I'd say that there's more reasons for them to be the same than different. Especially in light of the fact that the whole lead up of the mission to that point revolved around the Dewans "pre-warp society" mangling power levels / distribution and the Romulan (our) warp-capable society has the key to maintaining "appropriate" power levels...
And considering 2409's continued lack of circuit breakers...
So, as a plain 21st century ex-computer programmer, nevermind a 25th century Scientist or Engineer, the discrepancy screamed "issue" to me and I would have at least asked "is this intentional?" One too low? 3 too high? I don't care, it just "seemed" off and I couldn't address it at all...
Then the spoiler "gives it away to me" that said power levels actually drove the whole mission...
I believe the console also mentioned we needed to rebalance the load as that generator was falling. If the computer monitor says it is off, why was it allowed? Because the Solanea corrupted the romulan scientist's judgment on the restoration so it would wreck new Romulus.
Alert: Power from beta feed dropping. Adjust power levels for maximum output.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
Admiral Kererek is in the chamber for the initial activation. If you watch you see him run through the gateway right before you and Worf do.
So how did he get back to Romulus Command?
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
Loved it! Michael Dorn as Worf was awesome. (Yes, I can understand some of the criticism about the voice work but Voice work is different from Acting on screen.)
I would like to ask...are 6 Advanced Obelisks Swarmer Hangar Pets really necessary? I would say just get two and put special Purple Anti-Proton Beam Arrays there and just make a new Accolade "Anti-proton Collection" or "Doomsday Machine Eat Your Heart Out" for getting all three compartments.
Other possible names
"Subspace Treasure Collector" / "Iconian Thievery" / "Release The Swarm"
I had some questions about the missoin.(some Spoilers invovled!!):
1. Can you do anything with the unknown species in the last room before going "outside?"
2. When you get all of the extra consoles and go back you can pick up 3 pairs of a ceratain purple item from each of the extra consoles besides the last red one.. They are character bound, so is this intentional?
3. Could these extra consoles be used for putting some extra AP bank arrays so you don't have to run the mission as many times?
4. When you pick up the purple item the consoles go dim. if you get everything(from what I know of) the only one that still flashes is the last red one before the final ramp, is this supposed to have anything in it, or is it just a hint towards the ship you enter?
5. If you look at the Qon'nos platfrom there is an extra ledge indicating a walkway should be able to extend and one at a platform nearby(The one facing the planet, and a platform nearby has one unextended also withing view, but it has no icon like the other gateways(all other platforms have icons or not base that can extend). Is this supposed to do anything? If you look from the first catwalk you can see that is part of another set of platforms that are all already connected. Anything over there we should be able to get to or is it unused or something?(it would makea cool way to get all the extra AP arrays in one go if you added an extra puzzle to get it!)
Are any of those glitches or, what became, unused content. I was curious.
Another question. How will we get the obelisk set after this if we can't do the mission? Will it be impossible or a lobi item?
Aftulus wrote:
1. Can you do anything with the unknown species in the last room before going "outside?"
If you are referring to the dead alien in the jail cells, no. I only got a dialogue box that it was an unknown species.
I am very impressed in how the STO story writers decided to connect this FE to a loose plot thread in The Next Generation. Bringing Michael Dorn back to do Worf was a great move, though he seems to emphasize his words Shatner-style as in "YOU will accompany me." Tying the episode Schisms to the first Iconian episode (Contagion, TNG Season 2) was brilliant.
I am still looking for the connection between the Iconian-Solanae servitors and the Voth-Dyson Sphere.
What is the relationship between the Hobus system and the Iconian gateway network? Does it involve the supernova, Nero, the Scimitar, or everything?
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey ... stuff. --the Doctor, "Blink"
You notice in your image, the second platform from the starting one is connected to the other platforms I mentioned. But not when you go there. I wonder if they didn't finish the mission... And it has the one console labeled as giving the purple swarmers. But all of the extra consoles besides the last red one give a set of them also. I wonder what happened. I think it's unfinished content. It would have been nice if they had stuck the weapons in and let us pick up the MK XI AP beams from that. Something is funny with that mission.
Actualy, they put the swarmers on the last extra console that doesn't give anything. When it is the other three that give a pair(6 total) of advanced swarmers.
If you are referring to the dead alien in the jail cells, no. I only got a dialogue box that it was an unknown species.
Look at him. I think this is the same race that lives on that Delta quadrant planet that you see later.
2. When you get all of the extra consoles and go back you can pick up 3 pairs of a certain purple item from each of the extra consoles besides the last red one.. They are character bound, so is this intentional?
They also have a sell value of 0. so yeah.
3. Could these extra consoles be used for putting some extra AP bank arrays so you don't have to run the mission as many times?
lol, wouldn't that defeat the purpose or replays? :P
5. If you look at the Qo'nos platform there is an extra ledge indicating a walkway should be able to extend and one at a platform nearby(The one facing the planet, and a platform nearby has one unextended also within view, but it has no icon like the other gateways(all other platforms have icons or not base that can extend). Is this supposed to do anything? If you look from the first catwalk you can see that is part of another set of platforms that are all already connected. Anything over there we should be able to get to or is it unused or something?(it would make a cool way to get all the extra AP arrays in one go if you added an extra puzzle to get it!)
I wondered about that too. my best guess is that it was there to look cool.
Another question. How will we get the obelisk set after this if we can't do the mission? Will it be impossible or a lobi item?
