Ok this thread is to what you would like added to star trek online as it is now, no removing stuff or anything merely to be better or upgrade perhaps.
So now describe here what you would like added to STF's, Missions, or other stuff.
For Example :
I would like to suggest upgrading the old federation patrol missions to an PVP/PVE Battle zone for fleets for fleet marks.
Keep in mind this is an example, now describe the way you would like to have it and what you have in mind so maybe the Devs could pick up your idea if they like it they can discuss it and who knows maybe your suggestion will enter the world off star trek online.
Discussion is open !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
I would like to interact with Boffs and Doffs on my ship. Have a ship uniform that I could set that all my random crew would wear. Ships with dedicated torp and weapon slots. And a whole lot more but, I have to go back to work now.
Once you are through, sucks... You are stuck with your choices, and your rewards differ from the others... You can do the other stories, but you are still stuck with the original choices.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
I would agree to see more story with all the grinding, it would be a bit more work for the devs but the outcome would be much more success....
Because every developer can make a map put in soldiers and let them fight right.
Now let it be a story written grinding episode like the first Borg STF.
Also the missions with the returning lost dominion from the dominion war.
Should be after you really have fighted the borg or the text should be changed .
Because when you enter the mission you didn't really fight the borg.
Those are mine suggestions....
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
The number 1 issue on my list is a full and complete season that is nothing but a balance pass and combat upgrade. This game has gotten so far out of tune with its baseline difficulty that I am seriously considering just flying low tier ships to give myself a challenge in PvE. PvP has gotten so silly that pre-match rules often have to be discussed, especially for tournaments.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Good thoughts I must add bit lesser fighting and a bit more exploration would be nice for the feds, for the klingons it is the fighting thats keep their heart beating and the romulans should have something so they can be deveaus again .
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
- Add a flagging system so you can choose to engage opposing faction members or not in open zones.
- Add more persistent zones.
- Add a new crafting and salvaging system. Break down equipment for parts and mods or buy them at a vendor. Combine parts and mods to create equipment tailored to your liking.
- Tie exploration with the foundry, something similar to the system in Neverwinter.
- Add more ways to acquire and use GPL, Ferengi black market items. Add Ferenginar to be used as a new universal trade hub.
- Add fleet sponsorship system to help small fleets.
- Add missions with fail conditions.
- ADD TONGO, BABY! And poker I guess... Play against NPCs or your friends!
- Add Boff voices back into the game, with the option to turn them on or off.
- Give the player a voice, with the option to turn it on or off.
- Add the option to turn off skill animations on ground and space.
- Add a waterworld adventure zone, aqua shuttles, and alien sharks with lazer beams attached to their heads.
Id like to see the removal of the walls between space, more presistance in the overall universe and creating a territory system that is along the lines of something to do with an exploration system instead of these instances that have to do with PVE.
Patrols, along with exploration, becoming a viable alternate leveling route for all factions. Then if you want to get your Strange New Worlds on instead of going to war, you can.
I don't have a problem with bugs, yeah annoying but u deal. It happens everywhere. I know places that are far far worse.
What I think would be nice...
#1.. Completely redesign and rebuild the whole Crafting System. Currently its totally pointless. and becomes more so each and every day. There are few decent things to be made by characters which are quickly overpowered by random drops or rep bought equipment etc.
- Perhaps an idea for season 9. Scrap what is there. Make it possible to either Create Unique items and enhance existing items. Let engineers BE engineers and find it easier to create these things.
In essence make it worthwhile. The kiddies want to craft in order to obtain items of value, not just slap together something to flog off on the exchange for a couple mil credits to some poor struggling noob.
#2. Rewards that make doing missions worthwhile.
-Omega Rep System, is pretty good (even if it is getting a little stale now vs the new content). It is a good system as a base model. 3x Space Missions, 3x Ground Missions. Yes perhaps a little on the easy side these days, but that is purely because players have adapted and advanced. - Do a mission. 50marks. Complete the Optional 15 marks. Bonus hour around the 80-100 mark stage. As it should be.
