in case you havent seen it yet, Cryptic has crafted an amazing set of hallways and bridges for your ships, that will replace the existing default bridges and hallways you now have.. Congratulations..
Of course, nothing was mentioned about doing anything for anyone else else, especially those of us who fly ships wityh nothing but a big empty room they call a bridge, and have no hallways whatsoever.. So typical of Cryptic..
In creating this interior, they've created an asset that will be usable in many, many different ways beyond simply being a player's ship interior.
It's used in the tutorial. It can be used in any future missions requiring a Federation ship interior, and as outlined in the blog, it's modular design will make using it in new ways easier than ever before.
In short, it's a good investment.
Spending one month per design on lockbox ship interiors is not a good investment. Period.
not to mention will likely be used in the missions where KLINGON players board Fed ships/stations.
Easy for you to say, being federation yourself. And pray tell how these interiors will have any benefit on my scimitar which has no reman interior at all??
EDIT:: Oh yeah, PS.. The scimitar is not lockbox.. I payed the same price as ypu paid for the Odyssey
What makes you assume I only have one character? The one in my avatar isn't even my main.
To answer your question, you'll see the benefits any time they use these interiors in a mission playable by Romulans.
Edit: I don't own the Scimitar, but I'd assumed its bridge was just connected to the standard Romulan interior. Is that not the case?
Ya know, the OP is probably a troll post anyways. At least I hope it is, given that the alternative is that someone is genuinely whining about THAT.
Ah yes, in whish i board your ship and fll to my knees in amazement at the glory of ypur federation vessel.. I think not. That not withstanding, the work they did is phenomenal and desrving of applaude. However i feel my outright jealousy is also justified.
That's exactly it. There needs to be a reason to make these things beyond "player ship interior." The revamped tutorial was a good reason, so they did it.
No relation to "the" Nighthawk.
Refugee from Paragon City.
Klingons have combat missions attacking Fed ship interiors.
The fact this is modular suggests they may be thinking about player crafted interiors with Neverwinter Foundry room tech.
Now THAT good sir, is an idea who's time should have been much sooner. I would love to see player built bridges and interiors in these ships. The levels of player craftsmanship and creativity in this game are astounding..
It's still bigger than the TOS bridge, no mistake. But it's not absurd IMO.
As cool as that would be, I feel like player crafted interiors would have a horrifying database budget (if every player had a unique one). I'm not familiar with the Neverwinter Foundry system, though.
Well, i'm just fantasizing here, but my estimation would be that the player would create their interior, then submit it to cryptic for approval and inclusion in the game rather than just everyone having their own individual creations.. Thusly, we get some incredible interiors, The creator gets bragging rights and their name on a page or a star or a solar system, and cryptic gets more customers because of its open mindedness and willingness to work with the players..
So, they took the opportunity to revamp old assets and add hand it to the players. Your screeming about "How Feds get sth. new" is just ridiculous. When LoR launched Romulans got their heavy treatment. When they revamped the Klingon tutorial they revamped whole Kronos...and now the Feds get a treatment, how dare they!?
Sorry, but I, personally, have to thank LCRMiller for this huge improvement. This interior set outshines every other interior and bridge available in the store. At least we finally have an interior which is not looking artificial designed just for the gameplay purposes.
Thank you for this beautiful interior!
having several klingon ships, each with its own unique interior. Those ships were also free. The scimitar was not free.. It costs the same as the oddy and the bort bundles.. However, if you had perhaps taken the time to read the thread, you would see than no one here is crying.
<joins on bongos>
I'm not screameing. I believe my congratulation were clearly stated, and i was not being sarcastic. You and others jumped to a conclusion and came in here with no intention other than stomping the rommie.. well, the rommie wasnt screaming or crying and we actually almost had a good and civil conversation going.. Yup, I DO get jealou that you feds get everything handed too you on a platter. i get jealous that your a real faction instead of a semi slave mostly unrecognized knockoff of hippy space freaks. I admit my jealousy openly, but this isnt about my jealousy. its about the amazing work that they put into this new interior.. period.
I would 100% support the Scimitar's unique bridge being connected to the standard Romulan interior in the same fashion.
To be honest, the title of your thread sets a certain...tone for the replies (my own included).
My apologies on that. I must concede it is mixed with both indignation, and admiration.. oddest thing is, that indignation has nothing to do with interiors.. What i truly want for romulans isnt even a part of this conversation. It doesnt belong here.. Yes, it would be nice to have my pretty little trophy wall to admire my past, whatever it was i did things.. But when i saw that interior, it set a spark off in me ive only had one time before in my entire history of trek, and that was when they made the 1701-E. They finally got it right. it looked like a real ship. This interior looks like a real ship interior. they got it right and they did a magnificent job..
::chuckles:: Damned straight I'm jealous.. Lucky TRIBBLE
Or just stupid...
That is not the case, the Scimitar is more like a lockbox ship. I was very disappointed it did not get the normal Romulan interior.
Oh please...
There is an entire mission on board a Scimitar in the Romulan story, yet it was not used in the player ship.
He's both.....
which mission? I played htrough the entire storyline minus the Rom rep missions, and i dont recall a scimitar based mission, you might be thinking of the mission mind games, which took place on Hakeev's Tal shiar Adapted Battle cruiser.
Considering all the great stuff romulans got I must say I was shocked that the Scimitar got no interior!! Not only that it has no captains office or trophy room! All it has is a lame after you see it once - thaloron generator room. It is really one of the most lame interiors for a flagship in the game. Not that I have been there more than once - just saying.