I don't think it removes the point of Replays. I just means if you are thorough you have the option of doing it only once and getting a full set of mark XI arrays the swarmers and possibly one of the items you select at the end so you don't HAVE to if you pay attention and explore. That exploring aspect of game maps that is not used in this game and is not emphasized or rewarded!! 8) IN STAR TREK!! 8p It also gives people more reason to pay attention and create more immersion. And then give more reason to add more emersive aspects to the game since people then already do it!
Maybe that last area was from old romulus and or remus. Still should have let us use it though. We could have just looked at a blown up planet image!
That or it was looking at a world of all orion nudist colony and it wasn't work or game safe?! Maybe with telescopic zoom!! I bet the elachi's get lonely in subspace all by themselves..
I don't think it removes the point of Replays. I just means if you are thorough you have the option of doing it only once and getting a full set of mark XI arrays the swarmers and possibly one of the items you select at the end so you don't HAVE to if you pay attention and explore. That exploring aspect of game maps that is not used in this game and is not emphasized or rewarded!! 8) IN STAR TREK!! 8p It also gives people more reason to pay attention and create more immersion. And then give more reason to add more emersive aspects to the game since people then already do it!
Maybe that last area was from old romulus and or remus. Still should have let us use it though. We could have just looked at a blown up planet image!
That or it was looking at a world of all orion nudist colony and it wasn't work or game safe?! Maybe with telescopic zoom!! I bet the elachi's get lonely in subspace all by themselves..
This post is ironic, because this is the first FE to have hidden items that are actually useful. I can't think of ANY other mission that has a hidden item that is as good as the advanced Swarmers.
Well, I think a better example would be using diesel generators. If you have multiple models of generator, they may or may not have the same energy output. Sure, it'd be best to have several with the same output, but that may or may not be practical.
Also... the Romulans are using some sort of geothermal system....
As I said here, with a little bolding for emphasis this time...
Granted, there may be a reason for that off generator to be set that way - it's an older generator, the sector of town that the off generator powers has a lesser demand, all sorts of things that said "smart person" wouldn't be aware of, and would remain "blissfully" unaware of unless he asks - or the very problem that everyone was attempting to avert reoccured and it came up in the debrief to much facepalming and anguish...
Now, what's bugging me is, basically, quite possibly the difference between a bad B-movie script and a Trek-episode level script.
It could be me, but seeing beta generator so low had me thinking of the "classic" SyFy movies where the observer sees the genesis of the film's disaster, yet every scientist / doctor / PhD / "smart person" in the movie is so blissfully unaware of the issue until the disaster kicks into gear...
Same here. I'm "supposedly" the hero of the universe, smiter of galactic foemen, savior of upteen planets / races, etc. which is why I got an invite along with all three factional flagship captains. Yet, I can't even confront A'drianna or Mivak(?) with my concerns as a fellow scientist / engineer.
And that is what bugs me. Granted, as the rest of the mission indicates, it was that generator that led to the cataclysm. And, it was A'drianna's fault. However, I don't even get the chance to hear an excuse / explanation / technobabble from her. I can see it as a 3 line interaction with one additional voice-over...
Me: A'drianna, as I was checking your settings, I noticed that Beta generator is lower than the rest.
A'drianna: <insistently> But of course. <pick excuse / technobabble> (older generator. Cooler thermal tap and fancier inverter downstream. blather part is connected and needs less power or it'll overload. Whatever sounds "logical" in light of her Iconian influence).
Worf: It at least sounds like you are certain of your settings. Let us continue...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Yeah, the bottom line is that the Gate overloaded because the Iconians wanted it to. IF the Romulans had managed to figure out that the Gate was sabotaged and how they could have averted it, but the power inputs they were using were not the problem.
My impression is that they weren't actually using inputs 2 and 5 for the gate. When you review the numbers with A'drianna she doesn't ask about those inputs. Thus it seems likely that they are auxiliary power.
You are assuming all the generators are required to be high output, Beta may be used to power the rooms lights and any discrepency could be caused by 1 light is not functioning or one of the engineers hooked up 1 too many lights.
The disaster was caused by the Iconians and was intentional to stop the republic from gaining a gateway they can control. Anyone else getting that tech would be a threat to the Iconians plans to take over the galaxy again and is why they sabotaged the gate.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
Just played through this for the first time. Haven't read the thread at all. My apologies.
This didn't feel like a Star Trek episode so much as it felt like a Babylon 5 episode. For those who doubt, from me that is very high praise. Nothing else in this game has made me swear/laugh in horrified/delighted recognition nearly as much. Bring on the Shadows... er, Iconians!
More useful feedback later, maybe. For now, just know that my first playthrough brightened a very crappy week.
This episode blew my mind. By far my favorite episode in all of STO.
* The fact that there's so little combat versus so much exploration made it FEEL like Trek deep in my bones. This really FELT like Star Trek.
* The small continuity details -- the Klingon chick being the daughter of DS9's Grilka, the VOY "Work Force" episode, of course the solanogen-based life forms, possibly a hint at the Kelvans with the Andromeda detail...I kept geeking out practically throughout the episode!
* The examination table. Jesus Christ, when you come across the examination table I had like a massively powerful flashback. It was a really powerful moment.
* The amount of cutscenes and not just running and clicking F. Added massively to the atmosphere. Couldn't be more grateful for the effort expended on them.