-Dyson Rep - Command points. No probs. Stack one every 20 hrs. Good for everyone. Heavy players and time limited players alike. However, the Missions for marks... Simply TERRIBLE. The worst missions in the game by far, AND they offer the LOWEST Marks. (akin to Romulan which became better with CEE).
32 Marks for sitting out a timer in essence on the Spire, and I wont even talk of the failure.. I mean the Breach. Fine you don't need them to advance. Not really. But you still need them to purchase VOTH equipment and sets. Forcing you into nothing more than grinding the Battlezone.
Balance is Key. If the missions are harder, the rewards need to match or people feel jibbed and complain and want easier missions. So yes I would like to see improved thoughts from the Dev's to ensure the rewards match the players efforts.
#3. GPL - DO something with it or dump it. How about combining/Linking it with Lobi. Create a conversion system. say 1000GPL for 1 Lobi crystal, and produce a reverse (but typically Ferengi type), 10 Lobi for 100GPL. Enhance this by introducing options to buy items currently restricted to Lobi Purchases (costume unlocks etc) to either Lobi or GPL. Make Lobi purchase ships available for either Lobi OR GPL at high rates of course to still keep them sought after (eg 800 Lobi or 80mil GPL). Finally to balance it all out. Offer limited time opportunities for people to biuy lock box exclusive rewards AFTER the current box has expired.
I understand Cryptic need to make money and LBK's are a great way of doing this, but it is still a lottery and not everyone is lucky. (isn't that a core reason the STF system was changed in the first place, because it relied on luck and many missed out). I know people who can open 1000 box's and not get a coveted ship, whilst others open 2 or 3 and score one.
This is an idea to make GPL actually be useful in Game, Improves the Lobi system exponentially, gives the Kiddies less to whine about in the form of missing out and highlights nice little touches the dev's have obviously gone to the effort of creating (Dabo etc) encouraging people to actually enjoy the hard work.
Perhaps something might come in Season 9. Would be nice.
You know what they are going to say, don't you? :rolleyes:
But that's a decent player want, CSR specific to STO and not PW's CSR that covers all their games.
"Hi, blahblah CSR babble. Submit bug report. Blah blah. We arent going to do anything to fix your immediate issue, despite the fact it will take less than 2 seconds to do. But hey, its nice to wait six months for a bug fix isnt it, BUY MORE ZEN PLEASE"
Im tired of it.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Great Idea's hopefully Cryptic Dev's will see them as well !!!
First of would like to thank you for the great ideas of some of you who take their time for this thread to set their wishes and tell the Devs why they want it that way again thank you.
Keep going !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Ok this thread is to what you would like added to star trek online as it is now, no removing stuff or anything merely to be better or upgrade perhaps.
So now describe here what you would like added to STF's, Missions, or other stuff.
For Example :
I would like to suggest upgrading the old federation patrol missions to an PVP/PVE Battle zone for fleets for fleet marks.
Keep in mind this is an example, now describe the way you would like to have it and what you have in mind so maybe the Devs could pick up your idea if they like it they can discuss it and who knows maybe your suggestion will enter the world off star trek online.
Discussion is open !!!
you sure you want to open this can of worms? alright then.
exploration revamp, sooner rather then later.
cardassian faction before a nay sayer poll comes.
upgraded pvp combat system.
upgraded ground combat system.
upgraded space combat sysatem.
upgraded 3 dimensional movement in space with all the effects.
drop the lock box and all lock box ships to bring a sense of canon to sto at the least. it's not an "i'm cooler then you" contest. it's meant to be feds vs kdf with other factions in the middle.
if there is a war between feds and kdf, need more then just border skirmishes. need to see real Battle of endor type battles between the sides.
merge all sectors into one giant sector map.
give casual players their own version of fleet weapons and ships, that closely match but not completely.
bring miranda class as a t5 ship.
make connie a t5 ship (stop the 2 year nerd rage!)
bring back the old stf's within the queue system.
crafting system upgrade that doesnt require alien artifacts to craft with.
loose the lobi and store and just keep it real with dilithium store instead.
most of these above are just a wishful dream that will never happen. so what's the point discussing any of that since the answer is already a "no"?
