deeds along the way, earning a lot of prestige and honor, and as a junior member of the house it's virtually unheard of that someone of such place can challenge for leadership. However Menas son was also in the running, apparently heir to the house but has been forced to prove his worth and value as a straight fight between the two. due to the inability of Menas being able to travel around as she once did, both potential house leaders serve on the Kyrixix so Menas can observe which one is more deserving to lead the house.

    Kyrixix was an orion male in the ancient times who slew and killed hundreds of klingon invaders on the planet Vakarian before the planet was destroyed by a Klingon experiment 300 years later. Kyrixix was known as the Butcher of Vale, presumably the metropolis of Valesto-botar, however no evidence exists between the two despite obvious links.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here's another backstory I've been working on. The character is supposed to be genre savvy and borderline OP on the ground, but unused to starships.
    Section 31 file REDACTED: Personal observations of Franklin Drake, Section 31 officer, on Captain Nemesis unit designation Three (species unknown, likely genetically augmented human)

    Nemesis unit designation Three doesn't care about the Prime Directive.

    She made this very clear in her employment contract. For some reason, Admiral Quinn signed it anyway.

    Maybe it was because she appeared out of nowhere in a blue beam of light that she called a "transreality 'porter". Maybe it was how she beat the living daylights out of an elite MACO team less than a minute later, despite showing obvious disorientation. Maybe it was the fact that she is six feet and eight inches tall, with a physique that the Terminator would envy.

    Whatever the reason, Three was swiftly promoted to Captain (of the cruiser USS Douglass, which she swiftly renamed the "George Takei", after her favorite actor (a nonexistent person, according to Starfleet records)), and sent out to perform high-risk missions where absolute loyalty ("Guaranteed Or Your Money Back!!!" according to her Contract) is required.

    Three displays absolute loyalty to her crew first and foremost due to an irrevocable emotional need for their safety. She has stated that she will display utter loyalty to Admiral Quinn unless his orders threaten her crew. Otherwise, Three is completely amoral, showing the willingness to use thalaron weapons on civilian populations in order to combat entrenched M-113 salt vampires, and brutally torturing and killing Tal Shiar officer Hakeev. Her crew shows extreme devotion to her, claiming that they can handle her sociopathic tendencies. This is likely due to Three's perfect no-deaths track record, and the utterly abysmal safety records of her ship's last seven Captains.

    Three is a mediocre space combat commander, at best, despite her track record, and shows little to no knowledge of even the most basic aspects of starship workings or modern science. However, she has proven to be devastatingly powerful in ground combat, single-handedly defeating multiple Jem'Hadar without weapons and subduing the Klingon B'vat in under three seconds with her bare hands. Three shows vastly superhuman strength, easily greater than that of a Gorn. Her bones have been replaced with an unidentified metal-like substance that shows no reactive or magnetic properties and has proven to be virtually indestructible. This substance also forms a flexible suit of scale-like armor beneath her skin, rendering her immune to most physical attacks. She also shows immunity to most diseases and poisons, and a resistance to thalaron radiation. Furthermore, Three has superhuman senses; she sees infrared and ultraviolet and has three times the audio range of a baseline human. Her sense of smell is also extremely keen. All of her senses seem to have some sort of innate "safety valve" and are not utilizeable. Her most potent weapons, besides her apparent knowledge of several dozen martial arts and her own body, are a pair of foot-long, sword-like blades that can be extended from between her radius and ulna to extend from between her middle and ring fingers. She shows devastating proficiency with these weapons and an innate ease with learning others.

    Despite her complete lack of prior starship experience, Three has a perfect no-deaths safety record. She claims that this is because of her standing policy banning all red clothing on active duty and away missions, and her decisions to install surge dampeners on bridge consoles. More research is necessary.

    Three displays a limited precognitive ability, which she handwaves as being "I just watched every single episode of Star Trek at least six times". She also claims to have "watched the movies ten times apiece--Wrath of Khan twice that, because Ricardo Montalban, and First Contact fifteen times, because Data being seduced by the Borg Queen and Picard's epic awesomeness line". Three blames a lot of her knowledge of classified information on this "Star Trek"--more research is necessary. Her mannerisms suggest a holonovel, or an old Earth television program.

    Three talks and acts like an early 21st-century Earth human, showing mastery of multiple Earth languages with appropriate dialect for that era. Her native language appears to be a dialect called American English. She speaks with much slang and sarcasm, and repeatedly states that she doesn't care about the opinions that others hold about her. She has been court-martialed seven times, but has been let go with only token sentences due to three factors: Her own lack of care for the proceedings, her crew's expressed willingness to revolt and defect to either the Romulan Republic or Klingon Empire (where Three has allies and contacts) if she is removed from her post, and Admiral Quinn's discrete string-pulling.

    Three has shown unusual interest in certain important figures in both the Klingon Empire and the Federation. She insisted on being assigned to a diplomatic mission to Qo'nos, where spies report she bought an expensive bat'leth sword (which she did not need in any way), then specifically walked out on an important meeting with the High Council (using the excuse that the meeting was taking too long) in order to have Ambassador Worf sign his name on the blade.

    Following this incident, Three was challenged to a Klingon honor duel, which she won, sparing the challenger and inviting him on a date. Before she left Qo'nos, our spies reported that she had slept with more than fifty Klingons of both genders, who were treated with near-celebrity status while recuperating from various critical injuries.

