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What Did S8 Do To Keybinds? *team is investigating*

heero139heero139 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
edited April 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
When I logged in after Season 8's patch, I noticed some of the UI functions were showing key binds on them (need/greed/pass, for instance) where I had previously removed the key bind.

Loading my old keybind files did not fix it, so I figured I'd reset the entire key bind menu, and rebuild everything again. Wouldn't be the first time something changed that made UI display of key binds break for me.

Now, my UI is showing me some kind of frankenstein combination of my key binds and default ones... somehow it seems to think I have the same key bound to multiple functions.

Fortunately, as far as I can tell, the key binds when activated actually function correctly, so the glitch seems to be limited to the UI display of key binds in the key binds menu and the UI tray/buttons which display key binds on them.

Also, if I /bind_save_file now, it doesn't show key aliases in the file, it shows a the key codes like this:

0xc8 "(null)"
0xd0 "(null)"
0xcb "(null)"
0xcd "(null)"
0x2d "(null)"
0x1b "+aim"
0xef "++autoforward"
0xf9 "(null)"
0x5d "(null)"
0xc7 "(null)"
0xc9 "(null)"
0xd1 "(null)"
0xcf "(null)"
0x4a "AdjustCamDistance -1"
0x4e "AdjustCamDistance 1"
0x30 "(null)"
0x61+0x60 "(null)"
0x5f+0x5e "(null)"
0x4f "(null)"
0x50 "(null)"
0x51 "(null)"
0x4b "(null)"
0x4c "(null)"
0x4d "(null)"
0x47 "(null)"
0x48 "(null)"
0x49 "(null)"


I think this might mean that the problem is somehow related to the change made to make numpad enter and enter register as two separate keys, and the UI hasn't caught up to those changes yet.

small edit:
kind of weird, only a few key binds are displayed wrong on a character until I make a change to the keybinds then change maps or relog, once I do that, then all the keybinds start displaying incorrectly.
Post edited by heero139 on


  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am having trouble with the keybinds I've been using for months without problem. I suddenly have "t" rebinding to open the transwarp list, when yesterday I was using it to activate my tactical teams. Even though I keep clearing the keybind and reloading my file, it keeps changing it back to open the transwarp menu. My current keybind file is:
    Control+f "FleetWindow"
    Control+i "Inventory"
    Control+k "Skills"
    Control+u "CharacterStatus"
    Control+o "People"
    Control+j "Missions"
    Control+l "Diary"
    Control+m "Map"
    Control+p "ShowTrayPowers"

    Quick Messages
    - ChannelSend Team Everyone target >> $target <<
    equals ChannelSend Team Can I get a heal over here?

    Power Presets
    q ""
    w ""
    e ""
    r ""

    Cannon Chain
    y "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 4 0 4 1 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"

    Tactical Team Chain
    t "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 4 2 4 3 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"

    EPtX Chain
    h "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 4 4 4 5 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"

    Attack Patterns
    g "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 4 6 4 7 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"

    Fire with Fireworks
    space "FireAll $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields $$ +trayexec 0 9"

    Middleclick "FireAll"

    home "screenshot_ui_jpg"

    If I have the game save my binds in a new file, I get:
    0x801+0x21 "FleetWindow"
    0xc "ChannelSend Team Everyone target >> $target <<"
    0xd "ChannelSend Team Can I get a heal over here?"
    0x43 "GenButtonClick PowerLevel_Preset_0"
    0x44 "GenButtonClick PowerLevel_Preset_1"
    0x57 "GenButtonClick PowerLevel_Preset_2"
    0x58 "GenButtonClick PowerLevel_Preset_3"
    0x1e "Patterns"
    0x1f "bind_load_file Subnuc_2.txt $$ GenButtonClick PowerLevel_Preset_3 $$ ChannelSend Team I plan to SUBNUC >> $target << in 5 seconds. Ready your attacks."
    0x20 "+power_exec Distribute_Shields $$ +right"
    0x12 "Chain"
    0x10 "(null)"
    0xc7 "screenshot_ui_jpg"
    0xf9 "FireAll"
    0x15 "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 4 0 4 1 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    0x4c "(null)"
    0x22 "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 4 6 4 7 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    0x23 "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 4 4 4 5 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    0x2e "Chain"
    0x801+0x17 "Inventory"
    0x801+0x25 "Skills"
    0x801+0x16 "CharacterStatus"
    0x801+0x18 "People"
    0x801+0x24 "Missions"
    0x801+0x26 "Diary"
    0x801+0x32 "Map"
    0x801+0x19 "ShowTrayPowers"
    0x13 "(null)"
    0x17 "(null)"
    0x25 "(null)"
    0x16 "(null)"
    0x18 "(null)"
    0x24 "(null)"
    0x26 "(null)"
    0x801+0x22 "(null)"
    0x19 "Presets"
    0x39 "FireAll $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields $$ +trayexec 0 9"
    0x4e "bind_load_file Space_Mouse_1.txt $$ Playersay Switched to Mousewheel Zoom."
    0x50 "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 2 2 2 3 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    0x4f "+trayexec 2 4"
    0x51 "+trayexec 2 5 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    0x4d "(null)"
    0x14 "trayexecbytraywithbackup 1 4 2 4 3 $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    0xfe "throttleadjust .25"
    0xff "throttleadjust -.25"
    0x11 "(null)"
    0x21 "with Fireworks"