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
#1 A 2409 Galaxy (dual) Pack (inc new skin) with one of the ships focused toward Tactical, and the other focused toward Science. The Science one would have the Boff Slots as per my signature, the Tactical one would simply switch the Lt Tac with the Lt.Cmd Sci. Each ship would come with a special console which would (if the current Galaxy has already been purchased and you've got the saucer separation console attached) give your ship an additional bonus. ie; You'd need to be running the consoles from the ENG Galaxy (current) alongside two new consoles to get said bonus.
#2 A 2409 Constitution (or Exeter at least) ~ there is no practical reason for us not being allowed this aside from the CBS head having his head ... you know where.
#3 Unique Bridge Officer Customization (FE Jem Hadar, Embassy Romulan, FE Breen, etc) ~ I can't believe they're still stuck in their original forms. I'm sure more people would make a lot more use of them if they could be edited.
#4 Finally give us the option to purchase (and acquire) Benzite Bridge Officers. The model is in the game for a reason right? Well it ain't doing a whole lot of good right now as we can't use it. This has been an issue since launch. One would think a fix would be out by now.
#5 Cardassian Faction ~ I think this is just a matter of time, but I'm putting it here anyway.
#6 Extending / Evolving the Romulan and Cardassian factions to be stand-alone and independent. TRIBBLE the Alliance System.
#7 Each mark item should have at least 6 different ways of acquiring. I do believe the Romulan Marks and Nukara Marks are tough to come by in comparison to say ... the Omega Marks.
#8 Klingon Uniforms ~ Need More
#9 Klingon Ships ~ Need a couple more (though lets be realistic, they're never going to have the same number of the Federation). A new Negh'var/Voodieh is long overdue though, as is a Fleet Hegh'ta.
#10 Day/Night Cycles on Earth, Qo'nos, New Romulus (etc). We've had the cycles on Risa, so it can be done.
#11 Update/Upgrade the Cardassian Lock Box ~ rename the high-end reward to Cardassian Cruiser and have the Keldon parts as optional extras within ship customization. Not sure how favorable this request would be, but again, I'm throwing it out there.
#12 Restructure the rank structure. We should be Captains at end-game. Not Admirals.
#13 Rerun Anniversary Events? I'd like to get my hands on Worf's TNG sash for starters. There's also the T5 Odyssey and Ambassador I wouldn't mind acquiring again (short of the 20k and T5 Fleet needed for the Odyssey).
#14 More Republic Species (Suliban, Acamarian, maybe even Vulcan (as zen purchase?))
#14b If Vulcans (in any form) ever get added to the Republic, then I'd like to see some Vulcan-Romulan Hybrid Cruisers.
#15 Story Mission reruns to reward Dilithium & Marks? Dilithium as standard, Marks could be dependent on story; Romulan Marks for Romulan Story, Omega Marks for Borg/Undine Content, Nukara Marks for Klingon Content and Dyson Marks for Cardassian Content (because that's all that's left).
I indeed would like to*suggest*a revamp of the crafting missions !!!
When I start a new char crafting must be like this you can go their and make new stuff for your captain,*Boff's and ship.
As I see it now they ask you :
1. Crafting stuff from*Dilithium*Store
3.*Materials*from the Exploration missions
With other words they ask*to*much, awhile back when Jeremy from the old Stoked joined the Cryptic team I*thought*he would help them set up a good crafting system because he was*fount*on crafting stuff and he didn't like the crafting within Star Trek Online.
So*hopefully*they will*address*this soon !!!
STF's :
I hope they will*address*the*following*:
1. All the*different*marks make it one
2. For those who love to do the Ultra Elite to*implement*it
3.*Dilithium*prize on the stuff you make should be lower !!!
Make only the marks just marks and not for every different instance you do a*different*mark, with that they should keep*the the*special stuff for the Elite's like the Borg Neural Processor, or the*Voth*thing they should*implement*it as well for the fleet missions,*romulan*missions, and*nukara*ones.
The stuff you make they should lower the*Dilithium*prices because I would say it is way to high !!!
When they start*addressing*the Federation missions there are some I would love to see removed or redone.
Stranded in space :
They should make*an*skip button for those who see that intro a*million*times....
Also in that mission they should make the transporter room smaller scale would be nice.