    Three also requested (and received) an interview with scientist Annika Hansen. At the meeting, Three requested that Hansen sign her name on Three's forearm (which Hansen did), and then attempted to flirt with Hansen without success. A meeting with the android Data resulted in another signature on her other arm, although Section 31 operatives have not been able to bypass Data's impressive security measures to determine more of the meeting's events.


    Three appears to have an involuntary emotional bond to her crew members. She is considerably more vicious against those who have harmed her crew members, and Section 31 operatives suspect that maiming or killing a large number of her crew and close confidants (essentially, her bridge crew) may do her psyche irreparable damage. Dangers of this approach include the fact that Three can and will kill those responsible in truly horrifying ways. Direct termination is not an option. Suggest research into antimatter weaponry.


    Three is a highly dangerous wild card, pure and simple. However, she is, for all intents and purposes, utterly loyal to Admiral Jorel Quinn--recommend clandestine manipulation of Admiral Quinn. Three was of critical use during the Devidian incident, but has repeatedly been disparaging to and opposed towards Section 31. She has stated that she opposes us as "a matter of course". Recommend treading lightly, no direct interference. Attempt to sway her to our side.


    Three has an utterly loyal circle of close confidants consisting of her chief engineer (Belkrab REDACTED, Telarrite, no known family), chief science officer (D'vek, full name unknown, Romulan refugee), chief tactical officer (Gamat'Elon, Jem'Hadar), and first officer (Azip REDACTED, Andorian). All of these individuals have displayed utter loyalty to Three and probably cannot be turned.

    Three, while bisexual, is currently engaged in a TRIBBLE relationship with her first officer. She handwaves this to Command as relapses of nonexistent alien mind control. Spyware has determined that she "figures that that happens enough in this universe, might as well blame it", with reference to the "alien mind control". Three shows a canny and controlled libido, letting herself be hedonistic in private but proving clever enough to evade "honey traps" set by Section 31 operatives. More research into her twisted psyche is necessary.

    Three has acquired the worship of Dominion liason Gamat'Elon. Spies have determined that this was according to the plans of the Founder Odo, who has been working to reform the Dominion into a less totalitarian society with some success. Gamat'Elon's only disobedience towards Three is his continued proselytizing of her worship (against her will).

    Special note: Operatives have been able to determine that Gamat'Elon only began to worship Three after an incident in the Nopada System. More research is necessary. Gamat'Elon is fanatically devoted to his perceived deity, and may give details if pressed appropriately.


    Three doesn't know jack about starships, but is devastatingly powerful on the ground and knows seemingly random corners of the universe like the back of her hand. Due to her sociopathic nature, Three is a major danger to us, but her intellect means that manipulating her will be difficult at best. She has spaced multiple Section 31 spies found on her ship, but always saw fit to give them EV suits first--it appears that she prefers to avoid unprovoked violence, despite her hair-trigger temper.

    Recommend clandestine monitoring. Self-cloaking computer virus recommended, as living operatives installed on the George Takei have been caught and spaced with disturbing frequency. URGENT: Find ways to contain and/or kill Three. Should she turn or snap, she would be a threat to all life in the galaxy to rival the Iconians.

    End log.
  • knightraider6knightraider6 Member Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Section 31, unauthorized use prohibited.

    Dossier: codename Polekitty

    Name: Rhonda Jean Evans

    DOB: 17 June, 1991. Tallahassee, Florida. Earth

    Date commissioned: May 5 2402

    Current rank: Captain

    Assignment: Commander, USS Heinlein (Wells Class)

    We've had our eye on this one for a while-ever since she emerged into the hangar bay at Starfleet Headquarters in 2397 through a dimensional portal (see file "Schrodinger"). At the time the subject was able to fly, as well as emit slightly radioactive energy blasts at will (see file 2347).

    Subject was wounded, and in the process of stabilizing her, these abilities were removed by Dr Beverly Crusher, CMO Starfleet Academy at the time. (Attempts to replicate these abilities have been less than successful, probably for the best due to the fact that they were killing her.)

    Subject showed little temporal disorientation, and after a prepatory course, applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy Medical training.

    First assignment after commissioning was medcial department, USS Powhatan. Subject assumed command on October 11, 2405 after death of senior officers. She showed a t alent for command despite her preferring to stay in medical, and has been as june 2408 permanetly assigned to command track by BUPERS.

    Service Record:

    May, 2402. Assigned USS Powhatan

    August 2402: Promoted to Lt, JG

    April 2404: Promoted to LT

    October, 2405: Assumed command, Brevet promotion to LtCDR

    Dec 2405: full promotion to LtCDR, assigned command, USS Powhatan. Attended command transition course.

    (note-it was during this time that the Powhatan had encountered a subspace wave that sent the ship to the alternate Earth Evans had been from originally. She managed to recover her family, and return the Powhatan to 2405-due to it being an alternate timeline, temporal prime directive not in effect. Also see file 2348.23, 4857.8, Polecat Industries, Jacob Allan Evans, SS Heart of Gold. Also, see 'Schrodinger Incident', Dec 2405)

    May 2407: Promoted, CDR

    November, 2408. Assigned commander, USS Agamemnon (Galaxy Class)

    Jan 2409. Promoted, Captain

    May 2409: Captured by Tal Shiar, after a data breach of Starfleet records. Tal Shiar attempted to gain information on her mutations, in an unsuccessful attempt at re-creating the powers she no longer had.

    June 2409 : USS Agamemnon upgrade to Galaxy-X standard

    April, 2411: USS Agamemnon lost to Fek'Ihir. Captain Evans believed killed in action

    April, 2411. Captain Evans arrives starbase 147 onboard USS Heinlein, Wells Class , defeating Fek'Ihir carrier. (note-Temporal Investigations really HAS to start sharing information with us. They took the lead on this case, spoke with her for ten minutes then said, and I quote "it's cool.")