    I cannot read those keys, which is not how it used to work. The game is also now breaking apart keybinds, so pressing "f" after loading my keybind file gives me [System] Unknown command "with". What happened to mess up keybinds? Please fix this!
  • refar13refar13 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I have a similar issue. The same actually, just with other keys, that the OP mentioned. Seems to somehow be caused/affected by localization, since most of (maybe all) affected keys are some kinds of special characters - ?,?,? on my german keyboard for example.

    Also the keys 1...0, CTRL+1...0, ALT+1...0 are reassigned to the tray 1..4 on every map change, no matter, what custom options i might have had for them.
  • miklsilvermiklsilver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    SAME PROBLEM! All of the buttons back to the default position. If changes are not effective at changing locations are reset to default. You load a configuration file where the map changes every reset. Blank buttons themselves are assigned to CTRL and ALT. What the **** is going on here!
  • lordcuttersladelordcutterslade Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Keybinds keep resetting after every map change or after switching characters...
    my guess is that it has something to do with "Material files reloaded"...

    there's some german thread with some guys having the same issue

    german thread about resetting keybinds
    [SIGPIC]Everything is awesome![/SIGPIC]
  • lordcuttersladelordcutterslade Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    thx..sry i didn't see your thread
    i thought this issue has top priority and made a thread in the gameplay bug reports section

    i'd suggest to merge or delete this thread here then but the more attention it gets the faster it's fixed
    [SIGPIC]Everything is awesome![/SIGPIC]
  • lordcuttersladelordcutterslade Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    yepp something's screwd up...
    keybinds keep also resetting after every map change/char switch
    [SIGPIC]Everything is awesome![/SIGPIC]
  • miklsilvermiklsilver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    These themes are at least someone is reading from the administration?? someone help?
  • miklsilvermiklsilver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    These themes are at least someone is reading from the administration?? someone help?
  • playhard88playhard88 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    may i ask, what is +trayexecbytraywithbackup ? i always used +trayexecbytray
    John Sheridan@playhard88 - FED Tactical
    Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
    K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
    Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    playhard88 wrote: »
    may i ask, what is +trayexecbytraywithbackup ? i always used +trayexecbytray

    That command attempts to execute a certain tray, but if it's on cooldown or unavailable, it moves on to the alternate tray. The downside is it seems you can only have 1 of these commands in a single bind, while what you use can be chained.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    dabelgrave wrote: »
    That command attempts to execute a certain tray, but if it's on cooldown or unavailable, it moves on to the alternate tray. The downside is it seems you can only have 1 of these commands in a single bind, while what you use can be chained.

    not true acvording my findings. I have keybinds thag use several instances of yhat command.

    The command is desgned to fire two executions at first and then second intervals but it will get flubbed up someyimes on activatoon time differences and occassoonally fire first last.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • miklsilvermiklsilver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
  • renesisnrenesisn Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    key bind resetting on both Mac and PC... upset, gonna stop playing till it's fixed.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Not just resetting, but seems to have screwed them up in general. I'm having to repeatedly hammer my spacebar 3-4 times just to get some basic stuff to fire off, like they added activation times or something. Its very sluggish and unresponsive, and making it rather frustrating to micromanage.
  • kamblekamble Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm having the same problem..

    For the last year, I have been using a set of simple keybinds for running ground maps, binds that allow me to forgo using a mouse all together, as of today they keep going back to a mix of my binds and some from what i think must be default binds, this is a really frustrating little bug.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Same problem here.

    The keybinds seem to have reset and do not to apply new changes.
    I am really tired of this game and company, really.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • miklsilvermiklsilver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    we need fix that. up theme
  • kidflash112kidflash112 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    yea i use space bar .txt from Hilbert and whats happened is the sequence has reversed from what ive figured out use to fire off 1-0 1234567890 now it going 0-1 0987654321 weird and yes i find myself pounding space bar trying to get things to fire
  • seniorkafeiseniorkafei Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Now getting this issue too. Combined with the graphics glitch, this is seriously turning me off from playing the game.

    I didn't want to believe all the hate people were throwing at Cryptic about new seasons meaning a bunch of bugs, but... they weren't kidding. This is getting out of hand.