And when see the sick you*can't do anything if your not a science officer give an option to*at least*beam them to your medical bay.
Give your Engineer the ability to set up a containment field around the core !!!
infect*why you ask well did you play that mission with*an*group or fleet well I never did because most off them are to*busy*elsewhere*in the game grinding so they don't have time to play that mission.
Diplomatic Orders :
In the start off the mission when you speak with the*Klingon*officer, makes you look stupid as a whale.*that*should be*addressed*!!!
Then we have the*romulan*missions for the federation there are far to many off them they should either remove a few or upgrade them 2 into 1 or something.
overall*PVE*missions when completed they*really*have to give much better end loot !!!.
If they would*address*it like they did on the*Voth*with the ground combat red is*Klingon*blue is federation it would be nice to the*PVPers*as well.
And to be honest I did*PVP*in 2010 when*Klingon*didn't*had*PVE*after they did have*PVE*I*stopped*PVP*...
Well*thats*all for now on my point off view...
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
#1 A 2409 Galaxy (dual) Pack (inc new skin) with one of the ships focused toward Tactical, and the other focused toward Science. The Science one would have the Boff Slots as per my signature, the Tactical one would simply switch the Lt Tac with the Lt.Cmd Sci. Each ship would come with a special console which would (if the current Galaxy has already been purchased and you've got the saucer separation console attached) give your ship an additional bonus. ie; You'd need to be running the consoles from the ENG Galaxy (current) alongside two new consoles to get said bonus.
#2 A 2409 Constitution (or Exeter at least) ~ there is no practical reason for us not being allowed this aside from the CBS head having his head ... you know where.
#3 Unique Bridge Officer Customization (FE Jem Hadar, Embassy Romulan, FE Breen, etc) ~ I can't believe they're still stuck in their original forms. I'm sure more people would make a lot more use of them if they could be edited.
#4 Finally give us the option to purchase (and acquire) Benzite Bridge Officers. The model is in the game for a reason right? Well it ain't doing a whole lot of good right now as we can't use it. This has been an issue since launch. One would think a fix would be out by now.
#5 Cardassian Faction ~ I think this is just a matter of time, but I'm putting it here anyway.
#6 Extending / Evolving the Romulan and Cardassian factions to be stand-alone and independent. TRIBBLE the Alliance System.
#7 Each mark item should have at least 6 different ways of acquiring. I do believe the Romulan Marks and Nukara Marks are tough to come by in comparison to say ... the Omega Marks.
#8 Klingon Uniforms ~ Need More
#9 Klingon Ships ~ Need a couple more (though lets be realistic, they're never going to have the same number of the Federation). A new Negh'var/Voodieh is long overdue though, as is a Fleet Hegh'ta.
#10 Day/Night Cycles on Earth, Qo'nos, New Romulus (etc). We've had the cycles on Risa, so it can be done.
#11 Update/Upgrade the Cardassian Lock Box ~ rename the high-end reward to Cardassian Cruiser and have the Keldon parts as optional extras within ship customization. Not sure how favorable this request would be, but again, I'm throwing it out there.
#12 Restructure the rank structure. We should be Captains at end-game. Not Admirals.
#13 Rerun Anniversary Events? I'd like to get my hands on Worf's TNG sash for starters. There's also the T5 Odyssey and Ambassador I wouldn't mind acquiring again (short of the 20k and T5 Fleet needed for the Odyssey).
#14 More Republic Species (Suliban, Acamarian, maybe even Vulcan (as zen purchase?))
#14b If Vulcans (in any form) ever get added to the Republic, then I'd like to see some Vulcan-Romulan Hybrid Cruisers.
#15 Story Mission reruns to reward Dilithium & Marks? Dilithium as standard, Marks could be dependent on story; Romulan Marks for Romulan Story, Omega Marks for Borg/Undine Content, Nukara Marks for Klingon Content and Dyson Marks for Cardassian Content (because that's all that's left).