    July 2411. Captain Evans given command of USS Heinlein, after engineering looks for any future tech that is not already known. Oddly enough...the ship's AI obeys only her; again Temporal Investigations said there was no issue to be concerned about.

    september, 2411: Captain Evans marries Commander M'Karret on Risa

    March 1, 2412. Captain Evans gives birth to a son, Michael Allen. She is still currently on maternity leave as of this date.

    Profile: Captain Evans prefers to be a doctor, specializing in exo-biology and pediatrics than a Starship captain-fortunately her sense of duty and obligation has enabled her to be guided in what would be the best interests of Starfleet rather than her own desires, at least until lately. Her acquisition of the Heinlein is troubling, though it might not be as bad if I could ever get a straight answer out of TI.

    She also has a troubling relationship with Q, she's been known to admit she looks forward to seeing him, as when he shows up it's usually going to be both important and interesting. More to the point, when the hearing into the loss of the Agamemnon was underway, Q himself appeared, and claimed credit for both her return and the Heinlein(and yet they STILL gave her the ship. Her XO is someone we need to keep an eye on as well)

    Recommendation: Surveillance, possible recruitment, and is possible, find out just why she got that ship.
    "It may be better to be a live jackal than a dead lion, but it is better still to be a live lion. And usually easier." R.A.Heinlein

    "he's as dangerous as a ferret with a chainsaw."

  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Romulan Republic

    Name: Ta'nara Veral
    Gender: Female
    Race: Romulan
    Physical Appearance: Tall, slender, with short-cropped black hair and a typically stern, guarded expression. While her eyes are green, her right eye is in fact a bionic replacement for one she lost in battle years ago.
    Specialization: Science
    Command: R.R.W. Aen'Temar (in LC's), R.R.W. Rhaetnen (in game)

    Ta'nara Veral has always considered herself a patriot. As a girl, she eagerly read of the exploits of the Empire's commanders and leaders such as Keras, Taris and Tomalak, and when the civil war broke out, she readily left her class in the Science Academy to join the forces of her heroine Donatra. In the aftermath of the Hobus Detonation, however, after working fruitlessly for a year at a refugee camp, Ta'nara became disenchanted with the corruption and incompetence of the Empire's shattered bureaucracy, and sickened by the suffering that she saw all around her. And so she joined the one organization left that, in her eyes, was making an actual difference-- the Tal Shiar.

    Over the years, Ta'nara rose quickly through the ranks of the Tal Shiar, putting her keen, logical mind and scientific knowledge to use in espionage, interrogation, and black ops. She never questioned her superiors or the morality of her actions, and always saw what she was doing as just, patriotic, and for the good of the Romulan people. That was, until the fateful day when one of her colleagues forwarded her a communique intercepted from Central Command. A communique which showed, in scathing detail, that Colonel Hakeev and the other members of Central Command had been compromised by, and rendered subservient to, some sort of alien intelligence.

    It wasn't long, however, before Ta'nara's superiors became aware of the security leak. Ta'nara soon found herself accused of treason and hunted by her former colleagues, and she narrowly managed to escape a kill-team led by Colonel Hakeev himself. Unable to hide anywhere in the Empire, Ta'nara was forced to run to the one group left that could still oppose the Tal Shiar-- the nascent Romulan Republic, who, up until now, she had been bitter enemies with.

    Although she was eventually able to convince the Republic that she was not a spy, she was still regarded with mistrust. Unwilling to risk placing her in their intelligence network, but at the same time realizing that her experience and skills could be invaluable against the onslaught of the Elachi, the Republic's Central Command put Ta'nara in command of the Mogai-class R.R.W. Aen'Temar, with a mandate to counter Tal Shiar and Elachi operations. This way, they knew, they could keep an eye on Ta'nara, while at the same time keeping her away from sensitive information on New Romulus.

    Personality: Ta'nara is a stern, uncompromising woman with a frightening capacity for ruthlessness. Due to her Tal Shiar training, she is quite skilled in covert operations, interrogation techniques and counter-intelligence tactics, though she also has a broad knowledge of, and keen interest in, biochemistry and microbiology. Although she maintains a cold outward persona, she is capable of being fair, and sometimes even generous, towards her crew, though for the most part her command style is very strict and rigid. There is constant friction between herself and her bridge officers-- whom she sees as inexperienced civilians-- and time will tell whether or not they will earn one another's respect.

    While Ta'nara understands that the Republic is currently the best hope for the Romulan people, she also does not hide the fact that she sees the Republic's ideals and philosophies as naive. Despite this, she is utterly committed to defeating the Tal Shiar-- she sees the leaders of the Tal Shiar as guilty of an unforgiveable betrayal, and the organization itself as an aberrant mockery of what it once was. She will not rest until the Tal Shiar, and its alien masters, have been destroyed...for she is, above all else, a patriot.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ren Larreck was born in 2354, at Nalbin Labor Camp, Bajor. In 2361 was rescued by the Nalbin Resistance. He began running errands for them, as a messenger, between several local cells. He showed an aptitude for engineering at an early age and while working with some spare computer parts was able to tap into a secure Cardassian com frequency with out being detected. This lead to a number of succesful raids.

    The Leaders of the local ressistance began teaching him at that point the finer aspects of engineering, at which he quickly excelled. After the Occupation ended in 2369, he turned his talents to helping rebuild Bajor. He joined the Bajoran Militia, and had more formal training.