* And of course Worf. Jesus, every time he spoke I had chills. It was like meeting McCoy on Drozana, times a thousand. The voice. The amount of interaction you get to have with him. Having so much dialogue with Worf was the first time I really felt like I was being passed the baton for the franchise. It really made me feel connected to the television series in a way that no other episode before has managed.
I am going right now to give Cryptic some of my money because this episode alone was worth actual $$$ to me. They've earned my money and then some. Thank you.
You are assuming all the generators are required to be high output, Beta may be used to power the rooms lights and any discrepency could be caused by 1 light is not functioning or one of the engineers hooked up 1 too many lights.
The disaster was caused by the Iconians and was intentional to stop the republic from gaining a gateway they can control. Anyone else getting that tech would be a threat to the Iconians plans to take over the galaxy again and is why they sabotaged the gate.
Let me take it this way...
I understand fully well that a "disaster movie" isn't gonna happen without the disaster. Therefore, if I was to say "hey, beta's off", A'drianna goes "why yes, it is", it gets "fixed" and the test works perfectly - or is postponed because nobody can fix beta in time - then we have absolutely no mission.
On that note, what I'm "nitpicking" about isn't that beta was low, that Beta was the cause for the instabilities, and that A'drianna was the one who sabotaged everything to this point...
It was that my "well trained, PhD level Scientist / Engineer" was "blissfully unaware" of the issue - even though my "untrained eye" saw it plain as day. This is, IMO at least, the turf of bad B-movies like the standard SyFy channel fare. To me, what makes Trek is the "extra" interpersonal conflicts, such as what would happen when I advise a "prideful, boasting, "know it all" Romulan" that perhaps they are on the wrong course. When I attempt to convince the brainwashed Romulan who's gonna (obviously) insist that she is correct and I am wrong since she is (inadvertently) the cause of the disaster. When the only person "theoretically" willing to listen to me is the Ex-Fed KDF ambassador who was being swayed into actually believing that the Rommies are on the right course, and would be further convinced by my very effort to "fix" the problem...
How many times has the "special guest star", Spock, Data, etc., gone off on the "boy, this is the wrong way to do things" track, yet the Captain (crew) goes about things "their way", the prophesied problem occurs, then the day gets saved?
That, to me, is why I complain. That a perfectly good, three-line or so conversational option is enough to have elevated the mission from "bad B-movie start complete with requisite railroad to disaster" into, potentially, an epic-level Trek script...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I understand fully well that a "disaster movie" isn't gonna happen without the disaster. Therefore, if I was to say "hey, beta's off", A'drianna goes "why yes, it is", it gets "fixed" and the test works perfectly - or is postponed because nobody can fix beta in time - then we have absolutely no mission.
On that note, what I'm "nitpicking" about isn't that beta was low, that Beta was the cause for the instabilities, and that A'drianna was the one who sabotaged everything to this point...
It was that my "well trained, PhD level Scientist / Engineer" was "blissfully unaware" of the issue - even though my "untrained eye" saw it plain as day. This is, IMO at least, the turf of bad B-movies like the standard SyFy channel fare. To me, what makes Trek is the "extra" interpersonal conflicts, such as what would happen when I advise a "prideful, boasting, "know it all" Romulan" that perhaps they are on the wrong course. When I attempt to convince the brainwashed Romulan who's gonna (obviously) insist that she is correct and I am wrong since she is (inadvertently) the cause of the disaster. When the only person "theoretically" willing to listen to me is the Ex-Fed KDF ambassador who was being swayed into actually believing that the Rommies are on the right course, and would be further convinced by my very effort to "fix" the problem...
How many times has the "special guest star", Spock, Data, etc., gone off on the "boy, this is the wrong way to do things" track, yet the Captain (crew) goes about things "their way", the prophesied problem occurs, then the day gets saved?
That, to me, is why I complain. That a perfectly good, three-line or so conversational option is enough to have elevated the mission from "bad B-movie start complete with requisite railroad to disaster" into, potentially, an epic-level Trek script...
My response to that is, how do you know the Iconians haven't been TRIBBLE with YOUR head either? Right now, the player characters are #1 on the Iconians' hit list. I mean, Riker and the Ent-D crew didn't know their were being screwed with until the Solanae got sloppy. Since we know they've been keeping a low radar since them, its safe to assume they may have just taken you for one night just to ensure their success. The gate is destroyed and your killed with it in what seems to be an accident while New Romulus burns. That sounds like a Win-Win for them.
And its important to remember that if we're dealing with races that can kidnap you without your knowledge and modify your mind, what isn't said or what the devs don't allow you to say could just as easily be important plot points. And considering the theme of Sphere of Influence and what else is being done with the Iconian/Elachi/Solanae arc, there's no way to seperate the plot holes from the brain holes.
My response to that is, how do you know the Iconians haven't been TRIBBLE with YOUR head either? Right now, the player characters are #1 on the Iconians' hit list. I mean, Riker and the Ent-D crew didn't know their were being screwed with until the Solanae got sloppy. Since we know they've been keeping a low radar since them, its safe to assume they may have just taken you for one night just to ensure their success. The gate is destroyed and your killed with it in what seems to be an accident while New Romulus burns. That sounds like a Win-Win for them.
And its important to remember that if we're dealing with races that can kidnap you without your knowledge and modify your mind, what isn't said or what the devs don't allow you to say could just as easily be important plot points. And considering the theme of Sphere of Influence and what else is being done with the Iconian/Elachi/Solanae arc, there's no way to seperate the plot holes from the brain holes.