Good points sir, like it
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
you sure you want to open this can of worms? alright then.
exploration revamp, sooner rather then later.
cardassian faction before a nay sayer poll comes.
upgraded pvp combat system.
upgraded ground combat system.
upgraded space combat sysatem.
upgraded 3 dimensional movement in space with all the effects.
drop the lock box and all lock box ships to bring a sense of canon to sto at the least. it's not an "i'm cooler then you" contest. it's meant to be feds vs kdf with other factions in the middle.
if there is a war between feds and kdf, need more then just border skirmishes. need to see real Battle of endor type battles between the sides.
merge all sectors into one giant sector map.
give casual players their own version of fleet weapons and ships, that closely match but not completely.
bring miranda class as a t5 ship.
make connie a t5 ship (stop the 2 year nerd rage!)
bring back the old stf's within the queue system.
crafting system upgrade that doesnt require alien artifacts to craft with.
loose the lobi and store and just keep it real with dilithium store instead.
most of these above are just a wishful dream that will never happen. so what's the point discussing any of that since the answer is already a "no"?
Yes I want to keep this tread alive in hopes the devs will spot it and read the idea's players have for STO and maybe they will do something with it !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Cross-faction teams.
Once you are through, sucks... You are stuck with your choices, and your rewards differ from the others... You can do the other stories, but you are still stuck with the original choices.
Because every developer can make a map put in soldiers and let them fight right.
Now let it be a story written grinding episode like the first Borg STF.
Also the missions with the returning lost dominion from the dominion war.
Should be after you really have fighted the borg or the text should be changed .
Because when you enter the mission you didn't really fight the borg.
Those are mine suggestions....
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
1) Actually Cryptic support for Small Fleets
2) Actual Exploration (not these gawd-awful, boring PvE Exploration Cluster missions).
3) Opening up space for Foundry authors and let them create their own races / missions, and let us actually have a real Star Trek experience.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
- Add a flagging system so you can choose to engage opposing faction members or not in open zones.
- Add more persistent zones.
- Add a new crafting and salvaging system. Break down equipment for parts and mods or buy them at a vendor. Combine parts and mods to create equipment tailored to your liking.
- Tie exploration with the foundry, something similar to the system in Neverwinter.
- Add more ways to acquire and use GPL, Ferengi black market items. Add Ferenginar to be used as a new universal trade hub.
- Add fleet sponsorship system to help small fleets.
- Add missions with fail conditions.
- ADD TONGO, BABY! And poker I guess... Play against NPCs or your friends!
- Add Boff voices back into the game, with the option to turn them on or off.
- Give the player a voice, with the option to turn it on or off.
- Add the option to turn off skill animations on ground and space.
- Add a waterworld adventure zone, aqua shuttles, and alien sharks with lazer beams attached to their heads.
- Add giant space zombies
Okay, gettin' a bit weird now...
All my characters look like hideous plastic surgery post-op nightmares.
Give us the detailed textures back!!
And, on a related note.
Connect the foundry technology to our ship interiors so we can edit our own.
No really, bugfixes.
- Foundry cross-faction social maps
- The ability to design alien ships in the foundry.
What I think would be nice...
#1.. Completely redesign and rebuild the whole Crafting System. Currently its totally pointless. and becomes more so each and every day. There are few decent things to be made by characters which are quickly overpowered by random drops or rep bought equipment etc.
- Perhaps an idea for season 9. Scrap what is there. Make it possible to either Create Unique items and enhance existing items. Let engineers BE engineers and find it easier to create these things.
In essence make it worthwhile. The kiddies want to craft in order to obtain items of value, not just slap together something to flog off on the exchange for a couple mil credits to some poor struggling noob.
#2. Rewards that make doing missions worthwhile.
-Omega Rep System, is pretty good (even if it is getting a little stale now vs the new content). It is a good system as a base model. 3x Space Missions, 3x Ground Missions. Yes perhaps a little on the easy side these days, but that is purely because players have adapted and advanced. - Do a mission. 50marks. Complete the Optional 15 marks. Bonus hour around the 80-100 mark stage. As it should be.
-Dyson Rep - Command points. No probs. Stack one every 20 hrs. Good for everyone. Heavy players and time limited players alike. However, the Missions for marks... Simply TERRIBLE. The worst missions in the game by far, AND they offer the LOWEST Marks. (akin to Romulan which became better with CEE).