    When Starfleet began to help in the rebuilding process, the members of the team assigned to Nalbin Province, where he was stationed were impressed with his skill. Providing him with even more training. In 2380 he applied for and was granted Dual citizenship in the United Federation of Planets. Paving the way for him to serve in Starfleet.

    He was assigned to Utopia Plantia Ship yards, and the USS De Leon Project testing prototype engines. In 2390 one such test resulted in the ship disappearing It was presumed destroyed lost with all hands. This caused the project to be terminated. However, in 2406 the ship reappeared in Federation space. To the crew of the ship only a few minutes had passed. They were debriefed and then reassigned, or dismissed with honors as each member of the crew requested.

    In 2408 Ren was brought up for a General Courts Martial. He took a sudden sabbatical to the world of Risa, and while present a Cardassian was found murdered. Investigators uncovered that the Cardassian was the Gul of the Nalbin Labor camp from 2350 to 2369 and was a wanted War Criminal by the Bajoran Government.

    Evidence against Ren was circumstantial, and he was not convicted, however the amount of the evidence required a response and he was demoted to Ensign and then assigned to the USS Diamond in 2409.

    He currently commands several ships. Most notably are the USS Nalbin, Defiant class, and the USS Locksly, Regent class. But most often he is found in command of the SS Roanoke, Providing Colonization and Fleet support from the Tuffli Class Frieghter.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Starfleet personnel file

    Name: Jim Harrigan
    Date of Birth: 30/11/2378

    Born into a tradition military family, he was encouraged to study and do well in his early education, he got an interest in military tactics and strategy in his at age 17 and joined Starfleet academy, graduated in 2402 and worked his way up the ranks with perseverance and hard work.

    Promoted Captain in 2409 and now commands the Avenger Class battle cruiser USS Black Widow one of Starfleet's latest generation of cruisers.

    Noted by command for his handling of the B'vat crisis and the 2800 crisis
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • nefarius2nefarius2 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      By all rights Captain Jack Taylor should not exist. He can trace his lineage back to Gillian Taylor, a 20th century marine biologist who was brought to the 23rd century by James T Kirk. Gillian had a fling with Captain Kirk resulting in a child she named George Taylor. Whether she named him for Captain Kirk's father or a whale it is not certain. If that wasn't strange enough, Jack's father Charles Taylor married a woman named Monica Bryce. Monica served aboard the USS Bozeman, a ship that disappeared in the 23rd century only to reappear in the 24th in an incident with the USS Enterprise D. Suffice to say the Taylor family is of much interest to the Department of Temporal Investigations.

      Jack's early life was less remarkable than his colorful family history. He lived a quiet life being raised in San Francisco. His father a professor at Starfleet Academy. Showing an interest and aptitude for engineering, Jack enrolled in the academy and graduated with honors. Taking his first assignment aboard the USS Resolute, Jack was thrust headlong into a confrontation with the Borg. With the command crew killed, Jack took charge and led a crew of cadets to rescue the colonists of Vega colony. Since that fateful day Captain Taylor has taken many steps forward in a remarkable career and has been labeled a menace by the Department of Temporal Investigations. A badge of honor and family tradition he proudly carries on.
    • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Don't have anything intricately written yet, just some key bullet points.

      Name: Onalia Cassidy Psyler
      Race: Human
      Born: March 23rd, 2380

      - Born and raised on Auroria colony, near Romulan Neutral Zone. Established as a trade colony to help improve relations with the Romulan Star Empire following the incident with Shinzon.

      - Auroria was destroyed during the Hobus Supernova of 2387 by a passing remnant which vaporized the atmosphere and left the surface barren and lifeless. 40% of the colonists were killed, including Onalia's parents. The planet is now home to a small mining colony established in 2405, along with a memorial dedicated to the colonists that were killed.

      - Onalia was raised by her guardian, Rulian Mazan (temporal anomaly Doff!), on Earth. "Aunt Rulie" was a family friend of the Psylers and also lived on Auroria colony. She managed to escape along with "Little Ona." Rulian was also a friend of Guinan, whom she picked up her bar tending skills from. With support from the Federation, Rulian, Guinan, and other El-Aurians hope to one day rally their scattered people and rebuild their civilization.

      - Enrolled into Starfleet Academy in 2398. Onalia originally pursued the sciences (like her mother), but one of her tactical instructors, a Klingon named Korban (from Star Trek Elite Force II), saw her potential as a warrior, and convinced Onalia to pursue a tactical focus following the dissolution of the Khitomer Accords in 2399. Following a disastrous training accident, which cost the mobility of one of her squad mates, Onalia was to be expelled. However, Korban defended her actions, stating that the impending conflict with the Klingon Empire will require somewhat unorthodox tactics that Starfleet was unfamiliar with to achieve the mission's goals, and sacrifices sometimes have to be made. She graduated in 2402 and was assigned to the U.S.S. Coltrane as an armory officer.

      - From 2402 to 2408, the Coltrane was heavily involved in the conflict with the Klingon Empire, with her most noticeable engagements being the Laurentian System, a vital source of quadratanium for the Federation. In 2406, while defending mining facilities on one of the local planetoids, Onalia was assigned to a defense squad and took charge when the unit's squad leader was killed. The Federation was being pushed back, and rather than let the Klingons capture the quadratanium mining facilities, she chose to destroy them. Despite losing a few of her squadmates, she managed to detonate the facilities and evacuate the squad in time. She was awarded the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor for her actions.