Okay I can't see this as plausible. And I agree that the obvious (even the computer notes the power level dropping on beta.) two lines would have moved it up. IE. Your character notes beta dropping. D'dannea, or how ever it is spelled, replying how it isn't important for the test. Or better how she has done the simulation X times and has been over it and knows better than the just arrived. <insert rank> ship commander. It would fit better with her whining when discussing the gate in the Jouret system too. IE when Worf mentions the two gates destroyed, an obvious come back is that they did not remove them because it was iconian. They destroyed the gates because they were in contested territory and would have been points of further bloodshed. The gate on new Romulus is in allied hands. The gate in the jouret system is likewise.
But to say the Iconians have messed with the heads of all those present at the time of the gate activation is a waste. If someone is foiling your plans and you can get at them at any time, you don't brain wash them so they fall for a trap you laid. You end them because they are a risk. If they could access the whole gate and all the people themselves. They could have just set off the destruction themselves and skipped the hung by their own foolishness.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
I really enjoyed the mission. The story was great on what happened. Felt very Trek to me. Love how it wasn't all gun blazing as well. Not all stories/missions needs to be just guns blazing. So this was very refreshing to have. Hope to see more like this in the future. Bringing back the aliens from TNG was great. I read about the show after this story. And they wanted them to come back, but they didn't think it would do well. Also didn't think they was scary enough. So bringing them back to tell more on them and why they send out that pulse was great. Hope to see more of these aliens as well. The voice acting was good for what I thought. The final ship action was great as well. Enjoyed that battle, as you got to see all the Flagships in action helping out.
Now for what I think needed to be changed.
How did that Romulan Admiral get back to the surface? From when the cave started to collapse. Something don't add up there, unless its a bigger secret yet to come.
If your going to use Voice Overs on the game. Please have them to finish. I hated to see them say 1 line, when you have lot more. So that was a waste or just cut out the extra reading. I hate when you do sloppy VOs. Only Worf was great on VO. Since he read all his lines.
Releasing the prisoners. There was no consul there to work on. Why was my characters using that to release them? That was just odd to see them working on air.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
On that note, what I'm "nitpicking" about isn't that beta was low, that Beta was the cause for the instabilities, and that A'drianna was the one who sabotaged everything to this point...
It was that my "well trained, PhD level Scientist / Engineer" was "blissfully unaware" of the issue - even though my "untrained eye" saw it plain as day. This is, IMO at least, the turf of bad B-movies like the standard SyFy channel fare.
Ah, now I see the problem.
See, the problem is that your untrained eye doesn't recognize that the power level in Beta feed is irrelevant. The gate itself was sabotaged by the Iconians to overload the geothermal plants. This happened BEFORE the disaster that made Mol'Rihan the planet it is today.
I enjoyed this MUCH more than the Denise Crosby Episode. Was quick, less annoying, had friggin WORF!!!, gave me a free ship and gear . . . cant complain.
Only feedback: When you get to have a character like Worf on STO . . . make sure you capture his epic Trekness with an unforgetable Worf-Quote: IE - "You are fully dialated at 10cm . . . you may now give birth!"
Q: "... what must I do to convince you I'm sincere?"
Worf: "Die!"
See, the problem is that your untrained eye doesn't recognize that the power level in Beta feed is irrelevant. The gate itself was sabotaged by the Iconians to overload the geothermal plants. This happened BEFORE the disaster that made Mol'Rihan the planet it is today.
Replayed with my KDF Orion Sci last night. Looked at the power level screen again after a couple days off and a little time to let it simmer...
Lo and behold, the computer itself told me that Beta's power level is low and that it needs to be looked into.
Yet, when I'm reviewing numbers with A'drianna, I give the three she asked for then dead silence. Heck, the dead silence is even specified in the little blue box with my response...
My response to that is, how do you know the Iconians haven't been TRIBBLE with YOUR head either? Right now, the player characters are #1 on the Iconians' hit list. I mean, Riker and the Ent-D crew didn't know their were being screwed with until the Solanae got sloppy. Since we know they've been keeping a low radar since them, its safe to assume they may have just taken you for one night just to ensure their success. The gate is destroyed and your killed with it in what seems to be an accident while New Romulus burns. That sounds like a Win-Win for them.
And its important to remember that if we're dealing with races that can kidnap you without your knowledge and modify your mind, what isn't said or what the devs don't allow you to say could just as easily be important plot points. And considering the theme of Sphere of Influence and what else is being done with the Iconian/Elachi/Solanae arc, there's no way to seperate the plot holes from the brain holes.
Because I responded, via transwarp, immediately after receiving the invitation. And, being outside the usual science / diplomatic circles (I am a captain, after all), I was a last-minute invitation that didn't get a chance to be "visited" by the Iconians...
At least, their little computer system that tracks things like that didn't say "we are spying on a space-fairing joined trill that has a mirror universe host and we brainwashed him into assisting a bunch of brainwashed Romulans into blowing their planet up"... :P For what it's worth, those Iconians sure document their work in the most likely places...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Again.... Are the Romulans even using the Beta power feed to runt he gate? My take on the mission is that, no they aren't. That seems to be why the researcher lady doesn't ask you what it's power level is.
Again.... Are the Romulans even using the Beta power feed to run the gate? My take on the mission is that, no they aren't. That seems to be why the researcher lady doesn't ask you what it's power level is.
Some inversion here... Starting with hindsight (where all is clear)...