32 Marks for sitting out a timer in essence on the Spire, and I wont even talk of the failure.. I mean the Breach. Fine you don't need them to advance. Not really. But you still need them to purchase VOTH equipment and sets. Forcing you into nothing more than grinding the Battlezone.
Balance is Key. If the missions are harder, the rewards need to match or people feel jibbed and complain and want easier missions. So yes I would like to see improved thoughts from the Dev's to ensure the rewards match the players efforts.
#3. GPL - DO something with it or dump it. How about combining/Linking it with Lobi. Create a conversion system. say 1000GPL for 1 Lobi crystal, and produce a reverse (but typically Ferengi type), 10 Lobi for 100GPL. Enhance this by introducing options to buy items currently restricted to Lobi Purchases (costume unlocks etc) to either Lobi or GPL. Make Lobi purchase ships available for either Lobi OR GPL at high rates of course to still keep them sought after (eg 800 Lobi or 80mil GPL). Finally to balance it all out. Offer limited time opportunities for people to biuy lock box exclusive rewards AFTER the current box has expired.
I understand Cryptic need to make money and LBK's are a great way of doing this, but it is still a lottery and not everyone is lucky. (isn't that a core reason the STF system was changed in the first place, because it relied on luck and many missed out). I know people who can open 1000 box's and not get a coveted ship, whilst others open 2 or 3 and score one.
This is an idea to make GPL actually be useful in Game, Improves the Lobi system exponentially, gives the Kiddies less to whine about in the form of missing out and highlights nice little touches the dev's have obviously gone to the effort of creating (Dabo etc) encouraging people to actually enjoy the hard work.
Perhaps something might come in Season 9. Would be nice.
Why are you not rejoicing?
Wont happen. Toon is screwed.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
You know what they are going to say, don't you? :rolleyes:
But that's a decent player want, CSR specific to STO and not PW's CSR that covers all their games.
"Hi, blahblah CSR babble. Submit bug report. Blah blah. We arent going to do anything to fix your immediate issue, despite the fact it will take less than 2 seconds to do. But hey, its nice to wait six months for a bug fix isnt it, BUY MORE ZEN PLEASE"
Im tired of it.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
First of would like to thank you for the great ideas of some of you who take their time for this thread to set their wishes and tell the Devs why they want it that way again thank you.
Keep going !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
While you should not have to, if its the tutorial im guessing its a brand new character. would it not be easier to delete and start again?
what is the issue you are having anyway? perhaps someone knows a work around?
you sure you want to open this can of worms? alright then.
exploration revamp, sooner rather then later.
cardassian faction before a nay sayer poll comes.
upgraded pvp combat system.
upgraded ground combat system.
upgraded space combat sysatem.
upgraded 3 dimensional movement in space with all the effects.
drop the lock box and all lock box ships to bring a sense of canon to sto at the least. it's not an "i'm cooler then you" contest. it's meant to be feds vs kdf with other factions in the middle.
if there is a war between feds and kdf, need more then just border skirmishes. need to see real Battle of endor type battles between the sides.
merge all sectors into one giant sector map.
give casual players their own version of fleet weapons and ships, that closely match but not completely.
bring miranda class as a t5 ship.
make connie a t5 ship (stop the 2 year nerd rage!)
bring back the old stf's within the queue system.
crafting system upgrade that doesnt require alien artifacts to craft with.
loose the lobi and store and just keep it real with dilithium store instead.
most of these above are just a wishful dream that will never happen. so what's the point discussing any of that since the answer is already a "no"?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
#2 A 2409 Constitution (or Exeter at least) ~ there is no practical reason for us not being allowed this aside from the CBS head having his head ... you know where.
#3 Unique Bridge Officer Customization (FE Jem Hadar, Embassy Romulan, FE Breen, etc) ~ I can't believe they're still stuck in their original forms. I'm sure more people would make a lot more use of them if they could be edited.
#4 Finally give us the option to purchase (and acquire) Benzite Bridge Officers. The model is in the game for a reason right? Well it ain't doing a whole lot of good right now as we can't use it. This has been an issue since launch. One would think a fix would be out by now.
#5 Cardassian Faction ~ I think this is just a matter of time, but I'm putting it here anyway.