    I hope they get fixed soon...
  • thexqthexq Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    When I look at the exported "new" bind file on it OP the codes listed for keys look a lot like keyboard scan codes (example of scan code table in the link below)


    for instance key "F" has hex 21 scan code (0x21) thus the game would likely give out error for the "with" word in the begin of the line associated to that key (the example OP described).

    Maybe they have started to use scan codes in the bind system?
  • miklsilvermiklsilver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    apparently no one is interested .. bug on the spot, nothing works ..
  • miklsilvermiklsilver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    someone already in the administration will pay attention to this problem?
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    thexq wrote: »
    for instance key "F" has hex 21 scan code (0x21) thus the game would likely give out error for the "with" word in the begin of the line associated to that key (the example OP described).
    I only get that problem if I load my bindfile again. I have no binds in it for F, and keep that button as the game's default. However, loading my bindfile results in the F key giving me that error. Looking at keybinds in my options, F is still set as the Interact button, but I get that error unless I put in F again for Interact. How does my bindfile suddenly bind things that aren't even in it?
  • mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    After S8 i noticed that certain keys stopped working for me.. namely

    My old bind file says:
    Z "GenSendMessage Inventory_Root SwitchActiveWeapon"
    E "UseTraySlot1 1"
    ] "InteractWindow"

    loading that had no effect, the keys wouldn't work anymore. I had to reassign the keys in the UI again, the UI also shows default stuff.. stuff thats totally not bound that way at all.. means i can load what i want the UI will show wrong stuff.

    Yet changing the key in the ui worked oddly.. saving the file however produces this for those 3 keys:

    0x15 "(null)"
    0x12 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 1"
    0x1b "InteractWindow"

    So something is definitely wrong with whats saved and loaded from the bindfile since S8.
    Reassigning keys manually on each toon is a pain, especially for people with many alts..
  • vanguardsquallvanguardsquall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I don't have an issue with my custom keybind files, but ever since Season 8 went live, the default keybind for ship right turn turns itself off. The keybind tab in options shows D key still registered as right turn, but the ship wont turn right. I have to manually reset it every time but it turns itself off again soon after.:mad:
  • mcnabbsmcnabbs Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I don't have an issue with my custom keybind files, but ever since Season 8 went live, the default keybind for ship right turn turns itself off. The keybind tab in options shows D key still registered as right turn, but the ship wont turn right. I have to manually reset it every time but it turns itself off again soon after.:mad:

    I have a similar issue, but it is E and throttle up for me, rather than D; The thing is, some keys seem to exist multiple times - you can observe this via the "Show Keyboard" button - in my screenshot you see multiple S, E, and A's for example (there are others as well). Note how 3 instances of S are triggered in the shot.

    (The Screenshot)

    For me the real E Key and the E key at the right side near the Backspace (= actually) are both showing up as E, and both triggering when i push E. They have however different functions bound to them, and the fake E is overriding the desired functionality. Manually unbinding the wrong instance of the Key solves the problem for me.

    There is of course still the issue with mapchange, when the keybind-reset BS happens.... :mad::mad::mad:
  • vanguardsquallvanguardsquall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mcnabbs wrote: »
    I have a similar issue, but it is E and throttle up for me, rather than D; The thing is, some keys seem to exist multiple times - you can observe this via the "Show Keyboard" button - in my screenshot you see multiple S, E, and A's for example (there are others as well). Note how 3 instances of S are triggered in the shot.

    (The Screenshot)

    For me the real E Key and the E key at the right side near the Backspace (= actually) are both showing up as E, and both triggering when i push E. They have however different functions bound to them, and the fake E is overriding the desired functionality. Manually unbinding the wrong instance of the Key solves the problem for me.

    There is of course still the issue with mapchange, when the keybind-reset BS happens.... :mad::mad::mad:

    Wow, that is crazy. I checked mine, but it seems D doesn't trigger any other buttons. and so far, none of my other keys have that issue either. There must be a faulty EPS relay somewhere on my ship. lol
  • miklsilvermiklsilver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    still waiting for bug fix ...
  • vanguardsquallvanguardsquall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well now, I think I fixed my default D key right turn issue. I noticed that it stopped working when I hit the space bar at least once, then will work again if I press the bar and the D key together. I have that Hilbert guide bind set up, where shields are redistributed and a whole row on the tray activates with the press of the space bar, though slightly modified via the STO keybinds Application that generates a file to set up keybinds.

    I feel very dumb for not having noticed this part the other day, but I looked at the space bar in show keyboard options and noticed it said before the intended keybinds:

    Bound to /bind_load_file STO_i_07882__C_space_1.txt$$...

    Deleting that part and reloading my bind fixed my problem.
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