1. A'drianna requests a power input check, of which there are 5 inputs (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon) - and we only advise on three (Alpha, Gamma, Delta).
2. As we check the input levels, we can see the output levels - and of the four outputs, three are right around 45 TW, except Beta, which is in the mid 30s. Computer even has a blurb under the levels, saying that Beta's output is low and needs adjustment.
3. As the activation cutscene runs, engineer-boy cries out along the lines of "power instability - beta generator low - attempting to compensate - compensation is epic fail - run for the hills, no wait, the plains :P"
4. When you get to the intel file the Iconians have on Mol'Rihan, they mention that they were influencing A'drianna into causing the tectonic instability, which "should" kill 70% of the Rommie Republic people there, and the remaining 30% "deserve" Elachi-ization...
I'd like to believe, in the "official report" that never gets seen, the cause of instability is going to be pinned 100% on Beta generator being too low (system logging fact 2, engineer's comments during fact 3). Cause of Beta being too low will be pinned 100% on A'drianna's actions. Reports from the front (aka my report as to what happened in subspace) will mitigate the blame on A'drianna - failure was due to manipulation, not a direct error on A'drianna's part.
With hindsight proving that Beta generator is the cause, we go back to Dareau's #1 playthrough...
Upon beamdown and warm reception (due to T5 RR rep), I get reminded that there will be no issues because of Romulan warp-era power generation techniques/knowledge, which the Dewans lacked. Both people-greeter Reman and Admiral Kerenek are fixated and proud of this fact.
Worf is running around wondering if everything's gonna work right, as he's been around two Iconian gates and nothing good ever came from them.
We get sent to A'drianna, who asks for a power input confirmation. We are asked to confirm 3 inputs against information stored in A'drianna's head. As I look at the input monitors, I see the low beta generator and "immediately" have "problem here gang" scream in my head, heck, it was so quick that I didn't even read down far enough to recognize the computer was complaining as well. After giving A'drianna the three inputs (where she says everything's ok, and we just accept it without math, equations, etc.) we are only given the option to "remain silent" instead of questioning anything else, including why the computer is complaining about beta generator or what proof we have that the power inputs are actually correct. We then go to an overburdened engineer who reaffirms faith in A'drianna's numbers, and then needs us to activate 3 consoles so that the pylons come up. We then get to "abuse" our power / position by applying Shon's spacial charges (pocket thermonukes) on the pylons as yet another "backup". Then the gate starts, my lack of faith in Beta gets proven, and we go on our jaunt to subspace...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
the one that that irks me in the rewards is that it's only a warp core. Cryptic you pretty much left the Romulans in the dog house on this one. I'm sure there is a way to make the set require either a Warp Core or a Singularity Core.
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
How did that Romulan Admiral get back to the surface? From when the cave started to collapse. Something don't add up there, unless its a bigger secret yet to come.
this is a little late, and you probably won't ever see this, but...my third playthrough, i just so happened to look at an NPC on the other side of the gate just as he finished saying this:
[NPC] Romulan Civilian: I saw Admiral Kererek and a few others get out before the rocks fell. They were lucky.
so he got through before that large rock fell in front of the exit, it seems
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
Out of curiosity. Has anyone found a way to those secondary platforms. Anything, for instance, using the three color variations from the side platforms in the final part of the missoin. They are yellow, green, green, red or red, green, green, yellow. Or something else. I'm still trying to widdle out combinations as a way to find some unknown action in the episode. Could any devs/mods comment?Is there any way to those secondary platforms you can see from the starting location?! Or anything not commonly known left to do in this mission?
I'm looking at those because it's kinda funny that color sequence isn't used for anything. Or it's there and seemingly pointless(Why are there even colored symbols there at all, and why are the the same ones used at the end?!). That or take all those blues and see if it comes out the same as the total number of inputs. Yellow,Blue,etc,etc. I still wonder if you can get more before the paths retract. Which is after you enter the colors. Or cause them not to retract and others to expand.. There seem like there could possibly be more to do.
Possible sequence entries. YB/BGB/BGBR or BGBB. There are 9 consoles with colors going to them. One console is never used/made to loose it's intereactive yellow state(Red). One color goes to no console(the last one "B"). So technically that makes a potential 9 colors.. Now does it go from the start or to the start(YB/BGB/BGBR or RB/GBB/GBBY for instance)?! 8) I'm entering by waiting to enter the correct combo when it matches my color combo. Hence 2/3/4 with the correct color sequence! Ther are also 4 side sequences YGGR which is 4 like the last entry. So maybe you need to enter it in as YGGR or RGGY?! Or anything else. I did not see anything that seemed like a possible hint besides there existance so... I'm wondering if you can get to the last console on the lone islands area and get an advanced ship or maybe free elite pets! 8) Maybe you turn in the 6 sets to get one elite!
And I'm watching a video walkthrough on youtube. Admiral Kererek(He has a name spelled the same forwards and backwards?!) is visible by watching his green coat. He clearly doesn't make it past the rocks falling on the entrance. Then he's still with you and you can see him go through the gate just before Worf and you! So he did go through mixed with you but didn't end up in the same place...
BTW, I also saw them say that at the beginning. They do say they saw them escape. Maybe all the romulans are brainwashed... I wonder if it is only romulans or if everyone says it...