      - By 2409, Onalia had been promoted to Lieutenant and was assigned to the U.S.S. Shado under Captain Qat'Anmek. (queue the events of the original Fed tutorial here)

      I'm thinking of adding a different version of Elisa Flores somewhere in there, maybe as a snarky academy rival? :P
    • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Rank: Captain
      Serial number: SC 789-870
      Current assignment: Commanding Officer, USS Vanguard NCC 655031
      Full Name: Ael i-Ra'tleihfi Janicka t'Kazanak Hvei'khenn
      Date of birth: May 23, 2375
      Place of birth: Ra'tleihfi, Romulus
      Parents: Sulleen Kazanak and Verelan t'Kazanak
      Other relations: Great-grand uncle Stenok on Vulcan.
      Education: Starfleet Academy, 2393-2397

      Personality Profile
      An extremely competent and driven individual, Ael is a skilled officer who thrives in strategic encounters. While Ael is frequently characterised as 'stern', she is fact a supportive commander and a loyal friend, who simply has little tolerance for fools.

      Physical Appearance
      Standing five feet nine inches tall, Ael has black hair and light grey eyes. She is a collector of body-art, and has a considerable collection of tattoos, including: Emblems of the Romulan Empire across upper shoulders and lower abdomen, Rihan script running the length of her spine reading ih'shikaen temaeko nnea ch'Rihan {intended translation: Legacy of Romulus} and her parents names in Rihan script on her outer forearms.

      Strengths and Weaknesses
      Ael can be distrustful and suspicious of the motives of others, and does not suffer fools gladly. However, her intuitions about an individual are seldom wrong.

      Hobbies and Interests
      Ael is a keen painter. Additionally, she plays chess, go, and kal toh.

      Childhood (2375-2393)
      Ael was born in Ra'tleihfi, the capital city of Romulus, into an influential and long established clan dating back to the time of the Sundering. The only child of active stellar cartographers, Ael spent much of her childhood moving from outpost to outpost, and spending much time in near isolation on her parents survey ship, the IRSS Ralaar'nevnilai {literal translation: sky walker} As a result, she learned to make new friend's quickly, developing an outgoing and amenable personality which swiftly ingratiated her with any new peer group. Her private personal name, Hvei'khenn {literal translation: Storm} is known to very few people. Due to the ongoing nature of her parent's work, Ael was off-world with them, when the Hobus Event destroyed Romulus. With no home world or ancestral lands, the titles of Ael's clan became meaningless affectations, which her parents immediately discarded. Her mother had a grand-uncle living on Vulcan, so the family settled in ShiKahr, and her parents were offered positions with the Vulcan Science Academy as experts in their field. After several years on Vulcan, the family was granted Federation citizenship. Although Ael continued to speak Rihan with her parents, she very much considered herself a citizen of the Federation, the first truly stable home she had known. Despite her Romulan birth, as a naturalised Federation citizen, Ael did not require a letter of endorsement from a command level officer, and was able to apply to Starfleet Academy on the strength of her academic merits.

      Starfleet Academy (2393-2397)
      Upon arrival at Starfleet Academy, Ael was assigned to share quarters with S'rR's, the ward of the Empress of the Pentaxian Dynasty, under the aegis of Admiral Marcus Kane. A magnetic and popular student, S'rR's quickly attracted a close group of friends who readily accepted Ael as part of their clique. S'rR's remained Ael's closest confidant, although she was also close friend's with Brazilian student Domi Araujo. Unlike her roommate, who lived a particularly chaste life, Ael would frequently date, earning herself something of an unfortunate reputation. During her second year at the Academy, Ael mistakenly thought the out of uniform Admiral Kane was S'rR's' brother, and drunkenly propositioned him. He declined, but S'rR's overhead the exchange, and was upset by it, forcing her to reveal her true feelings about Marcus to Ael. Some time later, Ael went on a date with fellow classmate Cecil Bernardez. Unbeknownst to Ael, Bernardez was a sexual predator, and whilst on their date, he dosed himself on a cocktail of narcotics, which temporarily gave him the strength to overpower Ael in the turbo lift and force himself on her. Escaping into the campus, Bernardez had the turbo lift deliver Ael to the main lobby, so she would be seen by others and humiliated. After being taken to the infirmary, Ael gave a statement, and Bernardez was soon arrested. Claiming that he had been had been maliciously drugged, he denied responsibility for his actions. Court-martialled for his behaviour, Barnardez was found guilty of the assault on Ael, immediately expelled from the Academy, and sentenced to serve a term at the New Zealand penal colony. Ael refused to let the attack destroy her confidence or faith in other suitors and she continued to date, but was much more selective about who she would socialise with, and always with Domi or S'rR's accompanying her.
      In her third year at the Academy, Ael was assigned to the USS Cerberus under Admiral Ross for her Midshipman cruise. She excelled in tactical operations and EVA training, as well as showing potential as a future command officer. Offered the chance to transfer to the command track for more focussed training, Ael declined, opting to remain a tactical officer. During her cruise, she upset to hear that S'rR's and Admiral Kane had been imprisoned on Cardassia, but knew there was nothing she could do. Upon returning to the Academy, she began rooming with Isabella Andreyevna Tupoleva.

      West Point (2397-2399)
      After graduating from Starfleet Academy, Ael was immediately transferred to the West Point campus for Advanced Tactical Training, at the recommendation of Admiral Ross.