#6 Extending / Evolving the Romulan and Cardassian factions to be stand-alone and independent. TRIBBLE the Alliance System.
#7 Each mark item should have at least 6 different ways of acquiring. I do believe the Romulan Marks and Nukara Marks are tough to come by in comparison to say ... the Omega Marks.
#8 Klingon Uniforms ~ Need More
#9 Klingon Ships ~ Need a couple more (though lets be realistic, they're never going to have the same number of the Federation). A new Negh'var/Voodieh is long overdue though, as is a Fleet Hegh'ta.
#10 Day/Night Cycles on Earth, Qo'nos, New Romulus (etc). We've had the cycles on Risa, so it can be done.
#11 Update/Upgrade the Cardassian Lock Box ~ rename the high-end reward to Cardassian Cruiser and have the Keldon parts as optional extras within ship customization. Not sure how favorable this request would be, but again, I'm throwing it out there.
#12 Restructure the rank structure. We should be Captains at end-game. Not Admirals.
#13 Rerun Anniversary Events? I'd like to get my hands on Worf's TNG sash for starters. There's also the T5 Odyssey and Ambassador I wouldn't mind acquiring again (short of the 20k and T5 Fleet needed for the Odyssey).
#14 More Republic Species (Suliban, Acamarian, maybe even Vulcan (as zen purchase?))
#14b If Vulcans (in any form) ever get added to the Republic, then I'd like to see some Vulcan-Romulan Hybrid Cruisers.
#15 Story Mission reruns to reward Dilithium & Marks? Dilithium as standard, Marks could be dependent on story; Romulan Marks for Romulan Story, Omega Marks for Borg/Undine Content, Nukara Marks for Klingon Content and Dyson Marks for Cardassian Content (because that's all that's left).
Crafting :
I indeed would like to*suggest*a revamp of the crafting missions !!!
When I start a new char crafting must be like this you can go their and make new stuff for your captain,*Boff's and ship.
As I see it now they ask you :
1. Crafting stuff from*Dilithium*Store
3.*Materials*from the Exploration missions
With other words they ask*to*much, awhile back when Jeremy from the old Stoked joined the Cryptic team I*thought*he would help them set up a good crafting system because he was*fount*on crafting stuff and he didn't like the crafting within Star Trek Online.
So*hopefully*they will*address*this soon !!!
STF's :
I hope they will*address*the*following*:
1. All the*different*marks make it one
2. For those who love to do the Ultra Elite to*implement*it
3.*Dilithium*prize on the stuff you make should be lower !!!
Make only the marks just marks and not for every different instance you do a*different*mark, with that they should keep*the the*special stuff for the Elite's like the Borg Neural Processor, or the*Voth*thing they should*implement*it as well for the fleet missions,*romulan*missions, and*nukara*ones.
The stuff you make they should lower the*Dilithium*prices because I would say it is way to high !!!
When they start*addressing*the Federation missions there are some I would love to see removed or redone.
Stranded in space :
They should make*an*skip button for those who see that intro a*million*times....
Also in that mission they should make the transporter room smaller scale would be nice.
And when see the sick you*can't do anything if your not a science officer give an option to*at least*beam them to your medical bay.
Give your Engineer the ability to set up a containment field around the core !!!
infect*why you ask well did you play that mission with*an*group or fleet well I never did because most off them are to*busy*elsewhere*in the game grinding so they don't have time to play that mission.
Diplomatic Orders :
In the start off the mission when you speak with the*Klingon*officer, makes you look stupid as a whale.*that*should be*addressed*!!!
Then we have the*romulan*missions for the federation there are far to many off them they should either remove a few or upgrade them 2 into 1 or something.
overall*PVE*missions when completed they*really*have to give much better end loot !!!.
If they would*address*it like they did on the*Voth*with the ground combat red is*Klingon*blue is federation it would be nice to the*PVPers*as well.
And to be honest I did*PVP*in 2010 when*Klingon*didn't*had*PVE*after they did have*PVE*I*stopped*PVP*...
Well*thats*all for now on my point off view...
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Good points sir, like it
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Yes I want to keep this tread alive in hopes the devs will spot it and read the idea's players have for STO and maybe they will do something with it !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."