I believe the console also mentioned we needed to rebalance the load as that generator was falling. If the computer monitor says it is off, why was it allowed? Because the Solanea corrupted the romulan scientist's judgment on the restoration so it would wreck new Romulus.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
Admiral Kererek is in the chamber for the initial activation. If you watch you see him run through the gateway right before you and Worf do.
So how did he get back to Romulus Command?
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
With great difficulty!
That said, the gate MAY have been jumping during the instability and only settled right at the end when the last few ran through.
I would like to ask...are 6 Advanced Obelisks Swarmer Hangar Pets really necessary? I would say just get two and put special Purple Anti-Proton Beam Arrays there and just make a new Accolade "Anti-proton Collection" or "Doomsday Machine Eat Your Heart Out" for getting all three compartments.
Other possible names
"Subspace Treasure Collector" / "Iconian Thievery" / "Release The Swarm"
1. Can you do anything with the unknown species in the last room before going "outside?"
2. When you get all of the extra consoles and go back you can pick up 3 pairs of a ceratain purple item from each of the extra consoles besides the last red one.. They are character bound, so is this intentional?
3. Could these extra consoles be used for putting some extra AP bank arrays so you don't have to run the mission as many times?
4. When you pick up the purple item the consoles go dim. if you get everything(from what I know of) the only one that still flashes is the last red one before the final ramp, is this supposed to have anything in it, or is it just a hint towards the ship you enter?
5. If you look at the Qon'nos platfrom there is an extra ledge indicating a walkway should be able to extend and one at a platform nearby(The one facing the planet, and a platform nearby has one unextended also withing view, but it has no icon like the other gateways(all other platforms have icons or not base that can extend). Is this supposed to do anything? If you look from the first catwalk you can see that is part of another set of platforms that are all already connected. Anything over there we should be able to get to or is it unused or something?(it would makea cool way to get all the extra AP arrays in one go if you added an extra puzzle to get it!)
Are any of those glitches or, what became, unused content. I was curious.
Another question. How will we get the obelisk set after this if we can't do the mission? Will it be impossible or a lobi item?
I am very impressed in how the STO story writers decided to connect this FE to a loose plot thread in The Next Generation. Bringing Michael Dorn back to do Worf was a great move, though he seems to emphasize his words Shatner-style as in "YOU will accompany me." Tying the episode Schisms to the first Iconian episode (Contagion, TNG Season 2) was brilliant.
I am still looking for the connection between the Iconian-Solanae servitors and the Voth-Dyson Sphere.
What is the relationship between the Hobus system and the Iconian gateway network? Does it involve the supernova, Nero, the Scimitar, or everything?
My Risian floater is in storage, but I wish I had the chance to use it in the gateway room.
Look at image and look in mission where the Qon'nos system is!
Actualy, they put the swarmers on the last extra console that doesn't give anything. When it is the other three that give a pair(6 total) of advanced swarmers.
My character Tsin'xing
Maybe that last area was from old romulus and or remus. Still should have let us use it though. We could have just looked at a blown up planet image!
That or it was looking at a world of all orion nudist colony and it wasn't work or game safe?! Maybe with telescopic zoom!! I bet the elachi's get lonely in subspace all by themselves..
My character Tsin'xing
As I said here, with a little bolding for emphasis this time...
Now, what's bugging me is, basically, quite possibly the difference between a bad B-movie script and a Trek-episode level script.
It could be me, but seeing beta generator so low had me thinking of the "classic" SyFy movies where the observer sees the genesis of the film's disaster, yet every scientist / doctor / PhD / "smart person" in the movie is so blissfully unaware of the issue until the disaster kicks into gear...
Same here. I'm "supposedly" the hero of the universe, smiter of galactic foemen, savior of upteen planets / races, etc. which is why I got an invite along with all three factional flagship captains. Yet, I can't even confront A'drianna or Mivak(?) with my concerns as a fellow scientist / engineer.
And that is what bugs me. Granted, as the rest of the mission indicates, it was that generator that led to the cataclysm. And, it was A'drianna's fault. However, I don't even get the chance to hear an excuse / explanation / technobabble from her. I can see it as a 3 line interaction with one additional voice-over...
Me: A'drianna, as I was checking your settings, I noticed that Beta generator is lower than the rest.
A'drianna: <insistently> But of course. <pick excuse / technobabble> (older generator. Cooler thermal tap and fancier inverter downstream. blather part is connected and needs less power or it'll overload. Whatever sounds "logical" in light of her Iconian influence).
Worf: It at least sounds like you are certain of your settings. Let us continue...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
My impression is that they weren't actually using inputs 2 and 5 for the gate. When you review the numbers with A'drianna she doesn't ask about those inputs. Thus it seems likely that they are auxiliary power.
My character Tsin'xing
The disaster was caused by the Iconians and was intentional to stop the republic from gaining a gateway they can control. Anyone else getting that tech would be a threat to the Iconians plans to take over the galaxy again and is why they sabotaged the gate.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
This didn't feel like a Star Trek episode so much as it felt like a Babylon 5 episode. For those who doubt, from me that is very high praise. Nothing else in this game has made me swear/laugh in horrified/delighted recognition nearly as much. Bring on the Shadows... er, Iconians!
More useful feedback later, maybe. For now, just know that my first playthrough brightened a very crappy week.
STO content team, tonight I lurve you.
Sorry just seeing this now. Stepped to the right as far as I could to see the colors. Explored every console I could find.
* The fact that there's so little combat versus so much exploration made it FEEL like Trek deep in my bones. This really FELT like Star Trek.