      USS Kaitain (2399-2404)
      Upon completion of ATT, Ael was promoted to Lieutenant, and assigned to the Intrepid class USS Kaitain under Captain Christian Hill, as replacement for the onwardly promoted chief of security. For a few months, Ael was reunited with her friend, Amanda Palmer, who served as the Kaitain's first officer, before Palmer accepted promotion to the rank of captain, and assumed command of the USS Valkyrie. It was during this time, that she befriended the Brikar ensign, Pok Raban. In late 2399, Ael was overjoyed to learn that S'rR's had been repatriated to the Federation from Cardassia, although her duties prevented her from immediately visiting her friend. In 2404, the Kaitain was severely damaged by gravimetric sheer, killing Captain Hill, and first officer, Commander Charmain Whitney. Ael assumed command of the stricken vessel, and was able to direct the surviving crew to effect repairs to return to Earth Spacedock. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, she was offered the command of the Kaitain, but feeling that she lacked sufficient experience, she declined, when offered the opportunity to serve as first officer aboard the Sovereign class USS Endeavour, under Captain Nicholas Atreides. When asked by Captain Atreides to recommend a competent relief tactical officer, she immediately suggested her Brikar friend.

      USS Endeavour (2404-2412)
      Aboard the Endeavour, Ael quickly gained the command experience she required, due to Captain Atreides' eccentric habit of isolating himself in his readyroom or quarters to pursue his academic interests, and in a very real sense, she became the de-facto commander of the Endeavour, despite her listed position of tactical officer. In 2409, although almost all hands were able to safely abandon ship, the Endeavour was destroyed while engaging the Borg at the Vega colony. Due to the sacrifice of the ship, Starfleet command re-christened one of the new Odyssey class cruisers USS Endeavour, and the crew were accordingly reassigned to the new vessel. Later that year, Ael was present at the peace conference on Khitomer, when Section 31 operative Franklin Drake kidnapped Ambassador S'rR's, in an attempt to obtain the use of her DNA coding. In 2412, Ael attended an interview Captain Atreides held with Crewman Adam Cornish, who wished to transfer aboard the Endeavour following an incident with a female officer aboard the USS Phoenix. While the incident was officially classed as a malicious prank which had gotten out of hand, Ael was vividly reminded of the abuse she suffered at the hands of Bernardez. Once Captain Atreides refused the transfer, whilst escorting Cornish to the transporter room, the disgusted Ael made a number of scathing remarks about his conduct, as well as some insinuations about the crewman's parentage and orientation. Crewman Cornish did not report the abusive comments, and was glad to be out of the commander's presence. Some months later, Admiral Jac Cheliss assigned the Endeavour to act as additional entourage to Ambassador S'rR's, following her invitation to witness the activation of an Iconian gateway on New Romulus. Angered by D'Tan's arrogance, and fearful for the safety of her parents, Ael contacted her mother, and had them leave the planet before the activation could take place, although she did not disclose the reason for her concern, so as not to violate her orders. On the surface of New Romulus, Ael was once more reunited with S'rR's and Captain Palmer. When Captain Va'Kel Shon of the USS Enterprise suggested placing demolition charges on the pylons of the gateway, Ael volunteered to do so, so the charges would at least be planted by a Romulan. When the gateway was activated, Palmer sacrificed her own life to prevent Ael and S'rR's being crushed by falling pieces of the collapsing cavern. They were, however, still both trapped in the cave in, but were protected when the emergency protocols of the Vanguard AI's holographic avatar, Claire, whose mobile holographic emitter automatically projected a forcefield around the two women. Returning to Earth Spacedock, Shon and Ael were both equally prepared to accept full responsibility for the explosion which caused the cave in, but Admiral Cheliss insisted that the blame for the situation lay with the Romulan government. After dismissing Captain Shon, Cheliss promoted Ael to the rank of captain, and assigned her to assume command of the Vanguard
    • admiraltrappittadmiraltrappitt Member Posts: 444 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      Sander233, did you realise that the USS Punisher has the same registry as the U.S.S. Archer on Renegades?
      Proad admin of the Star Trek Battles channel. Join today!

      I actually like Delta Rising.
    • sparcehvsparcehv Member Posts: 51 Arc User
      edited January 2014
      Rank: Vice-Admiral
      Current assignment: Commander, U.S.S. Iridium NX-98646
      Full Name: SparC
      Date of birth: December 6, 2353
      Place of birth: Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
      Earth Parrents: Mr. and Mrs SparC
      Siblings: 3 Sisters
      Education: Starfleet Academy, 2369-2372
      Marital status: Married
      Children: Two
      Quarters: U.S.S. Iridium: Deck 3, Room 3101
      Office: U.S.S. Iridium: Deck 1 Ready Room, adjoining Main Bridge

      Psychological Profile: Report of Starfleet Medical/Counselor's Office
      Charming, bold, a born explorer. Possessing an insatiable sense of adventure and wonder, Captain SparC is guided by a core of human decency and intuition, even when they contravene direct orders. He is fiercely independent, while at the same time strongly committed to duty. SparC holds a grudge against the Borg, whom he blames for killing his father. SparC is eager to make history and see what's out there.

      Biographical Overview
      SparC grew up dreaming of the day when he would get to go "where no man has gone before". His father was the renowned mr.SparC SR., who led the development and instalment of the computer cores for the Galaxy-class project.

      As a child, SparC once accompanied his father to Utopia Planetia fleetyards where he made his first contact with a starship, the U.S.S. Galaxy (NX-70637). Not much later, together with his father, he witnessed the launch of the U.S.S. Galaxy in 2357.
      Later on, during school holidays he would accompany his father to McKinley shipyard, where his father worked on the new Galaxy-class starship, the U.S.S. Yamato (NCC-71807). The ship was eventually destroyed in 2365 with loss of all life by an Iconian computer virus. The virus caused a malfunction in the anti-mater containment field, whereon the magnetic interlocks from the dilithium chamber malfunctioned. The computer initiated it?s emergency backup system to dump the anti-matter. In reaction the virus stopped the emergency system leading to a warp-core breach when the ship was still in the Romulan Neutral Zone.

      A valuable lesson was learned and a solution was formed in decoupling the emergency backup systems from the main cores and with the installment of a separate independent backup computer for the warp-core systems.

      Like many children of his generation, young SparC had big dreams and big aspirations which set the stage for his future. He had Dr. Cochrane's famous inspirational speech at the dedication of the warp five complex memorized to the letter. At age eight, his father gave him his first astronomy book, "The Cosmos: A to Z" by Laura Danly. He would stare at the pictures in the book for hours, hoping he would someday see those celestial objects in person. By age nine he was actively building models of own designed warp spaceships. Using an anti-grav unit, SparC constructed a flying toy ship, he called U.S.S. Iridium and got his first taste of what it's like to be in command. It was during times like these that SparC learned from his father some of the principles that would stay with him throughout his life: Keep things straight and steady ... finish what you start ... embrace trust not fear ...

      It was in the year 2367 when his father worked on an upgrade on the U.S.S. Kyushu (NCC-65491), a New Orleans class vessel when the emergency call came in that the Borg was sighted in sector 001. Starfleet immediately ordered all starships in range to combat the Borg, including the Kyushu. The Kyushu set off, still with his father on board to ready the crippled computer for combat. The outcame was a disaster; 39 ships were destroyed, with the loss of over 11,000 lives including his father.
      SparC joined Starfleet Academy in 2369. SparC studied to be an engineer. During his sophomore year, he performed his field study at San Francisco Fleet Yards orbiting Earth where the new Souvereign class starship was being build. His mentor was Gary Young, a serious and calm man with a subtle touch of humor, which reminded him of his father. He later considered it to be one of the best experiences of his life.

      During his years at the Academy, SparC became friends with Yuczai (Trill) and T`fih (Klingon). SparC also became the captain of the Academy Waterpolo Team being the goalkeeper and winning the 2371 North American Water Polo Regionals.

      In his spare time he worked with several ?high potentials cadets? , know as hypo`s, with the Starfleet Engineer Corps. As kind of a think tank, they would battle design problems looking for unconventional solutions, for example the Tri-Cobalt device launcher.

      SparC graduated from the Academy as valedictorian of his class, having earned Interstellar Honors in 2372.

      He requested duty aboard the new USS Honorious, the Souvereign class starship he worked on in his sophomore year, but got denied due to the destruction of the Enterpise-D. The USS Honorious was to be renamed to Enteprise-E, staffed by the crew of the destroyed Enterprise.

      He was given his first field assignment as a bridge officer aboard the USS Tian An Men NCC-21382, a Miranda class medium cruiser. Their first mission was to investigate the Kilandra Cluster in mid 2372, but they had to abandon the study when it was ordered to Deep Space 9 because of a major dispute between the Ferengi Alliance and Bajor. Grand Nagus Zek refused to return an Orb of the Prophets to the Bajorans. The Bajorans responded by banning all Ferengi activity in Bajoran space. With diplomatic relations between the two cultures rapidly breaking down, interstellar war was on hand. The Tian an Men was on the side line to keep the peace. Eventually hostility ended and the matter was solved.
      In 2373, the Tian An Men fought against the Borg in the Battle of Sector 001. The Tian an Men became heavenly damaged and it was SparC who managed to steer the crippled ship out of firing range of the cube. After the battle the damaged ship was towed back to drydock orbiting Earth for repairs and to be refitted with new warp nacelle`s. For saving the ship and crew, SparC got promoted to lieutenant.

      During the refit, he visited his old friends at the Academy and the Starfleet Engineer Corps several times. A night out in a bar solved the puzzle how to safely fire a Tri-Cobalt. A new launcher was quickly constructed for the Tri-Cobalt device and the engineers waited on a testbed for the launcher. SparC contacted Gary, who had influence in the chain of command, which eventually helped in getting the green light to equip the Tian An Men with the new Tri-Cobalt Device launcher for field testing.

      Shortly after the installment of the launcher in mid-2373, the order was given that the Tian An Men should join Admiral Gilhouly's task force with two other Miranda-class starships and two Excelsior-class to assist Deep Space 9 against the Dominion threat, shortly after they entered the Alpha Quadrant and were joined by the Cardassians.

      In late 2373, the taskforce including the Tian an Men was accommodated to the Second Fleet where it was assigned to patrol along the Federation's border with the Cardassian Union. Just before the Tian an Men went underway, Lt. SparC got a message from Alex Smutko, a friend who he worked with on several occasions during his days at the Academy. He was ordered to immediately report at the Beta Antares Ship Yards to help with a design issue on a new secret starship, the USS Prometheus. Due to the the multi vectored mode, there were troubles with incorporating the Tri-Cobalt Device Launcher. After arriving at the Beta Antares Ship Yards, news came in that the Tian An Man was reported missing and presumed destroyed by the Jem'Hadar.