* The small continuity details -- the Klingon chick being the daughter of DS9's Grilka, the VOY "Work Force" episode, of course the solanogen-based life forms, possibly a hint at the Kelvans with the Andromeda detail...I kept geeking out practically throughout the episode!
* The examination table. Jesus Christ, when you come across the examination table I had like a massively powerful flashback. It was a really powerful moment.
* The amount of cutscenes and not just running and clicking F. Added massively to the atmosphere. Couldn't be more grateful for the effort expended on them.
* And of course Worf. Jesus, every time he spoke I had chills. It was like meeting McCoy on Drozana, times a thousand. The voice. The amount of interaction you get to have with him. Having so much dialogue with Worf was the first time I really felt like I was being passed the baton for the franchise. It really made me feel connected to the television series in a way that no other episode before has managed.
I am going right now to give Cryptic some of my money because this episode alone was worth actual $$$ to me. They've earned my money and then some. Thank you.
Nice to have a Michael Dorn appearance, but his voice sounded nothing like his character's most of the time, which was odd.
Let me take it this way...
I understand fully well that a "disaster movie" isn't gonna happen without the disaster. Therefore, if I was to say "hey, beta's off", A'drianna goes "why yes, it is", it gets "fixed" and the test works perfectly - or is postponed because nobody can fix beta in time - then we have absolutely no mission.
On that note, what I'm "nitpicking" about isn't that beta was low, that Beta was the cause for the instabilities, and that A'drianna was the one who sabotaged everything to this point...
It was that my "well trained, PhD level Scientist / Engineer" was "blissfully unaware" of the issue - even though my "untrained eye" saw it plain as day. This is, IMO at least, the turf of bad B-movies like the standard SyFy channel fare. To me, what makes Trek is the "extra" interpersonal conflicts, such as what would happen when I advise a "prideful, boasting, "know it all" Romulan" that perhaps they are on the wrong course. When I attempt to convince the brainwashed Romulan who's gonna (obviously) insist that she is correct and I am wrong since she is (inadvertently) the cause of the disaster. When the only person "theoretically" willing to listen to me is the Ex-Fed KDF ambassador who was being swayed into actually believing that the Rommies are on the right course, and would be further convinced by my very effort to "fix" the problem...
How many times has the "special guest star", Spock, Data, etc., gone off on the "boy, this is the wrong way to do things" track, yet the Captain (crew) goes about things "their way", the prophesied problem occurs, then the day gets saved?
That, to me, is why I complain. That a perfectly good, three-line or so conversational option is enough to have elevated the mission from "bad B-movie start complete with requisite railroad to disaster" into, potentially, an epic-level Trek script...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
My response to that is, how do you know the Iconians haven't been TRIBBLE with YOUR head either? Right now, the player characters are #1 on the Iconians' hit list. I mean, Riker and the Ent-D crew didn't know their were being screwed with until the Solanae got sloppy. Since we know they've been keeping a low radar since them, its safe to assume they may have just taken you for one night just to ensure their success. The gate is destroyed and your killed with it in what seems to be an accident while New Romulus burns. That sounds like a Win-Win for them.
And its important to remember that if we're dealing with races that can kidnap you without your knowledge and modify your mind, what isn't said or what the devs don't allow you to say could just as easily be important plot points. And considering the theme of Sphere of Influence and what else is being done with the Iconian/Elachi/Solanae arc, there's no way to seperate the plot holes from the brain holes.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
Okay I can't see this as plausible. And I agree that the obvious (even the computer notes the power level dropping on beta.) two lines would have moved it up. IE. Your character notes beta dropping. D'dannea, or how ever it is spelled, replying how it isn't important for the test. Or better how she has done the simulation X times and has been over it and knows better than the just arrived. <insert rank> ship commander. It would fit better with her whining when discussing the gate in the Jouret system too. IE when Worf mentions the two gates destroyed, an obvious come back is that they did not remove them because it was iconian. They destroyed the gates because they were in contested territory and would have been points of further bloodshed. The gate on new Romulus is in allied hands. The gate in the jouret system is likewise.
But to say the Iconians have messed with the heads of all those present at the time of the gate activation is a waste. If someone is foiling your plans and you can get at them at any time, you don't brain wash them so they fall for a trap you laid. You end them because they are a risk. If they could access the whole gate and all the people themselves. They could have just set off the destruction themselves and skipped the hung by their own foolishness.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
Now for what I think needed to be changed.
How did that Romulan Admiral get back to the surface? From when the cave started to collapse. Something don't add up there, unless its a bigger secret yet to come.
If your going to use Voice Overs on the game. Please have them to finish. I hated to see them say 1 line, when you have lot more. So that was a waste or just cut out the extra reading. I hate when you do sloppy VOs. Only Worf was great on VO. Since he read all his lines.
Releasing the prisoners. There was no consul there to work on. Why was my characters using that to release them? That was just odd to see them working on air.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
See, the problem is that your untrained eye doesn't recognize that the power level in Beta feed is irrelevant. The gate itself was sabotaged by the Iconians to overload the geothermal plants. This happened BEFORE the disaster that made Mol'Rihan the planet it is today.
My character Tsin'xing
Only feedback: When you get to have a character like Worf on STO . . . make sure you capture his epic Trekness with an unforgetable Worf-Quote: IE - "You are fully dialated at 10cm . . . you may now give birth!"
Q: "... what must I do to convince you I'm sincere?"
Worf: "Die!"