      (The Tian An Men was captured intact because the Dominion was looking for Roslyn, an augment created for the Cardassians who had defected and was serving on Tian An Men. Seeking Roslyn alive, the Dominion did not destroy the ship. Instead, they utilized it in a plan to infiltrate Federation territory and recover the founders who had been stuck on earth. USS Ottawa and USS Baldwin were able to disable the vessel. The Dominion forces escaped, and the ship recovered.)
      With the return of the Tian An Men, SparC was reassigned to serve aboard the ship as a Lieutenant-Commander to oversee repairs at DS9. While repairs were underway, the Dominion attacked Deep Space 9, during the Second Battle of Deep Space 9. SparC broke away and with several vessels crossed the Cardassian border and destroyed the Dominion shipyards on Torros III. Afterwards the Tian An Men joined with the USS Defiant and IKS Rotarran, following the evacuation of DS9.

      Operation Return
      The retreating fleet returned to Starbase 375. Benjamin Sisko together with several senior staff members devised a plan to retake DS9. The plan is accepted and a task force is formed. En route to DS9, the task force detects 1,254 Dominion ships ahead. The Federation is outnumbered 2 to 1. On the Tian An Men bridge, everyone is quiet. Sisko breaks the silence by activating the comm-system and ordering the fleet into Delta-Two Attack Formation. He says there's an old saying: "Fortune favors the bold". Enduring heavy losses, and all hopes gone for a victory, a Klingon fleet joined the fight, the Tian An Men already having suffered badly. The captain was killed, including several bridge officers by a direct hit from an Dominion ship. SparC, although injured, took command and continued fighting. After ferocious fighting, DS9 is recaptured from the Dominion. After the battle SparC and the surviving crew got honored by Starfleet Command and SparC was promoted to Captain.
      Celebrations were short as the ship and crew would prepare for another mission to yet again fight Dominion at the Battle of Cardassia. After the battle of Cardassia, The Tian An Men later fought at the First Battle of Chin'toka in late 2374.
      The year 2375 started calm; SparC and the crew got some R and R and returned to Earth. In late 2375, the Tian An Men was assigned to the Federation Alliance fleet that was assigned to take the Lapolis System from Dominion forces. During the battle, the Tian An Men, the USS Devonshire and the USS Rutledge were ordered to pursue a Cardassian Galor-class warship and a Jem'Hadar dreadnought which had broke away from the main fleet. While the Rutledge pursued the Galor, the Tian An Men pursued the dreadnought into the McAllister Nebula. During the pursuit, the Tian An Men was almost destroyed with one shot by the dreadnought's powerful weapons. SparC ordered the use of Quantum torpedo`s and a Tri-Cobalt device together with full power to phasers in the hope to punch a hole in the dreadnought`s shielding and disable the dreadnought`s targeting scanners. At the moment of firing phasers and the tri-cobalt, the dreadnought returned fire. The Tri-cobalt detonated prematurely and caused a symmetrical temporal rift (a formation of a Kerr loop from superstring material). The Tian An Men was pulled through and emerged almost 20 years laters in 2408.

      And this is where his STO-Time begins ;-)
      Captain of the federation starship U.S.S. Iridium.

      In the end.... we`re all Ferengi!
    • elvnswordselvnswords Member Posts: 184 Arc User
      edited January 2014

      Vice Admiral; Task Force Omega; CLASSIFIED See Below
      Reveris of the House of Ash

      RACE: Caitian Genetic Offshoot
      STATUS: Active Duty Starfleet Captain.
      Refused admiralty posting at Deep Space K-7
      Refused admiralty posting at Starbase 32

      Now serving as Captain of the NX-99781 U.S.S. Ouroboros, a ship created for the Office of Temporal Investigations, according to records created from the captured remains of a ship from the 27th Century.

      Ash Reveris of the house of Ash was born to a people long thought conquered and defeated. His proud warrior heart, and the straight biological drive of his body to fight kept him from accepting this. Seeing Starfleet as an outlet for these feelings he grew very attached to the extended family he meet in the Federation's Finest. Now he fights to defend his Pride, as a Warrior, of blade and words.
      Considered by many of his own people to be a dangerous individual he is actually a throwback. A rare genetic mutation closer related to the ancient Kzinti, then either the Caitians or the dread offshoot Ferasans. This makes him more prone to anger, and strangely telepathic.
      He founded the House of Ash for those throwbacks and renegades within both Ferasan and Caitian society. The House of Ash has grown faster then any house in the last two centuries due to it's inclusion of outsiders, Ferasans, throwbacks, and all who wish to re-earn they're honor.

      His assignment to the USS Ouroboros has been extremely helpful, preventing several dozen borg temporal incursions into the recent past with the ships capability.

      Most Recent Assignment: Called to the Gateway system by Office of Temporal Investigations due to

      unusual behavior by the Guardian of Forever, specifically the Guardian asking for Ash Reveris by name. Since his report in at Gateway, Reveris and his ship has not reported in, however it has been seen intervening in events around the quadrant including a Borg Attack on the IKS Kang, the Rescue of several Romulan Republic ships from Tholian Space, and at least one or two sightings on Earth Space Dock. He somehow avoids security at every turn, and has not reported in to superiors now for over 4 months, it is believed that he is not rogue, but operating on some agenda outside the purview of our temporal view and while orders are to bring him in for debrief, it is strictly forbidden to engage his ship, or crew with anything other then non lethal means.

      (RP Note, encountering the Ouroboros will cause a systems wide alert similar to the Omega Particle in which an Ouroboros symbol will appear on the screens, and on override from the Captain all weapons will be set to a less destructive, but disabling settings. This is to facilitate the capture of the Ouroboros and it's crew. The Ouroborus has to date never used anything other then similarly set weapons on any modern ship including Tholians, but excluding the Borg ships it finds outside they're temporal designation. )
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