Replayed with my KDF Orion Sci last night. Looked at the power level screen again after a couple days off and a little time to let it simmer...
Lo and behold, the computer itself told me that Beta's power level is low and that it needs to be looked into.
Yet, when I'm reviewing numbers with A'drianna, I give the three she asked for then dead silence. Heck, the dead silence is even specified in the little blue box with my response...
Because I responded, via transwarp, immediately after receiving the invitation. And, being outside the usual science / diplomatic circles (I am a captain, after all), I was a last-minute invitation that didn't get a chance to be "visited" by the Iconians...
At least, their little computer system that tracks things like that didn't say "we are spying on a space-fairing joined trill that has a mirror universe host and we brainwashed him into assisting a bunch of brainwashed Romulans into blowing their planet up"... :P For what it's worth, those Iconians sure document their work in the most likely places...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
My character Tsin'xing
Some inversion here... Starting with hindsight (where all is clear)...
1. A'drianna requests a power input check, of which there are 5 inputs (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon) - and we only advise on three (Alpha, Gamma, Delta).
2. As we check the input levels, we can see the output levels - and of the four outputs, three are right around 45 TW, except Beta, which is in the mid 30s. Computer even has a blurb under the levels, saying that Beta's output is low and needs adjustment.
3. As the activation cutscene runs, engineer-boy cries out along the lines of "power instability - beta generator low - attempting to compensate - compensation is epic fail - run for the hills, no wait, the plains :P"
4. When you get to the intel file the Iconians have on Mol'Rihan, they mention that they were influencing A'drianna into causing the tectonic instability, which "should" kill 70% of the Rommie Republic people there, and the remaining 30% "deserve" Elachi-ization...
I'd like to believe, in the "official report" that never gets seen, the cause of instability is going to be pinned 100% on Beta generator being too low (system logging fact 2, engineer's comments during fact 3). Cause of Beta being too low will be pinned 100% on A'drianna's actions. Reports from the front (aka my report as to what happened in subspace) will mitigate the blame on A'drianna - failure was due to manipulation, not a direct error on A'drianna's part.
With hindsight proving that Beta generator is the cause, we go back to Dareau's #1 playthrough...
Upon beamdown and warm reception (due to T5 RR rep), I get reminded that there will be no issues because of Romulan warp-era power generation techniques/knowledge, which the Dewans lacked. Both people-greeter Reman and Admiral Kerenek are fixated and proud of this fact.
Worf is running around wondering if everything's gonna work right, as he's been around two Iconian gates and nothing good ever came from them.
We get sent to A'drianna, who asks for a power input confirmation. We are asked to confirm 3 inputs against information stored in A'drianna's head. As I look at the input monitors, I see the low beta generator and "immediately" have "problem here gang" scream in my head, heck, it was so quick that I didn't even read down far enough to recognize the computer was complaining as well. After giving A'drianna the three inputs (where she says everything's ok, and we just accept it without math, equations, etc.) we are only given the option to "remain silent" instead of questioning anything else, including why the computer is complaining about beta generator or what proof we have that the power inputs are actually correct. We then go to an overburdened engineer who reaffirms faith in A'drianna's numbers, and then needs us to activate 3 consoles so that the pylons come up. We then get to "abuse" our power / position by applying Shon's spacial charges (pocket thermonukes) on the pylons as yet another "backup". Then the gate starts, my lack of faith in Beta gets proven, and we go on our jaunt to subspace...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Great episode as well, enjoying replaying it like 3 or 4 times on each of my eligible characters :>
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
[NPC] Romulan Civilian: I saw Admiral Kererek and a few others get out before the rocks fell. They were lucky.
so he got through before that large rock fell in front of the exit, it seems
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
I'm looking at those because it's kinda funny that color sequence isn't used for anything. Or it's there and seemingly pointless(Why are there even colored symbols there at all, and why are the the same ones used at the end?!). That or take all those blues and see if it comes out the same as the total number of inputs. Yellow,Blue,etc,etc. I still wonder if you can get more before the paths retract. Which is after you enter the colors. Or cause them not to retract and others to expand.. There seem like there could possibly be more to do.
Possible sequence entries. YB/BGB/BGBR or BGBB. There are 9 consoles with colors going to them. One console is never used/made to loose it's intereactive yellow state(Red). One color goes to no console(the last one "B"). So technically that makes a potential 9 colors.. Now does it go from the start or to the start(YB/BGB/BGBR or RB/GBB/GBBY for instance)?! 8) I'm entering by waiting to enter the correct combo when it matches my color combo. Hence 2/3/4 with the correct color sequence! Ther are also 4 side sequences YGGR which is 4 like the last entry. So maybe you need to enter it in as YGGR or RGGY?! Or anything else. I did not see anything that seemed like a possible hint besides there existance so... I'm wondering if you can get to the last console on the lone islands area and get an advanced ship or maybe free elite pets! 8) Maybe you turn in the 6 sets to get one elite!
And I'm watching a video walkthrough on youtube. Admiral Kererek(He has a name spelled the same forwards and backwards?!) is visible by watching his green coat. He clearly doesn't make it past the rocks falling on the entrance. Then he's still with you and you can see him go through the gate just before Worf and you! So he did go through mixed with you but didn't end up in the same place...
BTW, I also saw them say that at the beginning. They do say they saw them escape. Maybe all the romulans are brainwashed... I wonder if it is only romulans or if everyone says it...
Watch Admiral Kererek